How to send a beacon from MTS - all methods. Sending beacons from MTS - short commands, restrictions Brief video instructions for sending a “beacon” from MTS

Each MTS subscriber has the unique opportunity to send a free SMS beacon with the text “Call me back” to any number he needs.
To do this, if there is no money in your account, you just need to dial the easy combination *110* XXXXXXXXXXX # and the call button on your phone. Where “XXXXXXXX” means the number of the subscriber to whom the message is planned to be sent.

It can be entered in various formats, for example *110*+7917XXXXXXXX# *110* 917XXXXXXX #*110* 7917XXXXXXX # or *110* 8917XXXXXXX #. Immediately after sending the message, an SMS with the text “Call me back” and information about your number, date and time of sending the SMS will be delivered to the number you specified. The service is not paid, and provides up to 5 free “beacons” per day.

If you feel an urgent need to replenish funds and would like one of your loved ones, acquaintances or relatives to “throw” some money into your account, dial the combination *116* XXXXXXXXXXX #, where XXXXXXXXXXX is the subscriber’s number, and your friend will be sent a free message from your number containing the text “Top up my account.”

In order to use this service from MTS, you just need to have a starter package from this company; there is no need for additional connections to paid services or any payment for the “beacon”. SMS can be sent to any number of Beeline, Megafon or MTS operators. As you can see, sending a beacon from MTS is not so difficult.

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It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a mobile phone and without the ability to make calls at any time from anywhere in the world. In addition, the mobile operator MTS provides its subscribers with very favorable tariffs. At the moment, the most popular are tariff plans with a subscription fee, which include a certain number of calls, SMS, and Internet traffic.

Despite the fact that calls are becoming more profitable every year and each subscriber can choose the most convenient tariff for themselves, the money on the phone balance may run out at the most inopportune moment. And the user does not always have the opportunity to top up his account through a terminal or using an electronic wallet. In this case, the best solution would be to send beacons from MTS. This service allows users to send messages with the text “Call me back” absolutely free, even with a zero balance.

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“Call me back” service

In order to send another subscriber a request for a call back, you must:

  • Dial the command *110*subscriber number# on the telephone keypad.
  • Press the call button.

This service can be used by absolutely all MTS subscribers, regardless of how long they have been connected to the network. It is important to consider that no more than five such requests can be sent in one day. At 00.00 the limit is reset to zero.

“Top up my account” service

MTS users can ask other subscribers not only to call them back, but also to top up their account. In order to send such a request to a subscriber, you will need to use the command *116*subscriber number#. It is important to take into account that the subscriber's number is dialed without the eight. Also, if necessary, the user can specify the amount by which he wants to top up his account. To do this, you will need the command *116*subscriber number without eight*amount#. Another subscriber will be able to top up his account in cash through the terminal, from a bank card or from his mobile account using a special service.

To send money from a mobile account to another subscriber, you need to dial the command *112*subscriber number without the eight*transfer amount#. When transferring, it is important to take into account that the amount should not exceed 300 rubles. There should be no less than 90 rubles left in the subscriber’s account after the transfer. The fee for using the service is 7 rubles.

Promised payment

If there are no funds left in your account and you need to make an important call, you can use the “Promised Payment” service and borrow a small amount of money for three days. In order to do this, you need to dial the command *111*123# on the keyboard and press the call button. The amount of the promised payment that will be provided to the subscriber directly depends on his expenses for the last month. The minimum amount of the promised payment is 30 rubles, the maximum is 800. It is also important to take into account that an additional fee is charged for using the service, the amount of which depends on the amount of the promised payment. You can find out more detailed information at the company’s office, on the official website or by calling the operator on a short toll-free number.

Often in life situations arise when the money on your balance suddenly runs out and at a completely inopportune moment you are left without communication. In this case, it is possible to send messages containing the words “ call me back» from your number to other subscribers. It is worth mentioning that such messages are sent free of charge. This is a convenient solution for people who occasionally top up their mobile balances.

To send a “Beacon” to another person, you need to remember or have a record of the request combinations.

What is MTS Beacon and how does it work?

Russia's largest mobile operator, taking care of its customers, has created a request for subscribers who occasionally top up their phone balances and are left without communication at the most inconvenient moment. Even if your balance is negative, the service will still be available to you. To send a request to call back, enter the following combination: *100*subscriber number#, and press the call key to send the request.

The option can be used regardless of your location: in any region, in all regions of our country and even beyond its borders.

The person to whose number you send the request will receive an SMS containing the text: “ Call me back please", and indicating the exact time of dispatch. Sending 20 requests per day is available.

Blocking the receipt of a Beacon from MTS

If you often receive requests to call back, and you would like to set a ban on receiving them, then enter the USSD request: *110*0# and send it by pressing the “call” key. That’s all, “Beacons” will no longer be able to arrive to you. However, before you set a ban on receiving requests, think carefully, because there may come a time when your loved ones or friends find themselves without communication, and will need you to call them back, but will not be able to notify you about this in any way, this It won't be a good situation.

