How to transfer saves from iPhone to. How to transfer games and their saves from iPhone to iPhone

Every iOS user at least once wondered how you can transfer game saves, for example from iPhone on iPad. Of course, it is possible to use for these purposes iCloud or Game Center.

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However, there is great way transfer a “save” between gadgets using a file manager. First you need to download the application or its alternative in the form. Both programs are free and available for Windows or OS X.

How to transfer game saves between iPhone and iPad without jailbreak

After starting the program, you should connect iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch , from which we will copy the save. In the list of applications in the file manager, select the desired game. By going to the game folder, you can see two more folders in it: “ Documents" And " Libraries"(in some games there may be only one of the folders). You should copy these folders to your computer and connect the next iDevice, to which the saves will be transferred.

Now all that remains is to open the game folder and copy there “ Documents" And " Libraries» from a computer. Now you should restart the game. If it was launched - iOS. For owners of jailbroken devices, you can do without using file managers and a computer. All you need is an application from Cydia - .
In it, again, you should find the game folder. To make searching easier, enable the option “ Program names". It will enable the correct display of application folder names instead of alphanumeric codes. Select and copy the folders " Documents" And " Libraries". Next you need to transfer these folders to another device. It is very easy to do this via connected to iFile account Dropbox. Details about working with files on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using file storage are described in. On another device, we perform the reverse procedure - paste the copied folders.

Be sure to watch the video, which clearly demonstrates the process of transferring files.

If you bought new iPhone 8 and now you don’t know how to transfer applications from your old iPhone to a new one, we’ll tell you about 3 ways to do this. There are several options for solving this problem: using backup copy made via iCloud; using a “backup” via iTunes, or using the Tenorshare iCareFone program. It should be noted that the latter method is the easiest and fastest, plus it allows you to manage several types of data at once.

How to transfer apps from iPhone to iPhone using iCloud

This method is attractive because it does not require connecting your smartphone to your computer. It is enough to have an Internet connection.

1. Open the “Settings” application on your old iPhone and select “iCloud” (on iOS 11 you need to open Settings - Accounts & Passwords - iCloud).

2. Click on “iCloud Backup” and check that the slider is in the on position.

4. Now take the new iPhone 8. If you are setting it up from scratch, then during the activation process you will be asked to perform data recovery. You just need to select the option from your iCloud backup. If new iPhone has already been activated, then go to the Settings application - and select “iCloud” (on iOS 11 you need to open Settings - Accounts and Passwords - iCloud). Sign in here with your Apple ID and password. Then turn the slider to active next to “Backup”. All applications with data will be automatically transferred to the new iPhone.

How to transfer programs from iPhone to iPhone via iTunes

This method requires that you connect your iPhone to your computer. So, to transfer applications from an old iPhone to a new one, follow these steps:

1. Connect your old iPhone to your computer using USB cable and launch iTunes.

3. Now let's pick up the new iPhone. During the activation process, you will be prompted to restore from your iTunes backup. Select this item, then connect your new iPhone to your PC or Mac and launch iTunes again. You will be asked to either set up your iPhone as new or restore it from an iTunes backup. We select the second option and wait for completion.

How to Transfer Apps from Old iPhone to New Using Tenorshare iCareFone

Third alternative way takes much less time. And the process of transferring applications from iPhone to iPhone is much faster.

1. Download and install the program on your computer. Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch it.

2. Select "Management". Here you can manage data such as applications, photos, music, videos, calendar and others.

3. Select desired type data and use the “Add” button to transfer applications or data previously saved on your computer to the new iPhone. When the process is completed, all data on your new iPhone will be automatically updated.

Each iPhone owner builds a convenient layout for icons, placing them in folders and desktops. Useful widgets are selected for quick access to the required information. The standard ringtone is often replaced with a louder and more recognizable ringtone. Collections of songs, photos and other attributes of many years of use are accumulated. I don’t want to lose everything when switching to a new device. Apple understands this very well and has created a convenient backup mechanism. In this article we will tell you how to transfer data from one iPhone to another without loss.

There are two ways to create a backup iPhone copies. For this purpose, the iCloud cloud or a computer with installed program iTunes. Both options allow you to restore information on your phone, regardless of its model. You can make a copy on the 5S, and then transfer the data from it to the brand new iPhone X.

  1. Open the smartphone settings. At the top of the screen there is an area where the avatar and the name of the Apple ID owner are displayed. All parameters for managing the user account and associated services are collected here.

  1. Select the iCloud section, which allows you to reconfigure the order of its use.

  1. We see a list of all applications that use the cloud to store information. At the very end of this list there is an item that activates the creation of backups.

  1. Move the slider marked with the arrow to the “On” position. Every time the phone is connected to charger and is in the zone Wi-Fi actions will automatically transfer data to the cloud.

  1. Before creating a backup, we need to select the information that we want to transfer for storage. We return to the beginning of the list of programs and open the item marked in the screenshot.

  1. Let's move on to the "Backup" section. Here we again see a list of applications, but opposite each one will be displayed the amount of data stored in the cloud. The screenshot shows that the “Photo” section takes up the largest space. Accordingly, it will grow even more if you actively use Live Photo technology.

