What is webasyst. Effective teamwork in Webasyst

An unusual platform in our understanding. Its developers offer 3 products to choose from : framework(development environment, framework for creating a custom CMS based on it), which can be download for free and install to your server, and also ready-made CMS Shop Script, written on this platform and, in fact, a boxed solution for creating stores - Webasyst. This is, in fact, a CMS installed on the developer’s hosting, which can be used on a subscription basis. Rentals in general. If you want, you can transfer the site to your hosting later.

All in all, Webasyst is a set of solutions for every taste . Both developers and ordinary users can find their interest in it. The official website of the platform looks nice and is very informative. There is a ton of information about the products and suggested add-ons for them. You can easily get confused. We will not touch the framework and CMS, focusing on the core solution for our blog - the website builder.

All we know about it so far is the platform positioned as a solution for creating stores . Not much. Let's systematically analyze its features together and draw conclusions.

Designs and working with templates

Built-in There are 77+ templates in the system . Most of them are paid (71), the cost ranges from 2 to 10 thousand rubles per copy. The free versions look good, but the ones for money look much better. Each of them has a description and can be installed separately - the same happens in the CMS.

By the way, having selected a theme, the system will install it immediately for all types of sites: blog, store, business card, etc. That is, the same template can be used multiple times.

Design customization options come down to choice color scheme and font. The inspiration is that you can edit code template files. Unfortunately, the implementation of this approach is available to only a few. Beginners will have to be content with, essentially, the stock version of the template. By the way, you can upload your own theme or download one installed on your PC. It will be useful to someone.

Yes, you can diversify the structure with new blocks, widgets and other things, but you won’t be able to significantly change the design in a couple of clicks without the help of coding. Not everyone will like this.


Webasyst is a set of interconnected applications , in fact. Or, if you prefer, modules. There are modules for a store, contacts, newsletters, hub, blog, etc. You can install a very large number of them. So you can customize functionality clearly tailored to the assigned tasks. But this will cost a pretty penny: many plugins are paid, and you can pay for them either monthly or buy them outright. The latter option is much more profitable, since the cost in this case usually slightly exceeds 1 month of rent. You can install them from the Installer application. For example, you will be able to install free plugin for synchronization with “1C: Trade Management” - a very nice bonus, demonstrating that not everything good is for money. But a dozen or two paid plugins can significantly increase the price of using Webasyst.

Administrative panel bears little resemblance to those in other SaaS platforms. You need to get used to it, and for a long time. Especially if you previously had to work with other systems. Almost everything is different here. In principle, if you get used to it once, the problems will disappear. But it will take time. A few days, for example, for an unprepared user.

Each application has its own settings, of which there are very, very many. Although their number, of course, varies. Most of them are in the store. The good news is that the organization of settings is the same everywhere (it’s just that some have additional sections). Understanding this intricacy is by no means easy. There is no smell of intuition here, although, we must pay tribute to the developers, all this chaos has a systematic organization.

For example, for almost every application you can select a template, customize it, add pages, display various widgets, etc. Yes, Webasyst, as you already understood, allows you to create not only stores . A regular business card, a portfolio of photographs or a blog can also be created here - there are corresponding applications. But still, the main part of the functionality lies in the creation of trading platforms. This is where Webasyst is really strong.

Note that sites created on the platform look very, very nice. They are adults, so to speak. They are serious, work quickly, and are perceived as complete, because there are a lot of possibilities in the system. Let's talk about Webasyst in the key of creating a store. What can he do?

Settings structure this application here consists of sections:

  • Orders - a detailed summary of sales: orders paid, new, sent, completed, returned and deleted;
  • Buyers - a client database from which you can make selections based on region, transition from a specific social network (Twitter, Facebook, Contact), how long ago the order was made, as well as referral characteristics. Here, by the way, there is even a separate “Contacts” application;
  • Goods - here you can add categories, products, promotions, discounts, look at reviews, availability of items in stock and a bunch of other details of various kinds about available products;
  • Reports - here you can view sources of traffic/buyers, that is, sales channels, regions, data on advertising campaigns, marketing costs, configure A/B testing parameters, view statistical data on a variety of visual graphs and much more. Basically, it's your marketing hub with all the tools you need;
  • Showcase - here you will find design settings, you can choose a template, create static pages, set up currency, CNC, delivery methods and a million other things.

In addition to the menu sections, there is also General settings, the number of which is amazing: there is everything you can imagine here. Product types, cart settings, shipping, payment, currencies, regions, taxes, printed forms, trigger links, warehouses, analytics, recommended products and much more. A lot can be written about each of these points. It’s better to see it with your own eyes once, so you will quickly understand and appreciate the power of the system.

The service allows you to receive SMS notifications about new orders , you can also deploy and configure your own CRM in detail. Your dashboard will become a full-fledged command/marketing center once all features are activated.

Built-in CRM is implemented as a separate application. It allows you to connect IP telephony and receive calls directly from the browser ( payable service, which requires the installation of an additional plugin), receive event notifications and reminders, complete client statistics, process invoices and perform a number of operations on any of the current transactions. CRM is synchronized with the store engine, so all changes applied in any of the interfaces are also reflected in the second. The reports section comes complete with the ability to select by filters (transaction status, person responsible for execution, period, etc.). In general, a local CRM may well serve as an alternative to a third-party specialized service from this product niche.

