How to Add a Contact Form in WordPress. The best WordPress plugins for creating contact forms Plugin for creating a wordpress contact form

Those who at least somehow want to have a connection with visitors often ask the question: how to create a feedback form on the site? which is usually displayed on the contact page so that visitors have the opportunity to write to you on any occasion. You don’t need to create this feedback form yourself, it has already been invented and you just need to install the feedback plugin, which will help you easily install the desired form and customize it to your needs. in this review you will get acquainted with the list of the best feedback form plugins that have various capabilities and directions and with their help you can organize any forms on your website without involving a programmer, and this will be much cheaper, in other words, the same result for less money. You can find them in the repository by searching by entering the corresponding name of the form plugin in the search bar.

Why do you need a feedback form?

  1. This question interests many, because you can simply write your email in your contacts and that will be enough, but firstly, there are some nuances, the fact is that if you just write the name of the email. mailbox, it can be used by spammers, who will then constantly replenish your mailbox with garbage, i.e. This is a kind of anti-spam protection.
  2. Secondly, this is, of course, convenience; if a person has already visited your site, then of course he will want to quickly write to you right from here without any problems, and in the form he will indicate his mailbox, where he will receive a response from you.
  3. Thirdly, this may be necessary to send some template data, such as filling out some form. That is, there can be many fields in the feedback, which can be called anything, depending on the topic, and this data will be sent by the template to the site owner. It turns out that you fill out a certain form and send it.

Thus, if you install a feedback plugin for WordPress, you will solve some of the issues related to the quick response of visitors, which will be convenient for both them and you. So let's take a look at the most outstanding WordPress feedback plugins:

List of feedback plugins in WordPress

1. Contact Form 7

It would be right if we start with the most popular feedback form plugin in WordPress Contact Form 7 (FREE) - which has already been used by more than 5 million people. It achieved such popularity due to a long period of use, during which it constantly changed for the better, which is why it is recognized as the best feedback plugin. It is very easy to use and with minimal settings that even amateurs can handle, but you must have skills in working with html, because the form will need to be edited and the inscriptions changed to Russian.

It supports about 46 languages, so it covers almost the entire world. It is capable of using CAPTCHA, and filtering spam using Akismet. It is updated frequently, has very good technical support and is set up fairly quickly. Its main task is to create a feedback form that can be sent by email. He does this perfectly, so we can safely recommend him to everyone.

2. Contact Form by BestWebSoft

- also a convenient and simple form plugin for WordPress, with which you can just as easily install a contact form on a website using a shortcode. This plugin is also worthy of special attention, because... its free version has quite rich functions, including determining the sender’s IP address, the date and time of sending, the ability to translate the entire form into another language, spam protection, the ability to expand the contact form using the Contact Form Multi plugin... and many others. Those who want to see extraordinary abilities, of course, must pay extra and then you can already see such functions as: customizing styles, an auto-responder option, customizable tips and many others, but I would call it a form autofill plugin, for its ability to do this.

This plugin from BestWebSoft has gained fame due to its reliability and responsive technical support. It is recommended by many who have already used it and were satisfied with it.

3. Contact Form Builder WordPress Plugin by vCita

- behind such a long name of the plugin lies a modest hard worker who, after installation, will allow you to quickly customize the contact form, immediately set the field sizes, color and font in the field. It can easily install a contact form using a shortcode on any page of the site. It can work with 7 languages, including Russian. It is more attractive for its unique, recognizable style, which is good at attracting site visitors to itself and with it you can easily send a notification through the feedback form, which is exactly why it is needed. In just a minute, you can install a contact form anywhere on your site or on every page. If the free options are not enough for you, then you can always look at the list of paid options and make a choice by purchasing a plugin.

4. Jetpack

- this is a multifunctional plug-in constructor that has a whole set of different versatile accessories that can: show site analytics, automatically publish posts in social media in advance, provide SEO tools, an advertising program with leading search engines, PayPal payment buttons and even backup the entire site and a lot of other interesting things, and it’s free, but there is also a paid version with advanced features.

So, among this variety, there is the opportunity to use an interface with forms that can be added anywhere. It turns out that in addition to everything, this plugin can be used as a feedback form and with the installation of this plugin you will gain many interesting and previously unknown advantages. So go for it.

