How to use the payment terminal. Questions about accepting bank cards - acquiring I forgot to reconcile the results, what should I do?

For online acquiring, is it mandatory by law to use cash registers if there are no cash payments? Services are planned to be provided via the Internet, customers will not intersect with the contractor, payment via the Internet, services also via email. Is it stated in any law?

Hello Zoya!

Good afternoon
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards" cash register equipment included in the State Register is used on the territory of the Russian Federation on a mandatory basis procedure for all organizations and individual entrepreneurs when they make cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in cases of selling goods, performing work or providing services.
According to Article 861 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, settlements between legal entities, as well as settlements with the participation of citizens related to the implementation of their business activities, are made by bank transfer. Settlements between these persons may also be made in cash, unless otherwise provided by law. Non-cash payments are made through banks and other credit organizations (hereinafter referred to as banks) in which the corresponding accounts are opened, unless otherwise follows from the law and is not stipulated by the form of payment used. According to Article 862 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when making non-cash payments, settlements by payment orders, letters of credit, checks, collection settlements, as well as settlements in other forms provided for by law, banking rules established in accordance with it and business customs applied in banking practice, respectively, are allowed. The list of forms of non-cash payments is open. In particular, electronic payment orders, as well as other forms of non-cash payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be used to carry out non-cash payments.
The regulation on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation was approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2002 N 2-P. Clause 1.2 of this Regulation establishes the following forms of non-cash payments:
- money orders;
- under a letter of credit;
- checks;
- by collection.
Also, non-cash payments are made in the form of payments using bank cards. These issues are regulated by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2004 N 266-P, the rules of the corresponding card payment system(VISA, Europay, Master Card, Union Card, Zolotaya Korona, STB-Card, etc.), relevant agreements.
Clause 1.4 of Regulation N 266-P states: issuers issue bank cards, which are a type of payment cards as a non-cash payment instrument intended for individuals, including authorized legal entities, to carry out transactions with funds held by the issuer, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the agreement with the issuer.
From this we can conclude that payment credit card is equivalent to non-cash payment.
Considering paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards" we can conclude that this article applies only to organizations, and not to credit organizations. In our case, settlements using payment cards in cases of sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services occur between the bank and an individual, and then the bank makes settlements with the organization that sells goods or provides services under an acquiring agreement. Accordingly, this is no longer a cash payment, but a bank transfer.
According to Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on July 11, 2011) “On Banks and Banking Activities,” banking operations include:
4) making payments on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, on their bank accounts;
9) making transfers Money on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal transfers).
When paying for services under an acquiring agreement, the client transfers funds on behalf of individuals (the same as if individuals paid money through one of the banks).
According to clause 1.9. "Regulations on the issue of bank cards and on transactions carried out using payment cards" dated December 24, 2004 N 266-P on the territory of the Russian Federation, credit organizations (hereinafter referred to as credit organizations - acquirers) carry out settlements with trade (service) organizations for transactions carried out using payment cards, and (or) issue cash to payment card holders who are not clients of the specified credit institutions (hereinafter referred to as acquiring). According to clause 3.1. of this Regulation, when performing a transaction using a payment card, documents are drawn up on paper and (or) in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the document on transactions using a payment card). A document on transactions using a payment card is the basis for making settlements for these transactions and (or) serves as confirmation of their completion. This document drawn up and issued to an individual when paying by credit card in our case in in electronic format and it is issued not by an organization providing services, but by a credit institution (bank). When an individual pays for a product or service on the website using a bank card, he receives a document confirming payment in electronic form.

In case of claims from the tax authorities regarding the failure to provide a fiscal receipt, they can be appealed in court.

However, if you basically practice receiving cash from a client, you should have a cash register.