Of course, it is possible to import/export product items from a CSV file, the structure of which is described in a separate manual. You can also additionally install more than 400 plugins, some of which are free. By the way, there are many useful ones among them, but it will take a long time to choose from so many. With their help you can turn your store into a hypermarket of any complexity . Believe me, there is everything for display, promotion, ease of collecting statistics, marketing, etc. Any topics and tastes.

Webasyst allows you to connect and configure an online cash register, as required by Russian Law 54-F3 “On the use of cash register equipment.” This is an important detail - your store will operate legally. Here you can check the need for an online cash register and get options for implementing this functionality. The webassist gives great amount ways to achieve compliance with the letter of the law for this parameter - lists of suitable plugins with descriptions, third-party services, connection instructions, etc. It won’t be difficult to figure it out.

Note that Webasyst allows you to configure several types of user authorization: via email by clicking on a link or without it, confirmation via a code sent in SMS, as well as a combined method. The system can also issue a password itself and send it via SMS or email, and it can be one-time, individual. Well, of course, the buyer also has the opportunity to come up with a password to enter your store. Such is the variety.

There is another important nuance – the efficiency of the checkout page. She's just great here. Dynamic. It consists of many compactly laid out fields and allows the client to change the purchase configuration values ​​on the fly: by cart (how many, what, separate discounts on goods, promotional codes, total weight), by delivery (the system itself will select the option depending on the contact details and contents of the cart ), by contacts and by payment options (also selected dynamically based on the buyer’s personal data). That is, we get a smart form that can offer payment/delivery options to the client, depending on contact information. Modern, competitive approach.

An important role when working with similar system plays and help section. Here it is excellent, you can find an answer to almost any question. For those who do not want to understand the nuances themselves, there is the opportunity to find an expert - an experienced developer who will help implement certain functions. For a certain fee, of course. You can also ask technical support questions. They respond quickly and efficiently.

With domains, everything is the same as with almost everyone: if you have already purchased it, you can attach it to the site. If not, no problem. Use the gift one after paying for the tariff, or register your own in a zone other than.ru (that’s what they give as a gift). You can register directly from the admin panel. Or at another registrar. Everything is like everyone else.

Sitebuilder is a corporate tool for group use. You will be able to work as a team, supporting the entire business infrastructure online. It has practically nothing in common with other designers, and in some places it even outgrows the capabilities of many CMSs. It’s a little disappointing that, despite the enormous standard functionality, many simple features such as blocking a site, a review panel and similar basic things are implemented only by paid modules.

Let's summarize it like this: Webasyst is a very powerful engine for professionals. Functionally, it only vaguely resembles a constructor, being one, in fact, only formally. It feels like a full-fledged CMS with a million possibilities, which has a bad effect on ease of learning and ease of use, but has an excellent effect on the quality of sites created in the system by skillful hands. It's not for everyone. If you want, you can figure it out from scratch. There is nothing for the lazy to do here - they will quickly get tired of delving into it. In general, everything is excellent in terms of functionality.

Price policy

The system has 30 day a free period during which all functionality will be available to you. Then, if you want to continue working, you must pay one of 3 tariffs:

  1. Plus (499 rub/month) - Shop-Script 8, 200 products for placement, 5 GB of disk space, 1 website available for creation, domain.ru as a gift, SSL access;
  2. Pro (RUB 1,599/year) - 20 GB disk space, Shop-Script 8, mailings, CRM application, domain, 5 sites, 10 GB of space, advanced analytics, free CDN (site acceleration);
  3. Premium (RUB 3,599/year) - 50 GB of disk space, Shop-Script 8, CRM, file modules, tasks, referral program, 10 sites, SSL certificate as a gift.

As we can see, the engine is designed to create both single shops and streaming their production. That is, it is suitable for those who want to earn money by making websites to order. For the pros, in general. Or those who wish to become them later. For ordinary users, the capabilities of 1 tariff plan will be sufficient. The rest need to look higher. The second tariff seems optimal for developers. Price/quality, as they say.

Note that the increased number of sites on higher tariffs means storefronts. They may be on different domains, but they will work under the same control panel, that is, connected by a common backend.

Shop-Script 8 can be purchased in a format that allows you to install it on the hosting of your choice. The license will cost 19,999 rubles. It is permanent, it is not a subscription fee. But updates will be paid. For an annual subscription you will have to pay an additional 7,599 rubles. Please note that the first year of subscription to updates is included in the license price.

Of course, in addition to paying for the tariff plan, you can purchase additional plugins, a template, or order the services of developers on any topic. In general, Webasyst has a lot of room to turn around and spend money. Mostly for the benefit of business.

Optimization (SEO) and promotion

In terms of promotion opportunities Webasyst looks good too. As usual, you will be able to add a title, description and keywords to all pages, product categories, individual positions and the site as a whole. You can also select the CNC type or manually configure them.

Much attention is paid to the aspect interaction with social networks . You can insert your own code for social network widgets and set them to display the same titles and descriptions synchronized as on the site. All this works with Facebook and Vkontakte.

