Download ad blocker adblock. How to get rid of intrusive advertising on the Internet: testing Adblock

AdBlock- a freely distributed add-on for popular browsers, designed to block annoying and distracting (and in cases with slow Internet, using up precious traffic) advertising banners and messages. The utility is distributed with open source code and works perfectly on all mobile and desktop platforms. The essence of AdBlock 2019 is to create and use filters, which indicate what content on which sites should be blocked and what should be skipped. Without user intervention, the application will use rules and filters from an online database hosted on a remote server. If a change is made to the rules of the utility, the filters immediately take effect, and the result of their work will be visible after opening or refreshing the page.

From distinctive features AdBlock for Windows 7, 8, 10 is worth mentioning separately automatic update in cases of release new version without user intervention. The latest version of AdBlock 2019, which is very pleasing, does not display an empty frame or white square in place of some blocked advertisements due to code blocking of the entire page element. Using a browser with the add-on installed, browsing the Internet will become a more enjoyable and simpler experience, pages will begin to load faster, and the user will no longer be distracted by various flash videos, pop-ups, constantly opening tabs, and even flv videos. The developers have equipped the free AdBlock on your computer with the functions of hiding the utility icon and a switchable counter for the number of blocked elements.

Download AdBlock latest version for your browser, you can use one of the direct links located a little lower.

Version: 3.46.0

Program status: Free

Size: 0.82 Mb

Developer: AdBlock

System: Google Chrome| Yandex.Browser | Mozilla | Opera

Russian language: Yes

Update from: 2019-05-06

Adguard - protection #1 in 2019:

As they say, “advertising is the engine of trade.” However, due to the fact that there are no clear mechanisms for regulating advertising content on the Internet, it sometimes turns into an intrusive “network element.” Advertising messages can occupy up to 50% of the page area and are displayed in the form of animated banners, static modules, flash videos, etc. In order for users to get rid of unwanted advertising content, special browser extensions have been developed. One of such effective “helpers” is Adblock Plus.

What is Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus (or ABP for short) is a special extension (plugin) for Internet browsers, equipped with multifunctional tools to protect not only your Internet connection, but also the computer as a whole. The main and initial function of Adblock Plus is to block unwanted banner advertising on the pages of sites you visit.

In addition, Adblock Plus is able to offer users a number of equally useful functions:

There are two ways to download and install the Adblock extension for Yandex Browser. Method one:

  1. Go to the official website of the plugin developer and click on the “Install for Yandex.Browser” button (the button will be located immediately on the main page).

    You will be prompted to install Adblock for the browser through which you accessed the developer's page

  2. After this, you will be redirected to the Chrome Web Store page, where you need to click on the “Install” button.

    The plugin is distributed free of charge

  3. Confirm the installation of the extension by selecting the appropriate item in the notification window that appears.

    Before installation, you can view the version and date information last update extensions in the additional information block

  4. After this, the Adblock Plus plugin will be automatically installed on your computer and will be available through Yandex.Browser.

    After installing the extension, the corresponding icon will appear on the auxiliary panel of Yandex.Browser

There is a second one alternative way install this plugin:

  1. Launch Yandex Browser, open its settings panel and select Add-ons.

    The “Add-ons” window in Yandex.Browser can only be opened through the menu; there is no hotkey combination

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click on the “Yandex Browser Extensions Catalog” button.

    All custom extensions will be located in the “From Other Sources” category

  3. Type Adblock in the search bar and select the All results line in the list that appears.

    You can also press Enter to display all found values

  4. In the list presented, find Adblock Plus and left-click on its icon.

    Due to the fact that Adblock developers are actively collaborating with Google Chrome, in the future it will be possible to download and install the extension only through the Chrome web store

  5. In the extension profile that opens, click on the “Add to Yandex.Browser” button and wait for the plugin installation process to complete.

    By expanding the "Access Rights" tab, you can also see what data your Adblock browser will have access

Video: Blocking Internet Ads with AdBlock Plus

How to set up Adblock Plus

Unlike many other similar utilities, Adblock Plus gives users the right to configure key functionality extensions. In order to exercise this right, you must:

  1. Go back to the “Add-ons” options. Find the Adblock Plus extension and click on the “Settings” button. After this, the settings panel will open, which includes four sub-items:
    • "Are common". Here you can configure the privacy of your presence on sites (the “confidentiality and security” block), the visibility of “acceptable” advertising, the language (the parameter is responsible for blocking advertising in some specific languages), and also enable/disable the “anti-bypass” function (allows block “cunning” advertising that uses special tools to bypass all sorts of built-in filters of known blockers);

      Setting the “Language” parameter depends on what sites you visit (Russian-language, English-language, etc.)

    • "White list of sites." It is a built-in filter with which you can add certain sites to the exclusion list (advertising banners on these sites will always be displayed). You can remove a previously added site from the white list at any time;

      In order to add the desired site to the list of exceptions, just enter its full address in the appropriate line and click on the “Add site” button

    • "Advanced". This is an advanced tool for experienced users familiar with the Javascript programming language. With its help, you can create certain “narrow-profile” filters for displaying banner advertising on websites (for example, hide only animated banners in *.gif format or only embedded contextual advertising etc.);

      By default, Adoblock already has several basic filters built-in

    • "Reference". Responsible for feedback with the extension developers.

