Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive to a laptop.

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the latest Windows 10 on your computer or laptop. I'm glad that you came to this page and give me the right to teach you how to install Ten on your computer. Let's start!

We will install Windows 10 from a flash drive, because it is much more convenient and faster than using classic DVDs. Using a Windows installation flash drive, we can install the system on computers, laptops and netbooks.

What do you need to do to install Windows 10 from a flash drive?

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

First of all, prepare an 8 GB USB flash drive and move ALL important files to other drives. Next, download the UltraISO program from the official website. We will use it to record the system. We will also need a Windows 10 image, preferably in ISO format. You can also download it from the Internet.

Download UltraISO and run it.

The program is paid, but fortunately Trial period will allow you to use it free of charge for 30 days. To install Windows 10 from a flash drive, we need UltraISO only once.

When you launch UltraISO, click the Trial button.

The flash drive should already be inserted into the computer.

Now in the UltraISO program, click the menu File - Open.

In the window that opens, indicate where the Windows 10 image is located on the computer and click Open.

The image files were successfully opened. Now click on the menu - Burn a hard disk image.

In the window that opens, it is important to make sure that in the Disk Drive item the flash drive we need is selected. If this is not the case, then select it manually from the drop-down list. There is no need to change anything else. Click the Burn button to begin creating a bootable USB flash drive.

Writing Windows 10 to a flash drive usually lasts about 10 minutes. When finished, close all unnecessary windows and let's move on to the next step.

Install BIOS and boot from flash drive

When starting to install the system, we need to go into the BIOS and put booting from a flash drive in the first place. Turn on the computer or restart it if it is already turned on. To enter the BIOS, immediately start pressing the DELETE or F2 key (depending on motherboard). We press the desired key for several seconds until we see the BIOS itself. This is roughly what it looks like:

We can navigate through this program using the arrows and the Enter button on the keyboard.

Go to the BOOT tab and find the item Hard Disk Drives. Let's open it.

We go to the first item and press Enter.

In the window that opens, select your flash drive and now it will be in first place. Great!

Press the ESC key to return to the previous window. Now select the first item Boot Device Priority.

Go to the first item and press Enter.

We select the flash drive again and now it is in first place in the download priority.

Great! Now the computer will boot from the flash drive. To save the changes made, press the F10 key and press Enter.

The computer is rebooting...

It is worth saying that in some BIOSes the interface is slightly different. In this case, you will have to look for similar buttons.

Installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive

If we did everything correctly, then after restarting the computer, reading data from the flash drive will begin. This is indicated by the following Windows icon:

The start of the installation is indicated by a window in which we will need to select the system language, parameters and keyboard layout. Leave Russian everywhere and click Next.

In the next window, click the Install button, which is located in the middle of the screen.

In the next step we need to select the installation type. Select the second item " Custom: Windows installation only". Just what we need.

Now is a very important moment! We need to select the disk to which we need installWindows 10 . The disk on which the system was previously installed has type System. If you have other disks, then it is better not to install the system on them, so as not to lose important data.

As for the disk on which the system was already installed, it is better to format it, that is, delete old programs, Windows and other files. To do this, you need to specify the drive and select Format.

You can, of course, not format the disk, but in this case the previous files from the system disk will be placed in a new folder called WINDOWS.OLD.

I usually format the disk to remove all the junk accumulated on the old system!

Regardless of the choice you make, specify the disk for installation and click Next.

This is the main window where Windows 10 is installed in five steps. Here the files are copied and installed, that is, the process of writing the system to our computer occurs. You will have to wait 15 minutes.

Attention important point! When you see that the 5 steps are completed and after a few seconds the computer reboots, be ready to remove the flash drive from the computer.

The computer starts to reboot, and we immediately remove the flash drive! If this is not done, then Windows 10 installation may start again.

Fine. The system is almost ready for use. There are still some settings left to do. After the reboot we will be asked to connect to our wireless network. But note that you can skip this step. There is a link for this below " Skip this step".

I connected to WI-FI, so at this step I’m still downloading and installing updates.

Finally, we need to select the computer type. Of course, select the item " This computer belongs to me".

Then enter the login and password for your Microsoft account, if you have one. Or just click " Skip this step".

