The process of creating a mobile application design from scratch. Development of a business plan for a mobile application &WVTF How to develop large applications stages

How do you go about creating an interface? How much do you focus on web interfaces? Remember the 5 most important aspects of mobile app UI design.

1. The rules of interaction with the user are not canceled

Let's remember the 4 key rules of interactive design:

- Research
Monitor user behavior to adjust application performance. Give users goals and identify barriers to achieving them.
- Taking into account user habits and anatomical features
The right interface is not a puzzle. Ideally, the user should not think about what needs to be done to get the desired result, and should not have to guess why this or that element is needed.
Remember that a person has five fingers on two hands, and that since the days of early html, blue underlined text has meant nothing more than a link.
- Opportunity to learn
The new and unusual interface should look and behave friendly. Always leave the option to cancel the action and go back. Then new behavior patterns can be easily learned and accepted.
- Feedback
Notify the user that their task has been completed: this can be a sound signal, a small modal window or pop-up notification.

2. Understanding users

There are a couple of tactics to understand user behavior and design the interface with it in mind:

- Introduction of characters
The result of a small brainstorm is one or more characters who are classic representatives of your audience. This method was described in great detail by A. Cooper, and even recommended giving names to these characters and giving them personal characteristics in order to bring them closer to real people.
Accordingly, you design the interface only for them, and not for the abstract "user".

- Custom scripts
Writing behavioral scripts will provide insight into how a person will act in the application. Start with the goal that the user must achieve and write down all his actions on the way to it point by point. Describe all existing paths, starting with the most obvious. This way you can cut out the unnecessary or understand how to simplify this path.

- Action Card
Think through all the possible conditions for each action and the behavior of the elements. This will save you from unnecessary or unintended functions, and will also help you understand the emotional component of using your product.

3. Thread plan

Just sketch out the course of the user's actions on paper - from the beginning of the journey to the moment of achieving the goal. This should provide an understanding of the number and complexity of steps between the first and last action.

Example: banking application. Scenario: setting up deposit account replenishment.

Automatic deposit replenishment
Select recharge frequency
[Once a month] [Twice a month] [Once every few weeks] [Every week]
Once a month
[Select date]
Enter amount
[Enter amount]
[Set automatic replenishment]

Sketches and prototypes help you explore one of the most important components good application- content. Here are a few tools that will help you do this online:

4. Focus on behavioral patterns, habits and unwritten standards. Movement tracking

Behavioral patterns
The use of mobile gadgets revolves around many nuances that cannot be ignored - for example, the placement of the thumb.

For this reason, navigation buttons are usually located at the bottom of the screen:

The book Mobile Interface Patterns by UXPin covers two types of interaction: gestures and animation.

Users are already accustomed to the ability to use different gestures for different situations:

Movement tracking
The anatomical factor is a very important design element. Consider human body structure and usage statistics mobile devices when designing. The upper left corner is suitable for placement important information, while the bottom border of the screen is for navigation.

This is exactly what the diagrams of the most convenient gestures for humans look like.

94% of the time, users hold their smartphone in a vertical position.

Users spend almost half of their time holding the device with their right hand and using only their thumb to operate the screen.

And most users use smartphones with a screen diagonal of 4-5.5 inches.

5. Using an iterative approach

Simply put, it is best to start with small functionality, analyzing its importance, necessity and quality of execution, and gradually adding innovations. This will not only speed up the launch of the project, but also reduce risks. And most importantly, it will avoid interface overload.

Bonus: web assistants for application interface designers

1. How to choose well-matching colors for mobile application? Use these services:

2. Explore ready-made examples of great interfaces to better understand the required level:

3. Use ready-made mockups:

For those who want to develop for mobile devices, we recommend the profession.

The XXI CENTURY is the era of the flourishing of mobile technologies. It is now difficult to even imagine a person without a mobile device, much less a business person. Mobile technologies present in almost all areas of business. Mobile ecosystems change and evolve daily through constant experimentation. Hundreds of applications are created every day for business, education, entertainment, etc. Each of these apps has a specific visual style and tone, depending on the direction and context of the app.

But what does the mobile application development process itself consist of?

This is, of course, an IDEA. At the very initial stage, you need to carefully consider the meaning of the future mobile application and what it will be used for. Then you need to decide on which platform it will be used. As a rule, now applications are written for two platforms, iOS and Android, at the same time, but if this is of no use or is not in a hurry, then the company’s specialists will help you make a choice in favor of one of the platforms after first analyzing the market of supply/demand and competition.


