Who has the most followers on Instagram: in Russia and in the world. Instagram in numbers - useful data, facts and tricks List of popular ones on Instagram

2016 was the most successful year for the social network Instagram. It was this year that the number of service users exceeded 500 million people, and the number of simultaneous visits to the social network increased to 200 million users. Every year, Facebook employees (it was under the leadership of Facebook that the Instagram service received a strong breakthrough in terms of development and popularity) sum up the results and compile tables that indicate the most popular Instagram in the world in 2016, hashtag, geolocation, and so on. In this article you will find out which stars have the largest number of followers on Instagram, as well as much more.

Who has the most followers?

According to official figures, the leader in this category is the young actress and singer Selena Gomez. The number of subscribers on her profile has exceeded 105 million. You can find her page at the link @selenagomez. The star publishes new pictures every day (their number is already more than 1200), so we recommend that you subscribe to Selena.

The most popular men

Who is the most popular Instagram user in the world among men? Until recently, the leader was Justin Bieber, but, unfortunately, he deleted his profile due to criticism. Now the football player Cristiano Ronaldo has a larger number of followers (85 million), whose account can be found at the link @cristiano.

The most popular girls on Instagram:

It is worth noting that this five is not only the leader in the category of the most famous girls on Instagram, but also the leader in the overall ranking by the number of fans. Not a single man made the list.

The most popular "moms" on Instagram

If you have children and want to subscribe to thematic profiles, then check out a few interesting examples:

The most popular man on Instagram

A little higher, you already read about the man who has the most subscribers in the world. Now here are a few more examples of successful men on Instagram:

The most popular bloggers on Instagram:

We met the most popular stars on Instagram. However, not only famous personalities can boast of high numbers of followers and likes. In this social network, various thematic public pages, or accounts of companies, magazines, and so on are also popular.

  • home comfort and family.
  • Today we will tell you who has the most followers on Instagram in the world and in our country Russia.

    The statistics presented in this article are current at the time of writing.

    Instagram is a unique place where absolutely everyone can share their joyful moments and, of course, creativity. Thanks to this social network, millions of users have already become popular all over the world, and the stars of Hollywood and Russian show business are getting more and more subscribers every day.

    Who has the most followers on Instagram in 2017?

    And this question interests many, some think that some American star has more of them, but no matter how strange it may be, the first place among the largest number of subscribers is occupied by no star, or even a person. Here is the top list of those with the most Instagram followers in the world:

    • 1 0 place – Dwayne Douglas Johnson. It has about 80 million subscribers.
    • 9th place – Justin Bieber. Strange as it may seem, only 86 million subscribers are subscribed to it.
    • 8th place – Kylie Jenner. 91 million subscribers, sister of the scandalous socialite - Kim Kardashian.
    • 7th place – Cristiano Ronaldo. 100 million subscribers.
    • 6th place - Kim Karashyan. About 110 million subscribers.
    • 5th place - Beyoncé. 111 million subscribers.
    • 4th place – Taylor Swifty. 112 million subscribers, and their number is growing every day.
    • 3rd place – Ariana Grande. 113 million subscribers.
    • 2nd place – Selena Gomez. Of all the stars mentioned above, Gomez is considered the most popular Instagrammer, with about 118 million subscribers.
    • 1st place – Official Instagram page. Yes, surprisingly, this account has about 222 million followers.

    Who has the most followers on Instagram in Russia?

    Of course, such a huge number of users are not subscribed to Russian users, but the struggle between Russian stars for the title of the main “Instagrammer” or “Instagrammer” is in full swing. Previously, the first place was occupied by the well-known rapper Timati, but his time has passed and someone more interesting has become the main “Instagrammer”.

    • 4th place – Ksenia Borodina. About 8.5 million people subscribe to the TV presenter.
    • 3rd place – Nastasya Samburskaya. The outrageous and unique actress delights her subscribers every day with new videos and photographs, which may be why she has about 8.7 million subscribers.
    • 2nd place – Timati. 9 million people have subscribed to it.
    • 1st place – Olga Buzova. Buzova's popularity is growing by leaps and bounds and it is not surprising that about 10 million people have subscribed to her.

    Instagram gives everyone the opportunity to become more popular, so don’t be afraid and if you want to become famous, then try it!

