How does a smartphone differ from a tablet, which is better to buy? Smartphone and tablet: differences between smart devices How a tablet differs from a smartphone

Modern mobile gadgets can practically replace the functionality of a personal user computer, however, what better tablet or smartphone? Which gadget is better to choose? Let's try to figure this out in this article.

The first gadgets such as smartphones and tablets appeared in 2007 at the annual presentation of new technology from Apple.

Today, such gadgets are produced by almost all computer equipment manufacturers; the choice of models is very wide and it is difficult for a potential buyer to decide on the desired gadget and its model.

To choose the ideal device for yourself, you first need to understand the main differences between a smartphone and a tablet. So what is the difference between a smart phone and a tablet PC?

What is the difference between tablets and smartphones?

Smartphones and tablets personal computers have a number of differences, as well as similar features. First of all, it should be noted that a smartphone is a device that acts as a mobile phone and can also perform everything basic functions computer.

There are also flagships - smartphones with very good characteristics, which in their performance are not inferior to some powerful computers.

The smartphone has a pre-installed operating system. As a rule, OS versions for smartphones are updated regularly. This allows users to gain a wide range of new capabilities to work with powerful software.

At the same time, the smartphone can only be used as cellular telephone, if you do not need to work with PC functions. The device can be easily configured to receive and transmit calls and SMS messages.

Tablet personal computers also have their own pre-installed OS.

As a rule, they differ little from those installed on smartphones. We can say that tablets are closer to PCs and laptops, because you can connect a basic input/output device (mouse, keyboard, printer) to such a device and get an almost full-fledged computer.

Also, most modern tablet models contain the function mobile phones, some even support having two SIM cards at once. However, talking with an interlocutor via a tablet is not always convenient on the street, but video calls are more convenient to use on a tablet - you will get best review interlocutor.

It is impossible to say with certainty what is best to use, because it depends on the personal requirements of each person for the device.

To understand which gadget is best for you, decide how you will use it most of the time: as a compact pocket device or as a computer.

Let's look at the main functions of smart gadgets and on which devices these functions will be more convenient to use.

Which device is better to buy for the Internet? In this case, it is impossible to give a definite answer, since it depends on many factors. First of all, decide where and how often you need to use your Internet connection?

For home Internet, it is more advisable to buy a tablet, because this will allow you to view web pages on a large display, watch movies and videos in the best quality.

At home, you can always connect the device to the router and get good speed connections. A larger screen can display more data on the page. The tablet is also perfect for reading magazines and news online.

If you constantly need to use the Internet outside the home, it is better to choose a compact device that is always convenient to put in your pocket and take with you for the whole day - a smartphone.

In addition to its compactness, the gadget is more convenient to use, because Wi-Fi coverage is not available everywhere and if the tablet does not support a SIM card, connecting to the Internet will become impossible.

Almost all smartphones on the market today can support multiple SIM cards at once. mobile operators. This means that you can choose the most favorable tariff for connecting to global network.

Smartphones support 3G and 4G connection technologies - this will allow you to get a high-speed connection wherever you are.

Working with application software

What is better to buy to work with specialized programs? Smartphones and tablet PCs are widely used by users for work.

With these gadgets you have the opportunity to:

  • Promptly conduct business correspondence using postal services;
  • Manage business and take notes;
  • To Work with office programs to create documents;
  • Create presentations and tabular reports;
  • To Work with cloud storage and gain access to general editing of the same document and other features.

If you often work with documents, it is better to use a tablet for this purpose. Firstly, it is able to fit more information on the screen. Secondly, the text is easier to read, and working with reporting becomes simpler.

A tablet PC can easily be converted into a small laptop. To do this, you can connect to it special keyboard and a manipulator.

A smartphone is not entirely suitable for working with office software, although there is a lot of software for displaying and working with documents on phones.

Work with business correspondence and conducting other business from a device that has a small screen is a rather complicated process.

Shock resistance

This aspect is also very important to consider. Gadgets are regularly used by users, they are mobile and easy to move from place to place. This is why there is a risk of the device accidentally falling.

If you want to buy a device that will be comfortable to hold in your hand, choose a smartphone - it is quite difficult to miss, because the phone is very easy to completely clasp in your palm. The tablet must be held with both hands at once in order to securely fix the device.

