Content types. Information content: types, creation and promotion channels Processing of static information content what

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Dynamic content is smart HTML-based content tailored to specific subscribers. It allows you to show different images, calls to action, and change text based on your customers' preferences and actions. These personalized messages increase the likelihood of action, increase engagement, and capture users' attention.

How can it be used?

Dynamic content will give you endless possibilities! Create campaigns to precisely target specific buyer groups and increase engagement.

  • Use different images to show products that your audience is interested in.
  • Offer the right content based on customer interests.
  • Tailor calls to action for potential and existing customers.
  • Provide content based on location.
  • Personalize the appearance and language style of offers for individual subscribers.
  • Generate unique promo codes to increase conversions.
  • Use purchase history and automate mailings based on customer behavior.

Dynamic content in three easy steps

  • Collection of customer data

    Add custom fields to web forms and surveys and automatically collect accurate and comprehensive data about your customers. Create detailed profiles to get to know your followers better and create great marketing campaigns.

  • Adding custom fields to segments

    Use GetResponse's advanced grouping to create groups of buyers with similar preferences and interests. Add custom fields to segments. Customize your targeting and select the target audience for your offers. Experiment with endless combinations!

  • Creating targeted content

    Use simple words to merge mailings, conditions and complementary elements to create campaigns with high level targeting and personalization. Take advantage of our training materials or contact us for professional help.


The final qualifying work is completed in the form of a thesis

student of group 43 Alina Igorevna Tatarintseva

Basic professional educational program by specialty

02/09/05 Applied informatics (by industry)

Full-time form of education

Head: teacher I. V. Krapivina


Job protected


with a rating of _______

Chairman of the Commission


Valuiki 2017


1.1. Basics of video editing...................................7

1.2. Methods for processing video information...................................10

1.3. Programs for editing and processing video information...21

Chapter 2.

2.1.Technical specifications.................................................... ...................28

2.2. Practical video development using PinnacleStudio software





On the Internet today, video clips make up the majority of all content. Such popular video services as Youtube, Rutube, and many others have popularized the creation of video clips.

Creating a commercial using modern technologies is a fun and fairly simple process. With the help of specialized programs, you can create absolutely everything - from a five-minute video telling about a new product released on the market, and ending with a real full-length film presentation of a car.
To produce high-quality advertising video, you need to understand how digital video is shot and the technological process as a whole.
Another driver of progress in this area has been advanced software. Every year more and more advanced programs for creating video clips appear. Most of them are quite complex and cumbersome programs. But there is more simple programs, which will not be difficult to deal with.

One of the professional programs for creating serious commercials and even entire films. PinnacleStudio is a professional video editing program that has all the modern capabilities and tools for non-linear video editing. Convenient, customizable interface, functional tools for editing audio and video tracks, the ability to apply a variety of effects and filters, technology to increase video processing speed and many other functions. PinnacleStudio is the undisputed leader among video editing programs.
Currently, multimedia technologies are widely used in education, in particular for advertising and popularization of educational services provided by educational institutions. Promotional videos have become popular lately.

Today, with such rapidly growing computer performance and the growing speed of Internet access, you can watch and create videos on almost any computer with sufficient capacity. hard drive. And on a more or less modern computer with the appropriate hardware, you can build a home video studio, with which you can record video from TV programs, camcorder, VCR, process it and publish it on the Internet. In this regard, many programs for working with video have appeared on the software market, allowing you to create full-fledged video clips.

Relevance The final qualifying work is due to insufficient knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the production of commercials using professional video editing programs.

Research problem: lack of career guidance video in the specialty: “Teaching in primary grades.”

Purpose of the study: creating and editing videos using the non-linear video editing program PinnacleStudio.

Subject of study: a set of theoretical and practical aspects of creating a career guidance video using a computer.
Object of study: professional video editing program PinnacleStudio.

Research hypothesis: A video on the specialty “Teaching in Primary Schools” will be informative and meaningful if:

– available information resources for creating videos will be researched and systematized;

– requirements for the video were drawn up;

– the structure of the video was developed;

– the video will be created based on modern software.

