How to update your account password. What to do if you've lost your Windows administrator password

But then a problem happened - the owner forgot the administrator’s access code and when he tried to log in, he saw a message about the incorrectly entered password and the impossibility of logging into the system. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that Windows stores all passwords in a securely protected partition on the hard drive using the SAM system. For security reasons, accessing it and finding out the password is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. On the one hand, this will protect you from third-party interference, but, on the other hand, it greatly ruins your life if you forget the access combination. Users of Windows 7 suffer the most, since this version of the OS only offers work with a local account, unlike the newer Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Here the user can attach a Microsoft account to the computer and, in case of a forgotten password, can reset it via website from any device. PC owners on seven can only remove the administrator password.

Fortunately, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. If you follow our detailed instructions on how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password when using a local account, as well as how to find out the password, you can easily solve your problem in a short time without outside help. So let's get started.

Method 1. Using an installation disk or recovery image

To do this, you will need a boot disk or flash drive with Windows, or a previously created recovery disk (this can also be a flash drive). If you may not be able to figure out the second one, since you are unlikely to constantly create fresh recovery disks, then the installation image can be downloaded from a large number of sites.

  1. Insert the disk or flash drive into the PC, and in the BIOS, mark the media as a priority when booting. This is necessary so that loading occurs from external media, and not from the built-in hard drive.
  2. Depending on the version of Windows, click Diagnostics - Advanced options - Command Prompt or System Restore - Next - Command Prompt.
  3. When the command prompt opens, add regedit and press Enter.
  4. Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section to highlight it, then click File - Load Hive.
  5. In the window that opens, go to C:\Windows\System32\config (if the system is installed in a different partition, the address will be slightly different) and open the System.
  6. Name the loading partition any name, for example, 555.
  7. In the registry editor, look in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\555\Setup section and find the CmdLine and SetupType parameters there. Double-click on each of them and change the indicators to the following:
    • CmdLine - cmd.exe.
    • SetupType - 0 change to 2.
  8. Select the 555 partition you created, then click File - Unload Hive.
  9. Take out the flash drive or disk, close all active utilities, select “Reboot” in the main window of the recovery wizard.

After restarting, when you log in, the command line will be expanded. With its help we will perform further operations.

Password reset

To reset your password, use this command:

net user login password

This command is relevant if you remember the exact spelling of the username. If you forgot, type the command net user, after which all accounts saved on the PC will be displayed.

Create a new account

If you do not have any administrator account installed, you will need to create one by entering a few commands. To do this, enter them one by one on the command line:

net user login password /add

net localgroup Administrators login /add

net localgroup Users login /delete

The first command first creates a new account, then assigns it to the administrators group, and then removes it from the users group. After applying all the commands, close the Command Prompt.

By creating a new account with a new password, you will be able to log into Windows without any problems.

Note! You won’t be able to find out your password this way, you can only reset it!

Method 2. Using third-party utilities

Offline NT Password Editor

If the first method involved using standard Windows capabilities, then the second suggests using third-party utilities that allow you to reset the Windows 7 administrator password. One of the most acceptable is Offline NT Password Editor, which allows you to gain full access to the OS system partition. You can either remove or change the password, or activate the administrator account. The utility does not provide a graphical interface, but nevertheless it is not at all difficult to understand. Each step is numbered and indicates what you need to do. So, what are the steps you need to follow to reset your password using this utility?

  1. On another computer or laptop, go to the developer’s website, in the Bootdisk section, scroll to Download and download the version you need. The file name consists of numbers and letters. If you want to create a boot disk, download the file with cd in the name, but if you use a flash drive, then usb.
  2. If you are using a disk, write the downloaded image using a burning program, and if using a flash drive, then perform the following manipulations:
    • Copy the contents of the archive to a USB flash drive without creating any additional files.
    • Expand Command Prompt as Administrator.
    • Use the command f:\syslinux.exe -ma f:, where instead of f write the letter under which the flash drive is identified in Windows Explorer. If it doesn’t give any error, it means everything was recorded as expected.
    • Insert your external media into the computer, set it in the BIOS as the first one to boot, and turn on the computer. The utility interface should start instead of the Windows Welcome window.

Step 1

The first step is to select the hard drive partition on which Windows is installed. The program provides a list of disk partitions indicating their size, which is what you should focus on. If you remember that the system is usually installed on drive C, which is several times smaller than drive D, it will be quite difficult to make a mistake. Enter the numbers with the section number and press the Enter button.

