Windjview license agreement.

WinDjView - free application, which allows you to view files in DjVu format. The WinDjView program can be downloaded for free in Russian only for operating Windows system(Windows 7,XP, vista).

TO distinctive features The program is fast, compact and easy to use. If you need to quickly view a book in this format, then this is one of the best options.

The program interface is bilingual: Russian and English. The program is based on the freely distributed DjVuLibre library. The DjVu format is optimized for saving scanned documents. Proved itself well during creation e-books. Books with scientific and technical content, when compressed into an electronic document, do not lose the readability of formulas, diagrams, tables and graphs.

Main characteristics:

  • the ability to create tabs for the documents in question or open files in separate windows;
  • Dictionaries are supported that display the translation in a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor;
  • in single-page viewing mode, it is possible to rotate the image;
  • the user can create bookmarks and comments, as well as save backup copy to transfer to another computer;
  • quick search and copying of selected areas;
  • displaying the left panel of page thumbnails in the browser with a choice of size;
  • printing with the possibility of a wide range of presets;
  • import bookmarks;
  • changing the screen operating mode;
  • Document scaling has been successfully implemented and contains several page viewing options;
  • display settings, including brightness, contrast and gamma, as well as the ability to apply printing corrections;
  • export documents to four graphic formats: jpg, gif, bmp, png;
  • smooth scrolling when viewing files;
  • Possibility of integration into the Explorer context menu.

The installation distribution has a very “modest” weight. The installation process is fast. There is also a portable version of the program - to do this, you just need to copy it to a flash drive and use it anywhere. When running the application does not take up much random access memory and does not load the processor. When testing the program by users for many years, no shortcomings were identified.

The program can be downloaded for free from our website

It can rightfully be called one of the most popular programs for reading files in the DjVu format. WinDjVu is free and distributed on an "As-Is" basis, that is, "as is". There are several options for , so, you can find either one program file and run it without installation, or there are different assemblies. WinDjVu assemblies differ from just a program file in that they copy all the necessary files into the “Program Files” folder and set up associations for the files.

If you downloaded WinDjVu from the proposed assembly, then by default it is activated English language To switch WinDjVu to Russian, go to the View-Languages ​​menu and select Russian. Immediately, without restarting, WinDjVu will display all labels in Russian.

WinDjVu has a high speed of displaying djvu in Russian, opening books is fast, has a simple interface and does not take up much space. Unlike WinDjVu, it has a larger set of functions, and as already mentioned, windjview displays faster djvu file, which can be noticeable with large .djvu file sizes. In general, windjvu is a simple and lightweight program, there are not very many features, but there is nothing superfluous. It works quite quickly, there are no negative sensations during operation. Again, there are no options for customizing the interface, and the very appearance of windjview is spartan, which does not prevent it from being used for its intended purpose - reading books. Displaying and scrolling works flawlessly, also, the program is stable and there are no freezes or crashes of the windjview program.

Among the convenient features, it is worth noting search by document text (works only for documents where text recognition has been carried out), memorization open page- that is, you can return to reading where you left off. An interactive table of contents allows you to quickly navigate to the desired part of the book. Viewing the book is available both as a regular feed and in two-page or full-screen mode.

In addition to the usual functions for dragging a document to increase the transition to the desired page, rotate, print and others, WinDjVu has a number of useful and convenient features. The “Select Area” document viewing mode allows you to select any part of the document and save it as graphic file, for example jpg.

Also, the ability of the WinDjVu program to place a bookmark anywhere and on any page of the document may be useful. By analogy with a regular book, you place bookmarks in the right places and then you can return to the marked place.

Version 2.1 added the ability to export books to other formats, such as pictures. The ability to view in full screen mode, document annotation and many other improvements. Appearance also became much more enjoyable.

Program for djvu in Russian

Powerful, easy to use, and with advanced functionality, WinDjView will be an excellent assistant for users who need to work with DjVu files. This graphic format, which allows you to compress electronic documents without loss of quality. It is optimized for storing a variety of scanned documentation, especially technical texts with formulas, images, and diagrams.

Description of the WinDjView program

The application was originally developed for reading e-books in DjVu format. However, the program is endowed by the developer with many useful functions, which allow you to use it fully, for example, you can make notes and create an unlimited number of bookmarks. The application is distributed free of charge, has a modern, intuitive interface, smooth page scrolling and convenient printing functions.

