Where to open an electronic wallet. Electronic wallet: why you need it and how to use it

Electronic wallets are a popular and convenient tool for paying for services and transferring funds. Therefore, more and more people are using payment systems. The basics of their functioning are almost the same. Therefore, replenishing your wallet, transferring or withdrawing money will not be difficult even for novice users.

How to top up an electronic wallet?

They replenish virtual wallets with real money using bank tellers, payment terminals or special cards. The simplest, and therefore most common, method is to buy and initiate a card for payment in a specific payment system. This is done through the interfaces that the system offers (Russian and international websites, applications for smartphones, tablets, social networks).

You can also deposit cash at special exchange offices, cash desks of retail outlets or through automatic machines. Addresses are usually posted on the official websites of payment systems. The method is suitable for clients who have fast access to such points. To deposit large amounts, it is better to use a bank transfer, because... the commission in this case will be minimal. You can also transfer money from another payment system.

So, to top up your electronic wallet balance, you need:

  • having an account in the payment system;
  • bank card/cash/wallet of another electronic system/prepaid cards;
  • access to online banking or terminal.

Transfer of money to an electronic wallet is carried out in the personal account of the system participant using the “Top up account” function. There are 4 main ways to do this:

1. Prepaid card

This is a plastic card with the logo of the payment system and a certain denomination. How to use it?

  1. Purchase at street kiosks, shops, representative offices mobile operators, other points of sale. Due to the partner's commission, the price of the card is a couple of percent more than the face value. Cards are sold at no extra charge at branches of payment organizations or delivered by couriers after ordering online.
  2. Activate the card: enter the replenishment section on the system website, enter the card number and password located under the protective layer. For example, on “WebMoney”, you need to find the “My WebMoney” section and follow the “Top up WM card” link.
  3. Next, you need to follow the advice of the site, which will allow you to top up in a matter of minutes.

To replenish a wallet belonging to the Yandex. Money" you need:

  • pass account authorization;
  • in the “Top up wallet” item, select the card payment option;
  • fill out the form in the dialog box;
  • confirm the operation.

Important point: Prepaid cards are a convenient and simple method of replenishing an electronic wallet. But it is uneconomical, because... you will have to pay the highest percentage of commissions.

2. Bank card

Almost all payment systems have partners among banks who will offer the client to top up the account without charging interest if the card is linked to the account. If you use cards from other banks, the system will charge a commission. Replenishment of an electronic wallet is carried out through an ATM that has this function. A commission is charged for the provision of services.

3. Internet banking

Everything is simple here - the client replenishes his electronic account on the bank’s website using security codes. This requires registration in your personal account.

4. Cash

This method is available to almost everyone, which is why it is the most popular. You can top up your electronic wallet with cash:

  • through a payment terminal;
  • in sales offices;
  • in bank branches;
  • through translation systems;
  • via Russian Post.

Electronic money exchange

Transfers to electronic wallets are made by converting funds from other systems. By the way, there is always a fee for this service. There is one more disadvantage: in most electronic systems, the client’s status must be higher than anonymous.

Payment through an electronic wallet is used in online stores, for replenishing mobile phones, paying loans, utilities, and on-line services. The easiest way to make a payment is from an electronic wallet, the currency of which is accepted by a specific seller. But you can also exchange virtual rubles for dollars, euros, hryvnias, or vice versa. As in the exchange office, a certain percentage of the commission will be charged for this.

To ensure the security of the payment, be sure to accompany it with a secret word that is known only to the sender and recipient of the money. So, it is possible to return to your account within 10 days funds that were sent to the wrong e-wallet number by mistake.

Online wallet. How to withdraw money?

To withdraw money from a digital wallet, you need to resort to the help of a bank or use an ATM. To do this, you will need an open account and a card linked to it. Another way: through an electronic payment point or terminal. You must first transfer the required amount to your wallet and have a password for withdrawing funds. When cashing out electronic money Please note that the cost of each service includes commissions.

So, to withdraw money from an electronic wallet to a bank card, you need to:

  1. Be registered in the payment system.
  2. Use special program, for example, WebMoney Keeper.
  3. Possess an approved formal certificate.

When the bank's security service verifies the data and approves the formal certificate, the client will be able to withdraw money from the wallet. It is also possible to link a wallet, then payments will be credited to your account immediately. You only need to pay the commission provided by the system and provide detailed information about the card owner for detailed clarification.

By the way, electronic storage systems make it possible to withdraw money to any plastic card for 2-3% + the fee set by the company. It will take about 1 to 6 days. If the card is linked to an account, the commission will be no more than 3%, and the funds will be received immediately.

You can withdraw money in another way, using the services of instant transfer services. It will cost the owner of the wallet 3-5% of the amount and another 0.8% as a system commission. The money should arrive in your account in a couple of minutes. You just need to indicate the plastic card number and the name of its holder.

There is also a slightly longer method that allows you to save on commissions. The electronic payment system service will help with this.

  1. Go to the “Services” section from your personal account.
  2. Select the “Banking” tab and the required wallet type.
  3. Enter your username and password to log in to the system.
  4. Create a payment order indicating the complete data:
  • recipient's bank;
  • bank identification code;
  • code of the reason for tax registration (it is assigned to the organization as an addition to the TIN after registration with the tax authorities at the place of registration of the legal entity);
  • correspondent and current bank accounts;
  • passport data.

The information must be exactly the same as that specified when issuing the formal certificate, otherwise the translation will not be possible.

5. Specify the transfer amount, confirm your agreement with the terms of the system and proceed to generating a payment order.

6. Click the “Finish” button, and in the “Accounts” tab, confirm your agreement to pay for the transfer. The system will charge a commission of 0.8% of the amount. Another 1% is bank commission. The money will be credited to your account within 1 to 7 banking days. If the client has activated the mobile banking function, a message about the payment being credited will be sent to the phone.