Step 2

After this, the utility asks which part of the registry needs to be loaded. Select 1 - Password reset, press the corresponding number and confirm with Enter.

Step 3

Changing or resetting a password by editing user data in the registry. The utility will launch chntpw Main Interactive Menu, in which item 1 - Edit user data and passwords - is immediately selected. Confirm your selection by pressing the Enter button. If you need to change the password, select 2 - Edit (set new) user password.

In the menu that opens, chntpw Edit User Info & Passwords, all computer accounts are displayed, with their code designation in hexadecimal notation (RID column). We are interested in the administrator account; most often it is displayed first in the list and is selected by default. If the account name is displayed in English letters, type it in the input field under the table; if in Russian, then use the information from the RID column. The entry in the input field will be in the format 0xABCD, where instead of ABCD you need to put the value from the table. The selection is confirmed with the Enter button.

Next, the User Edit Menu is displayed with a list of actions that can be performed with the administrator account. Select 1 - Clear (blank) user password and confirm with Enter. The program should report a successful password reset.

Step 4

Saving the changes made (Step Four: Writing back changes). Press successively! and q to exit the previous menus, after which the utility will offer to save the changes by issuing the request “About to write file(s) back! Do it? Enter y, and at the next prompt type n.

To reboot, enter the command reboot or click on the small button on the computer system unit. The system will start you up without asking for a password. You can install it yourself in the account management menu.

ERD Commander

Another fairly advanced utility for resetting the Windows administrator password. First, you will need to create a bootable USB flash drive with the utility on your work computer. For this:

  1. Prepare a flash drive with a capacity of at least 1 GB, and also download the following four files:, Ghost32.exe,, ERD Commander image file in gho format.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the computer, then run HPUSBdisk.exe, select your drive in the Device window, select File system as FAT32, and then click the Start button. The flash drive will be formatted, so make sure you save the important information stored on it somewhere.
  3. Unpack the archive and run grubinst_gui.exe, then select the flash drive in the Disk field and click the Install button at the very bottom. If the procedure completes successfully, you should see the following message: “The Mbr/bs has been successfully installed. Press to continue..." Now you can safely move on to the next stage.
  4. Run Ghost32.exe - click Ok - Local - Disk - From Image, then select the ERD.gho file and click on it.
  5. In the window that opens, select the flash drive, click Ok - Ok - Yes and wait until the bootable flash drive is completely created. This usually takes 10–15 minutes.

Now you have to work with the ERD Commander bootable flash drive. Here's what to do:

  1. After connecting the flash drive to the computer, set the boot priority through the BIOS so that the flash drive comes first, and turn on the PC.
  2. Select your version of Windows. If you confuse the system bit size, then it’s okay, just at the next stage the utility will give an error and you can repeat the procedure from the beginning.
  3. After waiting for the download, select the installed operating system, click Next - Microsoft Diagnostics - Password Change Wizard.
  4. You will see a window with a list of users and fields for entering a password. Select the administrator account, write down the new password and confirm it.
  5. Remove the flash drive from the USB connector, boot into normal mode and use the new password.

Note! You won’t be able to find out your password this way, you can only delete it or set a new one!

Method 3. Substitution of system files

You've probably heard about the sticky keys feature. Simply press the Shift button 5 times quickly and a window will appear asking you to activate the mode. The file sethc.exe, located in the Windows system partition, is responsible for it. Interestingly, you can even activate it in the password entry window when Windows starts. But since the situation is that the user has forgotten it, we need to replace it with the cmd.exe file, which is responsible for opening the command prompt. How to do it?

  1. Boot from external Windows media, in the installation window, click System Restore - Command Prompt.
  2. Apply the following commands sequentially:
    • copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\- to create a backup copy of the sethc.exe utility.
    • copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe- to replace the file sethc.exe with cmd.exe.
  3. Restart your computer normally.
  4. When the password window appears, press the Shift button five times, which will open the Command Prompt.
  5. To change your password, type the command net user login password, after which reboot again and now you will definitely be able to get into the system.

Note! You will not be able to find out the password this way, only delete it!

