What is a Vkontrakte repost and how to do it correctly and quickly. What is a repost and how to do it on VKontakte How to repost in the VK application

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Reposting is a way to add to your page a post, picture, information article that is posted on a social network or on a third-party site. In this case, there is no possibility of editing the content, and the link to the source is preserved.

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The word “repost” comes from English, which literally translates as repeated message. Additional terms for the same phenomenon are “repost” or “retweet.” Essentially, this is citing the original source by forwarding the content. It is important not to confuse the three ways of disseminating information:

  • simple storage of information and its forwarding without indicating the source -;
  • a similar procedure with a note of authorship - quotation;
  • accompanying a text block with a link to the author – retweet.

Why do you need a repost?

What does it mean to repost and what are its properties?

We highlight the following functions:

  1. You can see your favorite posts from different public pages and groups at any time in one click, without a long search in your feed. You will be sure that the publication will definitely not be lost.
  2. When reposting, the original source is not lost. This is convenient for the user because he won’t lose the link to an interesting public page or blogger, and for the author himself because no one will take credit for his post.
  3. Advertising. The author of a publication that has received many reposts can count on the fact that many people will be interested in it.
  4. You can not only look at the number of interested people, but also their gender, age, interests, profession, education and geographic location. This makes it easier for the author to understand who his target audience is and tailor publications to their interests and needs.

How to repost

Let's look at how to use this feature on various platforms:

In contact with

At the bottom of the post you like there is a loudspeaker with the number of people who shared it. After clicking this button, a window appears in which you can select one of three options:

  • for friends and subscribers;
  • for the community, if you have the right to fill out the public;
  • in a personal message.

Select the option that suits you and fill out the pop-up field indicating the recipient. You can also add an accompanying comment, it will be reflected above the post.


  • screenshot and placement on your page;
  • third-party services: “Regran”, “Repost+ for Instagram”, “Instarepost”.


Video hosting suggests doing the following:

Since reposts are an excellent way of advertising, many group administrators distribute them across the network using special plugins, for example, “Pay by repost.” This is an application that allows the user to access the information provided for free for a symbolic action - reposting.

But it’s still better to receive reposts honestly. Firstly, social networks may notice your fraud and impose sanctions on you. Secondly, artificially boosted reposts will not bring you interested, loyal subscribers. Create quality content, communicate with your audience, call people to action, and make new posts regularly. This way you can get reposts and the favor of subscribers.

A repost or repost is a secondary publication of a post, a message posted by another user of a blog, live journal, or social network. In this case, the message appears on the page without changing the content and indicating the original source.
On the VK social network, you have the opportunity to re-publish your favorite notes, posts, and recordings on your page or in a group of which you are the owner. You can also send reposts to friends in private messages.

How to repost on VKontakte?

The repost function provided in Contact is simple and takes a minimum of time. To publish someone else's post on your page, do the following:

You can add your images, documents, audio and video materials to reposts. They will be displayed below the note.

You can not only repost posts, but also do it at a certain time using the timer function. The time of publication of the repost is also selected in the menu. First, time, then the audience who will see your repost.

At the same time as reposting, you can also like the post you like. If you share a note, the like button is automatically clicked. If you want to remove it, click on the “heart” and your profile will disappear from the list.

As you can see, reposting your favorite posts on social networks is easy. Now let’s take a closer look at what reposts of other people’s posts give to a simple user or group owner.

Why are reposts needed on VK and other social networks?

  1. You like the post and want to save it. Reposting is a great way to do this.
  2. Reposts make it possible to share current gaming, music, and political news. This way a large number of users will know about them.
  3. Reposting is a great way to advertise your services and products. For example, if a repost of your product or service appears on the page of a popular and well-promoted community with millions of subscribers, everyone will instantly know about it. You can also repost for free, for friendly purposes. This is done by communities with similar topics. Or, if you are the owner of several groups, you can repost posts to attract users.
  4. The more people share a post on a social network, the more popular it is. Large communities resort to the services of special services that deal with promotion, including reposting.
Reposts are a great way to spread information so that VKontakte users know about it.

How to repost VKontakte posts from friends’ walls

The “Share” function allows you to quickly post posts from friends or communities on your wall. To do this, you need to hover over the “Like” mark and select the required action in the window that appears.