  1. In addition to the proposed methods, you can use electronic money to pay relatives and friends for cellular communications, the Internet, purchases and services. They will return the amount spent in cash. This method is considered simple and least expensive, because no need to pay intermediary commission.
  2. To convert virtual money into real money, you can use the services of special exchange offices or intermediaries. The payment system website will help you find exchangers in your city. Having selected a dealer from the proposed list, clarify all the conditions and details related to the withdrawal of funds from the drive.
  3. Remember to be careful when using intermediaries. To avoid getting hooked by scammers, be sure to read customer reviews and don’t forget to check your e-wallet after completing the procedure.
  4. Please note that the amount of funds that can be withdrawn from your wallet is limited. For example, a client of the Yandex. Money”, which has passed identification, has the opportunity to withdraw no more than 500 thousand rubles at a time. And this amount should not exceed 3 million per month. Unidentified clients cannot receive more than 15 thousand rubles at a time. In the WebMoney system, restrictions on the withdrawal of money are associated with the status of the participant’s digital certificate. The maximum allowed amount is 2 million rubles per month.

Electronic money and payment systems have begun to gain rapid popularity in recent years, but many Russians still continue to use cash as their main payment instrument. Meanwhile, among those who are not ready for progress, there is still a large proportion of those who simply have not yet fully understood how much easier life is using virtual money. This article is about what an electronic wallet is and what well-proven electronic payment systems are currently operating in Russia.

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Time does not stand still. With the advent of the Internet, people have the opportunity, using the World Wide Web, not only to obtain the necessary information, communicate and perform many other useful operations, but also to pay for purchases and services. Now, in order to transfer money to someone, it is not at all necessary to go to financial institution and humbly wait for your turn on the approach to a bank employee, now you can transfer your hard-earned money to someone using your electronic wallet, just sitting at home.

What is an electronic wallet

An electronic wallet is computer program, which allows the user to store electronic money and use it to make non-cash payments on the Internet. An electronic wallet is essentially an analogue of a bank account.

Today, an electronic wallet is an ideal payment instrument for those who spend money on the Internet, making online purchases, and for those who earn money from it as a freelancer (copywriter, translator, designer, programmer). With the help of such a wallet, you can make various kinds of calculations using virtual money, which can later be easily and simply converted into real tangible funds and withdrawn either to a bank account or to a plastic card.

Before installing an e-wallet, you must first select a payment system. They differ from each other for a number of reasons, including, for example, the ability of an electronic wallet to contain one type of electronic currency or several, the ability to automatically accept payment for goods, and others.

Moreover, each payment system offers its own set of options for replenishing a wallet and withdrawing money from it. For example, depending on the capabilities of the payment system, you can top up your wallet either

  • by purchasing a special prepaid card;
  • by transferring funds to your wallet from your account mobile phone;
  • using mobile internet banking;
  • through an ATM;
  • by making a postal or bank money transfer;
  • using the payment terminal.

You also need to remember that there is a commission for transferring money using an electronic wallet, and it is better to clarify the tariff for this before choosing a payment system.

Meanwhile, unlike a bank card, you can use an electronic wallet for free.

To summarize, depending on how it is more convenient for you to replenish your electronic “assistant”, how to withdraw funds from it and a number of other factors, you should understand which electronic payment system will be more convenient for you.

Popular payment systems

There are many payment systems that allow you to create an electronic wallet. In Russia and most CIS countries, the following payment services have become widespread: Yandex.Money, WebMoney and QIWI.

Yandex. Money

Yandex. Money is an electronic payment system from the Russian search engine of the same name, which was created specifically for Russians and was launched in 2002. It is a very convenient and easy to use service. Using Y.wallet you can accept, send and exchange electronic money.

When working with an electronic wallet from Yandex, you can use the site’s web interface and mobile app. You can top up your wallet using all the known methods listed above (at payment terminals, bank branches, offices mobile communications etc.), you can take the money

  • by transferring them to a free plastic card "Yandex.Money" (you can withdraw funds to it for payments in regular stores or withdrawals through ATMs within a few minutes, however, almost all transactions are carried out with a commission, the amount of which depends on the transaction amount;
  • transferring them to another bank card or account;
  • by sending them somewhere through a money transfer system.

The only disadvantage of a wallet from a Russian search engine is that it can only be opened in Russian currency.


Perhaps the most popular system among those who prefer to make money on the Internet. It has existed since 1998 and is international.

Unlike other payment services, WebMoney works with virtual rather than real monetary units that correspond to real currencies (for example, WMZ - US dollar, WMR - Russian ruble).

This payment system allows

  • transfer money to any bank account, withdraw it to payment cards or receive cash;
  • unlike Yandex.Money, work with several currencies at once, for which a separate electronic wallet is provided with the ability to exchange between them.

Also, using WebMoney has a number of advantages, including

  • simple identification procedure: to go through it you just need to send a scanned copy or just a photo of your passport without visiting the office;
  • the opportunity to receive a whole range of additional features, including debt and credit services;
  • the opportunity to obtain several types of certificates, which allow you to gradually increase your capabilities in the payment system.

In the international payment system QIWI, which appeared in 2007, you can create an electronic wallet, QIWI Wallet. The main feature of this wallet is that you can work with it not only using the Internet, mobile phone, but also payment terminals, a huge number of which are installed in Russia.

As soon as you decide to register your e-wallet from QIWI, you will need to link your mobile phone number to it. It is this “feature” of the payment service that allows you to significantly simplify the financial management process. In addition, QIWI has a number of other advantages, including

  • free creation of a wallet in four currencies at once (ruble, euro, dollar, Kazakhstani tenge);
  • the ability to pay for a variety of services;
  • the ability to order the issue of a card that will be linked to your wallet (compare with the same opportunity from the Yandex.Money service;
  • minimum commission for any monetary transactions (about 2%).

In addition, you can top up your QIWI electronic wallet using any common methods: by bank card, by money transfer, and, of course, through a terminal and others.

