A program for connecting another computer via the Internet. Remote computer control using Windows

Good afternoon

In today's article I would like to focus on remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, such a task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, helping relatives or friends set up a computer if they do not understand it well; organize remote assistance at the company (enterprise, department) so that you can quickly solve user problems or simply monitor them (so that they don’t play or go through “contacts” during working hours), etc.

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear like “mushrooms after the rain”). In this article we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

Team Viewer

This is one of best programs for remote PC control. Moreover, it has a number of advantages in relation to similar programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows you to share files;

Has a high degree of protection;

The computer will be controlled as if you were sitting at it!

When installing a program, you can specify what you will do with it: install it to control this computer, or control it and allow it to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what use of the program will be: commercial/non-commercial.

Once Team Viewer is installed and launched, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run the utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the access password (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer program window is the desktop of the remote PC.

R admin

One of the best computer administration programs in local network and to provide assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a trial period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of operation is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer is a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on the PC that will be managed.

A mmyy Admin

Relatively new program(but about 40,0000 people around the world have already become familiar with it and started using it) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High degree of security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, via proxy.

Window for connecting to a remote computer. Ammyy Admin

RMS - remote access

good and free program(for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users can use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NAT, firewalls will no longer prevent you from connecting to your PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


Programs for remote computer access are gradually becoming common among many users. Thanks to such programs, you can easily connect to the computer of a friend, work colleague or relative via the Internet or local network. You don't have to hang on the phone and explain how to set up your computer.

You can do everything yourself without wasting time on explanations over the phone. Programs for remote computer access are often used for remote work. When you can connect to an office PC from home, from the office you can easily access a computer located at home or administer an entire fleet of computers, for example, a large company.

There are quite a lot of programs that allow you to connect remotely to a PC, there are both paid and free utilities, differing from each other in their capabilities and purpose. Therefore, we will consider the most popular programs, and you, in turn, choose the one that suits you.

AeroAdmin, get remote access to your computer

AeroAdmin is a program for remote access to a computer via the Internet and local network. No installation or configuration required to get started. The size of the .exe file is approximately 2MB. AeroAdmin is ready to connect immediately after downloading and launching. This perfect tool for spontaneous technical support, because Minimum steps are required to establish the first connection.

To connect to a remote PC, you need to download and run AeroAdmin on the admin and remote client PCs. A unique ID number will be generated on each side. Next, the administrator connects to the remote client using its ID. The client accepts the connection (as phone call), and the administrator gains control of the computer.

It is possible to establish connections using a password, which is convenient for managing computers without the presence of a person on the remote computer.

Pros of the program:

  • The free version can be used for personal and commercial purposes
    • You can transfer files securely
    • Bypasses Firewall and NAT
    • Built-in SOS messaging system available for support team
    • There is uncontrolled access
    • Remote reboot of Windows is possible (including in safe mode)
  • AES + RSA encryption
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Unlimited parallel sessions
  • You can create your own branded file with preset rights

Disadvantages of the program:

  • No text chat
  • Supports Windows OS only (can run under MacOS and Linux under WINE)

Programs for remote computer access – TeamViewer

TeamViewer is probably one of the most popular programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. Uses this program great amount people who managed to appreciate its capabilities. In order to download and install it, you can simply download a special version and run it. No installation is required in this case. To connect to a remote computer you will need a special code called “Partner ID”, as well as a password. The owner of the remote computer should tell you all this data by looking at it in the main program window.

Note! TeamViewer must be installed on both computers.

Pros of the program:

The program provides the user with several modes of operation: remote control, downloading and uploading files, communication via chat, demonstration of the desktop of your computer, round-the-clock access to the computer. The program has support for all popular platforms, so you can control your computer even from your smartphone. The program has good speed work, as well as a bunch of settings.