Before starting development, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from the customer. If it is not there, then the customer is given a brief to fill out. Special attention is paid to this stage, since technical specifications directly affect technical features result. At this stage, the following types of work are performed:

  • A description of the functionality of the mobile application is drawn up;
  • Development timeframes are determined and agreed upon;
  • Financial costs are calculated and a model of the payment procedure is developed;
  • An agreement is drawn up with the customer;

In order to understand how the user will work with the mobile application, a graphical map of the interaction between various program screens is created. At this stage, almost all the functionality of the mobile application is developed. At the UI design stage, specialists determine the operating principle of the application, the placement of functions and buttons on each screen. At this stage:

  • The functionality of the application is being developed;
  • Developing application screen diagrams;
  • The connection between application screens and transitions through them is being thought through;

The design of all screens of the future application is created and various states are drawn for all usage scenarios. After the design concept is approved, internal buttons and icons, as well as all other graphic elements, are drawn. As a rule, drawing the design of a mobile application involves usability research in order to make sure that the developed design concept is as simple and convenient as possible and will help users solve their tasks as quickly as possible.


The developers are given the specifications and application design layouts and they begin to “create.” Programmers “transform” a static picture into an interactive working model. The first version of the application is released.


The mobile application undergoes thorough testing, as a result of which a check table is created in which all errors are indicated and described in detail. During the application design process, it is impossible to foresee all the errors of actual operation. At this stage, a list of errors, shortcomings and shortcomings of the application is formed and a time frame for their elimination is determined. Then the application is released with bugs fixed and, if necessary, with changed functionality, which is indicated in the tables after trial testing.


The application is installed on test devices and works exactly the same as if it had been downloaded from Google Play or AppStore. Before an application appears in the official program catalog, it is necessary to ensure that users will not encounter development errors during the installation and use of the program. Therefore, at this stage, the logic of the product and the operation of its server part are checked once again, the application is tested under a variety of conditions and on different versions of operating systems.


The application icon is the “face” of any modern mobile application. A mobile application icon is an independent graphic element. Creating this element is a multi-stage procedure with drawing an image in several sizes, as well as testing it on various device models. After the icon is approved, the mobile application launches.


The application is submitted to the AppStore and/or Google.Play for publication. Each application is checked before publication Google Teams and Apple. Publishing to Google.Play takes no more than a day, which, of course, significantly beats the AppStore in terms of time, where publishing an application takes at least 7 working days.

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Mobile application development is a complex and very labor-intensive process, which is a full-fledged development software. To make it easier for you to understand how we create mobile applications, we will briefly talk about each stage of our work.

  • Product idea and business expertise
  • People come to our company to bring their idea of ​​a mobile application, web resource or automate business processes to life. We conduct a free business examination, advise the client and finalize the ideological component of the project, taking into account the needs of users.

  • Conducting interviews and preliminary market analysis
  • Conducting interviews. The purpose and value of the application? The target audience? Basic functionality? Platforms? Requirements for the application development process? Criteria for selecting a contractor? Review of similar solutions: functionality, number of users, ratings, reviews, monetization. User analysis.

  • Repeated contact with the client
  • Additional questions. Connecting technical specialists. Approval of requirements for implementation of the application.

  • Project evaluation and proposal
  • The project is assessed by the development team. After which the client receives a preliminary commercial proposal for application development: stages of application development; timing and cost; specialists; guarantees.

  • Signing the contract
  • We conclude an agreement in which we describe in detail the stages of work and our obligations. You will be legally protected. Each stage of the work is absolutely transparent, all the main points are discussed with you in as much detail as possible.

  • Prototyping
  • Understanding what users expect from the application, we begin the prototyping process. A well-designed interface is the key to ensuring that the user quickly understands how the application will help solve his problem. You get the opportunity to see the functionality of the future application without the software part.

  • Product Design
  • We draw the design of all screens and states of elements. We use Google and Apple recommendations for application design. We make sure that graphic solutions are clear and convenient. You get a design that will set you apart from your competitors.

  • Development of technical specifications
  • Terms of reference - a document developed on the basis of an approved interactive prototype and product design, necessary for developers and testing engineers to develop and test the project.

