The computer does not see other Wi-Fi networks. What to do if your laptop doesn’t see your Wi-Fi, but others see it? The computer does not see the required wi-fi point

Problems with the Internet are always unpleasant. They can interfere with work or entertainment, or limit other online experiences. If we are talking about connecting via cable, possible reasons this problem may not be so much.

The laptop detects an available Wi-Fi network, but does not connect

One fairly common network problem is when your computer sees a network available to connect to, but for one reason or another is unable to connect to it. This problem may occur for one of the following reasons:

  • a problem with the hardware drivers on the laptop - for this reason, the connection may not work or may be interrupted immediately after a successful connection to the network;
  • communication interference - there should not be too many devices connected to Wi-Fi, and you should also make sure that nothing can create interference between your laptop and the router;
  • the password for connecting to this network was entered incorrectly - if you entered the security key incorrectly, the connection will not be completed;
  • network mismatch - if the connection settings on your computer and the network settings do not match, the connection will not be completed;
  • failure of the operating system - if there are some problems with the operating system, the connection will not be made correctly.

Solutions to problems with connecting to a wi-fi network

Let's look at the solution to each of the problems mentioned above one by one, and also study general recommendations for those who have encountered this problem in their system.

Error “Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi” and how to solve it

When you try to connect, you may see the message “Windows was unable to connect to the Wi-Fi network.” This error can have several causes. You can determine the source of the problem as follows:

Video: fixing internet connection problems

Security key mismatch when connecting to a Wi-Fi network

The security key is security code for your Wi-Fi network. The user sets it independently so that strangers cannot connect to the network. And if you encounter an error about entering the wrong password, then it is likely that it was indeed entered incorrectly. Do the following to be sure to correct the situation:

You should not tell your security key to strangers - this will lead to additional connections, which in turn will slow down your Internet speed.

Inconsistency between saved network parameters

After creating a new connection, you may often see an error with the text “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network.” This problem often occurs after self-configuration router. To fix this situation, all you have to do is delete the connection and then create it again. This will update all settings and establish a connection again. This is done as follows:

In Windows 10, this problem is solved a little differently:

The problem may arise, for example, due to a careless change in the data in the connection settings.

Other ways that can help you connect

And now let's look at a few general solutions, which can help you with various connection problems. In our case, when it is impossible to connect via Wi-Fi, these methods will also help.

Reboot the router

The simplest method, which is recommended by all providers first of all. Of course, this will not help with serious problems, but it can eliminate one-time connection problems. The best way to reboot is as follows:

Checking and installing network drivers

Update network drivers no more complicated than drivers for any other equipment. You can do this using the automatic driver download system as follows:

  1. Press the Win+X key combination to open the menu quick access and select the “Device Manager” section there. Another way to get to this menu is to right-click on the Start icon.

    Select the "Device Manager" section from the quick access menu

  2. In Device Manager, find the " Network adapters" Expand this tab and you will see your network devices. And then right-click on accessible equipment. After the context menu opens, select the “Update drivers...” action. In order to determine whether a device needs to update its drivers, pay attention to its name and the presence or absence of an icon indicating the need to update drivers.

    Open the "Network adapters" section and click "Update drivers" on the desired device

  3. You will be asked for an update method. If you have an Internet connection (for example, using a cable, since a Wi-Fi connection is not available), then just click on the “Automatically search for updated drivers” button.

    Select "Automatically search for updated drivers" if you have a network connection

  4. Wait until the search, download and installation of drivers is complete.

    Wait for the drivers to be searched on the network and installed.

  5. If there is no network access, you must download the driver for your network adapter from another device and select “Browse for drivers on this computer.”

    To search for drivers yourself, select “Search for drivers on this computer”

  6. Specify the location of the folder with drivers for further installation.

    Specify the location of the drivers on your computer and click on the “Next” button

  7. After the installation is completed in one way or another, restart your computer.
  8. Try connecting to the Wi-Fi network again to see if your problem is resolved.

If a simple update does not help, try completely uninstalling the driver and installing it again using the same method.

Resetting the router

If problems with the Internet do not go away and you still cannot connect to Wi-Fi, you should resort to a more radical way to fix this problem. Namely, reset the router settings and configure it from scratch. You should not do this if you are unsure of your own knowledge and attentiveness - you risk being left without access to the Internet. You can reset the router in the following way:

After performing the reset, the device will return to factory settings. Most likely, you will not have to configure anything manually after this and your Internet problems will already be resolved. But in case you still have to make the settings yourself, this is done as follows.

