Beeline Internet at home television. Beeline Internet and television

Beeline company in Moscow - Moscow region offers services Beeline home internet and Beeline Digital Television at very low prices. Beeline Online- this is high-speed Internet using FTTB technology (from home to home via fiber optic cable). You get high quality Beeline home Internet for a reasonable fee. Connection is absolutely free, everything Beeline Moscow tariffs unlimited.

Beeline television

Digital television Beeline- this is television high definition(HDTV) and quality. A large number of additional useful functions such as: pause, rewind TV, program 2 weeks ahead, record 4 channels simultaneously. And also well-known and ranked first in Russia (in terms of quality and number of connected subscribers) Beeline cellular communication.

Beeline Moscow tariffs

And just recently the Beeline company introduced new packages: Family, Family +, Super Family, Super Family +. Connections to all “All in one” services at once (Beeline mobile communications for your entire family, Beeline home Internet and Beeline home television). In this "All in one" package, home Internet and Beeline TV are available for free!

And most importantly, this is not a promotion! These are permanent tariffs from the leading provider Beeline!

It is important that connecting your home Internet and TV provider Beeline Moscow is free and in a short time. You can find out all the details from the official Beeline representative in Moscow, on our website or by phone

Other tariffs from Beeline

Our company installs special equipment for wireless connection to the Internet. After installing and configuring the equipment, our technician will arrange for you an unlimited tariff from the Beeline operator for free. Without leaving your home, you will immediately receive a SIM card with a corporate tariff plan without any restrictions on the amount of traffic and data transfer speed.

Our universal antennas and modems work anywhere, with all mobile operators and support information reception speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. Thanks to this, we can provide online television and Internet not only to the apartment, but also to a private house located in any locality.

Of course, you can connect home Internet and television from Beeline and in the operator’s salon. However, our connection option (with a comparable monthly fee) has wider capabilities.

  • All our tariffs are designed for a maximum data transfer speed of 100 Mbit/s (public tariffs have a speed limit of 30/60/70/100 Mbit/s).
  • Our Beeline TV and Internet tariffs work in Moscow and the Moscow region, regardless of location (the publicly available option is focused on fiber optic lines, that is, it can only be connected in some apartment buildings);
  • The Internet from our company is completely mobile - a SIM card can be inserted into any device and you can access the network anywhere (a “home” connection from an operator only works in an apartment);
  • Our television can show more than a thousand channels (the operator offers a maximum of 144 channels).

To install our equipment and activate an unlimited tariff, you just need to call the phone number listed on the website and set a time convenient for you. Within two hours after the technician arrives, you will have TV and the Internet, which the whole family can use at the same time. For residents of private houses and cottages, our specialist will install a powerful router that will broadcast a wi-fi signal to the entire plot.

Having decided to connect your home Internet and Beeline television in our company, you will always be online and will be able to watch any TV shows anywhere, even away from home.

Beeline provides its subscribers with many communication services. Many are accustomed to the fact that this is a mobile operator. But residents of big cities are familiar with it as a high-speed wired Internet provider. Home Internet Beeline is high speed, wireless Wi-Fi routers within packages, affordable prices for services and various promotions that make Internet access cheaper and more accessible. In this review we will talk about new and old tariffs, tell you how to register a connection and terminate the contract.

Home Internet Beeline is a constant carousel of changing tariff plans. Old tariffs are gradually being archived, and new, more profitable and interesting offers are taking their place. These include the latest TPs with digital television enabled. The shares are gradually changing. For example, not long ago subscribers were offered home Internet from Beeline for 1 ruble, but today the promotion provides access to the Internet and digital television for free.

This promotion is very profitable - the operator offers a SIM card or a group of numbers at once, as well as an impressive tariff plan with many included services. In addition, subscribers receive home Internet and TV. In mid-2017, all tariffs within this promotion changed, the “All for 301” offer and similar ones disappeared (including for 801 rubles), and in their place tariff plans from the “All in One” family appeared.