Disadvantages of the program:

Probably the biggest drawback for many users is that the program is free for non-commercial use only. Because of this, if you do not buy the full version, then if you use it for more than five minutes, the program will break the connection and block further connections for a while. Price full version program is quite high. Accordingly, if you are going to use the program not often, then it is ideal for you. If you want to administer a whole fleet of computers, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Download the program from the official website - www.teamviewer.com/ru

Remote access with Ammyy admin

Ammyy admin is a simplified analogue of TeamViewer. The program has only the most basic functions: remote control, remote screen viewing, file transfer and chat. In order to work with this program you do not need to install it. It will be enough to launch. Connection also occurs using a unique ID code and password.

Pros of the program:

The program is quite lightweight and easy to use. Ammyy admin does not require installation, but at the same time performs all the necessary functions. Able to work both on a local network and on the Internet. Suitable for beginners.

Disadvantages of the program:

The developers have provided the opportunity to use the program free of charge only for non-commercial use. If you work in the program for more than 15 hours, the session will be blocked. Accordingly, if you want to administer even a small office, you will have to pay, and some difficulties may arise due to the small functionality of the program.

Programs for remote computer access Ammyy admin is ideal for home use, to connect relatives or friends to the computer.

Download the program from the official website - www.ammyy.com/ru/

Remote administration using Radmin

Radmin - enough old program for remote access to a computer. It is most suitable for system administration of a fleet of computers on the same network, since connections to computers occur using IP addresses. The program consists of two utilities: Radmin Viewer and Radmin Host. The host is installed on all computers you want to connect to. The user will only need to tell you the IP address of the PC. You will use Radmin Viewer to connect. The program is paid, but it provides a 30-day trial period to familiarize yourself with the capabilities.

Pros of the program:

The program has excellent operating speed and allows you to securely connect to a remote computer. Allows you to connect to the BIOS of a remote computer, thanks to Intel technologies AMT. It has all the necessary operating modes: control, file transfer, chat, etc.

Disadvantages of the program:

The program can only work on IP addresses. Accordingly, you will not be able to connect by ID. The program is paid and is not suitable for home use. Since its focus is more on remote administration.

Radmin is a good solution for system administrators. With its help you can manage remote computers and servers located on the same network. To work using the Internet, you need to set up a VPN network.

Download the program from the official website - www.radmin.ru

Remote Manipulator System full access to the remote PC.

RMS (Remote Manipulator System)- another one great program for remote administration of computers. In terms of functionality, it resembles Radmin, but has richer functionality. The program for remote access to a computer is implemented using two RMS-Viewer utilities; this module is installed on the administrator’s computer and RMS-Host, installed on all user computers and servers. Connecting to user computers is possible both by IP addresses and by “ID code”.

The program has wide functionality:

  • Possibility of remote control;
  • Possibility of remote monitoring;
  • Ability to transfer files;
  • Remote Task Manager;
  • Remote Device Manager;
  • Remote registry;
  • Possibility of connecting via RDP;
  • Remote PC power management and a bunch of other functions.

Pros of the program:

The most important advantage of the Remote Manipulator System is the ability to fully control a remote computer. In this case, the user will only need to inform so that the administrator can connect to him.

Disadvantages of the program:

The program is paid, you will be given a 30-day trial period to familiarize yourself with the possibilities.

An ideal solution for administering a large PC fleet. The program allows you to gain full control of a remote computer, while the speed of operation is excellent.

Download the program from the official website - rmansys.ru

Supremo remote access to a computer via the Internet.

Another lightweight program for remote access to a computer is . The program uses a 256-bit encryption protocol for data exchange. The utility is somewhat similar to Ammyy Admin. It has a minimal set of functions, but does its job perfectly. In order to make a remote connection, the user needs to provide an “ID” and password.

Pros of the program:

A fairly lightweight program that is suitable for home use. It can be used both for non-commercial use - free of charge, and for office support purposes, but then you will have to pay. True, the price is quite affordable and equals about one hundred euros per year.