To achieve the goal, taking into account the identified problem and the formed hypothesis, the following research objectives were identified:

– research and systematize available information resources for creating videos;

– create requirements for a video about the specialty “teaching in primary school”

– develop the structure of a video about an educational institution;

– create a video about the specialty “Teaching in primary grades” in an educational institution based on modern software.

Research methods:

Theoretical analysis;

Empirical method;

Analytical method;

Design method.

Theoretical significance of the study: is that they have been analyzed and summarized modern technologies creating videos.

Practical significance of the study: is to develop and create a video about the specialty “Teaching in primary grades”, which would help popularize the specialty in educational institutions.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of working with dynamic information content

Video Editing Basics

Video (from the Latin video - I look, I see) - a variety of technologies for recording, processing, transmitting, storing and playing visual or audiovisual material, as well as a common name for your own video material, television signal or film, including those recorded on a physical medium (video cassette, videodisc, etc.) .

Video information, directly, is an image recorded on magnetic tape, film, photograph or optical disk, from which it can be reproduced.

Basic video signal parameters:

Number (frequency) of frames per second (the number of still images that replace each other when showing 1 second of video material and creating the effect of moving objects on the screen);

Interlace scanning;


Screen aspect ratio;

Number of colors and color resolution;

Bitrate or width of the video stream (for digital video).

Now that the scope personal computers everything is expanding, the idea arises to create a home video studio based on a computer. However, when working with a digital video signal, there is a need to process and store very large amounts of information, for example, one minute of a digital video signal with SIF resolution (comparable to VHS) and truecolor color rendering (millions of colors) will take:

(288 x 358) pixels x 24 bits x 25 fps x 60 s = 442 MB,

that is, on media used in modern PCs, such as a compact disc (CD-ROM, about 650 MB) or HDD(several gigabytes), it will not be possible to save a full-time video recorded in this format. With MPEG compression, the amount of video information can be seen without noticeable image degradation.

MPEG is an acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group. This expert group works under the joint leadership of two organizations - ISO (International Standards Organization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). The official name of the group is ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11. Its task is to develop uniform standards for coding audio and video signals. MPEG standards are used in CD-i and CD-Video technologies, are part of the DVD standard, and are actively used in digital broadcasting, cable and satellite TV, Internet radio, multimedia computer products, communications via ISDN channels and many other electronic information systems. Often the acronym MPEG is used to refer to the standards developed by this group. The following are currently known:

MPEG-1 is designed for recording synchronized video (usually in SIF format, 288 x 358) and audio on CD-ROM, with a maximum read speed of about 1.5 Mbit/s.

The quality parameters of video data processed by MPEG-1 are in many ways similar to conventional VHS video, so this format is used primarily in areas where it is inconvenient or impractical to use standard analog video media.

MPEG-2 is designed for processing video images comparable in quality to television with a data transmission system capacity ranging from 3 to 15 Mbit/s; professionals also use large streams up to 50 Mbit/s. Many television channels are switching to technologies based on MPEG-2; a signal compressed in accordance with this standard is broadcast via television satellites and is used to archive large volumes of video material.

MPEG-3 - intended for use in television systems high definition(high-defenition television, HDTV) with a data rate of 20-40 Mbit/s, but later became part of the MPEG-2 standard and is no longer mentioned separately. By the way, the MP3 format, which is sometimes confused with MPEG-3, is intended only for audio compression and the full name of MP3 is MPEG AudioLayer III

MPEG-4 defines the principles for working with the digital representation of media data for three areas: interactive multimedia (including products distributed on optical disks and via the Internet), graphics applications (synthetic content) and digital television.

History of video editing

The history of digital nonlinear video editing goes back more than 20 years. The earliest systems could process video files at 160x200 resolution with 150:1 compression and could only support one channel of 22 kHz audio. The disk capacity allowed for video editing to assemble a short video in rough form and only with direct splices.

1989 was marked by the release of the first version of AvidMediaComposer and non-linear video editing systems acquired a modern look with an interface similar to today’s: timeline, two monitors, and a basket with sources.

