How to update the BIOS on a Windows 10 laptop. Programs for updating the BIOS

Before updating the BIOS, you need to figure out a few things. Firstly, find out what it is, and secondly, whether an update is available. The last thing to remember is that updating the BIOS is a very important and responsible step, which should only be done as a last resort due to the high risk of harming the system.

BIOS is a set of microprograms stored on a chip motherboard, responsible for implementing the interaction of the computer hardware with its software - the operating system. Update the program code contained on the BIOS chip - reprogram, replace the microprogram code with a new, improved one. Sometimes this leads to unlocking the potential of computer hardware under Windows control 7, thus increasing stability and correcting shortcomings in the functioning of the equipment, opening up new opportunities, support for new devices, and so on.

Based on the above, it is worth updating the BIOS, but this must be done carefully, adhering to the recommendations and instructions of the motherboard manufacturers, and also realizing that there is always a tiny chance of harming not only the motherboard, but also other components of the computer.

Problems arise in the event of incorrect execution of instructions, a damaged firmware file, power outages during an update, and so on.

Determining the version

Before updating the BIOS firmware set, you need to make sure that the update is available. To do this, we determine the firmware version of the motherboard. This is easy to do. The manufacturer must indicate the BIOS version on the sticker or seal of the motherboard. You can find the same information on the box or in the documentation for the equipment. It looks like “Rev x.xx”.

You can find out the BIOS version using Windows 7: open “Start”, enter “msinfo32” in the search bar and press “Enter”. In the window that opens, look for the corresponding line.

There are also a lot of applications, HWInfo, CPU-Z, AIDA, that display this data.

Firmware in DOS mode

Recently, this method has been losing popularity for PCs running Windows 7 due to the emergence of simpler ones. To flash firmware from DOS, download the latest console version of the firmware from the official website of the motherboard manufacturer. Then we create bootable USB flash drive, for example, through BootIce, and write the downloaded file to it along with the firmware utility (awdflash.exe). In autoexec.bat we register this program and the path to the file itself from the firmware. The command will look like: “awdflash.exe new_version_bios.bin”. Additionally, by examining the command parameters, you can specify the creation of a backup copy of the current firmware. We boot from the media and all actions are performed automatically.

Firmware for Windows

A simple and convenient option to update the BIOS on your computer is to use proprietary software from the motherboard developers. Download the application from the developer's website. Typically it contains the word Update and the brand name (MSI LiveUpdate or ASUSUpdate).

The process of working with such BIOS programs is simple.

  • Install and run the utility.
  • We indicate the method we want to use (updating from the Internet or from a firmware file stored on a computer with Windows 7).

Knowing the revision of the motherboard firmware and its model, we go to the manufacturer’s website in search of a file that allows us to update the BIOS. Depending on the manufacturer, the BIOS update file is located in different sections. But usually these are the “Download” and “Support” sections. Having found latest version firmware, check it with ours and conclude that it needs to be replaced. If the site contains more new firmware, download it to a computer with Windows 7.

  • Let's do backup copy currently installed firmware.
  • Depending on the method, select a server to search for an update, click on the “Update” button or indicate the path to the previously downloaded update file.

  • We confirm the completion of the firmware and wait.
  • Reboot the computer.

Updating using the system itself

Another simple method to flash the BIOS and motherboard is to use the capabilities of updating the basic I/O system using its own functionality. Let's look at the example of a BIOS with a new graphical interface– UEFI.

  • As before, in order to update the motherboard firmware, you need to download the latest BIOS to a computer running Windows 7 with official page manufacturer.

  • Unpack the archive to a convenient place (it is better to unzip the downloaded file onto a removable drive).
  • We go to the settings of the basic input/output system using the Del, F11, F2 or other key (see the instructions for the motherboard or the hint during equipment initialization).
  • Go to the “Advanced Mode” editing menu (F7 key) and confirm the action.

  • Go to the “Service” or “Tool” tab, where we select a proprietary utility. In our case, this is Asus EZ Flash 2.

Basic computer input/output system or Basic Input Output System(BIOS) is the firmware that controls how the computer turns on and boots. Surely you have seen many times how a black screen with white writing appears when you turn on your computer, and most likely you have noticed several prompts like “Press F12 for settings” or “Del”.

