Tricolor TV module firmware. We update the tricolor module software

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that I have never been a programmer. And all the talk about the fact that I flashed something, uploaded something, etc. - this, alas, is not about me. I don’t even know how to do this yet))). Well, the experiment that I will describe below came to mind a long time ago, I just got around to it only now. So, an ordinary VIACCESS module was purchased.

It was successfully disassembled, after which it was discovered interesting fact. The topology of the purchased VIACCESS module completely coincided with the DRE module. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

This is where the idea was born to remember the old soldering iron, which I’m not exactly familiar with, but I can still do something. It was a pity to unsolder the DRE module. There was a disassembled GS 9303 lying in the bins, and it was used for spare parts. I removed the processor and flash memory from the module and from the motherboard.

And then, of course, not without difficulty and mistakes, this same memory and processor from the GS 9303 were soldered into the VIACCESS module. True, it worked only the second time, but it still worked.

So the goal was achieved. The experiment can be considered successful.
By the way, I opened the GS 8302. It also has the same processor and memory. I think this “castling” will work with them too.

At the end I would like to add the following. Perhaps it was enough to transfer only the memory. But I haven’t tried this, although it probably would have been worth it. Or maybe some “lamer” somewhere will tell you how to flash this very VIACCESS without soldering anything. But this is not for me. I just did what I did and shared it with you. All other experiments are done by ourselves. Moreover, I don’t think anyone needs to explain where to get the material for this.

Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

Experiments continue!!!

True, it’s not with us now, but still. Below I would like to present a couple of articles:

1.Lybid TV receiver with HDMI interface
This article talks about how to make a receiver for watching Lybid TV with HDMI interface.

In recommended receivers forchannel viewing Maximum HD,and in those not recommended todayDRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules use a common NKE-1 chip fromNeotion company. This chipallows to providedecoding of paid channels,who use Kodi digging DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC when working together with the required cardaccess. That is, in everythingequipment that was previouslyused to open HDchannels, the same thing is usedcircuit solution. This omission will subsequentlyallowed to disassembleteams responsible for participating indecoding channels andapply them in CAM softwaremodules, but more on that later.

This begs the question The natural question is whyone piece of equipmentyou can still watchchannels, but not on the other?

The NKE-1 chip standard usesexternal memory into which they caninstructions be downloaded,used by him for work, and inIn general, thanks to this it is possible change a the operating algorithm, so to speak,use overcrypt. INas a result, initially CAMmodules were not supplied with seven instructions for DRE encodingCrypt 3.0. And for recommended receivers, inin the absence of suchinstructions, and it was producedsoftware updateprovision via satellite. SoThus, the Tricolor TV operator deliberately refusedsoftware updatesproviding your CAM modules,who support suchopportunity, and simply called them- non-recommended equipment.

How did you find the solution? this problem?

Since Tricolor TV after free testing of your HDchannels included in the packageMaximum HD (Tricolor Full HD), onCAM modules did not collidesignificant problems, then he later implemented this decision in their recommended modelsreceivers without significantcircuit design changes.

Accordingly, the commands used for decoding TV channels in a new modificationDRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encodings canused as on CAM modulesDRE NKE MPEG-4, and onrecommended receivers. As a result, after a shortmanipulations with internal software(dumps) for CAM modules,theirs appeared new modification from folk craftsmen.

How can I modify the CAM DRE module software?

Currently posted memory dumps for CAM modulesversions 4010 and 4020, which in theirwere sold together withaccess cards Tricolor TV - 23 and

24 episodes. To change the software you need carefully open the module housing,remove the board from it usinguse a hot air gun to remove the flash chip

memory - Atmel AT25DF161, flash its new dump on the programmer and after installationit on the board, put everything back togethersequences. Memory dumpsfor CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4can already be found on manyspecialized Internet resources engaged indiscussion of this issue. INin case you can'tperform these manipulations, thenyou can look for a specialistwho will provide assistance or change your module to an alreadymodified.

What else is needed to watch HD channels, besides modified module?

