Radio chanson broadcast. Musical happy birthday greetings on your phone How to say hello to autoradio

Musical birthday greetings for your phone- bright, cheerful song wishes that will become a wonderful present and an unforgettable surprise on a special date. A good parting word will make you and the birthday boy happy; musical birthday greetings will help with this, they will not only amuse you, but will lift your spirits. We are pleased to present you a large selection of musical greetings based on popular and beloved songs from different generations. There will be no limit to delight when, after listening to a musical message on the phone, the hero of the occasion hears a good farewell from his favorite performer. The most long-awaited holiday for us is a birthday, so we want to congratulate you cheerfully and enthusiastically, there are many ways to do this, but it’s not so easy to really distinguish yourself. This type of service as congratulating a song over the phone is in great demand, it’s not by chance, because it has many advantages:

  • Large selection of musical greetings (about 15,000).
  • Easy to send (Indicate phone numbers only).
  • Adequate price for the item (as for a postcard).
  • Indicating the date and time of the call (by default - immediately).

Please your relatives and friends with musical congratulations over the phone, it will literally be stunning, a pleasant song with kind words for mom or a modern hit with cool wishes for a sister or friend will be an excellent original birthday gift. Quite often, musical wishes for women and men are based on popular pop songs, which we often hear on radio and television; these beloved melodies with sweet parting words in the text are more popular than ever among both the older and younger generations. In order to order and send a musical greeting, you need to do the following:

With the availability of cellular communications, making an unforgettable holiday surprise is now easy and affordable. From this it is concluded that musical audio happy birthday greetings are the most affordable in terms of portability and price and also definitely benefit from other holiday services.

I would also like to note that all musical congratulations on the birthday will arrive on the phone as an incoming call, regardless of the location of the birthday person.

Now it is obvious that sending a parting song from the prazdnikopen website to a mobile phone is fashionable, modern, and also saves time and money. Congratulate, delight and surprise your family and friends with cheerful, cheerful musical cards over the phone, because we so need a feeling of warmth, care, and especially on a joyful date!

In this section, you can listen to and send a song as a gift to your phone friends and family. This is another way to congratulate relatives and loved ones on the holiday or cheer them up.

  • A beautiful song that will say everything for you!
  • Choose a song from the selections below or submit your own.
  • If you visited this page from a smartphone, go to the mobile version of the site or download the application to your phone.

Song greetings on your birthday

  • This is a great musical birthday gift and a good way to tell your loved one how you feel!

Happy Birthday and Anniversary Greetings

To congratulate you with a happy birthday song or anniversary, listen to the postcards in this section, indicate the recipient’s number and click “Send”. You can send congratulations in advance; to do this, indicate the desired date and time of the call.

Popular songs that can be sent to your phone

  • Hit! Songs as a gift, in which the recipient's name will be announced.

A musical surprise gift will be delivered to the recipient’s phone immediately or at the time you specify (you must specify the date and time before sending).

There is nothing easier than congratulating friends and family with a song!

A song as a gift “without unnecessary fuss”,
I listened and sent it and congratulated my friend!
Remind your beloved that you are her darling.
To confess your love, you don’t have to be shy,
Just send a song and you'll be together!

Birthday gift song for friends and relatives

Song as a gift- a great alternative to the usual congratulations over the phone. You don’t need to find words to express your feelings and gratitude; you can always do this at the holiday table. And here congratulate with a song and you can cheer up your loved one or the hero of the occasion right in the morning.

  • This is original and accessible to everyone (if you have a phone and the Internet at hand)

Add a signature to your card and the person will know who he received it from unusual musical gift.

Love songs that can be sent as a gift to your mobile phone

Don't have a suitable song? Submit yours

This page contains popular songs and compositions that are most often sent. You can look at all the songs and choose something suitable.

If you want to send your song to your phone from a computer via the Internet, use a special service. Also, the service allows you to record any sound (using a microphone) and send it to your phone.

  • Submit your song:

  • >>> It’s better to first trim the song and then upload it for sending (it’s more convenient and faster). An online service can help: but most often the most convenient way is to pay from your mobile phone balance.