    The number of followers on Instagram is one of the indicators of the quality of an account. Moreover, the struggle for followers has long gone beyond the scope of simple entertainment. After all, Instagram subscribers are recruited not to please their own vanity, but for real earnings, which can reach five-figure sums for one post. Therefore, a rating of the most popular accounts is compiled annually, the owners of which are known not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

    Which Russian star has the most followers on Instagram?

    Despite the fact that all Instagram users have the same opportunities to gain followers, show business stars still break records. They don’t need to conduct active campaigns to gain followers, organize attractive competitions, or follow strangers’ accounts in the hope of reciprocity. After all, their fans are already interested in looking into the personal life of a celebrity - to find out what she eats, drinks, where she dresses, and what she breathes.

    Top 5 popular Russian accounts on Instagram:

    Olga Buzova

    Olga Buzova earned first place in the ranking. In just 1 year, she managed to gain 4 million subscribers and become a leader. So at the end of 2016 the number of subscribers was 7.4 million, and at the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018 this figure reached 11.7 million users. Probably, such rapid growth is associated with Olga’s successful appearance on stage as a youth pop singer.

    Black Star (Timati)

    Timur Yunusov (Timati) is the founder of the Black Star music label. He is widely known for his shocking antics and incorrect statements about the Russian pop industry. His updates are followed by millions of users not only on Facebook, but also on Instagram. Today, the number of Timur's fans is 10.6 million users.

    Ksenia Borodina

    Ksenya Borodina gained her popularity thanks to the famous television project “Dom-2”. Even though it turned 9 years old this year, the show's ratings are still going through the roof. But at the same time, not all participants manage to become famous due to him, as Ksenya did. Today, 10.1 million loyal fans follow her life on Instagram.

    Irina Shayk

    Unlike previous rating leaders, Irina Shayk has nothing to do with show business. She built her career in the domestic modeling business, which opened the way for her to Europe and then to the USA. The supermodel's account has 9.5 million followers. users.

    Pavel Volya

    The most scandalous resident of the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya, carefully monitors his Instagram account and publishes “fresh” posts daily for his audience. And although quite recently he was not among the TOP 5 popular accounts, 300 thousand users helped him squeeze out Natalya Samburskaya (9.3 million users versus 9 million) and take an honorable fifth place.

    The most popular Instagram accounts in the world

    The global rating of account popularity is more stable than the domestic one. For many years now, Instagram itself has been the leader in the number of subscribers, gaining 229 million followers. For comparison, a year ago their number was not much less – 224 million users. However, you need to leave this account outside the rating. Because competing in terms of popularity on a social network with its creator is, at the very least, not fair.

    The five most popular Instagram accounts in the world:

    Selena Gomez

    For the second year in a row, Selena Gomez took first place in the ranking. Back in 2015, 69 million users were subscribed to her account, today – 132 million. An impressive breakthrough, which was also reflected in the cost of advertising on her profile. An advertising post in exchange for the largest number of followers on Instagram is estimated at $550 million - also an indisputable record.

    Cristiano Ronaldo

    The famous football player and the dream of many women, Cristiano Ronaldo, achieved success not only on the football field, but also on Instagram. 118 million users from all over the world are subscribed to his account. Cristano publishes photos from all football matches, regardless of their outcome.

    Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande is a singer, composer, songwriter, and film actress. At the age of 24, Ariana has tried herself in many areas, but the beginning of her career is associated with the popular Broadway musical “13”. However, most people know her as an actress in the American sitcom “Victorious.” The life of the star is followed by 117 million users.


    Beyoncé is familiar to all fans of R'n'B style. Over almost 20 years of her career, she has released 6 studio albums that have thundered all over the world. Therefore, not only compatriots, but also residents of Europe, Asia and the CIS countries subscribe to the star’s account. Their number has already crossed the mark of 110 million users.

    Kim Kardashian

    Kim Kardashian is ahead of the “veteran” in the ranking of the most popular accounts, Taylor Swift, by only 200 thousand users. In her account you can find both professional model shots and amateur photos taken on a mobile phone. Almost 106 million people are watching the latest profile updates.

    Who has the most subscribers among bloggers?

