Affiliate programs for earning money are the essence. How to make money on affiliate programs - my experience

Greetings to all readers of the online magazine "site"! This money making strategy has been very popular lately. Affiliate program – a wonderful way to make money, which is suitable for both beginners and people who have extensive experience working on the Internet.

After reading this article, you will learn:

  • what is an affiliate program;
  • ways to make money from them;
  • how and how much you can earn on affiliate programs;
  • what are the advantages and disadvantages of this way of earning money.

In addition, at the end of the article there will be step-by-step instruction about how to properly use affiliate programs, as well as answers to the most popular questions.

This method of earning money is very common both on the Internet and in the real business sector. It is an effective promotion method and helps increase profits for both the owner and his partner.

Earning money from affiliate programs means that you will receive a certain percentage of profit from the sale of services or goods if buyers found them through your link.

An example of assistance in the implementation of services from real life is the work of a tattoo artist. You came to him, and he did his job very well, so you will recommend this artist to the person who asks you where he can get a quality tattoo.

There are thousands of similar examples, because in fact this is a very common situation. We recommend something to someone every day. It can be products, professional services, various equipment, movies, books and so on.

Now let’s try to imagine: we would be paid for what was sold on our recommendation 10 % from the cost. Agree, it’s an interesting proposal, right??

For example, Let's calculate how much you can earn if you get paid 10 % for recommending the services of a team of repairmen in the apartment. First, you need to agree with this team that you will recommend them to everyone you know, and they will give you a reward for this. The average amount for repairs is quite large, so by simply advertising the services of a team of repairmen, you can earn good money.

1.1. Where to begin

First of all, you need to find those whose services and products you will sell. These could be people involved in information business, online stores, various sites or services where you can register in an affiliate program.

Most often, beginners ask: How can people providing you with an affiliate program know that a purchase was made through their link? .
This is done very simply using cookies which help to store everything latest actions in the Internet. Thanks to them, the buyer’s browser determines which link he followed to the site.

On average, affiliate program rewards vary from 10% to 70% of the product owner’s profit.

In the information business, you can often see that the payout percentage of the product price is from 70 % before 100 % . This is mainly due to the fact that the information product does not have significant costs for its production. Video course can be recorded 1 times, and sell as much as you want, at least 1 000 , though 1 000 000 times, the cost of selling more units of the product will remain unchanged.

1.2. Services

A site that is included in verified affiliate programs is . It is the most popular at the moment and is a good option for beginners. This service will provide you with many job offers.

1.3. SPA

CPA affiliates consist in the fact that you are paid for the fact that your advertising will cause a very specific action. For example, registering on a website or in a game, opening a card or deposit, and so on.

The referral affiliate program is extremely popular among banks. Eg, one of the largest banks in Russia “Tinkov” pays money for deposits, opening a credit or regular card. Payment amounts vary from 200 before 1 000 rubles.

2. How much can you earn?

The profitability of affiliate programs is different for everyone. Someone's monthly income begins from 100 thousand rubles, someone earns pennies that are not enough to live on. This happens because earnings from affiliate programs depend on several factors. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Factor 1. Ability to interest

The service or product that you will promote must be interesting to the end buyer. To do this, you need to correctly present your offer in the best light, while setting a price that will help your offer beat your competitors in terms of price/quality ratio.

Eg, if you sell any gadget through an affiliate program with a price higher than others on 5 -10 % – the probability that they will buy from you is significant decreases ↓ .

Factor 2. Quantity

How more goods and services you will promote, so more you have a chance to make money. It is necessary to take not only quality, but also quantity.

Factor 3. Traffic

Don't neglect the opportunity to increase your income through advertising. It is important to understand: The more people see your offer, the more profit you will make.

Eg, Some sales managers are guided by this principle. Their communication with the client takes place in real high level, they do everything to sell. However, they understand that the number of sales depends very much on how many clients they manage to communicate with in a day.

Factor 4. Relevance

To get more buyers, you need to make your advertising more interesting to your target audience. You need to advertise your services where it may be in demand, and not advertise cucumber seeds on the guitarists’ website.