If the laptop does not see Wi-Fi, there may be many reasons. However, you should not panic ahead of time, since there are effective ways solutions to the problem available to every user.

Description of the problem

The lack of wireless access networks in the PC's visibility is a very common problem, but it has a solution.

Emergency access to the Internet can be obtained by connecting your PC to the router via an Internet cable. This wire is usually sold complete with the router, but it is quite short. You can purchase a cable of the required length in specialized stores.

Connection to network devices is made via the 8P8C connector

This connection method, of course, will not work if there is currently no Internet in the room at all or the router is faulty. In other cases, the problem will be temporarily resolved.

Most common reasons

Now that you already have the desired Internet access, you can calmly figure out the reasons why your PC does not notice Wi-Fi. The most common of them:

  • There is no Internet due to a line failure;
  • the router is faulty;
  • Wireless access is turned off on the laptop;
  • access is connected, but Wi-Fi does not work at all;
  • The computer notices some networks, but does not find yours.

To solve the problem, try to eliminate the causes possible problems step by step:

  1. Make sure the problem is not with your ISP. Call the right company. If there is an accident on the provider’s line, you will be informed about it and given an approximate time frame for its elimination.
  2. Check to see if the problem is in the router. It may be technically faulty, then you will have to send it for repair or replace it with a new one. But with such a malfunction, there will be no Internet in the room at all.

You may need to reboot your router. Unplug it, wait one minute and plug it in again. If the problem is not solved, you should experiment with setting up channels.

Most often problems with Wi-Fi connection occur in Windows 7

The device may not work due to incorrect channel selection. The most unreliable are 12 and 13. Try replacing it with a lower one or selecting the Auto mode.

You can rename the channel. Just don't use complex or long names. Change the encryption mode.

In any unclear situation, try to return the factory settings

Reset your device to factory settings.

If this doesn't help, look at what exactly is going on with your Wi-Fi. There are two options here:

  • The PC does not identify a single channel;
  • the unit notices other channels, but does not identify yours.

If the PC does not identify channels at all, see if Wi-Fi is turned on on it. In Control Panel, click on the network icon. If Wi-Fi is connected, it will be highlighted in color. If this icon is not highlighted, click it to turn on wireless access.

One of the reasons for the lack of connection may be drivers. They could become outdated, for example, if you did not update the software in a timely manner. To check them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Start.
  2. Right-click on the Computer tab.
  3. Next to “Management”.
  4. In the Device Manager window, go to the Network Adapters section.
  5. Select the one with the word Wi-Fi in its name.

If there is a red icon next to such an adapter, it means the device is not working. Right-click on it and enable it.

Usually it’s not even drivers that are required, but special utilities, available on the official website of the laptop manufacturer and responsible for the operation of specific equipment

If this action does not solve the problem or there is no such device on the PC at all, you will have to install new driver. You can download it on the Internet or search on installation disk, which came with the computer.

If you decide to download a driver online, do it only on the official website of your PC manufacturer. Otherwise, you may encounter additional problems with your computer in the form of all kinds of viruses.

Wireless access may not work due to mechanical damage to the Wi-Fi device. Sometimes this happens during the process of cleaning the PC from dust or dropping the device from a height. In this case, this part will require replacement.

Nuances depending on the operating system

Depending on what operating system you are using, you can try to fix the problem, taking into account its nuances.

Windows 7

For this system, the most common reasons incorrect operation wireless access are:

  • incorrectly specified operating values ​​for the corresponding adapter;
  • drivers are not working correctly.

In order to check how the wireless adapter works, and whether it works at all, you need to go online. Enter the IP address of your router into the search bar and log in to the appropriate page. Further actions:

  1. Go to advanced settings and find Wi-Fi.
  2. Go to the main settings and check if the “Enable Wireless” box is checked. If it is not there, the router is disabled. Change the setting accordingly by checking the box.

In almost 80% of cases (according to personal experience) the reason for this behavior is the lack of necessary drivers for Wi-Fi, which is a consequence Windows reinstallation on a laptop

If this does not solve the situation, check the module remote access on your PC. To do this, you can use the key combination FN + F2 / F3 / F4 / F5 (each model has its own combination, experiment with them).

Make sure the wireless access module is turned on.

