How to increase Internet speed, the easiest ways. Internet speed is lower than advertised

Who is responsible for the wireless network in the house? That's right, router! Accordingly, in most cases, it or its incorrect settings lead to the fact that the Internet via WiFi works slowly, while no difficulties arise via cable. How to increase the speed of WiFi Internet on a router so as not to experience discomfort when working?! I will try to answer this pressing question as fully and comprehensively as possible.

First, do a little test. On your laptop, tablet or phone, run a search for wireless networks. If as a result you receive a list of access points of at least 10-12 pieces, then do not expect normal Wi-Fi speed. I'll explain why. In our region (Russia, Europe) in the classic 2.4 GHz range, only 13 radio channels are used, of which only 3 do not overlap in frequency. Simply put, if in addition to yours there are 10 more access points in the neighborhood, then you will not be able to increase the Internet speed via WiFi. You will simply interfere with each other by creating interference. On many sites I came across advice that you need to manually set a free radio channel and everything will be fine. Nothing like this! Even if a miracle happens and it helps, it will only last for a couple of days at best. In such an overloaded airwaves, there is only one solution - switching to the extended 5 GHz band and changing the router to a dual-band one. Fortunately, most modern mobile devices already know how to work with it.

Owners of Zyxel Keenetic Wi-Fi routers were a little more fortunate in terms of using radio channels. They have the ability to force the router to look for the least loaded channel and use it. This is done in the wireless network settings:

You can set the search period for a free channel to be 6 hours or 12 hours.

How to speed up WiFi Internet

If there are a couple of networks nearby, and users begin to complain about slow WiFi, then the reason usually lies in incorrect settings. Very often, everything happens like this: a person was connected to the Internet, installed a router, leaving the basic settings and it worked for some time until he realized that the router was slowing down the speed and something had to be done about it. No, it is not bad and there is no need to change it. You just need to check and correctly set some parameters, which I will talk about now. To access them, you must first go to the web interface of your modem or router using its IP address (usually or After that, find the section responsible for the operation of the wireless network and follow the following recommendations.

1. Old protocols

Unless you have very old laptops, tablets or phones that use long-outdated 802.11b or 802.11g standards, then it is better to disable them in the basic WiFi network settings, leaving only 802.11n.

This only applies to the 2.4 GHz band, because... There are simply no b and g standards in the 5 GHz band.

2. Security

Yes, even the wrong security standard can affect the speed of Wi-Fi. You only need to use the standard WPA2-PSK with encryption AES.

With other network authentication options, the speed will be lower. For example, with WPA-PSK more than 54 megabits per second, you will never overclock, since this is already a software limitation of the outdated protocol.

3.Channel width

The next step, which can significantly speed up a WiFi router, is changing the channel width in the basic network parameters. The standard is 20 MHz. Now this is not enough. To increase Wi-Fi speed, it is better to change this value to 40 MHz.

This way you will significantly increase the throughput of the radio channel.
The only thing to consider is that 40 MHz channels are more susceptible to interference and are more affected by neighboring access points. In other words,
may interfere with other devices, causing performance and reliability issues, especially with other Wi-Fi networks and other devices operating in the 2.4 GHz band.

4. Wireless MultiMedia

In order to significantly increase the WiFi speed on your router and take full advantage of high-speed wireless standards 802.11N and higher, you need to activate the function WMMWireless Multi Media.

It allows you to overclock Wi-Fi to the maximum by properly ensuring the quality of services and distributing channel bandwidth.

5. Firmware

Another factor that significantly affects the speed of a router, which means it should also not be overlooked, is its software. Few users keep track of firmware updates for their router and reflash it in a timely manner. More often this is done when any problems arise. To update the firmware of your router, first check on the status page which version you are using. Then check for a new version on the manufacturer’s official website, download and then upload it to your router through the “Firmware Upgrade” menu section.

By the way, many modern WiFi routers have a function to check for updates directly from the device’s web interface and automatically install them into flash memory.

Only by ensuring that all five of the above recommendations are followed will you be able to get the most out of your wireless network and maximize the speed of your Wi-Fi router.