Additionally, you can install a plugin "SEO optimization" for 999 rubles, which will significantly expand the capabilities and make search promotion more convenient. You can also install a plugin that allows you to post products on Yandex.Market by bulk uploading them through the YML file format. In general, there are a lot of plugins, and a considerable part of them are directly or indirectly related to website promotion. There is, for example, a plugin for generating CNC when importing products from CSV. And so on, it’s impossible to list everything.

It is clear that you will be able to enter counter codes, connect Google/Yandex analytics, configure robots.txt, redirects and other necessary things.

All in all, Webasyst pleased with its website promotion capabilities . Standard means for this they are quite ordinary, but installing a couple of useful plugins radically changes the situation. The system is becoming advanced in this regard.

Pros and cons, alternatives

Of course, such a colossus as Webasyst has both strengths, which are the majority, and weaknesses. First let's list good :

  • Very powerful standard functionality;
  • Decent quality free templates;
  • A carriage and a small cart of smart plugins, both paid and free;
  • Opportunity deployment CRM, synchronization with 1C, uploading goods via CSV/YML, connecting an online consultant, setting up SMS notifications, email newsletters and much more;
  • Good set tools for advancement;
  • Moderate price tariffs, the ability to create several stores at one low price;
  • Great section help, forum, access to the Webasyst developer community for solving custom problems;
  • good technical support.

Of course, all this charm also has dark side :

  • Free templates few, the possibilities for simple customization (without coding) are very modest;
  • Admin unusual and even complex. It can be cured with practice, but the first impression is very mixed, it is difficult to find anything specific;
  • The system is guaranteed to appear complex for beginners, most of them will not be able to understand it.

In general, the disadvantages can be offset by development experience. There are much more advantages, they are more significant. Webasyst, even in a skeptical mood, looks cheerful, but requires delving into itself.

- very serious store development system . Making business cards and blogs on it is tantamount to shooting sparrows from a cannon, although this is also possible. The store functionality is amazing; already in the second tariff you can create as many as 5 trading platforms. This begs the question of a profitable business as a developer of client projects. You can try the service for free.

A huge number of settings and plugins put the system on par with good CMS in terms of power and flexibility. Unfortunately, this increases the barrier to entry into the intricacies and complexity of use for beginners. Not everyone will want to delve so deeply. The system helps new recruits with quality instructions, but is still aimed at professionals. It is relatively difficult to start entering the world of website creation with it. It’s worth choosing it if you already have at least minimal experience in creating websites and understand the essence of the process.

A big plus is having your own smart CRM, which will increase your turnover. You can, for example, set up an SMS to inform the client about the delivery of a package from the store to the pick-up point, which will significantly reduce the percentage of returns. This is just one of the nuances of organizing a competent chain of work with clients that comes to mind when analyzing data from CRM. You can receive calls from the browser, arrange individual calls for groups of clients mailings based on their personal data, etc. Overall, CRM is a strength.

Webasyst is suitable for creating huge stores with all the goodies. For corporate use, for development teams and individual more or less experienced users. We definitely recommend you check it out. Don’t be intimidated when you first get acquainted with the system interface - yes, it looks relatively complicated. Spend half an hour or an hour with Webasist, and he will reveal to you the harmonious logic of everything that happens in its depths. After a careful acquaintance, you will appreciate the advantages of this designer. He's worth your time.

Designers similar to Webasyst

Alternatives to Webasyst The list could take a long time. All of these systems are different, but any of them will be a much better choice compared to Webasyst.

Each application has your own set of settings and it can be considered separately, but we will dwell in detail only on the most delicious thing - the store. It's really powerful, one of the best we've seen. So, here is a list of options for this application:

  • Orders - a section containing a complete summary of all types of orders: new, confirmed, paid, sent, completed, returns and deleted. You can manually create your statuses, view product sales channels, set up discount coupons and manually create a new order, if necessary;
  • Buyers - all buyers are displayed here, divided into sources based on the transition from social networks (VK, Twitter, Facebook). You can also view data by region and referrals;
  • Goods - from here you need to add categories, products, set up promotions, create additional fields, set badges like “Hit!” or “Discount!”, enter tags, product types, adjust visibility, and everything else related to filling the store and monitoring the warehouse. From here you can bulk add products from CSV files. Instructions for filling them out are available;
  • Reports - detailed sales statistics by sources (social networks, geographical units, advertising campaigns, sales channels, storefronts, etc.). Here you can set up A/B tests, view marketing estimates, ROI and other graphs. There are other settings, a lot of them (separate arrays of reports on customers, cohorts, products, ordering funnels).
  • Showcase - a section for setting up static pages, selecting a storefront template, editing it, accessing the code, connecting social network widgets and setting up a large number of smaller parameters. Here you will find SEO for the store, CNC parameters, select payment and delivery methods and activate a secure connection when placing an order, if necessary.

During starting settings store, you will be able to select types of products, configuration examples of which will be added to the storefront as samples. It will also be possible to immediately import products from the old store (OpenCart, PrestaShop, InSales, YML file, etc.). During the introductory process, you will receive many tips and opportunities to quickly perform basic actions (template, payment/delivery, products, domain registration/connection) without delving into the interface.

In addition to the sections described above, the store on Webasyst also has General settings. There are a huge number of them. Types/characteristics of goods, recommendations, warehouses, order statuses and ordering procedures, delivery/payment, discounts, currencies, taxes, printed forms, analytics, trigger links... The list can go on for a long time, and each such section has a number of options. It's better to see it in person, reading will only confuse you. Separately, we note the ability to connect SMS notifications about incoming orders.