5. Ninja Forms

— unlike its predecessor, this plugin is narrowly focused and the fact that it can quickly create any form in a matter of minutes without restrictions is its main task. The shape is created using the drag-and-drop method effortlessly, which will allow even a beginner to quickly navigate and make any shape of any complexity. It supports options such as: Google reCaptcha spam protection, exporting and importing forms, using custom input masks, redirecting to another page after completing the form, etc.

6. Visual Form Builder

is a WordPress feedback form plugin that you might be happy with if you choose it. After all, it has a number of useful features: an antispam system, saving records in the database, inserting a form using a shortcode, exporting records to CSV and other amenities. It is very convenient, since fields are added by simply dragging and dropping, but it is more useful because you can create any fields, because it is aimed not only at feedback, but at installing various web forms. I didn’t like it because when you insert the form into the widget, the first letters of the field labels are covered with some kind of icon; I couldn’t fix it myself. But in other places everything was fine.

In general, it must be said that if you need some unusual web form, then with this plugin you can implement it, but if there are not enough capabilities free version, then you can switch to a paid one, where it is possible to expand more widely and at the same time technically. support adequately helps solve problems, even provides advice.

7. Contact Form by Supsystic

is a feedback plugin with recaptcha, simple and convenient in that it is intended only for feedback, and setup takes a matter of seconds and there is nothing superfluous. Moreover, it fits very well into your theme. In terms of functionality, it is similar to Contact Form 7, i.e. the same possibilities, but you can tell why you like it after trying it.

8. Formidable Forms - Form Builder for WordPress

- it will help you add a feedback form to the site, as well as survey forms, purchase forms and order forms, user registration forms, event calendars, as well as any other forms that will look good on a screen of any size, be it a tablet or a smartphone. Moreover, you can add your own fields, or you can use ready-made forms that the developers of this plugin offer to use. You can customize the style of your web form, although if you display this form, it will be the same everywhere, but if you want it to be different, then you need to upgrade to the paid PRO version. But the paid version can already implement a multi-page form, apply conditional logic, integrate platforms, manage data, etc. The paid part allows you to enter, display, edit and filter data in the interface of your website without any additional plugins. Honestly, the capabilities of this plugin make my head swell; of course, there is simply not enough time to try out all the possibilities. Such plugins are often used in stores and on information collection sites, questionnaires, and others.

9. FormCraft – Form Builder for WordPress

- as the developers claim, this is a direct competitor to the Contact Form 7 plugin, which it can easily replace and will look no worse and even surpass it in functionality. The free version provides a minimum of fields, which is why the form is certainly a bit sparse, but this will be enough to create a feedback form on the site. It should also be noted that the plugin was created in a paid version, and was later made free option, visible for advertising and for seeding. The nCrafts development team works very painstakingly on the development of their product and is concerned about its quality, so those who want a meticulous developer, then he is in front of you.

10. FormGet Contact Form

is a contact form plugin and moreover a very effective contact form builder tool that allows you to implement any form on your website in a few clicks. Select form fields, customize your settings, and easily insert a contact form into your site. Without much effort, it will help you quickly create a feedback form, inquiry form, booking form, consulting service form, contact form, mailing list form, survey form, job application form, registration form for seminar, blog writing form, newsletter sign up form, wedding planner form, real estate application form, product demo invitation form, online order form, etc. The description of the capabilities is more than detailed, but there is one BUT: it does not work adequately with the Russian language everywhere, so instead of letters it can display hieroglyphs.

11. Very Simple Contact Form

— as the name suggests, this is the easiest plugin to create feedback on a website. The form contains only fields for the name, Email, topics and messages. And a simple captcha (random number) and also supports shortcode. There’s nothing even to add, but what else do you need? If you limit yourself to this simplest form, then installing it will last you for a long time, at least the simpler, the more reliable.

12. Quick Contact Form

— the same simple form plugin, it has several forms, an autoresponder, and a set of built-in styles. Again, for a simple feedback form it will be enough for you, you can safely use it.

