Recovering data from an Android flash drive. Recovering deleted files on Android

Accidentally deleted photos, videos or other data from Android and need to restore everything back? Our Site has collected all the options on how to recover information on Android!

If you have dug through the entire Internet and tried many programs like “7-Data Android Recovery” that actually do not work, then on this page you will find really working options!

Before you start!

As soon as you realize that you have deleted the file you need, try to restore it as quickly as possible, do not download new files or create them, and launch free games that load video advertisements.

Recovering data using Diskdigger

In order to recover data, you will need to install the Diskdigger application. There are 2 versions of this application:

  • DiskDigger photo recovery - free version, recovers only photos;
  • DiskDigger Pro file recovery - paid version, recovers all files, requires root rights;

After installation, launch the application and select the scanning option:

  • Simple (images only)
  • Full (all files) and select partition

Once the files are found, click on the file properties:

Then share (vk, cloud drive, mail) or save:


Phone book recovery

This method will only work if you have automatic synchronization with Google servers.

Data recovery via computer (USB drive)

You can check this by going to Settings:

  • Settings -> SD card and phone memory, tick on " Removable disk mode"in the notification line select " USB drive»;
  • Settings -> Net -> USB Settings

If the data was on a memory card, then you will need to purchase a card reader. Then download and install the Recuva program on your computer.

Recovering data

Connect a card reader, insert a memory card into it;

Run Recuva program and select all files:

Choose " At the designated place» and select the drive:

After which the program will display the presence of files that can be recovered:

How to avoid getting into the “accidentally deleted file” situation

Option 1

So that you do not have a situation in search of something to restore deleted files On Android, install the special application Dumpster.

The Dumpster application works like a Recycle Bin on your computer, every time you delete files they end up in a special folder and are stored there until you manually delete them.

Option 2

To do this, install the ES Explorer application, which also has a recycle bin; if you suddenly delete a file, you can always restore it.

If you accidentally delete something important on your computer, you can always restore it through the Recycle Bin. But what to do if you accidentally deleted files from your tablet or smartphone. Unfortunately, there are no shopping carts on mobile devices, however this problem can be solved without them. This article will help you figure out how to recover deleted files from an Android phone via a computer or without it.

Most simple method Recover files on Android will use your computer. The first thing you need to try is to connect your gadget to your computer and scan it; it is possible that a copy of the file you deleted is saved somewhere in the system memory. This is done like this:

  1. First, connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable; if this is your first time, wait a while until the drivers are installed.
  2. After this, you should see a connection notification on your phone, click on it and select the “File Transfer” or “USB Drive” option.
  3. After that, go to “My Computer” and go to the phone’s memory.
  4. In the upper right corner there is a “Search” line, in it enter the name of the file that you deleted and press “Enter”.
  5. When the search starts, a green bar will appear at the top; do not close the search window until it disappears.

If you are lucky, the deleted files from your phone will be found and all you have to do is transfer them to a place where you can easily find them. If the search does not produce results, then you will have to resort to help third party programs.

The problem of files deleted from the phone is quite common today, especially often files disappear after resetting the settings, when the system cleans everything indiscriminately. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are enough programs on the Internet for recovering lost data through a computer. You can choose any of them to suit your taste , we will consider the two most popular options.

The first option is a program called “Recuva”; Recuva is free application to recover deleted files. Its main advantages are simplicity and convenience, as well as being pleasing to the eye. appearance. If you decide to restore files using it, you can do it like this:

  1. Download the program from the official website and install it.
  2. After launch, a window will appear in front of you with a list of different types of files for recovery; here you need to select the type of file you deleted.
  3. Here you need to select the search type; the program offers two search options to choose from: regular and advanced - normal will find fewer deleted files, but will take very little time, advanced will find more, but may take several hours.
  4. Once the setup is complete, you can start scanning.
  5. When it completes, the program will give you a list of all the matching files deleted from your phone recently, where you will need to find the one you accidentally deleted and move it back to your phone.

The next application popular among users is “7-Data AndroidRecovery”. Just like the previous option, this application distributed absolutely free of charge. In general, 7-Data and Recuva are very similar, but they still have one serious difference. Unlike Recuva, 7-Data Android Recovery can search for residual files not only in internal and external memory, but also in RAM memory, due to which the chances of success are significantly increased.

