Login and password service. How to create and remember a strong password

Online generator passwords

Password generator will help you create stable code combinations that are difficult to crack and match. He is completely free and quite easy to use. You don’t need a separate password generator program and you don’t need to download anything either. You can access this form from anywhere in the world and at any time, as long as you have access to the Internet.

How to use a password generator?

  1. Select the symbols that need to be used during generation. Currently, the generator allows you to create passwords using the English, Russian and Ukrainian alphabet using numbers and special characters.
  2. Select the number of characters, i.e. the required password length. The minimum length of the code combination is 4, the maximum is 55. Of course, the more diverse elements a password contains, the more complex and secure it is.
  3. Click the "Generate password" button. As a result, you will receive a unique and random password generated according to the selected criteria. The button can be pressed an unlimited number of times until you get the combination that suits you.
  4. Copy password. Can you do it:
  • By left-clicking in the password field (this will highlight the form), press the keyboard shortcut “CTRL+A” (this will select the text) and the keyboard shortcut “CTLR+C” (after this combination the password will be copied to the clipboard) ;
  • Hold down the left mouse button and select the result, then press the right mouse button and select “Copy”;
  • The most convenient option: use the button with the text “Copy result” and the password will automatically be added to the clipboard.

P.s.: next to the “Generate password” button there is a “Clear fields” button, which allows you to delete the specified criteria and use the form “from scratch.”

For each person, the passwords generated through the online generator are random, i.e. completely random and one-time use. All passwords created using the password generator are created locally on your computer.

If you are very sensitive to the protection of personal data and the random password generator does not inspire confidence in you, you can change the resulting combination at your discretion. For example:

  1. remove part of the combination (at the beginning, middle or end);
  2. swap letters, numbers or special characters;
  3. add additional elements: word, number, symbols, phrase.

This way, you will be sure that the password that is important to you is secure and no one else knows it.

Why use a password generator?

In the century information technologies The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Currently, upon registration, almost any Internet resource, program, application requires us to provide a login and password. Most likely you have already seen similar requirements:

  • “The password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet”;
  • "The password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number, one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter";
  • "The password must be between 8 and 16 characters, including at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number."

The password generator will allow you to create a good, complex and strong password that you may need:

If we usually don’t have problems with the username (i.e. login), then the password, depending on the degree of protection, can cause certain difficulties. Code combinations that you come up with yourself are not reliable, since we often use words or numbers that are significant to us: the name of loved ones or pets, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, anniversary, favorite lines and phrases, etc. Such passwords are easy to remember, but at the same time, they are easy to crack.

Safety standards change their requirements every year. The password that was difficult for you a year ago, today, thanks to the development of technology, can be hacked in a matter of seconds. A typical desktop computer can try over one hundred million passwords per second - and this number rises every year. Password length and complexity are important.

Don't take any chances - use an online random password generator to create strong and unique passwords that even the most powerful computers cannot crack.

What constitutes a good and strong password?

Code combinations of 15 numbers or more, created using uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special elements, are the safest option for protecting against brute force attacks.

Unfortunately, such combinations are quite difficult to remember, in this case I recommend that you read the article about: " ", where you can see an alternative option for generating passwords.

  1. Remember that short passwords are weak. They are very simple and easy to hack. For better protection, use a long and complex password consisting of many random characters;
  2. Avoid using common words and phrases to prevent "dictionary attacks";
  3. For each account use your unique password. You should not use one code combination for all accounts - as a result of a data leak or hack, your entire online life will be at risk;
  4. Security questions do not require you to give a reliable answer. You should not use the obvious answer to a security question, because... such information can be easily obtained by , and later used to gain access to your accounts. Instead, use the password generator on the website;
  5. If the site where you register has certain requirements for passwords and you can’t come up with a suitable combination, then you can easily use a password generator, select the required criteria and it will do everything for you;
  6. Do not use the names of your family members, friends or pets;
  7. To store passwords, use a password manager and you will no longer need to keep 10, or maybe 100 data from accounts in your head. What it is and how it works, you can see on our website in the articles:
  • To prevent account loss or theft Money- use multiple addresses Email, thereby you can restore one account through another.
  • Instead of a conclusion

    Bookmark this page and you can return here any time you need to generate a safe and secure password again.