13. RegistrationMagic-Custom Registration Forms

is a form creation and user registration plugin for WordPress that gives you overall control over user registration on your website. You can create different user registration forms, each with different predefined fields. You can also set up payments for paid user registrations. The Front-End user registration area allows your users to log in, recover passwords, review transactions, download content, and more.

RegistrationMagic tracks all incoming forms and actions, which you can track from your dashboard. It can also accept attachments and view/download them from one area on the control panel. Advanced filters allow you to view data for a specific form and over time. And the best thing about this plugin is the ability to add non-existent functions. It looks simple: if you need this or that option, then you just need to write to technical support and they will implement it and in the next update you will see your desire come true.

14. Contact form from WPForms

- allows you to create beautiful contact forms, subscription forms, payment forms and other types of forms for your website in minutes. Perfect for mobile versions. The main focus of this plugin is on high-quality and fast work, so that the user does not have any questions about creating and customizing any forms. SEO parameters are thought out and adjusted.

By the way, its use is convenient because when you create a form, you immediately see the result of your changes, that is, a preview window. In terms of functionality, not many free plugins can compete with it, and you still need to add pro detailed description plugin operation. Often you don’t know how to implement either a survey or a donation form, and after reading and looking at the description on the developer’s website, you can literally imagine how this can be implemented, without even knowing the basics of programming. We can confidently recommend it.

15. Caldera Forms

— has a visual editor and simplifies the creation of a form for WordPress. You can customize your form with multiple columns, add additional pages and collect user responses to analyze relevant information from your customers and site visitors. Anti-spam, AJAX, email notifications and database record tracking are enabled by default. I liked it for its conditional logic for form fields, while others offer this in paid versions, but this plugin also has a paid extension. I also liked the very large list of frequently asked questions FAQ, which describes the various options that you can use if you read.

16. Smart Forms

Adaptive forms, shortcode, custom form fields, conditional logic, style editor, and even a JavaScript Editor, if you know how to code in that language. Well, if we consider the paid version of PRO, then it already has multi-stage forms. In general, there is something to attract, since you will find everything you need, and especially a feedback form can be created using this plugin without any problems. I was attracted to it by its ready-made, generally accepted forms. If you need standard forms, then you just choose and you’re done, and I still have positive emotions from it, since the forms are made not just with frames, but already stylized, and adapt to the size allocated for them, besides There are also ready-made icons that you can use to decorate your form. After creating the form, almost nothing had to be adjusted. I will say about it that it is also a valid product.

PAID VERSIONS of feedback form plugins

— for special and complex situations, when you need to show the miracles of implementing complex forms, it is better to use the professional versions, because if not the paid versions, then all that remains is to hire a programmer who will write his own form for you, but this is sometimes more expensive than installing a paid plugin. In order to understand for yourself which product is best for you, you need to visualize in advance what the form will look like. Next, you need to contact support and find out about the possibility of realizing your idea, and technical support will often suggest and help with a solution.

17. Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form

— costs $19. It comes with 3 stunning themes, a social bar, Mailchimp integration and extensive design customization. This lightweight plugin uses modern CSS3 transitions, has a responsive layout, works well on mobile devices and responds to gestures. The form is submitted via AJAX, so it doesn't reload your page. The beauty of this plugin lies in the hidden form or floating button, when clicked, the feedback form instantly flies out and is ready to go, moreover, the beautiful animation makes it elegant. This is probably why people agree to pay, but whether it’s worth it or not is up to you to decide.

18. Gravity Forms (

— costs $59. I would say that this is a mastadon in its field, because with its help you can implement very complex combinations of logical transitions and calculations. For myself, I can’t imagine what needs to be done to fully load this thing, but it’s a fact that you can make very complex forms without a programmer. For those who are aiming to become more complex in this direction, let them immediately find out about the capabilities of professional plugins, because free ones will only help you at first.

19. Quform

— costs $29. This paysite is rented out in front of Gravity, but it costs half as much. So it all depends on the task at hand. But in terms of reliability, you can give it a bold 5 out of 5, because it has excellent reviews. I think technical support tries hard and respects its customers.

The three most important pages on a business website are: “ Description of the site», « Services" And " Contacts».

You may not know it, but many high-profile businesses have clunky navigation on their websites. Such factors do not help attract customers.

