Write macros L2. Macros

If we talk in simple language, then the macro is a unique function that activates the sequence different actions, predefined by the user. This feature is used most often in various online projects, where players need to press several different buttons as quickly as possible. Of course, you can do everything the old fashioned way, by pressing individual keys, but it’s much easier to set commands for the macro in advance and not bother yourself with unnecessary movements.

Analyzing this aspect using the example of the mega-popular MMORPG Lineage 2, we can say that almost all experienced gamers use macros for leveling and for PVP battles. This function is not classified as prohibited by analogy with cheats, but it provides players with a certain advantage in the activation time of abilities over those people who do not use macros.

How to make a macro in Lineage 2? To do this, we need to go to the corresponding tab in the game menu or press the Alt+R key combination. A special window will open in which we can create our first macro - to do this, click on the Add button. After this, a window opens with several sections, where we need to transfer actions that will later be activated in a certain sequence. Select character skills or simple actions (you can even add emotions to the block), after which the macro icon itself should be moved to the quick actions panel and set the Hotkey to activate it. We can edit the macro at any time (the icon must be moved to the “hammer”) or delete it (the icon must be moved to the “trash”).

A few important points

Every user should know that farming Adena or participating in PVP battles is greatly facilitated with the help of macros. But here there are a number of rules that we must take into account:

  • The macro name can contain a total of 12 letters and numbers;
  • You can transfer not only skills and social actions to macro fields, but also items from your inventory and even the abilities of your pets;
  • The action list of one macro can only contain 48 different sequences;
  • In a macro, the number of commands is limited to 12.
  • This concerns theory, now we can move on to practice.

    Using macros for combat purposes

    Most often, players in Lineage 2 use macros for battles with representatives of hostile clans. To activate several skills in the shortest possible period of time, you should perform a series of sequential actions:

  • Open the skills menu and the created macro menu;
  • Transfer the desired skill to the macro line;
  • Perform the same action for all the following skills;
  • Drag the icon of the edited macro into the panel quick access.
  • Now, when you press one number or letter (depending on which Hotkey you chose to activate), a sequence of several actions will be triggered. Typically, a person cannot press several separate buttons in a split second, especially when it comes to activating items in a bag. And in such cases, such an opportunity will come in handy.

    The same function can be used to change clothes on a character. For example, there is the following situation: you are swinging at a spot in a PVE set and suddenly a representative of the enemy clan appears next to you. By pressing just one button, you can completely change the clothes on your character, which are more suitable for PVP. A second, and you are ready to repel the enemy. Agree, such a procedure would take much more time if you manually opened your inventory and sequentially put on each individual part of the set.

    Using macros for peaceful purposes

    In Lineage 2, you can often find players who prefer to spend most of their time doing peaceful activities, such as fishing or trading. The latter is of great importance for any server of a popular MMORPG, since the prices for the most popular resources, uniforms and Consumables. And cyclical macros can make life much easier for those who like to resell goods to other users, while receiving a solid income.

    At the dawn of L2's heyday, we all had to manually enter the ad text every time, which made the very procedure of selling it very labor-intensive and time-consuming. Now it’s enough to enter the desired phrase into the macro and press one single button to send your message.

    To do this, you should carry out the same activities as described in the paragraph on the combat use of macros, but with the only difference - we enter text into the fields instead of dragging ability icons. For example, we have a Talum set that we want to sell. The following phrase should be written into the macro: “! Selling Talum set, inexpensive.” In this case, the sign “!” is responsible for sending a message to a specific chat, so we can configure the function so that the text is shown in all chat tabs. Many users disable the trading window because they don’t like unnecessary spam, and the only way to reach them is the global chat.

    In conclusion, we can say that macros in Lineage 2 allow you to activate an action with a certain amount of delay. To do this, in the line before the skill or item you should write the text /delay A, where A is responsible for the activation delay time. Any user action (pressing other buttons on the keyboard or mouse) will cancel the macro, so you need to be extremely careful with this.

    Step 1
    Call up the system menu and in the window that appears, select the item called.

