How to enter the BIOS on a new Lenovo laptop. How to enter BIOS on a Lenovo laptop

The budget laptop Lenovo B590 is a device that, despite its affordable price, has decent parameters by modern standards. It is distinguished by its speed and reliability. Many owners of this model often have a question about how to get into the BIOS, because this software is one of the most important in the system.

BIOS or its more modern UEFI version is designed to run all components personal computer at the so-called low level. Low level is the stage of computer operation before loading itself. operating system. In this software, you can change important standard settings, including the total system time, the boot order of certain devices, and even system configuration personal computer.

UEFI replaced the standard one, which has existed since the eighties of the last century. It has higher performance, safety and user comfort. This software supports not only the keyboard, but also the controller - mouse.

How to enter the BIOS of a PC or laptop?

Reference! To launch this software, you must click the button responsible for launching this application. On some devices, you may need to combine several keystrokes.

Basically, the following buttons on the keyboard are used to perform this process:

  • "Del"
  • "F1";
  • "F2";
  • "F3";
  • "F12";
  • "Esc."

Some versions of PCs or laptops, when they are turned on, independently indicate to the user which key to press. In this case, upon startup, the message “Press “Key” to enter SETUP” will be displayed.

Opening UEFI or BIOS on a Lenovo B590 laptop

Special BIOS Update utility for Lenovo laptop versions B490 and B590

If the user is unable to enter the BIOS and has tried all the keys and their combinations, then most likely it will be necessary to implement the latest update for this software.

Important! This can be done using special programs, however, before this you need to collect all the information about the program version itself.

To find out the software version, you need to:

Once you have found out the version of your software, you can download the program from the official website and start the update process. To do this you should:

  1. Visit the verified Lenovo website at

  2. Using the search, enter the model of your laptop, click on the “Downloads” link.

  3. Scroll down and find the “BIOS” line, open it by clicking with the left mouse button.

  4. Expand the list by clicking on the triangle icon.

  5. Click on the download icon next to the BIOS Update Utility.

  6. Once the download is complete, you need to find the file and run it, and follow the installer's instructions.

After the update implementation process is completed, the device you are using will automatically restart the operating system. In order to get into after this, you will need to perform another reboot and press the key combination “Fn” + “F1” before starting the OS.

If you can’t enter the BIOS after the update, then you should try using different key combinations to enter.

Video - Entering BIOS on a Lenovo B590 laptop

Lenovo is one of the largest brands that produces computers. For many users, issues of interaction with the company’s products become relevant. Today we will look into one especially important thing: how to enter the BIOS on Lenovo?

First, let's figure out what a BIOS is and why it is present on a laptop? BIOS is a specific firmware that ensures interaction between parts of a personal computer and the operating system. BIOS settings refer to standard computer settings that help the system recognize which functions need to be activated and how to boot.

Now there are several versions of BIOSa, they may differ slightly in appearance, but their functions are exactly the same. All versions are used for initial setup, as well as computer checks. BIOS functionality includes:

  • Checking the functionality of individual system components, such as RAM, hard disks etc.
  • Selecting the device through which the operating system will be loaded and installed.
  • Setting time, date.
  • Setting security settings: creating a password on the laptop, which helps protect user data.

How to enter BIOS on Lenovo laptops?

There are several options for performing this action. It all depends on the laptop model.

When turning on the computer, you must press the F2 key (sometimes you also need to first hold down the Fn button). After this you can go to the settings menu.

However, this method does not always work. For certain Lenovo models, the F2 key does not work. This applies to Lenovo Z50, Lenovo G50, many laptops of the “G” (g505, g570), “Z” (z500, z580), “B” (b50, b560) model series.

If you are the owner of one of the above computers and cannot enter the BIOS using the standard method, use the following instructions.

On the side panel (near the power cable) there should be special button, most often it is indicated by an arrow. Turn off your laptop and press it.

If you did everything correctly, the laptop will start to turn on, and a menu with the following items will appear on the screen:

  • NormalStartup (loads by default);
  • BiosSetup(settings);
  • SystemRecovery (system recovery);
  • BootMenu (download menu).

To enter the BIOS you need to select the Bios Setup section. After this, the standard BIOS menu appears on the screen. You can make further settings in the same way as in other laptop models.

You need to change settings in Bios very carefully. Below is helpful information by BIOS.