  • Application programming and testing
  • Programming of a web resource or mobile application is carried out using the SCRUM methodology - step-by-step planning of tasks and dividing their implementation into sprints.

  • Retrospective
  • Demonstration of results to the customer in 2 weeks. The team analyzes risks and problems, completes the sprint, and optimizes the further application development process.

  • Publishing a mobile application
  • Support and achievement of results
  • The difference between our work is that we not only develop applications, but also take them for promotion. Our clients receive a company that is responsible for all stages of work: from the first button to downloading the application and grateful user reviews.


    We conduct interviews in person or via Skype. The interview may last several hours. This stage of application development is important. How accurately and completely the client answers the questions determines how the product will turn out.

    The main questions we ask are: project objectives, existing business process, target audience, competitors. At this stage, future functionality is discussed.


    We create a MindMap - an intellectual map that allows you to structure all the information received from the client. This is a visual diagram of the project, thanks to which all application data is in one place.


    Sketching by hand

    We study competitors' applications. We analyze where users may be uncomfortable or where they stumble while completing their tasks. We do this to determine how the new application will differ from existing analogues.

    Prototype development

    Based on the sketches, we create wireframes - a structural diagram of the application pages. This is the skeleton of the design, where every detail of the future product is depicted.

    A UX specialist works on page layouts. The process of creating wireframes is discussed with the art director.

    After its approval, a clickable prototype is made, which is sent to the technical department for approval.

    User interviews

    We test the finished prototype on users - employees of our office or groups of volunteers. We show the prototype and ask questions: “What do you think this button is?”, “How would you add a product to the cart?” and so on.

    This helps to detect points that are unclear to users and correct errors at this stage of mobile application development.

    Presentation of the prototype to the client

    We make a presentation: we show the prototype to the client, explain what and how it will work. If necessary, we make changes and refine it. We agree on all the details and approve.

    Design concept development

    At this stage of mobile application development, we make several design concepts. The concept that the customer chooses will form the basis for the design of the entire application.

    Design of all screens and states

    At this stage, all screens and element states are drawn. On average, it turns out to be 120-150 screens. This helps to take into account all scenarios and not increase the programming time.

    Technical specifications and client-server architecture

    When we have a design ready, we begin developing the Technical Specifications. It describes all scenarios, screen transitions and screen states. At this stage, the specialist is working on the hi-level architecture of the project and the data storage model.

    This is an important stage. It determines how the software part will be built, the speed of the application, and the configuration of “client-server” requests. Where do we get data from, where do we record it, how do we record it, etc. The technical specification includes all systems with which it is necessary to synchronize.

    Programming and Testing

    The work goes into the hands of programmers. The development process is based on the Scrum flexible development methodology. Formed full list tasks (the so-called “back-log”) and is divided into small sections (called “sprints”).

    We program it step by step and demonstrate the results after each sprint. When the software part is ready, we send the application for testing. Testing specialists check the product for possible errors. If necessary, the application is returned to the programmers for revision.

    Publishing an application

    The main stages of mobile application development have been completed, all that remains is to prepare the application for publication. To do this, we create a product description and graphics that comply with the rules of the Google Play and AppStore stores. If you do not comply with them, the application will not pass moderation.

    In stores, the first thing a user sees is the app icon, so it’s important to make it attractive.

    When creating graphics for app descriptions, we check whether the authors have permission to use certain images, whether there are celebrity faces in the photos, and whether other store requirements are met.

    Product technical support

    Once completed, projects move to the technical support stage.

    Dmitry Dementiy

    Do you doubt whether it is worth investing in mobile application development? You can do it yourself and absolutely free. You may end up with a test version that can be used to conveniently evaluate the effectiveness of your mobile strategy. And if you try, you will make a decent mobile application that will become the main tool for online interaction with owners of smartphones and tablets.

    Just keep in mind that even the coolest mobile application cannot be the only promotion tool. Only comprehensive Internet marketing gives maximum results in terms of traffic and sales.

    Is it worth making your own mobile app?

    Costs. If you don't take my word for it, here are some facts:

    • According to Flurry Analytics and comScore, owners of smartphones and tablets use the browser only 14% of the total time spent working with the device. And they spend 86% of their time on different applications.
    • Installed application- your direct channel of communication with the consumer. Just think: you don’t need to spend money on advertising or wait for a person to find you using Yandex. All that remains is to support the functionality the user needs and provide him with relevant content.
    • The number of purchases made using tablets and smartphones is growing both on the Internet in general and in RuNet. According to marketing agency Criteo, already in 2016, more than half of online transactions in RuNet will be made using mobile devices.