Disadvantages of the program:

There are no obvious shortcomings of this program for remote access to a computer. The main thing is the small functionality of the program. Well suited for use by beginners.

Download the program from the official website - www.supremocontrol.com

UltraVNC Viewer free computer management.

UltraVNC Viewer is another free remote access program that allows you to connect to any arbitrary port VNC. This gives the program the ability to work not only with Windows devices. In order to set the port, after specifying the IP address, write the port number separated by a colon (for example, UltraVNC has all the standard features found in remote access programs. There is the ability to share files, there is support for domain authorization, chat, support for multiple screens, secure data exchange, and so on.

Pros of the program:

Any user can run the program; all you need is a small distribution kit. No installation required. The program is perfect for both home use and for managing a fleet of computers.

There are no disadvantages found in UltraVNC Viewer.

Download the program from the official website - www.uvnc.com

Let's summarize.

Today we looked at programs for remote computer control. I brought short review the most popular programs. This list can be supplemented with a dozen more utilities, but they are not so popular. Now you can easily select the program you like and use it to remotely connect to the computers of friends, relatives and work colleagues.

Today we will look at programs for remote computer access that are relevant to system administrators, as well as users, for solving technical problems, using resources, or transferring files between your PC and a remote PC.

A remote access program will help you monitor and manage the desktop of a third-party machine, settings and functions, exchange material, chat, launch installed software and much more.


Russian language



File access

Phone control

Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes No
Yes Free 9 Yes No
Yes Free 9 Yes Yes
No Free 8 Yes Yes
Yes Free 8 Yes No
Yes Free 7 Yes No
Yes Free 8 No Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
No Trial 6 Yes Yes
Yes Free 7 Yes No

Let's start our review with a popular assistant for accessing control of third-party PCs, which has useful options and high quality work. TeamViewer has a fairly simple operating algorithm, creates interactive conferences for up to 25 people, records videos and screenshots of current actions, allows you to exchange files, share the screen, chat and send voice messages. The program supports modern operating systems and bypasses various protections such as firewalls, proxies, etc. To work in the program, you need to install the product on both computers and enter the access code. Functioning in the utility requires an Internet connection.

The utility makes a remote connection to another PC, providing access to software, functionality and desktop third party device. AeroAdmin provides the connected user with access rights, has different connection modes, opens multi-sessions, selects the picture quality for the channel and encrypts the connection. Clipboard synchronization, file transfer and resuming if the connection is lost are also available. The program is distributed in four versions, free option just suitable for home use.

Professional software with extensive functionality and a high-quality interface for connecting and controlling a remote computer. In its work it uses the secure protocols SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, SCP, SFTP and Raw; the connection itself is made through the Network, confirmed with a password and protected from interception. In the settings, you can switch between options, select remote connection parameters, port forwarding, and use hot keys. The client has file manager, connects to Unix system, generates an RSA cipher algorithm and protects copied files from theft.

This client will help you gain access via the Internet to remote control of another computer and conduct high-speed data exchange between devices. AnyDesk guarantees high quality of the broadcast image, has settings for audio broadcasting, settings for blocking the mouse and keyboard of the client machine, as well as passwords for auto-connection without prompting. The functioning of the software consists of establishing a connection between two PCs by assigning email addresses.

Excellent optimized for different versions Windows application to control a remote PC and broadcast images. The utility allows you to easily connect to your local machine, configure access to it, and synchronize with mobile devices. RemotePC has built-in options for administration, extensive options for remote control, Remote Mouse and Remote Access add-ons. Support for proxy servers is available, hiding user IP addresses, convenient identification with a password and login, and a single point for changing parameters. The program is convenient and easy to use, despite the English-language menu.

Radmin controls the remote computer from the user's computer, providing fast and high-quality work without freezes and problems. It is considered one of the best in its category and justifies this title with its capabilities and performance. Working in software involves setting up remote access, transferring required material and applying the functionality simultaneously on both PCs. The user can use text and voice chats, exchange files and open access to the desktop. The only downside is that there is only a month of free use.

