How to save an invoice from 1c in excel. Cannot save the document form (invoice) in Excel format - the "Save" and "Save As" buttons are not available

Many office workers often have to use 1C and Excel programs. They have to export data from one application to another. Today we will look at how to upload from 1C to Excel.

Uploading data from 1C to Excel

Uploading data from 1C to Microsoft Excel- a process consisting of simple actions. To do this, the tools built into these applications are sufficient. There are several ways to export data.

Uploading a large amount of data

IN open document You should right-click and select “List”. After this, all elements will be displayed as plain text. It can be copied and pasted into an MS Excel document, but it is better to open the "File" menu and go to the "Save As" section.

All that remains is to select the file format and save it.

Uploading printed forms of documents

How to insert a list into an Excel workbook

To transfer the list, use the following method:

  • Open the desired list in the 1C program. Then you need to right-click on “All actions”, and then “Display list”.

  • The list display shell appears. The "Outputs to" field must be set to "Spreadsheet Document".
  • Just below you can select the columns that should be moved.

Advice! You should not change anything in this window when you are about to transfer the entire document.

  1. After all this, the user will see a list on the screen in the form of a table. You need to select it all and copy it.
  2. Then it is created new document in Excel and the data is pasted into it using “CTRL + V”.

Create a new Excel workbook with a list

You don’t have to bother for a long time and immediately output the list from 1C to Excel:

1. We do the same as in the previous method until the list is formed. Then you need to go to the menu, open the “File” section and select “Save As”.


Now you know several ways to upload a table from 1C to Excel. The procedure is quite easy, and absolutely any user can handle it. The main thing is to study our instructions well, choose the appropriate method and strictly follow the instructions. To make it easier, look at the inserted screenshots.

The need to save an Excel file from 1C arises for accountants and other employees working with both applications. Transferring data manually by copying or manually entering from the keyboard takes too long, so the question arises about modern methods. The developers took care of this and provided clear ways to copy data in both directions. All the user needs is to know these methods.

How to upload files from 1C

A convenient option for transferring information from 1C is uploading. To do this, you do not need to copy data via the clipboard; everything is simpler:

    The user opens the file in the 1C program;

    All that remains is to select the desired location on your computer or removable disk, where the file will be sent, and the format of this file. If the question is how to save in Excel, then choose the XLSL format.

This option does not take much time and helps to programmatically transfer large files to Excel.

When you need to work in the opposite direction, loading Excel files into the 1C system, this is done in two ways.

How to send files from Excel to 1C manually

One of manual methods– copying via clipboard. The data is highlighted in an Excel document and transferred to the 1C database using the usual combination of Ctrl+C – Ctrl+V. It is important to ensure that the formatting is not lost during transfer and that all data ends up in the correct cells.

The second method is loading, the reverse of unloading. The user again goes to the “File” menu in the 1C system and selects the “Download” function, after which he finds the file on the computer. The download takes a little time, usually a few seconds, but longer for large files. It is strongly recommended to check the format for glitches and errors so that they do not become embedded in the common database and cause confusion.

How to send files from Excel to 1C automatically

Copying information from 1C 77 to an Excel document is required relatively rarely. This is typical for cases when you need to print a report or provide separate invoices to your superiors or contractors. Loading data back from Excel into 1C is more common because it is necessary for collecting and summarizing data.

In order not to do everything manually and not waste time on it, the company can order a special loader, with the help of which data will be received and processed without the participation of personnel. The loader is not a complex software product, but the problem is that it needs to be customized to the needs of a specific company. Therefore, it will not be possible to download it from free access on the Internet; you will need the help of a specialized company that will develop a downloader and implement it for the company.

Before you start using such a bootloader, it is advisable to check three points.

    How correctly does it transmit data? It happens that the program works with errors, in this situation it is better to immediately detect this and make adjustments than to subsequently deal with many unreliable numbers. After implementation, the developer is responsible for checking the stability of the program, but company personnel must also check the correctness of the transfer at first, until they are confident that everything is in order.

    Do all devices have a bootloader installed? Skipping individual computers and employees working on them is unacceptable when creating a common database, because they can cause leakage of both information and Money enterprises. The introduction of automation for a company always involves complexity.

    Before sending a copy of data from Excel to 1C, great attention should be paid to uniformly filling out Excel cells. In cases where this is done carelessly, employees confuse the order of cells, enter data from two into one and do not follow the abbreviation rules, serious problems will also be found in the 1C database. The head of an enterprise or chief accountant must carry out serious work with employees before implementing business automation using 1C. Compliance with the rules for filling out reports and maintaining a database will help you subsequently avoid many difficulties and unreliable data, speed up your business and take it to a new level, ahead of your competitors.

Very often it is required to obtain data from 1C 8.3 and save the information in external file, in other words, make an unload from the 1C enterprise. The task is almost always possible without the involvement of 1C programmers.

Consider the series useful tips, with the help of which you can upload data from 1C to an external information system.

In 1C there are several methods by which you can obtain information without the involvement of specialists:

  • Uploading the entire database from 1C 8.3 - for subsequent loading on another computer
  • Save reports and printables in Excel, Word or PDF
  • Uploading tables from 1C
  • Retrieving Information Using the Query Console

More details about them:

How to download the entire database from 1C 8.3 (to a .dt file)

To do this, you will need to go to the configurator mode, then in the main menu select “Administration” - “Upload information base”:

Then you only need to indicate the name of the future file and its location on the disk.