    Step 2
    This window will contain all your macros.
    It is built like your character's inventory, each macro will occupy a cell in this window.
    Let's try to make the first macro. Let's make a simple macro that will force your character to attack.
    First, click on the (add) button, as indicated in the screenshot below.

    Step 3
    The appearance of the macro icon can be changed by clicking on the buttons

    The name of the macro is entered in the Name field. The name must not exceed 12 characters including spaces.

    Acronym- short description macro, no more than 4 characters, will be shown on the macro icon.
    More Info - a more complete description of the macro in 32 characters

    We can start making a macro. Let's call it. This is a macro that will attack the mob.

    Step 4
    It's time to start the main part. Open the skills window alt+v.

    Step 5
    Let's start the attacking macro with a special skill.
    As you can see in the picture below, this is a damage skill that will deal damage to mobs.

    Step 6
    To add a skill to your macro, you need to drag it from the skills window to the macros window to the desired location.

    Step 7
    Now we need to make our macro use CC (spirit or soulshot) when hit.
    Since we are placing not objects, but icons in the macro, we need to drag the ss to the hotkey, as shown in this picture.

    Step 8
    Now we transfer the ss icon to the macro window in the same way as we transferred the skill. The macro window, if you did everything correctly, should look like this.

    Step 9
    Our simplest macro is ready! Click the (save) button. Your macro window should look like this.

    Step 10
    Now we throw the icon of the macro we created on the hotkey.


    In order to use skills in a macro, enter the command “/” and the full name of the skill (including spaces), as it is written in the skills window.
    For example:
    /skill power strike
    The /useskillforce command is used as if the Ctrl key was pressed.
    The /fixed skill command is used as if the Shift key was pressed.

    To use shortcuts from the Quick Access Toolbar in macros, use the "/shortcut" command.
    For example:
    /shortcut 3 2
    (3rd panel 2nd shortcut)

    To use actions, type > and the full name of the action, as it is written in the actions window.
    For example:

    Using the "/target" command with a player's nickname, you can select him if he is in sight.
    /target %self
    (highlight yourself)

    Some abbreviations:
    %self - you yourself
    %pet - your animal
    %party1~%party8 - respectively group members
    %target - whoever is currently selected

    You can also write messages in chat
    For example:
    if your name is ABC
    !My name is %self
    will display in chat:
    My name is ABC

    Accordingly, all special commands must be written separated by a space.
    For example:
    If you write: My name is%self
    it will display: My name is%self
    If you write: My name is %self it will display: My name is ABC

    The "/delay X" command creates a delay of X seconds

    Macros can be used to automate certain processes and use several skills at the same time.

    Basic rules for creating a macro

    • The character can remember 48 macros.
    • The macro name can contain 12 characters.
    • A macro can contain 12 lines.
    • One macro line can contain 80 characters (including the command).
    • If you do any action while the macro is running (move the character, use an item/skill/chat, open the interface window), the macro execution will be interrupted.
    • You cannot add the execution of another macro to a macro.