Best regards, Vasily. Consultant ChClub

A little advice for sellers - don’t make a sad expression on your face when the buyer comes to return the goods. It’s already hard for the client, and many are afraid to go to the store to return it. A salesperson's sad or angry face will only add tension to the situation. Treat this with ease and understanding, and the buyer will have a pleasant impression of the store to which he will definitely want to return. Just communicate with the client, unobtrusively find out the reason for the return - it is likely that a return can be avoided and only an exchange of goods will be required.

First, let's figure out the difference between “CANCEL OPERATION” and “REFUND”. I should immediately note that both of these functions can be used to return goods - the only difference is time.

Canceling an operation via POS terminal

A convenient function if you made any mistake when making a payment. A simple example: the amount was entered incorrectly, and the error was noticed after printing the receipt.

There are two possible ways out of the situation:

  1. Offer the buyer some kind of bonus for the extra amount;
  2. Cancel the operation and re-make the payment.

In many instructions for terminals you can find the following information: “Before closing a shift at a bank POS terminal, any operation for the current shift can be canceled. After reconciling the results (closing a shift), canceling the operation is impossible.”

In practice, this is not entirely true and cancellation of the transaction is possible only during banking business hours.

The fact is that many sellers simply do not close shifts every day, because... There are few operations and there is no urgent need for it. And many simply forget to reconcile the results. And if you follow the logic of the above, then the payment information will remain hanging in the banking “cloud” until the seller closes the shift. Therefore, the money hangs only during the bank’s working hours, then is automatically credited to the seller’s current account.

Banking day- the period of time during which all payment transactions are made, usually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some banks offer their customers the so-called extended or extended banking day - from 9 to 21 o'clock or even until midnight.

And this is very convenient - from time to time situations arise when you need to make an urgent payment, but the banking day is already over and an extended banking day comes in handy.

The same thing applies to canceling a terminal transaction - on weekdays, most customers go to the store after work, at 5-6 pm, and if the banking day is already over, then it will not be possible to cancel the payment and you will have to do the “RETURN GOODS” operation.

We got a little distracted. Let's return to canceling the operation.

After you have made a payment through the terminal, the following happens: the data on this payment (check number, date, time and amount) is recorded in the terminal’s memory and “hangs” in the banking cloud until the end of the banking day. The money is then credited to the seller's bank account. And after this, canceling the operation is no longer possible - only through the “RETURN OF GOODS” operation.

Operation “CLOSING A SHIFT” (reconciliation of results) is needed for:

  1. Generating a report on all sales through a bank terminal and reconciling data in the accounting system used by the seller, for example the 1C program;
  2. Clearing terminal memory. In modern devices, the memory is generally sufficient to store several thousand transactions, but if the results are not reconciled in time, subsequent payments will not go through - the terminal will require you to close the shift. First of all, this applies to large retailers, such as supermarkets.

How to cancel an operation through a POS terminal

The instructions will be general and, depending on the manufacturer and model of the terminal, the sequence and names of menu items may differ slightly, but the principle is the same everywhere. We will look at canceling an operation and returning it using the example of Ingenico iCT220 / and iWL220 / POS terminals.

Canceling a transaction by check number

  1. Press the " F
  3. Enter the check number and press green key
  4. If the data is entered correctly, information about the payment will appear on the screen - transaction type, date, time and amount.
  5. To cancel the operation, press green key and select "YES". If you change your mind, click "NO"— the terminal will return to standby mode.
  6. If you choose "YES"— the operation will be canceled and the terminal will print a receipt with the relevant data.
If the message appears on the screen "TRANSACTION NOT FOUND"— most likely you made a mistake when entering the check number. Press any key and repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Undoing the last operation

  1. Press the key "F" to enter the operation selection menu.
  2. On the menu "FINANCIAL OPERATIONS" select "CANCELLATION OF LAST". To navigate through menu items, use the navigation key, which is located under the screen in the center.
  3. Click green key .
  4. The operation will be canceled and the terminal will print a receipt with the relevant data.

If the transaction is canceled, the funds are returned to the buyer almost instantly.

The cancellation of the operation was sorted out. Now let's move on to returning the goods.

