Yambler home page how to remove. How to remove Yambler and clean different browsers from it? How to remove Yambler from the start page of Chrome, Internet Explorer and Yandex browser

What could be more beautiful than a weekend morning, when all the problems at work are behind you, and besides, Friday evening was not so eventful. And so, sitting at my laptop with a cup of morning coffee, I open the browser, and there, instead of my bookmarks that are necessary for work, there is the Yambler start page. What happened I wondered? What is Yambler? Where are my bookmarks? How can I remove this Yambler? And where did this Yambler come from?

1) Consequences of the appearance of the Yambler net virus. And so, instead of watching the news, it was decided to study the cause of the appearance of this virus, as well as remove it from home page Yambler address and get rid of this virus altogether.

On the start page of Yambler net there was the inscription Yambler - relevant search in three search engines at once!

Having looked at the statistics of the Yambler net site, we can say that the creators of this site decided to promote it with the help of a virus that is now on my computer. How he got here is not known.

Some information about the Yambler net site:

As you can see from the screenshot, at the time of writing the article the site is 7 months and 7 days old
And visit statistics show that the number of infected computers is increasing rapidly

Having searched the Internet for the query “Yambler how to remove”, users complained that many antiviruses do not block this virus, and the Yambler net address is displayed on the browser start page as the default one. Regardless of which browser you have opened, your default browser will open and the Yambler net start page will open.

It seems that the consequences of the virus have been sorted out and the main question remains, “how to remove Yambler?”

2) How to remove Yambler. On my laptop, in addition to the standard Internet explorer browser, two more browsers are installed - Mozilla firefox, which is used to view web pages by default, and the Opera browser. No matter what browser I open, “Mozilla firefox” opens with the Yambler net page. I decided to look at the properties of the "Opera" browser shortcut and what do you think I found?

Having opened the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera, I found this object.

It is this object that links to the Yambler net page.

The same story with the Internet explorer browser:

To treat your computer, this shortcut must be removed, and the shortcut must also be removed from the desktop and start menu. Now you can create new browser shortcuts on your desktop, where the new correct path will be indicated, and the Yambler start page will disappear, but you should still perform a full check of your file system for the presence of viruses.

You must also delete the folder located in program files, folder name zaxar.

I would suggest reinstalling everything installed browsers on your computer. Which is exactly what I tried to do, but I couldn’t delete the browser through the standard menu. There was a message that this browser is in use and should be closed before deleting it.

Having opened the "Task Manager" (key combination CTR+ALT+DEL), I saw that all my installed browsers were being used by the system.

Having completed these processes, it was still possible to remove the browser, and after reinstallation, the Iambler virus no longer bothers me.

Yambler is a dubious search engine whose site is simply filled with various advertising links and other suspicious elements that can introduce a virus to your computer and thereby disable it. Very often, Internet users encounter the start page from this search engine, and getting rid of it is not very easy. So what is the reason why Yambler becomes the home page of your browser instead of the program you installed? How to remove it? Let's try to answer all these questions now.

Most often, the cause of this situation on your computer is the activity of special viruses. It is for this reason that the first job of prevention is to check your PC for viruses using antivirus program. But still, in some cases, even after checking the computer, the problem may still persist. That's when you need to take a few steps.

First, we need to tell you how to remove this search engine from Google browser Ghrome. First, you need to go to Settings, then go to Starter group, click Following pages, and at the end Add. And at the end, in a special open window, delete the Yambler.net address and write the desired address to the browser start page.

Well, if this does not help, then you need to close the browser. Then go to the folder on the computer where the program is located. Then you will see that in this folder there are three browser icons. We leave Old chrom.exe, and delete the other two shortcuts. Then we go to the browser and then carry out all the actions that were said a little earlier.

How to remove Yambler from Opera

As for another well-known browser - Opera, it often happens that this virus search engine can also install itself there. How can we get rid of this difficult problem? First you need to go to Settings, then to General settings, item Home. Here you need to uninstall Yambler completely and select Start from the start page.

There is also another method for removing this virus. To do this, you need to go to the browser folder and in this folder delete all files that have the url format. After all this has been accomplished, it is best to use special program CCleaner and clean the registry and all the junk on your computer.

The reason that the start page in the browser is a given search engine may be that the shortcut from which the user launches the browser links to wrong file, and this is quite possibly the influence of the virus.

A configuration window will open, open the startup tab in it. On it you can see a list of programs that will be launched every time you turn on the computer.

Pay attention to the column with the path to each file. We must find files that are located in one of these paths:

in Windows XP the file location will be something like this - C:\Documents and Settings\%%user%%\Application Data\…

in Windows 7 it will look like this - C:\Users\%%user%%\AppData\…

Where instead %%user%% will be the username through which you log into Windows.

Write down the path they are on. After that, uncheck them and apply the changes made in the settings by clicking on the “OK” button.