How to install home Internet from Beeline

It’s easy to connect Beeline home Internet - this is done in three ways:

  • Through one of the operator's offices - here you need to write an application.
  • By contact phone number 8-800-700-8378 – in voice mode.
  • Through the official website of the operator.

We recommend using the latter option due to its simplicity. The procedure is as follows: first, a tariff plan is selected, then an application is filled out. The application must indicate contact information and connection address.

The submitted application is reviewed by Beeline specialists, after which a decision is made on the possibility of installing Internet at the specified address. If your home is connected to an operator, then you will definitely be connected. When looking through the tariffs, do not forget to select your region - Moscow and the Moscow region. For other regions prices will be different.

Reviews about Beeline's services are mixed. Some people scold it for constant problems with service, while others enjoy high-quality communication and do not experience any difficulties. Assessments are different, each case must be considered separately (if it has a negative connotation). It cannot be denied that there are people who are always dissatisfied with something. Moreover, on the Internet it is usually accepted to leave only negative reviews - you just won’t get positive ratings.

When connecting to Beeline, you can order the “Static IP address” service for an additional 150 rubles/month. The address is allocated in the IPv4 range, not IPv6.

How to disconnect home Internet from Beeline

If you need to block your home Internet from Beeline while on vacation, install voluntary blocking up to 90 days through your personal account or by calling the support service. After returning from vacation, you can resume use without unnecessary delays.

If you want to terminate the contract forever, call 8-800-700-8378 and find out which office accepts applications to disconnect services. The rented equipment will have to be returned, but the gift equipment remains with you.

If you move, it is not necessary to terminate the contract - check on the Beeline website about the availability of connection at the new address and sign up for the moving service (provided free of charge).

Home Internet from Beeline - tariffs

If you are going to connect Beeline home Internet to your apartment, check out the current tariff plans. The connection is made via cable; to organize wired distribution via Wi-Fi, you need to purchase a modem with a built-in router (for connecting via ADSL) or a router for connecting via cable. Some tariffs include a free router.

Beeline unlimited home internet is available in the following tariff plans:

  • “Storm” – up to 50 Mbit/sec and 139 TV channels for 399 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet and TV for 350” – up to 60 Mbit/sec and 123 channels for 530 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet and TV for 650” – up to 100 Mbit/sec and 139 channels for 650 rubles/month. with a router;
  • “Home Internet and TV for 630” – up to 70 Mbit/sec and 123 channels for 630 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet and router for 550” – up to 100 Mbit/sec for 550 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet for 250” – up to 10 Mbit/sec for 250 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet for 450” – up to 60 Mbit/sec for 250 rubles/month. with Beeline Smartbox router;
  • “Home Internet for 530” – up to 70 Mbit/sec for 530 rubles/month.

A total of eight tariffs with and without television. The price for Internet without TV is less.

Subscribers are also offered tariff plans from the “All in One” family. There are four in total:

  • “All in one 2” – 12 GB mobile traffic, 400 minutes, 500 SMS, 25 mobile TV channels and home Internet up to 40 Mbit/sec for 550 rubles/month;
  • “All in one 3” – 20 GB of mobile traffic, 1200 minutes, 500 SMS, 25 mobile TV channels, 82 digital TV channels and home Internet up to 50 Mbit/sec for 900 rubles/month;
  • “All in one 4” – 30 GB of traffic for a smartphone, 2000 minutes, 500 SMS, 25 mobile TV channels, 139 digital TV channels and home Internet up to 100 Mbit/sec for 1,500 rubles/month;
  • “All in one 5” - 30 GB of traffic for a smartphone, 5000 minutes, 500 SMS, 25 mobile TV channels, 139 digital TV channels and home Internet up to 100 Mbit/sec for 2500 rubles/month.