Save changes after making changes to the settings. To do this, go to the EXIT section and select “Save and exit”.

Also in some models, such as the Lenovo B590, entry can be made using the F12 key. Hold it down immediately after turning on the computer.

In very rare cases, the F1 button can be used to enter the BIOS on Lenovo.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, setting up the BIOS should only be done with a well-charged battery, since if during the installation process the computer turns off unexpectedly due to lack of power, this may cause problems in the further operation of the system.

Setting up BIOSa is a very serious process that requires care and understanding of what you are doing. Remember that incorrect settings may interfere with the operation of your computer. If you are not sure that you can independently enter the BIOS on your laptop and change the settings correctly, it is better to seek help from professionals.

BIOS is a system that, even at the initial stage, helps the operating system understand how to boot and what functions to activate. In order to enter BIOS SETUP on Lenovo laptops (IdeaPad, ThinkPad and IdeaCentre, ThinkCentre) there are several ways, let's look at the main ones.

Incorrect settings in the BIOS can disrupt the operation of your device, so you need to be careful and understand your actions when making any changes.

Method 1

To call the BIOS, for almost all Lenovo laptop models, you need to hold down the key immediately after turning on the power F2(or Fn+F2).

In rare cases, it is necessary to use other keys, such as: F1(or Fn+F1) or just a button DELETE.

Method 2

Most Lenovo laptops have a NOVO button - this is a small button or hole with a curved arrow icon next to it. Basically, this button is installed next to the power button or on the right/left side of the device.

To enter the BIOS, you need to turn off the laptop and hold down the NOVO button for a few seconds. After which a menu will appear on the screen in which, using the up/down arrows on the keyboard, select the item BIOS SETUP and press the ENTER key.

Method 3

This method is suitable for Windows versions 8/8.1/10.

Before proceeding to the first step of this method, try holding down the key Shift, reboot your device through the menu Start. If this is how you get to the menu Selecting Actions, then go straight to step 4 of this method.

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Windows+ i to go to system parameters;
  2. In this window, select the section Update and Security;

  3. Next, go to the tab System Restore and at point Special download options press the button Reboot now, after which you will be taken to the menu Selecting Actions;

  4. Select an item Troubleshooting.

  5. Next, select the item Extra options

  6. UEFI Firmware Settings;

ATTENTION! If none of these methods work, then, after unplugging the laptop and disconnecting the battery, open its case (bottom cover) and remove the flat battery from the motherboard for 10-15 minutes. This will reset the BIOS settings. Next, return everything back and, when you turn it on, try the first 2 methods again.

Lenovo is on the list of the largest companies in the world that produce computers. And since the demand for the products of this company is growing, questions about the proper operation and operation of Lenovo equipment are becoming more and more pressing for users. And for those who decide to reinstall Windows, at the very beginning of the process the question arises: how to enter the BIOS in Lenovo?

First, it’s worth understanding what a BIOS is and what it comes with. So, BIOS on Lenovo is a special microscopic program that ensures correct and stable interaction between all components of the PC and the OS and allows you to customize it. And the BIOS setting is a standard PC setting that helps the system calculate the functions that should be activated and how they should be loaded. BIOS is available on any computer, be it Lenovo B560, Lenovo S21 or M5400.

To date, several different versions of BIOS have been created, which differ slightly in appearance, but as far as functions are concerned, everything is identical here. Each version is used to initially set up the computer and test it. BIOS functionality includes:

  • Setting date and time;
  • Choice boot sector– the device from which the operating system will be installed or loaded;
  • Checking system components, including serviceability check random access memory and hard drives;
  • Connecting password protection on your laptop to protect personal data.

How to enter BIOS

On different Lenovo models, the methods for entering Bios on a laptop may differ. First try standard way login - when starting your personal computer, you need to press the F2 button on the keyboard, sometimes holding down the Fn key before doing this. Next, the PC settings menu will be called up.

But this method does not always work. For some Lenovo models, the BIOS does not load when you press F2 or Fn+F2 - for example, Lenovo Legion Y520, Lenovo G70, G50-30 or G500. If you tried to enter bios using the method described above and it did not work, the following instructions are for you:

  1. There should be a special small key with a curved arrow on the side of the laptop (where the charging socket is usually located) or right next to the power button. It's called Novo Button, One Key Recovery or One Key Rescue System. You need to turn off the laptop and click on it.
  2. If you pressed the correct button, the laptop will start, and on the screen you will see that we go to a special start menu:

  • Bios Setup (parameters);
  • System Recovery (system recovery);
  • Boot Menu (boot menu).
    1. As you most likely guessed, to enter the BIOS on Lenovo, you need to go to the BiosSetup item. After you select it, you will see that the laptop has entered the BIOS and you can configure it as you wish.