Video editing systems were very expensive and inaccessible to many users. The situation changed in 1996 thanks to a German company that introduced the new Fast 601 system (AvidLiquid). It turned out to be not so expensive and worked according to new video editing rules. It became possible to work with different formats, MPEG-2 compression was used, and most importantly, for the first time in the process of video editing, the output of project “masters” in various formats was implemented: analog, digital, DVD. From now on, a modern video editing system must have the ability to import, export, transcode video and audio in formats that are used on the Internet and home video. Video editing has become accessible to everyone.

In 2008, editing systems for stereo films appeared. Stereo cinema begins to capture and captivate the viewer and becomes an integral part of the film industry. And video editors are studying how to show the transfer of space on the screen.

Processing of video information includes a number of stages: digitization, creation of videos or video clips, and their subsequent playback.

Digitizing a video, unlike its playback, is not done in real time, but, nevertheless, here too much depends on the technologies used and the software that supports them.

In the simplest case of implementing the procedure for digitizing video information, a video camera connected to a computer is used. The camcorder enters playback mode. To carry out digitization, one of the video data digitization programs is used, for example, Pro Multimedia. With its help, an AVI file is created on your hard drive. For this file, the appropriate name and expected file size are specified. By launching the program simultaneously with the start of video playback in the camcorder, the process of digitizing video data begins. To reduce the size of a video file, the same program can convert it to MPEG format, which reduces its size (for example, from 4GB to 300MB). Subsequent playback of the video can be carried out using standard Windows application: Media Player.

In more complex cases, video clip editing is used in accordance with the developed script. It involves working with individual frames or their sequences. Today linear and non-linear editing can be used.

In linear editing of video information, the source material is located on a video cassette. In order to gain access to a specific place on the tape, you must constantly rewind the film in search of the required frame. For these purposes, special “mounting” equipment is used.

Currently, when creating electronic publications, technologies for performing video editing and editing digitized video material inside a computer have become widespread. This technology was called non-linear editing, since it provided operators with direct access to the necessary frames or video fragments recorded on the computer’s hard drive. This made it possible to avoid the tedious process of constantly (linearly) rewinding the video tape back and forth when viewing and searching for these fragments.

In the case of non-linear editing, all material is pre-digitized and located on disk memory (hard drive), resulting in random instant access to the required frame.

A standard digital system, similar to an analog editing complex, is built on a single-stream architecture. This means that only one copy of the original video (AVI file) is used in the calculations.

In the case of more complex procedures for working with video material, it becomes necessary to create and use a second copy of digital video (or part thereof). So, to create any mix transition or effect between two clips in random access memory The computer must simultaneously contain frames of both the ending video clip and the beginning clip, sequentially loading them from the hard drive, decoding (decompressing) and calculating new frames of the resulting clip. Then reverse compression (compression) of the data is carried out and written to disk. This process is called rendering.

Real-time nonlinear editing systems use a two-stream video compression and decompression board and an additional digital effects board. A chipset for performing specified mixing effects in real time can also be installed directly on the compression board (for example, in Pinnacle Systems ReelTime - more than 130 two-dimensional effects are performed in real time). However, even at the same time, an additional board can be used to expand the range of hardware-based effects (for example, Pinnacle Systems ReelTime NITRO - ReelTime + Genie).

Operating with two streams, such digital systems can perform other necessary functions inherent in classic analogue editing and mixing systems, for example, titling or various types of pp-projections (keying, projections using transparency effects, etc. ).

Processing video information requires high speed of the computing structures used. In practice, such calculations require billions of specialized operations on image pixels. Obviously, the speed of their execution significantly depends on the speed of the processor.

Standard PCs are universal machines, i.e. turn out to be relatively slow in terms of solving this problem. For example, a Pentium 150Mhz can only perform about 50 million operations per second, distributed among various tasks. As a result, when calculating even relatively simple effects and transitions, it takes tens and hundreds of times more time than the actual time of their playback. Therefore, various hardware and software tools are used to accelerate video image processing. For example, modern non-linear editing cards are being introduced (miroVideo DC30plus for PC or VlabMotion for Amiga) for compression and decompression of video information. These chips speed up rendering, but do not result in real-time rendering.