How to find out your account password

In this paragraph, we will learn how to hack the administrator password or simply find out it. Indeed, in many cases it is simply easier not to reset the password, but to simply assume that it is forgotten. To do this, we need the Ophcrack utility, which has the capabilities we need. It is capable of working in a graphical and text interface and, according to the creators, is able to find out almost any password stored on your system. How to use it?

  1. Go to the official website and download the appropriate version: in the form of a program installation file if you can log into the system, or a Live CD to create bootable media if you can’t log into the system because you forgot your password.
  2. Run the installation file or boot from a flash drive or disk and select the graphical or text interface of the utility.
  3. Wait until the utility reads and displays the system passwords. Depending on the power of the computer, this may take different times.

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated and if your password is not too complex, then the program will help you find it. You will then be able to log in again and enter your access code. Practice shows that if the password is very complex, consisting of a combination of large and small letters, as well as numbers, then the program may not cope.


We hope that our instructions helped you in a situation where you forgot your Windows account password. You now know how to reset it and install a new one. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

Probably, each of us, trying to protect personal information, came up with an extremely complex password, which was then safely forgotten. In this article we will tell you what to do if you forgot your Nokia Lumia password.

Forgotten account password

You can reset or recover your Microsoft account password on this page:

The instructions are intuitive and, most likely, after completing all the steps you will be able to recover your account password on your phone.

How to unlock Nokia Lumia if you forgot your phone password

Have you installed your Nokia Lumia smartphone and forgotten it? Don't despair - there is a way to unlock your phone, and even more than one.

Important! Each of the following methods for recovering a forgotten password leads to the complete deletion of all user data (applications, games, contacts, photos, videos, etc.) without the possibility of recovery.

In fact, the full one is performed not from the smartphone, but by sequentially pressing keys. Before resetting the settings, you must fully charge the device, or at least at least 50%.

How to unlock a Windows Phone phone: method No. 1

Step 1. Disconnect the charger from the smartphone.

Step 2. Press and hold the volume down button while connecting the charger. If everything is done correctly, an exclamation mark will appear on the screen.

Step 3. Now you need to press the keys in the following sequence:

  1. Volume up button;
  2. Volume down button;
  3. Power (lock) button;
  4. Volume down button.

For about 5-15 minutes, the gears will rotate on the screen - this means that the reset process is in progress. Then the screen will go dark for about 30 seconds and after that the device will reboot.

Unlocking Lumiya smartphones with camera key

Everything is simple here:

Step 1. At the same time, press and hold the camera button, power button and volume up key until they vibrate.

Step 2. As soon as the smartphone vibrates, release the power key and continue to hold the other buttons until “WIN” appears.

This way you can unlock many Windows Phone devices, for example, Lumia 630, 520, 535, 530, 920, 625, 820, 720, 730, 1020, 800, 925, 640, 820, 430, 635, etc.

Nokia Asha 501 allow to reset settings, .

Software Hard Reset:

There are several ways to reset your settings. The easiest way is to enter the “Settings” menu, where the “Recover” tab is selected. But this operation will be possible if the phone is not locked, for example, because the password was forgotten. It is also not possible if the phone does not turn on. However, if you can log in successfully, then this method will be effective.

You should not rush to reset the data, as the phone may simply freeze, then none of the keys will be able to affect it. To solve this problem, simply forcefully turn off the phone by holding down the Power button until the device turns off. If the Nokia Asha 501 phone is very slow even after such a reboot, then you should think about resetting the settings. This operation can help if your Nokia Asha 501 phone does not turn on or freezes very often.

Hardware Reset:

The Hard Reset operation can be performed by entering the security code. For Nokia Asha 501 model the code is 12345 by default. It is also called a security code. Resetting the settings must be done after entering the code in the phone number entry field * # 7370 # (is tough) or * # 7780 # (is soft).

After this, the phone will turn off and turn on again. It is worth remembering that all data and settings will be lost after this operation.


Yesterday a friend asked me: “I forgot the password to my Lumiya, what should I do?” First, we figured out exactly what password she forgot. Microsoft account password or Lumia lock screen password. It turned out everything was simple, she couldn’t enter the store (I still didn’t understand how the password fell off), but while I was waiting for her to arrive, I googled how to unlock a Lumia smartphone and now I’ll share it with you.