Page " Our contacts» is the only means for your readers, visitors or other interested parties to contact you. Of course, you can simply paste your email address. You could, but you'd actually be inviting thousands of spambots to crawl the Internet for email addresses. Your Mailbox will be full of spam. This is why you shouldn't leave your email address.

If you're thinking something like: Pochta (dog) gmail (dot) com was able to evade spam bots, then you are wrong! Today, spambots have become much smarter - they have adapted and learned these little tricks. So, it is important to use contact without sharing your contact email address.

WordPress doesn't have a built-in contact feature. But thanks to its versatility, we can easily add interactive contact forms simply by using a plugin. This article lists some of the contact form plugins for WordPress - free, free, and premium options.

Best Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress


Probably the best free contact form plugin for WordPress with over 16 million downloads on Its main features include checkboxes, radio buttons, file upload features and anti-spam features such as captcha.

It also has special fields where you can enter phone numbers, email addresses, data, etc.


Jetpack is a plugin for a new WordPress site. It includes many features, including free CDN integration, spell checking, grammar modules, and a contact form.

Although the contact form has a very simple user interface, it is quite sufficient to get the job done.

Contact Form Contact Form for Wordpress

Don't let the simple name fool you. Being a free plugin, it offers you a fairly unique way to display your contact form through active engagement. In this module, the contact form is pre-loaded on each page, located in the lower right corner. Just one click and the contact form appears on the screen.

Don't worry, you also have traditional post entry forms - in the sidebar using widgets.


Fast Secure Contact Form is available in two versions - as a plugin for WordPress and PHP code for integration into other sites. A unique feature of this plugin is the ability to automatically block all spammers. This significantly reduces comment spam. It has the usual tools - checkboxes, radio buttons and backup/restore modules.

Also has styling of greeting and message confirmation. You can send each message to multiple email addresses.


Ninja Forms– a plugin that has a variety of functionality and a drag-and-drop interface. It has many features, including an optional AJAX handler, robust anti-spam modules, and data import/export capabilities. And this is only in the free version.

Extensions turn Ninja Forms into a game module. Modal Forms is one of the most popular extensions. Other useful extensions include PayPal, Stripe, MailChimp, Mad Mimi, and Constant Contact integration, among others.


As the name suggests, this plugin has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and has over a dozen useful fields. Anti-spam measures include message confirmation and the use of captcha.

The $20 premium version includes email design, analytics, and conditional logic modules. In my opinion, however, you're better off using a dedicated product like MailChimp for this.


This plugin uses a freemium payment option. For basic use it has numerous functions. Formidable Forms uses a drag-and-drop interface and includes recaptcha and Akismet to combat spam.

The premium version, priced at $47, includes amazing additional features such as PayPal integration and email management, as well as the ability to register for visitors. Unfortunately the download file, which is free for most plugins, is paid for here.


This is a very simple and easy to use contact form plugin for WordPress with over 2 million downloads. It integrates with the Captcha plugin to combat spam. Its professional version, available for $15, includes additional features such as input validation - which is free in Contact Form 7.

Best Premium Contact Form Plugins for WordPress


The first name that comes to mind when it comes to premium contact form plugins for WordPress is Gravity Forms. Starting at $39 for one website, there are two other pricing models: $99 for three websites and $199 for a developer license.

It includes many features, the most significant of which are Multi-Page Forms, Visual Form Editor, Conditional Logic, and Order Forms.

Gravity Forms plugin– another source of surprise for this plugin. In addition to integrating with an email service, it also integrates with payment systems, such as, Striple, PayPal and accounting software, such as FreshBooks.


Quform has a beautiful drag-and-drop interface and has fifteen different field types, optional filters, and validation options. Quform comes pre-loaded with three unique themes, a theme customizer, and customizable email notifications. At $29, it is the most expensive contact form plugin for WordPress in CodeCayon.


True to its name (“Skillful Form”), this WordPress plugin has a multi-dimensional form and retail trade costs $35. You can create different types of forms using this plugin, including newsletter, survey, and questionnaire forms.

Important features include conditional logic, analytics, form auto-save, simultaneous loading of multiple files, a user-friendly interface that allows you to instantly navigate both within one page and when moving to another page.