Digitized video fragments are compressed and presented in MPEG format before being recorded on disk. Saving information may result in loss of information.

If, after editing is completed, it is necessary to record a finished video fragment on a videotape, then the above-mentioned video input/output card is required. Today there is a wide variety of such cards.

Devices for working with video signals on IBM PC computers include: devices for input and capture of video sequences (capture - play), frame grabbers, TV tuners, VGA-TV signal converters and MPEG players. It should be noted that they functionality go far beyond the scope of electronic publications.

Video information can be played by programs such as Media Player simultaneously with sound. In this case, for editing, as a rule, programs are used that provide complex information processing: video and audio data. Such software includes Adobe Premiere, Ulead Media Studio Pro and others.

Now, after a detailed consideration of the HTTP request/response, let's pay attention to the various types of content (any meaningful content information resource) that you would expect to see on the Internet. I've divided it into four types - plain text, Web standards, dynamic Web pages, and formats that require other applications or plugins.

Simple text

In the very beginning, before any Web standards or plugins existed, the Internet consisted primarily of images and plain text—files with a .txt or similar extension. When a file with in plain text found on the Internet, the browser simply displays it as is, without any additional processing. Plain text files are still common on university websites.

Web Standards

Basic building blocks World Wide Web The WWW are the three main Web standards - HTML (or XHTML, the two will be used interchangeably here for our purposes), CSS and JavaScript.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is actually a pretty apt name because it conveys its purpose well. HTML is used to break up a document, define its content and structure, and define the meaning of each part (what contains all the text, etc., which we see on Web pages). It uses special elements to define various components on a page.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) give you complete control over how an element is rendered. It is very easy, using style declarations, to display all paragraphs on two lines (line-height: 2em; ), or to make all second-level headings green (color: green; ). There are many benefits to separating structure and formatting, and we'll look at this in more detail in the next lecture. To demonstrate the power of using HTML and CSS together, Figure 3.2 shows simple HTML code on the left, with no additional formatting at all, and on the right you can see the same HTML code with CSS styles added to it.

Finally, JavaScript provides dynamic functionality to a Web site. You can write small JavaScript programs that will run on the client computer without requiring any special software to be installed on the server. JavaScript allows you to add some basic functions and interactivity, but it has its limitations, which leads us to server-side programming languages ​​and dynamic Web pages.

Dynamic Web Pages

Sometimes when browsing the Internet you will come across Web pages that do not use the .html extension - they may have the extension .php, .asp, .aspx, .jsp, or some other strange extension. These are all examples of dynamic Web technologies that can be used to create Web pages that have dynamic sections—code that produces different results from a database or other data source depending on the values ​​you define for it. We'll look at this type of Web page below in the "Comparing Static and Dynamic Web Sites" section.

Formats of other applications or plug-ins (plugins)

Because Web browsers can only interpret and output certain technologies, such as Web standards, when you request a URL that points to either a complex file format or Web page, containing technology that requires a plug-in, the file will either be downloaded to the computer or opened using the required plug-in if it is installed in the browser. For example:

  1. If you meet Word document, Excel file, PDF, compressed file (ZIP, or SIT, for example), complex image file such as Photoshop PSD, or other complex file that the browser does not understand, the browser will usually ask if you want to download or open the file. Both actions usually have similar results, except that in the second case the file will be downloaded to the computer and then opened by an application that understands it, if such an application is installed on the computer.
  2. If you come across a page containing a Flash movie, MP3 or other music format, MPEG or other video format, then the browser will play it using installed plugin, if such a plugin was installed. If there is no plugin, then either a link will be displayed to install the required plugin, or the file will be downloaded and an attempt will be made to find applications on the computer to run it.

Of course, there is some gray area - for example, the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is a Web standard that is implemented in some browsers, such as Opera, but not in others, such as Internet Explorer- IE requires a plugin to understand SVG. A number of browsers come with some plugins pre-installed, so you may not be aware that some content is rendered through a plugin rather than naturally in the browser.