Sold in conjunction with CAM access card module 23 and 24Tricolor TV series hadlimited subscriptions toprovided by the operatorServices. That is, work was not originally planned in themseparate HD subscriptionTV channels. It was possibleinstalled a long time ago whenusers of such cards triedofficially subscribe to the Maximum HD TV channel package, butoperator by DRE ID card numberimmediately abandoned all these attemptsand they simply endedfailure. After finishingtest broadcasting of channels in high definition, Tricolor TVinstantly made a changesubscription class to view themand all cards from CAM modulesthey simply can't make them anymoreopen, even if you use such cards in the recommendedreceiver operator.

How can you resolve the issue with HD channel subscription class access cards?

Now, this problem Can It's quite easy to solve -buy the cheapest one, butrecommended Tricolor TVsatellite receiver together withaccess card to view the Maximum HD package. For example,you can opt for the budget GS model8306, and it doesn’t matter what this receiver ishas negative reviews at work.

After which it is made official registration of equipment with card activationaccess, which in the futureis removed from the receiver and itis put away in a safe place

That is, smart cards that were sold with modules, no longerWill they open HD channels?

As has already been said above, that such access cards 23 or 24series simply do not havesubscription class to viewpackage Maximum HD, so withoutcertain tricks will not be possible for this issueto correct. Over time, whenthe algorithm will be studiedDRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encodings, notdisclosure of commands is excluded,responsible for working with subscription classes, as a result of which you canwill modify the recordeddata on the card. Also, there isanother option - since smart

cards are property operator, based on the fact that he has no series 13 cards leftand those that were sold together withCAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4, then

if it fails, it can replace it withmodern option.

What else can be done Tricolor TV operator?

Since DRE Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding is not yet complete studied and disclosed, then the operator canuse it in the futurehidden modifications. As a resultwhat for recommended receivers - it will endsimply standardupdating software from satellite,after which they are stillwill continue to open HDTV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modulesyou will need to edit the memory dump andtheir subsequent flashing intomanual mode. This operationwill help alleviate specialinterface that will allow you to reflash modules without themdisassembly and extractionflash memory chips, in thisdirection and are being produced nowsearch. And it shouldn'tforget that even a magician sometimes runs out of hidden"cards" up your sleeve. So is the TricolorTV after opening all of itsexisting “cards”, simplywill be left with nothing.

From December 4, 2018 for Tricolor clients. Center" and "Tricolor. Siberia" new launched software(software) for modules conditional access Conditional Access Module CI+, aimed at improving and improving the operation of these modules.

Attention! The update is only available for modules with the following software versions:

  • 1.0.0 (r7516-r7467),
  • 1.1.0 (r7940-r7748).

The current version of the module software can be viewed in the menu of the module itself in the section “Information” -> “Module” -> “Tricolor CI+ CAM” under the line “Software version”.

The location of the module menu in the TV menu structure depends on the model and software version of your TV; for more detailed information, refer to the TV manual.

Depending on the hardware version of the module, upon completion of the update, the module software version will change to 1.2.0 (r8166-r8116) or 1.2.0 (r8168-r8146).

ATTENTION! Do not under any circumstances remove the module or turn off the power to the TV until the update procedure is complete! Otherwise, equipment failure may occur.

To update the module software, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that pop-up messages are enabled in the module settings. To do this, enter the module menu, select “Settings” -> “Pop-up window”. If the “Current Status” line indicates “Activated/Enabled,” then proceed to step 2.

Otherwise, press "OK" on the remote control and activate pop-up messages. After this, return from the module menu to channel viewing mode.

2. Switch the TV to the Telemaster channel. As a rule, this is number 333 in the general list of channels.

3. Within a few minutes, a message will appear on the TV screen indicating the need to update the module software*. Confirm your consent to start the update by pressing the “OK” button on the remote control.

5. Upon completion of the module software update, the TV screen will display** a proposal to search for channels included in Tricolor services. To search for channels, select the “YES” option and press “OK” on the remote control.

6. The search for channels included in Tricolor services will begin, and you will see a service message about the need to select a broadcast region. Select the region based on where you live and press “OK” on the remote control. Next, service messages will be displayed on the screen about the search for channels using the specified parameters. To save the found channel list, press the “OK” button on the remote control.

7. After completing the update, be sure to check that the software version number has changed. To do this, go to the menu of the module itself and in the “Information” -> “Module” -> “Tricolor CI+ CAM” section under the “Software version” line, check the software version.

