How to make a leather tablet case. We make original cases for your tablet with your own hands

IN modern society New technologies have long appeared that require protection and purity. Cleanliness is quite easy to deal with, but we need to think about strong protection, because if our new tablet breaks on the very first day of use, we will not be very pleased and even offended. But it's not always enough Money to buy not only a tablet from a good company, but also special accessories for it. In this article you will learn how to make a case for your favorite tablet quickly and easily with your own hands.

Basically the ideas are quite original and simple. If at first glance it seems to you that the manufacturing instructions are complicated and require unnecessary materials, do not worry. Read the instructions again and you will understand that there is nothing complicated here, and the materials can be replaced with others that are more to your liking.

You can, of course, buy a protective agent, but at a low price it is unlikely to last long. There are also high-quality, expensive models, but a case you make yourself will be much cheaper. After all, although it will require costs, they will not be so large. And you will also know exactly what it consists of and how it is made.

Let's understand the main types of tablet cases made by yourself

A simple and interesting option made from felt

The simplest method that will not only protect the device from damage, but also retain heat.

For it you will need:

  1. A piece of felt;
  2. Needle;
  3. Thick threads;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Ruler.

Let's start production:

To begin, take felt and mark two identical contours on it (the size of the tablet plus two centimeters on the sides). Cut carefully, without touching anything unnecessary, along the marked line, then sew: the right side, the bottom and the left side. That's it, the cute little case is ready. You can decorate it with beads, quilling, sew it with colored threads, or draw a picture with paints.

Trying to create a stylish denim case

In addition to ordinary fabrics, if you show your imagination, you can use something more interesting.

For example, below is an option on how to make a case for a tablet from jeans . This look will look much more interesting and attractive than felt.

You can immediately go looking for old unwanted denim trousers, because this method will definitely attract your attention.

For it you will need:

  1. Jeans;
  2. Needle;
  3. Threads;
  4. Awl;
  5. Cardboard;
  6. Lock.

Let's start production:

Cut off the top back, according to the size of the tablet, to make a book. Glue cardboard onto the inside. Use an awl to make holes in the sides (don't touch the top!), then sew the sides together. If desired, you can sew a lock on top to prevent the device from falling out. And, of course, decorate with decor.

Ready! Now you have not only a case for tablet computer, but also two pockets for small items.

Elegant leather case for all times

Well, besides fabrics, leather has always been and will remain the most elegant. Consider the following option for a protective and attractive case.

For it you will need:

  1. Leather cloth;
  2. Strong cardboard;
  3. Non-slip fabric;
  4. Glue (preferably transparent);
  5. Needle;
  6. Strong threads;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Pencil or pen;
  9. Ruler;
  10. A pair of rubber bands;
  11. Awl;
  12. Plastic;
  13. A piece of soap or soap.

Let's start production:

We cut out two identical parts from cardboard, measuring the dimensions of the tablet and adding one centimeter - this will be the base. Using scissors, round two corners. Use a ruler to divide one of the parts into two parts. Then cut a line of 0.5 centimeters.

We glue the three finished parts onto plastic. Next, we iron the fabric well and glue the parts to its wrong side so that the plastic is at the top. This is done as follows: first glue the largest part, with rounded corners to the left, mark the top and bottom stripes with soap (so that the remaining parts go smoothly), retreating 1.5 centimeters, glue the part with right angles and, retreating another 0.3 centimeters, glue the remaining part, rounded corners to the right.

Leaving one centimeter at the edges, carefully cut the fabric. We wrap the edges and glue them inside. We glue elastic bands to the large part at the corners, and sew leather fabric on the outside. We attach a clip on top that will hold the case itself when it is in a standing position.

Now you know that sewing a leather tablet case is not difficult, you just need some additional funds.

At first glance, it seems that these ideas are completely unoriginal and useless. But you shouldn’t judge it without trying it. First try to make all these three types, the result will definitely pleasantly surprise you. And even if you don’t like it, knowing already some options, you can come up with instructions yourself, using your imagination.

Happy crafting and pleasant surprises!

Video materials on the topic of the article

And if you are not at all interested in these ideas, please pay attention to the video selection. Perhaps you will like something there, and you will definitely try it.

Who can argue with the fact that a gift made with your own hands is nicer, sweeter and much more expensive than any of the most valuable gifts purchased in a store? Will you take the risk? Well, okay! At least in our family, everyone loves to give and receive homemade gifts.

So, in light of the approaching men's holiday, February 23, I'll risk giving all creative mothers and grandmothers the idea of ​​a homemade gift for a man - a leather case for a tablet. Moreover, we have already given a leather keychain case for keys and a mobile phone case, made with our own hands, to our dear men. Why not go for a tablet case?!