Thus, you see that the answer to the question: which payment system to choose, as you see, depends entirely on your preferences and how you plan to use your electronic wallet. So, for example, if you permanently live in Russia, then you can create a wallet in any of these services - you will not have any problems with replenishing it, making payments, or withdrawing funds. If you make money on the Internet, are a freelancer and often make online purchases, then perhaps it will be more convenient for you to use WebMoney.

Choose the most favorable conditions for yourself and share in the comments which wallet turned out to be the most convenient for you.

If you buy online, you’ve probably already encountered or successfully used e-wallets. This is a convenient means of paying and receiving payments. But we have noticed that people are afraid to use e-wallets due to their perceived complexity. There's really nothing wrong with them. Let's look at the features of the most popular electronic wallets. What is an electronic wallet Wallets of proven electronic payment systems are safe and convenient. They allow you to store money in different currencies, pay for purchases in foreign online stores, and transfer money. Electronic wallets can be useful for freelancers and those who often make purchases or, conversely, sell something on the Internet (for example, through classifieds sites).
Payment using an electronic wallet eliminates the need to leave your bank card details on an unfamiliar website. Electronic wallets do not have an expiration date. Their use for personal purposes is free. Fees may be charged only for the use of certain services, for example, when withdrawing cash.

Yandex money

Yandex.Money is a popular Russian payment system. An easy-to-use e-wallet with a clear interface. Manage account possible through the Yandex.Money website or mobile application, available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone. Payment currency- Russian ruble. There are three types of Yandex.Money wallets: Anonymous is issued automatically after registering using your login and phone number. Nominal means that you have filled out an online application (only available for Russian passports). Identified means that Yandex.Money has received your full passport data.
Access to all wallet features can be obtained after identification. If you have already passed it for another wallet or are a client of Sberbank and use the Mobile Bank system, simply identify your wallet via the Internet. In all other cases, you need to go through identification at the Yandex.Money office, through CONTACT points (for Russian citizens), in Svyaznoy stores (for Russian citizens), in Euroset stores (for citizens of any countries) or send an application by mail ( for citizens of any country). Deposit, withdrawal and payment You can pay for services with Yandex.Money cellular communications, Internet, utilities, fines and taxes, make purchases in online stores, withdraw money to a bank card or account individual, make transfers through Western Union and Unistream, as well as transfers between different electronic money systems, transfer money to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. You can top up your wallet from a bank card, from a mobile balance, in cash at Sberbank, Eurotel and other top-up points, through Sberbank Online from a Sberbank card, from WebMoney and QIWI wallets.


QIWI is another reliable electronic payment system. Manage account possible through QIWI terminals, a web browser and applications for mobile platforms. The QIWI wallet is linked to a mobile phone number. Payment currency- Russian ruble, US dollar, euro or Kazakhstani tenge. At the same time, QIWI has an automatic conversion function, so you can make purchases in any currency, and the system will automatically convert the current wallet currency to the desired one. The Qiwi wallet, like the Yandex.Money wallet, has three types of statuses: Minimum given upon registration. Payment for cellular communications, Internet, housing and communal services, traffic police fines and other services is available. Basic makes it possible to make payments on the websites of foreign companies (Wargaming, Steam, Skype, AliExpress and others), as well as transfer money to other wallets, bank accounts and cards, or through money transfer systems. Professional has all the capabilities of the “Main” status, but with a higher allowable balance on the balance sheet (600 thousand rubles versus 60 thousand in the “Main” one) and without limits on payments and transfers. To obtain the “Basic” and “Professional” statuses, you need to undergo identification using your passport. Citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain this status via the Internet; citizens of other countries must undergo identification in person. At the moment, this can only be done in Russia (at QIWI offices, Euroset showrooms and CONTACT system points). Deposit, withdrawal and payment You can top up your QIWI wallet from a bank card, phone balance, in Qiwi terminals and communication shops. You can transfer or withdraw money from your wallet to another QIWI wallet, to a bank card, through the CONTACT system, through Russian Post, to other electronic wallets (Yandex.Money, Webmoney).


WebMoney Transfer is an international universal payment system, to use which you need to create an electronic wallet. Previously, the system was quite difficult to understand, but in the last 5-10 years everything has become very simple. Manage account possible through Personal Area on the website or through the WM Keeper client program (on a computer or mobile device). Payment currency- Russian ruble, US dollar, euro, Belarusian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Vietnamese dong. Transactions with exchange gold, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, litecoin are also available. You can have several wallets in different currencies at the same time. Unlike QiWi and Yandex.Money, identification via the Internet is available not only to citizens of the Russian Federation. Confusion is created different versions WM Keeper client program. Let's figure it out together. WM Keeper WinPro (Classic)- a classic program that is installed on a PC. WM Keeper WebPro (Light)- browser version of the program (you can also log into your wallet without using WM Keeper - just through your personal account on the WebMoney website). WM Keeper Standard (Mini)- a simplified version of WM Keeper in the form of a lightweight website. Implements basic account management functions. WM Keeper Mobile- a program for managing a WebMoney wallet on mobile devices. The so-called WMID also raises questions - this is the user identification number in the system, which is assigned during registration. Main types of WebMoney certificates WebMoney has its own program for certification or checking the authenticity of user data. In accordance with it, each WebMoney Transfer participant can receive a WM certificate of any of the following types: Alias ​​certificate- suitable for small transfers, bill payments and purchases in online stores. Issued automatically upon registration. Formal certificate- suitable for sending and receiving payments (for example, when selling goods or for freelancers). Issued remotely through the WebMoney Transfer Certification Center (free). To obtain a formal certificate, you need to enter your passport data and upload a scanned copy of your passport for verification. Initial certificate Recommended for small businesses and employees of Internet companies. It is issued for a fee after a personal meeting with the Registrar or automatically (free of charge) if certain conditions are met. Personal certificate recommended for business and those who actively make money online. Issued for a fee after verification of passport data by the Registrar or based on notarized documents sent by mail (not available from all Registrars). The trust level of the system participant on the part of other users depends on the level of the certificate. This is important for businesses when it is necessary to accept payments in the WebMoney Transfer system. Deposit, withdrawal and payment You can withdraw WebMoney to a bank card or account, to other electronic wallets or in cash. The same channels are suitable for replenishing your wallet. Using WebMoney, you can pay for a standard set of services for electronic wallets: telephony and Internet, commercial TV, online games, paid functions in social networks, some transport services and more.