  1. Inside we find a list of mobile devices linked to a specific user’s Apple ID account and information about the current sizes of completed copies. Open the section related to the phone to study its contents in detail.

  1. Click the framed virtual button at the bottom of the screen to gain full access to the stored information.

  1. The standard amount of storage allocated to each Apple ID owner is 5 GB, and it does not depend on the number of devices. The cloud is used not only for backups, but also to transfer shared files between devices. This could be calendar data, notes, life photos, etc. The user’s task is to disable non-critical data, such as correspondence on WhatsApp or Telegram, and redirect photos to Google. As a result, iCloud will no longer be clogged with “junk” and there will be enough space for regular backups. By reducing the size of the backup, you can redo it by deleting the old one.


Using a computer to transfer data between iOS devices can be considered a classic option. This method is used from the first iPhone models to modern ones. The number and sizes of copies in this case are limited only by capacity hard drive PC.

  1. Open iTunes and use the control menu mobile devices, shown by the arrow. We select the smartphone from which we want to copy data.

  1. On the “Overview” tab, go down to the backup section. When the phone is connected, the button marked with a frame will be active. By clicking on it, we can download the necessary information to the PC, which will later be used when restoring parameters on a new device.

  1. In order for the copy to include not only contacts, but also personal data including passwords, encryption must be enabled. Before creating a backup, the system will warn you about this with a corresponding request.

  1. We set and confirm a password that guarantees the security of personal information, which will be saved in a local file.

After we have insured ourselves against accidental loss of accumulated data by creating a copy using one of the options described above, we can proceed to the transition to a new device. After a dialogue for selecting the language and region of residence, the user is offered several configuration options. You can choose to restore from the cloud, from a local copy, or re-register with a different Apple ID. Options are shown in the photo below.

  1. In the first case, you need to enter an identifier and confirm it with a password. Only Wi-Fi is used to transfer data. If you initially skipped the wireless connection setup step, you need to reconnect the device and try again when it stops using the cellular network.

  1. In the absence of stable Wi-Fi, you can immediately turn to a local backup. Having opened iTunes, we need to go to the same section in which it was created. Once connected with a USB cable, the recovery button indicated by a frame is activated.

With the release of iOS 11, Apple has significantly simplified the procedure initial setup. You can transfer settings and information from your old iPhone to your new one by simply placing the two smartphones side by side. The devices will communicate via Bluetooth and you will then need to confirm that the Apple ID you are using is correct. Initial data such as Wi-Fi passwords and the characteristics of the installed software will be transferred to the new iPhone. Next, it will independently connect to the network and download from App Store necessary programs by applying custom settings to them. The advantage of this method is complete automation. Even one created with Apple Watch pair.


Since iOS 11 is supported by all current iPhone models the user can no longer worry about the procedure for switching to a new device and the safety of data. The use of backups for this task fades into the background. Now they perform their direct task by saving information in case of OS failures or the loss of a smartphone.

Video instruction

You can learn more about the nuances of transferring information when setting up a new iPhone by watching the thematic video below.

Apple regularly releases new and more improved versions of smartphones. It is not surprising that adherents of the brand’s devices, following new products, change devices with enviable frequency.

It happens that buying a new gadget is associated with a malfunction of the old iPhone or the need to purchase a second phone. But in the end, the reason is not important, what is important is the information and contacts accumulated over months phone book, with which the user needs to work both on a new smartphone and on two at once. How to save it? Is it possible to transfer folders and contacts from iPhone to iPhone automatically without manual correspondence and resetting the Media Library to the PC. Yes, you can. Let's consider the options.

Transfer via synchronization in iCloud cloud storage

The first thing that is recommended to do is to create a backup duplicate of stored folders and files on a device that is still in use. It is created in the cloud iCloud storage- a place where everything is stored important information, saved to the phone. It makes it easy to sync iPhone to iPhone without losing important documents. Every user of Apple technology receives this place automatically when registering their phone in the system.

After the procedure, he is given a login ( email address to enter the vault, account) and password (you come up with it yourself). Therefore, the synchronization process begins with registering (if the user has not already registered) the device in the “Settings” → “iCloud” menu. Next, follow the instructions in the instructions.

After registration, a duplicate is created, otherwise you won’t be able to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone using this method. You need to do the following:

  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network.
  • "Settings" menu.
  • Select "iCloud".
  • Select “iCloud Backup” from the list.
  • Set the switch to the green (active) position.
  • Select "Create a copy".

Important! We need to make sure that Wi-Fi network was stable at the time the reserve was created, otherwise the process will not take place. The duplicate will be stored in the virtual cloud until the user wants to delete it personally. Therefore, the transfer may not be performed immediately. It’s worth considering that you won’t be able to transfer music and videos. They will not be copied for storage or movement.

Now let's figure out how to transfer data from a backup to new smartphone. But first, let’s clarify that if the device is not new (someone has already used it) or the user will give his phone to another person, the documents on it should be deleted after the transfer. To do this, select “Settings” → “General” → “Reset” → “Erase content and settings” → reboot iPhone.

