Android 5 firmware download for different smartphones. How to install Android - Step by step instructions

Android 5.0 Lollipop is the latest operating system from Google. Android 5.0 Lollipop, whose release date is set for November 3, 2014, according to many, has made a real revolution in the field mobile technologies. And judging by the slogan of the manufacturers (“Be together, but not the same”), in the coming years it will be Lollipop that will reign in our devices. Why? Read on.

Let's take a closer look at what new developers can offer us.

Features of Android 5.0 Lolipop firmware:

1. Vibrant and responsive design a plus convenient panel. Colors have become more realistic and saturated. In addition, the interface has become more understandable. New fonts and rational use of screen space allow you to concentrate on the most important icons without being distracted by trifles. Turning settings off and on has become faster and more convenient.

2. New principle of working with notifications. How many times have you been distracted at the most unexpected moment by unnecessary signals or vibration sounds? With Lollipop, you can only receive notifications when it suits you. This became possible thanks to loskrin. Besides, special mode Priority mode allows you to select the apps and users who are allowed to send you notifications. But even among them, you can identify those whose notifications will pop up on top of the rest. This way, you will save your time by not wasting it on useless information that could end up on your device.

3. Reducing the power consumption of the device. What other OS can boast that energy saving mode work gives its owner an hour and a half of extra time? But that’s not all, now energy losses when working with Bluetooth and WiFi are minimized! It is also very convenient that, thanks to Lollipop, the device shows the exact time until it is completely discharged (look for information in the battery settings).

4. Android 5.0 Lollipop automatically encrypts your data. In addition, there is an innovation in unlocking the device. You select an additional device (for example, a smart watch or car dashboard), connect it via Bluetooth to your phone or tablet and unlock the device. It is also possible remote access to the contents of the tablet that you forgot at home. To do this, you will need a device with Android 5.0 installed and your account information.

5. OK Google. This command is now available on the lock screen, but this only applies to Nexus 6 and 9. Owners of other models will have to wait.

6. Lollipop supports USB audio devices and multi-channel playback. The graphics of your gadget will surprise you, because they will be in no way inferior to a good PC or game consoles.

7. But the most important difference between a device with Android 5.0 Lollipop is the pointlessness of stealing it. The fact is that to start working with your tablet or phone, you need to enter your Google login and password, which are linked to the device. But selling a device with someone else’s user data is not an easy task.

ATTENTION! The downloadable firmware below is exactly suitable for Samsung Galaxy S5 models; use it for other mobile devices at your own peril and risk! It is for this model that we also post drivers, just in case they might come in handy!

If you want to install Android 5 lollipop, use our instructions.

Preparing the device for installation

Traditionally, the first thing you should do is backup copy important information. Save contacts from your address book, photos and audio recordings. We don’t want this data to be lost in the event of a problem.

Now download this program:

We will need it during the installation of the new Android 5 Lolipop.

Don't forget - during the installation process, your device's battery must be fully charged. If it suddenly turns off during installation, there will be problems. So don't be lazy and charge it!

Preparing programs for installation

You need to install the downloaded program on your computer - to do this, run the installation file with administrator rights.

The installation will start. Here you need to confirm several points using the keyboard. To do this, we press on the keyboard “ Y" (yes), then " Enter«.

The next step is to install drivers. Click " Further", then " Install«.

Download the Android Lolipop image

You need to find and download the OS image for your device. We will look at the installation process using a Nexus device as an example. Here is a list of download links:

  • Nexus 4
  • Nexus 5
  • Nexus 7
  • Nexus 7 (2013)
  • Nexus 10

When you download the appropriate archive, unpack it to any folder.

Installing Android 5 Lolipop

Launch the Windows command line.

"Start - Run", or Win + R

Next, we must enable bootloader mode on our device. To do this, simultaneously press the buttons “ Volume down" And " Inclusion". If everything is correct, you should see a picture like this.

We connect the device to the computer, and command line we type:

Fastboot devices

Your device should appear in the list. If so, then you have done everything right so far.

At the command line, type the command:

Fastboot oem unlock

This is needed to unlock the bootloader.

At the same time, a message should appear on the device screen indicating that the unlocking process will now begin. You need to confirm it - to do this, select the “ Yes» (use volume keys).

When the process is completed, go back to the folder where you extracted the Android 5 lollipop image. Here you need to run the file flash-all.bat

The Lolipop installation process will begin. You need to wait for the operation to complete.