Now many services provide the opportunity targeted advertising , which will significantly increase⇑ your earnings.

Factor 5. Remuneration amount

Of course, everyone understands that in this case one must be guided by the principle: the bigger, the better . You need to look at how much net money you get from the average customer check and choose the most profitable affiliate programs.

If you take into account all the criteria listed above, you will soon become one of those people who make good money on affiliate programs.

3. Instructions for a beginner using the example of the service

Step 1. Search for an affiliate program

There are many different services, but we will look at , because this is the easiest affiliate program for beginners.

To start earning money, you need to register. Next, you must go to the product catalog, scroll through all the affiliate programs for the site and select the one that you like best in terms of payment and description.

The most important, This is to make sure that the offer you choose is adequate and will be in demand, otherwise you could end up wasting a lot of time and money.

To understand this, it’s worth thinking about whether you yourself would buy the product being offered. If you are satisfied with everything, you need to click on the button “Become a partner”.

Step 2. Receive a link

If the offer is acceptable and interesting to you, and you are ready to start assisting in the sale of this product, then you need to get personal affiliate link .

  1. link to product page;
  2. link to payment page.

Step 3. Advertising

There are many in various ways promotion of the selected product or service. You can start with publics VC or OK , thematic forums.

In addition, you can order contextual advertising or advertising on the site, or you can create Landing page and advertise it, thereby increasing traffic to the site.

Step 4. Making a profit

You make a profit if the product is purchased through your link. One of benefits Glopart service is ability to track statistics , how many products and which ones specifically you sold in a month.

This will help you increase your profits by focusing only on the products that sell best.

Step 5. Withdrawal of money

There are 2 ways to withdraw money:

  1. output to automatic mode on Web Money , from where you can then withdraw money to a plastic card and cash it out;
  2. manual output.

Thus, strictly following all the steps listed above will help you not make mistakes and choose the most profitable affiliate program.

4. Pros and cons of affiliate programs

TO pluses (+) The use of affiliate programs includes:

  • Simplicity. Earning money from affiliate programs is available to everyone; you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. You just need to put in a little effort and devote time to quickly start receiving money.
  • Good income. Once you start making money on affiliate programs, you will soon be able to achieve income more 50 thousand rubles.
  • No need for any investments. You can start earning money without starting capital by organizing advertising, For example, in the comments on social networks. After you earn your first money, you can buy advertising, thereby increasing your income.

However, affiliate programs also have cons (−):

  • Unstable income. Unfortunately, not all affiliate programs will give you good money. For example, some goods may not be in demand and it will be good if you earn at least something from them. Also, sales directly depend on the season and relevance.
  • High risks. You can invest in paid advertising, but your links will not bring in almost any income, and, therefore, you will go into the red and also lose time. Of course, it will be good to gain experience, but it’s still a shame to lose money and time.

5. Answers to questions

Question 1. How much can you earn?

From 100 rubles to hundreds of thousands. It all depends on how much experience you have and how well you set up the advertising system.

Question 2. How can I understand that the purchase was made through my link?

As mentioned above, the browser records all information about the user’s actions on the Internet in cookies . Thanks to this, the site can easily determine whether a purchase was made through your link, and you get your money.

Question 3. Can I be deceived?

In theory, yes, if the payment was not made through a payment acceptance service. However, many customers are very decent, so there is no need to be afraid.

Question 4. Who are aggregators?

Aggregators– these are sites that collect the most popular affiliate programs

In fact, they are a kind of catalog that makes it easier for those who want to earn money to find the best options.

Question 5. How to earn more: with or without a website?

  • If you have a website with a large audience, then naturally, you will earn much more by advertising on your website.
  • However, if the site has few visitors, then you won’t be able to earn a lot on affiliate programs. First you should start promoting it, and only then will you have more profit.

6. Conclusion

If you want to start making money on the Internet as quickly as possible, then making money from affiliate programs is clearly for you. This does not require any skills, the main thing is to follow all the rules and devote enough time to it.