    Macro composition

    • Special prefixes can be used in a macro to determine the type of message:
    Text color Prefix Description
    Main chat No prefix The message is visible to other players within a small radius.
    Scream !
    Clan Chat @ The message is visible only to clan members. Not available if the character is not a member of a clan.
    Alliance chat $ The message is visible only to alliance members. Not available if the character's clan is not in an alliance.
    Chat Groups # The message is visible only to group members. Not available if the character is not in a group.
    Trading chat + The message is visible to other players within a fairly large radius.
    Hero's Voice % The message is visible to all characters on the server. Only hero characters can use such messages.
    Whisper " Personal message to another character, in order to write a personal message you must write "Character_name message. The message will be seen only by the sender and the recipient.
    Command Channel ` The message appears when the commander of a command channel sends a message; a regular CC member will not be able to send such a message.
    World chat & The message is visible to all characters on the server. For PA owners, 10 messages per day are available after reaching level 85. For others, 5 messages per day are available after reaching level 95. The message counter is reset at 7:00 am.
    • Any macro can be used teams chat.
    • Commands for macros can be entered in English or Russian.
    • The following constants can be used in a macro to define the target of the macro
      • Macro target constants IMPOSSIBLE use if you write them next to other characters. For example, you will not be able to do the following macros "%target Hello! or %target, how are you?
    • In a macro, you can use the names of skills to use them using the command /useskill
      • /useskill [Skill Name](like the game with spaces and capital letters).
      • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging skills into a macro; open the skills window and the macro creation window at the same time and drag the skill into the macro window on the desired line.
    • In a macro, you can use items and skills located on the hotkey panel using the command /useshortcut
      • /useshortcut [Panel No.] [Cell No.], For example, /useshortcut 6 5(use item/skill in cell 5 on panel 6).
      • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging hotkey panel slots into a macro; open the macro creation window and drag the item/skill into the macro window on the desired line.
    • The macro can be re-run.
      • After adding a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, reuse can be started by right-clicking.
      • The macro reuse run is interrupted if other actions are started.
      • Macros consisting only of chat messages cannot be reused. When the chat ban is activated, a time counter is displayed in the system message.
    • Macros can be copied and pasted using the buttons Copy all And Insert.
    • Using a button Templates You can call up a list of frequently used command templates and add them to your macros by double-clicking on them or simply dragging them with the mouse.
    • The execution of a macro command can be forced by adding a postfix force to the command (analogous to pressing ctrl on the keyboard)
      • For example: /useskillforce, /useshortcutforce, /attackforce
    • You can add a condition to the command execution - do not move by adding a postfix stand(analogous to pressing shift on the keyboard)
      • For example: /useskillstand, /useshortcutstand, /attackstand
    • You can defer the next macro command using the command /delay [sec.]
    • When using skills (items) that have a cooldown time, an animation appears on the macro icon showing the time before reuse. 60 seconds before the end of the cooldown of the skill used in the macro, a timer appears on the macro icon, counting down the remaining seconds. If several skills (items) are used in a macro, then by default the skill (item) with the longest cooldown is selected for display. However, using the %c command, you can display the cooldown of the desired skill. If the %c command is used multiple times in a macro, only the first use of the command will be indicated.
      • For example: /useskill Dark Explosion %c

    Creating a Macro

    1. Open the macro creation interface in the menu or using the Alt+R keyboard shortcut.
    2. Click the "Add" button.
    3. Write the name of the macro (will appear when you hover over the macro icon).
    4. Select the macro icon.
    5. The "Templates" button will open a list of templates that you can add to your macros if necessary.
    6. If you want, you can describe the action of the macro in more detail. The macro description must not exceed 32 characters.
    7. Fill in the contents of the macro according to the rules described above.
      • Button + (Add) will add an empty line to the selected location, everything entered previously will move down. Shifting the 12th line down will remove it.
      • Button x(Delete Row) will delete the selected row.
      • The up and down buttons move the line in the selected direction. If there is information in adjacent lines, the lines will be castled.
      • The "delete all" button will completely clear the contents of the macro.
    8. The "Copy All" and "Paste" buttons allow you to copy and paste the contents of the macro.
    9. Click the "Save" button to save all changes. The "Cancel" button will close the macro without changes.

    Editing a Macro

    Deleting a macro

    Macros- related pages
    Basics: Installing the game and creating a character Races Classes Interface Skills Macros Group Quests Fighting monsters Earth Hunting Zones Raid Bosses PK system Death penalty
    Clans: Clan Alliance Locks Fortresses Clan Halls Clan Missions
    Competitions: Olympics Chaos Festival
    A game:
    I want to say right away that this description exists only in 1 copy, only on our website Full description macros!
    A huge request, if you see this description on other sources without posting my link, write on the forum and you will receive a reward!

    So, let's begin!

    A macro is a program object that is replaced during evaluation by a new object created by the macro definition based on its arguments, then expressed in the usual way.
    I didn’t understand what I said, but that’s how it is!
    Simply put, MACRO is the automatic use of several pre-selected operations.

