Dir 300 latest firmware. New D-Link Setup Wizard

Greetings, dear readers!
Many of those who ask how this is happening firmware router D-Link, they mean the DIR-300 model, which is not surprising - it is very common among domestic users, and with the release of the update it received a second life. In addition, this router was often purchased “as a load” together with Beeline or Dom.Ru tariff packages, so when switching to another provider, it would be a pity to throw away working equipment; it is better to install official equipment on it software and continue to use

I recently acquired a more advanced analogue for my collection, wi-fi router D-Link Dir-620 specifically to tell you in detail about working with routers from this company. This is a universal model that supports modems and storage devices, so this guide is also suitable for model owners D-Link DIR 320, 615, 2640U and others. Well, the last chapter of the article is devoted to updating the software of the D-Link DIR-300 router itself.

Automatic search for firmware for D-Link router

In general, many D-Link DIR series routers can check for firmware updates in automatic mode, so you don’t even have to download it manually. If you turned on the router for the first time (at, login “admin”, set the password yourself), then just go to the “System - Software Update” section so that it itself requests a fresh one from the D-Link server firmware

By default, the option is activated in the settings automatic update, so the request occurs. If it was not sent, then click on the “Check for updates” button so that the router contacts the server.

After receiving the information, the system will ask you to confirm your actions.

We agree and wait about 5 minutes - during this time you cannot turn off the router and disconnect the Internet cable from it, otherwise you risk turning it into a brick.

How to download firmware for a D-Link DIR router from the official website?

If for some reason it was not possible to update the router automatically, for example due to the remote server being unavailable, then download D-Link firmware DIR-300 can be installed independently from the official website dlink.ru. There is a convenient quick search - select your model from the drop-down list.

On the description page we are interested in the item internal menu"Downloads".

A list of firmware files will open with a description of the changes made, but do not rush to download latest version— first you need to find out the hardware version of your router. To do this, take it and turn it upside down - on the bottom of the case there is a sticker with data about the device. We are looking for the H/W value here, that is, HardWare - the version of the router's hardware. I have it called A1, that is, I need an upgrade file for D-Link router DIR-620 A1.

She was not the first, but the second on the list

Download it to your computer

Now we return to the admin panel of the router (don’t be surprised if you need to log in again), to the “Software Update” section. Click on the “Browse” button and select the file that you just saved on your PC.

And click on the “Update” button and wait for the update - after flashing the firmware and rebooting wifi router D-Link will earn on new version BY.

How to flash a D-Link Dir-300 router from Beeline or Dom.Ru

Download latest official version Firmware for the D-Link DIR-300 router can be downloaded from the official ftp server. We go to it, a folder with the names of router models will open.

Be sure to look in the instructions or the sticker on the D-Link router case to see what revision your model has. If you download something other than yours, the device will stop working properly.

It is designated by the letters “H/W Ver.:”. For example, in the example label below, the hardware revision is “B7”

Now we find a folder with the name of your model and revision number. We go into it, then into the Firmware folder.

We find the file with your revision number, that is, for my example it will be a file with the extension .BIN, which has “B7” in the name, for example 20130220_1810_DIR_300NRUB7_1.4.8_sdk-master.bin. By the way, I had it in another subfolder called B7.

In general, the path to my firmware file looked like http://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-300_NRU/Firmware/B7/20130220_1810_DIR_300NRUB7_1.4.8_sdk-master.bin

Next, the matter remains small. We return to the admin panel of the router, go to the “Maintance” section in the top navigation, and select “Firmware Update” on the left. In the “Firmaware Upgrade” subsection, select the firmware file, click “Upload” and wait until it is applied. In this case, it is desirable that the router be connected to the computer via a cable.

In the same way, just below you can update the language interface of the admin panel by first downloading it from their website.

This completes the firmware for the D-Link router - it will no longer be tied to one operator, such as Beeline or Dom.Ru, and it can be used for any connection. Have fun using it!

D-Link DIR-300NRU. Firmware from Beeline. How to flash and how to roll back to native firmware.

How to flash a D-Link DIR-300 router with custom Beeline firmware? How to roll back to native firmware?

Firstly, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with this topic, and secondly, make sure that you really have a router D-Link DIR-300 B1-B4 (NRU)(B1-B4 is the revision number, you can look at back cover router).

Download the intermediate firmware and upload it to the router via the web interface (after downloading the firmware, reset the settings if necessary). Login to the Web interface of the router on standard firmware is carried out at When you uploaded this firmware, the router stops “understanding” the firmware form.bin, but it begins to understand the firmware with the extension .fwz, .fwz - firmware file format for DIR-620 and more. Also in this firmware there is no Emergency room, which was used on the original one to restore the system.

