How to enter numbers in Word. Word does not put page numbers

In process text files you have to face tasks that sometimes it seems that even the most multifunctional text processing program in the world cannot cope with. For example, in the process of layout of brochures or books, page numbering in them, according to all existing standards, should begin only from the third page. But even this task can be easily handled by Microsoft's Word text editor, of course, provided that you know how to do it.

But knowing is not enough; you also need to remember the entire algorithm of actions. And since such a task is not encountered very often, numbering, starting from any page in the document other than the first, turns into a problem, the solution of which has to be looked for on the Internet. It is for such cases that this article was prepared.

How to start numbering from page 3 in Word
The general idea is to use special delimiters to exclude the first two pages from continuous numbering, and then number the remaining pages to the end of the document. In practice, this is implemented as follows.

  1. Open a text document if you don't already have one open before.
  2. Place the cursor in last line first page.
  3. Go to group Page layout main menu of the program, click on the tool called Breaks and from the list of options that appears, select Next page.

    It's hard to say why this action is called a page break here, since it's essentially a section break. Most likely this is an inaccuracy of translation.
  4. Perform the same action for the second page.
  5. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the first and second pages you should have non-printing characters Section break. You can check their presence by turning on the display of hidden formatting marks in the main menu using the ¶ symbol. It will look like this.

    If it is set at the end of the line, then you may not see it completely, but only partially in the form of one or more colons.
  6. After the first pages begin to belong to separate sections, you can begin to number the pages. To do this, place the cursor on the third page, go to the group Insert, press the button Page numbers and select the desired arrangement of numbers on the page. Let's say it will be At the bottom of the page.

  7. Since the numbering should start from number 3, call up the page number format settings window by following the path Insert -> Page Numbers -> Page Number Format and in the window that opens, set the page numbering from number 3.

  8. Now all that remains is to remove the numbers on the first two pages. To do this, double-click on the footer on the first page. As a result, the designer for working with headers and footers should be activated. If activated, check the box Special header and footer for the first page. After this, the header and footer on the first page should disappear.

  9. Do the same for the second page.
  10. Save your changes to the document.
The numbering of pages, starting from the third, was considered in the article using the example of MS Word 2007. In other versions of Word text editors, the algorithm will be similar, only the interface for calling certain functions may be slightly different.

To figure out how to number all pages except the first one in Word, you still need to number all the pages first. you can select the appropriate location for the page number on the sheet through the menu "Page number" on the bookmark "Insert". And only after this is it worth moving on to the question of how to remove the numbering of the first page in Word.

How to number pages in Word without a title page:
- number all pages;
— remove the numbering of the first page;
— configure the numbering order of sheets.

Brief instructions:
On the “Insert” tab, through the “Page Number” menu, set numbering on all sheets. On the “Design” tab, check the “Special header and footer for the first page” checkbox. In the “Page Number” menu, select “Page Number Format” and configure the sheet numbering order.

Page numbering is done by entering the corresponding values ​​in the headers and footers, and it is in their settings that our answer lies. You won’t be able to start numbering in Word right away from the first page. But after selecting the sheet numbering option, we will be transferred to a new tab that appears "Constructor" to work with headers and footers, where the menu item we need is located.

Removing the numbering of the first page in Word

To remove the numbering of the first page in Word, you need to check the box next to the item in the designer for working with headers and footers "Special footer for the first page". After such a manipulation, the page number from the first sheet will immediately disappear.

Changing the numbering order of sheets in the document

We succeeded in not numbering the first page in Word, but here, perhaps, it will be necessary to solve another problem. By removing the numbering from the first page, we do not change the numbering order of the sheets of the entire document, and further numbering continues, taking into account that the first sheet is still the first. If we want the numbering of the next pages to continue from a certain number or letter, we need to go to "Page Number Format" and make the appropriate settings. You can find these settings in the menu "Page number", located on the tab "Insert" And "Designer / Working with headers and footers".