Smartphones, laptops and desktop PCs, as well as refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances have this technology. Many users use routers to connect their devices to the Internet; they can have both a LAN port to connect using a cable, and a Wi-Fi adapter to distribute the Internet to other devices that also have Wi-Fi technology. Unfortunately, the wireless signal propagation area is not very large, and if there are obstacles in the way, it is generally very small. Of course, there are many standards on which the signal strength depends, and another important parameter is the number of antennas.

If you use Wi-Fi technology, but don't know what you can do to strengthen your adapter's WiFi signal, then this article is for you. Here I will try to explain hardware and software ways to improve the signal.

But before we begin, I would like to note one important point.

Pay attention to the location of the router. It would not be bad if it was located closer to the middle of the room and the whole house, so that the signal spreads evenly and you feel comfortable using the wireless network. Signal deterioration can be caused by many factors. At home, these are walls, and if it is also concrete, then transmitting radio waves will be much worse. Any thing - from a painting, a drawing or a mirror can, to some extent, degrade signal reception. Therefore, I want you to try to position your router in such a way that the signal is available in all areas of the house. If possible, remove things that may cause interference.

How to strengthen WiFi signal reception using programs?

Many users, due to inexperience, leave the router settings at their defaults, unless they change the network name and password. This is not entirely correct and now I will explain why.

Channel frequencies match other Wi-Fi networks

If you live in an apartment building, then there is almost a 100% chance that there is a Wi-Fi network that broadcasts on the same channel as you. This phenomenon often interrupts signal reception. In the router settings, you need to change the channel to a free one or to one with the fewest other wireless networks.

You can see who is on which channel using the program inSSIDer. Download it from here and install it on a PC with an outbred adapter.

The program window will indicate the found wireless networks, and in the column "Channel" the channels they occupy are displayed. In the Russian Federation, only thirteen channels are usually used, in other countries either more or less.

We have figured out the channels, then we will start changing the settings of our router. Typically, the following addresses are used for this, which must be entered into the address bar of the browser: or Next, you will be asked to enter your login and password; if you have not changed anything, then by default it is admin (both login and password).

You need to find the functions related to the Wi-Fi wireless network, it may be written Wireless. There will definitely be a section Channels(Channel), from which you can select a number from 1 to 13.

Change the channel to free and save. After this action, you will suffer much less from interference and the signal will be more stable.

Router transmitter signal low

By default, some routers may have low transmitter power. But it can be changed. Still in the same router settings, find the parameter Transmission power(Transmit Power), and set the value to 100%. Or you need to select a value High(High).

Of course, this function is not available on all models. Sometimes special firmware for similar models, if they exist, helps.

802.11n is faster

Wi-Fi has many standards by which a wireless network can operate. The fastest is, of course, the 802.11n standard, which even gives a larger coverage radius if several antennas are used. You also need to take into account the support of this standard by other devices, because if you switch to it, some devices will not detect your network due to low range.

Look in the router settings "Operating mode" or "Wireless Network Mode", or "Wireless mode" and switch to 802.11n. For the changes to take effect, reboot the router.

Using the 5 GHz band

The use of the 802.11n standard makes it possible in expensive models to use two types of range - 2.4 GHz (Used by all devices) and 5 GHz(Not used by everyone). The 2.4 GHz band is very busy, it is used by many devices around us and these are not only wireless adapters, but even a microwave oven can create problems for us. The 5 GHz frequency range is now practically free, so it is advisable to switch all devices to it.

Improving Signal in Windows

In this paragraph, more attention is focused on laptops. The fact is that when you set “Energy Saving” in the energy settings, this can affect the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. Therefore it is better to set "Balanced" mode, or "High performance". Then you will receive the signal from a greater distance.

For those who don’t know, the power settings are located in the following place: right-click on the battery icon on the taskbar and select “Power Options” and set the required control scheme.

Signal power limitation and can it be removed?

I would like to note that all routers have a strict power limit of 100 mW. Of course, in Chinese stores there are adapters that can handle distances of up to several kilometers, but you won’t find this in regular electronics stores. Is it possible to increase the signal strength programmatically? Answer: partially possible.

