How to download any video from YouTube using one key. Features of the Savefrom net plugin for Yandex browser, why it doesn’t download files Install the savefrom net assistant extension

While actively surfing the Internet, every now and then the need arises to download music, videos or photos. But, unfortunately, not every website has the ability to download files. Such sites include popular social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook, YouTube and others.

Various third-party browser software can solve the problem of the inability to download files. One of the striking examples of such plugins is

The utility simplifies the process of downloading various types of files. In order to understand what exactly this assistant is, it’s worth taking a closer look at its capabilities:

  1. The program allows you to download videos, music, photos from website pages directly in your browser.
  2. For VKontakte music lovers, the extension has a function for downloading playlists from this social network.
  3. Using the extension, you can download all audio recordings at once.
  4. The utility allows you to view detailed information about the downloaded file. Its size, quality.

Pros and cons when using

The program has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before you form your final opinion about this plugin, you need to consider in more detail the pros and cons before using it.

Let's start with the existing advantages:

  1. This utility is compatible with all popular browsers, such as: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Yandex. Browser and Safari.
  2. The program can be downloaded in Russian absolutely free of charge.
  3. To work with the program, there is no need to install it separately on each browser. It is enough to install this software once, and it will work in all of them at once.
  4. Easy installation.
  5. To download files, just click on the arrow next to it.
  6. After reinstalling the Windows operating system, there is no need to reinstall the extension.

Having considered all the advantages of for Windows 7 and later versions, it is worth paying attention to some of the disadvantages of this extension:

  1. Unfortunately, there are times when the plugin does not work and the file upload button does not appear. This problem is solved by restarting the browser.
  2. Sometimes there are problems with a drop in download speed.

Final conclusion

Ultimately, we should conclude that the plugin described in the article is an excellent solution for downloading files from the network. A huge advantage of the software is that it allows you to download music, videos, photos from such popular social networks as Vkontakte, Facebook and YouTube. The program copes with its main task just perfectly. The utility works on both 32 bit and 64 bit systems without any problems.

Analogues of

If for some reason the plugin described in this article is not suitable for you, then you should pay attention to existing analogues that provide similar functionality.

  1. KeepVid. This extension is designed to download videos from popular sites. These websites include YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion and others. The main difference from Savefrom is that KeepVid only allows you to download videos.
  2. YTD (YouTube Downloader). Just like the previous extension, YTD allows you to directly download videos from popular video hosting sites. The disadvantages of this software include the English interface. But, to be fair, the interface is extremely simple and does not require deep knowledge of the language.
  3. GetMP3. This software allows you to download music and videos from Vkontakte, YouTube, Soundcloud and many other popular websites. One of the most striking analogues of the plugin
  4. 4K Video Downolader. The plugin also provides the ability to download files from popular social networks and sites such as YouTube, Instagram, etc. One of the advantages of this program is the ability to download playlists from videos. The maximum number of videos in a playlist that can be downloaded at one time is 25.

In the classic version of Yandex Browser, downloading multimedia files from social networks and media services is prohibited. Music and videos can be downloaded from special resources. However, for those users who want to freely download tracks from VK, Odnoklassniki, YouTube and other sites, we recommend downloading the official SaveFrom Net extension for Yandex Browser and setting it up for comfortable use in the browser.

Pros and cons of using SaveFrom for Yandex browser

The Savefrom Net extension for Yandex Browser has both advantages and disadvantages. However, many users consider this addition to be a helper. Let's look at why.

  • SaveFromNet Helper is a free add-on that is compatible with all browsers developed not only for Windows, but also for Mac and Linux. The free plugin is also compatible with Android.
  • The assistant is fully integrated into the browser.
  • There is no need to register and activate the add-on.
  • Supports Russian language, which is important for setting up the application.
  • You can download video and audio, while choosing the file quality.
  • Does not depend on Internet speed. There are no restrictions for downloads.
  • Completely safe. This extension has been scanned for viruses using Norton Safe Web.

Among the disadvantages of SaveFromNetHelper, it is worth highlighting only that file downloading is not available on all sites. Most social resources are covered by this extension, but some sites are still blocked.

How to install the SaveFrom add-on for Yandex browser?

You can download the SaveFrom.Net extension for Yandex Browser as follows:

  • Open the browser. Click “Menu” and select “Add-ons”.
  • The browser settings tab will open. Scroll the slider down and click on the “Yandex Browser Extensions Catalog” button.

  • The Yandex Extensions Store will open. Select SaveFrom.Net or enter a query in the search bar.

  • Next, click on the “Install” button and confirm the selected action.

  • The “Green Arrow” add-on icon will appear on the toolbar. By clicking on the icon, you can start managing this extension.

Can SaveFrom.Net be installed on a mobile device?

It should be noted that SaveFrom.Net is not an extension for mobile devices. It is installed as a separate program. In order to install it on your smartphone, you should open the Play Market and enter the desired query in the search bar.