    Two secrets for launching Bios

    But if you still haven’t been able to start the BIOS using one of the methods described above, and the Windows 8.1 or higher operating system is installed on your laptop, we’ll tell you two startup secrets.

    • You need to turn on the PC. IN running computer on the desktop, drag the mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the desktop (call up the side menu).
    • A menu opens for us where we select “Options” - “Update and Recovery” - “Recovery”.
    • Here, in the “Special boot options” section, click on the “Restart now” button.
    • Next will open blue screen with tiles. Open the “Diagnostics” tile, clicking on which will take you to additional options.
    • You need to open the “UEFI Firmware Settings” item and click the “Reboot” button. Ready! You are in BIOS!

    Second secret. Many Win 8.1 users make a mistake when trying to enter Bios. Everyone knows how to get into the BIOS - you need to press a certain button on the keyboard. To do this, the user clicks on “Shutdown”, waits until the laptop turns off, and then presses the button to enter the Bios, but the computer starts as before - the OS is loading.

    The whole problem is that the Windows 8.1 operating system initially works with a quick startup function, which is based on sleep mode - enter the BIOS without turning off the PC, but rebooting it.

    Some useful tips:

    • After entering Bios, go to various settings for system parameters and boot in the BIOS itself. Be very careful and careful, and it’s better not to touch something you don’t know, as there is a risk of doing something wrong and completely losing your computer. And after making all the changes, go to the “Exit” section and select “Save & exit”. After this, the laptop will reboot, and when it starts again, all the settings that you previously had to set will be taken into account.
    • If the above methods for entering the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop do not work, try pressing and holding the F12 key when starting the device until the BIOS starts - this method works on some Lenovo models.
    • Very rarely, but it still happens - in some models the F1 key works (you need to press it several times until the laptop turns on).
    • Manufacturers recommend configuring PC settings in Bios only with a fully charged laptop battery, since if during the setup process your laptop turns off due to being discharged, this will most likely cause some system problems in the future.
    • Before exiting the BIOS, be sure to save all changes so as not to go astray.

    Remember that setting up Bios is a very serious action that requires maximum understanding of the process and great attention to detail. You should be aware that if configured incorrectly, some system components may not work correctly, which brings additional operational difficulties. And if you doubt that you know how to do it correctly, it is better to call qualified specialists, this will save money, time, and nerves. We hope that this article helped you understand how to enter Bios.


    Almost every user of a modern laptop at least once during its operation has been faced with the need to enter the BIOS. Users of Lenovo solutions did not stand aside either. The manufacturer has a very wide the lineup laptop computers, which entails a variety of methods for performing certain operations, including procedures for entering BIOS settings. Let's try to put all the methods together.

    In what cases does it become necessary to enter the BIOS on a laptop? Although Lenovo strives to provide its users with a perfect product that will require a minimum level of knowledge from the user in matters of maintenance and hardware configuration, it is important to understand that no laptop is immune from sudden occurrences of critical errors and failures. At such moments, it may be necessary to adjust the parameters.

    If we put aside the idle curiosity of some owners, then entering the settings of the basic I/O system is a necessity when:

    • enabling/disabling certain hardware components (touchpad, network card, USB controller, sound processor, etc.);
    • setting up operating modes of the disk subsystem;
    • choosing boot options for devices and operating systems;
    • diagnostics of hardware components;
    • setting many other specific parameters (depending on the specific configuration of the device) of individual components and the entire system as a whole.

    Options for entering the BIOS of LENOVO laptops

    As for entering the BIOS of Lenovo laptops, the methods are quite varied and the choice of one method or another depends primarily on the device model. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all Lenovo devices, but often several methods work successfully on the same laptop. They can be used alternately or choose the one that seems most convenient.

