Mac os airdrop does not work. Where to look for files transferred using AirDrop in iOS and macOS

iOS, as a closed platform, has one significant advantage - it is much better than an open one operating system protected from viruses, and therefore from leaks of the user’s personal data. However, being closed also has a lot of disadvantages, and if most people are already accustomed to the inability to connect the iPhone to a PC like a flash drive in order to download a couple of files (and with iTunes program, created specifically for exchanging i-gadget content with a PC, everyone seems to have figured it out), then the impossibility of exchanging files via Bluetooth still surprises many.

Yes, Buetooth in i-devices only serves to connect with headsets and other wireless gadgets, but you won’t be able to transfer, say, a photo to a friend. However, in 2013, i-users had a good alternative for exchanging files, an option called AirDrop. What this option is, to whom it is available, how to configure it, and why it may not work - we will tell you in this material.

AirDrop Limitations

AirDrop is not only a very convenient file sharing option, it is also secure. When this option is activated, a secure network is created, information within which is transmitted in encrypted form. In addition, the use of a Wi-Fi network makes the exchange really fast. It would seem that everything is perfect, but, of course, there is a but. AirDrop, unfortunately, has a number of limitations.

Firstly, it’s worth saying that using AirDrop you can only exchange between Apple devices. It will not be possible to transfer a file from an iPhone to, say, an Android smartphone using it.

Secondly, not every i-gadget has access to AirDrop on iPhone 4/4S and older i-smartphones cannot work with this option; it is supported by iPhone 5 and younger Apple phones. As for the iPad, the following will be able to work with this option: iPad Pro, iPad 4 (and later), iPad Mini(and later ones). AirDrop also support iPod touch(fifth generation and later models), but with Apple computers everything is very complicated; you can see the list of PCs working with the option in the picture.

You will be surprised, but there is more to come with restrictions. It turns out that not all content can be transferred using AirDrop; photos, for example, can be sent, but music will not work. Copyright protection at its finest.

Well, one more thing. If users want to exchange contacts, they must both be signed into iCoud.

How to use Airdrop on iPhone and other mobile i-devices?

In order to transfer a file via AirDrop from a mobile i-device, you must:

How to use Airdrop on Mac and other Apple computers?

Sending a file from an Apple computer to any other i-device is even easier:

That's all! Ready!

AirDrop Problems and How to Fix Them

At the time of its release, AirDrop worked, it must be said, with numerous glitches. Today everything is more or less debugged, but we cannot say that the option functions perfectly. Quite often when trying to transfer iPhone file does not see the “destination”, and often the AirDrop option completely disappears from the control center. How to solve these problems?

First of all, make sure that your problem is not related to the limitations of the option - for example, there is no point in looking for AiDrop, say, on the iPhone 4S - this smartphone simply does not support this technology ( full list restrictions, read just above in the section “AirDrop Limitations”).

  • located no more than 9 meters from each other
  • connected to one Wi-Fi networks
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are active - when AirDrop is turned on, they should, in theory, be activated independently, but you never know

In addition: for mobile i-devices - make sure that they are not locked; for Apple computers, that they are not in sleep mode and the “System Settings” / “Buetooth” window is open (you can minimize it, the main thing is not to close ).

All the conditions for correct transfer are met, but AirDrop does not see the iPhone or any other i-device, or the option itself has disappeared from the control center? Then let's deal with the more serious causes of the problems.

As you know - “Seven troubles - one reset”, and therefore if everything seems to be configured correctly, but the connection does not work, try turning AirDrop off and on on both devices and reconnecting. If this measure does not help, disable the option again, restart both devices, turn it on and try to establish a connection again.

"For everyone" mode

Quite often, AirDrop refuses to see a device in “Contacts Only” mode, even if the recipient is in the sender’s contact list. Try activating the “For everyone” mode for a while (we recommend refraining from this measure in a public place) and check if the situation has returned to normal.

“Playing” with the settings

Situations are not uncommon when one or another i-device setting interferes with the organization of the transfer.

For iPhone, check the following:

For Appe computers:


When AirDrop is activated, a Buetooth connection should be created automatically, but sometimes this does not happen. In this case, for iPhone and other mobile i-gadgets:

For Apple computers:

I don't see the option itself

If your problem is that you do not see the AirDrop option itself in the control point, although your device should support it, then try this:

Nothing helps

If none of the above instructions helped you get started with AirDrop, try updating the firmware on your i-device to the latest one or contact Apple's Russian-language support service.

Let's summarize

For all its advantages, AirDrop can cause a lot of trouble. Not only does it have a lot of restrictions, but even if your device does not fall under them, it quite often refuses to work correctly. Therefore, it is no wonder that the majority of Apple device users still prefer to transfer files via mail, instant messengers or social media, although AirDrop was released more than three years ago!

AirDrop This new feature V OS X Lion, which allows network file sharing between Macs to be very in a simple way, which does not require any network exchange settings from the user.

IN Finder easy to find item AirDrop, by entering which you can see a list of all nearby computers with OS X Lion.

However, as it turns out, not all Macs are supported in Lion. Alas... Here is my old one iMac(2007), as can be easily seen from the absence of the paragraph AirDrop V Finder refers to the following:

On the Apple website there are systems for which it is supported AirDrop.