Yes, of course, there is a risk here, but you must agree that He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne . Therefore, go for it and you will succeed!

Hello dear readers, today we will talk to you about what affiliate programs exist for making money without a website. This topic is quite extensive, since there are a lot of such affiliate programs. But first, let’s try to figure out how you can make money on affiliate programs?

A very large number of large sites have affiliate programs. They play a very significant role in the life of these sites, allowing them to make sales, increase traffic, and subsequently turn them into customers. That is, affiliate programs are a kind of assistants for large sites that not only help other users earn money, but also increase the popularity of the resource itself.

You probably already guessed that affiliate programs are also possible to bring your earnings on the Internet to the machine. This means that you will have to “stress” for a couple of weeks, and then the money will come to you without your participation. This is perhaps the biggest advantage of affiliate programs.

Now let's take a little closer look at what affiliate programs themselves are. This term itself sounds somehow bewitching and it seems that it is something complex and incomprehensible. But in fact, affiliate programs, for the most part, are link-based systems. Let's move on to a small example.

Let's say you register in an online store that has an affiliate program. After you have managed to register, you go to the appropriate section, which will describe the possibilities of making money with these sites, conditions, rules and much more. But the most important thing is that after registration you will have the opportunity to generate unique links to the product, which will be linked to your account statistics.

You can then place these links wherever and however you want. The main thing is that people click on them and make purchases of goods. Then, for a successfully completed transaction, you will receive a percentage of the transaction amount. Usually it is 5-30%.
Tempting, isn't it? Some sites allow you to get not only links, but also banners, html codes (which you can already place on your personal website) and much more.

Let's summarize: making money on affiliate programs is an opportunity to set up your business through the proper placement of affiliate links.

What are these affiliate programs for making money without a website?

A website, when making money on affiliate programs, is just one of the tools that you can use to increase the visibility of links from affiliate programs. Although using your own website you can significantly increase your earnings, it is still not the only option.

All affiliate programs do not require you to have a website to earn money. The affiliate program doesn’t care where you place the links and where traffic will come from to their resource. The most important rule is to place links where your target audience “lives”. And to find such places you will need to think a little, analyze and collect data.

You should also consider that the process of selecting sites for placing affiliate links is one of the most important. In order not to make mistakes and not to do a large amount of work, but it will be in vain, you will need, as stated above, to find places where target users discuss certain goods and services. These could be groups in in social networks; discussion threads on forums; or ; under articles, videos or photographs, etc.

List of the most popular affiliate programs for making money without a website is a very good product affiliate program in which a large number of products are available for sale, divided into categories for ease of use. Very often this affiliate program is recommended for beginners to try out this type earning money and “getting some bumps”. is an online electronics store with fairly low prices and an attractive program for partners. The site has been operating since 2005 to this day, which has allowed the owners to gain good authority. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that people clicking on your links will be afraid to buy electronics.

Aliexpress - and, of course, how would we be without this giant trading platform and leader in its industry. There is a separate article on our website in which you can find out detailed information about making money on Aliexpress, which you can read.

In general, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information and not engage in mediocre transfers, I suggest you visit the website, which has a huge list of affiliate programs for earning money. But the most important thing is that the list is constantly updated, and in addition it is structured by topic. So come in, look, choose and try.

Why is making money on affiliate programs without a website beneficial for you?

Those users who have extensive experience in website promotion can make money on affiliate programs using websites. If you are new to this segment, then it is better to start earning money by placing affiliate links on free sites, and only then, when earnings become passive, move on to creating your own online resource.

Here are some problems you will encounter when making money from affiliate programs through your personal website:

  • The theme of your website should correspond to the theme of the affiliate program. If you work with several affiliate programs of different topics, then you will have to create a separate website for each of them;
  • To create a website you need investments, at least minimal for a domain and hosting;
  • It’s not enough to just create a website – it also needs to be visited, and this requires SEO knowledge. By the way, in most cases, website promotion also requires investment;
  • In addition, your site needs to be filled with content, and this, most likely, you will again need investments to buy articles on exchanges or order texts from copywriters.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time. But I think that these disadvantages will be enough to convince beginners to start making money on affiliate programs without a website.

