Black screen on 7. How to remove the black screen

When users encounter computer problems, be it unstable operation of the OS, infection of the computer with a virus, or some other problematic situation, then, in most cases, the first thing that comes to mind is reinstalling the Windows operating system. But in fact, troubleshooting Windows can be much simpler, and, in some situations, it is not at all necessary to resort to using emergency methods. One such situation involves eliminating the problem of a black screen appearing in the operating room. Windows system 7, the solution of which we will now consider.

Reasons for a black screen

The reasons may be different, and, depending on them, you need to choose an option to solve the problem. Here is a list of the main ones:

  1. Operating system update.
  2. There is a conflict between the drivers installed on the equipment and the system.
  3. Failure of a vital part of the computer ( HDD, video card, battery or power supply).
  4. Incorrect termination Windows operation(unplug or power outage).

How to understand what exactly you are faced with? I won’t talk about pulling it out of the socket. Remember if any updates have been installed. Problems with them arise especially often if you have a non-genuine or non-activated system installed. In this case, try to activate it through safe mode.

If, after turning on the PC, you hear sounds characteristic of starting the system, then there is a problem with the monitor connection or with the monitor itself. First you need to check the connection and make sure that nothing is coming loose. Next, try connecting your PC or laptop to another screen.

If a black screen appears immediately after startup, there is no cursor on it and the space bar is blinking, then this may mean that you are exiting. hard drive. In this case, connect it to another computer and try to restore the information (or take it to a service center).

When I got a black screen after loading Windows 7, an installation flash drive with this operating system helped. Then half a year passed and again the black screen, only now the hard drive burned out and the only solution was to replace it.

Using an installation flash drive or disk

To do this, you will need a disk or USB flash drive with files for Windows installations 7. Insert it into your computer. Next, you need to change the boot priority in the BIOS so that the PC boots not from the hard drive, but from your device.

Log into the BIOS, go to the “Boot” tab (the name may vary) using the arrows, and in the “Boot Option Priorities” section select the first item.

In the following list, you need to find and select the field that corresponds to the flash drive or disk with installation files. Save the changes with F10 and press ESC to exit the BIOS.

When the computer boots from the flash drive, in the window that appears, click "Troubleshooting your computer".

Then select "Startup Recovery". It will scan your PC and if any problems are found, the recovery tool will fix them.

This method is suitable if system files have been damaged or deleted. If the problem is with the hard drive, or it occurs due to memory incompatibility, or the computer has been infected with a virus, then the recovery utility will not help in this case.

Loading Last Known Good Configuration

To do this you will need to open the window again "Additional download options". This is done using the F8 button, which must be pressed immediately after turning on the PC. Once it opens, select . The computer will try to return to the state when everything worked without problems.

Fixing the problem using safe mode

If you have tried the methods described, but booting Windows 7 the black screen does not disappear, then you need to try to enter safe mode. Restart the computer and press F8, hold it until the desired window appears - select in it "Safe mode". If the Windows logo appears, restart your computer and try to sign in again.

The fact that you have succeeded will be indicated by the inscriptions along the edges of the screen and the unusual expansion. You can also exclude default settings, basic drivers and services from the list of problems, as long as only they are used in the selected mode.

After this, all actions in Safe Mode will depend on the method you choose or the reason why Windows startup 7 A black screen appears.

Using restore points

This method can be used if you yourself created such a point when the operating room worked without failures, or it was created automatically. To use it now, click “Start” - "Control Panel".

Set "View" - "Large Icons" and go to the section "Recovery".

From the list provided, select desired point(if there are several), and click “Next”. If yours is empty, then this function has been disabled and you do not have any restore point.

Confirm your action with the “Done” button. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that those programs that were installed after the point was created will be deleted.

Uninstalling new programs

A black screen after starting Windows 7 may also appear after installing new programs on the PC. It's all about their incompatibility with the operating system. Removing them through safe mode is easy. Go to Start and select "Control Panel".

Go to the section "Programs and Features".

A list of all will open installed programs. Sort it by installation date by clicking on the appropriate column title. Select the recently installed utility and remove it.

Reinstalling video card drivers

It is not difficult to find drivers for a video adapter on the Internet, but for normal operation it is important that they are suitable for the device and operating system. If you have installed new driver and after that there was a problem, it means it is simply not compatible with Windows.

Therefore, you need to find new drivers and install them. To do this, go to "Safe Mode with Boot" network drivers» . This is necessary to have access to the Internet.

Open the Start menu and type in the search bar "device Manager". Click on the found option with the same name.

Expand the list "Video adapters", select yours and right-click on it. From the context menu, select Properties.