    Method 1: Keyboard shortcuts

    The most common and frequently used way to enter BIOS settings is to press a specific key or key combination on the keyboard immediately after turning on the device. With the laptop turned off, press the power button and, almost immediately, press one of three options:

    1. In most cases, after pressing the keys, the expected loading of the BIOS setup screen does not occur due to the incorrectly selected key/key combination for entry. It is worth trying all the above keys and combinations in order. To reliably find out which key or combination of keys is exactly right, you need to refer to the documentation for your specific laptop model. You can find and download it at Lenovo official technical support website.
    2. In addition, the failure may be due to a very short delay between the initialization of the laptop hardware components and the start of loading the operating system. The user simply does not have time to get into this short period of time and the keystroke is not processed by the system as needed. In order to exclude this option, you can try the following:
    • Turn off the laptop completely. To turn off completely, you need to hold the power button for 10-15 seconds.
    • First, press the BIOS entry key or key combination and hold it.
    • Briefly press the power button and do not release the enter key or key combination until the BIOS settings screen appears.

    Method 2: NOVO button

    One of Lenovo's proprietary developments is Lenovo OneKey Recovery software, a system for Reserve copy data and their recovery on computers released by the manufacturer. To start the system, a special hardware button is used, which even has its own name - "Novo". Almost all relatively new laptop models are equipped with this button.

    The solution can be made in the form of a key and located near the power button, or on the side of the laptop case near the connectors for connecting peripheral devices.

    Also in new models there is a design in the form of a small hole in the computer case. There is a small switch hidden inside the hole. In this option, a paperclip or other thin, but not sharp, object is used for pressing.

    Even though the challenge BIOS settings is not the main function of the button "NOVO", its use for solving this problem is very convenient and completely justified.

    Common mistakes when using the method

    If the window with the choice of functions does not appear, you should make sure that the device has been turned off completely. You can remove and install back the laptop battery if it is removable. In addition, you should not “overpress” the button "NOVO" or vice versa, “don’t push.” One short but confident press with a slight delay.

    Method 3: Windows 8 (8.1)

    Operating room exit Windows systems 8 almost coincided with mass implementation, including in Lenovo laptop computers, new version BIOS - UEFI. For users, the new version of the basic input/output system brought a lot of interesting features, including a new method of entering the BIOS - rebooting from the OS.

    Method 4: Windows 10

    In the newest version of the Windows operating system, the ability to reboot into UEFI using the screen "Special download options" was inherited from Windows 8. Window call only "Computer Settings" is done differently.

  • The following is similar to the steps in Windows 8: "Troubleshooting""Extra options""UEFI Firmware Settings"- button "Reboot".
  • Common mistakes when using the method

    The situation when the item "UEFI Firmware Settings"» is missing from the screen "Extra options",

    may indicate two things:

    • the device uses an old one BIOS version without UEFI support;
    • the operating system was installed in boot mode "Legacy" and UEFI interoperability features are not available from booted Windows.

    Advice: In order to make it possible in the future to enter the BIOS settings of a laptop using the keyboard keys when turning on the device, you can disable the function "Fast Windows startup 10". For this:

    Method 5: Reset settings

    This method of entering the BIOS is quite radical. Can only be recommended enough experienced users, since it implies opening the laptop case, and in some cases its complete disassembly.

    The method is as follows. In order to reset the BIOS settings, you need to disconnect for a while the special CMOS battery connected to motherboard laptop. After resetting the settings, the system will “understand” that the parameters may be set incorrectly and will prompt you to enter the BIOS for configuration, or will open the settings screen automatically.

    A laptop CMOS battery typically looks something like this:

    But there may be options:

    In addition to the different types of batteries used, it is also worth noting the lack of standardization regarding the location of the battery on the motherboard.
    Quite often, you can access the battery by simply opening the hard drive compartment cover:

    But there are also common cases in which to access the battery you will have to disassemble the laptop almost completely and even remove the motherboard:

    In general, the methodology of the method is as follows:

    1. Disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery.
    2. We gain access to the battery and disconnect it from the laptop motherboard.
    3. We wait 10-15 minutes.
    4. We connect the battery in place, assemble the laptop, connect the power and start the device.
    5. If successful, a screen will appear asking you to enter the BIOS or the settings window will automatically open.

    Common mistakes when using the method

    The method does not work when the user forgets to turn off or remove the laptop battery, and also does not withstand the time required to discharge the capacitors on the motherboard and completely de-energize the CMOS chip. When using the battery-disconnecting method, the main thing is to take your time and do everything thoughtfully and carefully.

    Thus, using one of the above methods, each user can get full access to the main settings of a Lenovo laptop.

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