    To work with macros, click menu, then Macro (Macro) or use the key combination Alt+R):

    To create a MACRO, use the Add button

    To edit a macro, drag the macro icon to the hammer

    To delete a macro, drag the macro icon to the trash bin

    The created macro can be placed on HotKEY (the panel on which skills are usually set):

    The macro name can contain a maximum of 12 characters.
    When creating macros, you can use any chat commands, and you can also use any text.
    Everything that can be done with macros can be done with chat!
    The player is allowed to store a maximum of 48 macros
    Each macro can contain up to 12 commands

    Each command can contain a maximum of 32 characters
    Acronym - a brief description of the macro, no more than 4 characters, will be displayed on the macro icon.

    The Macro icon can be changed using the arrows under the icon

    With theory it seems, let's move on to practice

    Macros and how to work with them. Practice

    The macro can be used in almost all areas of activity in the game Lineage 2:
    - Using skills
    - Using inventory items
    - Trade
    - Actions with the pet
    - Execute any commands

    1. Using skills.
    Any skill a character has can be used in macros.
    In order to add the necessary skill to a macro, you need to open the skills window and open the macro editing window.

    Then, move the skill icon to the macro window

    Also, in order to use skills in a macro, you can use the “/” command and after it write the full name of the skill (including spaces), as it is written in the skills window.
    For example:
    /useskill Mortal Blow
    If you enter
    /useskillforce Mortal Blow
    Then the skill will be used as it was used with "ctrl" pressed
    2. Using inventory items
    To use inventory items, we will need our HotKEY.

    First, take the items you want to use to any HotKEY space.

    I put on the panel on the 6th line in 1 2 3 4 cells Talum Heavy Set.
    Now open the macro editing window, and move each item from HotKEY to the macro command window one by one.

    Save the macro.

    Now, when using this macro, we will put on/take off our set.

    Also, to use a specific HotKEY cell, you can use /shortcut 6 1. Where 6 is the HotKEY line, 1 is the HotKEY cell.

    3. Trade.

    In Lineage 2, Macros are very often used for trading, so as not to write the same thing several times.

    I will sell my Talum Heavy Set:

    In the macro editing window, you must enter in the first line! Selling TalumHevy Set PM

    Selling TalumHevy Set PM

    Save the macro.

    In the chat window you will see:

    4. Actions with the Pet.

    In order to select a Pet, you must enter the following command:

    5. Execute any commands

    /target "Character nickname" - Select a character with a given nickname.

    /friendinvite %target - Add the selected character as a friend.

    /nick "Any 16-digit value" - Change your title.

    /target %party1 - %party8 - Select a character in party 1-8

    /friendlist Displays a list of friends in the chat.

    /friendinvite [character] Invite friends.

    /frienddel [character] Removes the specified character from the friends list.

    /blocklist Displays the ignorelist list.

    /block [character] Adds the specified player to the ignore list.

    /unblock [character] Removes the specified character from the ignore list.

    /allblock Enable silent mode. Disable chat.

    /allunblock Turn off silent mode.

    %self Any action will be directed towards oneself.

    %pet Any action will be directed at the pet.

    /useshortcut [string] [cell] Use a slot from the shortcut toolbar.

    /useshortcutforce [string] [cell] Force use of a slot from the shortcut toolbar. The enemy character can be in any mode.

    /useskill [skill] Use the specified skill/spell.

    /useskillforce [skill] Forces the use of the specified skill/spell. The enemy character can be in any mode.

    /underattacklist Shows a list of clans that have declared war on you, but have not received a declaration of war from your clan.

    /attacklist Shows a list of enemy clans to which war has been declared, but they have not responded to the declaration of war.

    /warlist Shows a list of enemy and friendly clans that have mutually declared war on each other.

    /clanwarstart Declare war on another clan.

    /clanwarstop End the clan war.

    /siegestatus Show clan members under siege (Noblesse only).

    You can also use the /delay A command in macros, where A is the number of seconds. This command pauses between actions.

    Do not forget! That any action you take will cancel the macro, be it pressing the keyboard or mouse.

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