Windows 7 has detected a hard drive problem. Solving the problem with disk failure warnings

Hard disks tend to become unusable due to increased load, poor quality workmanship or other reasons, including those beyond the control of the user. In some cases operating system can notify us of any problems using a warning window. Today we will talk about how to fix this error.

There are two ways to solve the problem with the system warning that appears. The meaning of the first is to check and correct errors, and the second is to disable the very function of displaying this window.

When this error appears, the first thing you need to do is backup all important data onto a working medium - another hard drive or flash drive. This is a mandatory condition, since during verification and other manipulations the disk may “die” completely, taking all the information with it.

Method 1: Check the disk

To the operating room Windows system Built-in utility for checking installed disks for errors. With its help, you can also restore problem sectors if they arose due to software reasons(“software bads”). In the same case, if there is physical damage to the surface or a malfunction of the controller, then these actions will not lead to the desired result.

If after finishing the utility the warning continues to appear, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Disable the error display

Before turning off this function, you need to make sure that the system made a mistake, and that everything is actually in order with the “hard”. For this you can use special programs- or .

By these actions we prevented the system from showing the window with the error discussed today.


With hard drives, or more precisely, with the information recorded on them, you need to be extremely careful and careful. Always do backups important files or store them in the cloud. If the problem has overtaken you, then this article will help solve it, otherwise you will have to buy a new hard drive.

Greetings, dear inquisitive readers! Today we will find out how to disable the message “Windows has detected hard drive problems disk." Usually such an expletive actually indicates problems with your hard drive. In my case it appeared after installing Windows on HDD with a certain number of bad blocks and an unacceptably large value of attribute No. 5 (Reallocated Sectors Count) in SMART. We will look at how to check a hard drive for errors separately, but now we’ll just turn off this window so that it doesn’t interfere with work with its sudden appearances. Nevertheless, as soon as the opportunity arises, I recommend replacing the hard drive with a new one.

Let's go to the Group Policy Editor. To do this, press Win + R and write: gpedit.msc.

The Local Group Policy Editor will open. Let's go to the address: Computer configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System-> Diagnostics -> Disk diagnostics.

There we will find two parameters that we will deal with. Double-click on the first parameter and in the next window set the value to Disable. Click OK.

If the system displays the error “Windows has encountered a problem hard drive", the reasons for this can be very different, as well as its consequences. The hard drive may be faulty (or defective if the computer is new), or the operating system files are damaged and will not load. If you encounter such a problem, I hasten to warn you - you can lose all your data: documents, videos, programs and images if the disk eventually becomes unusable, which will happen sooner or later.

What to do if you receive the message “Windows has detected a hard drive problem”

First, stay calm, don't panic. Pay attention to the bottom of the message, which shows which sections are having problems. This will save you time, given that the check takes a lot of time - you will know which sections to work with. We will perform the check using the CHKDSK command (from Check Disk), which checks the status of the hard drive and corrects any errors or problems, if possible.

And the warning “Windows has detected a hard drive problem,” as mentioned above, occurs due to hard drive problems - and sometimes it’s just sector damage, which can be cured using CHKDSK. So, we will perform the check through command line, which can be opened by pressing simultaneously Windows keys+R.

The Run dialog box opens. Type CMD and press Enter.

In the command prompt window, enter the letter of the problematic partition, or leave it as is if you need to check the default disk partition.

However, we see the message "ATTENTION! Parameter F is not specified. CHKDSK runs in read-only mode", plus some information. This is not enough. If we want to produce full scan hard drive and let Windows perform automatic error correction system files and bad sectors, you must add the /F parameter to the CHKDSK command, i.e. so that it becomes CHKDSK /F.

Note: If you selected a disk containing an operating system to scan, you will be prompted to scan after rebooting.

If the CHKDSK command did not help

In such a situation, I recommend that you start creating backup copies of all important files and data. You can transfer them to safe partitions from partitions that have faults (remember, the problem partitions were indicated in the warning). Or to another medium, for example, portable hard disk.