    If there is an opinion that only celebrities can achieve unprecedented popularity on Instagram, then this is not so. Even an ordinary blogger can gain a six-figure number of subscribers. It’s enough to make an interesting account and “pump it up” correctly. A role model can be found in one of the following profiles:

    • Katya Klap (@kateclapp) – video blogger, 6.6 million subscribers.

    Believe it or not, people started taking photos before Instagram. And they even shared photos before his appearance 😉 . Thanks to its eye-catching filters and easy distribution method, many soon began to enthusiastically post their selfies, food, and other daily events.

    Now that Instagram is used by millions of users every day, enough statistics and facts have accumulated about the use of the social network, and how popular it is now. I searched the entire Internet, used various services to obtain the latest data on Instagram. I hope they surprise you too.

    In this article you will learn:

    • A little Instagram history;
    • Financial indicators;
    • Instagram user data;
    • Activity data;
    • Using emotions in posts;
    • Network marketing statistics.

    Instagram historical statistics

    By December 2010, Instagram had one million registered users. In June 2011 - already five million. By September, this number had doubled, and by March 2012 the number of users had reached almost 30 million.

    Above (photo) is the first photo posted on Instagram. It was published by Kevin on July 16, 2010.

    In the CIS countries (Russian-speaking) it began to become popular in 2013.

    Financial statistics Instagram

    On March 5, 2010, while working on the Burbn app (a pre-Instagram project), Systrom secured $500,000 in funding from Baseline Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz.

    Shortly after the app's release, Josh Riedel joined the team as Community Manager. In November 2010, Shane Sweeney joined the team as an engineer, and in August 2011, Jessica Zollman joined the team as an IT Community Evangelist.

    On February 2, 2011, it was announced that Instagram had raised $7 million from various investors, including Benchmark Capital, Jack Dorsey, Chris Sacca (through LOWERCASE Capital), and Adam D'Angelo.

    In 2017, Instagram's global mobile advertising revenue is projected to reach 2.81 billion evergreen dollars.

    Instagram user statistics

    Currently, Instagram has more than 600 million monthly active users.

    75% of Instagram users are outside the US.

    Instagram popularity by region (darker is more popular)

    31% of American women and 24% of men use Instagram.

    More than 60% of users use Instagram daily, making it the second most frequently used social network in the world after Facebook.

    30% of Internet users are registered on Instagram.

    90% of Instagram users are under 35 years old.

    National Geographic's most subscribed brand, with over 68.5 million followers.

    Interesting article on the topic. Methods for how to use any account (and other possibilities).

    Instagram activity statistics

    Users have shared more than 40 billion photos using Instagram.

    Over 3.5 billion likes daily.

    On average, more than 80 million pictures are published per day.

    The number of active users has doubled over the past two years.

    Selena Gomez's account has the most followers, over 108 million.

    Her photo is currently the most popular on Instagram. Over 6.4 million likes.

    A study showed that about 8% of Instagram accounts are fake (bot accounts).

    After the study, it became known that about 29% of accounts are inactive. That is, they publish photos or videos once a month or even less often.

    The most popular photo filter on Instagram in 119 countries around the world is Clarendon.

    We all know that users often post food on Instagram. The most popular food on Instagram is pizza, followed by sushi and steak.

    About 50% of Instagram texts worldwide contain emotions (Emojis).

    Users in Finland use them most actively (in 63% of posts), in some other countries:

    • France 50%;
    • UK 48%;
    • Germany 47%;
    • Italy 45%;
    • Russia 45%;
    • Spain 40%;
    • Japan 39%;
    • USA 38%

    The most popular Emojis on Instagram are:

    For marketers, such “emotions” are an additional signal for a more accurate understanding of the audience.

    Instagram marketing statistics

    48.8% of brands are on Instagram. By 2017, according to forecasts, their number will increase to 70.7%.

    Of the brands that are in the TOP 100 brands in the world, 90% have their own Instagram account.

    96% of US fashion brands are already on Instagram.

    Not counting China, about 50% of Instagram users test products on the social network.

    Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than on Facebook, 54 times higher than on Pinterest, and 84 times higher than on Twitter. Such a high level of engagement (Er) is shown by statistics on Instagram.

    More than a third of Instagram users used their mobile phone to buy a product online - an average of 70% more than phone users who do not use Instagram.