You will be able to configure various ways authorization for your customers: by email, phone number, or both options at once. You can also choose the method of generating passwords for clients - automatically (via SMS or email), a one-time individual password for each login, or a permanent one assigned by the user himself. All this meets modern standards - already at the entrance the buyer will feel the level of the store.

There is one more important thing - the checkout pages in Shop-Script are dynamic. That is, the visitor will see all the information regarding the purchase on one screen. Contact information, cart contents (quantity, discounts, amount, etc.), delivery and payment options can be changed within one dynamic form (drop-down lists, options, editable fields). It is organized and looks exactly as it should be.

The functionality described in general terms is basic. It can be significantly expanded connecting plugins , of which there are approximately 400 pieces. Among them there are paid and free ones. The latter also includes synchronization with "1C: Trade Management" , which pleases me immensely. To view the add-ons available for installation, go to “Installer”. From here you can purchase apps, templates, plugins and widgets (all of which are free). Plugins and applications can be purchased one-time or connected for a subscription fee. The first option is much more profitable - a little more expensive, but forever without the need to consistently pay extra. Different prices. Let us only note that the cost of installing a dozen useful add-ons can be equal to or exceed the annual cost of renting the engine at lower tariffs. In general, the choice of plugins will allow you to complicate and detail the system setup as much as you like. Will appeal to those who are going create a hypermarket with all imaginable and inconceivable bells and whistles.

Each plugin/template has detailed description and reviews, so you don’t have to buy blindly. There are among them solutions for all occasions , most are clearly useful in their own way, although some plugins add functionality that is quite common for other systems: slider, form builder, banners, reviews, etc. Yes, some of them are an alternative to standard tools, and some of them are simple things, unfortunately, do not have standard samples. The number of reviews indicates a significant audience for Webasyst, which in itself suggests positive thoughts about the system.

Separately, I would like to note the possibility of organizing a good CRM systems regular means. You will be able to establish full and comprehensive contact with clients, know everything you can about them. A whole database with a ton of information will help you conduct an effective marketing policy. Built-in CRM tools allow you to work with contacts, view statistics and carry out operations on all current transactions, receive reminders about scheduled events and notifications in the browser, process invoices, as well as connect IP telephony (an additional plugin and payment is required) and receive calls directly from the browser . Of course, there are also reports: transaction statuses, a filter by employees responsible for execution, for the period, etc. The CRM is synchronized with the store engine. This means that when you carry out operations on orders inside the control panel, the changes will be reflected in the CRM. The feedback is also true.

In general, Webasist boasts an advanced CRM application in every sense. It also offers tools to help your business stay compliant. We are talking about Law 54-F3 “On the use of cash register equipment.” Here you can enter the initial algorithm for goods exchange (form of payment and delivery), after which you will receive options for implementing functionality that will allow you to install an online cash register on the site. We are talking about applications and plugins. There are instructions for everything, so there will be no problems.

Webasyst - engine for professional developers . Best suited for creating stores, although it also works great with business cards and blogs. Beginners may be put off by the visual complexity of the control panel and excess functionality. The pros will quickly get the hang of it, write their own plugins or buy them, and will create custom stores or develop their own trading business. The beauty is that it’s quite easy to start here, and the nuances that will emerge as you achieve your goal can be resolved in the help section and simple attentiveness. The functionality is excellent; in this regard, few engines can compete with Webasyst on an equal footing.

Let's also note the help section: he's gorgeous. For any little detail, you can find detailed instructions in the appropriate section. There is also a blog here with a bunch of useful articles. In any case, beginners will find the support section useful: the system is multifaceted and complex in nature, although it is not poorly organized structurally. Also, for a negotiated fee, you can quickly find an experienced developer to implement new features: editing/creating a template, adding modules, writing new ones, setting up anything. For a fee, everything will be done to you quickly and efficiently.

Now about domains. The policy here is standard: if you have a domain, you can connect it; if not, it will be given as a gift after paying for the tariff (.ru). If you want a different domain zone, buy from a third-party registrar or directly from the admin panel. Whatever is more convenient. In general, all the cards are in your hands, nothing new.

Designs and working with templates

Considering the store-oriented focus of the engine (let’s take this statement as a constant), there are more than 100 templates here. Unfortunately, most of them are paid. Cost fluctuates from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. Free options only 10. They are made well, but paid ones are still much more varied and beautiful. The division into topics is present, as is the ability to preview the template. It's easy to choose. You can install several templates in the system, changing them as desired.

Each of the designs can be customized, although the customization options for most of them can hardly be called wide: changing the color scheme and main font will not satisfy many professionals. Luckily you you can edit template codes for yourself anyway. You can save design variations of the same template while testing their effectiveness in the field. You can download the template to your PC and edit it there. Or upload your own version.

Top paid themes contain many (200-300) manual settings appearance. They allow you to radically customize the design without coding. However, understanding these combinations is also not easy. Some people will find it easier to change the code than to spend a couple of days playing with switches and numeric field values.

In general, the legacy of CMS is evident. With the right level of skill, you will get a design exactly the way you want. Unfortunately, the road here is closed to beginners; advanced skills are needed here. You'll have to be satisfied with the stock options with minor changes. This is, of course, bad.