Once you have copied all your important data, you can check the hard drive to see if it is suitable for further use. Those. you can try to restore it to its functionality by full (not quick) right-clicking on the disk and selecting “Format” - the process may take quite a long time, depending on the size of the disk. Have patience.

All the above tips and instructions should help you in solving the “Windows has detected a hard drive problem” error related to hard drive problems. Also, in addition to all of the above, I would advise you to reinstall the operating system, because in most cases this helps in solving most problems. If all else fails, let me know feedback via the comment form below.

Hard drives, like any other “hardware” equipment installed on a computer, alas, not only do not last forever, but are also not immune to malfunctions due to various types of unforeseen or permanent errors. At the same time, the operating system very often, for no apparent reason, persistently reports that Windows has detected a problem with the hard drive.

The solution to eliminating such a problem, it would seem, lies on the surface. It is enough to run a check of the problem partition (usually the system one), after which, in systems of versions seven and below, install automatic error correction of bad sectors (in the eighth and tenth modifications this is not required), and then agree to its execution at the next reboot (similarly, the procedure can be activated via command line). But not everything is so simple here, since situations where checking the hard drive does not give desired results or it simply turns out to be impossible, there are quite a lot. In this case, the disk status is monitored in background, and the notification that Windows has detected a hard drive problem appears again and again. You can disable its appearance in several ways: in simple ways, which will be discussed further. But first, let's look at the most common problems.

Windows discovered why this message appears?

Most often, such a notification appears at system startup, since disk diagnostics starts right at the Windows boot.

As already mentioned, standard testing tools are not always able to eliminate identified problems. This most often manifests itself when the hard drive simply begins to “crumble” or too many unstable BAD sectors or areas containing uncorrectable errors. The situation is similar with the installation of the system, when after the first start it informs the user that Windows has detected a problem with the hard drive. It is clear that in such a situation it is best to replace the hard drive, otherwise over time the entire system will stop working due to fatal failures. Almost all users think so. However, if I may say so, you can deceive the system by simply disabling the corresponding service, and quite simply.

Windows has detected a hard drive problem: how can I stop the notification from constantly appearing through group policies?

Among all the methods for disabling the appearance of messages about detected failures, we will first focus on changing group policy settings. In the editor, called through the standard “Run” menu - with the combination gpedit.msc, through the administrative templates of the computer configuration, system and diagnostic sections, find the hard drive diagnostics item.

On the right side of the window you will see two options. By default they are in the active state. Having entered the editing of each of them through a double click or the corresponding RMB menu item, you need to specify shutdown as the current state, save the changes and restart the computer system. After this, the message that at some stage problems were detected with the hard drive, Windows 7 or any other OS of this family will no longer appear both at startup and during operation.

How to get rid of a message in the “Task Scheduler”?

The problem of disabling the appearance of a notification is no less simply solved in the so-called “Task Scheduler”, which can be accessed through the computer management section or called up its tools directly from the “Run” console.

To disable the constant reminder that Windows has detected problems with the hard drive, you need to use the computer management (administration) section, through the libraries item and the Microsoft and Windows sections, get to the DiskDiagnostic folder, then on the right set the similar group policies parameters, which, however, will be presented exclusively in the English version. As in the previous case, you will need to reboot (reboot) the computer.

Other methods to mute a message

In principle, you can disable the appearance of the above reminder by stopping the corresponding service (and several at once) or by changing the values ​​of some keys system registry, however, these two methods, compared to those described above, are somewhat more complex, and interfering with the registry without a clear understanding of the actions being performed and the necessary knowledge is unacceptable.

In addition, accidentally changing an entry can lead to the most unpredictable consequences for the entire system, and usually it is quite difficult to undo the changes made without saving a copy of the registry (sometimes even a standard rollback does not help). Therefore, as the most acceptable and simple solutions to eliminate the problem described above, it is better to use exclusively the presented methods, especially since there is nothing complicated in them, and even the most ignorant of them can cope with such a task Windows setup user.