Windows 10

If the laptop does not see Wi-Fi networks on Windows 10, first of all, you need to check the following parameters:

  • setting up a wireless adapter;
  • operating system settings.

To check the adapter, do the following:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, select “Device Manager” and then find the required adapter; its name should contain the 108.11n characteristic. If you do not find such a driver, you will need to download and install it.
  2. Open the “Properties” tab. If the device is disabled, this tab will contain the necessary information. To enable it, click the appropriate button and then click “OK”.

If this does not help, check your router settings on the Internet.

Nuances depending on the laptop manufacturer

To understand how to fix a network problem, it is important to consider some nuances of the brand of your PC.


In order to solve the problem, first check the operation of the wireless adapter. To do this, select the “Device Manager” tab from the Start menu, find the required adapter and check its functionality in the manner described above.


On a PC of this model there is special button. There is an image of an antenna on it. Try turning on wireless access by pressing this button, or use the FN and F12 key combination.


On this model, you must first check the status of the network adapter using the above method. The FN and F2 key combination can also help.


There are several models of this brand that have a special key to turn on wireless access. If your laptop does not have it, use the combination FN and F5.

What to do if the laptop does not see a certain Wi-Fi network

If you reinstalled Windows on your laptop and did not install all the official drivers from the manufacturer's website, the function keys most likely will not work

If the computer does not see only your network, the problem can be resolved in two ways:

  • Reboot the router and PC.
  • Change the channel on which the router operates.


To reboot the router, unplug it and wait about a minute, then plug the device back into the network. Restart your computer as usual.

Now see if the desired network appears in the list of available ones for connection. This can be done on the PC control panel by left-clicking on the network icon.

Change channel

Wireless network interruptions may occur due to the PC operating on the same channel as a similar device nearby. For example, your router and your neighbor’s router operate on channel 5.

In this case, both devices interfere with each other. So one of them may not accept wireless signal. The solution will be very simple - change the channel for your device. This can be done in the settings.

If you have problems with wireless access to the network, first connect your laptop to the router via an Internet cable and calmly sort out the situation. It is possible that you simply forgot to turn on the wireless adapter. But even if the problem is more serious, step by step eliminating the possible causes of the malfunction - this will help resolve the problem.

Sometimes situations arise when it seems that the network is configured, and the terminal is connected to a wired or wireless network, and the parameters are set correctly, but still the local computer does not see the computers on the network or even the currently active networks themselves. There can be quite a few reasons for this, as well as ways to eliminate such problems. Let's look at the most common ones.

Why can't my computer see the network?

Let's start with the fact that when establishing a connection using a wired connection, you should first check whether the cable is tightly inserted into the network card of the local terminal or into the distribution computer unit(laptop or router) in case wireless networks Wi-Fi based.

These are physical problems that you shouldn’t focus on. Let's consider cases when the computer does not see a network of any type and, accordingly, the terminals connected to them, associated with some parameters and settings of this type of connection.

I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that computers connected to a network of any type and currently in low-power mode (hibernation or sleep) will also not be recognized by the local terminal, considering them to be disabled.

Problems with wireless networks

Let's start with wireless networks. If the local ones are active at the moment, we can name several reasons for this situation, of which the following are the most common:

  • incorrect configuration of access to networks on a single computer;
  • incorrect router parameters;
  • disabled or faulty Wi-Fi module (or network adapter);
  • missing or incorrect installed driver ;
  • blocking the connection by an antivirus, the built-in Windows firewall or a third-party firewall.

Most of the points apply not only to cases when the computer does not see the WiFi network. This applies equally to wired connections (with the exception of

To fix the problem, you first need to turn on the Wi-Fi module (on laptops, there are function key combinations with the Fn button for this). On routers, you need to go into the advanced settings and check if the wireless connection is turned on. If this doesn't help, you may need to change the channel (the easiest way to do this is to use the automated Insider for Home utility.

Sometimes disabling encryption (authentication section) can help. To correct the situation, set the value to Open System. Finally, the problem may be the length of the key (section "Preliminary WPA key"). If its length exceeds 20 characters, the router will not be able to work with such a key.

As for IP addresses and other settings, you need to set the properties of the default TCP/IP protocol to automatically obtain them. In the "Task Manager" you can try to reinstall the drivers and the corresponding controllers. You can also use special programs driver updates, such as Driver Booster.