We give the account a name and, if necessary, come up with a password for it.

Great! So we figured it out, how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive and configure it before the first launch.


Let's summarize briefly. So, to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive, we need to complete the following tasks:

1. Create a bootable USB flash drive
2. Set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive
3. Install the system from a flash drive

That's basically all. This concludes my lesson, I thank you for your attention and look forward to your comments.

Detailed instructions on how to install Windows 10 yourself from a flash drive

Often we are faced with the need to install a system after purchasing a computer or laptop.

The device is not always sold with a pre-installed system. Or it may not have the operating system we need.

Either it stopped loading due to a virus, or during a hardware upgrade, when reinstallation is required.

In the end, we come to the decision to do it ourselves.

The process of installing Windows from a flash drive is not complicated.

Anyone can cope with this task, just follow the step-by-step instructions.

When reinstalling the OS, you need to take care of the safety of important work documents, family photos or videos.

They can be copied to a removable hard drive, or USB, or transferred to the cloud.

For example, Dropbox, Mail.Ru Cloud, Yandex.Disk, Microsoft OneDrive, or other cloud storage.

When performing the initial installation on a new computer or laptop, backup is not required; here we immediately proceed with the installation.

Media Creation Tool

First you need to create bootable media - a flash drive.

It is important to do this correctly; it is not enough to download the distribution kit and simply copy it to a flash drive.

Special programs are used for these purposes.

Microsoft has developed a tool for creating bootable media - Media Creation Tool.

Which we download for free on the official Microsoft website, on the download page.

If 4 GB or more, then create an image of 64-bit Windows 10.

A 64-bit operating system on a computer with 2 GB of RAM will work, but it will be very slow.

Conversely, a 32-bit OS on a computer with more than 4 GB of RAM installed will not be able to use the entire amount of RAM.

It simply will not see more than 4 GB, but use more than 3.5 GB, this is due to the limited computing capabilities of 32-bit OS.

By the way, 64-bit ones can work with RAM strips of millions of terabytes, but humanity has not yet invented such .

We can select the “Both” option, then we will create an image that will have both bits for installation on different computers. In this case, you will need a flash drive with a capacity of at least 8 GB.

Cleaning the disk from temporary files

It is important to remember that during the process of creating an image, it is loaded into the computer’s memory, and only then written to a flash drive.

Therefore, your hard drive must have at least 8 GB of free space.

If there is not enough free disk space, a corresponding message will appear in the window.

Then we need to clean the system disk of unnecessary files.

To do this, you can use the function "Disk Cleanup".

And, of course, check the files stored on the desktop in folders "Cart" "Downloads" And "Documentation".

There you can often find tons of forgotten downloads, media files, movies, music, which only take up useful disk space.

You can also look at the “Temp” folder on drive C: It stores a huge number of temporary files, sometimes the volume of temporary storage can reach tens of GB.

All these temporary files can be safely deleted. The main thing is not to delete the folder itself "Pace".

2 We need to create a flash drive, so leave a checkmark on the item "USB flash memory device" and click Next.

3 Select our media. If more than one flash drive is connected to the computer, mark the one you need and click Next.

The time it takes to download the image and write it to the media depends on the speed of the Internet connection.

If the speed is low, it may take some time.

With a high-speed connection, the entire process usually takes about 20 minutes.

When recording is complete, click Finish. The program will delete temporary files and close itself.

Using this utility, you can also create a simple ISO image. Then, on a computer that does not have Internet access, you can create a bootable USB flash drive using the UltraISO utility. Everything is also simple here, we launch the UltraISO utility, open our ISO image on the hard drive and create bootable media. After which you can begin installation.

Boot priority in BIOS

1 Insert our bootable USB flash drive into the PC. And we reboot it.

To do this, at the moment of switching on, when checking POST, we actively click on the key.

This is usually the Delete or F2 key. Depending on the motherboard, the key may differ.

You can navigate to the BIOS menu using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

The interface, of course, does not qualify for the audience award, but this is not necessary.

Everything here is concise and to the point. Switch to the Boot tab.

The firmware on computers is different and the tab may be named differently, but in any case the section name will contain the word Boot.

