The monitor screen goes blank when turned on. Why the monitor does not turn on when starting the PC: possible reasons, solutions

Connecting the system unit to the monitor is quite simple; to do this, you need to connect them with a cable through the appropriate port, after which the image will be broadcast on the screen. Despite the relative simplicity of the procedure, a number of problems may arise immediately, even after a successful connection. If the monitor goes off while the computer is running, many users may complain that this is due to its malfunction. In reality, this is not always the case, and below we will look at the main reasons why the monitor turns off while the system unit is running.

Signal loss due to faulty cable or connector

The most common reason why the monitor turns off for a while while the computer is running is a faulty cable. In this case, you need to check the condition of the cable itself, which transmits information from the computer to the monitor. Most often, a DVI or HDMI connector in the computer case is used to output images. Make sure that the cable is inserted firmly into it; if we are talking about DVI, it must be tightened, otherwise the connection will not be reliable.

If damage or a poor cable connection cannot be identified, it is recommended to try using another port for connection in the system unit; most often there are several such ports. Also try to get a cable that is definitely not a problem, and connect the monitor to the system unit through it.

The monitor turns off due to problems with the video card

In a computer, the video card is responsible for displaying images on the monitor. Its malfunction can cause the monitor screen to go dark while the system unit is running. You can make sure that the problem is not related to the video card by connecting the computer to another monitor or, for example, to a TV. If the image is displayed on it without problems, then the option with a faulty video card can be dismissed.

Most often, a video card malfunction, which can lead to temporary interruptions in the output signal, is associated with overheating. The base cooler of a video card is not always enough to cool the chip on it, especially if the video accelerator is . Check the temperature of the video card using special applications, making sure that it does not go beyond.

It is worth noting: If the problem with the monitor turning off when the system unit is running is due to overheating of the video card, it may appear, for example, only when running resource-intensive games or programs.

Monitor turns off due to bad memory modules

Another common problem that can cause a monitor to temporarily turn off is the failure of the RAM or its operation with errors. To verify the absence or presence of this problem, it is recommended using Windows tools or third-party applications. Even if one of several RAM modules is faulty, this can cause the monitor to spontaneously turn off while the system unit is operating.

RAM modules cannot be repaired, and if the test reveals problems in the operation of one or more of them, you will need to purchase new RAM sticks in their place.

Monitor malfunction

If the monitor goes out while the system unit is running, it cannot be ruled out that there are some problems with it. Most monitors have protection that automatically turns off the screen if there is a risk of overheating. It is not possible to check the temperature of the monitor using diagnostic tools, so the only option is to “touch” to determine whether it is too hot. If your monitor is overheating, you may need to place it in a more ventilated place in the room or, for example, move it further away from the wall.

The monitor can also turn off automatically if it is working in a room with high humidity. In such a situation, you need to move the monitor to a room with normal humidity and let it stand for some time without connecting to the network. During this time, the settled moisture should evaporate, and when working in a normal environment, the monitor will no longer go out if corrosion has not yet formed.

Not long ago I was solving a problem when my computer monitor was not working. Detecting a malfunction is not a pleasant pleasure, so I decided to write an article about the most common problems that can arise in this situation. Therefore, our conversation will focus on why the monitor does not turn on when the computer is turned on. As usual, I will tell you about several ways to correct the situation, among which, I hope, you will find exactly the one that will help you.

First, you need to make sure that it is your monitor that is not working. Turn off the computer by pressing the “Power” button and hold it until the noise stops coming from the system unit (usually in older computers). After turning off completely, turn on the computer again; if the system unit makes noise or any indicators are blinking on it, indicating that the computer has turned on, but nothing is shown on the monitor, then read the article further.

Important manipulations

Before you start reading the article, make sure that the surge protector is turned on. If there is no power, then you will never see any image on the screen. It is possible that one of the household members turned off the monitor through the button, or maybe you did it yourself on purpose. Check if everything is ok with this.

So, what should you do first when the monitor does not turn on when you start the computer? Some monitors, like system units, have a power button. It is usually located at the back of the monitor, sometimes on the side. To turn on the monitor, you need to move it to the “On” position (1), for clarity, look at the image below:

To determine whether the monitor is turned on, look at the front of the monitor. At the bottom there are usually indicators that allow you to determine whether voltage is being supplied to the monitor.

The very first common problem is bad contacts. Moreover, this nonsense can be, as in the place where the wires are connected to the motherboard, at the back of the system unit, or there is a bad contact between the video card and the motherboard, and the most common thing is when there is a bad contact at the back of the monitor. In general, you need to check both ends of the wires, namely the wire that transmits the picture to the screen and the power wire from the network.

There may be another pitfall here, the type of signal transmitted to the monitor. Modern video cards have two built-in connectors through which it is possible to connect a monitor: white (DVI) and blue (VGA). The latest type of connector that can be found in the newest monitors is HDMI, and it’s hard to make a mistake when connecting with it.

