IEEE 802.11n protocol. Fastest wifi mode

When buying a 5GHz router, the word DualBand distracts our attention from the more important essence, the Wi-Fi standard that uses the 5GHz carrier. Unlike standards using the 2.4 GHz carrier, which have long been familiar and understandable, 5 GHz devices can be used in conjunction with 802.11n or 802.11ac standards (hereinafter A.C. standard and N standard).

The IEEE 802.11 group of Wi-Fi standards has evolved quite dynamically, from IEEE 802.11a, which provided speeds up to 2 Mbit/s, through 802.11b and 802.11g, which gave speeds up to 11 Mbit/s And 54 Mbit/s respectively. Then came the 802.11n standard, or simply the n-standard. The N-standard was a real breakthrough, since now through one antenna it was possible to transmit traffic at a speed unimaginable at that time 150Mbit. This was achieved through the use of advanced coding technologies (MIMO), more careful consideration of the propagation features of RF waves, double channel width technology, a non-static guard interval defined by such a concept as the modulation index and coding schemes.

Operating principles of 802.11n

The already familiar 802.11n can be used in one of two bands: 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz. At the physical level, in addition to improved signal processing and modulation, the ability to simultaneously transmit a signal through four antennas, every time you can skip the antenna up to 150Mbit/s, i.e. This is theoretically 600Mbit. However, taking into account that the antenna simultaneously works either for reception or broadcasting, the data transmission speed in one direction will not exceed 75 Mbit/s per antenna.

Multiple Input/Output (MIMO)

For the first time, support for this technology appeared in the 802.11n standard. MIMO stands for Multiple Input Multiple Output, which means multi-channel input and multi-channel output.

Using MIMO technology, the ability to simultaneously receive and transmit multiple data streams through several antennas, rather than just one, is realized.

The 802.11n standard defines various antenna configurations from "1x1" to "4x4". Asymmetrical configurations are also possible, for example, “2x3”, where the first value indicates the number of transmitting and the second the number of receiving antennas.

Obviously, the maximum transmission reception speed can only be achieved when using the “4x4” scheme. In fact, the number of antennas does not increase speed in itself, but it does allow for various advanced signal processing methods that are automatically selected and applied by the device, including based on the antenna configuration. For example, the 4x4 scheme with 64-QAM modulation provides speeds up to 600 Mbit/s, the 3x3 and 64-QAM scheme provides speeds up to 450 Mbit/s, and the 1x2 and 2x3 schemes up to 300 Mbit/s.

Channel bandwidth 40 MHz

Features of the 802.11n standard is twice the width of the 20 MHz channel, i.e. 40 MHz.Ability to support 802.11n by devices operating on 2.4GHz and 5GHz carriers. While 802.11b/g only operates at 2.4 GHz, 802.11a operates at 5 GHz. In the 2.4 GHz frequency band, only 14 channels are available for wireless networks, of which the first 13 are allowed in the CIS, with 5 MHz intervals between them. Devices using the 802.11b/g standard use 20 MHz channels. Of the 13 channels, 5 are intersecting. To avoid mutual interference between channels, it is necessary that their bands are spaced 25 MHz apart. Those. Only three channels on the 20 MHz band will be non-overlapping: 1, 6 and 11.

802.11n operating modes

The 802.11n standard provides for operation in three modes: High Throughput (pure 802.11n), Non-High Throughput (fully compatible with 802.11b/g) and High Throughput Mixed (mixed mode).

High Throughput (HT) - high throughput mode.

802.11n access points use High Throughput mode. This mode absolutely excludes compatibility with previous standards. Those. devices that do not support the n-standard will not be able to connect. Non-High Throughput (Non-HT) - mode with low throughput To allow legacy devices to connect, all frames are sent in 802.11b/g format. This mode uses a 20 MHz channel width to ensure backward compatibility. When using this mode, data is transferred at the speed supported by the slowest device connected to this access point (or Wi-Fi router).

High Throughput Mixed - mixed mode with high throughput. Mixed mode allows the device to work simultaneously on the 802.11n and 802.11b/g standards. Provides backward compatibility for legacy devices and devices using the 802.11n standard. However, while the old device is receiving and transmitting data, the older device supporting 802.11n is waiting for its turn, and this affects the speed. It is also obvious that the more traffic goes through the 802.11b/g standard, the less performance an 802.11n device can show in High Throughput Mixed mode.