In the next window, go to the Driver tab and roll back it. Restart your PC, let it boot in normal mode and look at the result.

For those who experienced a black screen when starting up the computer because you replaced the old video card with a new one, or have suspicions that it has overheated, I advise the following: turn off and unplug the PC; remove the video card. try turning on the computer. If you hear sounds characteristic of switching on, then you simply need to replace this component, and the picture on the screen will appear again.

Restoring system settings using AVZ

If your computer turns on, but instead of a picture there is a black screen and a cursor, you can use.

Press the key combination CTRL+ALT+DELETE. It will start for you "Task Manager". Next, you need to go to the “Processes” tab and find the process explorer.exe in the list. If it's not in running processes, then in the top menu click “File” - “New task”. In the window that appears, enter the command explorer.exe and press Enter. If such actions did not lead to anything, then we go back to "Task Manager" and this time enter the command iexplorer.exe.

After this, your Internet browser will open, with which you need to download AVZ. This utility is distributed free of charge, so you can freely download it from the Internet, including from my website, the link to it is given just above in this article. Since the antivirus does not require installation, running the .exe file will immediately open the main window.

In the top menu of the utility, click on “File” and select the menu item in the drop-down list "System Restore".

After this, you will see a window with recovery settings, in which you will need to check the boxes "Restoring File Explorer Settings" And "Recovering the Explorer startup key". After the settings have been completed, press the button “Perform marked operations” and restart the computer. The system should boot normally without a black screen appearing.

Registry restoration

If you suspect that any files have been deleted from system registry or it was damaged, you can restore it. There is an article about it on the site. Follow the link and you can immediately open the section "If the OS does not start" and subparagraph "Through command line» .

Clearing the startup list

When you enter safe mode, programs in the startup list do not start. Therefore, try to enter this mode and, if everything works fine, exclude utilities from autorun one by one.

This is done as follows. Press Win+R and enter msconfig in the line. Click "OK".

Go to the tab and uncheck suspicious or unused programs. Then apply and save the changes.

Suddenly, after the next launch of Windows 7, instead of the login screen, account or desktop, a black background may appear with a cursor on it. Before we begin solving the problem, let’s delve into its essence, because even a few template instructions for different cases will not always help.

Most often, a black screen and a cursor on it are the result of a virus or malware. software. This program interferes with system settings, making it so that instead of the explorer.exe process it starts itself or completely replaces the above-mentioned file (many remember the Win32 family of viruses that hid files and directories, replaced them with their own “bodies” and even copied their icons for disguise). After all, he is responsible for the graphic Windows interface: everything the user sees on the desktop, etc.

One cannot help but recall the Avast antivirus, which tends to block system processes, including explorer.exe, due to excessive activity when starting the PC.

The likelihood of sudden conflicts between video card drivers and the operating system is low, although if they have been recently updated, it increases significantly. And drivers downloaded from nowhere or the use of driver packs only fuel the situation.

More deplorable will be the appearance bad sectors on the hard drive, and even when they contain fragments system files, the same explorer.exe. Partially damaged planks random access memory We won’t ignore it either, but last but not least.

First of all, let's try to start the computer in one of the additional boot options - from the last successful configuration. It is a set of system parameters stored in the registry for the state of drivers, applications and services with which Windows 7 successfully booted for the last time. If, before restarting or shutting down the PC, you installed something, edited the registry or the list of automatically launched applications, this method will clearly help. To implement it we do the following steps.

  1. Let's reboot.

This is done using the Reset key or through the task manager.

  • In the second case (it is recommended to use it) we call the dispatcher using Ctrl + Alt + Del.
  • Move the mouse cursor to the “File” main menu item and call the “New task” command.

  • Execute the command “shutdown /r” to reboot the system.

  1. After the BIOS information appears, click F8 until a menu of additional boot options appears.
  2. Using the cursor keypad, select “Last successful configuration” and press Enter.

Did not help? This means the source of the trouble is different. Let's move on.


If the “seven” is protected by a comprehensive antivirus solution from Avast, the application may be the culprit for the fact that the explorer does not load. Removing the antivirus is not an option, but adding the file with which the problem is occurring to the exceptions is necessary.

It’s not relevant for all versions of Avast, but it’s worth a try since similar behavior has been noticed.

  1. Open the Task Manager.
  2. We launch the “AvastUI.exe” process, as in the previous case, by finding the executable file in the folder with installed antivirus(in Program Files).
  3. In the application menu, click “Security”.
  4. Then go to the “Antivirus” subsection, where we click on the “Behavior Screen” tab.