Summary: Webasyst has many templates, but the best ones are expensive. Achieving individuality in the appearance of a project can be achieved by working with code. The standard customization options are weak. The overall quality of the templates is above the market average.

Design settings specifically for the store are in the section "Showcase"/"Decoration". The template can be changed at any time by immediately going to “Design Themes”, and in “Templates” you can edit the default design code.

Optimization (SEO) and promotion

Standard promotion options sites in Webasyst are the same as in the vast majority of systems: it is possible to fill in meta tags for the entire site, product categories, individual products and pages, select the type of CNC generation, configure 301 redirects and robots.txt, connect Google/Yandex analytics and counters. Seems good, but nothing special. The situation changes for the better after connecting several promotion plugins.

So "SEO optimization" for 999 rubles you will be able to add additional fields to your SEO settings, create templates, promote multiple storefronts, use synonyms, modifiers, descriptions for tags and much more.

The Yandex.Market plugin will allow you to bulk upload products there in YML files; it is free. Call back, online consultant, invoice, intercash, automatic update cost of goods at the Central Bank exchange rate, commercial offer, SEO filter, mass description of products - all this will ultimately increase traffic due to optimization or convenience of shopping conditions for visitors. This list is far from complete.

In general, Webasyst has ample opportunities for website promotion. You'll have to pay for some of them, but it's worth it.

The developers also paid attention to interaction with social networks(Facebook, Twitter, VK, Instagram). You can display their widgets and set up the synchronization of titles/descriptions of products in them with your site.

Webasyst pricing policy (prices for tariffs)

The cost of assembling Webasyst depends on the modules and goodies included in the package. Please note that Shop-Script applications, blog, photos, mailings and website are included in all service packages. Tariffs differ in the amount of available storage and the number of sites created within them. By the way, it is more correct to call the latter storefronts, since they will all work under a common backend, although the domains, design, etc. will be different. You can also hire assistants by giving them access to the admin panel. Everything indicates that the system takes into account the interests of client site developers. The cost of tariff plans is as follows:

  1. Start (499 rub/month)- Shop-Script 8, 5 GB of space, 1 website, 200 products, domain in zone.ru as a gift;
  2. Pro (RUB 1,599/month)- 20 GB of space, CRM application, 10 GB of space, 5 sites, unlimited number of products and store employees, CDN connection (website accelerator), advanced site metrics, integration with 1C, MoySklad and Yandex.Market,
  3. Premium (RUB 3,599/month)- 50 GB of space, CRM, 10 sites, hub application, files, tasks and support, as well as an SSL certificate as a gift.

With a simple calculation, the cost of creating 1 website at higher tariffs looks very moderate. Useful bonuses and a number of sites are added. We recommend tariff 1 for beginners, and tariff 2 or 3 for those who want to make money by creating websites. The last tariff will appeal to development teams with an established reputation. The cost of using Webasyst can be seriously inflated by purchasing templates, applications, plugins and ordering third-party services.

A Shop-Script 8 license, intended for installation on your hosting, will cost 20k rubles. You can also buy a subscription to updates for a year, which will cost 7,599 rubles. Please note that when you purchase a license, you already have a year of updates ahead of you. But the general point is that all new versions of the store script will be paid, one way or another.

The system is designed for creation of large stores and easily handles a large influx of incoming traffic, so the investment can quickly pay off. Its use is beneficial for serious projects.

You will be given a tryout a whole month of free use . All features, except paid add-ons, will be available. You can test whatever you want.

Advantages and disadvantages

As we explored Webasyst's capabilities, we became more and more impressed by its quality and thoughtfulness. The system has a large list of bright advantages .

Pros of Webasyst:

  • One of the best store functionality(import/export from CSV/YML, mailings, online consultant, SMS notifications, call back, CRM, A/B tests, advanced statistics and much more);
  • good quality templates;
  • Big quantity widgets, plugins and applications for installation, including free ones;
  • Good tool for promotion websites;
  • Profitable wholesale tariff plans;
  • Good quality technical support 24/7;
  • Very informative help section;
  • Opportunity development order custom functionality from the pros.

Cons of Webasyst:

  • Almost all templates paid, and their cost is considerable;
  • The possibilities for customizing design without coding are quite meager;
  • Complexity for newbies;
  • Some paid plugins provide functionality that, in theory, should already be in the system from the very beginning (by analogy with other systems).

The system is good for everyone for experienced developers , but, of course, it will require investing slightly more than usual for effective use (templates, plugins). Beginners will have a hard time using it, but you can get used to the unusual admin panel and a large number of settings in a couple of days. The main thing is that Webasyst is able to produce high-quality results.

Alternatives and competitors

Most purebred website builders cannot compete in capabilities with Webasyst, a powerful CMS presented in the format cloud service. The priority is to create a store, so the most important alternatives are those that are on the same level or superior to the hero of the review in this area. Creating small websites (business cards, portfolios, one-pagers) is additional opportunity systems. In this regard, Webasist easily outperforms the best WYSIWYG services in terms of convenience and cost.