Modulation Index and Coding Schemes (MCS)

The 802.11n standard defines the concept of “Modulation and Coding Scheme”. MCS is a simple integer assigned to the modulation option (there are 77 possible options in total). Each option defines the RF modulation type (Type), coding rate (Coding Rate), guard interval (Short Guard Interval), and data rate values. The combination of all these factors determines the actual physical (PHY) data transfer rate, ranging from 6.5 Mbps to 600 Mbps ( given speed can be achieved by using all possible options of the 802.11n standard).

Some MCS index values ​​are defined and shown in the following table:

Let's decipher the values ​​of some parameters.

The short guard interval SGI (Short Guard Interval) determines the time interval between transmitted symbols. 802.11b/g devices use a guard interval of 800 ns, while 802.11n devices have the option of using a guard interval of only 400 ns. Short Guard Interval (SGI) improves data transfer rates by 11 percent. The shorter this interval, the greater the amount of information that can be transmitted per unit of time, however, the accuracy of character definition decreases, so the developers of the standard selected the optimal value of this interval.

MCS values ​​from 0 to 31 determine the type of modulation and encoding scheme that will be used for all streams. MCS values ​​32 to 77 describe mixed combinations that can be used to modulate two to four streams.

802.11n access points must support MCS values ​​from 0 to 15, while 802.11n stations must support MCS values ​​from 0 to 7. All other MCS values, including those associated with 40 MHz wide channels, Short Guard Interval (SGI) , are optional and may not be supported.

Features of AC standard

In real conditions, no standard has managed to achieve the maximum of its theoretical performance, since the signal is influenced by many factors: electromagnetic interference from household appliances and electronics, obstacles in the signal path, signal reflections, and even magnetic storms. Because of this, manufacturers continue to work on creating even more effective versions of the Wi-Fi standard, more suitable not only for home but also active office use, as well as building extended networks. Thanks to this desire, quite recently, was born a new version IEEE 802.11 - 802.11ac (or simply AC standard).

There are not too many fundamental differences from N in the new standard, but they are all aimed at increasing the throughput of the wireless protocol. Basically, the developers chose to improve the advantages of the N standard. The most noticeable thing is the expansion of MIMO channels from a maximum of three to eight. This means that we will soon be able to see in stores wireless routers with eight antennas. And eight antennas is a theoretical doubling of the channel capacity to 800 Mbit/s, not to mention possible sixteen-antenna devices.

802.11abg devices operate on 20 MHz channels, while pure N uses 40 MHz channels. The new standard stipulates that AC routers have channels at 80 and 160 MHz, which means doubling and quadrupling the channel with double the width.

It is worth noting the improved implementation of MIMO technology provided in the standard - MU-MIMO technology. Older versions of the N-compliant protocols supported half-duplex packet transmission from device to device. That is, at the moment a packet is transmitted by one device, other devices can only work to receive. Accordingly, if one of the devices connects to the router using the old standard, then the others will work slower due to the increased time it takes to transmit packets to the device using the old standard. This may cause poor performance of the wireless network if there are many such devices connected to it. MU-MIMO technology solves this problem by creating a multi-stream transmission channel, when used, other devices do not wait for their turn. In the same time AC router must be backward compatible with previous standards.

However, of course, there is a fly in the ointment. Currently, the vast majority of laptops, tablets, and smartphones do not support not only the AC Wi-Fi standard, but are not even able to work on the 5 GHz carrier. Those. and 802.11n at 5GHz is not available to them. Also themselves AC routers and access points can be several times more expensive than routers designed to use the 802.11n standard.

Well, a few interesting facts for a collection:

  • The human body attenuates the signal by 3-5dB (2.4/5GHz). Simply by turning to face the point you can get higher speed.
  • Some dipole antennas have an asymmetrical H-plane (“side view”) radiation pattern and work better inverted
  • An 802.11 frame can use up to four MAC addresses simultaneously, and 802.11s (the new mesh standard) can use up to six!