How to repost your VKontakte posts or group publications

The wall on your page can be either public or private. In the "My Settings" section of the page, you can disable comments on the wall and mark who can leave posts on it. After such changes, friends will see your posts and share them, but replies to any post posted by you can only be seen on their page. The wall can serve as a place for you to store your favorite quotes, sayings, and pictures. Here you can write down the names of the books you decide to read, as well as mark the events you would like to attend.

The entries you create can be sent to the wall of the community in which you are a member, as well as a personal message to a friend on VKontakte or by e-mail.

Choose the functions of the VKontakte wall you need, exchange information and enjoy communication.

Hello everyone, my dear readers and blog guests! In general, to be honest, I did not plan to write this kind of article, but one thing literally forced me to do it. I couldn’t even think that someone still doesn’t know what it means to repost a post on VK, but it turned out that this is a completely common thing. Well, then we will correct this situation.

In simple terms, a repost is the republishing of any finished post in another place with its full content, as well as showing the source of the original post. This means that if you liked a post, you can simply display it somewhere else, for example on your VK wall.

How to repost

You will have several options on how you can do this:

By the way, in addition to the post itself, you can leave your personal comment. Moreover, this comment can be supplemented with some picture, video or audio recording. You just need to click on the corresponding icon.

Delayed repost

By the way, if you don’t want the pepost to happen right away, then you can schedule the time of its appearance yourself. In some cases this can be a very useful feature. And this is all done very easily. You will just need to click on “More” and select “Timer” there. Well, then, I think you will understand it intuitively. Enter the time, date, and go!


Among other things, the repost has one very cool feature. which many are not even aware of, although they are in plain sight. You can share the post not only on VKontakte, but also on external resources that support html code, such as websites and forums. You can even resize this block and insert it, for example, as a banner. Quite a handy thing.)

In order to do this, you need to go to the tab while reposting "Export", then select the desired width in pixels (for example, 250), and then copy the code and paste it wherever you like.

Why are reposts needed at all?

A fair question would be: “Why is all this needed at all?” Well, there are several possible answers. Let's get a look:

Sometimes this or that news touches people so much that they make a lot of reposts. As a result, a simple post can spread so much that it becomes widely known throughout the RuNet and perhaps even turns into a meme.

And by the way, if you like to run around the expanses of VKontakte, then you can do it profitably. I suggest you visit free online marathon, where you can undergo training to master popular Internet professions, for example, “VKontakte Administrator” or “Traffic Manager of Social Networks”. Take a look, especially since it's free.

Well, this is where I will end my article for today. I hope that you found it interesting and useful. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates, and of course, be sure to repost the topic of today’s article. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

How to repost in VKontakte? There are few users who have never used this feature. The algorithm is simple, and the procedure takes a person a few seconds.

  • Availability of modern design.
  • Nice interface.
  • Ease of use.
  • VK is constantly updated and improved.
  • It follows the latest trends.
  • Has a set of useful functions.
  • It's really easy and pleasant to use.
  • The site is easy to understand. The developers adhere to the concept of minimalism. They arranged the elements to avoid clutter.
  • VK attracts an audience from 10 to 35 years old. At the moment, these are the most active Internet users.

The site has reached the peak of popularity. The audience is gradually increasing, but the sharp growth has stopped. Now VK is deservedly considered the largest social network in the CIS.

What is a repost?

Reposting in contact is copying a post and posting it on the wall or sending it to a friend. Any social network user can do it. What posts can be reposted?

Do you want to know how to repost on VK to your page? The procedure is as simple as possible and takes minimal time. Necessary:

How to start using the client? You need to go to the official store on your platform. In it, enter “VK” in the search bar and find the application. Then download it to your phone. Launch the program, log in and access the page.

How to repost a post on VK using an app on your phone? Necessary:

  • Go to a group or page.
  • Find the desired entry.
  • Below it is a megaphone icon.
  • Click on it.
  • A window with a list of friends will appear. You can immediately select the person to whom you want to send information.
  • If you want to publish on the page, then click on the appropriate item.

What do you need to know?

What data should not be shared?

  1. Nationalist posts.
  2. Propaganda of terrorism.
  3. Calls for violence and incitement of ethnic hatred.
  4. Insulting a group of people based on a common characteristic.

Do not forget that the resource belongs to Mail.ru, and the company cooperates with the state. Therefore, it is very easy for law enforcement agencies to obtain personal data.

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