The standard DIR-620 firmware file has the extension .fwz and is a .tar.gz archive containing images of the Kernel and RootFS areas, a list of areas to be flashed and a firmware script: ./runme - firmware script. Launches after successful unpacking of the archive on the router, frees up the router’s memory by unloading running processes, launches the procedure for flashing the areas specified in the list file;

  • ./img/list- list of firmware areas. Contains file names corresponding to the names of the flash memory areas of the router. In the standard firmware it contains the lines "Kernel", "RootFS";
  • ./img/Kernel- router Linux OS kernel;
  • ./img/RootFS- router file system. When creating this archive, it is necessary to take into account the size of the areas. The Kernel file must be no larger than 917504 bytes (0xE0000), RootFS - no larger than 7143424 bytes (0x6D0000). The integrity of the DIR-620 firmware is checked when unpacking the archive on the router.
(c) http://www.deadc0de.ru/fwformat.html


After which the default passwords and router IP address were changed:

  • Router address -
  • Username for access to the web interface - admin
  • The password for accessing the web interface is admin
  • Name wireless network(SSID) default - beeline-router
  • The default password for the wireless network (Wi-Fi) is beeline2011

Now let's try to roll back to the native firmware (for example, we didn't like the Beeline firmware). Download the firmware DIR300B_FW205WWB01.bin for our router revision. True, we downloaded it, but if you try to update the router right now with firmware in the .bin format, nothing will work, because... in fact, with Beeline firmware we have DIR-620, which only understands the .fwz format (i.e. firmware in .tar.gz). What to do in such a situation? This will help us: Wive-NG routers firmware (dsl/rtnl) - - . Wive-NG-RTNL firmware for RT305x devices.

Download the Wive-NG firmware for DIR-620 (since our router now only understands such firmware) from the link - and upload it through the web interface. Do not forget that after the update is completed, the router address will again change to (!)

But from the firmware Wive-NG-RTNL You can already pour your own one. To do this, go to Administration -> Management, select there our factory firmware downloaded from the official website (DIR300B_FW205WWB01.bin). After flashing the router, everything returns to its original state. WiFi also works. After it you can put any official firmware from DLink, for example at the moment it is dir300b_v2.06_b9fe.bin.

So, once again, briefly, the instructions for D-Link DIR-300 B1-B4 (NRU):

To flash Beeline firmware:
  • Download the intermediate firmware and upload it to the router via the web interface (after downloading the firmware, reset the settings if necessary). In fact, this firmware is an assembly of the DIR-620 firmware for the DIR-300 with the same image format.
  • After uploading the intermediate firmware, the device began to understand the .fwz image format (dir-620), but lost the understanding of .bin (the native DIR-300 image), as well as the Emergency Web Server / Emergency Room used for recovery.
  • Now you can upload proprietary Beeline firmware from this page. At the time of writing current version The firmware for hardware revision B1/B2/B3 was 1.2.117.
  • After the firmware has been uploaded, login to the router's Web interface will be available at
To return to native firmware:
  • We set the network card to two IP addresses with a mask of and with a mask of To be able to access the Web interface before and after the firmware update.
  • Download the firmware Wive-NG-RTNL for DIR-620 (since our router now only understands such firmware) via the link - and upload it through the web interface. Do not forget that the Beeline firmware has the default IP address of the router:
  • Attention! Don't forget to unpack the archive before updating the firmware.
  • Download the firmware DIR300B_FW205WWB01.bin from the official FTP for our revision of the router.
  • But from the firmware Wive-NG-RTNL You can already pour your own one. To do this, go to Administration -> Management, select there our factory firmware downloaded from the official website (just in case, an alternative link to).
  • After flashing the router, everything returns to its original state, WiFi also works. Do not forget that on the native firmware the web interface address is Then, if you wish, you can install the latest official firmware from DLink, at the time of writing this instruction it was dir300b_v2.06_b9fe.bin.
p.s. Do not install firmware for DIR-300/NRU hardware revisions B1, B2, B3 on a DIR-300/NRU router with hardware revision B5. This leads to the router not working.