The firmware provided by your motherboard manufacturer does not need to be updated very often. In fact, you don't need to update the BIOS at all unless you have problems with your computer's hardware. If you are experiencing hardware failures, updating the BIOS of your computer or laptop motherboard is a typical troubleshooting step. It eliminates software issues and allows you to focus on any hardware issues.

In this article I will use the term "BIOS", but I mean both the old standard and the new UEFI system. Among other things, I will be updating my motherboard ASRock. The update process should be roughly the same for most other boards.

1. Determine your motherboard model and BIOS version

You'll be able to find the files on the motherboard manufacturer's website, but first you'll need to learn a little more about the BIOS and motherboard on your computer or laptop.

Step 1. Type start menu in search msinfo32.exe to launch system information.

Step 2. You will see the System Information window, where you will find information about your computer's hardware. Look for BIOS Version, Main Board Manufacturer, and Model. As you can see below, some information may be missing.

You can also find this information in the BIOS of your computer or laptop itself when booting by clicking Delete. Restart your computer. On the screen that pops up, you will see some text at the bottom that will tell you something like "Press F2 to enter the installer" or F1. The exact login button depends on your motherboard manufacturer asus, gigabyte, msi, hp, lenovo, but in my case ASRock it is Del. Exact location your system information depends on the motherboard. I have it on the "Main" tab, the UEFI Version line. In this case H61M-VG4 this is the motherboard number, and P1.40 This is the UEFI firmware version.

2. Find updated BIOS

Step 1. Once you know the BIOS version number and motherboard name, you can go to the manufacturer's website and find the updated files. Find support page your motherboard and enter the model name into the search, in my case H61M-VG4. Next, I had to click on the model itself, which was returned by a search on the site.

Step 2. Go to the "support" tab on the website and select BIOS. The update firmware file will be provided below. Read carefully what the manufacturer recommends and read additional documentation. Then download the file to your computer, having previously selected the regional location.

3. Preparing files for BIOS update

Step 1. You now need to write the downloaded file to a USB flash drive, which must be formatted to work correctly in FAT32. NTFS and ExFAT drives will not work. Unzip ZIP archive, then you can immediately drag the folder onto the USB flash drive with the mouse.

4. Installing a BIOS update

Step 1. Now that we have done our research and preparation, we are ready to install. Make sure your USB drive is connected to USB port 2.0 on the back of the computer. These ports connect directly to the motherboard and are more reliable than front panel ports.

Note: In some motherboard models, you can install the BIOS firmware immediately when you turn on the computer. To do this simply you must quickly see and click the button that will be shown with an approximate nameinstallation flash. In my case, I pressed the F6 button when turning on the computer and the BIOS update was installed immediately.

Step 2. Reboot your computer and access the BIOS by pressing the appropriate key (usually Delete or F2). Next, I install it via install flash. I go to the Tool tab and click on install flash (maybe in the Advanced tab).

If you need to update the BIOS on a laptop or your computer motherboard, the steps above should work as a general guide. Just be sure to also refer to the board manufacturer's instructions for the exact upgrade process.

Flashing the BIOS is not a labor-intensive process and will take a little time. It is recommended to install a new version and only from the manufacturer if the previous one was observed incorrect work. Let's look at the question in this article: how to update the BIOS on a Windows 10 computer.

Checking the firmware version

You can check the current firmware version in several ways:

  1. By looking at the information on the motherboard itself or on the remaining packaging. Look for a similar inscription rev 1.0, rev 1.1, rev 1.3.
  2. In the operating room Windows system. Open the Run command (Win+R) and enter the command msinfo32

    In the “System Information” window that opens, look at the “BIOS Version” element.

  3. In the BIOS menu itself (read the article: how to start the BIOS) in Main or at the bottom of the screen.

Where can I download?

Installation BIOS files can be downloaded on the official websites of motherboard developers or on the websites of laptop manufacturers (for example Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer) in the “Download” section.

Update instructions

There are several ways to flash the BIOS.

On Windows

To update, download the required firmware to your computer. Then use proprietary utility from the motherboard manufacturer:

If the downloaded file is executable (extension .exe), run it and wait for the installation to complete (the manufacturer writes about this in the firmware instructions, for example Dell).