    On average, 75% of Instagram users take an action, such as visiting a website, after viewing a sponsored post in their feed.

    Non-branded content posts receive an average of 56% more engagement.

    Posts with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement.

    And posts that include a location receive an average of 79% of interactions.

    Photos on Instagram get more engagement than videos.

    On average, post engagement increased by 416% over two years.

    70% of the most frequently used hashtags are branded.

    Some more interesting statistics

    Photography as a genre has changed dramatically since its inception. Now More photos are published every 2 minutes than during the 1800s.

    According to average estimates, about 10% of all photos were published over the past 12 months. As we can see, our appetite for distributing images is growing year after year.

    Ilya Protasov

    This article used official sources and materials from Kit Smith.

    Funny video for today: a selection of popular videos from last year.

    P.S. If you found the article useful or interesting, share it with your friends. I will be grateful.



    Surely we can say that each of us was interested at least once in who has the most followers on Instagram. If you are one of these people, we strongly recommend that you read today’s article on the website resource as carefully as possible. In it, we will advise readers on how to do this so that more subscribers come to your Instagram page. Among other things, we will also consider the accounts with the largest number of followers at the moment (at the end of November 2018). If we consider absolutely all existing profiles on a social network, and not just , then the first place is occupied by the profile of Instagram itself. The link and screenshot of the page can be seen below.

    Of course, the total number of signatories is simply impressive. Currently, the number of fans has exceeded 266 million. This is the total population of several large countries. Not China or India, of course, but still. The account publishes the most interesting, high-quality photographs, videos, and stories. At the top, under the page description, you can find a bunch of different stories, which are divided into categories with . Here you can find travel, talents, beauty, sports, and much more for every taste and color. Now let's look at personal pages. Now the leader in the number of fans is the Portuguese football player Cristiano Ronaldo. He currently has more than 147 million subscribers around the world (bottom screen for your attention). Just recently, Krish was not in first place, but in second or third.

    Such a large influx of fans is easily explained. The Portuguese's move from Madrid to Turin apparently provoked a sharp jump in the number of subscriptions. It is worth noting that Cristiano began to score a lot as usual at Juventus. Therefore, the fans already consider him one of their own, they fell in love with the player. This undoubtedly influenced the growth in the number of followers.

    More recently, just six months ago, singer Selena Gomez could boast of the largest number of subscribers on Insta, but Ronaldo pulled ahead by several million. Selena, as you can see from the bottom screen, now has just over 144 million fans.

    Agree, it’s also a lot. Just think about it, every post of the singer gets millions of likes. And the most popular publications number tens of millions. It is clear that an ordinary person, if he is not a world-class star, can only dream of such indicators. But you should always strive for them. However, it is clear that not everyone is able to collect the desired number of positive marks under the materials. In this case, it will help you.

    Following C. Ronaldo and S. Gomez in popularity on Instagram are: Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Keli Jenner, Kim Kardashian, etc. Of course, places in the top ten are constantly changing, but the list of celebrities whose number of followers has exceeded 120 million , not so impressive yet. Therefore, in the very near future it is unlikely that anyone will break into Olympus.

    In the final part of the review, we will talk about what steps you need to take to get more subscribers on Instagram. You essentially have three options.

    • The first (slow) - this method is not suitable for everyone. It lies in the fact that you create a profile, post only interesting, high-quality content there, post cool stories, communicate with people, subscribe to other interesting accounts. In general, you lead an active life on Insta. In this case, over time, subscribers will catch up.
    • The second (faster, but dangerous option) is to use various suspicious services, bots and unverified resources to cheat.
    • The third option (fast and absolutely safe) is the SocPRka service. Here, for reasonable money, you will get the required number of live, active and maximally involved followers. We have vast experience and an incredible army of satisfied clients. And, we repeat once again, no bots - only a live audience.

    It is clear that our company is in order to avoid problems. After all, you don’t need to block the page or any other sanctions from the Instagram administration. To order followers, find on the main page of our resource (in the menu at the top) the section responsible for Insta. Hover over this section. This will open a pop-up menu. The topmost point is the service for ordering followers. Click as shown in the picture above. Go to the page, select the desired package, and then click: “Order”. You don’t have to do all this, but just follow the link above.

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