It’s even easier to work with him. As soon as you launch the program, it will immediately begin searching for deleted files and at the end will give them to you in the form of the same list.

7-Data also has its disadvantages. The main one is the inability to select the type of scan and the type of files to search, which causes the time spent on searching to increase significantly.

Recovering deleted files on your phone without a computer

Of course, it is not always possible to connect your mobile phone to a PC, and lost data may be needed urgently. Fortunately, there are ways to recover deleted files from an Android phone without the help of a computer. This is done exclusively using various applications, most of which will require you to Root.

For those who are little familiar with the terminology of mobile devices, we will explain. Root rights are the rights to access the deep memory of Android devices. By giving any application Root rights, you essentially give it the ability to view and change your system files. When working with such programs you need to be extremely careful, otherwise you risk deleting files necessary for the correct operation of your phone. Therefore, before restoring files, think twice, it may be much easier to simply redo them.

You should start by installing a suitable application, and before installing it you will have to select it. The choice of applications for recovering deleted data for mobile devices is even greater than for computers. Let's look at the most popular applications, their pros and cons:

  1. GT Recovery. The first option is GT Recovery. This application is distributed absolutely free of charge and captivates users with its simplicity and excellent design. It will quickly help you recover files of absolutely any format. A nice bonus is that the program is made entirely in Russian. For its work, it uses Root rights, however, if this option is absolutely unacceptable for you, then there is a separate version of the application called GT RecoverynoRoot, which does not need them. Unfortunately, this application does not work on all devices; it is not supported by Samsung and Apple tablets and phones.
  2. Undeleter. The next popular application is Undeleter. Its main advantages are speed, convenience, ease of understanding and security. The only downside is the need for Root rights. Another unpleasant factor is the presence of two versions of the application: paid and free. The difference between them is that the paid version can search for all types of files, while the free version can only search for images.
  3. The DiskDigger application has two modes of operation with and without Root rights, although the second is much inferior to the first. With Root rights, you can restore deleted videos and photos in their original state, and without them, deleted photos and sometimes with degraded quality. Otherwise, the program is not much different from the others, simple, convenient and free.

These are the most popular applications for recovering lost data without a computer. You can look for others, but it’s worth saying right away that, despite big choice programs, it is extremely rare to find something more or less worthy. Almost everything good programs here they are paid, and it is quite difficult to recover files for free after a reset or accidental deletion. Most of the free software is made “on the knee” by amateur programmers, and even with Root rights they cannot restore anything more serious than pictures.

All applications work according to the same fairly simple scheme. You download the program, go into it, give it all the necessary rights if it requires it, then specify the path to the folder in which your file was stored before deletion and start scanning. Upon completion, you will see a list of all the files that have ever been stored in this folder, you find the ones you need and restore them. That's all, after this the files will again be where you deleted them from.

Preventive actions

Now that we have returned your files to their place, let's find out what needs to be done to prevent this situation from happening again. The most basic thing you can do to keep your files safe is to leave the recovery program on your phone, because the next time you encounter a similar problem, you may not only have access to your PC, but also to the Internet.

It's also a good idea to back up your phone data from time to time. This is also done using applications, of which there are more than enough in PlayMarket. We can recommend the AppBackupRestoreTransfer program here; it is quite simple and convenient, and also has a wide range of functionality. With its help you can carry out backup to an SD card or cloud storage, batch backup and restore and much more.

Also, the RecycleBin application will not be superfluous on your phone. At the beginning of the article, we said that, unfortunately, there are no recycle bins on mobile devices from which you can easily recover deleted files. The RecycleBin application is a recycle bin for your phone; all files you delete will go into it and will be stored there for as long as you specify in the settings. By the way, this is far from the only recycle bin; the Internet is full of similar applications that allow you to recover deleted files without root rights.

If we talk about the highest quality method of data storage, then without a doubt it is copying. Try to make several copies of all important ones and store them on different devices or at least in different folders. You must be aware that deleting files is the most harmless thing that can happen to them. For example, you may lose or break your phone and then no program will help you recover the files stored on it. It is best to store files on the computer, because, firstly, if something happens to the phone, the computer will still be safe and sound, and secondly, files accidentally deleted from the PC can be restored in the trash. If this is not possible, then at least get yourself a flash card on which you will make copies of important files.