Advice! The update is performed on all Windows versions 10, 8, 7, XP.


Most modern motherboards support a version upgrade method in the BIOS environment. To install the firmware, download the installation file to a USB flash drive and connect to your PC. Use the utility in motherboards to install the BIOS:


To update the BIOS using the DOS environment, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with DOS and the BIOS itself. In addition, you may need a utility for the update process (Gigabite use DOS Flash utility). The update must contain a file with a .bat extension (Update.bat or Autoexec.bat) to run the firmware in DOS. This method is becoming obsolete and is applied to older models of motherboards.

Do you have any questions regarding your computer's firmware? Ask about it in the comments or use

Many users do not know the answers to the question. They don't know how to update the BIOS. Don't think about updating this program- this is supernaturally difficult. Believe me, everyone can figure it out.

The abbreviation of this system when translated into Russian sounds like a basic input-output system.

Why do you need a BIOS?

  1. When the computer starts, the BIOS checks the standard hardware and its viability. If any of this equipment burns out, a special sound signal will sound.
  2. The program runs a boot program that directly loads the Operating System.
  3. Provides interaction between the OS and various peripheral equipment.
  4. Gives the user the ability to configure PC hardware components.

Do I need to update the BIOS and why?

Updating this program is a deeper process than conventional computer programs. This implies a short algorithm of changes. Basically, this is correcting the malfunction of some rare components of the system or adding support for the latest processor models.

If the computer works without problems, it is better not to deal with this program. And it's not worth updating. You will not see any differences between the previous and new versions, and on the contrary, the update can generate unexpected problems for your PC. Most often they occur when the previous version was tested more thoughtfully than the new one.

The update should only be launched for your motherboard model. If you try to update the BIOS designed for a different model, it may bring you a number of unpleasant difficulties and problems.

But there are times when updates are necessary, and sometimes urgently:

  1. The motherboard requires the installation of a new processor, which the updated version can provide. In this case, it is necessary to update the program.
  2. Need to connect HDD a size that is not supported old version programs.
  3. Required to activate additional functions chipset (a set of microcircuits that are designed to work together to provide a set of various functions), not included in the original version.
  4. It is necessary to replace the outdated OS on the computer.
  5. In case you plan to overclock your computer.
  6. The system functions slowly or incorrectly due to errors in the BIOS code.
  7. The version you have installed is broken, which is why the system does not function partially or completely.

What does a BIOS update do?

Updating the motherboard BIOS, as you already understood, is done mainly to ensure that new processors and new memory, which are released very often, are supported by the motherboard installed on your computer. Because of this, updating the program is sometimes simply necessary.

Is it worth updating the program unnecessarily? Is it possible to update it constantly without thinking about the consequences? Programming professionals advise against doing this.

How to view the current current version of your system program?

  • Enter: Wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion. A window will open in which you will see the current version.

After you have found out the information you need, you should go to the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard that is on your computer.
There are five most popular manufacturers:

How to update BIOS on a laptop?

Special programs for updating BIOS

Top 3 programs:

  • Asus – Asus Update,
  • MSI - Live Update,
  • @BIOS.

General instructions for the programs:

Let's look at the option of how to update the BIOS from a flash drive:

How to make a bootable floppy disk for updating the BIOS?

The update method from a floppy disk is considered one of the most reliable in terms of security.

After all these manipulations, you need to restart the computer and boot from the floppy disk. Make sure that the disk drive is set as the first boot device in the BIOS. During reboot, open the BIOS setup menu by pressing special keys discoveries. We select - Advanced BIOS Features, Boot Sequence, which are sometimes called Advanced, Advanced BIOS Features.

How to update BIOS without battery?

For update purposes, you often need to charge your computer to at least 10%. If this condition is not met, then the message “Power Check Error” will pop up in front of you, preventing you from updating the program.
In order to update it, you need to find out one key. What do you need to do for this?

Windows won't boot after BIOS update

It happens that after an update, Windows stops loading. In this case, you need to start the computer's BIOS. Find the parameters of SATA devices and try to change the operating mode. If the settings are set to IDE, you need to activate AHCI (or vice versa). After this, save the new settings and restart the computer.