Returning goods via POS terminal

If you are late with the cancellation of the operation, you will have to return the goods. Nothing complicated, let's figure it out now. The most important thing is to take your time and don’t worry and you will succeed.

  1. Press the " F» to enter the operation selection menu.
  2. On the menu "FINANCIAL OPERATIONS" select "PURCHASE RETURNS". To navigate through menu items, use the navigation key, which is located under the screen in the center.
  3. The terminal will ask you to insert the card.
  4. Information about the card will appear on the screen - card number and expiration date. Carefully check the data on the screen with the data on the card.
  5. If everything matches, click green key .
  6. The terminal will ask you to enter the amount of the product. The decimal point is added automatically - if the amount does not contain kopecks, then enter two zeros.
  7. If you need to enter a PIN code, give the terminal or PIN pad to the client to enter the PIN code. To correct data entry, use yellow key . To confirm the entry, the client presses green key .
  8. If everything went well, the terminal will print a receipt for the seller - tear off the receipt and press green key . The terminal will print a receipt for the client.
  9. We give the check to the client for signature and compare the signature on the check with the signature on the bank card.
  10. The message will appear on the screen “IS THE SIGNATURE CORRECT?”- if both signatures match, select "YES" and press green key . The terminal will print a second copy of the receipt (for the client).
  11. If the signatures do not match or the client changes his mind about making a return, select "REJECT" and press green key . The terminal will print a check with a message about the cancellation of the transaction - give the check to the client for signature and return it back. In the receipt, indicate the reason for canceling the transaction: "SIGNATURE MISCONDITION" or “REFUSAL TO COMPLETE THE OPERATION”
  12. We return the bank card to the client and give a second copy of the check.
  13. We smile and tell the client “We will be glad to see you again in our store,” but there is sadness in my soul - a return after all.
  14. Let's cheer up and continue to work as normal.
Refunds to the buyer's card occur within 3-5 business days, depending on the payment system - MasterCard is faster, VISA is slower. Don't forget to inform the buyer about this.

Let's sum it up

Cancellation of the transaction is possible only during banking business hours - the funds are returned to the buyer’s card almost instantly. The cancellation procedure is completely simple and does not take much time. To practice, make a payment in the amount of 1 ₽, and then immediately cancel the operation. Practice - The best way consolidate the theory.

The goods are returned if the banking day has already ended - in this case, the funds will be credited to the buyer’s card within 3-5 business days, depending on the payment system. The procedure is slightly more complicated than cancellation and requires care when checking the signatures on the check and the customer's card.

If, while canceling an operation or returning, the terminal freezes and stops responding to key presses, our article How to restart a POS terminal will help.

That's all. I hope the article was useful and helped you return goods or cancel an operation through a POS terminal, as well as understand the differences between these operations. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write in the comments or send a question by email.

Good luck in your business!

New generation devices, acquiring terminals (ET), make it possible to receive information encoded in the chip or magnetic strip of a bank card to automate bank non-cash payments. They are connected to the processing center by special secure channels. However, despite the relative perfection of the technologies used, acquiring errors still occur. Why? Let's figure it out.

How does it work

Taking into account which one is used in the work, two types of printing can be used to confirm payment: on the terminal itself or on fiscal registrar(FR). If the second option is used, to maintain the relationship between the two components of the system, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Install ET if it is necessary to make non-cash payments.
  • Install FR.
  • Make a payment and receive confirmation from the processing center.
  • Print a slip receipt, which will confirm the payment (if this is not provided by the hardware capabilities of the device, the data will be entered into the FR library).
  • Disable the acquiring terminal.
  • Print a fiscal receipt.

Disable fiscal registrar

If the transaction is considered completed, the processing center sends back the holder's card details, transaction code, amount and other information. On this basis, a slip check is formed. Next, a fiscal receipt is printed. If confirmation is not received, you need to restart the process and identify and resolve the error. To do this you need:

  • Reconnect the ET.
  • Connect FR.
  • Make the payment and, if the refusal repeats, identify the problem using acquiring error codes.
  • Disable ET devices.