If you forgot your Microsoft account password

In this case, the password can be recovered simply:
1. Go to

2. Select “Can’t access your account?”

3. Next, follow the intuitive instructions.

If you forgot your Lumia lock screen password

This situation is no longer pleasant, because you will have to do a so-called hard reset of the Lumiya smartphone and the phone will return to factory settings.

When you complete all the steps described below, all information stored on it (files, photos, games, contacts, music, etc.) will be deleted from your phone. In fact, you will have Lumiya as if from a store.

Before resetting the settings, it is advisable to fully charge the Lumiya or at least bring the charge to 50%.

Method 1.

  • Turn off the phone, press and hold the volume down + power + camera button at the same time until it vibrates.
  • After vibration, release the power button while continuing to hold the camera and volume buttons. Press “WIN”, wait for reboot

Method 2.

  • Turn off your Lumiya and disconnect the charger plug from the phone
  • Now you need to press and hold the volume down key on your phone and connect the charger. After this, an exclamation mark (!) should appear on your phone screen.
  • Next, you need to press the keys in the following order: key increase volume, key decrease volume, key nutrition, key decrease volume.
  • You need to wait a little about 5 minutes until the reset process is completed. At this time, you will see rotating gears on the smartphone screen. After this process, the phone screen will go dark for about 30 seconds and then the phone will reboot.

I hope any of these methods will help you.

Read How to regain access to your Microsoft account. A detailed guide on how to recover a forgotten or lost password from your account. With this article we are opening a series of short articles in which we will try to explain to users how they can recover a forgotten account password on various popular websites and social networks.

Corporation "Microsoft" claims that about seven hundred million devices worldwide use the latest operating system "Windows 10", not counting earlier versions of the system. Therefore, at a minimum, this number of users are registered on the corresponding website of the corporation in order to access all the opportunities that it offers "Microsoft".

By registering their own account, users can make custom, advanced settings to fully manage their products. "Microsoft". A single account allows users to manage settings across the corporation's entire product line "Microsoft", which are available to the user in one place.

This approach greatly simplifies the process of monitoring and managing the parameters of the corporation's products and relieves the user of remembering many passwords. But in turn, it significantly increases liability if the password is lost, because in this case access to all registered products is lost.

In the vastness of the international worldwide computer network "Internet" Users can find a variety of desktop and remote network applications to store various passwords and other sensitive information. Such password managers allow the user to access their private data at any time if necessary, and also guarantee the user a certain level of protection for their information and block any unauthorized access to their personal data.

If you, for some reason (for example, you are afraid of hacking your password if it is stored remotely), do not use a password manager to store credentials and rely on your memory, then due to the fact that these passwords are quite complex, at some point you will You may simply not remember them. Most websites, including the corporation's website "Microsoft", recommend using a complex combination of letters and numbers in different cases to protect your account from hacking and possible malicious entry. If you have forgotten your account password "Microsoft", which can also be an account for "", "", "" or even "", you will not be able to recover the same password. However, it is quite simple to regain access to your account by resetting your old password and replacing it with a new one.

How to recover your account password "Microsoft"

Open your favorite web browser, no need to use any specific browser, and go to your account page "Microsoft" and then click the button "To come in" in the upper right corner.

On the account login page, enter your username "Microsoft" and press the button "Further".

Please note that due to changes in past years, you may have used any email account associated with Corporation products "Microsoft" as your site account "Microsoft". This includes sites "", "", "" And "". "Microsoft" even allows you to register for an account "Microsoft" using email addresses from third-party applications, such as yours "Gmail" address. But the password is for your original account "Microsoft" will be different from your other passwords.

Once the username has been verified, a password entry page will appear. Below the password field, click the text link "Forgot your password".

On the next page, you will be asked to select one of three possible answers that explain why you are unable to sign in to your account. Check the box next to “I don’t remember my password”, and then click the button "Further".

You will be prompted to enter certain characters that you see on the account recovery screen as a security measure. Do this and then click the button "Further".

Verify your identity with the email address or phone number connected to your account

On the new page that opens, you will need to confirm your identity, that you are the owner and have the right to manage the settings of this account. From the options provided, you will need to choose how you want to complete identity verification verification. You will have two options to choose from. In the first case, you can receive a security code for your account "Microsoft" by letter to the email address specified in your account settings. In the second option, you can get a text "SMS" message with a code to a confirmed phone number. If you choose the option with a letter, then check the first box and click the button "Send code". If you decide to choose to receive your security code through "SMS", then activate the corresponding cell to receive the code on your mobile device, and also press the button "Send code". First, to confirm that you are the owner of the phone number specified in your account settings, you will have to enter its last four digits.