In more modern motherboards you can find a graphical BIOS or UEFI interface.

The interface here can be switched to Russian and navigation in it is more understandable.

3 We look for the Boot Device Priority section - open it and switch USB to first place, the state should be Enabled.

4 After switching the bootable media to the first place, you need to save the changes. To do this, click the F10 key, then confirm in the dialog box with the Y key - which means (Yes), or click Ok.

In this case, you will not have to boot into the BIOS and set the boot priority.

In addition, after installing Windows, you will need to return the priority for the hard drive back.

To do this, when rebooting, click on one of the keys to enter the Boot Menu.

The key may differ for different PC and laptop models. Here are the most common keys for loading Boot Menu, Esc, F8, F9, F12, F11.

In the window that opens, use the arrows on the keyboard to switch to our flash drive and confirm - Enter.

After which the Windows 10 installation process will begin.

1 Press any key on the keyboard when this message appears.

Press any key to boot from USB

We will see the Windows 10 logo on a black background.

2 In the first window, select the language and keyboard layout.

3 Click on the button "Install".

Below there is a “System Restore” button, we don’t need it now. This option can be used if your PC has Windows 10, and for some reason it stopped functioning or loading normally. Then you can restore the damaged boot sector or files through System Restore, save important documents, and then completely reinstall it.

After the promotional period for a free update of all computers running Windows 7 and 8 to Win 10, and a subsequent clean reinstallation, a key is not required.

The digital key is tied to the equipment. It is only important to install the OS of the same bit depth.

It is automatically activated the first time you connect to the network.

During the initial installation, you will still need a license key.

But you can purchase a license later, after installing Windows 10. Some functions will not be available until activation.

6 We agree to the terms of the license agreement and continue with the installation.

7 Select an item "Full installation for advanced users". In this case, the installation is performed completely by formatting the hard drive or system partition.

First option "Update" is a Windows installation with all files saved on the computer, and the old system will be placed in the Windows old folder.

It is not suitable for us for a clean installation, since the new OS and the old one will take up a lot of disk space.

Clean installation of Windows 10

1 First, we need to partition the disk into partitions (one or more), if necessary. If the PC or hard drive is new. Click Create.

2 Write the amount of local disk that we want to allocate for the system and click confirm.

3 We agree with the creation of additional backup partitions.

4 And we do the same with all the remaining space - we create a new section or sections.

5 Select the disk on which Windows will be installed and click Next.

When reinstalling Windows, you may need to save information on other logical drives D, E, F, and so on.

In this case, you only need to format the disk with the system; other logical drives and reserved partitions cannot be touched.

Otherwise, Windows will not be able to install and you will have to format the entire hard drive.

This risks losing important data. You can determine which disk needs to be formatted by size.

If necessary - Format

The whole process lasts from 20 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on the speed of the hard drive.

After copying all installation and configuration files, the computer will restart.

Windows 10 Settings

2 Keyboard layout - click Skip, or add a second layout.

Here you can add a layout if necessary (The single language version does not support other layouts besides the main language).

3 With an active Internet connection, the program will immediately install updates.

4 Select the setup method for personal use or for an organization.

6 Enter your account and password and click Next.

7 In the next window, set the PIN code.

But this option, requiring a PIN code or password when starting the system, can then be disabled in the privacy settings.

After entering the number, an SMS with a link to the application is sent to your phone.

This Microsoft Launcher, which is installed on the phone, with which we can optimize our work on the computer through the mobile device, upload any files to OneDrive on the phone and they will automatically appear on the PC and vice versa.

This is an optional step and can be skipped by clicking the Postpone button.

11 Here we will find several points with a brief description. We disable all options that, for various reasons, do not suit you. You can click on the More details button to read full information on each option, whether it is needed or not, and whether it will be beneficial.

Click on the Accept button, after which the final setup of Windows 10 will begin.

We customize your applications

We don't need to do anything else except setting the date and time time zone on computers without the Internet.

But, so that you and I don’t get bored, various messages will appear on a background that changes brightness, notifying you about the progress of setting the parameters.

After which the desktop will load, and we can install third-party software, download applications from the store, install drivers and utilities.

Free Windows 10

Since the period of free upgrade to Windows 10 ended back in 2016, Microsoft developers still left the opportunity to get the product for free for a limited number of people.