In this article we will look at a fairly popular way of generating income on the Internet - affiliate programs for making money on the Internet with and without a website. You will learn what affiliate programs are, the principle and types of affiliate programs, how much and most importantly how to make money on affiliate programs.

What is an affiliate program in simple words

The essence of affiliate programs is that you receive a certain reward depending on the terms of cooperation with various manufacturers of goods and services. This could be sales, clicks on links, payment for certain user actions (for example, registration, filling out questionnaires, or a percentage of the income of users registered through your link). There are actually quite a lot of opportunities, and almost every day new affiliate programs appear that offer to make money through mediation.

It turns out to be mutual cooperation. You, as a partner, receive a certain percentage of the income simply by recommending this or that type of product (service) without putting absolutely any effort into creating, storing and delivering the product to the end consumer. All you have to do is provide interested users with information about the new product.

The creator of the product benefits from the distribution of the product throughout affiliate network. After all, creating a product is only a small part of the business. The most important thing is to make a profit in the form of its sale. And therefore, he is ready to give part of his profit in the form of commissions to his partners, who promote his product (services) by making sales and, accordingly, bring profit to the company.

Principle of operation

In order to start making money on affiliate programs you need to take just a few simple steps:

  1. register in the affiliate program
  2. receive a special identifier - affiliate links to a particular product (service). When you follow this link to the manufacturer's website, all users are assigned to you using cookies. If a person makes a purchase within a certain time, you receive a commission. The period for all affiliate programs is different: for some it is lifetime, that is, if a person clicks on your link once, then he is assigned to you forever. Others have a limited period: a month, six months, a year. In some affiliate programs, the reward is received by the person whose last affiliate link was clicked by the person who made the purchase.
  3. post these links on the Internet to attract interested users
  4. if a user buys a product, you will automatically receive a reward, which you can withdraw (usually withdrawal is made through electronic payment systems such as Yandex Money, Qiwi and others, less often to a bank account)
  5. Some affiliate programs only work with individual entrepreneurs; you need to find out this before you start advertising affiliate links.

Types of rewards

Partnership programs can be conditionally divided into 2 types: single-level and multi-level.

Single-level affiliate programs - you receive compensation only from personal sales. The number of clients you attract is the amount you earn.

Multi-level programs imply, in addition to remuneration from personal sales, receiving additional profit from the sales of your partners. Those. if you attract a user, and he, in turn, makes sales through his affiliate link, you also have the right to receive income. Of course, it won’t be as big as with personal sales, but nevertheless, an extra penny won’t hurt you.

It turns out that with a multi-level affiliate program you can earn money not only by selling personally, but also by building your own referral structure, which in turn will bring you additional income.

How much can you earn from affiliate programs?

Earnings will directly depend on the percentage of remuneration that you receive for the product (service) sold. Typically, the reward amount can vary from 1 to 100%. Yes Yes. Some affiliate programs give away all the profits. This usually applies to information products, which essentially have virtually no commercial value. But by giving away all the profits, product creators pursue other goals, namely attracting interested users with these products. And if a person bought something from them once, then it is more likely that he will be able to successfully sell other products from this series.

For info products, the commission percentage ranges from 50 to 90% of the cost of the product. For physical goods, the commission amount is usually no more than 10-20%. Less often 30-40%. But this is usually some kind of slag that the end consumer does not particularly need. The increased remuneration is the payment for the distribution of such a product that no one needs.

Regarding how much you can earn by participating in affiliate programs. Here, for example, are the conditions from one CPA - affiliate program, here on one site many offers from various companies are collected: from online stores to financial organizations

What do these numbers mean?

Participation in affiliate programs is a kind of whole additional world that can bring each of us an additional source of income from global network Internet.

And, to tell the truth, I simply can’t imagine my life without such a direction as participation in affiliate programs, because personal experience convinced that this can bring financial freedom and prosperity.

Let's figure out what affiliate programs are and how you can interact with them in a way that brings you profit.

What is an affiliate program?