Wireless Wi-Fi routers produced by D-Link have never been distinguished by good and stable software. In general, microprograms are Lingka's Achilles' Heel. Even on expensive models, you may encounter problems caused by poor performance of one or another function, or generally unsatisfactory performance of the device itself. What then can we say about the budget models Winreless N150 and Wireless N300. Therefore, when purchasing a D-Link DIR router, we not only advise, but strongly recommend that you update the modem or router software to the latest version available.
There is no need to be especially afraid of updating the router program - this is a normal routine procedure. The manufacturer does not prohibit it, so even if a failure occurs during flashing, you can change it under warranty. Also, in most cases, the configuration will not be lost and you will not have to configure the device again.

Where to download firmware for the Dlink DIR router?!

All software for D-Link modems and routers is posted on the official FTP server. To get to it, you need to type the address in the address bar of your browser: ftp.dlink.ru. Press the Enter button and get to this page:

Open the “pub” folder, and in it go to the “Router” directory. Scroll the list to the desired model. In our case, let's take DIR-300 as an example.

As you can see, there are several DIR-300 folders here. This is all because the D-Link DIR-300 has about a dozen hardware versions (or revisions, as they are called). At the same time, the firmware from one revision does not fit the other at all. Moreover, the router can be rendered inoperative if you try to reflash it with the wrong firmware. To avoid making a mistake and download the program specifically for your version of the router, turn it upside down and look carefully at the sticker:

There will definitely be a line on it H/W Ver.- this is the hardware version. Now, taking this into account, we choose the desired folder and download the file from the Firmware to your computer.

The next step is to install the router software update. To do this, go to the web configurator by entering the router’s IP address in the search bar. After authorization we get to home page. Here you need to select a section System >>> Software update:

Here you must first click on the "Browse" button and select the file with the firmware of the D-Dink DIR-300 router. After that, click on the “Update” button and wait. The procedure usually takes 3-4 minutes, after which you will again be taken to the main interface page.

Some software versions have added the D-Link automatic flashing tool. It's called "Remote Update":

Everything is done simply - first you need to check for updates, and then just apply the settings. The main requirement is active connection to the Internet.

If your router has an older version of firmware, then the web configurator may look like this:

Everything is very simple here too. First you need to go to “Advanced settings”, and then select the “System” section:

There will be a subsection "Software Update". Click on it and you will see this window:

Click on the "Browse" button and insert the D-Link firmware into the device. Click on the "Update from file" button and wait for now new program will be installed.

IN old version For DIR-300 and DIR-615 software, there may also be an option for automatic flashing:

In this case, you need to click on “Check for updates” and then simply apply the settings. The software will be checked and installed into the device memory. After 3-4 minutes it will reboot with the new version.

Situation in which it is necessary to do restoring firmware on DIR-300 routers different revisions may arise for various reasons. In addition to a malfunction in the firmware, when a WiFi router simply stops distributing the Internet and its web interface becomes unavailable, this could also be a simple rollback to the usual “stock” firmware after DD-WRT. Or it could be a recovery after an unsuccessful flashing, when the router was fed firmware from a different hardware version.
In general, the developers - the D-Link company - foresaw such a development of events and on many modern devices they created an Emergency Web Server or Failsafe UI, which is actually the same thing. Now let's figure out together how to use it.

Before doing anything with the router, you must first download the firmware from official server D-Link - ftp.dlink.ru:

You can find out what hardware version of DIR-300 you have on the sticker on the back cover of the case:

After that, go to the desired folder on the server, look for the “Firmware” directory there and download the latest firmware version and the previous one, just in case. After that, we begin to conjure with a piece of iron. We disconnect the provider’s cable from it and all clients, except the computer from which we will do the recovery.
Then we do this - go to the Connections settings local network and manually enter the IP address in the properties of the TCP/IPv4 protocol , mask and the gateway - :

You can register the addresses of DNS servers, or you can not - this is not important, because they will not be used. Click on OK and close the settings.

We take our DIR-300 in our hands and press the button Reset:

Keeping it pressed, turn off the power to the router with your other hand and turn it on again. Wait 15 seconds and release Reset.

Now you need to launch an Internet browser and enter the address in the address bar - The result should be like this:

There may be another nuance here. Earlier DIR-300 models had a disaster recovery interface at a different address. Therefore, if your router does not respond to, then again go to the properties of the TCP/IP protocol and register the following IP:


You also need to enter the address in the address bar of the browser:

The interface of Emergency Web Server and Failsafe UI is virtually identical - a file selection button, and a button to start flashing. Click on “Browse” and select the downloaded file with the firmware. Then click on “Upload” and wait for the process to complete.

What do we have as a result? Working router D-Link DIR-300! All the best!

The D1 is very similar to the process with other devices, but some people still have a lot of questions.