  1. Click “Browse” or enter the path to the reliable process manually - as shown in the screenshot.

  1. Click “OK” and restart.

Has the blinking cursor appeared on a black background again? Let's move on.

Manually launching Explorer

There are several simple ways to open the program responsible for the graphical interface on the problematic computer.

  1. If we stop at this option, we reboot again, and after completing the hardware self-test procedure, press F8.
  2. In the window, select “Safe Mode with Command Line Support.”

  1. In the CMD text line we write “explorer.exe” and press Enter.

If the process does not start, then the corresponding file is damaged, missing, or cannot be accessed.

Rolling back the system, which we will touch on later, restoring the “seven” from the installation flash drive, fighting viruses and their consequences, or editing registry entries will help here. In the latter case, you will have to acquire boot disk with an anti-virus program, start from it by selecting the CD/USB with the anti-virus program distribution in the BIOS. Depending on it, the method of starting a scan may differ, but the meaning is obvious: we find and remove all viruses at least on the system volume.

If viruses are annoying

Even a laptop that is not currently infected with viruses can crash, displaying a black screen without or with a cursor. By the way, in the first case, the source of the problem may be the video driver. And all because the virus did its own thing, replacing the path to explorer.exe with its own. It is noteworthy that the following method works even without booting into safe mode, and you can also call the Registry Editor through the task manager.

  1. Open the “Run” window through the task manager.

  1. We write “regedit” and press Enter.

  1. Expand the HKLM branch.
  2. Go to the Software section.

  1. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Open the Shell key editing window.

  1. In the “Value” field, set “explorer.exe” and apply the settings.

  1. Let's reboot.

If this does not help, you will have to return to one of the previously saved states of the computer’s operating system.


Here we will do time travel, provided that the system recovery function is activated.

  1. Through the task manager, open the command execution dialog.
  2. We register rstrui.exe and execute the command.

  1. We indicate the recovery options (it makes sense to select the last created rollback point before the black screen appeared or stop at the recommended one).

  1. Click “Finish”.

  1. We get acquainted with the warning and click “Yes”, but there is no other choice.

Once the process is complete, a notification will appear.

The next time you turn on your PC, the desktop should appear.

When the graphics driver is naughty

Rolling back drivers during a system rollback is extremely rare. It’s good if the graphics driver was installed quite recently, but if it was installed a couple of weeks ago, when resuscitating the “Seven”, many files and applications may suffer. Rolling back the driver will help you get rid of such software, and only if the problem does not occur when you start it in safe mode.

  1. Let's start in safe mode.
  2. Call up the context menu of my computer and click “Properties”.
  3. Click “Device Manager” in the vertical menu on the left.

  1. Open the “Properties” of the video adapter used (there may be several of them in the system: integrated, discrete, built into the central processor).

  1. In the “Driver” tab, click “Roll Back”.

You can also try to remove or update the video adapter driver by downloading it from the official website.

Before this, you should test the RAM sticks using a utility like Victoria 4.47, check the HDD for failed memory cells (chkdsk C: /f) and the integrity of important system resources (command “sfc /scannow”). They are executed via the command line.

Black screen after standby

After resuming from standby mode, a black background may appear instead of the desktop or user selection interface. In such cases, there will be several options, depending on the situation:

  • rollback or installation more old version graphics driver, if problems began after updating the video card driver, especially when using driver packs or installers downloaded from third-party resources;
  • alternately switching between the four main values ​​of the ACPI Suspend Mode parameter (responsible for software power management of computer components), located in the BIOS section called Power;
  • reinstalling Windows 7 using the original image, and not the next author’s assembly - it is likely that this caused the problem (removing and disabling some system functions to save money could have affected disk space and ease of assembly);
  • updating drivers for USB controllers, mice and keyboards downloaded from their official support resource;
  • disabling the PC to go into standby mode;
  • prohibiting one of the input devices from waking up the PC from standby mode.

Let's look at the last option in more detail. You can restore your PC using a mouse or keyboard. It is possible that one of the devices is blocking the computer from returning to a normally functioning state, and this is easy to determine, at least by the increased activity of the fan blades. In this case, deactivating the option to disable sleep mode for the mouse or keyboard will help.

Do not disable it for both devices at the same time, because you will not be able to exit sleep mode later!

Today we will look at:

It’s not difficult to imagine what a novice user experiences when looking at a black screen that seems to be loading an operating system. In most cases, in such a situation, all the user can do is aimlessly move the mouse cursor across a blank screen. You will be pleasantly surprised, dear friend, but even a primary school student can solve the problem “Black screen when starting Windows 7”, guided by the material in the presented article.