And remember that entering this system do not do it unnecessarily, as it may harm your computer! If you still don’t understand or can’t figure out some subtleties, contact a specialist!

Have a great day!

The basic input/output system (BIOS) largely determines the stability of the computing system, especially its hardware. The speed of operation of the components of the motherboard and peripheral electronics, as well as the correct functioning of the components of the computer system, depend on its correct implementation.

Unfortunately, BIOS, like others software, may contain errors leading to destabilization of the computer hardware and even its failure.

Motherboard developers try to release base system updates in a timely manner, fix critical errors and add new features to constantly aging hardware.

Question how to update bios on windows computer 10 occurs not only due to system board malfunctions. By purchasing computer, the user is often faced with the need to upgrade it, for example, installing a new processor unit.

But, even if the processor socket is suitable for installation in the motherboard, the electronics may not “know” anything about it, its logic circuits and new technologies, or may not support its operating frequency.

Installing a new BIOS version can breathe new life into an old motherboard, increase the potential for upgrading the components installed in it, and, ultimately, take the computer to a new level.

Firmware order

Updating the basic I/O system is carried out in several stages:

  1. Determining the BIOS version required for installation.
  2. Downloading the files required for firmware.
  3. Installing the update program on removable media or in the operating system.
  4. Preparing the computer for the update operation.
  5. Backup the existing version.
  6. BIOS firmware.

The BIOS firmware operation itself may not be tied to a specific version. operating system. This applies to installer versions that run before the operating environment is loaded.

The disadvantage of such update methods is the need for a highly qualified user, implying that he has the skills to create bootable media and understand what is happening practically in background processes.

In accordance with the above implementation plan for installing a new BIOS, you must begin by selecting the system version. To do this you need to know the model of the motherboard. This data can be gleaned from the user manual or find markings on the board itself.

Then you need to visit the website of the motherboard developer, find the required modification and go to the user support section, where the drivers and utilities are located. Next, we go to the section and see if the manufacturer has released any updates to the basic I/O system. If there are any, carefully read the description of them.

Attention! When installing new BIOS versions, make sure that they support the currently installed processor! Otherwise, the motherboard may not start it after flashing the firmware!

After we are convinced that the new BIOS version is suitable for the hardware, download the files necessary for installation. Along with them there are instructions for carrying out the firmware.

Also the installation process new version The BIOS may be described in the motherboard's user manual, and there may be several methods for updating. Depending on preferences, the user should download exactly those files that suit his skills.

Then the downloaded files are prepared for the firmware process. If this is an installer launched through Windows, then it is installed. Typically, developers ensure that such a program is compatible with different versions Microsoft systems, that is, they work even in the latest, tenth, release. Unfortunately, for other operating systems, flashers from the user application level are very rare.

Installation can also be implemented directly from the BIOS. For this purpose, a special section is implemented, the description of which is given in the manual for the board. To update, you need to write new BIOS files onto a medium, for example a flash drive, onto which a backup copy of the current version of the system can later be written.

The manufacturer can also implement the base system firmware program on the disk that comes with the motherboard. In this case, the update files are also written to an external drive.

For legacy systems, a boot floppy disk is created and a special boot loader is written onto it. Boot from a floppy disk is selected, to which the firmware files are also copied.

After preparing the necessary software need to be provided uninterruptible power supply for a computer, since during the firmware process, cutting off the electrical power supply can lead to fatal consequences, including complete failure of the system board. The laptop battery must be fully charged, and if system unit you need to use an uninterruptible power supply.

Immediately before updating the BIOS on a Windows 10 computer, make a backup copy of it. If launched from the operating environment, simply select the appropriate item in the flashing program and indicate the location on the hard drive to store the copy.

When using BIOS or boot disk choose a flash drive as storage. If you use a floppy disk, the copy will be written directly to it. When using any method except the first, it is advisable to have instructions before your eyes in order to do everything correctly.

After creating a backup, you can update the BIOS. Now a menu item or command is selected for the firmware itself, and after it is completed, the computer reboots.

Attention! After updating the core I/O system, all its settings are set to default. When you first start your computer after flashing the firmware, go into the BIOS and set the necessary CMOS variables.

Now all that remains is to check the BIOS version; usually this parameter is located on the first tab (MAIN or STANDARD).

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