Hello, friends! In this Cheat Sheet we will find out how to enable page numbering in Word. We will talk, as before, about latest version program - 2016. In this article you will get answers to the questions:

How to make continuous page numbering in Word

The easiest way to insert page numbering in Word is end-to-end, when the pages are “recounted” from the first to the last in order. We do this one-two-three times (Fig. 1):

  • Go to the tab "Insert".
  • Finding the section "Header and footer", and in it the line "Page number".

All pages of a Word document are numbered automatically. To consolidate the operations performed in the document, simply close the header and footer window (green arrow in Fig. 1) or, even simpler, double-click with the left mouse button on any piece of text outside the header and footer.

How to insert numbering in Word, starting from the second page

Quite often it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the second, leaving the first under the title page. Depending on the design standards or the wishes of the author, the numbering may begin with the number 1 or 2. Let's look at both of these cases.

To perform this operation, go to the footer control panel "Constructor", click on the section "Page number", in the menu that opens, select "Page Number Format" and in the line "begin with…" put zero. Close this window, select the numbering position (top/bottom), and design style. After this, a zero number will appear on our title page, the next one after it will be marked with a number "1"(Fig. 2).

To get rid of the completely unnecessary zero, go to the section "Options" all the same panel "Constructor" and put a mark "Special footer for the first page". After this, remove the zero with the key « Backspace» or « Delete» . On the second page we will have the number 1 , and all subsequent ones will be numbered in order.

If the system of starting from the number is selected for document execution "2", then at the third step in "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with" put one. Next, we repeat all the steps already described. As a result, the numbering of your document will start from the second page and number "two". The first number will indicate the title.

How to set numbering in Word from the third or any other pages

Except on the title, in abstracts, coursework, reports or e-books It is not customary to put the number in the table of contents. Then it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the third, fourth or further pages. To perform this operation, you will need to separate pages that do not need to be numbered into a separate section and follow 8 steps in succession.

So, let's say we are not going to put numbers on the first page - the title and the second - the table of contents. But at the same time we want to take them into account in the general numbering, that is, start the listing from the number "3". Our actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. On the tab "Home" turn on "Hidden formatting marks"(for ease of use). The same action can be performed using hotkeys : Ctrl+ Shift+8
  2. Place the cursor at the beginning of the third page (or the one from which you are going to start numbering).
  3. On the tab "Layout" In chapter "Page settings" select a team "Break", and in the window that opens - the line "Next page".
  4. On the page after the break (at in this example this is the third) make two clicks on the header and footer area (free field above or below the text) - a panel will open "Constructor".
  5. In chapter "Transitions" disable the button "Like the previous one" alternately for header and footer. The link to be broken corresponds to the active (unshaded) footer button.
  6. In chapter "Header and footer" in the opening window "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with…" put a number "3" and click “OK”.
  7. In line "Current position" select the page numbering style.
  8. To consolidate all completed actions, you must either close the tab "Constructor", or simply double-click on any part of the main text.

I will not present to your attention a lot of screenshots. If this multi-move seems a little difficult for you to understand, then just watch the short video instruction.

How to set page numbers in Word in the “X from Y” format

This method is used when you need to display the page number against the background of their total number in the document. This task is solved quite simply, since the collection of numbering styles contains ready-made template similar format. So, here is the chain of necessary actions:

  • open a tab "Insert";
  • In chapter "Header and footer" click on the button "Page number";
  • in the drop-down menu, select the upper or lower numbering position, but not "On the fields";
  • in the style collection we find the format "pageX fromY» ;
  • consolidate the actions and move on to the main text by closing the panel "Header and footer" or double-click the left mouse button on the text (Fig. 3).

As you can see, this method is simple and easy, but I want to immediately warn my reader that it has one drawback. When numbering pages in this way, it will no longer be possible to insert any other information into the headers and footers. If there is such a need, then you need to add page numbers like “X from Y” using another method - using field codes. We will not discuss the topic of codes within the framework of this material, since it is quite extensive. One of the future articles will be devoted to it.

We also haven’t figured out everything about numbering yet. In the next “Crib Sheet” we will look at all the remaining questions and close this topic.

Goodbye friends! Your guide to WORD 2016 GALANT.