As a rule, users hit tablet screens more often. In addition, a smartphone is a more profitable device, because replacing a small phone screen is much easier and cheaper than repairing a fairly large tablet.

Taking photos and videos

As a rule, manufacturers equip smartphones with better main and front cameras. Even if the same number of megapixels is declared, the quality of the received frames on two devices may differ in favor of the smartphone.

This happens because a smartphone is more similar in structure to a camera than a tablet. It's easier to focus your phone on the subject of a photo or video. The camera on the tablet is more designed for video conferencing.

By the way, some smartphones do not support video calling even though they have front camera.


If an important factor when choosing equipment for you is the level of work with games, take a closer look at devices with a powerful processor and large capacity random access memory.

Also, to display high-quality images of the gameplay, the device must have a good display resolution. As a rule, these characteristics have good tablets middle and expensive class.

You can also play games on a smartphone, however, it is much more convenient to use a wide display. Games with a lot of small details (for example, strategy) will be displayed better on tablets.

Notice! If you are a fan of regular games: simple runners, arcades, gambling and logic programs, buy a smartphone. It will be more convenient to play such games on such a gadget.

Video editing

If you often edit footage and want to choose a device that would do the job well, it is better to choose a tablet. on his big screen It will be much easier for you to process each frame of the video.

Necessary software For installation, you can install it on both a tablet and a smartphone. Also, if you want to process videos on the go, it is better to purchase a smartphone with powerful specifications.

It will also allow for quick and high-quality installation. One of the most powerful programs for rendering and editing is Final Cut software, which is available on all Apple devices. For OS Android is better install Video program Maker Pro.

Phablet is a great alternative for those who find it difficult to choose a gadget

If you still haven’t been able to decide on the ideal device, turn your attention to the next option. Not so long ago, manufacturers of mobile gadgets began to produce phablets - devices that combine the functions of tablets and phones as much as possible.

How does a phablet differ from conventional smart devices? There are no special differences. The phablet combines all the basic features and characteristics of both a tablet and a smartphone.

This is a kind of golden mean, because the size of the phablet is too large to call the device a full-fledged smartphone and too small to call the gadget a tablet.

Phablets combine powerful characteristics with compactness and mobility. As for the prices for such devices, they are much more expensive than smartphones and their cost approaches, and in some cases even exceeds, the cost of a tablet.

Also, some users note that the phablet is not very convenient to use and hold in the hand, however, its screen displays the ideal amount of information from web pages.

Phablet owners can easily work with office applications and watch videos on their phone. Like smartphones, these devices are equipped with a high-quality camera.


When choosing a suitable gadget, focus on your personal needs and preferences. Compare the price you are willing to pay with the devices on the market and, based on the price-quality ratio, buy the gadget.

A comparative table of the advantages of two gadgets is based on the basic characteristics of the devices and their operation with basic functions.

The table looks like this:

Smartphone Tablet
Average weight Maximum up to 170 g from 250 gr
Dimensions (display diagonal) Up to 7 inches From 6.5 inches
Working with videos (editing) + + (mostly)
Working with the camera + (mostly) +
Games + + (mostly)
Office programs - +
Working hours Up to 8 hours Till 12 o'clock
Shock resistance + -
Surfing the Internet + + (mostly)

Thematic video:

Life without iPhone goes on.

No one will argue that the life cycle of a tablet is much longer than that of Apple smartphone. Every year at the fall presentation, Cook and company just put pressure on us, telling us how good new iPhone. This does not happen with the iPad; tablets are released less frequently and new products are not so clearly a competitor to the previous model.

Even psychologically iPad Air the second generation does not seem like an old and tired device, unlike the iPhone 6. Both devices were presented in the fall of 2014.

It turns out that for the same money you can buy a top-end smartphone or apple tablet or early comparable models. However, the iPad will easily last 4-5 years, but the iPhone will lose relevance faster. I admit that I still have an iPad 4, which has been working properly since 2012. Yes, the last ones iOS versions affect the performance of the gadget, but the iPhone 5 of the same year of production behaves worse.