In fact, an affiliate program is a very simple concept.

There is a certain information product, and we will consider all examples only on information products, and the author of this product is ready to pay a certain percentage to everyone who starts selling this product, instead of himself.

Do you understand?

Let's look at an example.

Alexey knows how to create websites, and one day an idea came to his mind...

Why don't I record a video course, package it, and start selling it?

And so, his idea was realized, the course was recorded, and put up for sale.

And now, in order to increase his profit from the sale of this course, Alexey opens his own affiliate program, in which he offers 30% of the cost of his website creation course to everyone who will sell this course through an affiliate program.

For example, a course costs 10,000 rubles, and if someone sells this course through an affiliate link, they will receive 30%, or 3,000 rubles, of affiliate commissions.

I also want to tell you, in addition, that you can take part in affiliate programs not only for information products.

It’s just that information products have some advantages over, for example, physical goods.

Advantages of information products affiliate programs

Let's still look at some of the nuances of why it is profitable to initially promote information products through affiliate programs?

Here is the most banal and simple example.

And I think it would be a sin not to take advantage of this!

And if, in addition to your request, you make 25 sales of such an information product, and after that ask the author to raise your affiliate commission, you will most likely receive a positive answer.

For an affiliate program of physical goods, this is unrealistic, because unlike an information product, material resources are spent on physical ones.

At least some amount of money.

Is it possible to make money from this?

We are gradually approaching one of the most important issues.

Earning money from affiliate programs today is a whole empire of various partners with their own tricks, best practices, secrets, knowledge hidden from prying eyes.

At least, during my consulting practice, I was able to understand that the vast majority of beginners have exactly this kind of information spinning in their heads.

This is a misconception, and I want you to understand this now, and only then begin to move on.

To make money on affiliate programs you do not need to own any secrets, secret knowledge, or hidden power.

To do this, you just need to develop several skills, the use of which will bring sales of affiliate products.

Please understand one very simple thing...

Participating in affiliate programs on the Internet is the same as riding a bicycle.

At first you don’t know how to ride and lean from one side to the other, supporting yourself with your legs. Then you learned to ride a little, and it seemed to work, but you fell off the bike because you still don’t know how to brake.

Then you learned to drive and brake!

This whole process of learning to ride a bicycle is no more no less a process of acquiring a specific skill that will allow you to use such a tool as a bicycle to obtain some kind of personal satisfaction.

And exactly the same skills (now I’m not talking about the skill of riding a bicycle) need to be obtained in order to make money on affiliate programs!

But many guys and girls don’t understand this!

They are looking for some kind of universal secret, after learning which money will flow to them like a river from different countries of the world!

They rush to cheap training courses, on the cover of which it is written that in 1 month they will be made millionaires.

And after a month they realize that they were simply deceived, and then from this conclusion they build their own idea about whether it is possible to make money on the Internet or not.

Do you understand?

It's like buying a bike from a salesman who tells you...

  • Ahhh, have you never ridden a bike before? Why do I congratulate you! Buy my bike and you'll be riding like a pro, hands-free, on one wheel, in just 24 hours!

This seller just wants to make money from you! It doesn’t matter to him whether you learn to drive in a day or not, he sees this as a benefit only for himself.

And what’s most interesting, if every person who bought a shitty course on making money on the Internet, in which they promised to teach him how to earn millions in a month, tried to sell a bicycle like I described just above...

Not a single person would buy it.

Although, okay, I won’t be so categorical, maybe there would be people who would fall for it, but it would be such a small percentage, it seems to me that it’s not worth paying attention to.

But tell me, why do people buy various shit courses that promise them mountains of gold, but would refuse a bicycle whose seller promised them that they would learn to ride it in a day?

Maybe because when buying such a bike people would sensibly assess their strength?

Because they understand that a miracle will not happen, and in just 1 day learning to ride a bicycle is almost impossible!

In 1 week yes, but not in 1 day!

Just as in 1 day it is impossible to learn how to drive a car, pilot a plane, fish, create websites, build houses, cook, manage a business...

Do all these things for your own pleasure!