Now you know how to recover deleted files from an Android phone via a computer or without it, and how to protect them from unintentional deletion. Don’t neglect prevention methods; installing a recycle bin or archiver on your phone is much easier than hastily restoring lost files later.

There can be many reasons for losing files from your phone memory or microSD card. Almost any person who has lost valuable electronic information has wondered how to recover deleted files. Regardless of the reason for deleting files, be it a forced system update, a system failure, or simple carelessness, lost data can be returned, and in more than one way.

Recovering files from SD card

SD is a removable storage device that can be removed from your smartphone at any time. If files that were stored on the memory card are lost, you can restore them in several ways:

  1. Using the CardRecovery utility.

This is the most convenient program, which, in addition to regenerating files from a microSD card, will also recover data from USB storage or SD cards. The program only works with the following file types:

  • images ( JPG formats and RAW);
  • audio and video files (MPG, MP3, WAV, AVI, MOV formats).

When scanning a memory card, the program does not affect other documents, some types of images, for example, PNG, archives and other common formats. The program is available online for download, although its free version is designed to work only with images. Behind full version the user will have to pay about $30.

After downloading to your PC, the program must be installed and launched. Use the adapter to insert the microSD card into the appropriate slot on the computer.

At the initial stage, when starting the program, select the one connected to the PC removable drive. Then designate a directory on your computer where the recovered information will subsequently be saved.

After this, enter the total volume of the card being restored in the program. The program will then start the scanning process. After the search is completed, the program will notify you of its completion and display a total with the number of files found.

As a result of all operations, the user will be able to view and sort the found files. After pressing the “Preview” key, you can start previewing. After that, check the boxes for the required photos and click “Next”. You can terminate the program with the “Finish” button. The recovered files will be saved in the previously selected directory.

  1. Using the R Saver utility.

The utility is considered one of the best for recovering lost data. The program interface is simplified as much as possible specifically for the convenience of users. Similarly, as in the case of the previous program, you need to connect an adapter with a memory card to the PC, and then click on “Update”. Among all the disks found and displayed on the screen, you need to find yours and click on “Scan”.

The length of scanning time depends on the amount of information on the card. After this operation, the program will list what it was able to find, and the user will only have to select the required file, select it and click on “Save Selected”. Having selected a folder to save on your PC, click on “Save”.

These are the 2 most common ways in which you can recover at least some of the data lost from a microSD card. However, even these methods cannot provide a 100% guarantee of a complete result.

Recovering files from the internal memory of a smartphone

If the deleted file was not stored on microSD card, and in internal memory smartphone, you can also restore it:

  1. Using the 7-Data Android utility.

This method also involves using a PC. You can install the program from the official developer resource. After installing the program on your computer, connect your smartphone to it. Select it from the list of connected devices.

This program also allows you to work with deleted data on a memory card. After scanning the device, a list with the data that was found will be displayed on the screen. By clicking on “Save”, select a folder on your computer where the files will be saved.

After finishing the program, you can transfer files to USB cable back to your phone or leave them stored on your PC.

  1. Using Wondershare Dr. Fone for Android.

The program is installed on the PC. Unfortunately, it is paid. Free version is also available, however, with its help it is only possible to familiarize yourself with the files available for recovery.

The mechanism of the program is similar to those already described. You need to install it on your PC and connect your phone via USB. Afterwards, the program will try to detect your device and install root access on it. If this operation is successful, file recovery is possible. But for some devices this fails.

  1. Without using a computer, using the Undeleter for Root Users application.

The application only works for users who have root rights A. Working with it is quite simple: you need to download it to your Android device, launch and activate the program. After scanning, a list of deleted programs will be displayed. After clicking the “Restore” button, the files will be restored and saved on the device.

  1. Using the GT Recovery for Android application.

The application is free and effective, however, it also requires root rights on the device to work. Reviews left by users in Play Market, talk about the effectiveness of this application in terms of working with the recovery of deleted video files, photos and other data. According to reviews from people who have already used the application, it allows you to return at least some of the lost information.