When everything is finished, your device will reboot. After startup, the process of preparing for work will take several minutes. Next, Android Lolipop will launch.

Before version 5.0, think carefully. There may be two reasons why you did not receive the update automatically. Either this was an error (during distribution, upon receipt, etc.), or the manufacturer did not plan to update the software for your device. And if in the first case the defect is easy to correct, then the second option makes you think. Of course, the point here is not that the manufacturer doesn’t care about your device or has forgotten about you. Everything is much more prosaic.

Every manufacturer, be it Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG or any other, remembers very well about each of its devices. But he also knows everything in detail specifications each model. Much better than you and me! And no matter how much OS developers talk about increasing the performance of gadgets after updating them, numerous tests and user reviews indicate either a meager or zero “increase” in operating speed. But most often, users report a deterioration in the performance of the device after the update. The explanation for this is simple: Android 5.0 Lollipop is brighter and more functional than its older brother, and this requires more resources to work. And all manufacturers also know about this, which is why they do not send an update to your device.

Therefore, let's start with some advice: if it seems to you that your device on Android 4.4 Kitkat is working at the limit of its technical capabilities, then most likely you don’t! Of course, you can experiment with deleting photos, videos, games and applications, installing accelerator programs, checking for viruses, and so on. But the risk of getting a “brick” after a forced update still remains!

It's worth remembering that there are a few things you need to take care of before starting the installation. Surely you are well aware of them, but, as they say, “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

First, you need to do Backup. After installing the update, there will be nothing on your device except the operating system and programs installed by default. Therefore, SMS, applications, games and everything that you downloaded will have to be done on your own. Good, special programs There are a lot of people who can help you do this.

Secondly, if you decide to install custom firmware, of which there are an incredible variety now, then you will have to take care of Root rights. Just like with Backup, you will need special software.

Thirdly, before you start manipulating the system, make sure that the battery is fully charged and that you have a USB cable (preferably the original one) at hand.

Before moving directly to the Android update process, it must be said that there are not many options for doing this, only two: “over the air” (that is, via the Internet) and through a computer.

Option number 1. “By air”

As mentioned above, there can be two situations here. Either the update arrived automatically, or it needs to be checked and installed forcibly.

If the update came automatically, then there are no problems at all. You will see a notification that a new one is available Android version 5.0 Lollipop. Typically, the same notification will suggest “Update now” or “Delay update.” You know what to choose!

In case your Android update did not arrive automatically, you can check its availability manually. To do this, open the “Settings” menu, go to the “About device” submenu, then go to the “Updates” section. In the window that opens, tap on the “Check for updates” button. If the update is “found”, install it.

It happens that this method does not work. Then you can go another way. To do this, you must first erase data from Google apps Services Framework. And you can find this application at “Settings” - “Applications”. After the data is erased, restart your phone and check again for updates.

Before moving on to the next method of updating the OS, I would like to note that the options described above will install on your device official firmware. Therefore, you don’t need to think about any other nuances. But it’s better to do Backup anyway!

Option number 2. Through a computer

This method will be of interest to those who want to install custom firmware, as well as to all owners for whom Android 5.0 Lollipop was not originally intended.

I would like to immediately note that for each specific device, be it a smartphone or tablet, the process of installing the OS via a computer is individual. Before you start installing the update, study the algorithm in detail in theory. Read forums, reviews, ask questions. Firmware assembly is individual for each device separately. Install only the one that is suitable for yours.

In essence, the update process via a PC comes down to the fact that you need to download the firmware to your computer and use a certain bootloader program to install it on the device. For many gadgets on the Internet there are detailed instructions on installation, and even video materials with visual reviews. Especially for popular models of the tablet and smartphone world.

The update method will depend on the specific device

We will focus on the main actions that will have to be performed, based on the fact that you have already downloaded the firmware, root, bootloader and backup programs, unpacked everything, installed it and are ready to start.

  1. Switch the device to firmware mode (see the instructions for your device).
  2. Connect to computer.
  3. Launch bootloader and load the firmware into it.
  4. , start the installation process and wait a bit.
  5. After completion, the device will reboot and turn on with the new version of Android.

This is the structure of the process. In fact, for some manufacturers' devices, this process can be much more tricky. But it’s certainly possible to figure it out!