PayPal is one of the most famous electronic payment systems in the world. In the CIS countries, it became known thanks to the online auction eBay, where more than 50% of transactions are paid through PayPal. The principle of its operation is that when paying through the system, you do not need to provide the seller with your bank account and card details. This significantly increases the security of online payments, especially when working with an unfamiliar seller. Different service levels are available for different countries in which PayPal operates. For example, in the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, you can only spend money from your account, but not receive it. Another feature: the site for users from Belarus and Ukraine is in English. Signing up for PayPal is easy. To open an account, you need to enter your email address and password, fill out a short form with personal data and link your bank card. Manage account You can do it through your personal account in the browser or through the application. Payment currency- works with 25 national currencies. Unlike other electronic payment systems, PayPal does not have its own “internal” wallets and cards. The PayPal account is linked to an existing bank card. After this, when paying, you will only need to enter your email address and password. To avoid overpayments, disable PayPal conversion. You can also create a card with an account in the currency in which purchases will most often be paid. In this case, the payment chain will be without conversion. Deposit, withdrawal and payment The system is perfect for paying for goods in foreign online stores. Some Russian stores (and there are more and more of them) also accept payment via PayPal. You can also send and receive transfers around the world using PayPal. In addition, PayPal has buyer protection for online purchases through the system. For example, if you receive the wrong product or the product does not arrive at all, the system guarantees arbitration and the possibility of a refund. It is impossible to say which wallet is better or worse - they are simply different. In principle, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one and have different wallets for different purposes. Moreover, there is a well-established system of translations between them. Overall, an e-wallet is a useful, practical and secure online shopping tool. What e-wallet do you use?

You will learn how to open an electronic wallet in various payment systems, how to top it up or withdraw money. Read all about the features of registering and using electronic wallets.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Denis Kuderin is with you, a staff expert at HeatherBober magazine on financial topics and a professional editor.

For five years now I have been working exclusively remotely and receiving my salary via the Internet. For these purposes I use bank cards and electronic wallets. Now I have accounts in all the popular payment systems on the Runet: I use each of them periodically.

Today I will tell you how to create an electronic wallet quickly and without hassle, how WebMoney differs from YandexMoney, and what is the most profitable method of withdrawing money.

You will also learn who should definitely have a virtual wallet, what accounts are used for international payments, and how to correctly convert electronic dollars into electronic rubles.

1. Who may need an electronic wallet

I started my first electronic wallet (EC) about 10 years ago for payments with a bookmaker. Since then, I have been an active user of electronic payment systems (EPS), and I know all the pros and cons of each company.

At one time I only used WebMoney and avoided other services, then I realized that the competitors of this service have their own advantages. Now it’s more convenient for me to work with YandexMoney and Qiwi.

At the same time, I use online banking. In some situations, direct transfers from card to card are preferable.

The services that we call “electronic wallets” are a kind of intermediaries between individuals, companies, and organizations making financial transactions among themselves. Like any intermediaries, they charge commissions for their services. In some systems they are more, in others less, but in general the fees are quite noticeable.

Registration in most domestic services is free and does not take more than 5 minutes. You have the right to create an anonymous storage facility for digital currency - in this case, no one will know your personal data when receiving and transferring money.

But keep in mind that anonymous accounts have limited functionality. Thus, in an anonymous Yandex wallet, the user has the right to store and cash out only 15,000 rubles.

The main advantages of payment services are speed, convenience and reliability. You won’t lose your electronic wallet or leave it at a party. To use the funds, you only need an Internet connection.

Who needs an e-wallet:

  • freelancers and remote workers - designers, translators, writers, editors, web programmers;
  • owners and employees of online stores;
  • buyers of goods and services on the Internet;
  • owners of websites, blogs, public pages and groups in in social networks making money from advertising;
  • players in bookmakers and gaming services;
  • anyone who needs to pay for services, work, material or digital products remotely.

In other words, the need for electronic payments periodically arises for every citizen.

Internet banking is, of course, great, but it is not always fast and convenient. And not everyone has bank accounts. Opening a bank account is somewhat more difficult than opening an EPS account. As a rule, systems do not charge money for account maintenance - you pay commissions only for specific transactions.

Without payment services, modern online commerce would not have such development.

EPS is used by both ordinary buyers and large businessmen - for example, when purchasing wholesale quantities of goods at Western auctions, experienced people prefer to pay using the PayPal system. The account in this system is linked to the card, and all payments are instant.

Such as Yandex and Qiwi even issue their own plastic cards. You pay 200 rubles for three years of service, and you no longer need to withdraw money from your account to go to the supermarket for groceries.

Pay by card without losing interest on cashing out! And this is not an advertisement for the service - I myself use such a card wherever there is acquiring. Comfortable, fast and no need to search your pockets for change.

Payment systems and cryptocurrency

The creators of the cryptocurrency intended to radically change the system of mutual settlements on the network - to eliminate the intermediary completely and thereby reduce the cost of transactions.

So far the task is only half completed. That is, blockchain technology has been created and is working, but so far only a few people are using financial settlements in crypto.

This means that it is too early for wallets to turn into dinosaurs of the digital world - on the contrary, the popularity of EPS is steadily growing, as evidenced by statistics. Millions of new users register with the services every year. Even my retired dad has an EC, which he uses successfully.