      Adblock developers offer users several feedback methods at once

Adblock Plus Performance Test

In order to make sure that Adblock Plus works, let’s conduct a small visual test. Let's go to several sites on different topics, first with the extension disabled, and then with it enabled. Examples:

  • sports resource. Adblock coped with the blocking huge amount banner advertising (according to the presented statistics - 27 units) on one of the most popular Russian sports sites -;

    Adblock can even block background ads

  • "Yandex.Music". Abdlock is also capable of targeted blocking of banner ads;

    Adblock leaves a built-in active “Hide Ads” widget on the site, when clicked nothing happens

  • gaming resource The blocker turned out to be a very effective way to combat hidden video advertising equipped with built-in autoplay;

    When loading the Fox News website with Adblock enabled, a message pops up asking you to disable this extension

How to disable Adblock if necessary

You can temporarily disable Adblock in just a couple of mouse clicks:

Video: how to remove Adblock Plus

Alternative ad blockers for Yandex.Browser

In addition to Adblock Plus, there are many other ad blockers, just enter the extension catalog in the search bar keyword Block.

These blockers are quite varied:

Having carried out several tests of the performance of a number of the above extensions for Yandex.Browser, I can say that the main disadvantage of almost all universal complex blockers is the lack of any ability to customize their work (unlike Adblock Plus). Because of this, none of them have shown 100% reliability in blocking ads. For example, Rule AdBlocker periodically fails to block GIF banners, and Stop Reclame does not always cope with flash advertising videos. The most stable extensions turned out to be AdBlocker Lite, AdBlocker Ultimate and Adguard. Moreover, to achieve maximum efficiency, I can recommend using several extensions at once - installing one complex blocker and a number of narrow-profile extensions created for specific services or sites.

Video: AdBlock and Adguard anti-banners - two sides of the same coin

Adblock Plus for Yandex.Browser is an indispensable assistant in the fight against intrusive advertising content. Thanks to its flexible and diverse functional tools, its work can be customized to suit every taste and for completely different tasks. And if you also have some knowledge of the Javascript programming language, Adblock can turn into an uncontested ad blocker.

Adblock Plus for browsers Yandex, Chrome, Opera, Firefox and others - free extension for modern web browsers, is a smart solution to block pop-up ads with many useful features.

Download Adblock Plus absolutely free, for example for Yandex Browser, and you will learn how to block online advertising in two clicks and about other useful functions.

Many users are accustomed to thinking that such extensions only block ads, although in fact their capabilities are much wider. In the future, they will make filters so flexible that the extension will be able to remove everything unnecessary from sites, right down to navigation blocks.

Activate the Adblock Plus extension in Yandex: Menu - Settings - Add-on. But first you need to download the Yandex browser for Windows 7, 8 or 10 and install it.

What to block with Adblock Plus?

To block banners in different countries, different filters are used - RuAdList and standard EasyList are suitable.

Filter settings:
You can allow the display of some intrusive advertising by checking the box - after this, the extension will only allow text to pass through.
For situations when a user wants to see banners on a certain site (for example, to help a favorite resource make money), an exception mechanism has been developed - by opening the site in a browser, then click on the Adblock Plus icon and select the appropriate item. The extension can be disabled for the entire site, its categories and even individual pages.

Adding exceptions and making the Internet better:
Banners have long ceased to be the only annoying factor on the Internet - many people get tired of buttons and plugins social networks, especially those blocking access to content. Adblock Plus will save the user from such elements - to do this, you need to add them to the appropriate list.
Moreover, you can remove unnecessary elements (comments, promotional materials, etc.) from the social networks themselves - the function is now available for YouTube and Facebook.

Simplifying YouTube and protecting your data:
To improve the accuracy of ad targeting, advertisers strive to collect as much data as possible about users without asking permission. Using a special filter, you can prevent them from monitoring your activity. The blocker also filters malicious domains. If a person tries to access a site from the blocker’s “black list”, they will immediately receive an alert.

Revert everything back:
Almost all of the listed features in Adblock Plus are implemented in the form of additional blocking filters. It happens that the filtration level is set too strict, which subsequently needs to be weakened.

And even if you are used to hiding comments under videos on YouTube, you can open opinions under your favorite clip in two clicks.

AdBlock is a free add-on for popular browsers designed to block annoying and distracting (and in cases with slow Internet use up precious traffic) advertising banners and messages. The utility is open source and works perfectly on all mobile and desktop platforms. The essence of AdBlock 2019 is to create and use filters, which indicate what content on which sites should be blocked and what should be skipped. Without user intervention, the application will use rules and filters from an online database hosted on a remote server. If a change is made to the rules of the utility, the filters immediately take effect, and the result of their work will be visible after opening or refreshing the page.

Among the distinctive features of AdBlock for Windows 7, 8, 10, it is worth special mentioning its automatic updating in cases where a new version is released without user intervention. The latest version of AdBlock 2019, which is very pleasing, does not display an empty frame or white square in place of some blocked advertisements due to code blocking of the entire page element. Using a browser with the add-on installed, browsing the Internet will become a more enjoyable and simpler experience, pages will begin to load faster, and the user will no longer be distracted by various flash videos, pop-ups, constantly opening tabs, and even flv videos. The developers have equipped the free AdBlock on your computer with the functions of hiding the utility icon and a switchable counter for the number of blocked elements.

You can download the latest version of AdBlock for your browser using one of the direct links located slightly below.

Version: 3.46.0

Program status: Free

Size: 0.82 Mb

Developer: AdBlock

System: Google Chrome | Yandex.Browser | Mozilla | Opera

Russian language: Yes

Update from: 2019-05-06

Adguard - protection #1 in 2019:

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