If you're just getting started with your website, you don't have to buy the premium version right away. However, a contact form is a strict necessity. Whether it is a simple website, a blog or even a corporate website, there should be an option to contact the site owner.

I would personally recommend Contact Form 7 as one of the best free plugins with a contact form and has many functions. Some of its features are paid for in other freemium plugins. However, if you want to purchase a premium plugin, I recommend Gravity Forms. Almost everyone I know uses Gravity Forms.

Which contact form do you prefer? Maybe we missed your favorite plugin? Let us know in the comments!

When you're launching a product or a new website, the ability to receive feedback directly from users can be invaluable to you:

A great way to do this is to add a form through which visitors can let you know about problems they are facing or specific additional features that they need. The main thing for a good feedback form is that it should be as simple as possible.

Users don't want to spend a lot of time filling out a form, and you need to provide that for them. There are a few in various ways add a feedback form to WordPress, and it's done very quickly.

What is the feedback form for?

Not every site needs the ability to request feedback from users. Some sites are already quite developed, others may offer various alternative communication options.

Still others may be either too large or too extensive for user information to provide them with anything useful.

But there are a number of sites that can benefit from a simple feedback form:

  • A new site that is still working on identifying errors or adding new functionality;
  • The product is sold or distributed through the website and feedback can help develop the product;
  • Publication of the site with identification of original errors or additions;
  • A simple blog that wants to give its users more options.

Naturally, this is far from full list, but it does demonstrate a number of scenarios in which a feedback form may be useful. Besides the fact that it's actually practical to get fresh ideas from users, it also helps ensure that the user feels comfortable on your site.

Any visitor knows that he can turn somewhere if he has a problem. If you're at a crossroads and aren't sure if a feedback form will do anything for you, the best thing you can do is add one and see what happens:

ManageWP Feedback Panel

If you do decide to add a feedback form, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, it should be as simple as possible. Ask users for no more than an email address, a name, a short message, and perhaps a subject line.

In some cases, you can do without even a name, although this will help you keep track of the information. Don't clutter your feedback form with unnecessary drop-down menus or additional information.

There are several ways to add a contact form in WordPress. This can be done manually using some code, but in this case it will be quite difficult for you to manage, validate data and interact with email. It's better to use one of the proven tools that will do most of the work for you if you don't have such experience.

Adding a Feedback Page Using Page Builder

If you are using a theme from Elegant Themes, then setting up a contact page will be quite easy for you. We'll be using Page Builder from Elegant Themes, which will allow you to add a form in just a few steps.

To get started, go to Pages -> Add WordPress admin panel page. As a result, it will be created new page. Name this page "Feedback". Immediately below the title you will see a button “ Use Page Builder«.

Click this button to start adding page content. You'll see a new structure in the post editor that visually displays the page content so that you can create the page using blocks known as "Modules":

Page Builder structure

The first thing we want to add is text describing the page. Click the button Insert Column", and then select the first option for a full-width block. Then, inside the created column, click “Insert Module" and select "Text".

A simple one will open text editor where you can add short description pages. I'll add something very simple, but you can create a description that matches your site.

« Please use the form below to make suggestions for improvements to our site or to point out any problems you have.

Below, click the “Insert Module” button again. This time go to the very bottom of the list and select " contact form". Again, you will be presented with a new panel with several options for customizing the form. The first is "Show Captcha", which adds a simple question at the end of the contact form to block spam bots.

I'd like to leave this option disabled for now since I'm not getting too much spam yet. In the “Email” text field, enter the email address to which you would like to receive feedback messages. The remaining settings are optional. You can add a title, CSS class or ID for the fields:

Setting up a contact form

When you're done, simply click the "Save" button to add the form and then "Publish" to display the form on the page. Luckily, Elegant Themes' default contact form is very simple, only asking for an email address, name, and message. This is ideal for a feedback form.

To ensure that users can actually find your form, you can add a link to the generated page in the main menu of your site. This can be done automatically. To do this, go to the WordPress administration panel, in the “Menu” section.

Here, you will see a list of pages that can be included or excluded from the navigation menu. Make sure there is a green check mark next to the “Feedback” page. If you see a red cross, simply click on it to display the form page in the menu and save your changes.