  1. Using the Recuva program.

The program does not require root rights, unlike the 2 previous applications. It is advisable to download the Russian version of the program. You can install its free version.

When you start the program, you need to select the type of files you want to recover - videos, pictures, music, documents, and more. It is possible to restore files from a specified location, so if you do not know what exactly you would like to restore, but remember the folder where the files were stored, then you need to specify it. Follow the program prompts. It will indicate the places where it is possible to recover data and begin the recovery.

The success rate of recovering files from the internal memory of a smartphone is lower than from a memory card. After recovering deleted files, it is better to first save them on a different device than the one where they were previously located. You can save the recovered data to the original folders, however, this may lead to a conflict.

It’s best if you have recovered lost files from your smartphone, rewrite them on your PC, and only then transfer them again to your gadget.

Root rights

Undelete for Root Users and GT Recovery for Android applications require availability of root right What it is? Translated into Russian, this means “superuser rights”. In other words, these rights give the user full control of the system, which allows you to change and edit everything system folders and files and install applications that require these rights.

There are a few possible ways receiving them. Let's look at the simplest one, which will help you get rights in “1 click”. The program is called Kingo Android Root, it is suitable even for beginners.

Important! Using the program may result in the device being inoperable and making it impossible to turn it on. So you must use it at your own responsibility.

You can download the program from the manufacturer's official website. You need to install it on your PC and connect your phone to it via USB by clicking “USB debugging” on your device. After starting the program, driver installation will begin. The process may take some time. After installation, you will be prompted to obtain root rights on the device. After you click the consent button, a warning will appear about possible error. If this happens, your phone may have trouble booting. If you are convinced that the operation is necessary, click “OK”.

After this, the device will begin to reboot and install root rights. During this you need to do:

  • after the message “Unlock Bootloader” appears, use the volume keys to go to “Yes” and confirm the selection by pressing the power button;
  • You may have to restart the device yourself: this can also be done by selecting the appropriate item in the menu that opens while using the volume keys.

After completion of the work, a message about successful operation will appear in the program window. getting root right

If data recovery fails

It is quite possible that none of the proposed recovery methods have coped with their task. In this case, the following is possible:

  1. If photos have been deleted.

If your smartphone is on Android OS, then you should go to using your own account on the device to log in. It may well turn out that the photos that need to be restored were previously synchronized with account. If so, they will be found safe on this site.

  1. When deleting contacts.

If you lose contacts, you should go to in the same way. There is a possibility that lost contacts will be found there mixed with the e-mail addresses you used.


If none of the proposed methods was able to recover lost files, and they contained information important to you, then you can try contacting a specialized service that provides phone repair services. Naturally, the price of this operation may not be small, and no one can give a 100% guarantee of data recovery.

Is it possible to recover data without resorting to third-party programs and applications? With the exception of the described recovery methods without programs, such methods, unfortunately, practically do not exist.

No one is insured against data loss, and in order not to be upset about the loss in the future important information, worth using Google storage or others cloud storage, for example, One Drive.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Often users of smartphones and tablets who work on the operating Android system, are faced with the fact that deleted data is very difficult to recover. It's quite easy to erase something by pure accident by jerking your finger in the wrong direction or pressing the wrong button. But is it possible to return this information?

Very important documents or photos dear to your heart may be deleted. In this case, the question of their restoration lies at hand. And there really is a way, and a very simple one.

You need to download the necessary program. There are many of these utilities, but only a few of them, thanks to long-term operation, have earned the mark of quality and the gratitude of users and can guarantee good result. Here is their list:

  • Undeleter;

The list is probably incomplete, but it is the above programs that have the widest arsenal of functions, which, together with a fairly simple interface, brought them an excellent reputation and a large number of positive reviews. All these programs have their own strengths and weaknesses: a number of advantages and some disadvantages.

A program for recovering deleted files on Android with the largest amount of grateful reviews. GT Recovery has earned itself a reputation as a reliable and high-quality product, which will not be difficult to work with even for a beginner. This utility is very popular among PC users and it is worth noting that on Android it is almost as powerful as its “big brother”. It works on smartphones of almost all brands (except Apple and Android), and its use is absolutely free.