Best Webasyst Alternatives

uCoz is a powerful modular constructor, very similar to Webasist in terms of capabilities, but in a more familiar format. In terms of the quality of the stores received, it is not inferior. It’s also not easy, it requires skills to use, and it’s significantly cheaper. The good thing is that premium templates are also much cheaper. In terms of cost, in general, Yukoz is more profitable. Supports the integration of third-party services and scripts as opposed to Webasist plugins. There is parity in coding and SEO optimization of websites - in both cases you can do everything.

– a modular system of similar power in a classic, more understandable interface. Also a CMS, it is famous for its stability, website speed and a top-end set of SEO optimization tools. Copes well with creating medium-large stores and other types of sites, including forums. Comparable cost, ability to write and add your own modules, lots of fine-tuning. An excellent alternative: systems of the same class, different approaches, and you need to choose the one that seems more convenient.

– a lightweight, convenient solution for implementing business sites with static pages. Business cards, portfolios, landing pages - all this is much easier, cheaper and faster to do here than in the undoubtedly cool, powerful, but cumbersome and relatively complex Webasyst. Many profile bright templates, specialized widgets, visual editor, convenient panel SEO optimization is just the thing for beginners who want to position their business. An ideal alternative for technically simple project scenarios.

Like most complex and powerful systems, Webasyst is aimed at an advanced audience. Beginners need more simple interfaces, ready-made cases within which they can solve their problems. In this context, the hero of the review has enough competitors in every direction. Both in terms of cost and ease of use.

Did not like quantity free templates and the cost of paid ones. On the other hand, you can edit the code here, so any ready-made design can be turned into anything without spending money on buying it. Ready-made stores they turn out to be very strong in all respects, which is clearly visible in the examples we selected. And the possibilities for their promotion in Webasyst are decent, taking into account the installation of plugins. Special praise deserve the ability to synchronize with 1C, receive SMS notifications, conveniently conduct A/B tests, and also have a powerful native CRM. This is not available everywhere.

The fly in the ointment is relative admin panel complexity. About a third of the options, if not more, will be incomprehensible to a novice user. But over time, after practice and diligent reading of the help section, all the puzzles will fit together, and you will become a good specialist in the niche of creating quality stores. For developers, this system is a Klondike, vast and promising.

Novice webmasters will find the platform complex: an extensive administrative panel with a large number of settings, the need to independently edit the code to make almost any changes to the template, and unclear terms. Essentially, Webasyst is a CMS, although due to its cloud hosting and automatic installation, some users consider the system to be a designer.

The service uses a modular approach. On the one hand, this is good - unnecessary applications can be disabled. On the other hand, out of the box the system is devoid of many functions, and to get them, you need to buy plugins. Simply put, Webasyst is a set of applications united only by an interface. This explains its existence in two forms: as a familiar designer with hosting included and a separate script for independent installation and configuration.

Each application has its own set of settings. They are organized according to the same scheme, only the quantity changes available opportunities. This helps you understand the administrative panel a little faster - at least you don’t have to get used to the structure of the control menu every time. For each application, you can select and customize your own template, add pages and widgets. This approach ensures the versatility of the designer.

Despite the abundance of opportunities for creating websites different types, Webasyst is best suited for store launches. To solve this problem it is used special application, which consists of several sections:

  • “Orders” - a detailed summary of all orders in the store, filtered by status;
  • “Buyers” is a customer base with the ability to create samples by region, referral source, referral sign and how long ago the order was made.
  • “Products” - management of assortment and sales conditions. Here you can add categories, products, set up promotions and discount programs.
  • “Reports” is a section with statistical calculations on traffic and customers.
  • “Showcase” is everything that concerns the appearance of the store, from design settings to choosing a delivery method and creating a CNC.

More than 1000 plugins are available to expand store functionality, both paid and free. With their help, you can grow an online market of any complexity and size from a small store. The designer supports team work with division of responsibilities and access rights, which is important for the operation of a large store. Webasyst has a built-in CRM system synchronized with the store engine. It allows you to connect IP telephony, receive notifications about actions on sites and complete statistics for each client, process invoices and carry out other operations.

The website on which sales are organized must meet high security requirements, including in terms of protecting the personal data of users. Webasyst offers a choice for this different ways authorization: identity confirmation via email with or without following a link, code in SMS, combined method. The system may itself issue a password or allow the buyer to use his own option.

The store on Webasyst will operate in accordance with all legal requirements. The designer has the ability to connect an online cash register. The service provides lists of suitable plugins, third-party services, instructions for connection and configuration. The help section is generally done very well. In the knowledge base you can find answers to common questions; service available to resolve problems technical support. If you do not have time to develop a website or solve problems, through the help section you can find an expert who, for an additional fee, will undertake the necessary work.

In general, the functionality of the system is very good high level. If you have programming skills and money to buy plugins on Webasyst, you can create a large online store with all the necessary options: a storefront, a catalog with support fast loading products, discounts, promotions.


Webasyst offers 100+ design themes, but only 15 of them are free. The cost of other design options ranges from 1.5 to 10 thousand rubles. (there is even one topic for 50 thousand). There are no filters in the list of themes, so you have to manually search for a suitable layout. There is no demo view, only screenshots of pages demonstrating the design and a detailed description of the capabilities. In the mobile and desktop versions it is possible to install different themes.