Basically, these questions are related to downloading the “D-Link DIR-300 NRU firmware” file from the website created by D-Link, as well as questions related to the updated interface in the firmware, which is clearly seen in the example of version 2.5.n

IN this description Let's look at how to reflash the D-Link DIR-300 router by receiving the latest firmware version 2.5.n from the website for the DIR-300 D1 model and how to perform the installation correctly, provided that the router was factory-installed with firmware with additions and updates 1.0.4 . In this guide I will try to take into account all the nuances that arise during installation.

Firmware for router d link dir 300: stage 1

The explanation of how to flash DIR-300 is only suitable for routers that have the following letters on the bottom of the case: H/W: D1. If the values ​​are different, then you need to download a file with different firmware.

Where to download firmware d link dir 300

  • We go to the manufacturer’s Internet project, which is located at http://ftp.dlink.ru in order to download the file itself.
  • On it we go to the pub pack, then to the folder called Router, and then to the DIR-300 (underscore) NRU and in it we find the Firmware folder. It should be noted that inside the Router directory there are DIR-300 A D1 directories. Their differences are that one of them has an underscore, while the other does not have such a symbol, it is written in one word. To update the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router, you need the file that I specified.

The firmware itself is located in this directory.

They all end in .bin

When this article was written, newest file firmware was created in 2013 I will install this version in this created in 2013 I will install this version in this guide.

Preparations before installation

If you know how to get to the settings section of the connected device, then in such a case you don’t have to read this section. The only thing I would like to note is that updating the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router and the main changes are best made using a connection to a modem using an Ethernet cable.

If the router is disabled and the user has not performed the previously described actions:

  1. The router must be connected using a wire (supplied with the device) to a personal PC, using which the firmware will be performed. It should be noted that on a personal PC the input for network card is the LAN1 port on the device. If your mobile PC does not have such a port, you will have to skip this step. The connection occurs via Wi-Fi.
  2. Connect the device to a power outlet. When using a Wi-Fi connection, after one to two minutes a network called DIR-300 will appear, which will not be protected by a password, provided that the name and other parameters have not been changed. You need to connect to the network that appears.
  3. Open the browser and write where you usually write the URL of the desired site: If the page does not open, you need to open the TCP/IP protocol parameters and check the box next to the inscription Obtain an IP and DNS address automatically.
  4. When the form opens in which you need to register your login and password, you must enter admin. The first time, you will be asked to change your password. If you don't change it, New Password You must not forget, as it will be useful for subsequent entries into the device settings. If the password does not work, maybe you or someone else changed it before you, you need to reset all device settings. To do this, press and hold for a while the button called Reset, which is located on the back of the router.
  5. If the above was done correctly, what we were aiming for begins: flashing the D-Link DIR-300 router.

D link dir 300 firmware update using example rev. B6

You will be shown the only option you need, it depends on the version that is installed on the router. This is the settings interface.

In case number 1, if the DIR-300 NRU rev. firmware is installed. B6 version 1.n.n, you need to follow these steps.

  • Click on the “advanced settings” item; if the Russian language is not displayed, you can change it in the Language section.
In the “system” item, click on the arrow pointing to the right
  • Next is the software update.
  • Now we indicate the firmware file that we just recently downloaded.
  • Click on the button called “update”.

Having completed all these steps, the wait for the process to end comes. And now, the D-Link DIR-300 NRU firmware is finished. If suddenly you see that the installation process has stopped, or the page has stopped, you need to go to the “notes” section, which is located a little lower.

Router d link dir 300: Beeline firmware

This paragraph is needed for users who need DIR-300 NRU firmware improved version 2.n.n. Besides, this instruction suitable if you need to install firmware on a router from Beeline.

  1. Go to the settings section
  2. A menu will open where we select “System”, then updated software. If necessary, switch to Russian.
  3. We go to the section “ local update" and click on the "review" button. Next, we indicate where the *.bin file is located in file system your personal PC.
  4. Click update.



If it suddenly seemed to you that while the update was taking place or while the DIR-300 firmware was being installed, the router froze. It seems like this if you notice that in the display window of the browser page where the update is taking place, a special installation bar is constantly moving.

It appears that the page is not loading. This may happen because during a software update, the connection between the personal PC and the router stopped. You should wait two or three minutes and then connect to the device again.

When using a wired connection, recovery will occur automatically.

Then you should go into the settings again and see that the update has occurred.

Further, the necessary device settings do not differ in any way from the settings of the same models, but with different interface options. Differences in interface design are not scary. Now you know how to get the D-Link DIR-300 firmware and reflash the device. Still have questions? We write them at the bottom of the article!

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