This note is intended for users of such Macs. AirDrop You can still turn it on using a very simple procedure.

Why are we launching? and enter the following commands:

defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1

killall finder

The first eliminates the said injustice, and the second restarts Finder so that he can see the changes made. And here is the result.

The problem of transferring files from one computer to another arises with enviable consistency. Previously, we used floppy disks for this, then the era of CDs came, which replaced flash drives. But more and more often we exchange files between computers via the network. For Mac computers A special tool, AirDrop, has been created to greatly facilitate the transfer of documents and other files from one computer to another. But how to effectively use AirDrop is not entirely clear.

Target: Transfer a file from one Mac to another using AirDrop.

Facilities: At least two Mac computers connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Short description: AirDrop allows you to transfer files from one Mac to another. This service can also be used on mobile devices running iOS. To use AirDrop, open Finder. On the left panel you will see an inscription called “AirDrop”. If you click on it, the main part of the Finder will display icons of all devices connected to this Wi-Fi network to which you can send the file.

The procedure for transferring files is as follows:

  1. Select the files you want to transfer to another computer.
  2. Drag them to the AirDrop inscription.
  3. Click on the device you are going to send files to. Confirm your decision to send.
  4. A message will appear on the receiving device in which you must choose whether to open the files immediately or save them. The files are saved to the "Downloads" folder.


  • AirDrop only works on Mac OS X Lion and higher versions.
  • If AirDrop is not automatically supported on your computer, you can use it through the terminal.

Detailed instructions for using AirDrop available at.

AirDrop is one of the most rarely used functions by owners of Apple technology. At the same time, it is completely undeserved, because AirDrop allows you to most quickly and conveniently transfer various data from a Mac to an iPhone or iPad, bypassing iTunes. Also familiar with AirDrop only superficially? This instruction will tell you about all the features of the function.

Step 1: Enable AirDrop on Mac. To do this, select the Finder menu bar item " Transition» → AirDrop and turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection. If one of the communication types is already enabled, then the AirDrop function is also active

Note: Only these Mac models support AirDrop:

  • MacBook Pro late 2008 or newer
  • MacBook Air late 2010 or newer
  • MacBook late 2008 or newer
  • iMac early 2009 or newer
  • Mac mini mid-2010 or newer
  • Early 2009 Mac Pro with AirPort Extreme or mid 2010 Mac Pro

Step 2: Enable AirDrop on iPhone or iPad. To do this, open Command centre and click on the item AirDrop. Here you can specify from whom you want to receive files - only from contacts, or from everyone

Note: To transfer files from Mac to iPhone or iPad successfully, the display mobile device must be in an active state. Otherwise, communication between devices may be lost.

Step 3. On Mac, select the file you want to send to iPhone or iPad via AirDrop

Step 5. In the window that opens, select the recipient

Step 6: On iPhone or iPad, accept the file being sent and specify the app where it will be saved

In this simple way, you can transfer various files from your Mac to your iPhone or iPad directly over the air. If you need to reset multiple files, it is most convenient to select the Finder menu bar item " Transition» → AirDrop and drag necessary files to the target device icon. In this case, you will save yourself from having to constantly access the context menu.

AirDrop is a built-in feature on Mac computers designed to easily share files over a Wi-Fi network. Here you don't need to register with cloud services, create or connect to new networks. Default old Macs do not support AirDrop, although file sharing using this technology is possible even via Ethernet.

AirDrop has greatly simplified the data transfer process. In OS X file manager Finder has a special AirDrop item. It is enough to go to this section in two Apple computers and they will automatically find each other. Then all that remains is to transfer the document or folder to the computer icon. The user of the second Mac will confirm the operation and the file will be at his disposal.

Thus, files are exchanged between computers without connecting to the same network. However, by default, AirDrop is the preserve of only the latest models. The list is limited only to computers with certain Wi-Fi modules. In fact, the basis of Apple technology is wireless interface PAN, which allows you to organize “peer-to-peer” connections. Therefore, a couple of lines of code removes all restrictions.

How to Activate AirDrop on Old Macs

Step 1: Open the Terminal application from the Utilities folder and paste the following line.

defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1

This command makes AirDrop work with any network interfaces. The only difference is that both computers must be on the same network to transfer files. The technology will work even when one Mac is connected via Ethernet and the second via Wi-Fi. The same is true for Ethernet to Ethernet and Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi connections.

Step 2: Confirm execution of this command by clicking the Enter button.

Step 3: Copy the command to restart Finder into Terminal.

killall finder

Step 4: Press Enter.

Let's say you have two Macs - one with AirDrop support and the other without it. If you want to take advantage of this file sharing technology, then it's time to follow the four steps above. You can always cancel the action by going through these steps again with the number “0” instead of “1” in the first paragraph.

The only reason Apple has limited the PAN interface is to encrypt the information. Any files transferred via AirDrop with standard settings are reliably protected from interception. The described technique provides technology flexibility at the expense of data security. If you transfer documents at home, there will be no problems. If you often use public hotspots, we recommend restoring AirDrop settings to default.

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