802.11 technology (and radio networks in general) has many non-obvious features. Personally, I have enormous respect and admiration for the fact that people have honed such a complex technology to the “plug and play” level. We have looked (to varying degrees) at different aspects of the physical and link layers of 802.11 networks:
  • Asymmetry of capacities
  • Restrictions on transmit power in edge channels
  • The intersection of “non-overlapping” channels and consequences
  • Work on “non-standard” channels (other than 1/6/11/13)
  • Operation of the Clear Channel Assessment mechanism and channel blocking
  • Dependence of speed (rate/MCS) on SNR and, as a consequence, dependence of receiver sensitivity and coverage area on the required speed
  • Features of service traffic forwarding
  • Consequences of enabling low speed support
  • Impact of enabling compatibility mode support
  • Channel selection in 5GHz
  • Some fun aspects of security, MIMO, etc.
Not everything was considered in full and exhaustively, just as the non-obvious aspects of client coexistence, load balancing, WMM, power supply and roaming, exotics such as Single-Channel Architecture and individual BSS were left out - but this is a topic for networks of a completely different scale. If you follow at least the above considerations, in an ordinary residential building you can get quite decent microcell communism, as in high-performance corporate WLANs. I hope you found the article interesting.


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The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is developing WiFi 802.11 standards.

IEEE 802.11 is the base standard for Wi-Fi networks, which defines a set of protocols for the lowest transfer rates.

IEEE 802.11b
- describes b O higher transmission speeds and introduces more technological restrictions. This standard was widely promoted by WECA ( Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance ) and was originally called WiFi .
Frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum are used ()
Ratified in 1999.
RF technology used: DSSS.
Coding: Barker 11 and CCK.
Modulations: DBPSK and DQPSK,
Maximum data transfer rates (transfer) in the channel: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps,

IEEE 802.11a- describes significantly higher transfer rates than 802.11b.
Frequency channels in the 5GHz frequency spectrum are used. Protocol
Not compatible with 802.11 b.
Ratified in 1999.
RF technology used: OFDM.
Coding: Conversion Coding.
Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM.
Maximum data transfer rates in the channel: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps.

IEEE 802.11g
- describes data transfer rates equivalent to 802.11a.
Frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum are used. The protocol is compatible with 802.11b.
Ratified in 2003.
RF technologies used: DSSS and OFDM.
Coding: Barker 11 and CCK.
Modulations: DBPSK and DQPSK,
Maximum data transfer rates (transfer) in the channel:
- 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps on DSSS and
- 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps on OFDM.

IEEE 802.11n- the most advanced commercial WiFi standard, currently officially approved for import and use in the Russian Federation (802.11ac is still being developed by the regulator). 802.11n uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi frequency spectrums. Compatible with 11b/11 a/11g . Although it is recommended to build networks targeting only 802.11n, because... requires configuration of special protective modes if backward compatibility with legacy standards is required. This leads to a large increase in signal information anda significant reduction in the available useful performance of the air interface. Actually, even one WiFi client 802.11g or 802.11b will require special settings the entire network and its immediate significant degradation in terms of aggregated performance.
The WiFi 802.11n standard itself was released on September 11, 2009.
Frequencies supported WiFi channels width 20MHz and 40MHz (2x20MHz).
RF technology used: OFDM.
OFDM MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology is used up to the 4x4 level (4xTransmitter and 4xReceiver). In this case, a minimum of 2xTransmitter per Access Point and 1xTransmitter per user device.
Examples of possible MCS (Modulation & Coding Scheme) for 802.11n, as well as the maximum theoretical transfer rates in the radio channel are presented in the following table:

Here SGI is the guard intervals between frames.
Spatial Streams is the number of spatial streams.
Type is the modulation type.
Data Rate is the maximum theoretical data transfer rate in the radio channel in Mbit/sec.

It is important to emphasize that the indicated speeds correspond to the concept of channel rate and are the limiting value using this set technologies within the framework of the described standard (in fact, these values, as you probably noticed, are written by manufacturers on the boxes of home WiFi devices in stores). But in real life, these values ​​are not achievable due to the specifics of the WiFi 802.11 standard technology itself. For example, “political correctness” is strongly influenced here in terms of ensuring CSMA/CA ( WiFi devices constantly listen to the air and cannot transmit if the transmission medium is busy), the need to acknowledge each unicast frame, the half-duplex nature of all WiFi standards and only 802.11ac/Wave-2 can begin to bypass this, etc. Therefore, the practical effectiveness of outdated 802.11 standards b/g/a never exceeds 50% under ideal conditions (for example, for 802.11g the maximum speed per subscriber is usually no higher than 22Mb/s), and for 802.11n the efficiency can be up to 60%. If the network operates in protected mode, which often happens due to the mixed presence of different WiFi chips on different devices on the network, then even the indicated relative efficiency can drop by 2-3 times. This applies, for example, to a mix of Wi-Fi devices with 802.11b, 802.11g chips on a network with WiFi 802.11g access points, or a WiFi 802.11g/802.11b device on a network with WiFi 802.11n access points, etc. Read more about .