If the transaction was successfully completed, and the error concerned the printing of a slip check, then the process on the electronic device is canceled in emergency mode. In this case, the device will receive the output parameters of the previous payment. The Cancel command will then be executed and the failed transaction will be cancelled.

Frequently used operations

Reconciliation of results

Usually occurs at the end of the cash register shift. This operation does not involve the transfer of any parameters; the result of its execution is a report on all actions performed during the shift. If the report cannot be printed, the procedure also includes an emergency cancellation option.

Canceling a bank card transaction

This is a command duplicating the emergency cancellation, the execution of which can be carried out directly during the open cash register shift, before the final report is generated. During this operation, the transaction code (its reference number) is transmitted, as well as the authorization code, that is, the check number that was generated during the canceled payment. As a result, the amount is returned back to the holder’s card.


If the cash register shift has been closed and the results have already been reconciled, the following command “refund of funds” is used » . To do this, data about the amount, card details and authorization code are sent to the terminal.

In conclusion, we note that if the operation is canceled, money can be credited to the user’s card almost instantly. In the case of a refund, the time required for the bank to confirm the legitimacy of the transaction must pass.

Brief instructions for the VeriFone Vx520 point of sale cashier

Appearance of the terminal and assignment of keys

Beginning of work

Before starting work, the cashier must make sure that the terminal is connected to the communication network and to a 220V power supply, and check that there is paper in the printer. After turning on the terminal, its initial loading occurs.

After this, a message appears on the screen: ENTER CARD.

After this message appears, the device is ready for use.

Execution of financial transactions:

Payment for goods, Cancellation of the OPERATION, Return,



1. Swipe the card through the terminal’s reading device (the card is inserted into the slot of the terminal’s reading device with the magnetic stripe facing toward you and smoothly moved through the terminal until the card comes out of the slot completely).

4. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt (Figure 1). If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.



1. Insert the card into the smart card reader slot in a smooth, continuous motion until it stops. An icon above the reader indicates the position and direction in which the card should be inserted.

If the data from the smart card is not read, the terminal displays the following message:

Check that the smart card contacts are clean and try again. If repeated attempts are unsuccessful, the data on the smart card may be corrupted and the operation is not possible or possible using a magnetic stripe. If the use of the magnetic stripe is acceptable (after 3 unsuccessful attempts to use the chip), the terminal will display the message:

After this, a list appears on the terminal screen possible operations, in which the “PAYMENT FOR PURCHASE” operation is selected by default:

Press the key (if the operation will not be carried out for some reason, press the Clear key to return the terminal to its original state).

2. Enter the purchase amount in rubles. To enter kopecks, you must press the key

3. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt (Figure 1). If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

4. Remove the card from the terminal. Removal is possible only after the message “TRANSACTION APPROVED, REMOVE CARD” otherwise the transaction may be cancelled!

A signature on the receipt is required only if the cardholder did NOT enter a PIN code!

If the operation is rejected, the reason for the refusal is printed on the receipt.

Providing goods and services using bounced checks is prohibited!


1.Press the key.

In the menu, select ‘’Contactless input’’

After the “PURCHASE PAYMENT”, “RETURN”, “CANCELLATION” menu appears, select the “PURCHASE PAYMENT” item and press the key.

Press the key (if the operation will not be carried out for some reason, press the Clear key to return the terminal to its original state).

2. Enter the purchase amount in rubles. To enter kopecks, you must press the key

To enter numbers, use terminal keys 0..9; If an error was made when entering the amount, use the key to delete the incorrectly entered character(s). After entering the correct amount, press the key.

3. Point your bank card to the terminal screen

When writing off a purchase amount up to 1000 rubles, entering a PIN code will not be required.

For transactions involving a large amount, you will need to enter a PIN code by the cardholder on the terminal keyboard or special device connected to the terminal (PIN pad). After entering the PIN, the holder presses to confirm.

4. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt. If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

card into the smart card reader slot (or simply present the card to the terminal for a contactless payment method)

In the list of operations, select ''authorization'' to freeze money. funds

buyer on the card account.

Press the key (if the operation will not be carried out for some reason, press the Clear key to return the terminal to its original state).

2. Enter the purchase amount in rubles. To enter kopecks, you must press the key

To enter numbers, use terminal keys 0..9; if an error was made when entering the amount, use the delete key incorrectly

entered character(s). After entering the correct amount, press the key.

or a special device connected to the terminal (PIN pad). After entering the PIN, the holder presses to confirm.

4. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt (see Fig. 2). If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

4.2 Completion of calculation

1.Swipe the card through the terminal reader or insert

card into the smart card reader slot (or simply hold the card near

terminal for contactless payment)

In the list of operations, select the item ‘’completion of settlement’’ to transfer money. funds to the seller's account.

Press the key (if the operation will not be carried out for some reason, press the Clear key to return the terminal to its original state).

2. Enter the purchase amount in rubles. To enter kopecks, you must press the key

To enter numbers, use terminal keys 0..9; if an error was made when entering the amount, use the delete key incorrectly

entered character(s). After entering the correct amount, press the key.

The amount cannot be more than the amount specified during authorization

After entering the number correctly, press the key.

4. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt (see Fig. 3). If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

Successful transaction receipt sample


The COMPLETION OF SETTLEMENT operation is carried out only if you have receipts for AUTHORIZATION transactions and the card with which the operation was performed.

5. Canceling an OPERATION (for cards of any type)

Cancellation of the operation is possible during the working day before the “VERIFICATION OF RESULTS” command is executed. After this command is executed, the terminal memory is cleared and the “CANCEL” operation cannot be performed.

1. Swipe the card through the magnetic reader with the stripe facing you (card with a magnetic stripe) or insert it into the smart card reader slot in a smooth, continuous motion until it stops (cards with a chip). If the cancellation occurs in a contactless way, then you must press the key and select ‘’CONTACTLESS PAYMENT’’. You will need to bring the card to the terminal screen when a message about this appears on it.

2. After the “PURCHASE PAYMENT”, “RETURN”, “CANCEL” menu appears, use the navigation keys F1, F4 to select the “CANCEL” item and press the key.

3. The terminal will display the message “ENTER RECEIPT NUMBER.” After entering the check number (Fig. 1.), press the key.

4. The terminal will display the amount of the canceled operation and offer to either agree with the further execution of the operation (key) or stop it (key 2 times).

5. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt (see Fig. 4). If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

Successful transaction receipt sample


CANCELLATION operations are carried out only if there are receipts for PAYMENT OF GOODS transactions and the card with which the operation was performed.

6. performing return operations (for cards of any type)

1. Swipe the card through the magnetic reader with the stripe facing you (card with a magnetic stripe) or insert it into the smart card reader slot in a smooth, continuous motion until it stops (cards with a chip). If the return is made using a contactless method, then you must press the key and select ‘’CONTACTLESS PAYMENT’’. You will need to bring the card to the terminal screen when a message about this appears on it.

2. After the “PURCHASE PAYMENT”, “RETURN”, “CANCEL” menu appears, use the F1, F4 navigation keys to select the “RETURN” item and press the key.

3. The terminal will display the message “ENTER AMOUNT”. After entering the amount for which the refund will be made (it can be either full or partial), press the key.

4. The terminal will display the message “ENTER REFERENCE NUMBER” (see Figure 1). After entering the reference number, press the key.

5. After this, the terminal carries out the operation and prints a receipt. If the operation is successful, the terminal prompts you to press any key to print a second copy of the check, and a message about the successful completion of the operation “APPROVED” or “COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY” appears on the device screen.