A few words about the “black” reason

As practice shows, this kind of trouble mainly occurs as a result of improper shutdown of the computer (this also includes interruptions in the centralized power grid), or when the user completely ignores issues of preventive maintenance of the electronics entrusted to him. In any case, the file structure of the computer’s hard drive is damaged, and this in turn leads to banal software failures.

Often, the so-called “Malevich Black Square Effect” manifests itself as a result of viral infection. Malicious program code destroys the integrity of system files, the result is that after the OS starts, the desktop disappears, that is, the user is greeted by emptiness, and that’s all.

And finally, the third “black” reason is a technical malfunction of the video card or monitor, or a simply missing video signal due to mechanical damage to the connecting cables.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to find out whether everything is in order with the image output device, that is, check the functionality of the video card. Moreover, visually observable information at the initial stage of loading is not always indisputable confirmation that everything is in order with the graphics adapter - this is a misconception.

However, if during the OS boot process you observe an incomprehensible flickering or other “visual artifacts”, it’s time to sound the alarm. If possible, switch to a different video scheme, that is, disable the discrete video card and use the integrated video chip.

The second stage of diagnostics: check if everything is in order with the connecting cables, maybe a wire is broken somewhere (bend it slightly, twist it, in general, move it). It is possible that your pet has clearly overplayed the hanging wire (bite marks, exposed winding, etc.).

It makes sense to turn everything off peripherals from system unit or a laptop. Perhaps a “black conflict” is the result, so to speak, of lost drivers of some external device, for example, a printer, a removable drive, etc.

Software fault diagnosis and recovery

There are quite a few methods to restore the former “beauty of visualization”, but we will focus on the most basic of them. Remove from optical drive disk, if there is one, and disconnect the flash drive if you have not already done so.

If all the paraphernalia of your desktop appears on the screen, you are lucky. Now you can safely proceed to the next stage of system recovery.

  • In the search box of the Start menu, enter “recovery”.
  • In the window that opens, click on the link of the same name.
  • Next, select a workable rollback point and start the process of “recovering” the OS.

If the above-mentioned service has been disabled on your PC and a rollback copy simply does not exist, then try using the method described below.

Checking your hard drive for errors

As a result of intensive use of the hard drive, systematic violation of operating rules (incorrect switching on/off of the system) or ignoring issues of optimization and maintenance of the data storage device (HDD), the occurrence of various system errors is only a matter of time. By the way, obsolescence of the disk surface and mechanical parts of the hard drive also lead to software failures and hardware conflicts.

  • So, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R”.
  • In the Run service console, enter "cmd".
  • Next, in the command window, write - chkdsk with: /f

To the request for a reboot, we affirmatively agree.

Virus infection and editing the Windows OS registry

It is not uncommon for a malicious program to make changes to the operating system registry. Therefore, you need to make sure that the correct values ​​are written in the branch responsible (for screen blackness).

It is also worth checking another registry key:

Well, the last thing you need to do is scan the entire hard drive for the item. It is likely that the remnants of the digital infection will make themselves felt again after a certain time.

In conclusion

Let's hope that the recommendations in this article helped you. However, you should not let your guard down. Establish an authoritative antivirus program and don't forget to regularly perform preventive maintenance on your computer. Stability for your system!

A black screen when loading Windows 7 means that the system initially boots after turning on the PC in the same way as usual, but stops at the stage when the cursor flickers on a dark background. For an inexperienced user, this situation can be very frightening. But don't worry: the black screen is a modified version of " blue screen death." Unlike its older “brother,” a black screen allows the user to perform any actions and more effectively correct errors in the OS. So, how to restore the system?

Method number 1. Using safe mode

If you experience a black screen when loading Windows 7, the first thing you should try to do is solve the problem through Safe Mode. To do this, start restarting the computer and press the F8 button on the keyboard. This must be done before the logo appears on the screen. An entire menu with several items will be displayed on the monitor, from which you need to use the "" and "↓" buttons to select "Safe Mode" and then press Enter. What will it give? This mode provides the ability to run only those programs and services that are necessary for the correct operation of the system. This same mode is used by specialists to use computers that have been subject to virus attacks, and it is also used to recover deleted data and to prepare the computer for reinstalling the OS. If, after switching to safe mode, you see a desktop with shortcuts, a taskbar and other tools on the screen, it means that the black screen when loading Windows 7 appeared due to a malfunction of some service that you installed shortly before the problem arose. The most logical solution to the problem would be to perform a system restore or remove recently installed programs and drivers using the "Control Panel" ("Uninstall Programs" item).

