iTunes update. How to update iTunes on your computer to the latest version

apple company regularly releases updates for its programs. This is necessary in order to add new features, fix bugs and generally improve the product. So the question is how updateiTunes before latest version on the computer, relevant today.

Why is this necessary?

First, it’s worth understanding why you should update this program at all, since most users do not follow the latest application updates.

But in the case of iTunes, this is simply necessary. First of all, this will make working with the program more comfortable, since errors will be eliminated.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this program simply does not work without updates. If you do not make timely updates, you will receive errors, crashes and unavailability of some functions. This is due to the fact that new updates may add new operating standards, without which the program cannot function normally.

How to do it on Mac OS

Updating this program on a Mac is slightly different from the procedure that occurs on Windows.

On operating system from Apple, you just need to go to iTunes and find the “updates” tab at the top. At this point the update is made.

On windows

In this operating system, the update is performed slightly differently. First of all, it’s worth checking where you downloaded iTunes; if it was done through the official Microsoft Store website, then the updates come on their own, and you won’t be able to influence it in any way.

If the application was downloaded through another place, then you should go into it and find the “help” item at the top. In it you need to find an item to check for updates. If they are available, instructions on how to update will appear on the screen. Now you know how to install latest versioniTunes ForWindows 7 , or other versions of this operating system.

Having problems with your Apple media player? Files are not transferred, music is not synchronized, notifications appear instead critical errors, but the smartphone, tablet or player connected via USB is not even displayed in the system? The best way deal with problems that arise - reset iTunes - download the latest version of the program and solve a bunch of problems. Where to download the media player from, and how to update it - everything is covered in detail in the instructions!

Working methods

If there are no problems getting the latest version of iTunes on MacOS (native operating system) and the algorithm of actions fits into just a few phrases (call the “Updates” menu in the top menu App Store, wait for the necessary files to download and complete automatic installation, where you don’t even need to select any individual actions).

With Windows, everything is more complicated - a mandatory check of the current version is required, and the distribution kit will have to be downloaded using the link issued by the media player, and even the installation process depends entirely on the actions you select.
The complex algorithm for interacting with the Windows operating system can, of course, be simplified, but first things first:

Manual method

The first step is to launch the media player, call the “Help” menu, and click the “Updates” button in the list that appears.

Wait for a quick scan of the current version to complete, get a recommendation for the required update, go to the official Apple website, start downloading the desired version of iTunes (either 32-bit or 64-bit - you can find out which distribution you need in “system settings”, in the section "About the program").

Immediately after downloading the resulting file, all you have to do is initiate the installation and go through the proposed menu items, all the time clicking “Next”.

It is advisable to repeat the described algorithm of actions every month - this way it is easier to protect yourself from vulnerabilities, get the best functionality and save yourself from all kinds of errors and problems. Yes, it’s not convenient to look at “Help” every time, and therefore, recently, developers have moved their own brainchild to the Windows Store, where updates occur in automatic mode and no user actions are needed.

Automatic method using Windows Store

Before starting the instructions, it is worth clarifying a few points. Firstly, the Microsoft Store is available exclusively on the “eight” and “ten”, other versions of the operating system Windows systems(7) will not fit!

Secondly, before using the store you will have to either register (if the procedure was not completed earlier when installing the OS) or log in to the system, and therefore you should immediately remember your passwords and logins, otherwise access to downloads will be blocked.

But connect cards, enter personal information or check authenticity " license keys» no operating system is needed - access is available to everyone at the first request!

And one more thing - before using the Windows digital store, you should get rid of iTunes - different versions of one application on one operating system are unacceptable and downloading the file will be impossible (as well as further operation).

  1. It's time to take action. The first step is to type the phrase Microsoft Store into the Start menu;
  2. Click on the shortcut that appears, immediately go to the search and enter the search word - iTunes. Follow the link that opens and check out system requirements and all available descriptions, click on the “Get” button, wait until the store issues the appropriate rights, check the created account again and change the name of the button to “Download”. The last stage is to wait for the installation to complete and start using it;
  3. The version from the Microsoft Store is no different from the product downloaded from the official Apple website - the same familiar interface, the same media library, the same approach to using the main features. With two exceptions. Digital windows store does not allow you to choose where exactly to download and unpack the necessary files. Therefore, most likely, you will have to make do for some time with incomprehensible folders both on drive C and in other parts file system(and directories cannot be deleted and, in principle, changed - access rights will always be insufficient!).

It would seem like complete confusion! But for such trust in Microsoft products downloaded iTunes pays with a powerful bonus - the ability to no longer worry about manual updates! In addition, it is the version from the Store that never forces you to deal with all sorts of errors and problems that arise during operation!

iTunes is not only the main provider of media content in Apple gadgets. With this iPhone programs or iPad can be synced with a computer, if necessary, update or restore the device, or create one backup copy. It follows from this that a stable working iTunes is necessary for all owners of iOS equipment. And the stable operation of any program begins with timely installation current versions And necessary updates. Whether you use iTunes on Windows or Mac, updating it is very simple and does not take much time.

How to Update iTunes on Windows

  • Using the Apple Software Update program, you can configure how often you check for updates for iTunes and other Apple products. To do this, select “Settings” in the “Edit” menu, then “Schedule” and confirm “OK”.

How to Update iTunes on Mac

In general, every time you start a program on a Mac, automatic search updates, and if available, the user is prompted to update to new version. If for some reason this does not happen, in the top line of the menu you need to click on the “apple” and select “Check for updates”. When new versions of the program are available, a corresponding message is displayed. Click “Download iTunes” - download and install, following the prompts in the same way as in the case of Windows.

Update iTunes without internet

You can update without access to the Internet using a downloaded program on a flash drive, provided that it is the latest version. Just install it on your computer.