6. For cards with a chip. Remove the card from the terminal. Removal is possible only after the message “TRANSACTION APPROVED, REMOVE CARD” otherwise the transaction may be cancelled!

The REFUND operation is carried out for PAYMENT FOR GOODS transactions only if there are receipts for PAYMENT FOR GOODS transactions. RETURN operations are carried out if, after PAYMENT FOR THE GOODS (in the previous shift), a RECORDING OF RESULTS was carried out.


1. Go to the administrative operations menu (press the key), using the F1 or F4 keys, move the cursor to the inscription “SERVICE. OPERATIONS" and press the key.

2. After this, use the F1 or F4 keys to select the “VERIFICATION OF RESULTS” item. After this, the terminal prints a check with the message “RESULTS COINCIDENT” (see Fig. 5). If the results do not match, you need to call support.

Successful transaction receipt sample


carrying out additional operations at the terminal

1. print a copy of the check

Printing a copy of the check is possible during the working day before executing the “VERIFICATION OF RESULTS” command. After this command is executed, the terminal memory is cleared and the “CHECK COPY” operation becomes impossible.

1. Go to the administrative operations menu (press the key), use the F1 or F4 keys to place the cursor on the inscription “COPY OF CHECK” and press the key.

2. The terminal will offer to either print the “LAST CHECK” or “CHECK BY NUMBER”. Use the F1 or F4 keys to select the desired item and press . If you select the “CHECK BY NUMBER” function, you must know the number of the check (see Fig. 1) which you want to print again.

Printing short and full reports is possible during the working day, at any time, before executing the “VERIFICATION OF RESULTS” command. After this command is executed, the terminal memory is cleared and the “REPORTS” operation cannot be performed.

1. Go to the administrative operations menu (press the key), use the F1 or F4 keys to place the cursor on the inscription “REPORTS” and press the key.

2. Select desired type report using the F1 or F4, “SHORT” or “FULL” keys and press the key.

3. Then select the report criterion “WITHOUT SORTING”, “BY OPERATIONS”, “BY CURRENCIES”, “BY CARDS” and press the key.

If you are a client of Sberbank and you need detailed instructions By Sberbank terminal, you can download them from the following links:

We will describe the main operations in this article.

1 General information

POS terminals Ingenico, PAX, VeriFone, Yarus with software Sberbank of Russia is capable of servicing international bank cards (VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Maestro) with a magnetic stripe and/or with a chip, PRO100 cards issued by Sberbank of Russia, as well as American Express cards with a magnetic stripe.

To operate the POS terminal, a communication channel with the Bank is required. Such a channel can be used phone line, Internet connection, or cellular SIM card.

POS terminals are equipped with:

  • keyboard;
  • graphic display (color - optional);
  • printer;
  • magnetic card reader;
  • chip card reader;
  • contactless reader (optional);
  • PIN keyboard for the client (optional).

1.1 POS terminal keys

U different models The keyboards of POS terminals are designed differently, but all have the same buttons.

2 How to work with the Sberbank terminal?

Before starting work, make sure that:

  • The POS terminal is connected to:
    • 220V networks;
    • communication channel;
    • The POS terminal has enough paper to print receipts.

2.1 How to work with the POS terminal menu?

To enter the POS terminal menu, you need to press the key located under the display (or press the function key F4 ).

Another way to navigate through menu items is by pressing the corresponding number key.

To exit the selected menu item, press the X key. Depending on the terminal settings, one of the start messages will be displayed on the display.

2.2 How to read a card at a Sberbank terminal?

If one of the messages appears on the display Insert card or <Тип операции>Insert the card or touch it to the screen, then you need to calculate it in an appropriate way.

2.2.1 How to read a card with a magnetic stripe without a chip?

To read a card with a magnetic stripe, it must be smoothly inserted and swiped from top to bottom through the magnetic reader.

After reading the card, the following message will appear on the display:

For cards with magnetic stripe (depending on settings) You may need to enter the last 4 digits:

2.2.2 How to read a card with a chip?

The card with the chip must be inserted into the chip reader with the chip facing up. The chip reader is usually located at the bottom of the terminal.