How to sew a leather case for a tablet with your own hands

Tools and materials for making a tablet case:

  • leather;
  • thick cardboard;
  • foamed polyethylene 1 mm thick;
  • non-slip dense fabric (I have “wet” silk);
  • transparent glue “Moment Crystal”;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • transparent packaging plastic;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ball pen;
  • a piece of soap or chalk;
  • awl;
  • reinforced sewing thread;
  • shoe thread;
  • lurex thread;
  • elastic band 1 cm wide - 50 cm;
  • elastic band 2 cm wide - 25 cm.

1. I take measurements of the tablet.

Based on the measurements, I make the frame of the tablet case. To do this, I cut out 2 identical parts from thick cardboard, exceeding the dimensions of the tablet by 3 mm on each side. At the same time, I round the two outer corners of the part, similar to the rounded corners of the tablet itself.

2. So that the tablet case can be transformed into a convenient stand, I conditionally divide one of the cardboard parts into two identical parts.

I leave the half with rounded corners unchanged, and from the second half I separate a strip of 0.5 cm, which I then cut off, so that as a result I get 2 unequal parts: with rounded corners - wider, straight - narrower.

3. I glue all three cardboard parts onto transparent packaging plastic using Moment Crystal transparent glue.

Reinforcing cardboard parts with plastic helps make the frame of the tablet case more rigid and resistant to deformation.

4. After the glue has dried, I cut off the excess plastic along the contour of the cardboard parts.

5. I lay out the ironed fabric on the work table with the wrong side up.

I glue the prepared parts of the case frame to it one by one with the plastic side up in the following order:

A). I glued the largest part so that its rounded corners were on the left side.

b). In order to evenly glue the remaining parts of the frame relative to the first one, using a ruler and a piece of soap, I make markings on the fabric: I draw two parallel horizontal lines of the upper and lower borders of the cover.

V). Stepping back 2 cm from the first glued part of the cover frame, I draw a vertical line.

I glue a narrow frame piece without rounded corners, aligning its left edge with the drawn vertical line.

G). I retreat 0.5 cm from the second glued part and again make vertical markings with soap. I glue the third part of the cover frame, placing its rounded corners to the right (outward) and aligning its left edge with the vertical markings.

6. Place the workpiece under the press until the glue dries completely.

Perhaps this is not the best use for colorful gift editions, but the press they make is simply wonderful J

7. I cut off the excess fabric, retreating 1 cm on each side from the edge of the cardboard frame parts.

8. I wrap the edges of the fabric onto the wrong side of the frame and glue them.

9. I carefully cut off the excess fabric on the rounded corners of the parts.

10. I place the resulting detail of the inside of the tablet case on a piece of leather and trace it along the outline with a simple pencil.

11. I cut out the leather part of the outer part of the case according to the markings made.

12. As a small decoration, I decided to do a simple contour embroidery with silver lurex thread on the front side of the case. To do this, I prepare a simple sketch of a contour drawing and transfer it to the leather of the outer part of the tablet case using an awl.

Details on how to transfer an embroidery design to leather, as well as the technique of leather embroidery itself, are described in the step-by-step master class “Horse Embroidery on Leather”.

13. Along the contour embossed with an awl, I embroider the design with lurex thread using a “back needle” stitch.

14. To fix the tablet case in the stand position, you must add a clip with a “tab” to the product. To make it, you can use a piece of rough thick leather. I didn’t have anything similar, so I simply decided to reinforce a piece of leather for the clip with the same transparent packaging plastic. So,

I cut out a rectangle measuring 7.5x4 cm from leather.

15. Using sharp nail scissors, I cut a hole with a “tongue” in the clip part. The width of the incision is about 0.5 cm.

16. I glue plastic to the wrong side of the clip and cut off its excess along the contour of the leather part.

17. Using an awl, I pierce a series of holes along the contour of the clip part, departing 2 mm from the edge.

18. Using thick shoe thread, I sew along the markings along the contours of the cutout of the part.

19. On the back side of the outer part of the case folded like a book, I make markings for attaching the clip. The clip should be centered between the top and bottom edges of the case and at a distance of 2.5 cm from the side.

20. Apply a strip of glue along the contour of the underside of the clip.

21. I glue the clip part to the pre-marked place. Using an awl, I pierce holes in the leather of the outer part of the case in those places where holes were already made in the clip.

22. I sew the clip to the outer part of the tablet case with shoe thread.

Work on the front side of the case is now complete. But the “interior decoration” still needs some work.

23. To reliably protect my favorite gadget from all kinds of “shocks,” I decided to duplicate the frame of the tablet case with thin polyethylene foam.

I cut out three parts from foamed polyethylene, identical to the cardboard parts of the cover frame. Moreover, each polyethylene part is 0.5 cm smaller on all sides than its cardboard prototype.