If you are using a DVI connection, try changing it to blue and vice versa. Did not help? Then find the monitor connector on the motherboard itself.

It will be there if the above board has a built-in video adapter. Connected? Works? Then the problem is in the video card, namely in the settings, or the worst thing is that it has burned out. You can also connect another monitor, disconnecting it from another computer; you can borrow it from your neighbors for a couple of minutes if you do not have a second home computer. When you turn on another monitor, turn off the computer, disconnect your monitor and connect the other one, and only then turn on the computer.

Monitor settings

If everything is connected correctly, and you have no idea why the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, then it is possible that the settings for the monitor have been changed. Press the "Menu" button on the monitor and go through the settings. You need to change the brightness and contrast. If you don't know how to do this on your monitor, then find the user manual. When you purchased the monitor, you should have been given a disk or a printed manual. If for some reason it is not there, then the Internet can help you search.

For those who are not afraid to tinker with the settings, you can do this without any disks or documents. In fact, everything is clear there. To make this task easier, first switch to the “Russian language”.

After which it will be more or less clear. By the way, if you see the settings menu on the screen, then everything is fine with your monitor. You don't have to worry about replacing it.

Non-working motherboard

The next possible malfunction is a partial failure of the motherboard. In this case, the computer may turn on and even boot, but the monitor will not show the picture. To check this manually, we will have to open the system unit and carefully examine the motherboard.

It cannot be ruled out that the connector on the motherboard where you connect the video card could be damaged. To check this, you will need to install another video card and try to send an image to the monitor from it.

If everything depends on the motherboard - it is not working, then you will have to call a specialist to your home, since the problem may not lie in the computer screen.

The monitor burned out

If it is the monitor that is not working, you can try to disassemble it. However, it is highly not recommended for ignorant people to do this; it is better to take it to a service center or buy a new one. It just so happens that monitors are rarely repaired by ordinary users; the process is too complicated.

I have a story about this: when I was in college in a programming class, smoke came out from behind the monitor. At that time, I was not experienced and immediately ran after the teacher to report this “joyful” event. He was sitting in another office when he burst in with this news, he asked - did you disconnect him from the power supply. The answer is Nope 😉 . Then a mime formed on his face, which he saw on me a couple of seconds ago. When we entered the office, the smoke had almost gone, and a classmate who was sitting next to him turned it off. The teacher smiles for a couple of seconds and says, “Well, go sit down next to me 😉.” The whole group laughed.

I think this story will be instructive for you. If smoke comes from any device, you must immediately turn off the power so as not to burn down your apartment or office!

Dust in the system unit

How long have you carried out preventive maintenance on your system unit? If the window of the room where the computer is located is opposite the roadway, then in the summer you probably noticed a lot of dust on the window sills. So, the system unit is a vacuum cleaner that swallows this dust. Open the cover of the system unit and use a vacuum cleaner.

Important! Do not touch the vacuum cleaner to the motherboard or other devices. After collecting debris, disconnect the video card from the motherboard and clean the contacts with a pencil eraser. Using light pressure, go through the contacts of the video card. No need clean with a pen eraser, as it contains solid particles.

In the image below you can see what it looks like, only instead of a video card in the picture there is RAM:

In one of my articles I talked about a video card, many novice users will need this information, follow the link to read it: “”.


If you recently updated drivers and Windows does not boot, then you need to remove the installed software. This usually happens due to an incorrectly installed driver.

To bring your computer back to life, go into safe mode and perform a system restore. If you know for sure that you installed or updated video card drivers, then you need to remove them from your system.

I wrote about entering safe mode for different systems in 3 of my articles:


If your computer has 2 video cards, that is, one is integrated into the motherboard and the other is external, then the problem may be that the device is selected incorrectly in the BIOS. You may ask why the computer does not automatically detect

To reset the settings in the BIOS, thereby setting them to Default, just disconnect the battery in the motherboard. You can read more about this in my article: "".

Other problems

It is possible that the cable contacts may be slightly oxidized. To fix the problem, take alcohol and wipe both ends of the cable. Do not press on the pins under any circumstances, so as not to bend them or even break them. If you break it, you'll have to buy a new cable. By the way, gold-plated contacts are of better quality in this regard, namely, they are more resistant to oxidation. If the pins are bent, then you need to carefully align them. To do this, use, for example, a thick needle or a narrow screwdriver.

Monitor does not turn on (repair):

The monitor screen goes blank, but the computer continues to work? Almost every user has encountered a similar situation, regardless of their level of computer literacy. Let's consider all the factors that can lead to such a situation, and also consider how this or that situation can be resolved.

Why does my monitor screen go blank?

In some situations, a similar problem may arise due to simple user errors, for example, accidentally turning off the monitor's power button. Everything is much more complicated and unpleasant when the computer hardware fails or the monitor itself breaks down, because in this case you will either need to completely replace the component part or contact a service center. Let's consider various reasons separately and ways to solve them.