The computer does not see computers on the network: setting group names

However, even if the correct settings are installed, the situation may not change. Let's take an example when the computer does not see local network. Most experts attribute this problem to incorrect setting of group names, because Windows (most often XP) when creating a new connection does not display a list of available local groups, but by default sets its own new group (WORKGROUP).

The method for eliminating the error is to rename the group and the name of the local computer in it. To do this, you need to go to the terminal name section in the “Control Panel” or in the computer properties menu, click the “Change” button and specify exactly the same name for the group and local computer as on the target terminal.

Using Static IP Addresses

Another problem that the local computer does not see computers on the network may be that a single terminal does not automatically receive IP address settings and server settings.

To change them, you need to enter the active network connection menu and select the TCP/IP protocol properties setting (v4 or v6). Here, for each terminal, you need to register IP addresses, gateway values, parameters of the preferred and alternative DNS server, and uncheck the box for using a proxy for local addresses.

After that, by clicking the “Advanced” button, go to the new settings window and in the WINS tab at the bottom, activate the line to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

Setting up system services

Another way to check the connection is to use the administration (control) section, where the “Services” item is selected. The easiest way to access it is through the Run console (Win + R), where you enter the services.msc command.

Here we use the line of services and applications, where in the additional section of services on the right we find the line of computer browser. You should make sure that the startup type is set to automatic. If another parameter is specified, change it to activate the component.

Solving firewall problems

Finally, the problem that the local computer does not see computers on any type of network may be due to a blocking independently installed by antivirus software that considers the connection unreliable, or by a firewall. This situation is very rare with antiviruses, but you can try to disable the firewall.

To deactivate the standard Windows firewall, use the Security Center section in the Control Panel, where the firewall is disabled. If there is third-party software installed on the system, it is also recommended to deactivate it.

If you do not plan to disable the firewall, you can try creating a new rule for TCP/IP and adding the corresponding connection or port to the exception list.

A few final words

That's all for eliminating the main errors associated with network connections, and ways to eliminate them. The problems of virus exposure and various types of malfunctions of individual “hardware” components or the lack of general access to individual terminals were not considered here. But in terms of correctly setting the basic settings, the above methods help in almost all cases.

We have already looked at solutions to many problems that may arise when connecting a laptop to a Wi-Fi network, or during use. But, there is one popular problem that I have not written about yet. This is when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. In principle, the problem applies not only to laptops, but also to desktop computer that are connected to Wi-Fi via an adapter (external or internal). The problem when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi can be encountered in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and even in Windows 10. If you have Windows 10 installed and the computer does not see your router, then see separate instructions:. Since the solutions there are practically the same, it doesn’t matter what system your laptop is running on. Now we will try to figure out why the laptop does not see wireless networks, using Windows 7 as an example.

Before moving on to any settings, let's try to figure out what problem you specifically have. There are two options:

  • When no Wi-Fi network is displayed in the list of networks available for connection. That is, the computer does not find Wi-Fi at all. But, are you sure that there are wireless networks within the radius? Other devices see them.
  • And when the laptop does not see only your Wi-Fi network, but sees other neighboring networks.

I will divide this article into these two parts. You can immediately go to the required section with the solution to your problem.

Another important point. If you have an error on your computer "No connections available", and a red cross next to the Wi-Fi connection icon, then there is a separate solution to solve this error.

Why doesn't my laptop see wireless networks (not a single one)?

The most popular reasons:

  • There are no available networks within the radius (we have already ruled this out)
  • The wireless adapter driver is not installed and therefore cannot find wireless networks. Or the driver is installed, but does not work correctly.
  • Wi-Fi on the laptop is simply turned off.
  • It happens that the Wi-Fi receiver is simply faulty or disabled (for example, while cleaning a laptop from dust).

But, most often, of course, the problem is that the wireless adapter is turned off, or the absence the required driver. This is what we will consider now.

Checking the wireless adapter driver

If you see a connection icon in the form of a computer with a red cross on your notification panel, then the driver is most likely not installed.

To check, we need to go to the device manager. Open menu Start, right click on Computer, and select Control. In the new window, go to the tab device Manager. Open section Network adapters, and see if there is an adapter whose name contains the words “Wi-Fi” or “Wireless”. It looks something like this:

If such an adapter is not there, as a rule, in this case only one adapter (network card) is displayed there, then it needs to be installed. If it is there, then it should be without any icons, like in my screenshot above. If near Wi-Fi adapter there is some icon, then right-click on it and select Engage. Most likely, you will have to install the necessary driver. We have separate installation instructions: .