In addition to the basic WiFi standards 802.11a, b, g, n, additional standards exist and are used to implement various service functions:

. 802.11d. To adapt various WiFi standard devices to specific country conditions. Within the regulatory framework of each state, ranges often vary and may even differ depending on geographic location. The IEEE 802.11d WiFi standard allows you to adjust frequency bands in devices from different manufacturers using special options introduced into the media access control protocols.

. 802.11e. Describes QoS quality classes for the transmission of various media files and, in general, various media content. Adaptation of the MAC layer for 802.11e determines the quality, for example, of simultaneous transmission of audio and video.

. 802.11f. Aimed at unifying the parameters of Wi-Fi access points from different manufacturers. The standard allows the user to work with different networks when moving between coverage areas of individual networks.

. 802.11h. Used to prevent problems with weather and military radars by dynamically reducing the emitted power of Wi-Fi equipment or dynamically switching to another frequency channel when a trigger signal is detected (in most European countries, ground stations tracking weather and communications satellites, as well as military radars operate in ranges close to 5 MHz). This standard is necessary requirement ETSI requirements for equipment approved for operation in the countries of the European Union.

. 802.11i. The first iterations of the 802.11 WiFi standards used the WEP algorithm to secure Wi-Fi networks. It was believed that this method could provide confidentiality and protection of the transmitted data of authorized wireless users from eavesdropping. Now this protection can be hacked in just a few minutes. Therefore, the 802.11i standard developed new methods for protecting Wi-Fi networks, implemented at both the physical and software levels. Currently, to organize a security system in Wi-Fi 802.11 networks, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) algorithms. They also provide compatibility between wireless devices various standards and various modifications. WPA protocols use an advanced RC4 encryption scheme and a mandatory authentication method using EAP. The stability and security of modern Wi-Fi networks is determined by privacy verification and data encryption protocols (RSNA, TKIP, CCMP, AES). The most recommended approach is to use WPA2 with AES encryption (and don't forget about 802.1x using tunneling mechanisms, such as EAP-TLS, TTLS, etc.). .

. 802.11k. This standard is actually aimed at implementing load balancing in the radio subsystem Wi-Fi networks. Usually wireless local network The subscriber device usually connects to the access point that provides the strongest signal. This often leads to network congestion at one point, when many users connect to one Access Point at once. To control such situations, the 802.11k standard proposes a mechanism that limits the number of subscribers connected to one Access Point and makes it possible to create conditions under which new users will join another AP even despite more weak signal from her. In this case, the aggregated network throughput increases due to more efficient use of resources.

. 802.11m. Amendments and corrections for the entire group of 802.11 standards are combined and summarized in a separate document under the general name 802.11m. The first release of 802.11m was in 2007, then in 2011, etc.

. 802.11p. Determines the interaction of Wi-Fi equipment moving at speeds up to 200 km/h past fixed points WiFi access, located at a distance of up to 1 km. Part of the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) standard. WAVE standards define an architecture and a complementary set of utility functions and interfaces that provide a secure radio communications mechanism between moving vehicles. These standards are developed for applications such as traffic management, traffic safety monitoring, automated payment collection, vehicle navigation and routing, etc.

. 802.11s. A standard for implementing mesh networks (), where any device can serve as both a router and an access point. If the nearest access point is overloaded, data is redirected to the nearest unloaded node. In this case, a data packet is transferred (packet transfer) from one node to another until it reaches its final destination. This standard introduces new protocols at the MAC and PHY levels that support broadcast and multicast transmission (transfer), as well as unicast delivery over a self-configuring point system Wi-Fi access. For this purpose, the standard introduced a four-address frame format. Implementation examples WiFi networks Mesh: , .

. 802.11t. The standard was created to institutionalize the process of testing solutions IEEE standard 802.11. Testing methods, methods of measurement and processing of results (treatment), requirements for testing equipment are described.

. 802.11u. Defines procedures for interaction of Wi-Fi standard networks with external networks. The standard must define access protocols, priority protocols and prohibition protocols for working with external networks. Currently around this standard a large movement has formed both in terms of developing solutions - Hotspot 2.0, and in terms of organizing inter-network roaming - a group of interested operators has been created and is growing, who jointly resolve roaming issues for their Wi-Fi networks in dialogue (WBA Alliance). Read more about Hotspot 2.0 in our articles: , .