Cancel blocking of Beacon from MTS

Did you want to meet with friends, but they were unable to contact you at the right time? And have you decided to cancel the block on receiving “Beacons”? So, in order to make your phone number available again for receiving calls back requests, dial the USSD request from your mobile: *110*1# and press “call”. The request will be completed, and you will again be able to receive “Beacons” from other subscribers and will be available for communication.

What to do if the text of the message is not visible to the recipient

Some users receive SMS with empty texts or completely incomprehensible ones with foreign words. This may be due to the device's inability to support the message text language. You can use several solutions:

  1. Dial USSD code: *111*6*2#, press “call” - texts will be transliterated, that is, Russian words will be written with Latin letters.
  2. Dial USSD code: *111*6*1#, press “call” - texts will be on Russian language. If the result does not appear, then use the first method.

Top up your phone account using Beacon from MTS

If you urgently need to top up your mobile balance, but you don’t have the opportunity to do it right now, you don’t have an ATM, cash, a bank card that has money in your account, etc., then you can turn to your family or friends with a request to top up your phone account . To do this, use a special service - send a request “ Top up my account" The service is provided free of charge. To perform the operation, dial: *116*subscriber number#, then click on the handset.

SMS with the texts “Top up my account” or “Call me back” are very popular for subscribers of various mobile operators. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes you may need help, so we highly recommend that you learn these combinations or write them down and have them with you, so that at the right time you can look in and type the necessary commands.

You have no funds in your account, you are a subscriber of MTS and you urgently need to make a call? There is a simple way out - sending a free beacon “Top up my account” or “Call me back”.

To send a beacon to any subscriber with MTS, you need to dial the following command on your phone *110*subscriber number #, and then press the call button. In this case, the subscriber number is entered in 10-digit format (without eight and without +7) 917XXXXXXX. No spaces or dashes. After this procedure, a message with the following text will be sent to the number specified in the command: “Call me back, please,” where the time, date, and your phone number will be indicated.

The beacon is sent from MTS absolutely free of charge. This service is available to all subscribers and does not require prior connection. But there is one limitation - you can send a message no more than five times per day.

To send the message “Top up my account” you need to dial the following command: *116*subscriber number #. This message can only be sent to Beeline, MTS and Megafon. Other operators will not receive this beacon.

How to send a beacon from Megafon?

The “Call Me” service was invented for Megafon subscribers. It is also called a beacon. This is a special command that sends a message to a subscriber of any operator for free.

To use the beacon, dial the combination: *144*subscriber_number#. Finally, press the call button. Enter your subscriber number in the format +79ххxxxxxxx.

This subscriber will receive an SMS with the text “Subscriber “xxxxxxxxxxx” asks to call him back.” You will receive a message delivery report.

The service of the same name is included in the Smeshariki tariff, with which you can find out where your child is now. Therefore, be careful not to confuse these services.

There is also a service for Megafon subscribers “Pay for me”. To request to deposit money into your account, just dial the combination

*143*subscriber_number#. Your savior will receive a message about your plight.

These services have a limit: “Call me” can be sent no more than 10 times during the day, “Pay for me” - no more than 5 times.

How to send a beacon from Beeline

Beeline subscribers have the opportunity to reset the beacon with a request to call back to another subscriber. Such a beacon can be sent to subscribers of other Russian operators, such as MTS, Tele2, Megafon and others. This service is free, available to all Beeline subscribers, it does not need to be connected or configured. You can use it both on your network and in roaming. As for roaming, you need to keep in mind that incoming calls are paid, and money will still be needed to receive the call.

To send a beacon from Beeline, dial the command: *144*subscriber_number#, then press the call button.

From your number, the subscriber you specified will receive an SMS message with the text: “The subscriber asks you to call him back.” You will also receive an SMS message about the delivery of the beacon to your subscriber.

The subscriber number can be entered in different formats: 917XXXXXXXX, +7917XXXXXXXX, 7917XXXXXXX or 8917XXXXXXXX.

Add a command line to your phone's phone book so that you don't forget how to dial a combination at the most inopportune moment.

You need to pay attention to the fact that you can send a beacon 10 times during the day.

The yellow-black operator allows its subscribers not only to send a beacon, it also offers a service such as “Call at the expense of the interlocutor.” This service is also free, available to all Beeline subscribers and does not require a connection.

The service operates only within the Beeline network, which means that in order to contact subscribers of other operators (MTS, Megafon, etc.), you need to send a beacon.

In order to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor on Beeline, you need to write the number in the following format:

05050Beeline_subscriber_number, all numbers are entered without a space, at the end press the call button.

In this combination, dial the number of the called subscriber without the eight. For example, you want to call the number 89030000000, then dial 050509030000000.

Your subscriber will receive a message that they want to call him at his own expense. And if he agrees, then they will connect you. If you do not agree, you will receive a message indicating the reason for the refusal.