After the application is installed on Android, you can open the social service and download a track or video.

How does the extension work on websites?

If you open a site that allows you to download files via SaveFrom.Net, a green arrow or a green “Download” button will appear next to the file. By clicking on this arrow, you can select the quality of the track (if there is a choice and the file is not downloaded in a single copy).

Also, on some sites, the button for this extension may appear as a gray link to download a file.

How to download files via SaveFrom?

There are several ways to download files via

  • We find the link to the desired file that we want to download.
  • Go to the SaveFrom website and paste the link into the special field.

  • Specify the folder where you want to save the file.

The second way is through an extension

  • In order to download video or music through the extension, you need to open a website or social network. Find the video you need and click next to it (under the video) on the “Download” button.

  • Now select the video quality or track bit depth.

  • Specify the folder to save the file.

There is a little trick that allows you to download files using a short link. How it works?

  • Let's take, for example, the link

  • We add two letters ss before the name youtube, which point to the website. The finished version will look like this:

  • You will be immediately redirected to the site, where a download link will already be generated.

  • Click on the button and specify the location to save the files.

This option also works if you write address before www.

How to remove the Savefrom.Net extension?

In order to remove this extension from Yandex.Browser, go to “Settings”, “Add-ons” and find in the list. Next, you need to drag the slider to the “Disabled” position or click on the “Delete” link.

Restart the browser for the changes to take effect.

Why doesn't SaveFromeNet work on Yandex Browser?

If you managed to install this extension, however, for some reason it does not work in Yandex, it is worth checking these parameters.

  • Save From does not work with resources that are not on the list of supported ones.

  • You may not have the addon enabled. To do this, in the settings you need to drag the slider to the “Enabled” position.

  • Some sites and file types are disabled in the service settings. To correct this situation, you need to click on the extension button and select “Settings”.

  • We look at which sites are marked, as well as file types. We make our own adjustments.

  • Also, this extension may not work due to an outdated version of the browser. You need to update Yandex and try downloading again.

If everything is in order with the settings, then it is better to remove this extension from the PC and install it again. The plugin may have malfunctioned.

Hello, friends! If you come across an interesting image or video on the Internet on some website or social network, the question immediately arises: how can you download it to your computer? Of course, you want to do this without additional installation of various applications and programs for each site separately.

The popular browser extension will help with this. By installing it in the Yandex browser, you can easily download photos and videos from most popular sites to your computer. Let's figure out how exactly to do this.

Enable in the Yandex browser

If the Yandex browser installed on your computer or laptop does not have the extension icon, then perhaps you just need to include it in the list of add-ons.

To do this, click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the browser and select “Add-ons” from the list.

A page will open with various add-ons that are available in the browser. Scroll down and in the “From Other Sources” section you will see the “ Assistant” add-on. Opposite it, set the slider to the “On” position.

After this, in the upper right corner of the Yandex browser, the extension icon should appear - it looks like a green arrow pointing down.

How to download

If you don’t find in the lists with add-ons, then while on the “Add-ons” tab, scroll to the very bottom of the page. Then click on the “Catalog of extensions for Yandex.Browser” button.

A list will open with all extensions that will be compatible with the Yandex browser - this means that you can install any extension, and it will work in your web browser.

In the search bar, which is located at the top right, enter “Savefrom” and press “Enter”.

A list of the results found will be displayed. I found only one extension – “ helper”, which is exactly what we need.

If you have several options, search with the same name and click on it with the mouse.

Then on the right, click on the “Add to Yandex.Browser” button.

A window like this will open. In it you need to click on the “Install extension” button.

After is installed, the website of this extension will automatically open (you can close it), and an icon in the form of a green arrow will appear on the right, at the top of the browser.

How to use

Downloading movies and music is very easy using Now I’ll show you with examples which buttons you need to press to do this.

After installation, click on the extension icon. Read the tips and close them by clicking on the cross.

Now click on the extension icon again to see what you can do with it.

For example, open the VKontakte news page and click on the extension icon.

“Go to” – the official website of the extension will open. There, in the field provided, you can insert a link to the video or photo you want to download.

“Download audio files” – all music found on the page will be downloaded.

“Download playlist” – a playlist will be created and downloaded from the songs; you can play it on your computer when you have access to the Internet.

“Download photos” – all photos from the open page will be saved to the computer.

You can also open the “Settings” page to configure the extension as you see fit.

If you need to download a video from Vkontakte, start watching it, and the “Download” arrow will appear at the bottom, select the desired quality in which the video will be saved on your computer.

To download a photo or image, open it in full screen mode to view it, and click on the green arrow at the top.

You can also download from Odnoklassniki. Click the arrow at the top left to save the photo, or look for the “Download” button under the video.

Using, you can download videos from the popular video hosting site YouTube. Find the video you want in it, click on it to watch. There will be a download button below. All that remains to be done is to choose the appropriate quality.