  1. Monitor failure.

To understand the reason, it is always necessary to go through a certain screen test procedure. Turn off the computer completely, and then turn it on again and monitor its behavior:

  • if the monitor shows the image, but after 2-3 seconds. the picture disappears, most likely the reason for this is the failure of one of the incandescent lamps and it needs to be changed.
  • If the monitor screen does not light up, but when an external LED lamp is connected it lights up and shows some image, then the problem is in the voltage inverter, which must be replaced.

If, when the system unit starts, nothing is displayed on the monitor, disconnect it from the SB by pulling out the cable. The operating monitor should display a “No Signal” message, or something similar, depending on the model and manufacturer. If this does not happen, then we can unequivocally say that the output device has failed and you cannot do without a service center, since there can be many reasons for the malfunction and this cannot be checked at home.

  1. Video card malfunction.

The display of the image on the monitor screen directly depends on the health of the video card, which can also break at some point. If you have a discrete one, unwind the system unit, take it out and reconnect it to the motherboard. If nothing has changed, additionally try inserting it into another system unit to fully verify that the graphics adapter is working.

If you are using an integrated video card, try to get a discrete one and connect it. If the computer starts normally, the problem lies precisely in the failure of the built-in adapter.

  1. Presence of dust.

If your PC has not been cleaned of dust for a long time, then try. The fact is that dust is electrically conductive and, if it gets on components, it can make work difficult. Clean the computer with brushes and a vacuum cleaner, and then reassemble it and try turning it on again.

  1. Damaged cable.

This reason is one of the most common, but it is quite difficult to recognize and for some reason users always pay attention to it last. Even if the connection cord has no visible damage and has not been subjected to any mechanical stress, it can also break on its own.

Try using a different connecting cord, and if the display is normal, the reason will be clear. You just need to be absolutely sure that the other cable is probably working.

  1. Incorrect connection.

If several people have access to the PC, then it is possible that when reconnecting, the connecting cable was inserted into the wrong connector and nothing will actually be displayed on the monitor. Modern motherboards have video connectors, although there may not be an integrated graphics adapter on the processor or motherboard, and accordingly, nothing will be shown on the screen when connected. And even if there is integrated graphics, it will only recognize the preinstalled discrete one, which is usually more powerful, and therefore no image will appear on the screen.

  1. Failure of the processor or motherboard.

Sometimes, when you turn on the computer, only the appearance of correct operation of the system unit is created (the power supply is working, the coolers are spinning, etc.). In fact, this does not always indicate serviceability. When you turn on the system unit, listen to see if there is an intermittent sound signal, if the mouse and keyboard turn on (if the indicators light up), if power is supplied to the flash drive (the LED should light up, although some models do not have it).

  1. Life situations.

There are times when the user may accidentally pull the power cord, after which the monitor simply theoretically cannot turn on. Incorrect settings may be set.

Malfunction: the monitor turns off (goes into standby mode), but the system unit continues to work. In this case, it is obvious that the computer has not frozen: the sound from the speakers continues to play, the drive access indicator is blinking, etc. It is noteworthy that the image on the monitor disappears under different circumstances: either immediately after starting the computer, then after logging into your account, or after 10-20 minutes of work.

The screen on the computer goes blank. How to solve a problem?

Reason 1. The video card contacts have oxidized

  1. Turn off the system unit with the power button. If the computer does not turn off, disconnect the 220 V cable from the power supply.
  2. Remove the side cover.
  3. Unscrew the bolt and remove the video card.
  4. Clean the contacts with an eraser (eraser).
  5. Wipe the contacts with alcohol and let them dry.
  6. Place the video card in place and secure it with a bolt or fastener.

Reason 2. The video card has failed

Contact a service center for repair or replace the video adapter.

It happens that you sit quietly at your computer or laptop. For example, you are reading an article on a website or a book, and the monitor screen suddenly goes dark. You have to press a key on the keyboard or move the mouse to get the screen backlight to work again.
Why is this happening? The problem lies in the power settings. This is more suitable for laptops and netbooks, because they pay more attention to power supply, and more precisely, to its safety.

The screen only goes dark during inactivity and this is determined by settings that are often simply not adjusted or not paid attention to until the right moment.
Now let's figure it out.

Power settings for windows 7
Right-click on the power icon in the Notification Area

if it is not there, then read the article to set it up. Or click on the triangle next to the Language bar and look for the icon there.
A window like this will appear in which we select Power supply

This can also be found in Start - Control Panel - Power Options (when viewing "Large Icons")

Next we go to Power plan settings

We configure it as you need - increase the time Dimming And Shutdown display from the mains or from the battery (you can turn it off altogether by setting it to “Never”).
Don't forget to click next Save changes

I won’t go into detail, because everything is already quite clear there.

Power settings for windows XP
You can go into settings the same way as in Windows 7: Start - Control Panel - Power Options.
Then go to the tab Power Management Schemes.

You can choose one of the preset schemes - maybe there will be one that you like.
Or change the existing scheme.

Well, if this does not help, then the situation may be much worse than these simple settings to ensure that the monitor screen does not fade away while working.

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