In particular, these are users with disabilities.

On the Upgrade for Persons with Disabilities page, you can upgrade your Windows 7 or 8 PC to Windows 10 for free.

It is enough to simply confirm your conditional restrictions.

Of course, no one will check this and no documentary evidence will be required.

In this case, Windows 10 for one language will be installed on the computer.

After that, Windows 10 on this PC can be completely reinstalled from a disk or flash drive as we described step by step in the article and get a perpetual license for Windows 10 on this equipment.

In the case of a hardware upgrade (replacement of components), motherboard or some other modules, activation may fail.

But, if you still have the activation key from Windows 7, then you can return the key through the support service and activate Windows 10 for free.

Installing Windows 10 on a flash drive is almost no different from installing Windows 8 or 7, only the design has changed. But there are nuances.

Why am I talking about Windows 10 on a flash drive?

But this is why, despite the fact that the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system is free for users of Windows 7 and 8, this is only until July 29, 2016.

Then you will have to pay for everyone who wants to switch to it from older machines or buys a new computer. And those who have already switched to Windows 10 should write down their license number.


And then you will have to pay for a license. After July 29, the company's management will charge users $119 for the Home version of the operating system.

And to prevent this from happening, I will touch on how to write an image onto a flash drive, because now even the operating system developer has begun to encourage this type of installation.

And I think you have already written down the license number, let me remind you that for now installation and receipt of a license can be done for free!

I recommend keeping such a flash drive with a recorded operating system on hand at all times, just in case! And the License number!

If due to some problems your computer does not work, then you could always correct this situation without any difficulty.

And so, write Windows 10 to a flash drive.

You can burn the operating system using a huge variety of programs, in particular, writing to disk can be done using standard Windows recording, provided that you have installed at least a version of Windows 7, to a flash drive, recording is done using the free Rufus program.

To begin with, you should prepare the flash drive itself for writing the operating system onto it.

To do this, go to the “Computer” menu, where all drives connected to the device will be displayed. Find your flash drive there and right-click on it, where in the context menu select “Format”.

This is necessary in order to destroy all existing data, without leaving any residue from this drive.

You must specify:

File system type: NTFS;
Make the “Volume Label” field empty;
Uncheck the box next to “Quick (clean table of contents)”.

After all the parameters have been set, click the “Start” button, after which you will be asked if you are sure that you want to format this disk, click “OK”.

Now, depending on how much capacity your flash drive has, you will need to wait that long.

When formatting is complete, you will receive a notification that it is complete, click “OK”, in the settings window, click the “Close” button.

Now on a completely clean flash drive, you need to write the operating system itself with the Rufus program. To do this, download it from the official website by entering the word “rufus” in the search engine, and then run it.

After launching in the window, your flash drive should be automatically detected, if this does not happen, then simply select yours from the drop-down list.

Field “Device” – your flash drive;
“Partition scheme and type...” – MBR for computers with BIOS or UEFI;
“File system” – NTFS;
“Cluster size” – Determined automatically when you start the program;

If “ISO image” is not selected in the column opposite the disk drive icon, then do so;

Click on the icon itself, after which you will see a window where you will need to select the operating system image.

Where can I get it? "ISO image"?

If you need to install or reinstall Windows 10 using a USB device, you can use the media creation tool. With it, you can create your own installation media using a USB flash drive. The tool optimizes file formats according to download speed and can be used to create ISO files.

GO: (

And there Click: Download the tool now .

We will receive the program with it and you can download it "ISO image" to your computer.

Now you can "ISO image" put it on a flash drive.

To record Windows 10, you will need a flash drive with a size of 4 GB or higher!

After all the settings have been configured, click the “Start” button, you will be asked if you want to erase all data from the flash drive, you need to answer in the affirmative, after which the process of writing operating system files to the flash drive will begin.

Installing the Windows 10 operating system on a computer.

To install the operating system on your computer, you need to insert the drive with the recorded system into the computer, and then reboot it.

After that, when you boot your computer, the motherboard logo will appear, where the key to open the BIOS menu will be indicated. Most often, this key is “Delete”; there may also be options F2 or F12.