Method number 2. Restoring or reinstalling Windows

If you are unable to enter Safe Mode, you can perform a system restore. To do this, insert a Windows disc into the drive and, following the prompts on the screen, select the appropriate options. If the black screen problem persists even after this, you will most likely need to completely reinstall Windows.

Method number 3. Reactivate Windows

Sometimes errors related to system activation lead to a black screen appearing when Windows 7 starts. If you are using licensed software, you just need to re-enter the code and confirm the data.

Method number 4. If your computer is infected

Perhaps this reason is the most common among those that cause a black screen to appear when loading Windows. There is a certain algorithm of actions, following which you can correct the situation. First of all, you should press the Alt+Del+Ctrl button combination and open the task manager. In the window that opens, you will see the "Processes" tab. That's what we need. You need to find the explorer.exe process. If there is none, click on the “New task” button and enter its name in the window that opens. If the black screen disappears after completing the steps, the problem is almost solved. All that remains is to select the “Run” item in the “Start” menu, enter the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> WindowsNT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon, and then enter the value explorer.exe next to the Shell item. If something else is already written there, it must be erased.

Method number 5. Restore the system using an antivirus

This is another method that can help you fix black screen when loading Windows XP and other versions of the popular OS. If the steps described in method 4 did not help, you need to open the task manager again. Using the “New task” item you already know, open Internet Explorer(to launch the browser, enter iexplorer.exe). You should install the AVZ program and then run it. Next, in the program window, select “File -> System Restore” and check the boxes responsible for the Explorer launch key and Explorer settings.

Method number 6. System recovery

And finally, the last option on how you can independently fix the black screen when loading Windows 7. To do this, while the black screen is displayed, you need to press the Shift button five times in a row or hold it down for 10-15 seconds. A dialog box will appear asking you if you want to enable Sticky Keys. At the bottom of the window there is a link offering to go to the Special Center. opportunities - click on it. At the top of the new window you can see the search bar in the control panel. Enter “Task Manager” and wait for the Control Panel to open. We need an item called "System". Next, go to the "Protection" tab. The “System Properties” window will appear on your monitor, where you will immediately see the “Restore…” button. Following the program's instructions, select a restore point - it is best to choose those made during the period when the OS was 100% stable.

Flew off windows 7 activation, desktop background, has become similar to the famous painting by the artist Malevich, a black square? in our case black screen. The reason for this problem may be that someone is using a pirated copy of the operating system, or a licensed one, but for some reason the key has disappeared windows activation and you need to enter it again, but before that you need to do some steps described in this article.

When faced with this problem, you should not worry, because it can be solved with a small number of actions. Let's look at the question of why this happened. At automatic download and installing updates, one is downloaded that checks your system for authenticity, it goes under the code name KB971033. It is after it is installed that the background scan begins and the detection of a pirated copy of Windows begins.

After this, if there is an unlicensed version, the so-called black screen, which states that your copy of windows is not genuine genuine. If the system is licensed, but for some reason the screen turns black, it means the activation key has been lost and you will need to re-enter it, but after some steps.

First, you need to delete the downloaded update; to do this, go to the control panel.

Here we need to enter the center windows updates.

In the right column at the very bottom, go to the installed updates tab.

And in the list we find what was mentioned above, namely update for microsoft windows(KB971033). Right-click on it and click delete. But if this update is not listed, it may be hidden. Then we will need to enter the command line and try to get rid of it using a specific command.

Open the start menu, write in the search cmd, right-click on the found file and run it as administrator.

In the line we write the following command wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033 and press the enter key. The update should be removed.

After uninstallation, so that this problem no longer bothers us, we will have to find this update using a search and hide it from re-installation, because after uninstallation, it can also be automatically downloaded and installed again. To do this, go to Windows Update and in the right column, click on the item search for updates.

We are waiting for completion this process. You can have some tea for now.

After visiting the Windows Update Center, we will be provided with some important ones, where they are stored and those that need to be hidden. To do this, go to the tab important updates, as you can see, I have as many as 123 of them.

We find the ones we are interested in, right-click on it and select hide update. After it has disappeared, click ok. Now we can safely install the others provided, after which do not forget to restart the computer. Next for complete windows activation, you will need to perform a few more steps, which are described in the article Your copy of Windows 7 is not genuine. Assembly 7600,7601. For users whose operating system is installed on the GPT partition, I advise you to use another activation method, which is described in the article Unknown boot device harddiskvolume1 or how to activate windows 7. Also for licensed users operating systems who have encountered a problem black screen, this article will help, but instead of the activator, enter your license key again.

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