In case of error

It happens that as a result of some error, you cannot update iTunes. Then you should delete the program and install it again from

Older versions of iTunes may not work correctly when the gadget is connected to a computer. The program is initially configured for the mode automatic update. But sometimes this feature stops working. What to do in this situation?


If iTunes does not update automatically, you can call the procedure manually. There is special software for this - Apple Software Update. It is used to install the latest versions of software from this developer. You can also launch the procedure directly from iTunes. And the final method, when others did not work, is to manually reinstall the program.

Option 1: Apple Software Update

First of all, when iTunes on your computer does not update, you need to open Apple Software Update. This program is responsible for updating all Apple applications installed on Windows. You can find it in the menu list "Start".

Apple Software Update will spend some time checking for updates. Then all components for which new versions are available will be highlighted. Select the required items and activate their installation. No reboot required at the end.

Option 2: Running a procedure from a program

You can manually update iTunes directly from the program itself. Launch it and click on the inscription at the top of the window "Reference". From the context menu, select "Updates".
Some time will be spent establishing contact with Apple servers, as well as downloading the necessary components. At the end you will be asked to complete the installation, agree.

Option 3: Manual reinstallation of iTunes

If the previous two options did not give the desired result, and iTunes is still not updated, then you can manually reinstall the program. In this case, you will download its latest version to your computer, after deleting the old one.

Uninstallation is performed in the standard way, through the Control Panel. Then you need to download the software from

Open the document from the download menu iTunes64Setup.exe and complete the installation. All parameters can be left unchanged. But pay attention to the point "UseiTunes is like...".
If you do not disable it, then when you open audio files to play them, this program will be launched.

Most often, users update iTunes without any problems. Because the program installs updates automatically, while asking for permission to install. But since you have a problem with the fact that you cannot update iTunes, you urgently need to find out the cause of this glitch.

iTunes Update

To avoid errors, you need to be able to update iTunes correctly. It's not difficult at all:

First of all, in order to avoid various kinds of errors, it is important to be able to update iTunes correctly. There is nothing complicated about this:

Step 1. Launch iTunes.

Step 2. Open menu "Reference", and go to the section "Updates"

Step 3. Wait a little while the program finishes searching for available updates.

Step 4. If the program finds an available update, click "Download iTunes"

Updating iTunes on Mac is done in exactly the same way. The only difference is that in iTunes versions for Mac, button "Updates" is located in the main window. So you will see it immediately after starting the program.


If you are unable to install or update iTunes, follow these steps:

Step 1. If you are using Windows, make sure you are logged in. account with administrator rights. If your account does not have administrator rights, you will not be able to install or update programs.

Step 2. Install all available Windows updates. To do this, go to the Update Center, run a search for updates and install all the updates found.

Step 3. Download the iTunes installation file from the official Apple website

Step 4. Run the downloaded file as an administrator and agree to the offer to fix the software.

Step 5. Remove all iTunes components and then reinstall the program

Step 6. Make sure iTunes is not conflicting with any other programs on your computer. Conflicts with an antivirus or firewall often arise. If there is a conflict, disable them while installing the iTunes update, and then restart them.

Often, to solve the problem, restarting the computer is enough, after which iTunes starts updating. But if the method described above did not help you, and iTunes still does not update, then you should try a more radical method. To do this, you must completely remove all program components and reinstall iTunes.

Complete removal and reinstallation

If iTunes is not updated on your computer, remove it along with all components and install it again. It is extremely important to remove components in a specific order, otherwise new problems will arise in the operation of the program.

Step 1. Open Control Panel

Step 2. In chapter "Programs" select subsection "Uninstall a program"

Step 3. To avoid missing any components, sort the list by developer name. To do this, click on the line "Publisher"

Step 4. Uninstall iTunes and all its components in the following order

  1. iTunes;
  2. Apple Software Update;
  3. Apple Mobile Device Support;
  4. Bonjour;
  5. Apple Application Support (32-bit);
  6. Apple Application Support (64-bit).

After removing each component, the system will prompt you to reboot. Refuse until you remove all components from the list. After this, you can reboot the system.

Even after components are removed, supporting files and system folders. Find and remove the following directories:

  • C:\Program Files\Common FilesApple\
  • C:\Program Files\iTunes\
  • C:\Program Files\iPod\
  • C:\Program Files\QuickTime\
  • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTime\
  • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTimeVR\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Inc\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\

Also, check system registry. Run it with the command “regedit” typed in the window "Run"(Win+R). Open the search by pressing Ctrl+F. Enter "iTunes" and delete the found folders and settings.

After you have deleted all iTunes-related files from the system, you can begin reinstalling the program. To do this, download the latest version of the program from the official Apple website and run the installation, following the wizard's prompts.

Fixing Windows Installer Package Error

If a message pops up when updating iTunes "Windows installer package error", instead of completely uninstalling iTunes, you can reinstall the AppleSoftwareUpdate component.

Step 1. Download the iTunes installation file from Apple's website.

Step 2. Change the extension of the downloaded file from .EXE on .ZIP

Step 3. Go to Control Panel and open the section "Uninstall a program"

Step 4. Find the AppleSoftwareUpdate program, right-click on it and select "Restore"

Step 5. After recovery, uninstall AppleSoftwareUpdate. This cannot be done without restoration. .

Step 6. Return to ZIP archive, which you turned the iTunes installation file into. Open it using any archiver.

Step 7

Step 8 After the installation of the components is completed, you will need to reboot the system

Step 9 Open the archive again and install iTunes

Step 10 Reboot the system again.

After reinstalling the components, the error should disappear. The app was already updated when you installed the latest version from iTunes, so there is no need for an additional update until the next update is available.

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