  • Now you need to enable the display of folders and files that are hidden. You can do this through the control panel by opening the “Folder Options” section. Next, on the “View” tab, you need to set the “Show hidden files and folders." After that we apply the changes made.
  • Now open the folders that we found in the third point. In them we look for the files shown in startup and delete them.
  • It may be helpful to search the registry for settings related to the virus site. Open the registry editor with the regedit command in the Run window. On the left there will be a list of directories; we need to select “Computer” and use the simultaneous pressing of the “Ctrl + F” keys, thereby opening the search. In the search field, enter the site address and click on “Find”.

When the first search result is found, an option will appear that mentions the site. Double click on it and delete the entire line, then click OK. Now press the F3 key and do the same with the next mention of smaxi (or its variation). Thus, continue the search until it is completed.

This is how you can get rid of the virus and the consequences of its activities. Sometimes, you may come across other sites that increase traffic in the same way. You can fight them in the same way.

In some cases (for example, as with yambler.net and sindex.biz), you can get rid of the virus in a slightly different way.

  • Open drive C (or another one on which your system is installed) and go to the Program Files folder. Find in it the directory with the browser you are using and find all the files with the ending .url- they need to be removed.
  • Now right-click on the browser shortcut that is located on your desktop. Open its properties and change the file extension from URL to EXE.
  • Go to Control Panel and open Add/Remove Programs. Look at everything recently installed applications, if among them there are ones that you did not install, then you can safely delete them.
  • Empty the trash can.
  • Finally, do full scan computer for viruses using several anti-virus utilities.

That's all. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

How to remove a Yambler page from your browser

If one day Yambler appears on your computer or laptop as the browser’s start page, then this article is just for you. A bunch of disgusting advertising, often leading to unreliable sites infected with viruses, is of no use to you.

You think, what's wrong with that? Now I’ll change the start page in the browser settings and all problems will be solved. But it's not that simple. After changing the start page, everything remains as it was.

After some investigation, it became clear that this supposedly cool search engine was the work of someone who had already bothered everyone. The browser opens the home.webalta.ru page, which in turn redirects the browser to a new advertising search engine.

Removing Yambler

In fact, the start page and other settings in the browser do not change. The trick is that the Trojan that installs yambler.net on your computer as a start page, changes the launch shortcuts of browsers known to it. In my case, the Safari browser survived and Internet Explorer r. The latter remained uninfected most likely due to improved Windows security 7, of which he is a part. The OS apparently did not allow changes to be made.

So, how is it that the start page settings have no effect and Yambler always opens? In addition, why does another browser open instead of Google, Opera or Mozilla (the one that is installed as the default browser)?

It's simple! The Trojan replaces browser shortcuts with links to this very page, which is an eyesore every time. This is why the default browser opens. You will have to fix every browser shortcut (on the desktop, in the Start menu, and in the Quick Launch panel). As for the Quick Launch panel in Windows 7, you cannot change the shortcut there. It doesn't contain a shortcut, but a link to the shortcut. Accordingly, when the shortcut in the Start menu is changed, then everything will be fine in the Quick Launch panel.

The principle is the same for all browsers. Right-click on the browser shortcut and select the Properties menu item. The Object line will contain the path to the link to the address http://yambler.net. This path is usually identical to the file that launches the browser, but has a url extension. In most cases it is enough to change " url" on " exe" in order for the browser to start functioning normally.

Now some specific examples for different browsers.

Mozilla Firefox

The Object line for Mozilla usually contains the following: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.url" http://home.webalta.ru

And it should be the following: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

Google Chrome

To remove yambler.net from Chrome, in the Object of its shortcut line, replace the file extension chrome.url on chrome.exe

You should get the following (for Windows 7):


Where %username% is your username when logging into Windows

Yandex browser

We change browser.url on browser.exe

It should look like this:


Remember that you need to change shortcuts both on the desktop and in the Start menu and Quick Launch panel.

Now all you have to do is clean your computer of excess junk , since there may be excess of it from the Iambler (how to do this is described in detail in) and henceforth bypass Webalta.

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The modern world is almost completely dependent on the Internet. On the Internet we find out the latest news, work and find the information we need. In light of the latter, it should not be surprising how important search engines have become in helping you find the information you need.

Unfortunately, not all companies that create them conduct their business honestly. A striking example of this is the Yambler search service.

What it is?

Despite the fact that the name of this service is consonant with Rambler and Yandex rolled into one, you should not delude yourself: in fact, the page of this search engine is crammed with dubious links to even more dubious sites that have little useful information, but full of other “evil spirits.”

That's what Yambler is. it from your computer? Before we tell you about this, it would not be superfluous to mention the methods of distribution of this “search engine”.

How is it distributed?

As a rule, the distribution mechanism is classic: unscrupulous developers of free and shareware software embed the Yambler installation kit into their products. The domestic company Mail.ru promotes its dubious services in exactly the same way, and the creator of Yambler uses the same methods. How to remove it is a secondary question. First, it doesn’t hurt to learn about methods to prevent infestations.

