How to change the file creation date in Total Commander and FileDate Changer. Editing EXIF ​​data about the time photos were taken in the EXIF ​​Date Changer program How to change the date of creation of a file on Android

Today I want to tell you how change the date and time of the file. In fact, this question may seem very simple until it comes to its implementation. It was the same today. In one of the departments, a manager struggled with this issue for half a day and only after time was running out did they approach me with this question. And now I’ll tell you two ways to How to change the creation date of a file.

Option 1: Change the date of an already created file

Let's start, as usual, with a more “complicated” method. For as long as I can remember, this was originally done by the Far program (you can download it from the website)

After you have downloaded the Far program, run it and select the desired file and press the combination CTRL + A and in the window that opens, enter the desired date for the file and click SET .

That's all, isn't it difficult?))))

Option 2: Create a file with a specific date

This is generally an impossible task))) because this problem is solved without the help of any programs. Because, in order to create a file specific date(let's say create WORD document or EXCEL last month) just change the date on your computer and create this file and it will be created with the date you set.

That's all! And you don’t need to download a hundred other incomprehensible programs, etc. Because everything can be solved with minimal sacrifices and effort.

Video instruction

change the date of a file, how to change the creation date of a file, how to change the time of a document, how to change the date of modification of a file, change the date of a posted document, how to change the time of creation of a file, how to correct the date in a document, how to change the date of creation of a document

Many people have probably noticed that when copying files via MTP protocol from Android to a computer or vice versa, the real date of creation of these files is lost and the current one is set, i.e. The date of these files becomes the date they were copied.
In this regard, photographs and video recordings become complete confusion and chaos. You'll figure it out later when that photo is taken or the video is shot.
A typical situation, we change the smartphone to another, copy everything to our computer, the dates are already lost, then we copy everything to another smartphone, the dates are messed up again, and we get chaos in the gallery... Personally, this infuriates me. I hate the mess on my devices, both mobile and desktop.
Yes, of course, you can extract the date from EXIF, but this is only relevant for photographs; often simple pictures do not contain such information, and video files do not always, and not all Android devices name files by the shooting date when shooting. Someone might suggest storing pictures on a flash drive, but again, not all devices are equipped with a slot for an SD card.

The solution is quite simple, there is such a thing called ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a multifunctional utility for connecting to an Android emulator or a real device. Works in command line. Is in Android SDK. So, with the help of it you can do a bunch of different things (), but most importantly, it copies files without replacing their real creation date with the current one. This is exactly what I need!

Installing ADB
On Ubuntu Linux installed, as usual, from the repository:

sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb

In Manjaro Linux also from the repositories:

sudo pacman -S android-tools

On Windows
There’s a lot of confusion here, and there’s too much to write, so I’ll just give you a link to step-by-step instructions

So, ADB is installed, “USB debugging” is enabled on our Adnroid device, we connect it to the computer and we can start :)
We launch the terminal and write the following command there:

and in response we will see something like this

List of devices attached
04b393ead4951653 device

This means that everything is fine, our smartphone is visible to the computer, and we can work. And finally, what all this was started for. We only need two commands:

adb push /from /to - upload a file or directory to the device.
adb pull /from /to - copy a file or directory from the device.

For example, I need to copy a folder with photos and videos to my computer

adb pull /sdcard/DCIM/100ANDRO /backup/phone/DCIM/100ANDRO

Or vice versa, you need to copy it from your computer to your smartphone

adb push /backup/phone/DCIM/100ANDRO/ /sdcard/DCIM/100LGDSC

All files copied using this method will retain their real creation date, and after changing your device to a new one, everything on it will be in exactly the same order as on the old one :)

P.S. As it turned out, the described method does not always work; through trials it turned out that the problem lies in the firmware; on some firmware the dates are saved, on others they are not. For example, on AOSP, according to the described method, everything works fine, and all the dates are correct. On official firmware and custom ones based on the official, the dates change.
Experimented on LG G2 (D802) On your devices everything may be different.