The update was successful if the module software version is displayed 1.2.0 (r8166-r8116) or 1.2.0 (r8168-r8146).

* Appearance messages displayed by the module on the TV screen (color, font, size, position on the screen) depend on the model and software version of the TV in which the module is installed.

** The presence or absence of a proposal to update the channel list after the module software update is completed, as well as the display of the corresponding menus, depends on the model and software version of the TV in which the module is installed.

Tricolor TV HD channels are available again through modules.

So, the essence of the issue is this: both the recommended receivers for viewing Maximum HD channels and the currently not recommended DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules use the common NKE-1 chip from Neotion.

This chip allows for decoding of paid channels that use DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding when working together with the required access card. That is, all equipment that was previously used to open HD channels uses the same circuit design.

This omission later made it possible to disassemble the commands responsible for participating in channel decoding and apply them in software for CAM modules, but more on that later. And here a logical question arises - why is it still possible to watch channels on one equipment, but not on another? The NKE-1 chip standardly uses external memory, into which the instructions it uses for operation can be loaded, and in general, thanks to this, it is possible to change the operating algorithm, so to speak, use overcrypt. As a result, initially CAM modules were not equipped with all the instructions for DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding.

And for recommended receivers, in the absence of such instructions, the software was updated via satellite. Thus, the Tricolor TV operator deliberately refused to update the software of its CAM modules that support this capability, and simply called them, in short, non-recommended equipment.

How did you manage to find a solution to this problem?

Since Tricolor TV, after free testing of its HD channels included in the Maximum HD (Tricolor Full HD) package on CAM modules, did not encounter any significant problems, it subsequently implemented this solution in its recommended receiver models without significant changes in circuit design. Accordingly, the commands used to decode TV channels in the new modification of the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding can be used both on DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules and on recommended receivers. As a result, after some manipulations with the internal software (dumps) for CAM modules, a new modification from folk craftsmen appeared.

How can I modify the CAM module software?

Currently, memory dumps have been posted for CAM modules versions 4010 and 4020, which were once sold together with Tricolor TV access cards - 23 and 24 series. To change the software, you need to carefully open the module case, remove the board from it, use a hot air gun to remove the flash memory chip - Atmel AT25DF161, flash it with a new dump on the programmer and after installing it on the board, assemble everything in the reverse order. Memory dumps for DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules can already be found on many specialized Internet resources that discuss this issue. If you cannot perform these manipulations, then you can look for a specialist who will provide assistance or change your module to an already modified one, simply paying the difference for the work.

What else is needed to watch HD channels, besides a modified module?

Tricolor TV series 23 and 24 access cards sold together with the CAM module had limited subscriptions to the services provided by the operator. That is, they initially did not plan to operate a separate subscription to HD TV channels. This could have been established a long time ago, when users of such cards tried to officially subscribe to the Maximum HD TV channel package, but the operator using the DRE ID card number immediately turned down all these attempts and they simply ended in failure. After completing the test broadcast of channels in high definition, Tricolor TV immediately changed the subscription class for viewing them and all cards from CAM modules simply cannot open them anymore, even if such cards are used in receivers recommended by the operator.

How can I resolve the issue with the HD channel subscription class of my access card?

Now, this problem can be solved quite simply - purchase the most inexpensive, but recommended Tricolor TV satellite receiver together with an access card to view the Maximum HD package. For example, you can choose the GS 8305 model, and it doesn’t matter that this receiver has negative reviews. After this, the equipment is officially registered with the activation of the access card, which is subsequently removed from the receiver and it is put away in a safe storage location. Next, such an access card is installed in the modified CAM module access and used on your favorite satellite receiver.

That is, the smart cards that were sold with modules will no longer open HD channels?

As already mentioned above, such access cards of the 23 or 24 series simply do not have a subscription class for viewing the Maximum HD package, so without certain tricks this issue cannot be corrected. Over time, when the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding algorithm is studied, it is possible that the commands responsible for working with subscription classes will be revealed, as a result of which it will be possible to modify the recorded data on the card. Also, there is another option - since smart cards are the property of the operator, and based on the fact that he does not have 13 series cards left and those that were sold together with CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4, then if it fails , he can replace it with a modern version.