The last two tariffs provide a Wi-Fi router. It is also possible to connect numbers for your family for an additional fee - one number on the “All in one 3” tariff plan, three numbers on the “All in one 4” tariff plan and five numbers on the “All in one 5” tariff plan. Interesting features of all of the above tariffs are the opportunity to purchase insurance for an apartment, intra-network unlimited coverage throughout the country, and favorable family service.

It is impossible to connect to archived tariff plans, for example, to the “Mono” tariff - choose the appropriate options from the current offers.

After connecting, you will be allocated a personal account through which payment for communication services is made. The operator also offers the “Trust payment” service - it does not allow you to borrow, but it makes it possible to cover subscription fee for 7 days. During this period, you need to find money and make a payment.

New subscribers can buy a set-top box and router at an attractive price directly from employees after submitting an application for connection cable internet Beeline. Rental options are not available on any of the tariff plans. digital internet. The technician will set up your own equipment for free. Services for connecting the Internet online through Beeline in Moscow and running cable to the apartment are also provided free of charge. The company's specialists can connect wired Internet at zero price through the wire that was left over from another provider.

The use of Beeline home Internet tariff plans requires compliance with the following financial terms of cooperation:

  • Payment for each reporting period of Beeline Internet tariffs is made by the subscriber in advance for any tariff plan.
  • For those who find it difficult to deposit funds for unlimited tariffs on time, the option “ Trust payment" You can connect it for up to 7 days completely free of charge.
  • You can block the connection for up to 90 days via Personal Area. The service is relevant for clients who are going on vacation. There is no charge for its use. After returning you can connect again unlimited Internet Beeline to a private house or apartment.
  • To terminate the contract, simply contact the Service by phone. technical support Beeline. In a similar way, you can install wired Beeline Internet into your apartment.
  • When paying for Internet connection services that were disconnected for non-payment, its operation will be resumed within 3 minutes after the funds have been deposited. You can find out how much it costs to connect the Internet back from your provider on the website.
  • You can pay for Beeline services using a Visa or Master Card bank card through your Personal Account. You can also use electronic payment systems Web-Money, Yandex Money, Rapida, Qiwi Wallet. The operator's subscribers can use the Mobile Payment service and top up their personal account via SMS. There are also cash forms of payment: using a Unified Card and by receipt at any Sberbank branch. Payment is always carried out the same way, no matter what tariff plans you have connected to. Existing subscribers can learn more about tariffs, prices for services and how to connect to the Internet via Beeline from the specialists of the Beeline Customer Support Center by phone. They are available at toll free number around the clock. Users of the Beeline Personal Account have access to a wide range of options: replenishing their account, changing tariffs, connecting/disconnecting new services, etc. Lost password recovery occurs via SMS. Just enter your phone number in a special field or inform a Customer Support Center employee. To ensure that clients are always aware of the status of their personal account, there is an SMS alert option. You can connect it through your Personal Account.

Beeline home Internet is a convenient service from one of the most popular operators, providing the subscriber with many opportunities and favorable tariffs. This is a high-speed connection provided using FTTB (fiber optic) technology. This allows the subscriber to receive high data exchange speeds, reaching 100 Mbit/s.

Beeline unlimited home Internet, which can be managed using your personal account, has the following advantages:

  • availability of unlimited access to the network;
  • convenient management and prompt receipt of information about all current tariffs Beeline;
  • connection when Wi-Fi assistance via a router or a special adapter;
  • ability to maintain access to services, including mobile communications, even if the balance has reached a negative value;
  • high level of protection with latest version Kaspersky Lab (for only 69 rubles/month);
  • the ability to connect any services;
  • the ability to quickly pay for Internet Beeline by bank card online or via terminal.

In addition, the subscriber has 24/7 access to support from technical specialists who will tell you how to set up Beeline home Internet, resolve issues with communication problems or re-register an address.