2. How to open an electronic wallet - instructions for beginners

Registration of a new EC is the simplest process available to every reasonable person. Payment services strive to simplify the wallet creation algorithm as much as possible, but some steps cannot be shortened.

Expert observation: speed and ease of registration are not the main indicators of quality. Electronic money storage must first of all be reliable and convenient. Another important criterion is prevalence.

For example, almost all online stores accept WebMoney and YaD, but the Wallet One (Single Cash Desk) service is not one of those known to everyone, despite all its advantages.

For an active Internet user, the best option is to register with several EPS.

In Qiwi

To register a new Qiwi-wallet, you only need a phone number. In Russia, Qiwi is one of the most popular ECs for paying for services, entertainment and goods.

How to open an account:

  1. Go to the official website of the company. Learn information about the capabilities and benefits of Qiwi.
  2. Click on “Create wallet”.
  3. Enter your phone number.
  4. Enter the code that will be sent in the SMS message into the appropriate field.
  5. Come up with complex password for authorization.
  6. Sign in.

Additional options from Qiwi - ordering plastic for offline payments, cashbacks in online stores: at the time of writing - in Nike, AliExpress, Media Markt, Lamoda, etc.

Qiwi has thousands of payment terminals throughout Russia, and the process of creating an account takes on average 1-2 minutes.

More details about this EPS in the video:

On Yandex.Money

The Yandex.Money EPS has been operating in the Russian Federation since 2002 and carries out transactions only in ruble currency.

The procedure for creating an CI is as follows:

  • if you already have Mailbox in Yandex, the process is simplified - log in, go to the “Money” section and select “Open wallet”;
  • identification occurs by mobile number to which you will be sent an SMS;
  • After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is log in to your account and use all its options.

If you want more opportunities, order a YaD card. It will arrive by mail in 7-14 days.

There are three levels of accounts - Anonymous, Nominal, Identified.

I will present their differences in the table:

There are several ways to pass identification: in Yandex.Money offices, in Euroset and Svyaznoy stores, through Sberbank Mobile Bank.

In WebMoney

The oldest EPS in Runet. It is successfully used not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, and Europe.

Currencies – rubles, hryvnia, dollars, Belarusian rubles, bitcoins, litecoins. The conversion of one unit to another within the service works, but the exchange rate is not always favorable.

Registration in WebMoney is more complicated than in other electronic payment systems and takes longer. This is explained by the developers' concern for customer safety.

Algorithm for creating an EC:

  1. We go to the registration page in the system (obtaining a WMID identification number), enter the phone number.
  2. Next, you are taken to a page with a large number of fields for entering personal data. Fill them out thoroughly and honestly, otherwise identification problems may arise in the future.
  3. You will receive a letter by email, which you need to open and follow further instructions: enter the verification code, confirm your phone number, enter the password that will be sent to you via SMS.
  4. After registering in the system, the process of creating a wallet follows. Select the appropriate tab and the currency in which you will make transactions.
  5. To gain access to fund management, you must obtain a certificate of authenticity. This is done by sending passport data to the administration.

Owners of WM wallets have access to several levels of certification - pseudonym certificate, formal, initial, personal. The higher the level, the more opportunities the user has.

For the convenience of users, special client programs called Keeper have been created. They are downloaded to your computer or phone and used for payments and transactions. Activating them, storing keys and transferring them to another computer is a topic for a separate discussion.

3. How to top up an electronic wallet - proven methods

It is always easier to replenish your wallet than to withdraw money from it. Companies benefit from having users deposit as much money as possible into their accounts. more money, and therefore the commission for replenishment is either minimal or completely absent.

Let's look at the most popular replenishment options.

Method 1. From a bank card

The simplest and quick way. Especially if the card is already linked to your EPS account. If not, then you need to enter your bank card number and top-up amount.

The system commission is 1%, some banks charge additional interest.

Method 2. Through payment terminals

Another reliable option, although not as fast as online transfer from a card. To top up your account, you will need to leave your home and visit the nearest place where a payment terminal is installed.

In large cities there are such machines in every supermarket and store. Terminals can be specialized (for example, devices for Qiwi clients) and universal, which can be used by owners of any wallet.

The commission depends on the ATM and the amount of replenishment.

Method 3. Transfer from another wallet

It happens that you have money, say, on WebMoney, but you urgently need it on Qiwi. Order a transfer of funds from one EC to another and use the funds in a couple of seconds.

Method 4. Cash

Let me explain using the example of POISON. Go to a bank, Euroset or Svyaznoy salon and make a transfer, or use international payment services. If these are partner companies, they will not take a commission; in other services, be prepared to pay up to 5% for the transfer.

Method 5. Using a bank transfer

An option for those who are not in a hurry and prefer official banking transactions. Find out the EPS details and make a transfer through a bank branch.

Please note that the transaction takes up to 5 days.

4. How to cash out

Converting virtual money into real money involves paying a commission. Cash withdrawal rates in different EPSs range from 2.5 to 5%. There are restrictions on amounts for different types of EC. And some anonymous accounts do not allow such an operation at all.

Let's look at the most popular methods.

Withdraw to bank card

Not to say that it is profitable, but it is fast. Link the card to your account and withdraw without problems within the established limit.

If I urgently need cash, I transfer it to an Alfa-Bank card from Yandex cash desk. I lose 3%, but in other systems the rates are similar. In other words, 100 virtual rubles is not 100 real, but somewhat less.

Transfer to bank account

It takes longer, but some employers prefer a bank transfer: it’s easier for financial reporting. Withdrawal speed – from 1 to 7 days.

Enter your details carefully: if you make a mistake in one number, the money will be returned, or even stuck in the system indefinitely.

Use the service of exchangers

The most difficult and least reliable way. Online exchangers charge workers 5-7% for each transfer. Use them only if other options are not available.

In 2016, WebMoney unexpectedly experienced a system failure, as a result of which transfers from WMR to cards of Russian banks became impossible. I had to use payment services like Unistream or resort to the services of exchangers. Both options were long and expensive.