What else can the Tricolor TV operator do?

Since the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding has not yet been fully studied and disclosed, the operator can continue to use its hidden modifications. As a result, for the recommended receivers this will simply end with a standard software update from the satellite, after which they will continue to open HD TV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modules, you will need to edit the memory dump and then flash it manually. This operation will help facilitate a special interface that will allow you to reflash modules without disassembling them and removing the flash memory chip; searches are now being made in this direction. Moreover, we should not forget that even a magician sometimes runs out of hidden “cards” in his sleeve. So Tricolor TV, after opening all its available “cards”, will simply be left with nothing.

Tricolor TV is confidently expanding its customer base. In Russia, more than 50% of the market uses its services, and this is a very high figure. This scope is not surprising, because the company offers an extensive list of opportunities for its customers, and they concern not only watching television channels, but also accessing the Internet in Smart TV mode.

To ensure operation, the company uses only the best equipment: receivers, antennas, modules, access cards, etc. In addition, there is software that needs to be updated regularly to remain in the same excellent condition. We will now try to tell you how to update the software of Tricolor TV modules without the help of specialists.

Groups of equipment that regularly require updates

There are more than three dozen receivers on the official website of Tricolor TV. But you don't have to search long to install the right software for each of them. It comes out on a group basis, you just need to find out which group your device belongs to.

The module versions have minor but noticeable differences, so when choosing, you need to know which Tricolor module you have. More information about this can be found on the official website in the “Help” section. For example, let's look at some groups:

    GS receivers. This group includes receivers GS – U210, E212, B210-212;

    DRE/DRS receivers. These are modifications of devices 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003 and 7300. Their function is to receive and produce free and encrypted Tricolor TV channels;

    Module ci and ci+. It is a conditional access module, since it comes with a smart card for viewing content on an encrypted TV channel.

CI Device Features

The ci module has some unique characteristics that set it apart from other reception attachments satellite channels. The size of the device is minimal, which greatly simplifies working with it. But this module cannot be installed on all TVs, but only on modern models that provide a CI or CI+ port. If it is not there, then you will not be able to connect to satellite television using this device.

If the port is still available, then connect the CI module to view satellite television won't be difficult. In order to do this, you need to carefully place the smart card in the slot that is on the TV. It is desirable that the receiver is already built-in, which allows you to save on the purchase of other equipment.

Another important nuance is that the cam module is selected based on the encoding. In particular, for configuration you need a module latest version. It is advisable to choose the “DRECrypt” format, which is guaranteed to allow you to connect and set up high-quality HD television.

Preparing for the update

Before starting the update, a number of procedures should be carried out that will keep the TV intact, otherwise the user risks being left with an updated module, but a non-working TV.

    First of all, you need to check the correctness of the software version, and for this the following steps are taken:

    Wait until the necessary information appears on the monitor.

    Preparation of receiving equipment:

    The receiver turns off by pressing the power button and disconnecting it from the network;

    The last point is to turn on the power button on the front panel, and “Standby” on the remote control.

If you have successfully completed this procedure, you can proceed to the next stage, namely, the update.

Software update via satellite

It is not so difficult to update yourself, especially if you do it via satellite, which means you do not use any third-party tools or devices. But there is only one condition - in order for these actions to be carried out, the TVs must be connected to a satellite dish.

    Before starting the update, the user needs to enable the Telemaster service. There are cases that for some reason a service is not displayed among the list of channels. If this is the case, then you need to search again and then it should appear;

    Instead of searching for channels, a message may appear that the TV needs to update the module software. In this case, you need to confirm the action for the procedure to begin;

    As soon as confirmation is given, a message will appear on the TV screen stating that the update has started and its progress will be shown;

    It is important to monitor the screen to adjust the updated processes if necessary, but quite often everything happens automatically;

    At the end of the procedure, the module will automatically restart. But if this does not happen, the restart procedure can be done manually. Then the changes that have been made will be fixed in the system.

The process is short, but when it is going on, you won’t be able to watch channels. When the procedure is finished, it is advisable to check whether the software version has changed to make sure that the changes were successful. In addition, it is very important not to turn off the TV while the update is running, do not remove the smart card or turn off the receiver. If you do this, the consequences will be catastrophic.

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