Program features

To decorate documents in DjVu format, the application uses the DjVuLibre library. Among the advantages of using the program, the user will be able to appreciate the following:
  • you can open documents in separate windows;
  • there is a full-screen mode;
  • enlarging document fragments and its scale;
  • navigation using both mouse and keyboard;
  • convenient text search and copying;
  • comfortable adjustment of brightness and contrast;
  • advanced printing capabilities;
  • export part of a page or entire text to JPG formats, TIF, PNG, BMP, PNG;
  • Supports operation on all Windows operating systems.

WinDjView helps users save selected text fragments to their computer, and also has a “remember last page” function. This feature saves you from wasting time searching for the place where you finished reading. The user can make notes in the margins of the document, extracts, and write hidden comments. To translate an unknown word found in the text, simply hover the mouse cursor over it. The user has the ability to rotate pages 90 degrees.

The application allows you to work with electronic text as with a regular paper book. Comfortable and simple. Installing the program will not cause any problems - no lengthy installation is required. Download and quickly understand it functionality even a beginner can do it.

WinDjView is a fast and convenient program for viewing DjVu files under Windows with document tabs, continuous page scrolling and advanced printing capabilities. It is based on the freely available DjVuLibre library. The DjVu format allows you to save documents and pictures in high quality into small files.

MacDjView is simple program for viewing DjVu files under Mac OS X, also with continuous page scrolling.

WinDjView and MacDjView are free software software. You may redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Agreement or (at your option) any later version.

You can provide financial support to the project by making.

If you want to place the program on your website, then please do not provide direct links to the files. Instead, place a link to this page so that users can always download the latest version of the program.

WinDjView Features

  • Support for all common Windows versions(10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008, Server 2003)
  • Tabs for open documents. There is an alternative mode for opening each document in a separate window.
  • Continuous and single-page viewing modes, the ability to display a spread
  • Interface languages: English, Russian (for previous versions- also Ukrainian, Greek, Hungarian, French, Portuguese, Chinese (simplified), Tatar). To install, you need to download the appropriate language dll to the installation directory and restart the program.
  • Custom bookmarks and annotations
  • Text search and copying*
  • Support for dictionaries that translate words under the mouse pointer*
  • List of page thumbnails with custom size
  • Table of contents and hyperlinks
  • Advanced Printing Options
  • Full screen mode
  • Quick zoom and zoom by selection modes
  • Export pages (or part of a page) to bmp, png, gif, tif and jpg
  • Rotate pages 90 degrees
  • Scale: full page, page width, 100% and custom
  • Adjusting brightness, contrast and gamma
  • Display modes: color, black and white, foreground, background
  • Navigation and scrolling with both mouse and keyboard
  • If required, associates himself with DjVu files in Explorer

*These features are only available for documents with an embedded text layer.

WinDjView is a popular service for reading DJV and DjVu documents. In a nutshell, directly about the DjVu format itself. It is used for scanned images.

These can be illustrations and texts from books or magazines, drawings, manuscripts, etc. The technology itself for compressing such documents makes it possible to simplify the scanning and digitization of data.

Of course, you can use to view the file in PDF, but this is a good alternative. Let's give you a little hint why - if you download WinDjView for free in Russian, the document will be easier and clearer to read, which is good for your eyesight, and the utility itself will take up less disk space, which is also good for your computer.

Program features

WinDjView Reader was developed for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP and Vista, as well as for operating system Mac OS X. It is absolutely undemanding to system resources: only 256 MB of RAM and 25 MB free space on disk.

But despite its lightness and compactness, WinDjView Reader is a very powerful tool for opening, viewing and editing a document.

Let's talk about the functions of this complex.

  • Separate bookmarks for convenient simultaneous opening of several files.
  • Ability to write annotations in open file and preservation in the new one.
  • If necessary, rotate pages 90 degrees for easy reading.
  • Convert to JPEG / BMP / PNG / GIF / TIFF or save in test format.
  • The VinDeja Vu reader has advanced printing functions.
  • Text search and copying.
  • Full screen mode and zoom.
  • Opening documents as a plugin in Opera, Safari, Firefox, IE.
  • Table of contents and hyperlinks.
  • Portable version.
  • Intuitive and structured interface, Russian version.

A few more words about some interesting features. A new version supports dictionaries in which you can find the translation of a foreign word by just hovering over it with the mouse. There are also several hotkeys for easier navigation.

If some time after installing WinDjView you want to update it, we hasten to please you - regular updates occur automatically.

Please note that you can change display modes (color or black and white, rear or front), as well as set page parameters such as brightness, contrast, etc.

You can install the utility right now via torrent or our portal - it’s already available latest version. Try it and see how convenient it is to view deja vu documents.

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