Not all exchange offices are equally efficient - in some the money arrived in the account in 15-20 minutes, in others you had to wait a day or more.

There are other, less popular withdrawal methods. For example, through the offices of some EPS, which are located in large cities.

The hardest thing is for residents of countries that do not have their own payment companies. I have friends from Kazakhstan who receive payments via WebMoney (other EPS either do not work there or do not provide for cash withdrawal). Cash withdrawals there are carried out by private merchants who charge from 10 to 20% for their services.

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In the modern world, a system of virtual money circulation is becoming increasingly relevant. Today, all payments and transfers can be made via the Internet. It's fast, profitable, convenient. In this case, monetary transactions are carried out from any point where the subject is located and do not require visiting any institutions. In addition, the advantage of online payments is that banks cannot control cash flow. in contrast to transactions with bank cards.

To store digital money and for all manipulations with it, there are virtual or electronic wallets. Essentially, this is a record - a cell in a computer system where only numbers exist. But such money works in the same way as ordinary paper money.

The entire global system of monetary transactions on the Internet is defined by the abbreviation EPS.

Why do you need an e-wallet?

To carry out financial transactions within world wide web There are special sites, in fact, these are digital cells that store information about all the user’s monetary manipulations. When registering on such a resource, a person has the opportunity to create an electronic wallet that has his personal identification number. This wallet is very similar to a regular one. You can take money from it, you can put money in it, and it’s convenient to save money in it. Using this service, it is easy and convenient to make any payments and transfers. There is also the possibility of transforming virtual money into real money, if the need arises.

The user has the opportunity to register several wallets, both in one system and in several. The choice of currency also remains with the citizen himself. Most often these are dollars, rubles or euros. All currency exchanges take place at the current exchange rate. Using electronic money it is possible to pay for goods on the Internet, pay for telephone, public utilities, pay loans and buy plane or train tickets.

Naturally, sites providing such services take a certain commission. But as a rule, it is not too large, which makes the use of virtual wallets even more attractive.

Advantages of electronic wallets

Today, the system of digital financial transactions covers the entire global community and includes, among other things, the traditional banking system. The bulk of cash flows goes through electronic system, which makes it increasingly necessary to have electronic wallets for ordinary users. The most commonly used services are: Yandex.Money, QIWI, PayPal, WebMoney, Skrill.

The World Wide Web today provides ample opportunity for remote work. A huge number of people around the world are engaged in freelancing. These are copywriters, website owners, bloggers, designers and models, Internet resource managers, programmers and stock players, brokers and bookmaker clients. In all these cases, payment is made remotely, specifically to an electronic wallet.

But the spread of electronic methods of monetary transactions is also expanding among those who have nothing to do with freelancing. Simply because in today's realities it is difficult to do without it. The convenience, simplicity and speed of online financial manipulations are increasingly attracting users.

Which e-wallet to choose

To decide which wallet a particular user needs, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the basic functionality of the most popular systems. Thus, having identified all the capabilities and advantages of each service, you can decide what your individual wallet will be like. When choosing, you should take into account the volume of planned operations, timing and speed of withdrawal Money.

For novice users, it is important, in addition to all of the above, ease of registration and use, understandability of the interface and uncomplicated algorithm of actions. So that you can deposit and withdraw money in a couple of clicks.

It is also very important which sites a particular payment system is associated with. And is it possible to withdraw money to this particular wallet with of this resource. Thus, freelancers working on the Advego website will be able to withdraw their earnings to QIWI or WebMoney, but not to Yandex.Money. Therefore, this category of citizens needs wallets in one of the first two systems.

There is also such a factor as terminals conducting transactions with electronic payment systems, or rather, their presence or absence. The need for such terminals for a specific wallet holder.

And finally, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the tools of the payment site: how convenient it is to work with the wallet, deposit or withdraw funds, what currency the accounts are in, how secure the funds are, how quickly you can contact the site administration, what percentage and for what transactions EPS is withdrawn.

Usually, as a person masters the electronic payment system, he has several wallets in various systems or in one. For example, in WebMoney, many people create two wallets at once: one for rubles, the second for currency. To begin with, it is worth determining for what purpose the wallet will be intended and, based on this, choosing one or another offer.

How to create an electronic wallet

So: the choice is made on a specific payment system. Next in search bar In any browser you need to type the name of the EPS, the very first site that the search engine will return, and there will be a page of the official site. First you need to register. This is a simple and quick procedure.

Here are the addresses of the most popular payment systems:

  • QIWI official website: www.qiwi.com
  • Official website of WebMoney: www.webmoney.ru
  • Official website of YandexMoney: money.yandex.ru
  • PayPal official website: www.paypal.com/ru
You can simply follow the link without going into a search engine; in any case, the user will end up on home page the desired site. The “create wallet” or “registration” window will open here. You just need to fill out all the fields and enter your personal information. All data, including full name, residential address, email, passport details and telephone number must be entered real and reliable, as this is related to the security of funds. Phone numbers and email addresses This is also a way to contact the wallet holder. They will also receive messages regarding all monetary transactions.

After entering all the data required by the system, you should click the “register” or “create” button. To the specified phone number or address Email You will receive a message with an activation code. This code is entered into the appropriate line and, thus, the authenticity of the data is confirmed and the account becomes active. The user receives an individual number for his wallet and a warning that his wallet data cannot be shared with third parties.

You should also carefully read the terms of the user agreement and tariffs.

Registration, creating a wallet, maintaining a financial account - all this is absolutely free services, but many transfers have a percentage commission. Although, there are transactions without commission. Each site has its own rules, which are best known in advance.

How to use an e-wallet

Now that the creation of the wallet is already behind us, it’s worth taking a closer look at the functions of this payment resource. The main one here, of course, is the deposit and withdrawal of money.