You need to press this key all the time when the logo appears and then you will be transferred to another menu called BIOS or UEFI, depending on the motherboard.

Now that you are in this menu, go to the Boot tab by pressing the arrow keys. Since everyone has different motherboards, the names of the items in the “Boot” menu may differ.

What is the point?

When the computer boots, depending on the settings, a specific device is loaded first, usually by default, this is the hard drive.

We need to install it first so that the drive with the recorded operating system boots. To do this, in the Boot menu, you need to find in the case of a disk something like “Boot device priority” and select.

Then, you will see that another menu has appeared, where the devices are located under the numbers, we need number1.

Place the cursor on the device number one and press “Enter”, you will see a window with a choice of device to install on this number. In our case, a flash drive, then look for the name of the flash drive in this list and select it by pressing the “Enter” key.

After making the selection, you will see that the devices have changed their numbers and under number 1 is exactly what we need.

It may be that the flash drive will not be in this list until you go and configure another item in the “Boot” menu, you need to look for something like “Hard Disks...” and select.

You will see the same list as in “Boot Devices...”, which displays the boot order of the connected hard drives to the computer.

If you do not have a flash drive in the “Boot Device Priority” menu, then exit it with the “ESC” key, go to the “Boot” menu and select the “Hard Drivers...” item, where also under number 1 install your flash drive, and then perform the steps described above in the “Boot Device Priority” menu.

Now, press the F10 key and select “OK”, thereby saving your changes and the computer will automatically reboot.

At a certain moment, instead of loading the operating system, you will see the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” or “Press any key to boot from USB”, which will be written only for a certain time at which you need to have time to press any key on keyboard.

After which, the installation of Windows 10 will begin, the beginning of which will be similar to loading the Windows 8 operating system, but this is just a logo.

After downloading, you will see a window for selecting a language for installing the system; depending on the region that was on the image recorded on the media, the default settings may differ from those you need.

Select all the language options at your discretion and click the “Next” button, and then in the next window “Install”.
You will be asked to enter a license key, the entry of which can be postponed by clicking “Skip”.

Then you will have two options available for selection: “Update...” and “Custom installation”, select option 2.
Now, you need to configure the hard drives for installation.

If you don’t need the existing information on your hard drive, first, I recommend that you select all the partitions one by one and select “Format” at the bottom of each one.

Then, having also selected all the items in turn, click the “Delete” button on each one. After that, depending on the number of hard drives installed on your PC, you will have the same number, with the inscription “Unallocated area”, select it, then click on “Create” and specify the size of the future hard drive partition.

When creating the first partition, you will be asked about the possibility of the operating system creating a small partition that will serve as support for the entire operation of the system, to which you need to agree.

Typically, if users divide a hard drive into partitions, they make one for the operating system and the other for storing data, so that they can reinstall the system as many times as they want without losing any data.

Therefore, if you also want to divide your hard drive into partitions, then I recommend that you set the value for one, which will be equal to 60 thousand for the operating system, and for the other, simply by clicking the “Create” button, agree with the automatic selection.

If you don’t want to divide into sections, but set everything to one, then simply select “Create” and agree with everything.

After all the hard drive settings have been configured, select the one on which you want to install Windows 10 and click the “Next” button.
Now wait until the installation is completed and the computer reboots by itself.

It seems like that's it for the most part.

Good luck, Friends!

There are quite a few ways to prepare a USB flash drive for installing Windows 10, I will look at the most popular ones:

Attention!!! For any of the described methods, you need to prepare a USB flash drive - transfer all data from it or be prepared for all information on it to be deleted.

Make a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 10 using copying.

This method is extremely simple and requires a minimum of action from you, BUT it is only suitable for those who want to install Windwos 10 on a computer/laptop with UEFI instead of BIOS.

UEFI (Unified EFI Interface) is a standard firmware interface for computers that replaces BIOS. It is quite easy to distinguish it from BIOS; it has a graphical interface + mouse cursor control is available.

If you are planning to install Windows 10 on a computer/laptop with a BIOS or you do not know what is used on it, it is better to use any other method described below.

For this method we will need:

Installing Windows USB/DVD Download Tool does not hide any pitfalls, a few clicks of “Next” and a shortcut with the utility on your desktop. Next, all that remains is to launch the utility.