This way, users can easily access the form from the main menu and fill it out if they have any problems.

Feedback form plugins

Of course, adding a separate page is not the only way to add a feedback form to your site. If you're not using a theme from Elegant Themes, or if you need something a little more complex, there are several plugins you can use to do this.


Usernoise is one of the simplest contact form plugins. The plugin works by adding a "Feedback" button to the sidebar or bottom of your site.

When users click on it, a small pop-up window opens with a short form in which users can indicate what problems they are having and write a short message.

This form then sends a notification to the site administrator's specified email address that a message has been received from the user:

Each part of the form is configured through plugin settings. You can add or remove categories, choose which fields the form will include, what text will be displayed, and edit the colors and styles of the form and button that will appear on each page.

You can also turn the form itself on and off through a simple checkbox. Usernoise takes a “it just works” approach. After you connect it via the checkbox, the form starts working on your site.

You can customize it a bit to suit the style of your theme, but it doesn't come with super complex features. Instead, everything is made as simple and user-friendly as possible. The plugin also uses a responsive popup and inherits most of the styling directly from your theme.

If you're looking for a really easy way to add a contact form button to all pages of your site, Usernoise is the way to go.

Ninja Kick Contact Form

Ninja Kick Contact Form is a premium plugin very similar to Usernoise, but it adds a few additional functions and styles.

The plugin adds a button in the sidebar of the page that opens quite simple form feedback. It uses basic animation to bring the form to the page without having to leave the page itself:

Traveling form

The plugin also allows you to design the form according to your brand, customizing its color and adding your own logo at the top. Below, you can add some social media links if you want users to be able to reach you through alternative channels. You can then add a short message.

The form itself is very simple and only requires users to enter a name, email address and message. The message is sent to any email address you want, so you can easily set up feedback tracking.

Ninja Kick Contact Form is a paid plugin mainly because of the level of customization it allows. You can choose from three different themes, and change the colors and style of every aspect of the presentation.

It also has built-in spam protection, and is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Ninja Kick Contact Form works stably, is quite simple and uses high-quality animation.


Usersnap takes a slightly different approach to the feedback form. It is essentially a third party service that allows users to take a screenshot of the page they are currently on and then comment on it and send you the screenshot along with the comments.

There is a certain fee for using the service, depending on how many of your sites it is implemented on.

Do you want to add an order form to your website? If so, keep in mind that every e-commerce website needs such a form so that its customers can order a product or service and possibly pay directly online.

In this article, we will offer you 10 best plugins for WordPress that will allow you to create an order form on your website.

1. Supercart

Supercart is a complete WordPress plugin designed to create order forms based on the famous WHMCS plugin. Can be used as one page ( full ajax) or several pages/steps ( half-Ajax). It is very secure, easy to use and can be set up in just 10 minutes.

If you have already installed WHMCS, simply download and activate this WordPress order form plugin and you will be able to use the information from your WHMCS database without any problems. Once activated, you will only need to update your add-ons (if you have them) to simply add HTML tags.

You will also be able to add an image for all of your extensions. Briefly speaking, Supercart This is the most complete, most advanced and most powerful WHMCS order form plugin available on the market.

2. Woo Product Table List

It's simpler, faster and effective method List your WooCommerce products on a flexible, easy-to-use table or form; with the ability to quickly view. Indeed, thanks to the plugin List of Woo Product Tables You can easily display all your WooCommerce products in a table or form on one page.

Just copy the shortcode and place it on any page. Its features include: support for multiple auto-generated shortcodes, display columns as needed, search engine Ajax, ability to quickly browse catalog and tables, etc.

3. ARG Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce

With an elegant and intuitive design, WordPress extension ARG Multistep Checkout will help you improve the user experience by separating the most important elements of the default WooCommerce payment process.

Increasing your sales is an easy goal and this is where the WooCommerce ARG Multistep Checkout plugin makes the process challenging and easy to understand.

Other features include: Intuitive design, smooth animations when changing and verifying a step, adding new steps, accessing next steps by clicking on the next tab, integrating login and registration steps, having an order verification step, great integration with your WordPress theme. step-by-step verification, WPML compatibility, etc.