Users are especially delighted by the possibility of high-quality data recovery even when a large amount of time has passed since their loss. Any video, audio or text files are restored within just a few seconds.

The only obvious disadvantage of GT Recovery is that to use the program you must have root access. Yes, it is easily provided by applications like Odin, but for an inexperienced user, the operations to provide such access can be difficult.

This program works not only on Android smartphones, but also on tablets with identical software. The application is very well structured and allows you to recover information from any folder on the device, takes into account data not only from external and internal storage, but also RAM.

There is a mandatory startup scanning process. When New user launches 7-Data Android Recovery for the first time, the search for problems begins, and later a list of files appears that can be immediately recovered.

There's even an option to preview deleted images. Using this function, you can easily identify the data that can be recovered without relying only on its name.

The disadvantage of this application is the most inconvenient interface among the entire list above, the study of which can take a certain amount of time.


The Undeleter program works in two modes: paid and free. This is a small disadvantage, because all the functionality of the application will be available only to those who are willing to pay for the software.

As for the pluses, we can’t help but note the excellent interface. Undeleter has a high-quality search system and convenient viewing of recoverable files. All necessary elements are returned to the directories of the mobile device from which they were once deleted. Unlike its analogues, this application even works with data that was extracted before installing it. software.

This application is a kind of analogue of GT Recovery. It weighs much less, but the number of its functions is slightly inferior to its opponent. Of all that GT Recovery has in its functionality, DiskDigger took only the most basic. But I developed this basic thing, focusing on power and speed of processing.

Indeed, if you need to restore data without degrading quality, then DiskDigger most likely will not cope. If you need to recover long-lost data, then the situation is identical.

But if you need to instantly return to your smartphone something that was deleted a couple of seconds ago, DiskDigger will do a better job than others. The utility excels in its speed and speed. Even despite fierce competition, the program was able to find its user and get good marks in Google Play.

As with GT Recovery, the main disadvantage of this application is the need for root access.


All of the above programs differ little from their competitors, but offer the widest range of options:

  1. Fast work;
  2. User-friendly interface;
  3. Multifunctionality;
  4. Supports most existing file formats;
  5. High quality of recovered data.

They carry what is usually meant by the word “quality” and offer precisely a “quality” product.

How to recover deleted files on Android if you don’t have a computer at hand – every smartphone or tablet user asks the search engine when faced with accidentally erased data.

In case of loss of files on a PC, information is restored quite easily using programs that scan HDD or flash drive. Usually at least part of the information is restored in this way.

If the computer is unavailable for some reason, many consider the data Android lost forever. This is not true - accidentally deleted files can be saved from a mobile device.

Recovery using a computer

Let us remind you that the easiest way to recover information on Android is by using a computer and scanning the system. In this case we can assume that hard disks smartphone or tablet are checked in the same way as a regular flash drive or USB drive.

In case of data loss from internal non-removable memory, you should:

  • By using special cable, which usually comes with the gadget, connect to the PC;
  • Wait until the system automatically installs necessary drivers(if this did not happen earlier, during previous connections to the computer);
  • Select “Connect to USB storage” on your smartphone (tablet):

Selecting to connect a mobile device to a PC

  • Download, install and run the appropriate file recovery program.

Recuva program

One of the best options for system recovery on a PC is Recuva, a free program that works when you connect your smartphone to your computer.

You can download it on the official website:

It works as follows:

  1. After launch, a window opens with the types of files that require recovery;
  2. By selecting the data that the program will look for during scanning, you can enable additional in-depth analysis. In this case, Recuva will recover more information, although it will require several hours of searching;
  3. After the scan is completed, a list of files that can be recovered appears on the PC screen. After making sure that the information you need can be returned (it will be marked in green), mark it and continue the program;
  4. Transfer the recovered files back to your mobile device.

7-Data Android Recovery Program

A popular application that recovers lost and deleted files from smartphones and tablets is 7-Data Android Recovery. The purpose of the program is to work specifically with devices running Android OS.

In its functionality it resembles Recuva, but is capable of working with any type of internal memory. This means that you can recover information not only from an external or internal storage device, but even from the device’s RAM.

Recovering deleted information using 7-Data Android Recovery

After installing the program, a scan of the gadget starts, after which you will see the same list of recoverable files. At the same time, you can even see deleted photos in “preview” mode, returning only those that you really need.