You will see a window in which you need to select the ISO image of Windows 10. Click the "Brouse" button and specify the path to the image. After that, click "Next".

Select the USB flash drive you want to burn Windows 10 to.

A message will appear stating that all information from the flash drive will be deleted, click "Erase USB Device".

Then another window with similar content will appear, click “Yes”.

Within a few minutes your USB flash drive will be prepared. As a result, you will receive a line saying that everything is ready "Bootable USB device created successfully".

Now you can close the program window.

How to make a bootable USB flash drive using the UltraISO program.

Before this, I looked at ways to create a bootable USB flash drive using Windows tools; in this method, I suggest using the third-party program UtraISO.

For this method you will need:

1) USB flash drive with a capacity of at least 6 GB;

2) UltraISO program;

Download and install the program Ultra ISO. We are happy with the free version, so select "Free Trial" on the website

Select the Russian version and download it.

Installing the program comes down to a few clicks of the “Next” button, so I think no one will have any problems with this. Launch UltraISO and select "Trial period".

After that, select "File" - "Open".

Specify the Windows 10 ISO image and click "Open"

Check that your USB flash drive is indicated in the "Disk Drive" field and click "Burn".

A window will appear warning that all information from the USB drive will be deleted, click “Yes”.

Then you need to wait a few minutes while the UltraISO program prepares a bootable USB flash drive. As a result, in the program window you should see “Recording complete!”

Now you can start installing Windows 10 from a flash drive.

Making a Windows 10 installation USB flash drive using the command line.

I bring to your attention the most ascetic way to create a Windows 10 installation flash drive - using the command line. For this method we will need:

1) USB flash drive with a capacity of at least 6 GB;

Run Command Prompt as Administrator.

Below is a print screen of the command line indicating the commands for creating a bootable USB flash drive. Take each step step by step. Below is a description of why this or that command is needed.

diskpart- an interpreter that allows you to manage objects (disks, partitions or volumes).

list disk- viewing disks/flash drives connected to the computer.

select disk 1- select the disk with which further actions will be performed. You must indicate the number that the OS assigned to your USB drive. Be careful with your choice.

clean- disk cleanup

create partition primary- creating a partition on a flash drive

select partition 1- select the first section.

active- mark the selected section as active

format fs=NTFS- formatting the partition in NTFS (the process is quite lengthy and can take dozens of minutes).

assign- drive letter assignment

exit- exit

Now you need to unzip the Windows 10 ISO image.

And copy everything to a USB drive.

In this article, I described 5 different ways on how you can make a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 10, you just have to choose which method suits you and use it.

Since its release, Windows 10 Technical Preview has been generating interest among users. Many people want to experience the new operating system first-hand, which should be a “work on the mistakes” made in previous versions.

The question immediately arises about its installation. Is it different from previous versions? In this article we will look at the process of installing an OS from a flash drive, which is not at all complicated.

System requirements

First, you should pay attention to the system requirements of the new OS:

  • processor with a clock frequency of 1GHz or higher;
  • 1 GB of RAM (or 2 GB if using the 64-bit version);
  • at least 16 GB of free hard disk space;
  • video card supporting Microsoft DirectX 9;
  • Internet connection to create a Microsoft account.

You will also need a 4 GB flash drive for installation (or 8 GB for the 64-bit version).

Creating a boot drive

Before you start creating a bootable USB flash drive, you will need an operating system image, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website. The process of recording it is not much different from previous versions of the OS.

There are several ways you can do this:

  • recording using the UltraISO program;
  • command line;
  • Rufus programs.

Video: Windows 10 from a flash drive

All three options, which have their pros and cons, will be discussed further.

Ultra ISO

One of the most common ways to create a bootable flash drive is using UltraISO. This program has proven itself well for such purposes, is reliable and easy to use.

To start the process you need:

Note! During the recording process, all data on the flash drive will be deleted.

Command line

Another way to write is to use the command line. Its advantage is that no additional programs are required - just an operating system image.

If you are using Windows 7, then to access the command line you need to:

  • go to “Start”, then “All Programs” and “Accessories”;
  • in this folder, find “Command Prompt” and right-click on it, select “Run as administrator”.

