How to repost in contact mobile version. What is reposting on social networks

Reposting is an opportunity to share some information while fully preserving its structure and indicating the source. On the social network VKontakte, reposts are used to share a publication with friends or a group of people.

The VKontakte repost icon looks like a loudspeaker with a blue fill. It is located to the right of the “Like” buttons and has no signature, just an icon.

What does a repost look like?

What is reposting a post and how to do it? A repost looks like information forwarded from another source. Each group and VKontakte page has entries - so-called posts. The posts contain the basic information that we are interested in on this social network. You can attach the following elements to posts:

  • text;
  • image in jpeg formats and gif;
  • videos from YouTube hosting or from the built-in video player;
  • links to any pages on the Internet;
  • surveys;
  • music;
  • graffiti;
  • point on the map;
  • product;
  • note;
  • document.

All these elements can be contained in a post. Through posts we receive a lot of information and very often we want to share this information. This is exactly what reposts are used for. We can easily send information to a person or group of people without losing the structure and source of the content. After reposting, it completely retains the appearance of the post, only the source of this post is attached at the top. The source can include both a VK group and a person’s page. It looks like this:

How to repost

After clicking on this arrow, a dialog box appears in which we specify the repost parameters. This is what the window looks like:

It has three main methods of reposting, which we will analyze in order:

Also at the top you can select the method of sending the recording as “export”. In this case, a URL version of the post appears, which can be inserted into your own website, or into a forum, and so on. In this way, it is easy to share a VKontakte group, page and other information outside the VKontakte social network itself.

Before reposting in contact on the wall, please note that below you can add a comment to the post, thus commenting on its content. The VK repost will contain this comment, and then the post itself that you are going to repost on VK. Opposite the "Share post" button there is an "Attach" button. They serve to attach third-party objects to the repost itself, that is, in addition to the post and comment itself, you can add your own picture, video, and so on.

Repost to friends and subscribers on VKontakte

If you repost VKontakte to your page, all your friends and subscribers (those who sent a friend request or subscribed) will see this repost in their news feed. Unless they blocked your posts by clicking on the cross next to one of the posts.

Community subscribers

If you are an administrator of a community, you can repost it to the VKontakte group. To do this, after clicking on repost, select “Community Subscribers”, then indicate the group to which to repost.

To repost a post to your group, you need to have administrator or at least editor rights in it, and the wall must be open there.

Send by private message

This item allows you to send a post to someone in private messages, or to a group of people in a conversation. After specifying the item, the choice of interlocutor or conversation appears. You can use the search by writing the beginning of the first or last name of the participant in the conversation. It looks like this:

How to repost from your phone?

To repost on VK from your phone, just find the same button in the form of an arrow pointing to the right, as shown above (with a blue speaker - in old version) for any entry. After clicking, the usual menu will appear with a choice of three sending options: personal messages, VK page and groups. The interface is slightly different, but the essence remains the same. After choosing where to send, you are prompted to attach a comment to the submission.

How can I see who shared a post?

Anyone can make a repost on the wall in VK, from this you can understand that there is a list of users who shared this post. To see who reposted on VK, just hover over the repost icon and wait a couple of seconds.

After this, a window will appear in which all the people who reposted will be listed. Only their avatars will be indicated, for full display information, click on the text “Shared by [number of people sharing].” A window will pop up, and it will be in it that the pages with the repost of this post will be listed. This list also displays all VK groups that sent a post to their wall. The list contains a link to the source of the repost, an avatar, the first and last name of the person who reposted, or the name of the VK group.

In addition, under the ava and nickname there is a user comment regarding this post. Please note that this list of reposts includes only people who reposted on their wall or in a public VK group. That is, if someone reposts it to someone in private messages, a conversation, or a closed VKontakte group, this will not appear in the list of reposted people. Moreover, this will not be counted in the number of all reposts; only public reposts made for many people on the wall are counted there.

How did the repost from the page go?

After you have made a repost on the wall in VK, but then changed your mind about doing it, or the information in it is outdated, it is better to delete it. Unfortunately. You can delete a repost only on the wall; it will always remain in private messages. Even if you click the “delete” button after selecting a repost, only you will lose the message, while the other person will still have it saved. In a contact on the wall, you can delete a repost like any other post by clicking the cross next to the name of the post.

We open the wall of our page and scroll down, look for a post on the wall, then move the mouse cursor over the upper right corner of the post, a cross will appear there. Click on it and the post will be deleted. The exact same technology works with groups. To delete a repost on mobile phones, you need to find the post, click on the three dots opposite the title, then select “Delete”.

How to repost VKontakte posts from friends’ walls

The “Share” function allows you to quickly post posts from friends or communities on your wall. To do this, you need to hover over the “Like” mark and select the required action in the window that appears.