Thanks to this online generator, you have an excellent opportunity to easily create a password of a given length and complexity. A password is a guarantee of the protection of your information. You know - whoever owns the information owns the whole world! So it’s a good idea to protect your data (which is probably extremely important) with a long and complicated password. The online password generator will select a combination of characters that will allow you not to worry about the safety of your personal data. Try it for yourself right now!

  • 4au36r80lp
  • myngdam0z8
  • sfmjtfed1m
  • 547i6zcxtd
  • ze035ysp1h
  • 8sa29ornwt
  • fvhhek4p9n

Please help the service with one click: Tell your friends about the generator!

Password generator program

To choose the right password, let's first find out what it is. A password is a simple set of randomly selected characters, an identification code for recognition. The system will not be able to do this without entering this specific set.

There are cases when passwords are selected, found out, or simply guessed. It is to prevent such incidents that you need to create a good and strong password using an online password generator.

Random password generator

To create a complex password yourself, follow these short instructions:

  • Select characters of different case: capital and small letters, numbers or punctuation marks for absolute complexity;
  • We do not recommend using known data for the password, such as date of birth, first name and last name;
  • Better yet: use an online random password generator for this purpose.

How does a password generator work?

Getting a complex password online is very simple:

  • Select the password length (up to 20 characters);
  • Check the boxes next to the characters you want in your password. You can choose one or several options: numbers, capital or lowercase letters, punctuation, additional symbols;
  • And just click the “Generate Password” button.

And now helpful information for thought. If you put 6 Latin characters of the same register on your password, then a hacker will find out your password in 31 seconds, if 8, then in 5 hours 50 minutes, if 10 characters - 164 days, if 12, then 303 years.

If you put 6 Latin characters of different registers, numbers and punctuation marks, then you can find a password in 2 hours 45 minutes, if 8, then it will take 530 days, if 10 - 6700 years, if 12 - 30, 995,620 years.

5 out of 5 (ratings: 115)

Many forums, blogs and other Internet services require you to create a password when registering. For many, this is a difficult task, because it is difficult to choose which symbols to use and which not. As a result, time is wasted, but there is no result.

To prevent such problems from arising, our password randomizer was created. Here you can create several options at once using the random function. At the same time, you have the opportunity to choose which characters to use (uppercase (small) letters or capital (capital) letters, numbers from 0 to 9 and special symbols (punctuation marks, hash symbol, tilde, asterisk, etc.)) - simply check the boxes in the required places. Also, before generating a password, you can set its length. By default it is 10 characters.

What should the password be?

Never use too simple passwords like 123456 or qwerty. A good password should contain letters of different case (upper and lower case), numbers and preferably special characters, however, not all services allow you to enter special characters, so our random password generator on the website allows you to choose which characters to create passwords from.

How to remember a complex password?

Of course, thanks to our website, generating a password online is very easy. But how to remember it? After all, people fall for simple passwords because they are too lazy to remember complex passwords or they simply can’t do it.

In such a situation, you can call on imaginative thinking to help. With various numbers, symbols or combinations of letters, our minds already have connections with some images.

For example, the number 32 can be associated with teeth, since initially we all have 32 of them. Unfortunately, over time there are fewer and fewer of them, but this number remains in our memory forever.

Remember safety

Passwords need to be changed periodically. Even if they are complex.

You should also take care of anti-virus protection. After all, even if a complex password is generated, this will not protect you from its theft using a “Trojan horse” (spyware).

It is also necessary to mention that you should not go to dubious sites or follow unclear links, including those sent to you by email. If you don't know where the link leads, don't follow it. Also, attackers often create them in such a way as to mislead the user, so that he is sure that the link does not lead to anything bad.

In addition, try not to use numbers associated with your date of birth (or dates of relatives), the number of the house in which you live, the names of friends, animal names, etc. in passwords. Those. all the information that can be learned from communicating with you, since attackers can lure her and you out simply by using casual communication somewhere in in social networks, i.e. use so-called social engineering.

A variety of passwords are used everywhere today - to protect profiles on social networks, banking information, payment network accounts, etc. Modern people store a lot important information on the Internet, which is a desirable target for hackers and virtual scammers. Many of them can easily steal your photos and use them to blackmail you or transfer money from your account. Most often, all they need to do is know your phone number, email address and password. The contact information itself cannot be protected - it is most often stored in open access. Therefore, the only protection is your password, or even better if the system you use has two-step authentication. However, we will talk about passwords and how to create them using special programonline password generator.