If everything is fine with the driver, then let's Let's check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your computer.

Right-click on the network connection icon, and select Network Control Center and shared access . Then, select Change adapter settings.

After this, the computer should see wireless networks, and you can easily connect to your Wi-Fi network.

You may have wireless networks turned off by a keyboard shortcut on your laptop. You need to check, I wrote about this in more detail in the article:. And if you have a “ten”: .

After these steps, everything should work for you. The main thing is that the Wi-Fi network icon with a yellow asterisk appears, this means that there are networks available for connection.

The laptop does not see my Wi-Fi, but does see others. Solution to the problem.

If above we considered the situation when wireless networks are not displayed on the laptop at all, now we will figure out why the laptop does not see only one Wi-Fi network that we need. And other networks, neighboring ones, are displayed in the list of available ones. This problem appears more often on mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. But computers are no exception.

In this case, the problem must be looked for on the Wi-Fi router side. Almost always, the solution is the same: change Wi-Fi channel networks. If the router itself, or you are in manual mode If you set the settings to static channel 13, then the computer most likely will not see the network. Therefore, you need to check and change the channel in the router settings. I wrote in the article how to change the channel on different routers:

For example, change the channel on Tp-Link. You can change it in the settings, on the Wireless tab (Wireless mode). Try to put static channel (just don't put 12 and 13), or set to Auto.

If it doesn’t help, you can also change the name of the Wi-Fi network. You can also do this in the settings, on the wireless network settings tab.

Another tip: try moving your laptop closer to the router, or vice versa. Perhaps this is the problem. There are often cases when Wi-Fi is received generally close to the router, but does not work at a short distance. This is of course not normal, but I don’t know of any specific solution. Again, you need to try experimenting with channels.

All laptop owners, sooner or later, may encounter the fact that the laptop does not see wifi. The difficulty is, in principle, common, and some of the solutions will help any wireless network users. The article will give a complete answer to the question of what to do if the laptop does not see wifi networks. Let's consider what reasons can lead to such consequences, how to deal with the difficulty that has arisen, and the nuances of eliminating it on various platforms.

The case when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi networks at all

In such cases, when you turn it on, you do not detect wireless networks as such. In the “tray” (the space that, according to default settings, is located in the lower right corner and is presented as a line with notes), instead of the connection icon you will see a red cross. It is also possible that the icon will be standard, but the computer does not see Wi-Fi, and you are sure that there are wireless networks within the radius of the receiver (easy to check using a phone or other device with a Wi-Fi adapter). The difficulty is obvious, and in another case, you would have to call a specialist, but after reading this article you will be able to solve such a problem yourself.


  • The most common reason why a laptop does not see WiFi is that the laptop's wireless adapter is turned off. Often it is accidentally turned off manually, although there are cases when this happens due to the fault of the installed software. It can be turned off systemically, by a combination of buttons on the keyboard or in the wireless networks menu. It is also possible to physically turn it off using a button on the laptop body.
  • A possible reason for the difficulty is the absence or incorrect installation of drivers network card, during installation wrong version BY ( Software) for the network card, or installation failure.
  • The reason that the laptop has stopped seeing the network is the lack of active wireless networks within the range of the device.


The case when the laptop does not see a specific network

The difficulty when your laptop does not see WiFi is also solved. Let’s say the device does not find the router’s network, but sees signals from a neighboring office or building without difficulty. This difficulty is puzzling, especially if you look for a solution in a laptop (the fault is not always located in the computer; sometimes Wi-Fi does not connect due to third-party reasons).

Possible reasons

The reason that the laptop does not find a specific network is very often (in about 85% of cases) one. Due to the fact that wireless networks have become a very dense part of our lives, often in large cities there are about 10 Internet distributing routers per reception signal. Each new access point that appears is looking for a free range. In the wireless network settings, mostly installed automatic search range. When you turn on the laptop, it does not find WiFi because it accidentally tuned into the range of a neighboring WiFi connection.


Nuances on Windows 10

  • If your laptop has Windows installed 10 does not see Wi-Fi, try changing the network name along with the channel width (as written in the instructions above), or as this option was described in the “SSID” interface. Change the “Region” in the same settings window.
  • One of the frequent difficulties on the “tens” is the drivers. Be sure to check them and reinstall them just in case. In this operating system Wireless adapters often fail due to incorrect operation of drivers.

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