. 802.11v. The standard should include amendments aimed at improving the network management systems of the IEEE 802.11 standard. Modernization at the MAC and PHY levels should allow the configuration of client devices connected to the network to be centralized and streamlined.

. 802.11y. Additional communication standard for the frequency range 3.65-3.70 GHz. Designed for latest generation devices operating with external antennas at speeds up to 54 Mbit/s at a distance of up to 5 km in open space. The standard is not fully completed.

802.11w. Defines methods and procedures for improving the protection and security of the media access control (MAC) layer. The standard protocols structure a system for monitoring data integrity, the authenticity of their source, the prohibition of unauthorized reproduction and copying, data confidentiality and other protection measures. The standard introduces management frame protection (MFP: Management Frame Protection), and additional security measures help neutralize external attacks, such as DoS. A little more on MFP here: . In addition, these measures will ensure security for the most sensitive network information that will be transmitted over networks that support IEEE 802.11r, k, y.

802.11ac. A new WiFi standard that operates only in the 5GHz frequency band and provides significantly faster O higher speeds both for an individual WiFi client and for a WiFi Access Point. See our article for more details.

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I read that the specifications of my router say a speed of 54 Mbit/sec, but my laptop only downloads files at a speed of 20-24 Mbit/sec. And when I transfer files from one laptop to another laptop, it is connected to the same router, and when I transfer the file the speed dropped even more. What is the problem here?

The problem is that the speed that the creators of the wireless Wi-Fi equipment, is not the speed for transmitting user data. The speed provided in the characteristics is only the so-called “radio speed”, while the real speed for transmission user files should at least be half the speed that is written in the specification. Moreover, when two computers are connected to the same access point or router via Wi-Fi, due to the technical capabilities of the standard, the file exchange speed between computers is reduced by another factor. In the case when with Wi-Fi 802.11g, the speed when transmitting packets between two PCs can be only about 12 Mbit/s. If one of the PCs is connected to the router via a LAN cable, then the speed will be restored to 20-24 Mbit/s.

Moreover, all these figures are relevant only for the case when all clients and the access point are within the most direct line of sight. When the distance is increased, the speed will drop unspeakably (real range wifi actions at normal speed usually does not go beyond 100 m). Crossbars in buildings have a great influence (not only reinforced concrete or brick, but also plasterboard or glass). Furniture and even indoor plants also affect the Wi-Fi signal.

If you want to fully unlock the potential of the new 802.11n standard, whose specifications include radio speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s (that's somewhere around 150 Mbit/s data transfer speed), you'll need special equipment. Only routers and radio receivers that have three antennas, and also support operation at the powerful 5 GHz frequency, are capable, in theory, of even approaching the high mark of 150 Mits/sec for high data transfer speeds. At the same time, a huge majority of system equipment that can support 802.11n has only one antenna (this is especially true for USB receivers or those built into laptops). network adapters) and it only operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which one hundred percent “cuts” the theoretical maximum speed for data transfer between users to only about 75 Mbit/s.

Unfortunately, the theoretical speed is very rarely actually achievable. In practice, the best home equipment available on the market that is fully compliant with the 802.11n standard (300 Mbps radio speed) provides data transfer rates of only 90-110 Mbps instead of the theoretical 150 Mbps.

The popularity of Wi-Fi connections is growing every day, as the demand for this type of network is increasing at a tremendous pace. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, monoblocks, TVs, computers - all our equipment supports a wireless Internet connection, without which it is no longer possible to imagine the life of a modern person.

Data transmission technologies are developing along with the release of new equipment

In order to choose a network suitable for your needs, you need to learn about all the Wi-Fi standards that exist today. The Wi-Fi Alliance has developed more than twenty connection technologies, four of which are most in demand today: 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g and 802.11n. The manufacturer's most recent discovery was the 802.11ac modification, the performance of which is several times higher than the characteristics of modern adapters.

Is a senior certified technology wireless connection and is characterized by general accessibility. The device has very modest parameters:

  • Information transfer speed - 11 Mbit/s;
  • Frequency range - 2.4 GHz;
  • The range of action (in the absence of volumetric partitions) is up to 50 meters.

It should be noted that this standard has poor noise immunity and low throughput. Therefore, despite the attractive price of this Wi-Fi connection, its technical component lags significantly behind more modern models.