A high-quality program that remotely controls other PCs using computer networks LAN and INTERNET. Helps you configure the control panel on a connected computer, authorize Microsoft, or transfer files. The remote device is controlled using your mouse and keyboard, supports multiple monitors, viewing the screen of another PC through a browser using a Java viewer and working through a proxy server.

A simple service for gaining access and control of a remote computer, managing your desktop and various functions devices. Having received remote control computer, you can exchange information and files over a local network, open streaming media content, synchronize with Android devices, edit office files, etc. In the Splashtop settings you can adjust the screen resolution, response parameters and stream pictures. You need to start working in software by creating account or authorization with a Google account.

The work of the program is to form a client-server chain that organizes the management of a third-party desktop. When connecting remotely to the system of another PC, a high degree of encryption of the transferred material is formed, thanks to which users can exchange files, conduct seminars, online presentations, and more. Supremo Remote Desktop has a file manager, supports a proxy server and allows you to make a huge number of connections, using a separate password for each. The downside is the 21-day trial period and the lack of a “conference” option.

How to monitor employees, monitor children or monitor a person at a computer?

It is difficult to imagine the everyday life of a modern person without using a computer or mobile devices, connected to the global network and used daily to receive and process information for personal and business purposes. Computers have become a part of the lives of not only adults, but also teenagers and children who spend several hours on the Internet every day.

Modern schoolchildren from the first grades learn to use computer technologies and actively use them for educational and entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded not only with workshops on solving problems in physics or mathematics, which do not pose a threat to the fragile child’s psyche. The global network contains countless unsafe websites, including extremist, sectarian and adult sites, which can cause serious harm to the normal development of a child as an individual and lead to problems in the future. Agree, you would not want your child to study occult rituals or view pages of dubious content instead of doing homework after school.

Due to the above, many parents may have a very reasonable question: “How to protect a child from the harmful influence of the Internet?”, “How to find out what a child does in his free time at the computer?”, “Who does your beloved child communicate with?”, “ How to organize supervision of children?».

There are a lot of programs for monitoring computer activity and spyware, but, as a rule, they are all paid, reduce the performance of the computer and are easily detected even by inexperienced users. In reality, you will only be able to view the contents of log files with data entered on the keyboard and, in some cases, screenshots. In addition, you can view these log files only on the computer where these files were created. Those. if you are in a remote location, you will not be able to view these files. Of course, you can set up automatic sending of these logs to your email or server, but this involves additional difficulties and waste of time. Besides, it's just inconvenient.

For full control over children, it can be very convenient to use programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. Some of these programs are very easy to set up, or to be more precise, they practically do not require it and are able to instantly establish a connection with any computer connected to the Internet.

One such program is Ammyy Admin. And despite the fact that the main application area of ​​the program is the provision of remote technical support, the features and versatility of Ammyy Admin make it easy to use it as a means of remote monitoring of children. When it comes to business, monitoring and control of employees is also one of the areas of application of the program.

Why should you use Ammyy Admin for remote control of children?

  1. You can connect to any PC in a few seconds.
  2. You can view the image of the remote computer from any other computer connected to the Internet. No tedious settings, registrations or installations!
  3. Ammyy Admin bypasses all known firewalls and antiviruses (which cannot be said about keylogger programs) and does not require installation. At correct settings It will be practically impossible to detect Ammyy Admin.
  4. Your child will never realize that someone is watching him in real time.
  5. You can interactively enable voice chat and listen to what is happening on the remote PC side.
  6. Ammyy Admin is completely free for home use, provided that you have not exceeded the usage limit of the free version.

How to set up child monitoring using Ammyy Admin?

So, the procedure for setting up the program is extremely simple and will not take more than a minute.