Comparison of static and dynamic Web sites

So, what are static and dynamic Web sites, and what is the difference between them? Obviously, it all depends on the filling.

A static Web site is a Web site whose content, HTML and graphics, is always static - it serves every visitor the same, unless the Web site's creator decides to manually change the copy on the server - which is what we cover for the most part in this lecture. .

On a dynamic Web site, on the other hand, the server content will be the same, but in addition to regular HTML code, it also contains dynamic code that can output different data depending on the information that is sent to the Web site. Let's look at an example - go to in your browser, and select 5 different products. The Amazon site doesn't just send you 5 different pages, it will send you the same page 5 times, but with different information dynamically populated each time. This various information is stored in a database, which retrieves the required information when requested and provides it to the Web server for inclusion in a dynamic page.

It should also be noted that the server must have a special software allowing you to create a dynamic Web site. While regular static HTML files are stored with a .html file extension, these files contain special dynamic code in addition to HTML, and are stored with a special file extension to tell the Web server that they require additional processing before being sent to the client (such as embedding data from the database) - PHP files, for example, usually have a file extension of .php.

There are many dynamic programming languages ​​- PHP has already been mentioned, and other examples are Python, Ruby on Rails, ASP. NET and Coldfusion. Ultimately, all of these languages ​​have much of the same capabilities, such as communicating with databases, validating information entered into forms, etc., but they do it all slightly differently, and have some advantages and disadvantages. It all comes down to what suits you best.

We won't cover dynamic languages ​​any further in this course, but I provide a list of resources here in case you want to go further and learn more about them.

  • Rails: Fernandez, Obie. (2007), The Rails Way. Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series.
  • Rails demos (
  • PHP: Powers, David (2006), PHP Solutions: Dynamic web development made easy, friends of ED.
  • PHP Network Documentation (
  • ASP.NET: Lorenz, Patrick. (2003). ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed. Apress.
  • ASP.NET: ASP.NET Networking Documentation and Tutorials (

Information content is information in any form that gives a comprehensive answer to the user’s question or tells about something. Information content includes:

  • descriptions of goods in online store cards;
  • articles “How to reinstall Windows”, “How to pour a concrete floor”, “Why grinding of a log house is necessary”;
  • cases of marketing agencies;
  • blog articles with personal reflections;
  • news content;
  • and many other types of content.

Informational content helps attract traffic to the site or other platform, indirectly increases sales and helps increase the level of expertise in the eyes of clients, if publish cases and detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions. Information will benefit you if you publish truly useful, relevant, understandable materials.

Types of information content

Conventionally, all information content can be divided into two large groups:

Dynamic. It changes depending on innovations, user questions, latest events in the world. For example, an article about the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” will be dynamic if notes about new changes in the law and their correct interpretation are constantly added to it.

Static. Such content is published once and does not change depending on external factors. Static content is usually the one that gives answers to common questions - for example, how to choose a foundation, build a house from SIP panels, adjust the headlights on a VAZ 2114 car. Regardless of external factors, the information will remain the same.

Information content is also divided into:

  • Text- any articles, case studies, short notes in in social networks, publications on a personal blog and other text materials
  • Video- the video format is more flexible: there are informational videos ranging in length from 10 seconds to several hours
  • Images- most often this is an infographic about statistics or some kind of useful fact, designed as a picture

Channels for distributing information content

Website. Most often, information materials are posted on a personal or corporate website; there is also a whole area of ​​“information sites” or “info sites”. In the vast majority of cases - on a blog, in the form useful articles O self-promotion on Instagram, choosing a platform for selling goods, interacting with customers and many other topics. Also, information content on websites exists in the form of FAQs, product descriptions, reviews, podcasts, and cases. Promotes due to the right SEO optimization , contextual or targeted advertising.

Social networks (SMM).A user on social networks concentrates on one object for an average of 8 seconds, so the short format prevails here. Information materials are presented in the form of small posts with interesting facts, individual pages with larger articles or guides, infographics or videos. Nowadays the new one is being actively used editor of articles on VKontakte.

Other sites. You can post information content in the media, on visited blogs, news sites and other platforms. Such guest posts will bring visitors to your website, increase brand awareness, help you make yourself known and expand your target audience reach.