802.11a standard

This technology is an improved version of the previous standard. The developers focused on the device’s throughput and clock speed. Thanks to such changes, this modification eliminates the influence of other devices on the quality of the network signal.

  • Frequency range - 5 GHz;
  • The range is up to 30 meters.

However, all the advantages of the 802.11a standard are compensated equally by its disadvantages: a reduced connection radius and a high (compared to 802.11b) price.

802.11g standard

The updated modification becomes a leader in today's wireless network standards, since it supports work with the widespread 802.11b technology and, unlike it, has a fairly high connection speed.

  • Information transfer speed - 54 Mbit/s;
  • Frequency range - 2.4 GHz;
  • Range of action - up to 50 meters.

As you may have noticed, the clock frequency has dropped to 2.4 GHz, but the network coverage has returned to its previous levels typical for 802.11b. In addition, the price of the adapter has become more affordable, which is a significant advantage when choosing equipment.

802.11n standard

Despite the fact that this modification has been on the market for a long time and has impressive parameters, manufacturers are still working on improving it. Due to the fact that it is incompatible with previous standards, its popularity is low.

  • Information transfer speed is theoretically up to 480 Mbit/s, but in practice it is half as much;
  • Frequency range - 2.4 or 5 GHz;
  • Range of action - up to 100 meters.

Since this standard is still evolving, it has its own characteristics: it may conflict with equipment that supports 802.11n only because the device manufacturers are different.

Other standards

In addition to popular technologies, the Wi-Fi Alliance manufacturer has developed other standards for more specialized applications. Such modifications that perform service functions include:

  • 802.11d- makes devices compatible wireless communication from different manufacturers, adapts them to the peculiarities of data transmission at the national level;
  • 802.11e- determines the quality of sent media files;
  • 802.11f- manages a variety of access points from different manufacturers, allows you to work equally in different networks;

  • 802.11h- prevents loss of signal quality due to the influence of meteorological equipment and military radars;
  • 802.11i- improved version of protecting users’ personal information;
  • 802.11k- monitors the load on a particular network and redistributes users to other access points;
  • 802.11m- contains all corrections to 802.11 standards;
  • 802.11p- determines the nature of Wi-Fi devices located within a range of 1 km and moving at speeds of up to 200 km/h;
  • 802.11r- automatically finds a wireless network while roaming and connects mobile devices to it;
  • 802.11s- organizes a full mesh connection, where each smartphone or tablet can be a router or connection point;
  • 802.11t- this network tests the entire 802.11 standard, provides testing methods and their results, and sets requirements for the operation of the equipment;
  • 802.11u- this modification is known to everyone from the development of Hotspot 2.0. It ensures the interaction of wireless and external networks;
  • 802.11v- this technology creates solutions to improve 802.11 modifications;
  • 802.11y- unfinished technology linking frequencies 3.65–3.70 GHz;
  • 802.11w- the standard finds ways to strengthen the protection of access to information transmission.

The latest and most technologically advanced standard 802.11ac

802.11ac modification devices provide users with a completely new quality of Internet experience. Among the advantages of this standard, the following should be highlighted:

  1. High speed. When transmitting data over the 802.11ac network, wider channels and higher frequencies are used, which increases the theoretical speed to 1.3 Gbps. In practice, throughput is up to 600 Mbit/s. In addition, an 802.11ac-based device transmits more data per clock cycle.

  1. Increased number of frequencies. The 802.11ac modification is equipped with a whole range of 5 GHz frequencies. The latest technology has a stronger signal. The high range adapter covers a frequency band up to 380 MHz.
  2. 802.11ac network coverage area. This standard provides a wider network range. In addition, the Wi-Fi connection works even through concrete and plasterboard walls. Interference that occurs during the operation of home appliances and the neighbor’s Internet does not in any way affect the operation of your connection.
  3. Updated technologies. 802.11ac is equipped with the MU-MIMO extension, which ensures smooth operation of multiple devices on the network. Beamforming technology identifies the client's device and sends several streams of information to it at once.

Having become more familiar with all the Wi-Fi connection modifications that exist today, you can easily choose the network that suits your needs. Please remember that most devices contain a standard 802.11b adapter, which is also supported by 802.11g technology. If you are looking for an 802.11ac wireless network, the number of devices equipped with it today is small. However, this is a very pressing problem and soon all modern equipment will switch to the 802.11ac standard. Don’t forget to take care of the security of your Internet access by installing a complex code on your Wi-Fi connection and an antivirus to protect your computer from virus software.

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