Hotmail is part of the Windows Live web application suite. Hotmail is part of the Windows Live web application HTTP Account - Hotmail

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Microsoft has a habit of changing the name of their online services.

For example, these are the goodies you will receive after connecting the Facebook social network to Outlook:

Chat will also be available when connected (you can also install the Skype plugin to make voice and video calls in online Outlook).

Personally, I’m not very sociable and all this tinsel in the mail interface seems overkill to me, but many will like this innovation from Microsoft. After connecting, the online service “People” will look slightly different:

Well, the already mentioned “Calendar” is, in fact, an organizer. Quite easy to learn and modest in functionality. But in the vast majority of cases this is exactly what is needed. In addition, it displays the weather, which is very convenient.

I won’t repeat myself about the capabilities of Skydrive (Pardom, VanDrive), because I provided a link to a full-fledged article just above. The thing is, in fact, convenient and has its own twist - remote access to any files on your computer from the OneDrive web interface. And there are still little things to look at.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Above, to consider working with email, we looked at registration on the MAIL.RU and NAROD.RU servers, which provide POP3 and SMTP servers for working with a mailbox in Outlook.

But how to receive or send a message if Outlook features are not available, and quick access to information is necessary (you are on vacation, your computer is broken, or there is no appropriate software at the moment)? The solution is to access mail information via a Web interface using any browser. Roughly speaking, working with mail via Outlook is transferred to working with browser mail and loading special Web pages that provide an interface (essentially) similar to Outlook, i.e. the page also contains hyperlink commands: Create message, View, Send, Delete etc. Thus, the user only needs a computer with Internet access, which can always be found in any Internet cafe in the city.

Now let's move on to the specific implementation of this feature. Although the MAIL.RU mail server, on which we looked at an example of working with email, has this capability, here we will look at working with a specialized mail server - HOTMAIL.

Hotmail is an international Microsoft server that provides services similar to those provided by MAIL.RU, but in addition, registration with Hotmail gives the right to use a number of other additional services, which will be discussed below.

Registration on the Hotmail server

Registration on the Hotmail server gives the user access to all information on Microsoft servers. By registering, you receive a Microsoft passport, which uniquely identifies you online on sites such as MSN, Hotmail, PASSPORT, etc. In addition, registration with Hotmail gives the user several additional services that interact with Microsoft products, such as MS Office (Outlook, in particular) and MSN Messenger. We will not talk more about the advantages of registering with Hotmail, but will immediately move on to describing the necessary actions.


You can obtain detailed information on any issue directly on the website. The only note: Hotmail, although an international service, does not yet have a Russian-language version of the site.

Example 11.4. Registration on Hotmail

(On the Web Site panel)

Address:= 11.12)

New user? Sign up now!

First Name:= George

Last Name:= Usarov

Country/Region Russia

Province St. Petersburg

BirthDay:= November, 25, 1978

Sing-In:= george_usarov

(Password must be longer than 8 letters and must not be the same as your username)



Secret Question:= My favorites Web-Site Answer:=

Rice. 11.12.

After successful registration, a page will appear with a corresponding notification and congratulations that you are the owner of the mailbox: Sign-in [email protected]. After clicking the button Continue at Hotmail A page will load containing information about the agreement between you and Microsoft. Scroll to the very bottom of this page and click the button I Accept. After this, a page will be displayed asking you to subscribe to the newsletters of the sites below. If you would like to receive news to this email address, check the box next to the newsletter name, otherwise, again, move to the bottom of the page and click the button Continue This will take you directly to the Hotmail email service.


Sometimes there are cases when a user entered the login of an existing user or incorrect information, Hotmail will politely warn you about this and ask you to correct the error or select a correction option from the list.

General principles of working with Hotmail

So, after registration, you have become a full-fledged user with a huge range of opportunities provided by Microsoft. Let's move on to consider working with mail through the Hotmail Web interface.

Example 11.5. Login to Hotmail

(On the Web Site panel)


Name:= george_usarov

Password:= ************ (Fig. 11.13)

Rice. 11.13.

Rice. 11.14.

Naturally, the interface of this site is different from the Outlook interface, but the principles of working with mail are the same; unfortunately, the scope of this book does not allow us to describe in detail the process of sending, receiving and organizing messages via the Web interface, especially since this is not necessary. The interface is intuitive. We will only describe the process of creating and sending a test message through the Hotmail Web interface (Fig. 11.14).

Example 11.6. Creating a message via the Web interface

That: = george [email protected]

Subject:= Test

Body:= Test . . .

Now, using Outlook, you can check whether the message has arrived at your email address on the MAIL.RU server.

HTTP Account - Hotmail

But in addition to the ability to work with Hotmail mail through the Web interface using a Web browser, an Outlook user can create an account similar to MAIL.RU, but not the POP3 type, but HTTP. In this section we will demonstrate the process of creating a new account.

Example 11.7. Creating an HTTP Account

>Service > Email accounts..

Add an email account Next

Your name:= George Usarov

Email address mail:= george usa£ [email protected]

Password:= (Fig. 11.15)

Rice. 11.15. Dialog window Email accounts

Rice. 11.16.

After creating the account, a new root will appear in the Outlook folder tree - Hotmail, containing subfolders Inbox, Sent Items, Delete Items and Outbox, working with which is similar to working with folders for an account of the POP3 type, discussed in Chapter 9 "Email".

Let's check for new messages for this account.