The role of information content in promotion

Informational content helps promote not only the website, but also the business as a whole. With it you can:

  • bring the portal to the TOP search results search engines by high-frequency, mid-frequency or low frequency queries through the publication of optimized keywords materials;
  • increase brand awareness through frequent sharing of useful materials, viral publications, and growth of natural traffic from search engines;
  • increase the level of expertise in the eyes of readers by publishing your research, cases, real examples from practice, checklists, answers to difficult questions.
  • tell more about the product, service and their benefits, give examples of using the product or service to increase the reader’s interest in your offer.

In complex content marketing, namely information content, increases the number of sales. If you constantly publish useful materials, traffic to your site, profile or group will increase. New clients, buyers or readers will appear.

Vivid examples of the effectiveness of information content:

  • Tilda website builder blog with useful articles, guides, instructions on the topic of Internet marketing;
  • Elena Torshina with publications of original materials on her Torshinsky website;
  • website of the “Clean Line” brand with life hacks, makeup secrets and other useful materials.

Creation of information content

To create truly useful and high-quality information content, you need:

  1. Determine target audience and find out what they would be interested in reading about. To do this, you can use company customer survey forms, query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, discussions on social networks or the latest trends in the field.
  2. Collect material. Depending on the format, collect facts, reference research, conduct product testing, or prepare detailed description your opinion.
  3. Create text, image or video. Write concisely, to the point, without being distracted by unimportant deviations from the topic. This will make the materials rich, short, and interesting.

You can attract other companies or authors to create information content so that they write guest articles or publish on your site under their name. You can also write your guest posts on popular platforms.

Examples of information content

Now let’s give examples of information content on the site that sells like hot cakes.

How do you use information content? Do you think it is effective? Share your opinion in the comments.

1. Prepare a video report about the organization (the report must include video materials, audio materials, have a logical structure and plot, captions). The report should reflect general information about the organization, interviews with employees, the specifics of the activities of individual specialists, and the duration of the material should not exceed 10 minutes.

2. Development stages:

Creating a plot;

Storyboard (preferably);

Video recording;

Recording audio material (interviews with employees);

Processing and installation;

Adding titles and footage.


All types of materials are collected only with the permission of the organization’s management and should not contain confidential information, or violate the laws of the Russian Federation in any way.

Task 3. Complete the work and describe the procedure for its implementation(based on the organization’s profile):

Install and work with specialized application software;

Install and work with application software;

Diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software;

Monitor operating parameters of equipment;

Eliminate minor malfunctions in equipment operation;

Perform equipment maintenance at the user level;

Prepare error reports;

Carry out commissioning of industry equipment;

Test industry equipment;

Install and configure system software.

Task 4. Create a standard form and calculation of an employee’s salary at the enterprise (where the internship takes place). Take any work position as an example.

1. The development must be an external program containing tabular data, graphical data, and control elements. The program should generate one type of report - “employee salary for six months.”

Task 5. Provide information on these issues based on the industry focus of the enterprise:

1. Operating principles of specialized equipment;

2. Operating modes of computer and peripheral devices;

3. Principles of constructing computer and peripheral equipment;

4. Equipment maintenance rules;

5. Equipment maintenance regulations;

6. Types and types of test checks;

7. Ranges of permissible operational characteristics of equipment;

8. Operational characteristics of industry-specific equipment;

9. Principles of switching industry-specific hardware systems;

10. Operating principles of system software.

Task 6. Creating a presentation using MS PowerPoint (or any other presentation resource) in which to present information on the following topics:

Topic 1. Static information content

Technologies for working with static information content;

Standards for graphic data presentation formats;

Standards for presentation formats for static information content;

Rules for constructing static information content;

Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and displaying static content.

Topic 2. Dynamic information content

Technologies for working with dynamic information content;

Standards for dynamic data presentation formats;

Standards for formats for presenting dynamic information content;

Software processing information content;

Rules for constructing dynamic information content;

Principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content;

Rules for preparing dynamic information content for editing;

Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and displaying dynamic content.

Publications on the topic