The card must remain in the reader until the end of the operation, while on the displayPOS- terminal (and PIN keyboard - optional) the message will not appearPull out the card.

When you try to read a card with a chip using a magnetic stripe, the following message will appear on the screen: There is a chip on the card, insert the card with the chip. In this case, you need to insert the card into the chip reader and continue the operation.

After completing a financial transaction, the following message will be displayed on the display of the POS terminal (on the PIN keyboard - optional):

2.2.3 How to read a contactless card?

To read a contactless card (PayPass, PayWave), you need to touch it to the display of the POS terminal or PIN keyboard, which displays (flashes) the logo:

The indicators above the POS terminal or PIN keypad display are flashing.

3 How to conduct financial transactions?

The following financial transactions are provided for trade and service enterprises: payment, return, cancellation, pre-authorization, additional authorization, completion of payment and cancellation of authorization. Operations can be carried out in two modes - one of two possible start messages is displayed on the POS terminal display: Insert card And Payment, Enter amount

Attention! In the Insert card mode, contactless card reading is not provided.

3.1 How to make a payment at a Sberbank terminal?

To PAY by card, depending on the start message, you need to do the following:

F4 ).

In the POS terminal menu, select the PAYMENT operation:

Select the required currency type:

Enter the required PAYMENT amount and press the key:

or on the PIN keyboard ( optional)

Enter the card PIN code at the POS terminal:

or on the PIN keypad (optional):

4 How to issue a refund at a Sberbank terminal?

For RETURN purchase, depending on the starting message, you need to perform the following steps:


Open the POS terminal menu - press the key located under the display (or press the function key F4 ).


In the POS terminal menu, select the REFUND operation:

How to open the menu and select the desired item


Select the required currency type (function available optionally):


Enter the required amount RETURN and press the key


or on the PIN keyboard (optional)



After entering the PIN code, the POS terminal contacts the Bank to carry out the operation:


The following message appears on the display of the POS terminal:


Two checks are printed: one remains in TST, the other is given to the client.

5 How to cancel an operation on a Sberbank terminal?

When choosing CANCELLATIONS purchases with tips accepted - BASIC PAYMENT,Depending on the start message, you need to perform the following actions:

Procedure if the start message is Insert card

Procedure if the starting message is Payment

Open the POS terminal menu - press the key located under the display (or press the function key F4 ).

In the POS terminal menu, select the CANCEL operation:


Select the required operation for CANCELLATIONS (the window is displayed optionally) and press the key:

The POS terminal contacts the Bank to carry out the operation:

The following message appears on the display of the POS terminal:

Two checks are printed: one remains in TST, the other is given to the client.

6 How to reconcile results on the Sberbank terminal?

At the end of the working day, it is necessary to summarize the results of the terminal. This operation is called RECONCILIATION OF RESULTS. When reconciling the results, the terminal transmits to the Bank a list of transactions for the day and prints a receipt with a report.

To carry out the operation to reconcile the results, you need to perform the following steps:

Step No.


Message on the terminal display


In the POS terminal menu, select the REVIEW RESULTS item and press the key.


On the POS terminal keyboard, press the function key located under the Yes button displayed on the display.


After confirming the operation, the terminal will begin to establish a connection with the Bank and transmit a list of transactions for the day:

Upon completion of the operation, the terminal will print ( depending on settings) either FULL or SHORT REPORT. The printed document must be submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise.

Depending on how the data transfer to the Bank was completed (success/failure) and whether the results matched, one of the following messages will be displayed on the printed check:

7 How to print a repeat receipt?

To reprint a receipt, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the POS terminal menu.
  2. In the POS terminal menu, select the item Repeat check and press the key:
  • Last- printing of the last receipt.
  • Select from list- printing the receipt of the current day (before reconciling the results).
  • Select from old- printing of receipts from previous days.

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