Because this is the end result, why different people begin to engage in this or that activity.

It's about enjoying the process!

Agree, in one day, or whatever, even in 1 month, it is IMPOSSIBLE to master the majority of things that interest you, to such an extent as to become not only a master, but at least a professional.

But it is the professionals who begin to receive good results in any type of activity!

So why, dear friends, if you are one of those people, you buy various shit courses and want to become a super rich person in 1 month? (relative to the current state)

And when you don’t succeed, shout to the entire Internet that all this money is bullshit.

Think about it, maybe it’s all about the approach you use for this purpose? For the purpose of making money on the Internet.

Learning how to make money on the Internet...

Learn how to make money on the Internet!

After all, learning to earn millions in one month is the same as learning to drive a heavy, oversized tractor in the city center in one day!

This is impossible.

But, you just need to change your approach to learning a little, and it will begin to bear fruit.

I in no way want to offend anyone in this article, believe me, when I was learning this business, I wasted thousands of dollars, I also bought these shitty courses, and did not understand what was going on...

Why can't anything work out for me?

And no one told me then, Sergei, you chose the wrong road. You're in a completely different direction.

Believe me, I'm on your side and I want to help you!

How to make money on affiliate programs?

And finally, we come to the very essence of the issue.

If you want to get a step-by-step algorithm for all the steps to make money on the Internet through affiliate programs, you can use it, which I develop myself and teach my students.

Searching for such affiliate programs on your own is quite easy.

You need to simply write in your search engine “affiliate program for making money on the Internet” without quotes.

Then view the search history and select the affiliate program that you like the most.

At this stage, we already have an affiliate program, and we need to find target customers who may need the affiliate product we want to promote.

And for this, for a beginner, a thematic email newsletter is most suitable.

This is by far the simplest and most effective method get the first affiliate sales for every newbie.

There are, of course, a lot of other ways to attract traffic, but if you don’t yet have experience in this matter, start with email newsletters. This will help you get started very quickly.

Requirement 1— the total open rate in the database, at the time of the release of one letter, should be approximately 500 - 700 letters.

That is, you don’t need to look at the email opening percentage, as many teachers teach. For you, the most important criterion should be that in one advertising issue, your advertisement should be seen by 500 to 700 or more people.

This practically guarantees affiliate sales, provided that you are advertising a themed product.

Requirement 2 - before you order advertising, be sure to check the authenticity of the mailing list.

It's very easy to do...

For example, you found a person on the Internet who sells advertising in a newsletter.

He wrote to you that he has an amazing database, an open rate of almost 20%, almost everyone who opened the letter clicks on the links, and so on...

That is, in the end, you were simply deceived.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, you definitely need to check the author before you order an advertising campaign from him.

It's very easy to do.

  • Find the author
  • He tells you about the indicators of his base
  • After that, you ask to call on Skype and demonstrate these indicators through the turned on screen
  • If the author shows you his database via Skype, great, he is honest and you can work with him
  • If the author disappears or has excuses, I do not recommend working with such authors

That's essentially all that needs to be done.

The most important thing, on which your result 100% depends, is checking the honesty of the author of the email database.

It is precisely because many people, and especially beginners, are deceived, because it is easy to fake screenshots, that they have no results.

At this point, the deal is fully in effect and you are just waiting for the final result.

As a rule, within one week after such advertising, you receive your first paid affiliate sales.

In fact, these 3 skills (searching for a popular affiliate program, searching for an email database for advertising, and creating materials for advertising, for example, an advertising letter) are what you need to master in order to start making money on affiliate programs!

Not millions!

I ask you to pay attention to this!

And earn at least your first money!

This is participation in affiliate programs without a website, without magic buttons, without fictitious illusions and everything else that prevents a beginner from understanding that making money on the Internet is, first of all, a skill!

And the more you practice this skill, the more you will earn.

Blog Author

28 years. Expert in the field of online earnings and personal growth. I managed to independently get out of routine and a weak-willed lifestyle into a world where I build myself every day. Achieved success in the field of relationships and monetization of his knowledge.

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