Most of the layouts were created for online stores, but there are designs for blogs, business cards, and landing pages. The purchased theme can be installed on different sites, changing its appearance and maintaining different options. The templates themselves look great, but that doesn't justify their price. Although if you create several online stores using different design options for one design theme, it won’t be so expensive.

The number of options available for customization depends on the template itself. If you use a free theme, then without editing the code, at best you can choose a different font and change the color scheme of the site. The more expensive the template, the more tools for manually customizing the appearance it offers. In top themes, several hundred parameters are available, but understanding them is also not easy: sometimes it’s easier to get into the code than to struggle with sliders and selectors. But this requires appropriate skills - at least the ability to work with HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

If you have experience editing templates, then you can use different options: edit files through the built-in editor and save different versions, download them to your computer, and then upload them back to the server and test them, add third-party templates optimized for the designer’s requirements. All this is displayed in Webasyst CMS, which, although it tries to get a little closer to users, does not care at all about the convenience of customizing the appearance of the site through the visual editor.

Depending on the level of skills, the webmaster has three options for using the service: build a website based on free template and be content with minimal customization options, buy an expensive theme that can be flexibly changed using preset parameters, and edit the code yourself. The last option is the most attractive, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for all users who choose a website builder to create a website.

If you create a store on Webasyst, you will be able to customize the appearance of the storefront. This can be done on the “Design” tab in the “Showcase” section. This is not a prerequisite for running a store; you can get by with a stock design - the main thing is that everything works.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Webasyst offers standard features for search engine optimization:

  • attaching your domain to the site, connecting an SSL certificate;
  • adding titles, descriptions and keywords for a site, page, category or individual material;
  • selection of CNC type or manual setting addresses for each page;
  • setting up a redirect to redirect from the old page address to the new one.
  • managing indexing parameters of the site and individual pages;
  • connection of counters and analytics from Yandex and Google.

In addition, the designer, among its basic capabilities, offers interaction with widgets on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and VKontakte with the setting of the same display of titles and descriptions as on the site.

The standard set of Webasyst tools is sufficient to comply minimum requirements search engines and be able to track statistics of visits, visits and views. If you want to have more tools for website promotion, you will have to connect an additional SEO module, which costs 999 rubles. It adds new fields to the section with SEO parameters, allows you to customize the use of synonyms, modifiers, descriptions for tags and other options that are not available in the basic configuration of the designer.

To promote an online store, a free Yandex.Market plugin is also available, which allows you to bulk upload products to a popular site using YML files. It will also be useful for an online store to add a call back, an online consultant, automatic creation invoices, updating the cost of goods depending on exchange rates, etc. All this can be implemented using plugins for Webasyst.


Tariff plans are of interest only to those users who choose the option of hosting their website on the cloud. You can test any tariff for free for 30 days, then you need to pay for a subscription for a month, 6 months or a year. The discount depends on the payment period - if you close the tariff for a year at once, you can save 20%.

Tariffs are designed for streaming creation of online stores. Starting with the Pro plan, a webmaster can build from 5 to 10 sites. The system can withstand a large influx of visitors, so you can safely collect large online stores on Webasyst in the quantity that the tariff plan allows.

Also, the Shop-Script online store engine can be installed separately on your hosting or dedicated server - the cost is RUB 19,999 per license to open a working online store. Free for developers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the system is its excellent functionality for building an online store with all necessary tools for online sales. Other positive characteristics include:

  • A large number of plugins, applications and widgets.
  • Wide possibilities for editing the site.
  • An informative knowledge base with images and videos to help you quickly become familiar with the system.
  • Integration with third party services necessary for organizing online sales.
  • Additional functionality for business management: tasks, cloud storage for company files, customer interaction system.

Webasyst's disadvantages largely relate to cost and complexity. It will be difficult for beginners to understand the admin panel, but this problem can be solved with practice. A limited number of tools for changing the appearance of a site can also be replaced using coding - but this requires programming skills or the budget to hire a specialist.

The main disadvantage of Webasyst is the high prices for templates and applications. Moreover, you have to buy plugins, the functionality of which in other systems is provided for free out of the box. For example, displaying an image of a blog post in a feed - for this feature you will have to pay 299 rubles. It turns out a strange situation: developers disable important functions and then sell them separately.

WebAsyst (read as Webasist) is a free framework on the basis of which you can create a website (that is, use it as a CMS) or develop an intranet (internal corporate network for team work, corporate portal).

WebAsyst has a long history: the company Articus, which developed this service, was created in 1993, and the project began in 2004. Since then, the product has been constantly developed and refined based on user needs.

WebAsyst is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). On the official website you can download the framework for free and install on your hosting. WebAsyst is also available on GitHub . Installation instructions for hosting can be found .

Technical information:

  • Open source PHP / MySQL / Smarty / jQuery, 7.19 MB
  • Version dated October 10, 2017

A WebAsyst user can be either a single individual client or a group of any size (in which access rights can be assigned). The access rights system will be unclaimed if the product is used by one person, however, he can always invite new users to the system. The developers assure that the product can be used by several thousand users simultaneously without difficulty (this was tested on servers).

It is worth highlighting that WebAsyst allows you to create complex websites that are based on several independent applications (for example, an online store and a blog).