24. I glue the polyethylene foam parts to the wrong side of the cover frame.

25. The role of latches that securely hold the tablet in the case will be performed by rubber bands attached to the corners of one of the halves of the case. I prepare four identical pieces of elastic with a width of 1 cm. The length of each piece of elastic is 8 cm.

In the center of each piece of elastic I attach a small piece of leather folded in half. This will prevent the tablet from sliding inside the case.

26. I sew the leather to the elastic.

27. I glue two prepared rubber bands to the outer corners of the widest part of the cover frame.

28. I attach the remaining two elastic bands to the inner corners of the wide frame part, making small slits in the fabric in the place shown by the arrow in the photo.

29. A wide elastic band attached at a distance of 1 cm from the side of the wide frame part will later serve as a fastener for the tablet case.

30. I glue the outer part of the leather cover to the frame part prepared in this way.

31. Having made a row of holes with an awl along the contour of the tablet case at a distance of 4 mm from the edge, I sew both parts together with strong reinforced sewing thread. I also make the seams separating the three parts of the cover frame.

This is what the tablet case looks like from the inside:

Just in case, after my vague explanations, you have a question regarding the location of the wide elastic fastener, in the photo it is on the right (wrapped on the front side).

And this is the front side of the case:

Here you can clearly see how the “tongue” of the clip should be oriented so that the case can be folded into the stand.

Well, and a tablet case transformed into a stand (side view):

And also a rear view of the case folded into a stand:

Despite my sometimes rather unclear explanations, the process of making a leather tablet case with your own hands is not at all complicated and does not take much time. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments to the post.

Give your precious men gifts made with love by your own hands with Hobbymama!

You will need

  • - thick cardboard;
  • - ruler;
  • - scissors;
  • - pins;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - textile;
  • - elastic tape;
  • - threads to match the fabric.


Tablets differ from each other not only in models, but also in dimensions. Therefore, before you start making the case, you need to measure the dimensions of the device using a ruler, namely: width, height and length. Based on the data obtained, you should cut out 5 pieces from cardboard. If cardboard is not found, you can use book covers or chipboard. The sample details correspond to the following parameters: 20x16.5 cm, 20x1 cm, 20x7.5 cm, 20x1 cm and 20x15 cm.

You need to cut 3 rectangular elements from the selected material. One of them is equal to the size of three cardboard parts, the other is the size of the other two, and the last one is the size of all of them combined. When cutting out rectangles, you need to take into account that the seams will require an additional couple of centimeters.

You need to cut 4 equal pieces from the elastic tape and sew each of them onto the corners of the smallest fabric rectangle. This way you will get mounts that will securely fix the tablet in the case you made yourself.

Next, the resulting part needs to be connected to the middle rectangle of fabric. The elements need to be attached to each other so that the front sides are on the inside, and sew them together on the leftmost side.

The largest rectangle should be placed on top of the formed part, face inward. Then use pins to fasten the sides together. Cut a piece of the required size from the elastic tape and place it between the fixed elements so that it is at the level of the corners. Sew the future tablet case on three sides using a sewing machine.

After these operations, you need to turn the part right side out. Place the corresponding cardboard elements into the case in order. Each of the rectangles must be secured with machine stitching.

Having bought a tablet, many people think about a case to keep their purchase in excellent condition.

Choosing Case for tablet, I want to dress it up in a good, high-quality and convenient folder case. And if the tablet is used for communication, meetings with clients, or various materials are printed, then a folder-case with a built-in keyboard comes in handy here!
This cover is quite easy to sew yourself. And then the tablet will be dressed exclusively.

In order to sew Case for tablet(7 inches) you will need:

1. Fabric
2. Cardboard
3. Foam rubber or padding polyester
4. Scissors
5. Stationery knife
6. Braid, binding, elastic
7. Velcro or riveting
8. Ruler
9. Threads, fastener

Step one:
Before you start sewing the cover, you need to make a stencil. To do this, you need to trace the tablet onto a sheet of paper. It will look like this:

The distance between the two halves should be at least 2 cm.

Step two:
Using a stencil, you need to mark and cut out two halves from cardboard. The cardboard needs to be thicker. In this example, a box was used. Each half must be no smaller than the size of the tablet. You can trim any bumps on the cardboard using a utility knife.

Step three:
Now you need to cut out 3 rectangles measuring 32x23 cm, two of them from fabric and one from padding polyester.

I would like to give a little advice on choosing fabric: for the front side you can use any fabric you like, but for the inside tablet case You should choose a fabric that does not slip (cotton fabric is best). You can also use drape fabric, then you won’t need padding polyester.

Step four:

You need to take the tape, attach it to the cut fabric and mark where the Velcro will be. Then sew the Velcro to the braid. It should look like this:

Then the finished braid must be sewn to the fabric that will be the front one.