After the program finishes, the data is returned to the device.

Recovering files from a mobile device

Sometimes there is no way to connect a gadget, and the files need to be restored, or at least an attempt to do so very urgently. In this case it is worth downloading special applications, which work from the phone.

True, some of them will require “superuser rights” or root access to start and restore - however, it is worth knowing that this automatically removes the factory warranty from your smartphone or tablet.


In a simple way To get back deleted information on a smartphone is to use the “recycle bin”. Its operating principle is similar to a similar program for PC:

  • The deleted data is placed in storage;
  • If recovery is necessary, files can be returned to the same location;
  • After some time (specified by the user), the information is deleted.

The program works without root and quite simply returns the files to their place. It is convenient to use, however, if the data has already disappeared, installing the “Recycle Bin” will not return it.

To prevent information loss, you should download the Dumpster – Recycle Bin application in advance and run it on your smartphone (tablet).

Recycle Bin Program

After installing the program, any file that is in the “recycle bin”, but has not yet been deleted from it, can be restored by simply going into the application and selecting the necessary data. But after deletion, you will have to restore it using other methods.

GT Recovery

Another program that works on gadgets of any brands that install Android on their products (that is, on almost any smartphone except Apple and Nokia) is GT Recovery.

It is provided free of charge by the manufacturer, and you can find the application in the Google Play store.

Using the program, files of any type are recovered - photos, videos or texts. Reviews about it indicate a high recovery rate, especially if little time has passed since removal or loss.

Some disadvantages include the need root access, however:

  • If you have instructions for your gadget or small free program it is quite possible to obtain superuser rights (for example, for Samsung you should use the Odin application);
  • There are versions for which root is not required (GT Recovery no Root)

GT Recovery no Root program interface


Another reliable option for recovering files directly from your phone or tablet is the Undeleter application. It is downloaded from Google Play and exists in 2 versions: paid and free.

The free version allows you to recover deleted images, the paid version allows you to recover any data from both a flash card and internal memory. Managing recovery is quite simple:

  • After selection desired folder a scan is carried out and a list of files to be restored is provided;
  • Having selected the necessary data, it is restored to the same place where it was before deletion.

Working with Undeleter on Android

The disadvantage of the program is that it requires root access to operate Undeleter. But you can install it, like the previous application, after the files have been deleted.

Titanium Backup

There is another way to solve the situation if the user has lost data and even deleted system files. To do this, download the free Titanium app backup.

It works in almost the same mode as the Recycle Bin, but has greater functionality, restoring:

  • Photo and video;
  • Programs (in 2 modes: only the files themselves, or full return all settings, including saving games);
  • Contacts and SMS messages. True, to return to the smartphone telephone numbers you will have to write them to the memory card in advance.

List of applications on Android in the Titanium Backup program

The recovery information is saved on the memory card in the TitaniumBackup folder.

Some of these "backups" can even be returned to new phone– except for settings operating system, as this can lead to software failures.

When viewing the list of applications and files, it is indicated whether there is a backup copy or not.

Despite all the advantages of the program over the Recycle Bin, it, like most other data recovery applications, requires “superuser” rights.

And when compared with programs like GT Recovery and even with returning information from a computer, it is worth noting that it is impossible to get your files back if Titanium backup is not installed on the device in advance.

In addition, system recovery files take up a lot of memory space.


Having gained an idea of ​​what to do if you accidentally deleted a file on your mobile device, you should prepare in advance for such situations.

That is, install an auxiliary program and, preferably, write several backup options onto the memory card - after all, at the moment when you need the data, you may not have access not only to the computer, but also to the Internet.

It’s also worth taking care of the safety of important information, from time to time transferring it to more reliable media (or at least to the same PC, from where it will be easier to return it).

It is also worth noting that for a more complete data recovery, regardless of how this is done, you should avoid writing to the memory of a smartphone or tablet and to a flash card before you get the desired file back.

Advice: Sometimes it is even better to turn off Wi-Fi and the GSM module, due to which an SMS may be sent to the device or an application update may be installed.

How to recover deleted files on Android

Recovering deleted pictures, photos, and videos. Saving recovered files and the ability to send them by email.

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