Check your email for an email from Account Technical Support "Microsoft". On the identity verification page, enter the code you received in the email and click "Further".

On the password reset page, enter your new password on the first line (be sure to make it complex to increase the security of your account). On the next line, confirm your new password by re-typing it again and click the button "Further".

Your password has now been changed and you will be notified immediately on the account recovery page. Click the button "Further" again and you will be taken to your account login screen where you can use your new password to login.

Verify your identity if you don't have an alternative email

If on the User Account Control page "Microsoft" you have selected a cell from the list of options to receive a security code, "Microsoft" will have to send you a security code to another email address as verification.

On the next page, enter the email address where you would like to receive the security code and click the button "Further".

Now check the email address you provided. Once you receive the security code for your account "Microsoft", enter it in the specified field and click the button "Confirm".

Once confirmed, you will be redirected to the user account recovery section pages. On them you will need to fill out a form with information related to your account, such as first and last name, date of birth, country in which you created the account, emails sent, products used from the corporation "Microsoft" etc. Click the button "Further" and submit the completed form.

After you submit the form, Account Technical Support "Microsoft" will review the information you provide and notify you whether the information you submit is sufficient to restore access to your account within 24 hours via the email address you provided.

If you have entered sufficient correct and valid information and your request has been accepted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your old password.

If your request is denied, you have the option to try submitting your account recovery request again up to two times per day. If you cannot remember enough of the required information to recover your account, you may need to create a new account.

The process of restoring your own account "Microsoft" It's not complicated and doesn't take much time. You just need to carefully follow the instructions provided and enter the correct information that you used when registering your account. Then you can reset your old password and create a new one, and then log into your account and gain access to all corporation products associated with it "Microsoft".

The issue of personal data security is quite acute these days. Increasingly, you can read in the news about the massive theft of user data of a service from a server, or directly from their devices. In this regard, smartphone developers are constantly trying to improve the reliability of their products. One of the best mobile systems from a security point of view is Windows Phone. It has taken all necessary measures to ensure the safety of your data in the event of possible outside interference. In this article, we’ll talk about how to secure your smartphone when physically accessing the device, namely, how to set a password on Windows Phone. Go!

Every user wants to protect personal information from prying eyes

You can set the code on your smartphone in the lock screen settings. To get started, open “Settings”, select “System” and go to “Lock screen”. A window with all the settings will open in front of you. There you can change the background and customize the information displayed on the screen in lock mode, as well as notifications from applications. Below you will find just what you need. In the “Screen off after” item, set the time after which the device will lock itself. A gap that is too small will interfere with normal use of the phone, and a gap that is too large is not recommended from the point of view of security and energy saving.

Next is the “Password” item we need. To set password protection on Windows Phone, move the slider to the “On” position. The next step is to create a password. First you will need to enter your key, and then confirm that it was entered correctly. After this, you can configure the frequency with which the system will request the code in the “Require password via” item.

In version Windows Phone 8.1, it became possible to set a pattern. However, this feature is not built-in and works through the application. It does not fully replace digital input, but rather complements it. To set a picture password on Windows Phone, you will need to download and install the Live Lock Screen application. In it you will be asked to set a graphic key by drawing an arbitrary figure along the points on the screen. After this, the pattern key will be requested immediately after entering the digital one, which will significantly increase the security of your phone.

Nokia Lumia smartphones are becoming increasingly popular among young people around the world. Perhaps the only significant disadvantage of some models is the locked Windows Phone operating system. There is an official way to unlock without voiding the warranty.

To install *.xap applications on Nokia Lumia not from the market, just create and then register your “Windows LiveID” account as a developer on On this site, students can create widgets and applications on Windows Phone. Create a new account here and link it to your Windows LiveID mailbox. Next, you will need to check whether you are really a student. Minimize the current window and launch the online university and register there. Then, to get your student code, go to It is this verification code that must be entered on the verification page of the DreamSpark website. After a few pages of instructions, you will be prompted to match your DreamSpark and LiveID accounts, accept it.