Step five:
Take the fabric that will be inside the case, attach the tablet (you can use a prepared stencil) and mark the location of the elastic bands. You can mark the places of the elastic bands or baste it, or you can glue it with PVA glue. It will look like this:

The elastic band can be made as shown in the example, or the top can be made into a single strip.
Having secured the elastic bands, we apply the braid between the halves of the cover and secure it:

The tape in the middle will secure the elastic and hide its edges. Now you need to check if everything is secured smoothly (elastic bands and braid), then sew the braid on a typewriter.
Step six:
The last step is to connect everything. You need to put the front fabric, then the padding polyester in the middle, and the inner fabric on top, stitch or baste three fabrics on three sides: two sides and the bottom. Insert cardboard between the inner fabric and padding polyester on top (cut out two halves from the box). The cardboard should not be visible from the fabric. Then attach the tablet and see if there is anything superfluous anywhere. If everything is in order, then you can sew on the binding. It serves as an edging and gives a finished look.

Ours is ready Case for tablet, without spending a lot of time and money.

The case can be used not only as protection for the tablet, but also as a stand.

I want to share my experience on how to make a book case for your favorite tablet with your own hands.

Having gone shopping and surfing the Internet, I also realized that I wouldn’t buy leatherette for over a thousand. It really hurts, my toad is choking me. In the end, I decided to do it myself. Since this is the first and only copy, I will write down what mistakes you should not make.
Materials we will need:
- pieces of leather,(I had an old leather jacket)
-cardboard is thick and dense, probably about 1 mm thick (everything for artists was bought at the store, in my opinion this cardboard goes under the primer so that later you can write in oil. At least that’s what we did at the institute).
- stationery knife, scissors, metal ruler.
-glue moment, better crystal (transparent white)
-rubber(according to skin color)
-linden trees(according to skin color)
-and many, many books for the press
-Yes, and in my case I needed a sewing machine.

1. Take cardboard, outline your tablet with a pencil, stepping back slightly from the very edge, only make the two corners that will be inward not rounded, like the tablet, but straight.

3. We take these cardboards and begin to select pieces of leather. You need to make sure there are no defects on the front side. Most importantly, it is very desirable that it be one solid piece. Those. We leave 1 cm on the outer edges, maybe a little more, and between the cardboards - the thickness of the tablet plus 2 mm. It will be like this without seams, my pieces were small and it didn’t work out, now there is a thick seam, which even gets in the way. If you can’t get it in one piece, then look for two pieces and 1 cm on all sides of the cardboard. I got two seams, but it’s better to get by with one central one.

4. For those who need to sew, two pieces. Clearly mark the line and then just stitch; marks will remain on the leather after the spacer, so be careful. And then you need to carefully trim the stitched pieces.

5. Next, take cardboard and glue. Paste them into the marked areas. First, apply the glue liberally to the cardboard, then spread it evenly and glue it to the skin. We smooth it well with our hands, from the skin side, so that there are no unevennesses and glue the second part and press it for a day.

6. Now we turn the corners inward and apply glue. After the corners and all the straight sides and again under the press for a day.

7. For those who have seams, if you don’t like the look of them, you can glue a strip of not too thick leather; it should fit 5 mm onto the cardboard. And the top and bottom should be 2-3mm smaller.

8. Now you need to pick up two pieces of leather to cover the cardboard; its size should be 2-3mm smaller from the outer edges, and a little larger than the cardboard inside by 3mm, so that you can glue it. It is necessary to cut evenly, because it is these parts that are cut unevenly that will be clearly visible; it is better to use a knife and a metal ruler. But don’t write off sticking, first you need to glue those strips that hold the tablet. And these are leather strips on the bottom, 1 cm wide and about 15 cm long - 2 pieces and elastic bands 2 pieces, 13 cm each, this is all with a reserve. Now we try on our tablet, first bend it into leather strips, mark it and glue it. I immediately put the tablet down so that it could be seen correctly or not; I placed a piece of paper in advance so as not to stain it with glue. Once I corrected everything, I removed the tablet and pressed it hard, the same with the elastic bands, only here you need to keep in mind that they should be a little smaller so that when you insert the tablet they hold and do not dangle.

9.Now we actually glue the parts that cover the cardboard. Glue and press.

10. Now we are making a part that will keep our case closed, and at the same time allow us to place it on the table. Initially, I measured 14.5 cm, but then it seemed too much to me and I reduced it to 9 cm and, as a result, I did not foresee the tilt in a standing position. If you do more, for each individually, approximately as shown in the last photoshopped photo, then the tilt can be adjusted. Here we simply align everything and apply glue, the linden itself, it is better to glue it on slightly dried glue, then it will not be absorbed and will not spoil the linden.

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