Now, using the window that appears, you can begin the actual process:

  • alternately enter two commands: diskpart and list disk;
  • go to the “Computer” menu and note what number the flash drive is located under (for example, F);
  • after that, enter the following commands: select disk F (where F is the drive letter), clean, create partition primary, format fs=fat32 quick, active, assign, list volume, exit.

Important! During this process, all data from the flash drive will be deleted. Commands must be entered without commas and one after another.

Now that the flash drive is ready, you need to copy the OS files to it. To do this, you can use any program for mounting images (Daemon Tools, UltraISO). Simply right-click on the disk image and select “Mount”, after which we copy its contents to the flash drive.

You can also use an archiver program (7Zip, WinRAR) for this purpose:

  • right-click on the ISO file;
  • select the “Extract files” option;
  • in the window that appears, indicate the path to the flash drive;
  • Confirm your choice by clicking “OK”.

Once unpacking is complete, the image will be ready for installation.


To transfer image files to a flash drive, you can also use the specialized program Rufus. This is a freely available utility that serves exactly this purpose.

Working with it is also quite simple:

  1. download and install the program;
  2. launch it and insert the USB flash drive into the port;
  3. Rufus will automatically detect its presence, but in case of an error, we specify the path to it manually;
  4. put a tick next to the option "Create a bootable disk using", then click on the small hard drive icon located next to it;
  5. indicate the path to the saved operating system image;
  6. Click “Start” to begin the process.

Photo: menu and settings of the Rufus program

It will take about 20-30 minutes. Wait for the program message “DONE”, after which you can close it and remove the flash drive.

Note! During installation, a window with the contents of the drive may open - just leave it in this state until the program finishes.

Installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive via BIOS

When the flash drive is ready, we proceed to the actual installation. The first step will be setting up the BIOS.

BIOS setup

Working with the basic I/O system may seem confusing, but it's actually easy to follow these simple steps:

  • insert the USB flash drive with the OS into the USB port and reboot the system;
  • during startup, hold down the Delete key (can be F2, F3, F8, F10 and other options depending on the manufacturer);
  • after loading the menu, go to the “Boot” tab and select “Boot Device Priority”;
  • in this priority list, set the flash drive in first place so that the download starts from it;
  • To save changes and exit, press “Enter” and F10.

Photo: installing a flash drive in the priority list


After the system reboots, the installation of Windows 10 from the USB flash drive will begin:

Important! During installation, the computer may restart several times - this is normal during the process. You must wait until it is completely finished.

OS setup

The completion of the installation may be indicated by the Wi-Fi network selection screen that appears. Here you can set the default network that the PC will connect to after startup, or skip this step. Next, the system will offer several more settings - choosing the frequency of updates, sending reports and other information.

Here the user has two options:

  • choose "Customize" and configure what data to send;
  • use the option and set the recommended default parameters.

When using the “Use express settings” option, you automatically agree to send anonymous statistics to developers, including a list of applications installed on the PC and all reports about emerging problems.

For further progress, you will need a Microsoft account. Those who already have it can simply enter their data; the rest will have to go through a simple registration. The Microsoft account is the same for all devices running on the Windows platform.

You will also be prompted to set up OneDrive cloud storage, where the user’s documents, photos and videos can be located. After this, the installation and initial setup process can be considered officially completed.

The next step in setting up a fresh operating system is finding and installing drivers. Without some of them, you may experience problems displaying graphics on your PC, various errors, and even the inability to connect to the Internet.

Note! It is better to take care of the availability of the necessary drivers in advance by downloading them from official websites. The driver for the network card is especially important, because without it in the new system you will not be able to access the network, which means you will not be able to download other necessary programs.

You can check which drivers are missing in the system as follows:

  • go to “Device Manager” (“My Computer”, then “Hardware”);
  • pay attention to unidentified devices (with exclamation marks).

Elements designated this way work incorrectly or are not detected at all. After finding them, you can download and install the necessary drivers.

We hope this article helped you install and configure Windows 10 Technical Preview. Now, together with millions of other users, you can not only test some of the capabilities of the new operating system, but also take part in its improvement by sending error statistics to the developers and making your suggestions.

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