Next, you will need to create a registration record on Select "WindowsPhone Dev Center" and click "SignIn" in the top right corner. Enter the details, indicate the LiveID registered on DreamSpark. To assign developer status to your post, follow these steps: On the main page, click “Submit APP”, on the page that opens, click on the big red “Join Now” button. Fill out all the fields, select “Individual or student” as “Account type”, confirm your consent. In the next step, select the “I`m Student” item and click “Next”. Scroll down and click "Done".

Open the pre-installed Windows Phone package from the developer. Launch Windows Phone Developer Registration. Connect your smartphone to your computer, unlock the screen on it and open Zune. Next, enter the parameters of your LiveId account and the password that is registered as a developer on AppHub. Click on the “Register” button. The phone is unlocked for downloading applications.

To install the application on Nokia Lumia, now click “Start”, open “Windows Phone Developer Tools”, then “Application Deploy”, select the desired *.xap file, and in the “Target” select “Windows Phone Device”. Check if the smartphone screen is unlocked, click “Deploy”. In a short time the application will be installed on your smartphone.

Thanks to these instructions, you can easily and without loss of warranty expand the selection of applications for the Windows Phone operating system installed on Nokia Lumia.

The problem of user data security has been relevant for a very long time. At first it concerned only computers and storage media, and then migrated to mobile devices. For years now, developers have been trying to come up with new ways to keep data secure on a device. So far, all the options that are used in various smartphones are a code (PIN), a graphic password, a fingerprint. All this is designed to protect the contents of your phones from unauthorized persons. But it happens that either due to the fault of the device OS, or due to the fault of the user himself, the owner of the phone cannot access it. What to do in such a situation? In this article we will figure out how to unlock Windows Phone. Let's get started. Go!

In smartphones running the Windows Phone OS, blocking is carried out using a special code that is set by the owner of the phone. But what to do if you forgot the code and cannot log into your phone? The simplest solution is to perform a factory reset. But in this case, all data will be deleted from the smartphone, which is an unacceptable option for most users. Luckily, there is a method that allows you to unlock Windows Phone without resetting or deleting your phone's contents.

Now in more detail about this very method. For everything to work, it is necessary that the “ ” and “Location” modes are activated on the device. Otherwise, you will not be able to unlock the phone and the only possible way to solve the problem is to reset the settings. If the above modes have been enabled on your phone, proceed to the procedure to unlock your phone.

The first thing you need to do is log into your Microsoft account on your computer. To do this, open the appropriate page on the Microsoft website and enter your username and password. Please note that you need to log in to the account that is linked to your smartphone.

Click Login

Once you've logged into your account, click on "Devices" and select the "Your Devices" category from the list that appears. Next, find your device and click on the “Find my phone” button. Click on the “Block” button located under the card. Please provide your phone number and country. You can also check the box “This phone does not have a number” so as not to enter it. The next step is to set a four-digit unlock code. Click the “Block” button. After this, the phone will reboot and you can now unlock it by entering the PIN you just set. Now that you have unlocked your smartphone, you can go to the settings section and disable the lock using a code, if you wish.

If you've forgotten the password you use to sign in to services such as, Skype, OneDrive, and Xbox Live, you may need to reset the password.

  • First, make sure Caps Lock is turned off, as the case of the password matters. If you are sure that you are using the correct password, but you still cannot log in, this means that your account has been compromised.
  • To reset the password:
    • Go to the Reset Password page.
    • Select the reason for resetting your password, and then click Next.
    • Enter the email address of the Microsoft account you are trying to recover.
    • Enter the characters that are shown on the screen, and then click Next.
    • If you have added account security information to your account, you will be sent a one-time code to your phone number or email address. If you enter this code on the next screen, you can create a new password.

Windows 10 computer

  • On the sign-in screen, enter your Microsoft account name if it doesn't appear. If there are multiple accounts on your computer, select the one you need to reset.
  • Select I forgot my password, below the password text field.
  • On the screen Account recovery enter the characters that appear in the text field below Enter the characters you see and then click Next.
  • On the screen Data checking Select the option to receive a security code via SMS or email. If you select the SMS option, enter the last four digits of your phone number and then click Send Code.
  • After receiving the code via SMS or email on your other device, enter it and click Next.
  • On the screen Password reset, create a new password. This will allow you to set a new password. Click Next to return to the login screen.
  • Sign in with your new Microsoft account password.

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