What to do on the remote computer that we will monitor:

What to do on the computer from which we are monitoring:

If you want to organize employee control by monitoring their work computers, then the laws of some countries require you to warn them about this. In any case, it will be useful to do this, because... Knowing that the computer is under surveillance, the employee will not engage in extraneous activities on the work computer, which will reduce the risk of infecting the computer with viruses and leaking confidential information, and will also increase useful working time.

Since our site is designed for average users, some disagreements arose within the non-Oshibka.Ru team regarding the usefulness of this article. Typically, such material is supplied for more experienced users, at least have a good knowledge of Windows OS.

On the other hand, where should a novice user go who has only a vague idea of ​​what RDP, TCP, UDP are? But you really want to know? Again, is this necessary for the average user? Maybe one simple program is enough for him?

A difficult situation.

Explain in one article what remote access to a computer via the Internet is, but in such a way as not to frighten off the visitor.

We decided to experiment. Talk about difficult things as clearly as possible. We will take your comments into account.

What is this article about?

This article will tell you about two types of remote connection, briefly tell you what it is ID. Will tell you about the programs Remote access And Remote Desktop. We will also try to configure your computer in order to access it remotely without using third-party programs. Complex terms in the article are highlighted in brown and provided with explanations in the form of tooltips.

Remote access concept

Remote access to a computer via the Internet is called means operating system, or third party program, allowing you to gain visual or file access to a computer located at a remote distance, but still connected to the Internet.

How is the required computer identified on the Internet?

Conventionally, all remote access programs can be divided into two groups according to the type of connection:

  • Using ID
  • Using IP addresses And domain names

Remote access programs using ID

Of great interest are programs that use ID(unique identificator). Receipt method ID something like this: when a remote access program is launched on the computer to which you plan to connect, it sends a request to its server through which the connection will occur.

Having received this data, the server generates for the computer unique identification numberID. This number is assigned to the computer. In the screenshot below it is highlighted in red.

Knowing this identification number and password, you can connect to a computer from anywhere in the world with this ID.

It remains unchanged until the hardware is replaced or the OS is reinstalled.

So using such programs is very convenient. When you change Internet provider, city, and even country, your computer ID Will not change.

Lack of programs using ID one - they are paid or shareware. Condition - you must not use the program for commercial purposes.

Example of programs using ID— TeamViewer, Ammy Admin. But the list is not limited to these two. They are simply the most popular and always heard by users.

We will not spend a lot of time on these programs, since their interface is simple and allows you to learn the program in 5-10 minutes. We may look at each of them in the future.

You won't have any problems with these programs. Use it for your health without overusing it. If TeamViewer will connect to a large number of ID- then sooner or later, the communication session will be limited to five minutes.

Remote access programs using an IP address or domain name

With this category everything is a little more complicated. Do they need a static IP address or Domain name. Connection via IP address, this is a classic connection type. It does not allow as much flexibility in the location of the computer and is most often used in "office space".

In order to use it, you need to do the following.

Connecting a fixed IP address or domain.

You need to connect with your provider additional serviceFixed IP address . This service is provided by many providers, including mobile ones. This service will assign your home network external IP address format

It is this address that will allow you to find your computer from outside.

An alternative to a fixed IP address can be the service DynDNS. When registering, you will be given a custom domain, for example:


Next, you simply install a program on your computer that, when turned on, will track your current IP address and send it to the server DynDNS, which in turn will match your current dynamic ip address , with address yourlogin.dyn.com

Thus, no matter where you are, no matter what provider you use, no matter how often your IP address—the address of your computer—changes, yourlogin.dyn.com

We won’t undertake to say, but getting a fixed IP address from a provider is somewhat easier and cheaper than using DynDNS. For example, at the time of writing this article, the cost of a dedicated IP address was only 20 rubles. / month


Opening a port to a target - a remote computer.

Even now, knowing our IP address or assigned to us DynDNS domain, we can hardly connect to the computer - the firewall will not let us through. Most likely the port 3389 used by the program Remote Desktop which we will tame in this article will be closed. For everything to work as it should, we will have to open it and redirect it to the right computer online.