Example 11.8. Checking for new messages

> Tools > Send/Receive > Hotmail

The user should receive a standard message from Hotmail employees congratulating the new MSN user and offering to use the Hotmail services listed in the message

Advantages of the postal service Hotmail the fact that this service is free, fast, reliable and has reliable protection against spam, viruses and phishing. In addition, the identifier Windows Live can be used to access Skype, Xbox Live and any other online account services Microsoft. Here we will tell you how create a hotmail account (Outlook).

Hotmail update

Hotmail email no longer exists in its former form. Starting in February 2013, Microsoft accounts received a new interface Outlook. Now, all Hotmail accounts can be accessed through

Create a Hotmail account (

To get a Hotmail account (, simply create a Microsoft account by registering for Live.

Register for Hotmail (

Go to the Microsoft registration page, select No account? Create one! (Create an account):

Follow the onscreen instructions when registering your account. Microsoft will ask you to provide personal information. It is not necessary to fill out all information fields if you prefer to keep your personal data secret. However, if your password or account access is lost, you will need the following information to recover it:

Choosing a password for Hotmail (

It is recommended to choose a password that is easy to remember and difficult for others to guess. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (!@#$). Read these and other tips for creating a strong password in our article

Hotmail (pronounced hotmail) is Microsoft's free email service and is part of the Windows Live suite of web applications along with Spaces, Messenger and Search. It is one of the leaders among free email services; at the beginning of 2012, it had 370 million registered users. The main major competitors of Hotmail com (ru) mail are: - free mail from Google (Google mail login), Yahoo! Mail - with unlimited storage, AIM Mail and

Advantages: There is very little spam in Hotmail mail, only necessary messages are in the main Inbox folder, spam is a rare occurrence in it. It offers convenient image transfer thanks to SkyDrive and the cloud. You can send 100 photos without attachments, which is very convenient. Login to Hotmail email on smartphones is perfectly implemented. Convenient to use on a variety of devices: Android, Windows Phone, iPhone and many other devices. Editing and working in Office documents is available. Editing documents in various Microsoft Office formats: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel presentations (quick access is also possible using free web applications - Office Web Apps). Those who like to communicate on the social network Facebook can take advantage of its integration into Hotmail. Connecting your account will not be difficult for anyone, after which you will be able to communicate in a special chat while in your email. Those who wish not to disclose their mailing address can create a pseudonymous address. Provides complete protection of the data log from various types of intruders. You can easily switch to other email accounts and read unread messages and posts. On Hotmail com mail (ru) - you can use a disposable address

According to statistics, each person had to create more than one mailing address (two, or even three). Temporary disposable addresses are needed very often, for example, for registration on various sites, for public viewing on forums and services. After the necessary registration, such an address can be deleted and forgotten.

Previously, to obtain a disposable email address, you had to use services like Pepbot and Sneakemail. The services provided addresses that did not look quite standard, which led to them being blocked on many sites. However, there is now a much better way. Windows Live Hotmail programmers have created the ability for their users to create disposable, temporary email addresses.

“Hotmail” login - registration

To create a Hotmail email address, enter in the address bar. The home page will open - sign in:

If you don't yet have a Microsoft account, click the Sign in link. You will be taken to the main Hotmail interface to enter your registration details.

Input fields:

your new Hotmail address (the name of your email address). Then you need to check whether this name is available; password (twice); indicate an additional email address; Last name - First name; country, region; enter year of birth; entering verification characters.

Please note that we accept Microsoft's rules and agreements, after which you can use all Hotmail features.

Hotmail, von Microsoft angebotener kostenloser E Mail Dienst (E Mail), der mit weltweit rund 75 Millionen Nutzern der größte seiner Art ist. Hotmail ist Bestandteil von MSN und seit 1999 durch die Passport Technik (Passport) geschützt … Universal-Lexikon

hotmail- (izg. hotmȇjl) m DEFINICIJA int. web stranica©, jedan od najpoznatijih davatelja besplatnih adresa putem weba ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal

Hotmail- es un proveedor de correo electrónico tanto gratuito como de pago, fundado por Jack Smith y Sabeer Bhatia en 1995, comercialmente lanzado el 4 de julio en 1996. Jack Smith fue el primero en acuñar la idea de poder acceder al correo desde un… … Encyclopedia Universal

Hotmail- For the desktop email program also branded under the Windows Live name, see Windows Live Mail. Windows Live Hotmail... Wikipedia

Hotmail- Windows Live Hotmail Información general URL Tipo de sitio Webmail Registro Si (Windows L ... Wikipedia Español

Hotmail- Windows Live Hotmail Entwickler Microsoft Aktuelle Version Wave 4 (Build 15.3.2521.0805) (3. August 2010) Betriebssystem ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Hotmail- Windows Live Hotmail Windows Live Hotmail Développeur Microsoft Dernière version 13.2.0260.1209 (le 09 12 … Wikipédia en Français

Hotmail- ● np. m. MS MAIL Service de messagerie gratuit appartenant à Microsoft. N importe qui pouvant s y créer un compte sans aucun contrôle, cela a tendance à être une simple boîte à spam … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone

Hotmail- kostenloses Webmail Service von Microsoft, ermöglicht das Empfangen und Versenden von Mails an jedem Ort der Welt mit Internetzugang. Berüchtigt für seine häufig auftretenden Sicherheitslücken. E Mail, Freemail, Passport, Webmail… Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon

Hotmail- n. large Internet site that provides free electronic mail services to its members (recently purchased by Microsoft); type of electronic mail that can be extracted from any computer (and not only the user's personal computer) ... English contemporary dictionary


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