Unfortunately, there is some complexity - you need to use a Linux distribution, for example, Kali Linux, or an analogue - Backtrack 5r3, support for which has ceased.

The fact is that in most countries the power of the wireless transmitter is limited to 100 mW, but for Bolivia and some other countries there is no this limit, so in the terminal you need to enter a number of these commands:

In this example wlan0 is the wireless adapter you are using, and 100 – set power in mW (milliwatt).

How to boost WiFi signal using hardware method?

All means are good, which means that together with software methods we can achieve a stable and high transmitter signal. Even if software methods do not produce results, the following methods may help.

Improving the signal by upgrading antennas

I have come across many methods to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal on the Internet. For example, people make a directional antenna that works in all directions and for this they use foil or a Pepsi or beer can. Of course, the use of such methods is doubtful, but for whom?

More powerful antennas, which can be purchased at the store, are more effective. You need to make sure that your antenna has a gain of 2-3 dBi, then they can be replaced with 8 dBi antennas.

Using a Repeater to Strengthen the Reception Signal

These devices are also called repeaters, and they can greatly increase the coverage area. The repeater connects to your wireless network and increases its range.

Buying a more powerful Wi-Fi adapter

You can do this: if you have a laptop that does not have strong enough signal reception on the wireless adapter, replace it with a more powerful one. This also applies to desktop computers. It is best to take an adapter that connects via USB and has an antenna, which can perhaps be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you have other ways to increase the signal of a wi-fi adapter, write about it in the comments, everyone will be interested.

More articles on Wi-Fi:

Even on modern routers, Wi-Fi connection speeds can be very slow. Loading of each web page sometimes takes several minutes, and even if the distribution router is close, this process does not speed up. There are certain ways to solve such problems.

Choosing the optimal router location

The use of the widespread IEEE 802.11n standard is accompanied by various difficulties. If the computer is significantly removed from the router or if there are walls between them, the speed decreases to several Mb/s, which is below the minimum limit when using modern Internet services. This happens because Wi-Fi devices, if the distance increases or the presence of an interference source, switches to a more stable, but at the same time slower, method of transmitting information.

If the Internet speed through the router decreases, if the Wi-Fi signal level shows one or two bars, you will need to find a more suitable place to place the device. The signal level is affected by the following factors:

  • the thickness of the wall and the building material used for its manufacture;
  • the presence of electrical wiring located near the device;
  • presence of other routers;
  • high humidity.

The location of the router should be the center of the living space, preferably on a hill; it should not be obscured by anything. Thanks to this, the signal will penetrate all rooms, provided that the necessary power is available.

The effect of signal amplification can also be achieved by replacing conventional antennas that are not built into the housing with more powerful ones.

If there are difficulties in determining the center of a living space and there is no information about the presence of interference, the best option would be to use special applications: Wi-Fi Solver FDTD for Android, NetSpot for Mac, Hoatmapper for Windows.

It is not recommended to place the modem device near a bathroom or near heating pipes. The presence of water nearby will affect the signal level. If you want to take a bath accompanied by music, then it is better to have the music played through speakers rather than on a smartphone.

Changing settings

To access the settings of the modem device, enter its address in a web browser. In the usual case, this is or (see the label on the back of your router). The user will be prompted for authorization, and if a password is not provided, then by default the word admin is entered as the login and password in both cases.

First of all, the decrease in Wi-Fi speed when using a router occurs due to the activated energy saving mode. As a rule, it is used on Asus, but in other device models the problem is solved in a similar way. For this purpose it is necessary:

  1. Go to the modem settings, as described in the first paragraph.
  2. Find the “Wireless Network” (or “Wireless Mode”) menu. Select the “Professional” tab (on Asus routers) or go to the “Advanced settings” item (on Tp-link routers), and go to the WMM APSD line.
  3. Change the active mode to the “Off” position (or uncheck the activation box) and save the settings.

If other gadgets that are connected to the network via Wi-Fi do not support this function, then the WMM APSD standard enabled in the router settings can be harmful, reducing the transmission speed over Wi-Fi.