Program Microsoft Word or simply Word is one of the most popular programs among users. Thanks to the large number of functions and simple interface Microsoft Word has become almost a standard among . Therefore, it is rare to find a computer with an operating system Windows system, but without the Word program.

One of the typical tasks that users encounter while working with this program is page numbering. Many users simply cannot find this feature. In this article we will talk about how to enable and configure page numbering in Word.

How to enable page numbering in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

Since 2007, Word has used a so-called ribbon interface. In this interface, all program functions are distributed over several tabs. The Page Numbering feature is located on the Insert tab.

By clicking on the “Page Numbering” button you will see a drop-down menu in which you can select the arrangement of numbers. For example, page numbers can be placed at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or in the margins. To add page numbering in Word, select one of the proposed layout options.

If you want the page numbering to start with another number rather than one, you can specify this in the “Page Number Format” menu.

Open the Page Number drop-down menu and select Page Number Format. In the window that opens, you need to enable the “Start” function and specify the number from which page numbering should begin in Word.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, or 2013 without a cover page

One more possible problem When numbering pages, the numbering is without a title page. Users simply don't know how to disable pagination on the first page of a document.

To set up page numbering without a cover page (first page), you must first number all pages as described above. After a number appears on all pages of your document, you just need to turn off the display of numbering on the first page.

To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small button to the right of the “Page Settings” inscription.

After this, a window called “Page Options” should open in front of you. Here you need to check the box next to the “Mark headers and footers on the first page” function. As a result, the page numbering will disappear from the first page of your document.

In the article “” you can learn how to make the first page without a number, and the second with the number “1”.

When creating a series of text documents, all users working in text editor Microsoft Word, it will be beneficial to know how to put page numbers. This knowledge is especially necessary when working with large texts.

You will need

  • Microsoft Word text editor


1. The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum possibilities. In this editor you can type texts and select especially suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, highlight text, add images to a document, change genres, select synonyms, and much more. For huge documents there is a possibility of page numbering. This process is quite primitive and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning the basics of Microsoft Word.

2. The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum possibilities. In this editor you can type texts and select especially suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, highlight text, add images to a document, change genres, select synonyms, and much more. For large documents there is a possibility of page numbering. This process is quite primitive and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning the basics of Microsoft Word.

3. Download the Microsoft Word text editor to your computer. This program You can (and are safer than anyone) download from the official Microsoft website located at Download one of the versions of the program offered on the site and install it on your computer, following the prompts of the installation wizard.

4. Any version of the program starting from 2003 is suitable for operation. In the top menu bar on the work panel, find the “Insert” tab. A list will appear before your eyes with numerous functions for inserting different objects. Find and click on “Page Numbers”. A small window will appear called “Page Numbers”.

5. Decide on which part of the page the upcoming issue will be located. To do this, select the required item in the “Location” and “Alignment” columns with the arrow. Also check the box next to “Number on the first page” if you want it to be there. If the document format does not require numbering the first page, leave the corresponding field blank.

6. At the bottom of the window, click the “Format” button. A new Page Number Format window will open, where you can use additional functions on how to put page numbers in Word. You can choose the most varied number format, ranging from standard Arabic numerals to Latin letters and Roman numerals. If you want to additionally include the chapter number, then tick the required box and use the arrows to adjust the title genre. The very last column is the “Page Numbering” column, where you need to indicate from which page the sheets of the document will be numbered.

7. Also in Microsoft versions Office Word 2003 and 2007 page numbering can also be included through the headers and footers. Headers and footers are areas of a page located in its margins. Headers and footers are located on the sides, as well as at the bottom and top of the page. They are often used for logos or other images, names, stamps, document headers, footnotes, document titles, and date placement. You can also set page numbering in headers and footers. In this case, the pages of the documents will be determined mechanically, increasing by one with each page.

8. In order to set page numbering through headers and footers, on the top toolbar of the open document Microsoft Office Word, find the View menu. Click this button and in the drop-down menu click “Header and Footers”. Later, a header and footer panel will open on the program’s working field, and an area for entering text will appear at the top of the page. From the "Header/Footer" menu, move to the bottom of the page by clicking the "Header/Footer" button if you want to place page numbers at the bottom. On the same panel there is a “Page Number” button. Click this button and its serial number will appear on the page.