4. Standard PayPal Payment Gateway for Ninja Forms

Le plugin Standard PayPal Payment Gateway for Ninja Forms allows you to create an order form and receive payments using standard account PayPal for your website.

Its main features are: ease of integration, activation or deactivation of the Paypal gateway in individual forms, support for recurring payments and much more.

5. Super Shapes - Calculator

With this WordPress extension, you can create advanced payment forms based on user input. Set up great booking and order forms or create complex evaluation forms.

It's as easy as doing regular math. This is a plugin extension Super Shapes The latter is necessary for this xtension to work properly.

6. WooCommerce Fields and Fees

WooCommerce Fields and Fees Allows the eShop administrator to create payments (or discounts if the commission value is negative) and additional billing and shipping fields to which he can optionally associate certain conditional rules.

Based on these conditional rules, the plugin decides whether additional fields should be displayed on payment forms and whether fees should be applied to the payment cart. Each field/tax can have several conditional rules related to each other. A conditional rule can take into account multiple types of data.

Among its features you will find, among others: conditional logic support, support for multiple data types, integration of multiple field types, excellent compatibility with WooCommerce and WPML, and much more.

WooCommerce Registration

WordPress plugin WooCommerce Registration allows you to add additional custom fields to the client registration form. You will have the option to add several types of fields, which will be mentioned among others: text area, highlight area, checkbox, radio button, time selector, date selector, password color selector, etc.

You will also be able to display all fields on the checkout page except for the image field in case customers want to check. This plugin also allows you to enable/disable default WooCommerce fields. Facebook and Twitter connectivity features are also integrated into this plugin.

Among others his functionality you will find: adding an unlimited number of fields, an intuitive interface, customizing fields for better readability, support for conditional logic for its fields, advanced options for personalizing fields and many others

8. Cart and order pages WHMCS - checkout on one page

The main goal of this amazing plugin is to give users a better experience in the product ordering process. This is how visitors quickly turn into clients.

Cart and order pages WHMCS (WCOP) has very stylish, user-friendly ordering and checkout pages with many features.

In addition to the standard WHMCS order pages/forms, "WCOP" offers one payment page. This one page order form is ideal solution, if you want to offer your customers one page payment.

9. WooCommerce Additional Product Options

WooCommerce Extra Product Options is a WordPress extension that will allow you to create additional product options with conditional logic support. You'll also be able to create forms, convert attribute dropdowns into radio buttons, and more.

Among its features we will find, among other things: support for several types of fields, setting prices according to the selected fields, visual designer of form fields, support for shortcodes, activation of some options for specific roles, choice between increasing the price by a fixed value or by a percentage, import functionality / export to other forms, ability to hide or show prices, conditional logic for fields and sections in the form builder, compatibility with several e-commerce plugins and extensions, detailed documentation and much more...

10. WP Cost Estimate & Payment Forms Builder

Easily sell any custom service or product by creating your own transparent and responsive cost calculator and order forms on your WordPress site. This unique plugin can actually be used to sell any type of service or product, apps, websites, graphics, SEO, pets, moon fragments....or anything else.

Your customers will be able to receive an accurate estimate of their order (estimate or final order sent via email) or make direct payment using Paypal or Stripe. The customer's email address can be automatically sent to your MailChimp/MailPoet/GetResponse list.

You can also hide all prices in the form and emails to use them as a regular form. Its intuitive and powerful conditional system and its many components make it easy to create any type of form.


That's it for this article on the best WordPress plugins for WordPress order forms. Don't forget to send us your comments, suggestions and requests for this list.

However, you can also turn to our resources if you need more elements to complete your internet website building projects by consulting our building guide WordPress blog or by Divi: best WordPress theme for all the time

Web forms can be used for a variety of reasons, but their main purpose is to obtain feedback and collect requested information. However, their use goes beyond collecting information, and they are used for registration on the site, applications, and so on.

If your site is on WordPress and you are looking for a feature-rich form builder for creating forms for any purpose, take a look at the plugin Form Maker.

WordPress Form Maker

This is one of the most popular form building plugins in the directory and comes with a user-friendly admin panel, a built-in form builder, and many customization options. At the time of this review, the plugin has over 1.5 million downloads, 90 thousand active installations and an average rating of 4.6 stars.