When using a laptop or computer with an adapter, energy saving is activated directly on the adapter. To disable it:

  1. Press Windows+R.
  2. In the line that appears, type the command devmgmt.msc.
  3. When a new menu appears, you need to go to “Network adapters”.
  4. A list will appear, including various devices, from which you must select an option with one of the designations: WiFi, Link, Realtek or something similar related to working on the Internet.
  5. Using the right mouse button on this line, select the item, select “Properties”, and then go to the “Power Management” tab. If there is a checkmark there, you should uncheck it and save the settings.

Selection of free channels

Information is transferred through channels used as a bridge between the equipment and the router. The main reason for the low speed of the Internet connection using Wi-Fi is the congestion of the channel.

To determine the optimal channel on modem devices specially adapted for operation on Russian territory, there are basic channels (13 pieces), and for other devices - 11 options. The more one of the channels is loaded by users, the lower the Wi-Fi connection speed will be.

The “crowding” of channels is affected by the connection of other users to a particular modem and the presence of neighboring routers. If there are other access points within range transmitting a signal on the same channel, the Wi-Fi connection speed will decrease.

The less technology is used on a channel, the better it is. Special applications will help you find a free channel:

  • Wi-Fi Analyzer for Android;
  • Wi-Fi explorer for iOS;
  • InSSIDer for Windows.

To use the latter option, you need to do the following:

  1. Download and install the free InSSIDer program. It applies to all versions of Windows.
  2. Run the program. In the window that appears, there will be a list of channel numbers that have already been occupied by competitors, with a map of band overlap. From them you need to select a free channel. Ideally, you want to avoid overlapping bands with neighboring networks, which can be difficult.
  3. Open the router settings menu in a web browser and change the channel.
  4. The control panel contains an option to change the channel. Some routers have an “Auto” option, which allows you to independently search for free channels. In other cases, it is recommended to set these parameters manually, indicating the channel detected using this program.
  5. You must reboot the router and connect the PC to the Internet again for the settings to take effect.

This method helps to significantly increase connection speed, but it will not be effective in all cases.

How to select the optimal Wi-Fi channel in the InSSIDe program is described in the video below:

Updating the wireless adapter driver

Wi-Fi speed may be reduced not because of the equipment itself, but because of the version of the wireless adapter driver. To ensure a quality connection, you will need the latest version. The driver update process is only possible from a computer or laptop.

To do this you will need:

  • know the name of the adapter manufacturer;
  • search for the latest driver version;
  • install the update.

Determining the type of adapter available on a computer or laptop is possible using the special HWVendorDetection application. You need to download and run it: information regarding the equipment and supplier will appear. Having such information, you can visit the manufacturer’s website. Next, you need to go to the “Soft Drivers” section and enter information about the installed model to download the required driver.

You can solve the issue even easier using the DriverBooster program, which itself can find outdated drivers on your computer and update them.

Updating the router firmware

When doing firmware for the first time, you can render the router unusable if you perform the procedure incorrectly. For this reason, it is recommended to use only a certified router. Such models usually have a rollback point, thanks to which, if an attempt fails, it is possible to return to the previous firmware version again.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The latest firmware version is downloaded from the router manufacturer's website. It is easy to find the required version using the serial number.
  2. The router is connected using a Lan cable directly to a computer or laptop. This activity is most conveniently performed on version 7 of Windows and higher.
  3. In the router settings, go to the Firmware Upgrade item, enter the path to the downloaded directory and update the firmware. Until the process is completed, the router cannot be turned off and the cable must not be pulled out.
  4. The device must be restarted before use.

Selecting a network security mode

A decrease in connection speed is possible due to someone else connecting to a specific user’s network. To avoid this situation, you need to select the latest standard for password and information encryption - WPA2 - in the security mode of the router settings.

You should try to come up with a complex password. If at some point the user forgets it, you can later reset the password in the settings.

Switch to 5 GHz Wi-Fi

Another method to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection is to switch to 5 GHz Wi-Fi. To use this wireless method you must:

  • get a dual-standard router;
  • ensure the availability of devices operating on this standard.