You will need

  • operating room Windows system Vista, Windows 7 or Windows XP
  • For other OS - programs like ShowExif or XnView
  • Photoshop or similar graphic editors


First, let's decide on the operating system that is installed on your . In Russia at the moment, the most popular OS remains Windows in various modifications. Therefore, we will mainly talk about her.
The date of the photograph, along with other data (shooting conditions, model, settings) is part of the information or so-called metadata of the image. In operating systems such as Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows XP, you can change this data in several ways. 1. Open the folder with photos. In the window that opens, select the desired photo with the left mouse button. In the lower sector of the window, find the data panel (details area). This contains general metadata that can be changed by clicking the corresponding item with the mouse (in our case, the shooting date). In addition to the date, information about, and the size of the image, etc. is located here.
After making changes, click the Save button on the right side of the panel. If you want to cancel the changes you have made, click Cancel.
If you don't find the property you want to change, you need to expand the panel by dragging its top edge with your mouse. 2. Open Properties the desired file by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties from the list. Select the Details tab. This contains extended information about shooting, which can also be corrected by clicking in the appropriate place with the mouse. To save your changes, click Save.
Please note that some properties cannot be changed in this way. This applies, among other things, to the file creation date (not to be confused with the shooting date), which can only be deleted. 3. If you want to delete one or more file properties, open Properties, Details tab. At the bottom, click “Delete properties and personal information.” In the window that opens, check the box next to the properties you want to delete. You can make a copy of a photo that will be missing certain data.

To change the date of a photo in others operating systems(and in Windows, but not one photo at a time, but an array), use one of the similar programs - ShowExif or XnView.
Both programs are used to view and edit digital photo data and are free.

To change the creation date of a photo, you need to open it using a graphic editor such as Photoshop or Paint. Save the photo again under a different name, and the creation date will change to the current date (save date). If you want the changed data to look natural, edit the information in the following sequence:
1. With graphic editor save the photo under a new name, this will change the date the photo was created (the change date will be the same as the creation date).
2. Change the shooting date to match, down to the second, the date the photo was taken. The creation date cannot be earlier than the shooting date.

Do you often need to change the creation date of a file? I don't think so. However, it will come in handy in a work environment. And sometimes it’s the same at home. Moreover, it may be necessary to set a date, both past and future.
Well you know what I mean

So here it is. Let's get straight to the point. The easiest way to change the date is to simply change the date in the operating system.
Go to date and time settings. The easiest way is to left-click on the date with time in the lower right corner. In response to this, a calendar will appear and there will be a link to change the settings:

This is where we change it to the one you want.

Now, when creating any file, its date will be the one you set. Of course, it’s better to return it to its place later. Well, or continue to live with the same one

This method is suitable for changing the date of a new document. Most often, you need to change the date of an existing one. What to do? Alternatively, if this is some file that you can open in installed program(for example Word, Excel, text file notepad, presentation, etc.), you can open the file in this program and then create new document and copy/paste from an existing file to a new one.
Although it is tritely simple, for some reason not many people remember about it.

However, let's move on to the most common case - this is when the file is unknown or there is no program that opens it. And also if you need to change the modification date, and not just the creation date. In this case, special programs will help us.

I present to your attention: FileDate Changer, Set File Date, eXpress Timestamp Toucher, Attribute Manager, File Date Touch, 2Tware Change File Date, BulkFileChanger, NewFileTime and others...

As you can see, there are a lot of programs. Almost all of them are free, portable (no installation required) and small in size. This allows you to use any device, even from a flash drive.

Let's look at the last example - (following the link will take you to the official website).

Download, launch, agree with license agreement and change the language to Russian to make it more convenient

Add a file (or several) by simply dragging it into the program window, and then click the button Set - Time to change time and date:

In general, I don’t know what to describe in it because... everything is intuitive. By the way. You can also change the date of a folder using this program.

You can also change the date of creation and modification in .
This is done through the banal “Changing attributes”

In addition to the executable code, any file stores information about the date and time the file was created, modified, and the last time the file was opened. But what if the file history needs to be changed or corrected? Change the date and time the file was created, the time it was last accessed, and the time changes were made to the file? You can cheat free program with the self-explanatory name NewFileTime. Using this utility, you can interfere with the service information of a file so that “a mosquito won’t erode your nose.” The file properties show that the last access to the file was today, we launched the NewFileTime program, changed the date and it turned out that the last time the file was opened a month ago. If the file was old, it became new, or vice versa, or it is possible that the file was created, opened and edited in the future! The NewFileTime utility is a real time machine for files!

How to change the date and time of a file

NewFileTime can change the date and time a file was created, modified, or last opened in several ways. To change the history of a file, the file must be dragged from file manager (drag and drop drop) to NewFileTime and select it in the list with a mouse click. The easiest way to change the date and time displayed in the file properties is to enter a new time and date opposite the required attribute and click "Set Time". You can also change the date and time of a file by indicating to the program the number of days that need to be added to the current value or, conversely, subtracted from the date of creation/change/opening of the file. In the application, these mechanisms are implemented in the “be older” and “be younger” tabs. For convenience, the utility's preview area displays old and new file date and time values. The program allows you to import and export file attribute values ​​into text format; the user will be able to remember, if necessary, what changes to the date and time of the file were made by him.

Screenshots of the NewFileTime program

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