This service is provided no more than 5 times during the day.

Since the service is available only in the Beeline network, if you are trying to call a subscriber of other operators or in roaming, then instead of making a call at the interlocutor’s expense, a Beeline “Call Me” beacon will be sent to him.

How to send a beacon from TELE2?

This telecom operator is happy to offer the service of resetting SMS (among people it is called “beacon” or “call me”) to the subscriber’s number, who will call you back as soon as they receive an SMS with the request.

“Tele2” did not hesitate and called this type of service “beacon”, based on the fact that you can always notify someone of the need to call. In other communication companies, this service may have a different name.

To use the Beacon service from Tele 2, you must complete the following procedure: dial *118*subscriber number# and press the call button. Subscriber means the person you are asking to call back. It is also necessary to enter the number correctly, starting with 8 and so on. If the number is entered incorrectly, the service will show a refusal.

Having completed this procedure correctly and sent a request, the subscriber whose number was specified will receive a message, the content of which will be as follows: “The subscriber (phone number) urgently asks you to call back.”

Tele2 provides the Beacon service without a subscription fee, as well as with a limit of 50 such requests per month. As soon as the request is used, the operator will send an SMS with the number of beacons that are still in stock. If all beacons are used, then the next request will cost 50 kopecks.

To use this service you do not need to connect it. It is automatically included with the selected tariff plan. Roaming will increase the price of “Beacons” to 59 kopecks.

If you do not have funds on your balance and you are a client of the MTS company, but urgently need to call, then there is a simple way out - this is to send a “beacon”. The service is provided free of charge and consists of sending messages like: “Call me back” or “Top up my account.” But before you send a “beacon” from MTS, you first need to read a short guide. We will offer it to you.

Now the question of how to send a “beacon” from MTS is quite popular among the company’s clients. To independently send the specified message to absolutely any subscriber who is a client of this operator, you need to dial the following command on your mobile phone: *110*ХХХХХХХХХХХ#, where instead of the designations ХХХ... you need to specify a friend’s number, and then press the call key.

It is important to remember one more rule. The subscriber number must be entered in ten-digit format (without +7 and without +8): 917XXXXXXXX. No dashes or spaces. After this procedure, a message with the following text will be sent to the main number that was specified in the command: “Call me back, please,” where after this the date, time and phone number of the person who needs to be contacted will be indicated.

There are still ways to send a “beacon” from MTS. They are described below. Before sending a “beacon” from MTS, you need to remember the number. It is worth noting that this service is provided completely free of charge. This opportunity is available to absolutely all subscribers and does not require any prior connection. However, there is one small limitation - you can only send a message 5 times a day.

Briefly about the solution

Many people are wondering how to remove the “beacon” from MTS and whether it is possible. In order to send the SMS message “Top up my account”, you need to dial the following combination: *116*number#. This request can only be sent to Megafon, MTS and Beeline. Clients of other operators simply will not receive this beacon. As you can see, solving the issue of how to remove the “beacon” from MTS is quite simple.

Important points

As soon as the user sends a message to the required number so that the subscriber calls back, a notification arrives like: “The subscriber (your mobile number) asks to call back” or another template. In addition, the text of the message itself also indicates the time it was sent, the date and, of course, information about where the command was issued from. This is done so that the right subscriber can easily reach the right person. But before you send a “beacon” from MTS, you should remember that the number of attempts is limited. But at the same time, the available number of opportunities allows you to really save money and stay connected.

If your friend or acquaintance begins to send you such notifications very often, then you can easily and quickly set a standard block on your mobile phone for such requests. You need to perform the following algorithm of actions. Dial the combination “*110*0#” + “Call” on your own phone. After this, messages of this type will no longer be received from a specific subscriber. “*111*6*2#” - enter this combination, and your mobile will display the text in Latin letters.

Other operators

Many people are wondering how to send a “beacon” from MTS to Tele2 and whether it is effective. Absolutely every subscriber of the open joint stock company MTS can use the “Please call me back” service. Moreover, it absolutely does not matter in what specific place the necessary person is located. This type of service works not only in the entire network mode, but also internationally. In simple terms, now you can use this opportunity not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the world - Europe, Asia, America and so on.

Public availability

Today, such a service is the most in demand, and at the same time it is possible to always be in touch with all your friends, relatives and friends. Thanks to all modern services, the message arrives in almost two to three minutes. After this, it should be noted that now it is possible, from anywhere, to send an emergency request and be sure that you will be heard and called back immediately.


Using the “Please call me back” service means connecting with the right person in time. Open Joint Stock Company "MTS" offers all its subscribers the most first-class service; it will certainly help you get out of absolutely any situation, in the event that your mobile phone runs out of money. You can send an SMS beacon to the numbers of three operators in the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about the mobile operator itself. MTS provides mobile communications in LTE, UMTS and GSM standards. The company also offers LTE communications in international roaming conditions. Second- and third-generation networks covered 98 percent of the populated territory of the Russian Federation.

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