The speed increase during the transition to 5 GHz Wi-Fi is carried out for two reasons:

  • the latest standard with free channels;
  • the transmission frequency increases, which solves the problem of speeding up the operation of the router.

Purchasing a more powerful and expensive router can quickly solve the problem of speeding up Wi-Fi. This is the most successful way to get rid of the problem.

Changing the channel width

The change in connection speed is affected by the router channel width. In modern modem models, there is an item in the settings with channel width values. If this parameter is not present, then the choice is made from the values ​​of 20 and 40 GHz.

The disadvantages of the new standards include the significant impact of additional modems nearby operating on the same channel. In this regard, absolutely free channels or with a frequency of 20 GHz are selected.

If the Wi-Fi speed is lower than when connected via a network cable to the router, you must use one of the methods listed in the article to increase the speed. If, even with a cable connection, the Internet speed measurement does not provide the necessary indicators, it is better to contact your service provider.

There is nothing worse for a modern person than slow Internet. A poor connection kills nerve cells and interferes with the normal operation of the PC and surfing the Internet. Internet problems are often caused by the router. It may be installed incorrectly, configured or broken. Luckily, there are ways to find and fix the problem causing slow internet speeds.

Reasons for low Internet speed over Wi-Fi

A noticeable decrease in connection speed occurs due to one or more reasons:

  • The router is located too far from the computer, the signal weakens;
  • Wi-Fi router has low bandwidth;
  • Several devices are connected to Wi-Fi at once and simultaneously use traffic;
  • The router settings are lost.

You can detect a low connection speed to the network both with the help of special services and by personal feelings.

How to measure speed correctly

Several high-quality and free services work to measure the current Internet connection speed:

For the result to be reliable, you need to disable all programs and browser tabs that take away traffic. Typical examples of such programs: torrents, client network games, download and download managers.

On the PC, only the browser and the speed measurement tab should be open. In other cases, the result is considered invalid.

Methods to increase Internet speed

Depending on the root cause of the slowdown, various measures should be taken to correct the problem.

Correct location of the router

Signal improvement is directly related to the location of the device. Most owners try to put the router away, because the plastic box cannot be called beautiful. In fact, the lower and further away the router is located, the worse the signal will be.

The ideal location is on a hill, as close to the center of the room as possible.

Using a Repeater

Repeaters are devices that allow you to extend the router signal over a greater distance. If the room is large and the device’s signal does not travel far enough, installing a repeater will correct the situation. It is recommended to install it according to the same principles as the router.

Updating Router and Adapter Drivers

Low speed or network interruptions may be the result of outdated/inappropriate drivers. This problem is fixed within a couple of minutes:

Updating the router firmware

Changing the firmware on a router is a dangerous, but useful procedure. The native firmware is written on the bottom of the device. The inscription “Ver. 1.1", numbers may be different.

To update the firmware, you need to connect the PC and router with a cable, this is mandatory. In addition, the firmware version must match the current one, i.e. the search must be carried out from 1.1. and higher.

After connecting the device to the PC, you need to go to the router manufacturer’s website, select the model and download the firmware for it. After downloading, the file runs, the firmware is installed just like any other program.

Changing the Wi-Fi network channel

The procedure is carried out in the router settings interface. The appearance of the interface may differ for different models. To enter the settings interface, you need to:

  1. Launch browser;
  2. Enter or in the address bar, depending on the manufacturer;
  3. Enter the device settings section;
  4. Change channel to another.

Changing the channel width

The setup is carried out in the same router management interface. Initially, devices are set to automatic installation, but the user can change this value.

It is better to increase the channel by the average value. Most routers have the following settings:

  • 20 MHz – standard width;
  • 20 MHz and above – extension;
  • 40 MHz and below – expansion with a smooth transition to the maximum;
  • 40 MHz – maximum width.

Changing the Wi-Fi network operating mode

Once again, the user needs to go to the router configuration interface. The operating mode can be changed in the wireless network settings section.