There are many ways to steal a password - from simply luring information from naive and inexperienced users to logical guessing and brute-force methods using computer programs. However, you can and should protect yourself - for this you need create a complex password, which combines upper and lower case letters (that is, large and small letters), numbers and special characters.

How to generate a password? Password generator program

Coming up with just such a password on your own can be quite difficult. An online password generator greatly simplifies the task, since with its help you can create a password that is as complex as possible. To do this you need to follow several steps:

  1. Select the password length – maximum 30 characters;
  2. Operating mode: random or spoken password. A completely randomly generated password will contain a set of random characters, so it will be quite difficult to remember it without using mnemonic rules. A spoken password remains stable if it contains different characters, but it is easier to remember due to the fact that it vaguely resembles some words;
  3. Select an advanced generator - with the help of an advanced generator, the generation process is determined by your movements with the mouse, touchpad or keyboard, which complicates the algorithm of the online password generator program;
  4. Enable the use of various symbols - lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, special characters. The more varied your password is, the more difficult it will be to crack;
  5. Eliminate the set _B8G6l1|o0QDS5Z2_ - that is, exclude difficult-to-remember combinations of characters.

Why is it important to have complex and strong passwords?

When choosing a password, you must remember that a key consisting of 6 Latin characters of one case can be cracked in 31 seconds, from 8 - in 5 hours 50 minutes, from 8 letters, numbers and punctuation marks - 530 days. Increase the password to 12 different characters and it will take an attacker thousands of years.

The password generator creates passwords in real time. The created passwords are not saved anywhere and are displayed only on your device (PC, tablet or smartphone).

Each time you change settings, click the "Generate" button, or reload the page, new passwords are created.

By default, English lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and some service characters are used to generate passwords. To change the list of characters, use "Password Generator Settings"

Password generator settings

Password length
The password generator creates passwords ranging from 5 to 30 characters in length. Initially, passwords are generated with a length of 10 characters. In general, it is not recommended to use passwords less than 7 characters long. Using longer passwords is recommended for stronger protection against hacking, but will likely be difficult to save or remember.

English and Russian letters
Traditionally, English (Latin) letters are used for passwords, however, Russian letters can also be used. Russian letters significantly increase the complexity of passwords when trying to crack them by brute force, but be careful, some systems may not support passwords that contain Cyrillic. It is recommended to check first.

Numbers in the password must be present. Having numbers in a password improves the quality of the password, and passwords with numbers are easier to remember.

Special symbols
Passwords that contain special characters are the most resistant to hacking. During registration, many systems require that the password must include service characters. We recommend that you do not neglect the use of such symbols and include them in the generated password.


Russian characters similar to English and English characters similar to Russian
If, when using an online password generator, you use both English and Russian letters, you may encounter the problem of visual “similarity” of some English and Russian characters. Letters such as A and A, B and B, C and C, E and E (a, ay, ve, bi, es, si, e, i) are different letters, although they look the same. To avoid confusion when using passwords in the future, use the appropriate settings item.

Eliminate vowels or exclude consonants
Use these points additional settings if you want to exclude vowels or consonants when generating passwords.

Exclude similar characters
Look at the symbols I, l, 1, | (ai, el, unit, vertical bar). Such letters, symbols and numbers are very similar when written, so errors may occur when saving and subsequently using the password. In order to eliminate such errors, use this settings item.

Other settings

List of symbols used
In the list window of the used characters of the password generator there are all those characters from which passwords are made, taking into account the current settings. The list can be edited - remove unnecessary ones and add the symbols you need. When you delete or add characters in the list editing window, new passwords are automatically generated, taking into account the changes made.

Reset settings
All settings made while using the password generator are automatically saved in the memory (cookies) of your browser. It is the settings that are saved, but not the passwords! As mentioned above, new passwords are generated each time. To reset the settings to their original state, use the "Reset settings" link. When resetting, new passwords are automatically generated taking into account the original settings.

Link to password generator
If you want to send a link to the “Password Generator” to a friend or publish it on social networks, copy the address from the special window located at the bottom of the generator. The settings you select are also sent along with the link.

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