As you can see, the installed extension in the Yandex browser can be very useful if you often download various pictures or videos from the Internet. It integrates perfectly into the site and makes the user’s work much easier.

An assistant program designed to quickly and easily download files from the Internet. Integrates into the browser as a plugin.

This small extension can replace several programs used to download videos, music, e-books and images from various web resources.

After installing the add-on, a green arrow will appear next to files located on sites supported by the plugin. This icon serves as a kind of download button and will help you download videos from YouTube or clips and audio recordings from VKontakte in one click. Clicking the button will bring up a direct download link. This is especially useful if you occasionally use services like or, where you need to wait a while before the download becomes available.

We would like to separately mention that the list of supported online resources includes almost all social networks popular on the Runet, video hosting sites and news sites. Their full list can be found on the official product resource, but we are sure that they will be enough for you.

Additionally, you can install the built-in search in your browser. This will help you determine which site has the file you are interested in - you just need to enter its name.


  • works with all popular browsers;
  • support for popular social networks and video hosting sites;
  • batch downloading of audio and video recordings, as well as photo albums from social networks;
  • selecting the quality of downloaded files;
  • integration with download managers.


  • support for more than 30 popular sites with media content;
  • advantages when working with file hosting services;
  • built-in search for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser;
  • Instantly receive a direct download link.

Things to work on:

  • In some Chromium-based browsers, it is only activated if the Tampermonkey extension is installed.

The program is an almost universal assistant for downloading files from the Internet. Unlike more narrowly focused analogues, which provide the ability to download content from video hosting sites or social networks, the plugin covers much more web resources.

The extension works great in all browsers used and effectively solves the problem of downloading videos, music, images and documents. Having a built-in search significantly saves time that you would spend browsing links using a regular search engine.

Before you learn how to install or remove the assistant from your computer, you need to study the program itself, as well as what it is intended for. So, what does this miracle utility allow you to do? Why are there so many rave reviews around her? Now we will sort this out with you.

The assistant is designed to facilitate the process of downloading and uploading files by the user from various global network resources on the World Wide Web. For example, more than half of Russian residents have encountered such a problem as downloading a song from the social network VKontakte. Surely you are familiar with this too. Or what about downloading videos and clips from the YouTube online service? It is precisely to solve this kind of problem that you need an assistant like It allows you not only to download songs from VKontakte and videos from YouTube - the service works with many other resources: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Livejournal,, Vimeo and others. The entire list of available libraries can be viewed on the assistant's official web portal.

Installing the assistant

If you are interested in installing an indispensable tool when working on the Internet, then let's try it right now! What do you need for this? Just a few minutes of your time, a computer or laptop with the ability to access the global network, as well as a pre-installed browser from the following list:

  1. Google Chrome;
  2. Yandex browser;
  3. Mozilla Firefox;
  4. Opera;
  5. Safari;
  6. Chromium.

The utility does not work with other web browsers, but you will agree that the list of supported products is already quite impressive. Now, in fact, the installation procedure itself:

How to use

If everything went smoothly with the installation, then it’s time to talk about how to use In fact, there is nothing complicated: you don’t need any special knowledge for this. There are several ways to use the program:

Answers to the most popular questions

Now let’s try to answer for ourselves the most popular questions from program users on the World Wide Web, so that you don’t have any gaps left:

  1. “I can’t download a video in HD quality from Youtube, what should I do?” In order to download videos in high quality (even higher than HD), you need to install the special Ummy Video Downloader program on your computer or laptop. It is provided free of charge, so we are not afraid that you will have to pay for it. The utility works both with the global network resource youtube and with rutube.
  2. “I want to download MP3 from Rutube. Does not work!". Here you will need the same program as in the previous paragraph - Ummy Video Downloader.
  3. “Is it possible to disable or enable the assistant on individual sites?” Of course you can: in the field with available extensions in your browser, click on the icon. In the mini-window that appears, there is a switch “Disable/enable on the specified portal.” With its help, you can regulate the availability of the service.
  4. “Where can I look for the downloaded file?” The location of downloaded files is not controlled by the extension. That is, the downloaded video will be located in the folder specified in the settings of the web browser itself. If you can’t find it, go to the “Downloads” menu in your browser, then find the downloaded file and click on the “Show in folder” button.

How to remove a program

Here it is much easier than installing:

  1. Go to your browser extensions.
  2. Find in the list
  3. Click the “Uninstall” button next to the utility name. Ready!

The extension removal process is similar for other web browsers

Please note that the process may vary slightly depending on the browser you are using. For example, in Google Chrome, the delete button is the trash can icon to the right of the extension itself.


The assistant is designed to facilitate the process of downloading and uploading files by the user from various web pages on the global network. You can install the extension by downloading the installer for your computer from the official website. Share your impressions of the service in the comments, friends!

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