Difficult? Not at all. Let's try to figure it out in practice.

Remote access to a computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop

So, first what we did was get a fixed ip address from our ISP. Let's remember, write it down, draw it.

Second. Let's find out intranet IP address our computer. To do this, we will follow the following path: Network Control Center and shared access=> Local Area Connection => Details
As you can see in the screenshot, the address of our computer within the network

Third the point will be opening the port 3389 to the above address. To do this, let's go into the router. In our case it is ADSL modem TP-LINK. We will show everything using his example. There’s nothing you can do about it, but you can’t do without instructions if you don’t know how to configure the modem yourself.

In our case we enter through Google Chrome by the address and under the combination admin/admin. We get to the information page.

Let's go to Advanced Setup => NAT => Virtual Servers and press the button (add).

Here you can choose ready-made services or create your own.

We will create our own and call it Udalenka, but the name can be absolutely anything. We register the local address of the computer, the one we spied earlier. In the table we enter the port everywhere 3389 and select the protocol TCP/UDP. We do all this based on a standard Windows application. Remote Desktop. For other programs, the ports may be different. A good list of applications and the ports they use is provided. (What we are learning may even be useful for games).

If, for example, you want to use Remote Desktop, and advanced RAdmin, then you will have to register a different port for it: 4899 .

Press the button to save.

Item fourth, we will run on the computer we are going to control - Terminal Server Service. It’s worth clarifying something here.

Using the method described below is not recommended from the point of view of licensing purity if you do this in the organization where you work. Not sure about Windows 10, but in Windows XP - 7, the license was not violated if only one user connected to the computer.

We do all this for the purpose of familiarization and in order to learn the principles of remote access to a computer via the Internet.

So, to run it on your computer Terminal Server Service. In Windows XP this was done simply - Go to AdministrationServices and applicationsServices found it and simply turned it on. This allowed one user to connect to the computer. In this case, the user who was sitting locally was disconnected.

In Windows 10 we need to do things a little differently. We need a special patch. You can download it from here. This patch will allow you to run on the system Windows 10 terminal service.

Last time, search engines Google and Yandex began to consider this file as a viral threat. In fact, the file lay on the site for two years, and not a single scanner ever considered it to be malware. However, the file is now stored outside of notOshibka.Ru - you download it at your own peril and risk.

Let's unpack the downloaded file to any location. For example on Desktop. Run as Administrator file install.bat

A black window will indicate a successful result. command line with this content:

Fifth In this paragraph, we will set a password for our user, and also add him to the group.

For this purpose on the icon Computer and right-click to select Control.

In the window that opens, on the left side, we need to expand the list Local users and groups, select sub-item Users.

In the list of users, you need to find yourself and right-click.

Enter your password twice, press and the system will confirm that the password has been set.

Now we need to add our user to the group Remote Desktop Users.

To do this:

Right click on the user − Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Group Membership and press the button <Добавить…>

Next, do everything in the same order as in the screenshot:

As a result of the work done - Remote Desktop Users should appear in the general list of groups to which the user belongs.

We would like to draw your attention to the following. The above describes how to assign a password to your user. But it’s better to create a new one and add it to the groups. Otherwise, you may end up losing some data. For example, we logged out wherever possible. I had to enter all the passwords again.

Let's check if we were able to gain remote access to the computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop.

We go to another computer, go to START menu => All programs => Accessories and run the program "Remote Desktop Connection".

Enter the IP address previously assigned to us by the provider into the window that appears, click the button <Подключить> .

If we did everything we did earlier correctly, then we will be asked almost immediately Name And Password user on Remote machine. Enter them and don't forget to check the box to remember your credentials.

And the last “security touch” will be checking the Remote Machine certificate. Here, too, you need to agree with everything. And also check the box.

That's all. If everything works as it should, you can go through the Remote Desktop program settings. Here you can turn on/off the sound, change the picture quality, connect local resources to the remote machine.

Publications on the topic