  • Deposit cash - to do this, you need a terminal that has the function of transferring real money into digital form and then crediting it to the specified wallet. For the same purpose, you can contact the collection points for specific resources. But this method is not always convenient for everyone, since terminals with similar characteristics are still rare and there are not too many points. In addition, it requires time and movement from one point to another.
  • Top up using a prepaid recharge card – to top up your wallet using a card, you must purchase it. Such cards are sold in points different operators, in mobile phone stores, etc. Next, she is activated through her account and the money is credited to her account. But with this method, the card seller takes his own commission and the cards themselves still need to be looked for. Therefore, this method is not particularly popular and not very widespread.
  • Replenishment using a bank card - it is most convenient to replenish your electronic wallet virtually, without leaving your home, simply using the services of online banks, for example "" or the electronic bank "PochtaBank". Today, all major banks have their own Internet applications, which you just need to install on your smartphone. You can make such a transfer on the bank’s website or by logging into your e-wallet. Just click on the “top up” button and enter your bank card details, as well as indicate the transfer amount.
  • You can also transfer money from a card to a digital account through a terminal. The main thing is that it supports such a function.
  • Transferring money is possible not only from a card, but also from a bank account; to do this, just enter the details at the request of the resource.
  • Funds are also deposited when using exchange systems, for example, using.
  • Receiving payment for work performed, goods sold and services provided.
Electronic wallets are widely used to receive various types of transfers from others. This includes payment for remote work, receiving lottery winnings, and simply receiving any funds on the Internet.

Electronic money is the main means of payment for buyers of online stores and, in general, any selling resources on the network. This includes the purchase of goods and fees for using certain sites, and access to the necessary information. Buy movie, download new book, pay for training course: Any of these actions can be performed remotely. An electronic wallet is a way to pay for a loan, cellular communications, an apartment, for a child’s kindergarten, for the Internet, without leaving home. When ordering food to be delivered to your home, paying for the delivery of flowers for your mother’s birthday, buying a tourist package and traveling on a ship around the world, people all over the world are increasingly using EPS.

Mutual settlements on the network provide the greatest opportunities to users: transfers are easily carried out between countries and continents. The owner of the wallet will easily send the transfer to his son who is in Africa, even if he himself is in Yamal. Moreover, when making electronic payments, complete confidentiality is possible. When transferring money, you are not required to indicate your name or any information at all. Safety under such conditions increases significantly. And this is very suitable for those who would not like to declassify their identity when carrying out financial actions.

How to withdraw money from an electronic wallet

You can withdraw money from your wallet in the entire existing amount or in a partial amount, depending on your need. There are several ways.
  1. Withdrawing funds to a card is a method in which funds are transferred to a bank card. To carry out such manipulations, the system asks you to link the card by adding it to your account. To confirm, many systems ask you to make a transfer in the amount of one cent or ten rubles. This withdrawal method is convenient because the operation is carried out almost instantly. It is very easy to link a card by entering the code from the received SMS, however, sometimes it takes several days for the wallet to receive the desired status.
  2. Withdrawing money via bank transfer - here you need to enter all the account details and the recipient's bank. This is a rather long procedure, since you have to type a lot of characters and numbers. But at the same time, the system takes the smallest percentage (about 1%) and therefore this method is the most profitable. However, this is not the fastest way to withdraw funds; sometimes you have to wait several days for the money to appear in your account.
  3. Withdrawal through the terminal - in this case, you must enter a special password, which is requested in advance in your account. The fee will be from 3 to 5%.
  4. Cash withdrawal through the payment system office - in all major cities there are specialized offices of specific electronic payment systems. For example, such as WebMoney or QIWI. You can find out the addresses of such points in your city on the official websites. This method is not suitable for residents of small towns and rural settlements, since such organizations are not available everywhere.

List of electronic wallets

Now it’s worth considering specific payment systems. Make a short overview of the most famous platforms presented in this service market.

Qiwi e-wallet

The oldest financial settlement system has existed as an international service since 2007. Today it is considered one of the most reliable and easy to use. It received its name in 2008 and since then has become a brand known throughout the world. “QIWI Wallet” entered into an agreement with VISA in 2012 and became a global financial settlement system. The full name of this EPS is "Visa QIWI Wallet"

This is the most user-friendly system. It connects directly to the phone. At the same time, it is not possible to forget your wallet number, since the login is your mobile phone number. This service is popular and loved all over the world.

Its main advantages are: a convenient mobile application, an easy number that repeats the phone number.

The service provides a wide range of services: the ability to pay for communication services, Internet, housing and communal services, cable TV, home phone, shopping in online stores. There is also the option of obtaining a VISA QIWI Wallet card, which can be used as usual.

An important point for residents of the post-Soviet space was the fact that this service provides the opportunity to maintain an account in four currencies: Russian ruble, American dollar, euro and Kazakhstan tenge.

Among other things, this wallet is quite economical, since for most transactions the percentage is not very large, on average - from 1.5% to 2%.

To register on the site, just enter your phone number and click “create wallet”. The site will send a message with a code to the specified number. The account is activated after dialing the code from SMS. To log into your account, your login will be your phone number. Simple and clear system.

Topping up your QIWI wallet account is also not difficult. It is possible to transfer money from a bank card. The wallet can be topped up through the terminal. In this case, the terminal can be used by this EPS itself, or by partners’ terminals. Most domestic banks are QIWI partners. You can deposit funds through their terminals.

You can withdraw money in this system in the same ways as you enter it: transfer from a bank card, deposit through a terminal (specialized or partner). It is convenient to do this using online services banks by making a transfer. In addition, you can receive funds in cellular communication stores; almost any network will carry out such an operation: Svyaznoy, MTS, Euroset, Megafon.

Money can be transferred to electronic wallets of other systems: (MTS-money, Yandex, WebMoney).

There are many withdrawal methods. A money transfer service (Unistrem, Contact) is also suitable. Finally, you can use your phone account and make a transfer.

As already mentioned. In most cases the commission is not large.