The appearance of the interface varies depending on the model and manufacturer. The modes are assigned the generally accepted markings:

  • b – mode with the slowest operation, transmission speed up to 11 Mbit/s;
  • g – operating mode with an average transmission speed of 54 Mbit/s;
  • n – maximum transmission speed 600 Mbit/s.

Changing the mode on the router is the best way to speed up the Internet on mobile devices. When installing, it is recommended to select “mixed” modes; the device will automatically select the most optimal one.

Changing the network standard to 802.11N

In Russia, this standard is practically not supported by devices, but it increases the connection speed by 4 times compared to conventional router settings.

You can set the network standard to 802.11N by changing the router firmware to custom. This method is recommended only for experienced users.

Even if the router supports the 802.11N standard, there is a possibility that the computer or laptop simply will not be able to connect to the Internet. The 802.11N standard is characterized by more stable operation, increased signal strength, and high operating speed. To comfortably use this standard, it is recommended to purchase devices that support this technology.

Change of security standard

A security standard or type of encryption is what protects the router from third-party connections. In theory, changing the security standard can improve connection speeds, but this method does not provide guarantees.

Encryption settings are also carried out in the router management interface. Routers support 2 types of encryption, TKIP and AES. It is recommended to choose based on the characteristics of safety standards:

  • TKIP is a type of encryption that was actively used on older routers. This safety standard is now considered obsolete. It imposes serious restrictions on the data transfer speed.
  • AES is a more modern security standard that allows for high network speeds. AES is compatible with the 802.11N standard.

If the router supports simultaneous encryption standards, you just need to re-create the connection to the wireless network on your PC and specify AES in the settings.

In cases where the router only works on TKIP, but supports AES, the encryption type is changed in the web interface.

Replacing the router

Like any technology, routers perform worse over time. There is a possibility that a low-quality model was originally purchased. Network problems caused by the router will disappear after replacing the device. This method cannot be called budgetary.

The method allows you to update the device settings, reset any errors or overloads that have occurred. If problems with the network are noticed, rebooting the router is a temporary solution.

today they are not just popular: they are a must-have in every home and office. After all, users with them gain not only a stable connection to the World Wide Web. The main thing is that this connection should also be of high quality, and ideally super-fast!

But what if the provider provides a speed of 100 megabits per second, but via Wi-Fi it barely reaches 20-30 Mbit per second? It's time to start using these far from unnecessary megabits, and to do this you need to figure out how to quickly and accurately increase the speed of WiFi on modern and not so modern router models.

Improving Internet speed through the router's Wi-Fi network

For the simplest Internet surfing, scrolling through social networks, online stores and similar web portals, downloading a track or picture, even 3-5 megabits of device bandwidth is enough. In this case, there will be no difficulties with WiFi speed and its increase, because... the user does not feel any inconvenience. Pictures download, Facebook and Twitter open, what else do you need?

The problems become obvious when the user watches, for example, a video in good quality and sees that the speed of information transfer via Wi-Fi only reaches a minimum of 20-30 Mbit per second, while the tariff is designed for 100 Mbit or even more . How to increase the speed of wireless Internet through a Wi-Fi router in this case?

To begin with, it is worth clarifying 3 points:

  1. Determine the capabilities of the device itself. Budget devices with basic configuration provide average internet speed. In inexpensive units, the manufacturer can save on the chipset (1 core, minimum frequency), amount of RAM, and antenna power. For home use and simple online work, this is quite enough. If you need to quickly download large files, play adventure games and shooting games, you should think about purchasing a more expensive device (for example,).
  2. Look at the Wireless N label on the box. The numbers next to this inscription, for example 300, mean the maximum achievable Wi-Fi speed (if you use the latest 802.11N standard). If an older standard is used, then the indicators will be somewhere 1.5-2 times less than the specified number.
  3. Update firmware. Before you try to increase Wi-Fi speed by manipulating the settings, you need to update the device firmware to the latest (it is also advisable to do this for). In addition, computer software compatibility can have a negative impact on speed. Therefore, it is worth visiting the web portal of the developer company, downloading the newest version from there, going to Windows Device Manager or adapter settings, and making changes to the firmware.