Shop-Script 7

Demo: https://demo1-ru.webasyst.com/

Admin: https://demo1-ru.webasyst.com/webasyst/

Create a test store: https://www.webasyst.com/cloud/?region=RU&app=shop

Shop-Script 7 is an online store engine. The first version was released back in 2002.

If WebAsyst is a framework, then Shop-Script is an application that runs inside the shell of this framework. In addition to Shop-Script, there are many other applications for WebAsyst: Mailings, CRM, Site Acceleration and so on ( full list There is ).

However, Shop-Script is definitely the most popular and in-demand application of all, as, according to the developers, it is the basis of more than 15 thousand online stores.

Shop-Script 7 is suitable for projects of any size - these can be either newly opened small online stores or large projects.

The application contains all the necessary elements of an online store: a display case with goods, a shopping cart, a system for placing and managing orders and goods, and also has extensive analytical capabilities.

As a result, Shop-Script allows you not only to quickly and conveniently manage your store, but also to work effectively with analytics, that is, analyze the operation of the store and improve it.

Main minusapplication - this is its cost, namely almost 20 thousand rubles (19,999 rubles to be precise). There is an option and place your site in company cloud (with monthly payment), but this solution has several disadvantages: there is no way to do it yourself backups, no access to source code and database and so on.

Hosting an online store gives you great freedom and opportunity.

On the official website you can also find ready-made designs for an online store - this is a standard practice that is suitable for those who do not want to wait for individual development. Prices start from a little over a thousand; The average cost of a design is around 3-5 thousand rubles. Severalfree options.

Shop-Script 7 includesmobile app, which allows you to track orders, view sales reports, edit products and much more. There is even a mode for couriers, which allows the courier to see the orders transferred to him and mark the completion of their delivery.

According to the developers’ vision, the project for which Shop-Script is ideal is an online store of a large Russian market with several premises (office, warehouse, offline store), using 1C and various delivery methods.

Working in WebAsyst Shop-Script 7

Depending on the license, after purchase you may have a different number of applications - all of them are presented in the backend, the administrative part:

The developers decided that people would be primarily interested in weather, news and time zones - however, widgets can be customized so that the admin panel contains only the necessary information.

The first time you click on the Shop-Script application, the online store quick setup page will be displayed:

Further tips will help with setting up the online store itself (adding products, design, delivery, etc.):

In general, a similar training approach is quite popular and is used on some other platforms (for example, Bitrix). If you are already familiar with the interface and functionality of the application, then you can skip the training.

You can add products not only by traditionally creating separate product cards. For example, you can:

  • import from CSV or YML file;
  • import from 1C;
  • just upload a bunch of photos and then fill out product cards.

Card Productlooks like this:

Each setting has its own section: you can configure SEO, characteristics, recommended products, and so on. It’s a little strange that photos and videos are listed separately (and even in the third section), but on the general page of all products they are shown with pictures:

Ordersare tracked in a separate tab. There are 7 order statuses available (new, deleted, confirmed, completed, etc. - all the main options for working with orders):

Naturally, you can change and customize all this in the settings:

The same applies to other sections (delivery, reports, customers, etc.) - everything is customized and changed specifically to suit the user’s needs.

Interesting: Shop-Script 7 makes it possible to interact with Yandex.Market and accept orders without visiting the online store itself. The order will be displayed as one of the orders in the online store list.


WebAsyst Shop-Script 7 is a very flexible and highly customizable system. Not only the programmer will be able to configure it, but also regular user- in my opinion, the system is very loyal, you can quickly figure it out. This may not be so important for the site owner (a novice webmaster), but it will be important for its administrators, call center specialists, etc., who can be quickly trained to work in the system. https://developers.webasyst.ru/forum/

  • Development Lessons:
  • Effective teamwork in Webasyst. Tasks, lists, Kanban, assigning responsibilities, types and statuses of tasks, linking tasks with Shop-Script orders and much more - application Pocket Lists and the Pocket Lists PRO plugin will help automate your work.

    Order in business is the basis for growth.

  • Webasyst CRM

    A convenient tool for managing your customer base and sales

    Convenient work with contacts
    Effective management transactions
    Integration with Shop-Script
    Sales funnels
    Timeline for all actions
    Integration with IP telephony
    Automation of work with invoices

  • Google Shopping

    Export products in XML format for Google Merchant!

    Advanced feed creation options
    Automatic file update via CRON
    Integration with SEO optimization
    SKU support

  • Feedback form

    Universal application for creating flexible
    forms feedback on the website, store, blog
    and any other applications

  • Sitemap PRO

    Flexible sitemap management Sitemap.xml!

    Advanced map generation settings
    Setting priorities and update frequency
    Automatic update via CRON
    Sitemap.xml for images
    Accounting for Robots.txt rules

  • Promotions

    Creation of promotions for the website,
    with the possibility of unloading to Yandex Market.

    Support for all types of promotions:
    discount using promo code
    special price for a certain period
    when you buy N products, you get M of the same products for free
    gift of choice

  • Yandex Market

    Plugin for exporting products in YML format and publishing them in the service "Yandex Market".
    The plugin generates a link to the exported file and the ability to download the file to your computer.

  • Autodetection and city selection

    Autocomplete address, region variables

    Convenient registration of delivery address - more orders!
    City hint during checkout process
    Variables for cities/regions
    Redirection to region/city showcase
    Autocomplete address in admin panel

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