9. You can also open the “Header and Footer” menu using another, more simple, method. To do this, double-click on the bottom of the page - on its bottom margin. Then put the line number in the field. Here you can also prefer other values ​​for the header and line numbering. When you open a header and footer in the document working panel, an additional window will open. In the left part of the panel, find the “Page Number” section, click the button and in the drop-down window, specify the value you need for placing the page number (at the top of the page, at the bottom, in the page margins) and the page numbering format. This can be a numeric value, alphabetic, alphabetic, numeric - symbolic. In addition, from the menu that appears when opening the header and footer, you can specify other values ​​for the header and footer by selecting and ticking one of the settings items: a special header for the first page or different header and footer for even and odd pages.

10. You can also open the header and footer panel by opening the “Design” menu. Subsequent actions are carried out in accordance with the steps described above.

11. IN Microsoft package Office Word 2010 pages are numbered in the following manner in the document. In the top panel, select “Insert” and in the “Header and Footers” subsection, find the “Page Number” icon. Click on it and select the location of the numbering (top, bottom, in the margins, current location), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one you like and left-click on it. The numbering will be placed on all pages of the document in the footer.

12. To number pages in Microsoft Office Word 2013, open the document that needs to be numbered and find the “Insert” tab on the working toolbar. Click this button and open the expanded full “Inserts” menu. Find the “Page Number” item, move your mouse to this inscription, click the button and select the numbering format in the drop-down window. That is, you need to indicate how the numbers will be located on the pages of the document: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, in the margins of the page, the current location. Select the number format and numbering format (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

13. Numbering in Microsoft Office Word is much richer than in other versions of the program. So, if you open the full “Insert” menu and click the “Page Number” button, you will see typical variations in the placement of signatures on sheets. Click again on the lines with arrows and select a sample that will help you enter page numbers mechanically. When you click on a number, a tiny panel opens in which you can change the font and color of the number.

Page numbering is necessary for proper organization of the document. Numbering is especially important when you need to print a voluminous document with content. Numbering will make it easy to find the pages you need and navigate topics where the text is divided. In the Microsoft Word text editor, you can set page numbering using several methods.


1. For Microsoft Office Word 2003 and 2007 editions, the method of enabling numbering through headers and footers is suitable. From the top row of Word, select View and from the drop-down menu, click Header and Footer. A header/footer panel will appear on the program's workspace, and an area for entering text will appear at the top of the entire page. In the "Header/Footer" panel, you can move to the bottom of the pages by clicking the "Header/Footer" button if you need to place page numbers at the bottom. On the same panel you will find the “Page Number” button. By clicking on it, its serial number will appear on the page.

2. Another method that allows you to insert page numbers into a document in MS Word 2003 and 2007 editions is to enable numbering via insertion. In the top menu, select “Insert” – “Page Numbers”. A dialog box will appear on the screen. In it you will be able to prefer the location of the page number on the sheet (top/bottom) and set the alignment of the page number. If you do not want to have its number on the main page, uncheck the corresponding box in the dialog box.

3. In the Microsoft Office Word 2010 package, page numbering in the document is indicated in the following way. In the top panel, select “Insert” and in the “Header and Footers” subsection, find the “Page Number” icon. Click on it and select the location of the numbering (top/bottom/in the margins/current location), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one you like and left-click on it. The numbering will be placed on all pages of the document in the footer.

Microsoft Office Word is a paid office suite. If you are not likely to use it, install a free analogue of Open Office.

Page numbering is an indispensable condition for the positive design of a report, coursework or dissertation. Even in ordinary work that does not have strict design requirements, page numbering can be very useful - with its help you can quickly find all the necessary information. The page numbering function is provided in every version of MS Word.


1. MS Word 2003 First, you need to open the “Insert” menu, and then select the “Page Numbers” item.

3. In this window, you can prefer the format of numbers or letters, the one that will be used in the numbering on your page. You can also use the “Start with:” function, which allows you to change the number from which numbering begins.