Description Demo Download

Let's take a closer look at the Form Maker plugin and see what features and functionality are included in it.

The Form Maker plugin can be downloaded either from WordPress directory, or with official page plugin on The plugin comes with detailed documentation And demo version for the admin panel and the forms themselves.

Creating a Form

Creating forms with Form Maker is very easy and does not require much time. After installing and activating the plugin, you will find it in the side menu of your Console, where you can create and manage your forms.

Unlike other plugins where you have to create forms from scratch, Form Maker comes with 12 ready-made templates , which can later be edited and customized as desired.

In addition, the plugin allows you to edit and save the form as a copy, which means that the template will not undergo any changes.

Here, for example, is a template for a standard feedback forms. You can drag fields up/down, change order
and move them left or right to create columns in the form:

However, if you want to create your own forms from scratch, just click on the button Add New(Add New) and the plugin will direct you to the form creation page.

First, you will need to come up with a name, choose a theme for the form, and then you can start adding fields. Form Maker has an intuitive form designer, which allows you to add the desired number of fields in forms and view the changes you have made:

There are various field options, which can be added to forms. They are designed for entering text, time and date of sending files, integration with PayPal, Captcha protection, and more.

With available form fields, you can get any information from your visitors. The full list of field options is below:

Each parameter of each field can be configured, which allows you to adjust the properties of the fields according to your needs and see all changes when preview:

Setting up the form

Now let's talk about your form settings. You can give shape great view thanks to affordable design templates. Currently the plugin has 37 form themes, which can be edited using custom CSS.

Additionally, the plugin allows you to create your own themes from scratch.

To customize a form template, you need to go to its parameters (icon with a yellow pencil Edit).

After you uncheck automatic creation layout, you can edit the HTML code, as well as change the position, add in-line design styles, and so on. Click on the appropriate buttons to add the field you need.

Form Options

There is a wide range of form parameters that the Form Maker plugin allows you to customize. For example, general form options, email options, payment methods, post-form actions, JavaScript, MySQL options, and conditional fields.

Under general parameters you can find some basic form settings and front-end options. Choose the form theme and where you want to save your data, and select the users who can access the front-end form submission.

In the settings section Email you can find settings for messages sent to users and administrator. Specify your email address, subject, and paste text into your message to the administrator.

IN sending section You can choose what happens when your visitors fill out and submit the form. You can choose from available options such as stay on the form, stop at a specific page or post, redirect them to a specific URL, or add custom text that will be displayed to visitors after submitting the form.

Form Maker also provides PayPal integration. IN payment methods section You can adjust payment settings, such as enabling PayPal, choosing the payment currency, tax rate, etc.

Conditional fields- this is one of the features of the Form Maker plugin. This feature allows you to hide or show form fields depending on the specific modes that you have set.

For example, you can set a conditional field to prompt for the name of the state if the user has selected the United States as their country. This will mean that the state name field will not be visible to other non-US users:

In the submission section you can find all submitted forms. A summary is available for each form analytical data such as the number of entries, number of form views, conversion rate and so on.

This section is also searchable, which means you can search the database for all fields on a given form. Additionally, you can edit or delete any content and rearrange the submission fields in an order that suits your needs.

The plugin allows you to export materials to CSV or XML-format for viewing data in Microsoft Excel.

Form Maker allows block IP addresses, if you are sent spam through your forms. To do this, you just need to go to the Blocked IPs section, indicate the IP address that you want to block in the appropriate field and click the Add IP button.

You can also block IP addresses from the submit section of the plugin. Blocked IPs can be unblocked at any time.


Form Maker is a feature-rich plugin that comes with a number of add-ons that will expand the technical capabilities of your form.

Here is the complete list of Form Maker add-ons:

  • Import/Export
  • Save Progress
  • Stripe Integration
  • Google PDF Integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • User Registration
  • Post Generation
  • Conditional Emails
  • Dropbox Integration
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Pushover Integration
  • Calculator


Form Maker is an excellent choice if you are looking for an effective tool for creating responsive web forms of any complexity on WordPress. It is well designed and has good team technical support that is ready to help.

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