To subsequently upload to another database, click on the “Load information base” button and select the previously uploaded file.

Uploading reports and printed forms from 1C to Excel

This method is universal and very simple. To do this, it is enough to open a printed form or report.

For example, open the TORG 12 printable form, press ctrl+S (or in the File – Save As menu) and select the file type and its name:

The same system applies - the report is downloaded in two clicks:

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Saving in the main formats is available - excel, word, pdf, html, txt, etc.

Uploading tables from 1C 8.3

Often there are such trivial tasks as “get a list of payments for the current year”, “unload a book of purchases or sales” or “unload goods from invoice No. 256”. Solving such problems is quite simple.

For example, I need to receive all receipts from the counterparty “Vector” with an amount greater than 1000. Let’s open the list form and set the necessary selections in the list:

The system will offer an output option - to a spreadsheet document or a text document, select tabular. The 1C program will display the information in the following spreadsheet document, which, like reports, can be saved in the format we need:

Similar actions can be performed for almost any tabular part in 1C 8.2. For example, we needed to unload a list of goods from receipt No. MSK00003, no problem. This is done very simply - open the document, call the context menu and after a couple of clicks we get the desired upload in the required format:

Uploading a journal of transactions from 1C to Excel:

Retrieving Information Using the Query Console

However, not all information can be found in the simple tabular part of 1C 8.2. Sometimes you need to collect data from several data sources and connect them using some fields.

This method is suitable for technically savvy people who know the basics of query language. It consists in obtaining the result of the request using and saving it in the format we need.

For example, you need to get all supplier counterparties and their phone number. To do this, we will write the following query:

The resulting table can also be downloaded into the desired file format:

You can load the received data into another 1C database using “ “. Watch the video instructions using the nomenclature as an example:

Quite often, users need to save data from 1C 8.3 to a file, for example, pdf, Word, Excel and other formats. For example, send by e-mail report to another person, make calculations in Excel. Unfortunately, not all users know that it is very easy to download such data from 1C on their own without outside help.

It is often necessary to download a list of some data from the tabular part of a document, list form, document log, etc. Such tasks are often isolated, and it is inappropriate to involve a specialist to write a report.

For example, you need to get the entire item with the “Materials” view, but you only need the columns “Item” and “Unit”.

In the case when you need to upload data with filtering, first of all, you need to configure the list in the “More” menu of the tabular section.

In the window that appears, from the left side (available fields), you need to select those by which you will make a selection (in this case, “Type of item”). In the right part of the window, the values ​​of the selection parameters are set. Moreover, the type of comparison is not limited to equality alone.

After the stock has been set, in the list form of the “Nomenclature” directory, only those items that meet the specified condition will be displayed.

The next step is to output this list into a spreadsheet document.

From the More menu, select List.

If you need to display not all columns, as in our example, then check the boxes only for those that are necessary.

As a result, you essentially get a report that we can save in any available format. How to do this will be discussed below. In a similar way, you can download tabular parts of documents and reference books, data from document journals, list forms, and more.

Uploading reports and printed forms from 1C

Any report, printed form, spreadsheet document (for example, which we received in our example) in 1C 8.3 can be uploaded to an external file in two clicks.

On the top panel of the program there is a button to save to an external file (Taxi interface). It will be active on any reports and printed forms where saving is available.

Uploading the entire 1C database

This method is necessary in cases where the 1C database needs to be unloaded as a whole, for example, to create a test copy.

Go to the desired information base in configurator mode.

In the “Administration” menu, select “Download infobase”.

Specify a different file name and save path if necessary.

The resulting downloaded data file with the *.dt extension is very easy to download in the future. To do this, in the configurator mode, in the “Administration” menu, select “Load infobase” and open the *.dt file received earlier.

It was a small discovery for me that 1C users do not know how to quickly upload almost any data from 1C to Excel. Recently I came across what my colleagues did, and then using FineReader they translated the data into text from a picture, because the save button in 1C did not work (see picture). Long way, isn't it? But there are more convenient ways. There is no secret in unloading from 1C; there are quite a lot of possibilities.

Let's look point by point at how we can save data from 1C to Excel:

The easiest way to save from 1C to Excel data- this is to select one cell in a document or journal and click (copy), then in Excel select the cell where you want to save the data and click v. This way you will save the contents of that cell. For the example picture it will be 42,289.23

This method works for any version of 1C.

2. How to download a large amount of data from 1C to Excel?

The previous method is good, but you can’t accumulate a large amount of data this way. Therefore, it is better to use the List tool.

In almost any document journal, reference book, or document, right-click and look for List.

For versions 8.3 and the “Taxi” interface, the button to display the list is in the More menu

A list of these elements will appear as text (you may need to select which columns to select first). This text can already be copied into any document. But I advise you to use the File - Save As menu (since large amounts of data will take a long time to process and an error may occur when copying to the buffer).

Then select the desired file format.

All files are saved in the required format.

This method also works for any version of 1C.

For version 1c 8.2 and higher in thin client or in the Taxi interface, the File - Save As tool is available in the panel in the upper right corner in the form of a floppy disk

3. How to download printed forms of documents from 1C to Excel?

Printed forms of documents such as

1 - Uncheck the View Only button to be able to change the printable

2 - Save the document in the desired format, see point 2

You can also save the contents of the printed form as any text data, just like in Word.

Often a printable or report form can be saved with a simple Copy-Paste into Excel.

How to load data from Excel into 1C is a completely different story. But I’ll tell you that soon, just wait ;)

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