4. MS Word 2007In this version of MS Word, numbering pages is even easier. First you need to select the “Insert” category, and then click on the “Page Numbers” list. In it you will be able to prefer the location of numbers on the page and their format.

Video on the topic

For those who want to protect their Microsoft Word and Excel documents from viewing and editing, there is a chance to put a password on them. We put a password on the metamorphosis of the Word and Excel document. Often there is a need to make important documents available to everyone in Word or Excel, which contain information necessary for the work of employees, which can change many times during the day.

Helpful advice
Ultimately, the situation is not very nice, but occasionally it happens that you yourself “mess up” a document, be it a resume or a letter from a loved one, or something else very important that you don’t want to show to anyone, for this there is a need to set a password on Word document. So let’s start, in an open Word 2007 document you need to click the button in the upper left corner, then select “Prepare” from the drop-down list, and then “Encrypt document”

A text document on a computer appears clear and orderly, with pages arranged in a clear sequence. However, when printing a document on paper, you can get confused in the text if the pages are not pre-numbered.


1. Typing Meaningful text documents and when preparing them for testing, you need to be careful and responsible. Often, a positive assessment of an activity depends on its correct execution on paper in compliance with all established rules printed documents. Since the computer is now a necessary assistant in work and typing texts, and standard programs are used for this, a certain set of requirements is established for all documents. Standard collations of printed text include font size and type, line spacing, text alignment, and page numbering, ensuring comfortable work with a printed text document.

2. You can finally number the pages of a Word document manually - simply by typing the required number in the desired place, but if you need to organize a lot of pages of text, then use the settings Microsoft programs Word.

3. If you are using Microsoft version Office 2003, open a Word document and find the Insert menu in the top toolbar. Click on this workspace and select the Page Numbers service. The numbering settings window will open in front of you. Hover your cursor over the “Location” column and select where the numbering will be located on the sheet: at the top or bottom of the page.

4. The “Alignment” column will adjust the position of the numbering relative to the text. Choose whether the number will be in the middle of the line, to the right or left of the text, inside or outside. Depending on your preferences, check or uncheck the “Number on the first page” option. Please note that the title page is never given a page number, but the subsequent sheet is signed with the number “2”.

5. Click on the "Format" button inside the numbering settings window and choose how the page layout will look. Scroll through the examples and left-click on the view you like. In the “Format” window, pay attention to the likelihood of chapters and headings being formatted.

6. Once you have configured your page numbering options, click OK.

Video on the topic

Page numbering is performed mechanically in documents in the Microsoft Word office application and does not require additional actions on the part of the user. This option may not be necessary in a certain category created documents. In this case, the reverse operation is required - canceling page numbering.

You will need

  • – Microsoft Word 2003, 2007.


1. Launch the Microsoft Word office application to perform the operation of canceling page numbering in the selected document and select the “Header and Footer” item in the “View” menu in the top toolbar of the program window. The result will be the opening of the “Header and Footer” toolbar with the area for entering the desired text, limited by a dotted line, at the top of the document and control buttons (for Microsoft Word 2003).

2. Select the header and footer that contains page numbers and specify the page number (for Microsoft Word 2003).

3. Click the Delete button and end the Header and Footer panel (for Microsoft Word 2003).

4. Repeat the above procedure in each of existing sections document if there are several sections in the selected document and it is not possible to mechanically remove page numbering in all sections (for Microsoft Word 2003).

5. Click the left mouse button on the page number when using the “Page Numbers” command in the “Insert” menu to select the specified number in the frame and repeat the click on the border line of the frame itself. The cursor should take the form of a cross-shaped arrow (for Microsoft Word 2003).

6. Press the Del softkey to delete the page number of the selected Microsoft Word document (for Microsoft Word 2003).

7. Select the "Header and Footer" item in the "View" menu in the top bar of the program tool window and go to the "Insert" tab of the dialog box that opens to perform the operation of removing page numbering in the selected Microsoft document Word (for Microsoft Word 2007).

8. Click the "Page Number" button and specify the "Remove Page Numbers" command in the drop-down list of commands to complete the cleaning process (for Microsoft Word 2007).

Helpful advice
To remove part of the numbers, you should divide the document into sections in advance.

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