Apple tablets remain practically unchanged in terms of design; the strength of the case and the arrangement of elements have proven themselves well. The iPhone undergoes a redesign every two years, users often encounter new problems, and smartphones are more susceptible to defects or functional breakdowns.

4. Security

Being with a cheap dialer most of the time, you don’t worry that it will be pulled out of your pocket in transport, you’re not afraid of leaving the device unattended in a cafe or forgetting it after a meeting. With an old Nokia, you will never become the subject of attention of suspicious individuals in the subway or underground passage. Returning home at night is much more comfortable with a simple tube than with iPhone latest models.

You can always answer a call or SMS, regardless of the situation or environment. Even turning on the “find iPhone” function will not give peace of mind in certain situations.

As a bonus, you will get rid of ridicule in the spirit of “he collected money on an iPhone, but takes the subway.”

5. Psychological factor

When you have a simple dialer in your hands for several thousand rubles, you don’t worry about dropping it. You can easily hold the phone with your shoulder during a conversation, carry it in any pocket, or throw it on the dashboard in a car.

A business trip or vacation will not be a potential place where you can break or lose a fashionable gadget. With an iPhone, it won't be so peaceful by the pool or on a sandy beach, in the mountains, in the forest or on a river.

Of course, we can list a number of inconveniences that arise when using two gadgets. However, neither the presence of different chargers, nor the need to carry a bag for your tablet will not negate these advantages.

All that remains is to choose a suitable dialer. The first month I experimented with giving up my iPhone, it was replaced Nokia 1280. When using this handset, a number of requirements for the new dialer were clearly defined. I need a phone with a high-capacity battery, good quality voice transmission and flashlight on board.

It would be ideal to have a Wi-Fi module in order to distribute Mobile Internet to the tablet. But such pipes are no longer made. You have to either be content with Nokia/Microsoft handicrafts or look for refurbished “E” or “N” series smartphones from real Nokia on AliExpress.

We would not be lying if we say that visitors website are not millionaires. We all try to save money. Therefore, we had a question: should we choose a smartphone or a tablet? If you only have enough money for one device, which one is better to buy? Let's figure it out.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine modern life without a smartphone. Therefore, in our article we are most likely talking about an additional smartphone - with a large screen, ideal for watching movies. After all, you should definitely have a compact device, since it’s impossible to take a tablet with you everywhere - it’s too big.

If you buy yourself a smartphone, you automatically get the ability to make calls. A tablet, even if it has a slot for a SIM card, can only be configured for an Internet connection. And is it necessary to mention that it is more convenient to talk on a smartphone, even if it has a 5.5-inch display?

For some reason, the cost of producing smartphones is very low. Therefore, now they are appearing with might and main, which have good characteristics. They often also have a light sensor, which makes their use quite comfortable. But they are equipped with less advanced characteristics, which is why they regularly experience slowdowns. We can conclude that to buy a good tablet computer you will most likely spend more money than purchasing a smartphone.

If you are a gaming enthusiast, then only an expensive “tablet” will suit you. Cheap models are simply not capable of providing modern games with adequate frame rates. But smartphones cope much better with launching them - even relatively inexpensive devices. Moreover, if the device includes a gyroscope, then it can also be inserted into it! There is no way you can place a tablet in it.

Now in stores you can easily choose a smartphone with a protected case. What can I say, even the super popular Galaxy S8 is not afraid of water! In this regard, you can easily buy a device for. You can take it with you outdoors. You will be confident that falling onto rocks or into water will not have harmful consequences. As for “tablets,” they rarely get a shock-resistant and waterproof case. Of course, such models still exist. But their cost is inadequate, and their characteristics are outdated.

By the way, when traveling, your smartphone will also delight you with its navigation module. You'll open the Maps app and immediately see your location. Tablets often also have a GPS chip. But think about it: will you want to take such a bulky device out of your backpack every time?

Advantages of tablets

Whatever one may say, but tablet computers They have a very large screen. Even 7-inch tablets seem like real giants compared to smartphones. A number of advantages flow from this. The most important of them is comfortable viewing of videos. This, of course, is not a TV or even a computer monitor. But compared to a smartphone, it's simply amazing! Especially if you compare devices of the lowest price category - now even inexpensive tablets have an IPS display with wide viewing angles.