Installing some free program, pay attention to the Recommended Installation and Custom Setting checkboxes. We strongly recommend using “Custom”, as in this case you can uncheck the installation kits additional programs, which can be installed on your system.

Unfortunately, with Yambler this approach does not guarantee security. Experts suggest that this malware can install itself, using security holes in both the browser itself and the OS to infiltrate the system.

Users say that even if they have a normal antivirus and firewall, which they regularly update, the virus still manages to sneak onto the computer.

However, this is not surprising: only Dr.Web responds to Mail.ru Guard, and even then not always. What can we say about adware, loyalty to which can easily be bought.

How to determine the fact of implementation?

Of course, you can easily notice the presence of Yambler on your computer from the panels in the browser. However, if the user is insufficiently experienced and there is a large amount of garbage in the Internet browser, you may simply not notice the very fact of the appearance of something new. To reliably diagnose the presence of Yambler (we’ll talk about how to remove it below), you need to look at the browser properties.

So, right-click on the shortcut of the browser that is used on your system. In the context menu that pops up, select “Properties”, and in the dialog box that opens, select the “Shortcut” tab. There is a line "Object". Look at what it refers to: if at the end there is something like Firefox.exe (or Opera.exe, Chrome.exe, etc.), then everything is fine.

But if something like Firefox.url is written there, then everything is not good at all. This just indicates that your browser will open, automatically redirecting you to the page of that same “Yambler”.

What to do?

We have already figured out who is to blame for this. All that remains is to figure out what needs to be done with this very search engine. First, you need to correct the link in the “Object” field, which we already discussed above.

For “Ognelis” you need to insert the value “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” there, along with quotes. For all “Chrome-like” browsers, this value will look like “”C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe”.

Before you remove Yambler from Opera, do not forget about its transition to the category of Chrome-based browsers, so you should look for its executable files there.

Having corrected the line to the desired one, do not launch the browser under any circumstances! After this, you need to click on the “Start” button, and in the “Run” field enter the “Regedit” command. The Registry Editor dialog box will open.

Press the key combination “Ctrl+F”, after which the value search window appears. In the search field, enter the word Yambler (we will learn how to delete it now), press the “Enter” key. The system will find a registry key that contains this value. Delete it by selecting it with the left mouse button and clicking on “Del”. After this, press the “F3” key, after which the program will show you the next registry key in the list in which the corresponding value was found.

Repeat this operation until there are no mentions of Yambler left in the registry. After this, you need to find and delete the folder “C:\Program Files\Zaxar”. To be on the safe side, click on the “Start” button again, enter Zaxar in the search field, and press “Enter.” If you find something like that, then remove it without regret.

"Heavy artillery"

Before getting rid of Yambler, we strongly recommend installing Revo Uninstaller Pro. It is intended for complete removal unwanted programs from your computer. How can I use it to remove the last remnants of Yambler?

Everything is offensively simple. First you need to launch the application. At the top of the working window, find the “Force uninstall” button. Click on it with the left mouse button, after which the utility dialog box will open. In the “Exact program name” field, enter the word Yambler, and then click on the “Next” button.

The utility will conduct a thorough search for all remaining files and registry entries, and then permanently delete it software from your computer.

Removing toolbars from browsers

If you only used manual checking of the registry and deleting entries about Yambler from it, then toolbars from this “wonderful” search engine may well remain in your browser. Helping this problem is relatively easy.

Before you remove Yambler from Mozilla, you must click on the Firefox button in the upper left corner of the browser window. In the menu that opens, select “Add-ons”. A dialog box will open in which all installed add-ons will be available. Look for any mention of Yambler there. They are deleted by clicking the trash can icon.

Removing the start page

By the way, how to delete the Yambler start page? In the same way, open the browser menu and go to the “Settings” item. We are interested in the “Basic” tab. Under the field " Homepage"There is a "Restore Default" button. Click on it with the left mouse button, after which the browser settings will be reset to their original settings.

How can I return the normal start page to Chrome and similar browsers? It's not any more difficult to do this. To do this, you need to click on the icon with three lines in the upper right corner of the browser, and in the menu that opens, activate the “Settings” item.

In the settings themselves there is an item “Initial group”. Check the box next to the "Page" option quick access" If we talk about "Opera", then in latest versions this procedure is no different from the one described above.

How to prevent your computer from becoming infected?

We have already said that the overwhelming majority of Yambler antiviruses are simply ignored, but it still doesn’t hurt to install normal antivirus software. Very good if you do not use it for computer work account with Administrator rights, since in this case it is almost impossible for Yambler to start without your knowledge.

We hope that from the article you learned how to remove Yambler from your computer. This is not at all difficult to do, since it is only important to strictly follow the rules we have given.

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