How to repost your VKontakte posts or group publications

The wall on your page can be either public or private. In the "My Settings" section of the page, you can disable comments on the wall and mark who can leave posts on it. After such changes, friends will see your posts and share them, but replies to any post posted by you can only be seen on their page. The wall can serve as a place for you to store your favorite quotes, sayings, and pictures. Here you can write down the names of the books you decide to read, as well as mark the events you would like to attend.

The entries you create can be sent to the wall of the community in which you are a member, as well as a personal message to a friend on VKontakte or by e-mail.

Choose the functions of the VKontakte wall you need, exchange information and enjoy communication.

A repost or repost is a secondary publication of a post, a message posted by another user of a blog, live journal, or social network. In this case, the message appears on the page without changing the content and indicating the original source.
On the VK social network, you have the opportunity to re-publish your favorite notes, posts, and recordings on your page or in a group of which you are the owner. You can also send reposts to friends in private messages.

How to repost on VKontakte?

The repost function provided in Contact is simple and takes a minimum of time. To publish someone else's post on your page, do the following:

You can add your images, documents, audio and video materials to reposts. They will be displayed below the note.

You can not only repost posts, but also do it at a certain time using the timer function. The time of publication of the repost is also selected in the menu. First, time, then the audience who will see your repost.

At the same time as reposting, you can also like the post you like. If you share a note, the like button is automatically clicked. If you want to remove it, click on the “heart” and your profile will disappear from the list.

As you can see, reposts of liked posts in in social networks easy to do. Now let’s take a closer look at what reposts of other people’s posts give to a simple user or group owner.

Why do you need reposts on VK and other social networks?

  1. You like the post and want to save it. Repost - great way do it.
  2. Reposts make it possible to share current gaming, music, and political news. This way a large number of users will know about them.
  3. Reposting is a great way to advertise your services and products. For example, if a repost of your product or service appears on the page of a popular and well-promoted community with millions of subscribers, everyone will instantly know about it. You can also repost for free, for friendly purposes. This is done by communities with similar topics. Or, if you are the owner of several groups, you can repost posts to attract users.
  4. The more people share a post on a social network, the more popular it is. Large communities resort to the services of special services that deal with promotion, including reposting.
Reposts are a great way to spread information so that VKontakte users know about it.

Yes, don't be surprised! Today, oddly enough, many people do not know not only how to repost on a wall in VKontakte, but also what it even is! In addition to all this, we will also tell you how to repost a repost. This innovation sounds somewhat confusing, but we will explain everything to you below. So, if you want to know everything about this VKontakte function, you just need to read this article!

Just the day before yesterday, VKontakte became able to repost a repost. Previously, reposts could only display one post. For example, to make it clearer for you: Sasha reposted posts about hamsters, adding his own comment: “But guinea pigs are still better!” Dima saw this repost on social networks and clicked on the “Tell friends” button. But then only a post about hamsters would be displayed on his wall, but not Sasha’s commentary on the benefits of guinea pigs. Recently, thanks to programmer Vasily Babich, this oversight has been corrected. Now you can repost reposts.

In addition to this good news, from now on you can personally attach various content to any repost. This could be a video, some song, a photograph, or a document. However, please be aware that posts that do not have an introductory comment or attached content will not be included in the repost thread.

Thus, the following picture emerges: the repost to which you added your own comment turns into a separate entry. That is why all the following posts of this post (which is on your wall) will include your comment too.

It’s quite complicated at first glance, right? But very soon you will understand what exactly these changes are and what they lead to. After all, it’s better to see it once than to read about it a hundred times, even in our article. In any case, now you know exactly, not only how to repost on VKontakte, but also how to repost a repost. Consider that you are now a real expert when it comes to reposting!

How do users show sympathy on VKontakte by tagging your materials, posts or photos? They like and repost (see).

As for likes, we have already completely dealt with this topic -. Now is the time to talk about what are VKontakte reposts and how to do them.

What is repost on VK

Any user can copy the VKontakte material they like to their page (see). Or to the page of the group of which he is the administrator (see).

This function was invented with the aim of promoting interesting user materials within the social network.

Essentially the phrase "Repost", and means copy your favorite photo, recording or video (see).

The mechanism works extremely simply. You just need to click on the “Repost” button and choose where you want to publish the material. Now I will show you step by step instructions.

How to repost on VKontakte

For example, let's imagine that I found a cool photo in my news feed. And I want to repost it by placing it on my page and in my group. What do I need to do?

Pay attention to the control unit located just below the photo. There is a “Like” heart and a megaphone icon. This is what is used to repost the post. Click on it.

A form will open in which you need to select the place where you want to repost this post. There are three options:

Let's look at each point.

Please note that for each option, adding a text comment is available (see). If necessary, enter it in the appropriate field.

This applies to reposting within VK. But you can also export your favorite post to third-party sites (see). To do this, go to the tab "Export". Here you will find a direct link to the material, as well as java-script embed code.

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