Archived tariff plans

Home Internet from Beeline offers profitable plans that change regularly. Old packages go into the archives and are replaced by new offers. For example, home Internet with TV connection for only 1 ruble. This tariff has been replaced by a more interesting one - the provision of Internet services and digital television for free. But this is only a connection; you will have to pay separately for the volume of specific services, for example, speed and traffic.

Once again, tariff offers, including home Internet and TV, changed in mid-2017. Packages such as “All for 301” and the like have been replaced by the very advantageous “All in One” tariff.

How to connect Beeline home Internet? First of all, you should dial the operator number 0611 and find out whether it is possible to install a fiber optic cable for a specific address. The same information can be obtained on the operator’s website If you choose the second option, you must complete the following steps:

  • go to the specified page;
  • go to the tab " Home Internet", then go to "How to connect home Internet";
  • Next, you need to click on the “Right Now!” button, select your address where you want to connect the Internet;
  • if connection is possible, the message “your home is connected to the Home Internet” will appear;
  • if there is no ready-made connection, you can apply for connection by filling out a special form on the same website.

Wireless home Internet Beeline

Beeline wireless home Internet can be connected by visiting the nearest operator or dealer office. Consultants will familiarize you with all current tariffs, services offered and prices, and help you choose the best option. After selecting the appropriate package, you will be asked to sign a standard agreement.

If it is not possible to visit the office, then all steps to conclude an agreement can be completed online. This will require the following steps:

  • after checking the availability of the service at a specific address (it must be indicated on the website), you must fill out an application for connection, indicating the full address and contact information;
  • if a connection is available at the specified address, you must fill out the appropriate form indicating your name and telephone number for contact;
  • Within a few days, an operator will contact the subscriber, who will clarify the details of the service and agree on the most convenient time for connection.

You can also pay for Beeline home Internet online. For this purpose they are used various ways, for example, or an auto-replenishment service when the balance drops to the minimum level. You can also pay for Beeline home Internet at any nearest operator office.

How to disconnect home Internet from Beeline

How to turn off Beeline home Internet during vacation? This can be done through the subscriber’s Personal Account on the official website or by dialing the operator’s number. The block is offered for up to 90 days, after which the service can be resumed. If you need to permanently disconnect the Internet, you need to dial the operator’s number 8-800-700-8378 and find out at which nearest office you can write an application to terminate the service agreement.

When disconnecting, all provided equipment (usually just the router) will have to be returned, but the equipment that came as a gift remains with the subscriber. If you move, you can call the specified Beeline number to find out if it is possible to connect to the Internet at the new address. The re-registration service is provided free of charge, but only if there is a connection possibility. Otherwise, the contract is terminated.

Home Internet from Beeline - tariffs

Beeline tariff plans are varied; the full list can be found on the operator’s official website. One of the most popular tariff plans from Beeline is Internet and home TV for 1 rub..

This package can be connected together with any tariff for cellular communications, the cost per month will be equal to 1 rub., but for some Additional services you'll have to pay. For example, a tariff with 5 GB of Internet, 300 SMS and 550 minutes of calls will cost 500 rubles, there are packages for 800, 1200 or 1500 rubles, where the volume of services provided will be greater in proportion to the price.

The Beeline package, which includes Internet and home TV, is the most popular; the user is offered 233 popular channels, but only if he orders a plan costing from 1,200 rubles. For those who want to connect only home Internet from Beeline, the following packages are offered:

  • Internet + router, speed up to 60 Mbit/s, cost – 500 rubles;
  • Internet + router, up to 100 Mbit/s, cost – 750 rubles;
  • home Internet, up to 60 Mbit/s, cost – 450 rubles;
  • home Internet, up to 100 Mbit/s, cost – 600 rubles.

For the last two tariffs it is proposed to purchase in installments WiFi router, payment – ​​100 rubles/month.

You can connect to Beeline home Internet by selecting the required tariff plan and volume of services on the website. If you need help connecting or your home Internet is not working, you can dial .

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