Step-by-step instructions for moving data

  • Turn on the new device and insert the SIM card.
  • Connect Wi-Fi.
  • Go to “Settings”.
  • Go to iCloud.
  • Log in to your account using the issued Apple ID.
  • When prompted, activate the backup.

Important! You should be careful here. To correctly transfer data from an old smartphone to new gadget, you need to make sure that the saved duplicate is selected correctly. It is recommended to navigate by creation date and time.

Transferring information from a device that has already been used to a newly purchased gadget will happen in a few minutes. Used contacts and files will appear in your phone contacts and folders. During the process, you need to monitor the stability of Wi-Fi. Without a network connection, the procedure will not be completed.

After the recovery procedure, continue setting up the smartphone. You can play it safe and check whether all the data from the first device was actually saved to the reserve (checking the number of objects in folders). To do this, you need to visit You can log in from a computer under operating system Windows. Similarly, double-check whether all objects have been transferred to the device prepared for future use.

Using the iTunes app to move data

You can synchronize an iPhone with an iPhone using the iTunes application familiar to users of Apple gadgets. The program allows you to create a backup copy of documents and then import them to a new device.

Create a backup copy

You need to do the following:

  • Download and install the iTunes application on your PC.
  • Connect your smartphone to your PC to copy data from the memory.
  • Open the application. If necessary, update to the latest version.
  • Select a gadget in the program. There is a phone icon in the upper right corner.
  • Select the “Browse” item.
  • Find the “Backups” section.
  • In the list, click “Create a copy...”.
  • Wait for the process to complete.

To make sure that transferring objects from iPhone to iPhone will be successful, you need to play it safe and check whether the folders and important files are actually saved in the backup. To do this, go to “iTunes Settings”. Then go to the “Device” section. In the window that appears, you should see a file with the name of the phone and the date of creation. If everything is correct, you can continue the process without fear of losing information.

Restoring from a copy

Now, in order to transfer data from one gadget to another, you need to disconnect the one from which you backed up the information, and connect to the PC the one to which you want to transfer it. The procedure for selecting a smartphone will be similar to that described above. Then proceed as follows:

  • Go to “Restore from copy”.
  • Select the desired version from the list. You should double-check the creation date.
  • Wait for the process to complete.

You cannot forcibly interrupt or interfere with the process. It will take some time, so don't panic. After the transfer from one iPhone to another has occurred, the gadget is disconnected from the PC and then rebooted.

Important! If the device has already been used by someone, you need to erase everything from memory before importing files. It is worth doing the same with the device from which the files and folders were transferred (if it will not be used by the same user).

It is believed that cloud storage- more reliable way storage of information than a cell phone or tablet. Even if the data from it disappears, then by contacting the service Apple support, you can restore data within 30 days. In addition, cloud storage stores files and folders on the server without cluttering up the equipment’s memory. This is beneficial if you plan to move data over a period of time.


As you can see, transferring data from iPhone to iPhone is not difficult, just understand the mechanism of the procedure and repeat exactly according to the instructions and the job will be done. A little perseverance and half an hour of time will allow you to keep important photos, contacts and other information safe.

I hope we have answered all your questions, if not, watch the video instructions below, it will tell you step by step what to do and how to do it. See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

If you want to see on our website answers to your questions about everything related to technology, programs and services of Apple, iOS or Mac OS X, iTunes Store or App Store, write to us via.

We received the following question:

I have this, perhaps specific, question: my son played a game on my iPhone, then they bought him an iPhone, and he wants to transfer this game from my iPhone to his, so as not to start it again, but to continue playing it as is .
Is this possible? And How? (I copied this game to my iCloud, but can I transfer only the game to his iPhone from it? Or is there some other way for this? I can’t transfer it from my iCloud). Thank you in advance for your response.

Good evening!

In fact, the question is not at all specific, but quite ordinary. (and some of our readers will even say that it’s lame). The need to transfer program information, including game saves, from one iOS device to another often arises, but Apple does not offer any simple and convenient method in this case.

Therefore, it is necessary to use specialized file managers– for example, iFunbox, iTools, iExplorer or DiskAid. Let's consider the solution to the issue using the latter as an example:

  • First, make sure that the application you are looking for is completely closed on both the device you want to transfer files from and the destination device. If not, close it through the multitasking screen. Otherwise, broken files may be transferred
  • then connect the gadget to your computer and launch DiskAid
  • On the left, select your device, “Storage”. On the right, click "Applications":

  • select the program whose files you want to transfer:

  • you will see the contents of the internal application files folder. You will need "Documents" and "Library" folders. Select them and drag them from the DiskAid window to any folder or desktop

  • Now connect another device and go to the corresponding application folder on it. Drag the previously copied folders there and agree to overwrite the files

All of the above manipulations work both with and without jailbreak, because write access to application folders in iOS is always open (read and write access to system files is a completely different matter).

P.S. I didn't really understand how you copied the game to iCloud :) If you mean backup in iCloud, it is impossible to restore files of a single application from there.

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