    The cost of congratulations is fixed, written off once and depends on your mobile operator.

    You will find additional information on our website in the “” section.

“Chanson of the Year 2019”: all the stars on the main stage of the country

The solemn ceremony of presenting the “Chanson of the Year” award took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! The main hall of the country was sold out that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to attend the concert. After all, “Chanson of the Year” is a kaleidoscope of your favorite artists, original authors, and soulful songs!

Katerina Golitsyna is now not only one of the most beloved performers of Russian chanson. The artist will soon present a completely new project! “The most important news of the last three months is the realization of my long-time dream. This is the creation of a YouTube channel that will present new children's songs. And the channel is called “MultiVarik TV”. I am his producer, I am his ideological inspirer..."

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The famous English writer Chesterton once sarcastically remarked: “If we call cabbage a cactus, we will immediately find a lot of interesting things in it.” And if we, suppose, call an outsider a leader, will this make a champion out of a loser? I doubt it, although many people try to achieve fame and glory this way. It’s just that in their business, where they have to prove their worth, they don’t succeed much. The biathletes of the Russian national team decided to “become cacti.” Well, if little happens at a distance and at the firing line...

Autoradio began its history in 1993, when on April 5 the first live radio broadcast took place. Celebrities were invited to the premiere broadcast: Alexander Gradsky and Nikolai Ozerov. Over the almost twenty-year history of the radio station, almost all modern pop stars, as well as politicians, cultural figures, and athletes have become guests of various programs and live broadcasts. Today, autoradio has 168 hours of broadcasting per week in all regions of the Russian Federation and in more than 1,300 cities. Autoradio provides a variety of programs for listeners:

"We have news"
"People's News"
"Stars of Autoradio"
"Disco 80s"
"Sport time"
"Autoradio congratulates"

About 10% of the radio station's broadcasting consists of short information programs about the current road situation, various dangers, events, new legislation, information from the traffic police. These programs are aimed mainly at road users, so that when listening to the car radio, they have the most accurate information about the condition of the roads. The remaining 90% of broadcasting is occupied by entertainment programs, broadcasting music of Russian and foreign performers.

Autoradio has been presenting a large-scale project “Autoradio disco of the 80s” for ten years now. The first Autoradio disco took place in 2002 in Luzhniki, there were about 10,000 spectators - a full house. The festival was attended by such famous groups and performers as:

Time Machine
CC Catch
Bad Boys Blue

The 80s disco from Autoradio was such a success that it was decided to hold similar events annually. And in 2011, the 10th anniversary disco of the 80s from Avtoradio took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex, which attracted a record number of spectators - more than 30 thousand people, in front of whom 14 world pop stars, as well as iconic Russian stars, performed. A grandiose musical show from Autoradio of the 80s is broadcast on the main television channels of the country. In addition to Moscow, the 80s disco from Autoradio is also performed in St. Petersburg, also gathering full houses of spectators and no less eminent singers and musicians - the Mirage Group, Vladimir Presnyakov, VIA "Hello Song", Eddy Hungtington, Riccardo Fogli, Fency. In addition to this annual festival of legendary music of the 80s, in almost every city where Avtoradio broadcasts, discos are held in local clubs. They are held as joint events, and the hosts of the parties are auto radio DJs.

A very popular radio program broadcast on the waves of Autoradio is the “Stars of Autoradio” project. In it, correspondents and presenters talk about the life and work of modern artists, reports from concerts and recording studios are broadcast, stars are invited to the studio. Also, the “Autoradio Congratulations” program is especially loved by radio listeners. During the program, listeners can convey congratulations to their loved ones, as well as say hello and order their favorite composition, which will be played online live. Every morning the radio station’s broadcasting begins with the entertainment show “Murzilki”, the first episodes were back in 2001, since then this program has been loved by listeners, for which it has been awarded several awards.

As noted above, Autoradio has representative offices in every region of Russia. In addition, within the framework of the holding company “Broadcasting Corporation “Prof-Media””, radio stations of the same name were organized in Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, and Mongolia. You can also listen to Autoradio online on the Internet and on the radio station’s website.

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