What else needs to be checked before setting up the unit? The number of gadgets connected to it. After all, the device has to “divide” the initial connection speed among everyone. To successfully solve this, you can use specialized ones that will help you set up a wireless virtual network without “jumps” in the pace of work.

Another simple method to increase the speed of Wi-Fi several times is to use an interval of 5 gigahertz. Some routers support 2 bands: 2.4 and 5 gigahertz. Most often, Wi-Fi networks are operated on the first of these frequencies. And it turns out that the more devices operate at 2.4 gigahertz, the worse the connection can be. Residents of apartment buildings should know this firsthand.

5 gigahertz is used less frequently, resulting in less interference and higher connection quality. A nuance - to operate the specified frequency, a mobile or stationary device must support it (a good example is).

After everything is checked, you can start digging into the settings.

Convert all gadgets to 802.11N

When working with the “ancient” standards 802.11G or 802.11B, the network’s ability to quickly transfer information is reduced by up to 80%, so it’s time to switch to a more current one.

The standard is launched very simply:

  • in the Internet browser you need to write the IP address of the gadget (indicated on the label);
  • enter your login and password (factory or personal);
  • go to the menu and select “Basic settings”;
  • go to “Wireless Mode” and select 802.11 N from the list.

Nuance: in devices from different manufacturers (for example, or), the settings may differ. More details can be found in the instructions for use, which are supplied with the unit.

You should not use WEP or WPA/TKIP, which have become a thing of history: they can significantly “slow down” the speed of the wireless Internet. Even if you switch to 802.11N, but do not change this parameter, you will not be able to increase the speed on any router model. Additionally, this standard provides a high degree of security by working in tandem with a block cipher algorithm called AES.

To change these parameters, you will need:

  • go to the device settings (how to do this is described above);
  • select “Advanced settings”;
  • go to the security section;
  • set: network authentication – WPA2-PSK, encryption – AES.

Click on the “Change” button at the bottom of the screen. The settings will take effect after the device is rebooted.

After 802.11N is connected, in order for the Internet to reach record speeds, you need to activate WMM. This parameter goes in tandem with QoS (quality of service) and is well suited, for example, for streaming video.

WMM is connected in the Wi-Fi settings. To do this you need:

  • go to “Wireless mode”;
  • click on “Advanced settings”;
  • Click on On next to WNN.

WNN is also required to support the PC wireless adapter. You can connect through: Settings – Properties – Advanced.

Setting the channel width to 20 MHz

802.11N technology works with broadband channels by default to increase network throughput. But it is worth considering that this will only be effective if the signal is excellent. Under standard Wi-Fi network conditions, this is almost impossible to achieve. In addition, 40 MHz channels operating at 2.4 gigahertz may cause interference with other gadgets that use this band.

And with a weak signal, a broadband channel has the opposite effect - the data transfer speed decreases and interference appears. In devices like this, the use of such channels is the default, so it’s worth changing this manually.

In the additional Wi-Fi settings, you need to set the value to 20MHz next to the “channel width” item. Then click on “Save” and reboot the device so that the updated settings take effect.

When manually setting up a wireless network, you need to select not the maximum value, but the optimal number. This can be done in the aggregate interface (for example: ):

  • setting up a wireless network;
  • signal strength;
  • gradually reduce the value.

You need to stop when, at the farthest point of the room/apartment/office, the laptop or smartphone stops “seeing” the network. After this, you need to increase the transmitter power by one division and you can use Wi-Fi at optimal settings.

The maximum power value will be set automatically, but if the device is located directly next to a PC or laptop, this may lead to losses or a weak signal. And an extra temptation for neighbors... And if the router settings do not provide for changing this value, it is worth increasing the distance between it and the gadgets that receive Internet from it.

Let's summarize: to increase the Wi-Fi speed on the router, you will need to set:


frequency range 2.4 or 5 GHz
wireless standard 802.11N
network authentication WPA2-PSK
encryption AES
MultiMedia (WMM) on
channel width 20 MHz

After all the steps, it is important not to forget to restart the unit. The procedures described above will significantly speed up the speed of Internet work via Wi-Fi and will allow you to productively use the capabilities of both budget and more expensive devices.

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