    If you want, the application is mobile browser, in which only your site opens. In what case would a user install such an Internet browser? Only if he is interested in your product or information. Therefore, remember: the client who installed the application is a loyal and ready-to-buy representative of the target audience.

    In this case, is it worth taking the risk and offering DIY applications to loyal customers rather than custom programs made by professionals for Android and iOS? Let's figure it out.

    When can you create an application yourself?

    Do you remember what website visitors need? They come because of the content or functionality of the resource. People want to get information, buy something, look at and comment on friends' photos, and so on. Mobile app users need the same. They are looking for information or making some kind of transaction.

    Do you remember when a business could make a website on its own? It’s right when you don’t yet have money to collaborate with professionals, but you still have the time and desire to figure out WordPress or Joomla. The same situation is with applications. Self-created programs for iOS and Android can be roughly compared to websites built on open source engines.

    You don't have to register to start working. Click the Create Now button on home page or select the Create App menu in the upper right corner on any page of the service.

    Select the appropriate application template. If we are talking about a content project, you may be interested in the following options:

    • Manual. This template allows you to create a guide program.
    • Blog. The application will help your blog audience read new notes from the screen of a smartphone or tablet.
    • Website. The template converts a website into an application.
    • Pages. With this template you can convert any content into an application with simple functionality.
    • News. The template allows you to create an application that is an aggregator of industry or regional news.
    • Page. The template converts offline content, such as an e-book, into the application.
    • VK Page and Facebook Page. Create an application that allows you to keep track of updates open groups on VKontakte and Facebook.
    • YouTube. Use the template to promote your YouTube channel.

    How to Create a Blog App

    Use the Blog template. In the appropriate field, enter the URL of your blog or RSS feed. Select a note title color.

    Enter the name of the application.

    Add a description.

    Choose a standard one or add a custom icon. The appropriate image size is 512 by 512 pixels.

    For creating boot file Click the Create App button. After this, you need to register in the system. Confirm your registration and go to your personal account. Here you can install the application on your mobile device, publish it on Google Play and Amazon App Store. The system also offers a monetization option. If you use this feature, advertisements will be displayed in the application.

    Check how the application works on your mobile device. On a tablet, the program should display a list of blog posts in title and announcement format.

    IN personal account With AppsGeyser you can monitor the number of installations, create push notifications, publish the application in stores, monetize the program with advertising, and also edit the application.

    Want more apps? Then create a guide app using the Manual template.

    After editing the content, specify the name of the application, add a description and an icon. Click the Create App button. After creating the download file, install it on your mobile device and check its functionality.

    Please note that most mobile devices block the installation of applications from unknown sources by default. If a user downloads a program from your site or an app builder site, they will see a security warning when they try to install it. Some clients will probably refuse to install the program.

    8 constructors similar to AppsGeyser

    If the universal AppsGeyser constructor is not suitable for you, pay attention to similar services:

    • AppsMakerStore. Using the service you can create applications different types: from programs for Ecommerce to solutions for content projects. The designer makes applications for iOS and Android. The service interface is Russified. For beginners, there is an informative guide to using the constructor. The service is paid.
    • Mobincube. A tool for creating and monetizing iOS and Android applications. The basic functionality of the service is available for free. The designer allows you to create applications of different types.
    • Good Barber. Using this service you can develop Android and iOS applications. The constructor is paid, the cost of use is 16 USD per month.

    Most of the services offered have an English-language interface. If you are uncomfortable working with constructors on English language, choose platforms with Russified content.

    Application designers: a stone ax or a thin modern tool?

    Don't go from one extreme to another. With the help of the proposed services, you can really create functional functional applications. The resulting programs can be used to solve various problems: from facilitating online trading to distributing content and educating audiences. Applications created in the designer can be published on Google Play and the App Store, edited, and monetized using advertising or paid installations.

    Do not overestimate the services offered. Their obvious drawback remains their stereotyped nature. We are talking about both the design and functionality of the programs. In addition, access to platforms with decent functionality is paid. What is better: to pay the developers for their work once or to pay the owners of the designer for many years? Do the math for yourself.

    And one more thing: if you don’t have time to create a mobile application yourself, contact our company. We develop mobile applications and .

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