On a large screen, greater detail is most often achieved (unless the pixel density is reduced to some 150 PPI). Due to this, it is easier to crawl around various sites on a tablet. On a smartphone you often have to use mobile version resource, which usually turns out to be less functional. Photos also look great on a tablet computer. Especially if they were obtained using a camera with a high-resolution matrix.

Some of us have read at one time e-books using mobile phones with tiny screens. But this does not mean that you need to continue using your smartphone to read. The fact is that even a 5-inch display is small. If you read information from such an LCD panel for a long time, your eyes may hurt, and if you do this regularly, problems may occur. Of course, this is not excluded when using a tablet. But its screen is still larger, so such devices are better suited for reading books. By the way, they are not the largest in size and have minimal weight - you can easily take them with you on the subway or to work.

Not everyone thinks about it, but the “pill” can be used by several family members at once. In recent Android versions For this reason, quick switching between profiles has even been introduced. It turns out that you are buying a device for several people at once - this is profitable. A smartphone is a purely individual gadget.

Another important advantage of the tablet is its reliability. Yes, the gadget usually includes the simplest things. But if a tablet computer falls, it is extremely rare and at home with a soft floor. And the “tablet” cannot be placed in the same pocket with the keys. Therefore, such a device can serve, if not forever, then for many years. And if you think about it, the service life will increase even more - due to a suitable cover.

What's better?

It's time to decide whether you should buy a smartphone or a tablet. In fact, it all depends on the tasks that the device will solve. If you want to give something to your child so that he can watch cartoons, your choice should be a tablet. And in general, tablet computers are best suited for watching all kinds of videos. But for a VR helmet and outdoor use, you should take a smartphone. But do not forget that its service life will most likely be noticeably shorter.

Tablets and smartphones are similar both in appearance and in characteristics. Consider that better smartphone or a tablet with phone function.

Visually, the gadgets are similar. The characteristics are also identical. The differences are as follows:

  1. A smartphone is bought for mobile communications, but is used as a pocket computer.
  2. The tablet performs the functions of a computer, only then a telephone.


The main differences between the devices are the dimensions of the gadget itself and the matrix. The smartphone has an average display of 5 inches. But the tablet has about 10.


The components of the gadgets are the same. There are models on the market with both basic, medium and powerful hardware. Thanks to this, you can choose something worthwhile. But there are differences regarding the processes. The following are used for smartphones:

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon;
  • MediaTek;
  • Exynos.

Tablets use:

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon;
  • MediaTek;
  • Intel.

Apple uses its own processors.

If the question is clock frequency and the number of cores, there are no differences as such.

operating system

The OS is selected based on the person's preferences. Android can be supplied to both types of gadgets, and there is no difference in the functionality of both types of devices. But when compared with Windows, there are differences.

The fact is that Windows 8 and 10 were developed for the tablet. And therefore, according to people’s reviews, it is better to work on them, since the size of the smartphone screen is not enough to carry out operations comfortably.

mobile connection

Modern tablets also have a SIM card slot, which allows you to use it for calls. But the fact is that they are inconvenient for conversations; SIM cards are more often used for the Internet. Therefore, in this regard, a smartphone is better.


Another criterion by which a gadget is chosen. Tablets that cost 15 thousand have a 4-core processor with a power above 2 GHz, and a RAM capacity of up to 3 GB. A smartphone for the same money has the same power.

If we compare the hardware, the differences between the gadgets will be as follows:

  1. The tablet has an excellent processor, so this option is suitable for gamers. It runs games with good graphics.
  2. Volume internal memory A tablet is usually larger than a smartphone.
  3. Large memory cards are used, for example 64 or 128 gigabytes.


Since a tablet is larger than a smartphone, it requires a large battery. Thanks to this, it turns out to gain in part capacity. Therefore, it works twice as long as a smartphone on a single charge.

But in most cases, the differences in operating time are insignificant, because the larger the screen diagonal, the faster the battery drains. Therefore, by starting different batteries you can achieve identical operating times.

The smartphone has the advantage of having a removable battery. If the latter breaks, it can be replaced (just buy a new one and put it in place of the old one). The tablet has a built-in battery, and if it breaks, you will have to go to service center, and pay for the services of the master.