The QIWI service cooperates with many Internet platforms. True, in some cases you have to wait quite a long time for money. For example, withdrawals from the Advego website are made within 15 days. At the same time, withdrawals to other wallets are carried out much faster.

Commission charged for services:

  • 1.5% - for a transfer to a bank account or for a transfer to a “Maestro”, “Visa”, “Mastercard” card, in which case at least 50 rubles are withdrawn, even if the percentage of the transfer amount is a smaller amount. Limit - no more than fifteen thousand
  • When cashing out funds through "Privat Money", "Western Union", "Contac", and other money transfer services, a fee of 1.5% to 2% is charged.
  • Russian Post will charge a decent fee for its services: 2.5% and on top + 60 rubles.
Many users come to the conclusion that it is more profitable and convenient to order a Visa card linked to an electronic wallet and use their money in the usual, familiar manner.

This wallet can also be opened in different currencies. You can open two at once: one in rubles, the other in dollars. The system will issue an identifier for each wallet. The first letter is the Latin expression for the currency of the account. The ruble wallet number will begin with the letter “R”, and the dollar wallet number will begin with the letter “Z”. The letter "E" will open an account in euros, and "U" - in hryvnias. On the Internet, wallet identifiers have three initial letters (WMZ, WMR, WME, WMU). Since there is no account in tenge here, it is better to choose QIWI for transactions with Kazakhstan. In Ukraine, this system is blocked for political reasons.

WebMoney EPS has the following designations of monetary units:

  • 1 WMZ - 1 dollar
  • 1 WME - 1 euro
  • 1 WMR - 1 ruble
  • 1 WMU - 1 hryvnia
In general, this system is most convenient for working with various currencies. Allows you to make transfers between your accounts, converting currency at the established rate.

The system itself has a high degree of reliability. Passwords and user data are stored as files. Security is supported by the "E-NUM" system. This attracts those users who need to manage large cash flows on the network.

The wide popularity of this resource is also explained by the ease of registration, the ability to work with a huge amount online services, the ability to use any medium - phone, computer, tablet. It is also attractive that WebMoney issues its own cards.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney?

The following methods are used to withdraw funds:
  1. Funds can be withdrawn to any bank card. But it is only possible to withdraw funds to a ruble card from a ruble account. And funds are always withdrawn to the wallet currency card. During such an operation, the system will take 1% of the transfer amount.
  2. You can use the already mentioned platforms that carry out money transfers (Contact, Leader, Unistream, Zolotaya Korona). Within the Native Fatherland, this is done only from ruble wallets. The system will take up to 3%.
  3. Money, again, can be cashed out at special exchangers.
  4. Well, the most convenient thing is the “WebMoney Cards” payment card.

How to top up your WebMoney wallet?

Commission amounts for basic replenishment actions:
  • 2% -2.5% - when replenishing your wallet from a bank card;
  • 1% - when replenishing through the terminal;
  • 2.2% - upon receipt of a postal transfer;
  • 0% - from payment card;
  • 6%-12% - when transferring from a phone;
  • 1% - from an ATM;
  • 1%-4% - at WebMoney points;
  • 1%-6% - in the bank.
The symbol and logo of this system is an ant, which diligently winks at the viewer. The financial resource has existed for a long time, since 1998. The largest network unites more than 28 million clients. The service is extremely popular in Russia. Available especially for us technical support, providing consultations in Russian. Help will be provided around the clock by calling +74957272007. You can contact the administrator by email: [email protected].

Electronic wallet Yandex Money

This payment system is a product produced by Yandex. It appeared in 2002 and since then the floor has been operating quite successfully. Readily used for various financial actions: payments, transfers, exchanges. Simple, convenient, understandable, fast.

The site interface is loved by many Russians due to its adaptation to local needs.

The site created for the Russian market has one currency - the Russian ruble. All users are located in Russia and it is maximally suitable for domestic Russian needs. Payments are made instantly. The system does not charge funds for replenishing your account or for working with many resources. At money transfers minimum commission - 0.5%. For carrying out ruble transactions, this wallet seems to be the most profitable and convenient. Not to mention, it looks patriotic to use.

Those wishing to purchase a wallet in Yandex must first register an account in the system itself. Then everything will go extremely simply. When logging into your own account, find the “open wallet” button, click and enter the requested data, come up with a password and login, and print your phone number. Next, an SMS arrives on your phone. It contains a code that should be specified in the request. Initially, the wallet receives the status “anonymous”. It has a limit of up to 15 thousand rubles. All operations are possible only within this amount. The next, higher status: “nominal”. To receive it you will need to send your passport information. The possibilities of this status are much wider. Some online platforms agree to withdraw money only to a Personal Wallet.

Entering money into Yandex.Money

You can top up your Yandex.Money account using the following steps:
  • Via terminal;
  • Transfer via online bank;
  • Using an ATM;
  • Yandex.Money card;
  • Universal payment card:
  • Transfer from another electronic wallet;
  • Use one of the money transfer services.

How to withdraw money from Yandex?

Withdrawing funds from Yandex.Money is no more difficult than from any other wallet:
  1. Transfer money to a card of any bank (it may take up to three days and write off a commission of 3% and another + 15 rubles);
  2. Get a system payment card. Today, almost everywhere there are terminals with the function. The Yandex.Money card is used as a regular payment card. Issued free of charge for three years. Service for that period costs one hundred and forty-five rubles;
  3. And again: use the money transfer system;
  4. Make a bank transfer, which may take up to three days.

It should also be said about the largest payment system PayPal. Exists since 1998, Today it belongs to eBay. This is the main service for shopping in online stores. This huge service uses 25 currencies.

A special feature during registration is that the system offers “personal” and “corporate” accounts: for individuals, firms and companies. Once selected, you can register by entering the required data. The login here will be your email address.

To that financial portal All card systems that are widely used are linked, such as: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what wallet is chosen in the end, the electronic money system will become the main one in the financial market.

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