The long-awaited Lollipop turned out to be not as accessible as the previous version of the android. Even now, a year after its official announcement, it is quite problematic to find a mid-price smartphone with Android 5.0 installed. Of course, top gadgets from Samsung, HTC, Sony and Nexuses immediately get an “A” right out of the assembly line. So what is interesting about this Lollipop in terms of updating? The most important innovation was multiple user support. Yes, what we took for granted in Windows, Android received only in the fifth version! Nowadays, more and more corporate users use one smartphone or tablet to work with several employees. And this innovation came in handy.
Next significant changes touched upon the design of the operating system as a whole. Changed interface, which, according to Google developers, has become simpler, clearer and more convenient. In practical terms, this loud statement is not very noticeable. In a few words, the interface has become different, and that’s all. Most the five differs from the four in the logic of its operation, something that the end user does not see. And the results of these changes are noticed, for example, in an increase in duration battery life gadget, or speeding up applications.
Let's take a look at the subversions that have already appeared.
Android 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 editions have the opportunity to be released just because of the edit critical errors . So it’s not worth chasing the firmware of these particular versions. You can completely flash the base assembly and get all the advantages (and disadvantages;)) of the new OS.
As usual, We recommend that you install the official Android 5.0 firmware in Russian or custom builds based on basic versions. Alternative developments tend to have a lot of glitches, so there is a chance that after flashing your phone or tablet you will end up with more problems than benefits.

Full video review of Android OS 5.0 Lollipop

Latest 20 added Android 5.0 Lollipop firmware

The fifth version of the update for Android smartphones new Android 5.0 “lolipop” is already delighting users with its concept. In this article, I propose that we jointly review the Android 5.0 firmware, consider all its changes, improved advantages, in comparison with the version of the previous sample.
Let's start with the fact that most of the elements in Android are significantly outdated, moreover, to put it mildly, they no longer correspond to the design trends of the latest designs.

Even the look of the standard keyboard and fonts were off-putting, reminiscent of the Web 2.0 era and having nothing in common with a modern interface. The “curtain” located at the top absolutely does not fit the space that surrounds it. It is not completely filled, its lower part is simply empty, despite the fact that it is the most convenient and accessible for pressing when holding mobile device in one hand.

Also, one cannot help but focus on the animation inserts; transitions to other animation layers are completely illogical. For example, when you open the settings, the page has a spread on the icon side, but if you press the “Home” button, an animation of the transition to another virtual layer occurs.
We can start a separate conversation about Material Design, or more precisely about this concept. According to the developers, its task is to universalize the interface, streamline the visuals, and explain animations from a logical point of view. And so it is with all Google products inside and outside of Android. Let's figure out why the inventors still called it material. Justifying that the main material is paper, in our opinion, it would be best to call it “Origami”.

The contrast of shapes now clearly motivates action, because the circle more than stands out among the large number of rectangles! The meaning of this idea lies in animation logic, because in fact, layers are simulated! Based on the developers' ideas, the user will be able to predict, based on the animation prompt, how the interface will behave. So you can dream about teleportation, how the menu selected by the user appears with one click on the entire screen. Why not? But the interface behaves differently, more like shuffling papers. Having selected the required user from the contact list, a card appears on the screen indicating his personal data: number, photo and other information. The logic is there, but the convenience is questionable.

Downloading android 5.0 lollipop to your mobile device is very simple. When you can watch the new version on your personal smartphone, do not forget to check out the new calculator. On the right side of the screen you will see a turquoise vertical element, by swiping you will display a row additional features.

The user review of Android 5.0 firmware is somewhat disappointing. Difficulties arise in distinguishing browser tabs from running programs on the screen. Today you can create pulsating animation and texture of elements, fortunately the display allows this. But the developers decided to limit themselves only to animation and multi-form elements. It's sad to note that the layered interface, according to the creators, actually works very poorly in reality. Due to the fact that the tonal contrast of the far and near plans is very similar, it is impossible to determine which of them is located closer to the user.

Now let's talk about icons, note that they have been unified. This is a big plus; it should have been done a long time ago. IN new version The principle of operation of all applications (standard set) is the same, for all main types of devices, it is convenient, try downloading the Android 5.0 lollipop firmware to your device. We are talking not only about the basic principles of interface rendering, but also about animation. Google Team At the moment, he is campaigning for developers from other companies to do the same.

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