Photo and video shooting

Camera performance is the main parameter that is an advantage of a smartphone. A modern smartphone has high-quality multi-lens optics, a photosensitive matrix and good software. Even cheap options often have autofocus and flash; the pictures become better quality than those taken with a camera.

The camera on the tablet is not as good. It is rather intended for video communication. It is unlikely that you will be able to find any settings in the tablet camera settings. And autofocus is missing in almost all versions of tablets.

If you compare photos taken with a tablet and a smartphone, the latter have much higher quality.


Some people buy gadgets specifically for gaming. Such people can be advised to use a device with a powerful processor and a large amount of RAM.

Good image display is important. Therefore, the device must have good resolution. Usually in such cases, medium and expensive tablets are chosen. The smartphone is also suitable for gaming. But it is inconvenient due to the size of the screen; small details are not visible on it.

Note! If you are a fan simple games, for example, arcade games, logic games or runners, you can safely choose a smartphone. The characteristics are enough to play similar games.

Video creation

If you edit video, it is better to purchase a tablet. The reason is the large display, which allows you to process every frame efficiently.

Editing apps are supported on both devices. If you need to edit videos on the way to work, it is better to choose a powerful smartphone. In the office or at home, a tablet is better suited.

Advantages and disadvantages of devices

To make a choice, let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of both gadgets.

Advantages of a smartphone:

  1. Market development. Every year there are new devices with a newer processor. The size of displays is also increasing.
  2. The product is suitable for mobile communications and message transmission.
  3. Powerful gadget in use for games.
  4. Compact dimensions. You can do work outside the home.
  5. You can use any applications, watch movies, videos and photos.
  6. High-quality photos and videos. Excellent camera performance.
  7. If the battery fails, it is simply replaced. You don't have to go to a service center.


  1. Many people consider the first advantage (market development) to be a disadvantage. Every year new models appear, and old ones cease to be relevant. And changing a smartphone every 2-3 years is a serious blow to the budget.
  2. Not all modern programs are suitable for processors.
  3. The screen size is too small to work with text documents.
  4. The average price of smartphones is more expensive than tablets with identical characteristics.

Advantages of the tablet:

  1. Screen size. The 10-inch diagonal allows you to easily view any data, including text documents. Suitable for reading e-books.
  2. Powerful hardware runs all programs and most modern games.
  3. Affordable price. Cheaper than a smartphone with the same characteristics.
  4. Stable market situation. If the model is good, it will be relevant in 5 years.


  1. Inconvenient for cellular communications.
  2. Fragile screen.
  3. If the battery breaks down, you will have to go to a service center.
  4. Due to its size it cannot be put in a pocket. More suitable for working at home.

To understand whether it is better to buy a phone or tablet, we recommend watching the video:

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better: a smartphone or a tablet. The choice of gadget depends on preferences. If the choice is made regarding games and movies, it is better to choose a tablet. If you have cellular communications and are compact – a smartphone. Before purchasing, it is recommended to pick up the gadget and familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics.

Sometimes we may be faced with the question of whether it is better to choose a tablet or a smartphone.

In fact, both devices, both a tablet and a smartphone, are very similar to each other, but according to the original intention of the manufacturers, they are intended for slightly different (albeit very similar) tasks. Due to this similarity, we often ask the question: is it better to buy a smartphone or a tablet? In order to understand this, we need to understand the differences between both devices. The very first difference that we can see is the size, because a smartphone is smaller and a tablet is larger; these differences in size also apply to the screens of both gadgets. The differences are also in the parameters; in a smartphone they are often higher and more productive, while tablets have simpler characteristics. A smartphone is essentially a phone for calls and communications, and a tablet is a device for the Internet, watching videos, and so on.

Screen size and overall dimensions: technical specifications

If we talk about the screen sizes of the two devices, then it is worth understanding that the tablet can have a screen of up to 10 inches, and in some cases even 12 inches or more. But despite this, the tablet remains mobile device, because it’s convenient for us to take it with us on the road or travel. In view of this, developers are trying to make even the largest tablets compact. There are no frameless displays in this type of device yet, but the frames around the screens are becoming smaller.

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