In general, it is generally not recommended to disable diagnostics, since this will lose the possibility of timely detection possible problems and failures in the operation of the hard drive itself, which can greatly and not in the best way affect the behavior of the operating system. Such actions make sense only if you are determined to replace the disk, but you cannot copy the necessary information to another medium at one time, or there are problems with creating a disk image (or a snapshot of the Windows state). If we are talking about Windows installation or any other OS on a problematic hard drive or updating it, then, as is already clear, it is better not to do such things (the hard drive will refuse to work after a while anyway).

Today we will talk about what could be the reasons for the message: “Windows has detected a hard drive problem.” In addition, let's try to figure out what needs to be done in this situation, as well as how dangerous such an alert is. Let's quickly find a solution to the problem.

Operational actions

Well, if you see Windows reporting problems with your hard drive, you can usually start to panic. Especially when you don’t have all your data saved on your computer. The thing is that such behavior is the first sign of damage to your hard drive.

Typically, if you click Show Details, the operating system will tell you the path where the failure occurred. To avoid having to change the hardware later, you just need to completely format the partition. True, before such experiments you have to write all important files to a removable hard drive or flash drive. However, it is not recommended to turn off or restart your computer before all data has been saved.

So, if you see the message: “Windows has detected a hard drive problem,” get ready to take decisive action. The most harmless thing is to format the damaged partition. But there are other outcomes of the current situation. Let's get to know them quickly.

Error correction

If Windows detects problems with your hard drive, you can act in time and avoid colossal problems. To do this, just in case, write down important data on any medium, and then scan your computer for errors using standard tools.

How it's done? Very simple. To get started, press the hotkey Win + R. Now in the window that opens, run the command “gpedit.msc”. Go to the "Disk Diagnostics" section. It is located in "Configuration", in "Administrative Templates". Go to “System”, then to “Diagnostics”, and there you will find the function we need.

Now wait for the process to complete. Ultimately, you should correct the detected errors and problems. Restart your computer and work on it for a while. The message: “Windows has detected a hard drive problem” should stop bothering you. True, this option does not always work. Especially if you have a serious failure or damage to your computer.

Getting rid of viruses

True, sometimes a similar problem can arise when Trojan horses penetrate the operating system. In this situation, as a rule, it all comes down to operational verification and high-quality cleaning of the “axis” from various types of infection.

To do this you will have to use a good antivirus program. Dr.Web will work great. True, sometimes users prefer Avast or Nod32. In principle, there is not much difference. Quickly start a deep scan and then clean all detected malicious files. If it doesn't work, just delete it. When the process is completed, restart your computer. Just don’t forget to save your personal data to removable media. Look at the result. The message: “Windows has detected a hard drive problem” will no longer bother you.

Last resort method

But there is also a not very pleasant outcome. More precisely, there are two options for the development of events. We'll get to know both of them now. Let's start, probably, with what is considered a more optimistic outcome - you will have to reinstall the operating system, and at the same time format the damaged partition. In fact, if you have a fatal error, then this outcome is a very good result.

True, it may also happen that after restarting the computer you will see a black screen and... nothing more. That is, the computer turns on, but the system does not boot. Reinstalling the system does not give any results. In this case, you have only one choice - replace the hard drive with a new one. Co desktop computer There shouldn't be any problems - we sorted it out system unit, took out the drive, put it in a bag and went to look for exactly the same one. Found it? Then they bought it, came back, connected everything, installed the operating system and that’s it - you can continue to enjoy life.

But with laptops things are a little different. Here you will have to carry it in service center, where they will establish that your hard drive is broken (faulty), and then they will replace it. The entire process can take a month or more.

It is worth answering the fact that replacing the drive is usually required after the user decides to think about the question: “How to disable the message: “Windows has detected a hard drive problem”?” The point is that such a move does not rid us of the problem - it only disguises and hides it. That's all. Try to pay attention to the messages that the operating system gives you, and your computer can always be brought back to life.

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