Is it possible to delete play market. How to permanently remove Google services from an Android gadget

There may be situations in our lives when our favorite smartphone starts to “glitch” or refuses to do something. As a result, we begin to look for the reason and sometimes the only correct solution is to remove Google Play updates. In this article we will consider the question: How to remove an update in Play Market?

Why remove Play Market updates?

Sometimes application Google Play Maybe after the next update it won’t “make friends” with the system a little. As a result, constant errors begin to appear that will prevent you from downloading or installing the application. Sometimes this can be caused by changes in settings, system parameters, or another application that was not downloaded from the service and therefore prevents the system from working adequately. Sometimes, the easiest way to get rid of all problems is to remove Play Market updates.

How to remove an update in Play Market on Android?

  1. Let's go to " Settings»
  2. Select the item " Applications»
  3. Find " Play Store »
  4. Tap on the ellipsis in the upper right corner
  5. Uninstalling updates

I hope this instruction helped you get rid of problems with your smartphone; in any case, remember that this is not a panacea.

Answers on questions:

How to remove an update for a specific application in the Play Store?

Updates to non-system applications according to the instructions above are not removed. You will need to uninstall the application and find old version apk file of this application. You will learn how to do this in the article.

Will previously downloaded games and applications be deleted?

No, no need to worry. Everything will remain in its place.

This is not the first time I have deleted Play Market updates, and about an hour later it is updated again. What to do?

There are two ways. The first is not to connect to WiFi, which sounds terrifying in our century, and the second is to disable auto-updates of applications. You will learn how to do this in the article.

The Play Market does not update back, how to update?

You will have to update manually. To do this, go to Settings and click on the item “ Build version", after which the Play Market will make a request from the server for updates. After the update, it is advisable to restart the device.

Shop Google applications Play Market has long become a kind of symbol operating system Android. It is installed on all devices with a “green robot” on board, and for many users it is the first application launched after purchasing a smartphone or tablet.

Play Market is an essential component. A number of other services from Google “revolve” around it, including backup application data. And therefore it cannot be deleted! And it won’t work, at least not using standard means.

But Android is an open operating system so that users can decide for themselves whether they need the Play Market on their device or not. Therefore, if you really want to, you can “demolish” it, either “completely” or simply “turning it off” so that it does not interfere and does not take up tens of precious megabytes in the device’s memory.

In addition, only users with root access can permanently remove the Play Store, while others will have to be content with just disabling it. But it also frees up memory and does not allow you to use the application store.

Attention! All the operations described below may delete some data from the device and reduce its functionality! As a result, only flashing a smartphone or tablet can “save” it! Please think twice before deleting the Play Store!

Getting root is a long, tedious process and not always successful, but in any case it leads to loss of warranty. Therefore, it is better to postpone the dream of obtaining superuser rights until better times and start “uninstalling” the Play Store without root access.

In fact, without root access you can only disable the Play Store. How is disabling different from deleting?

  • When deleted, all user data is deleted (pun intended!) - accounts, saved information, etc. When disconnected - too.
  • When uninstalled, the .APK file is deleted - the program installer and the container with it. When disabled it remains.
  • When deleted, the application icon is removed from the list of all applications. When disconnected - too.
  • After deleting, to “return” the application, you will have to install it again (download, restore from a backup). After turning it off, it will be enough to turn it on.

In principle, disabling is not too different from deleting, except that there is not so much space on the drive. In particular, the Play Store APK file, depending on Android versions will continue to occupy from 5 to 30 megabytes.

In order to still disable the Play Market, you will need the latest version of Google Play Services. How to update them is described in detail in the article “”, in the section on “removing” system applications without root.

After latest version Google Play Services is installed, you can proceed to disabling the Play Store.

To do this, you need to open the Settings application, find the Applications item there and on the Downloaded screen two or three times (depending on the firmware) swipe from left to right to open the All screen.

There you need to find the Play Store itself (may be called Google Play Store), open the information screen about it and click the Disable button.

But for maximum effect, you first need to delete the cache (by clicking the corresponding button), then delete updates (again, with the corresponding button), and only then disable it. If you delete data, you will have to enter the data again after turning it on. Google account– email and password – and there may also be a conflict with Google Play Services.

On some firmware there may not be a Disable button. But it's okay! This means that Google Play Services was unable to modify the Settings app. This button is “hidden” under the Remove updates button, and after removing the updates, the smartphone or tablet will automatically offer to disable the Google Play Store.

After disconnecting, the Play Store will disappear from the application menu, and internal storage Some megabytes will be freed up. Updates and other services associated with this store will also stop working.

How to remove Play Market with root

If you have root access, completely deleting the Play Store is not difficult at all. This is why you need superuser rights to do whatever you want with your smartphone/tablet, but not without consequences.

To remove the Play Store, you will need a special tool to uninstall system applications. We recommend Titanium Backup, despite the fact that it is intended primarily for backup.

After installing Titanium Backup, you need to give it superuser rights (if Superuser or Supersu are installed, a window asking for permission will appear immediately after starting TB, if tools to protect root access are not installed, then permission will be granted automatically, if there is no root, then TB will notify you of this separately).

Then you need to go to the menu Backups, find the Google Play Store itself and tap on it. The application operations window will open.

In the action window, you need to click the Delete button, then confirm your intention twice, and the Play Store will be deleted. If you suddenly have any questions, we are waiting for you in the comments.

It is not possible to completely remove Google Play Services without root rights, but if you really want to, you can configure your phone so that Google services are minimally present in it. Let's see how to disable Google services in the settings, and what to do for them complete removal.


Typically, the need to remove or disable Google Play Services arises due to the significant energy consumption of this application. Calendar, Maps, Hangouts, Drive, Location Services and other plugins may not be used, but they still take up a lot of space and eat up battery power. To reduce the impact of Google Play Services on your phone, just disable them in the Android settings.

Go to settings, find the section with accounts. You need a Google account, which is what everything on Android is connected to. You can remove it, and then the calendar data and other built-in programs and services will no longer be synchronized. But let's go the other way and try to simply stop Google Services and the Google Services Framework.

Open sync settings account. Here you need to uncheck all the boxes so that each plugin stops functioning. If you are concerned about Android's high power consumption, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Language and input" section in the settings.
  2. Open the Voice Search submenu.
  3. Go to the "OK Google Recognition" section.
  4. Move the toggle switches to the inactive position.

This will allow you to disable the function on Android voice search, which constantly accesses the microphone and drains the battery. The phone will work even longer if you erase the cache of built-in applications - Play Market, Google Services.

  1. Open the Applications section in Settings.
  2. Go to the All tab.
  3. Open the Services page, click “Clear cache”.
  4. Stop the program by clicking the appropriate button.

In the same way, you can delete the cache and leave the rest of the plugins running. You can easily return them to working condition if necessary, but for now they will not interfere and consume charge.


To completely remove Services, you need root rights. You can get them different ways, some custom firmwares have them by default. With root access, you can even uninstall built-in programs from the system, removing them directly from the directories in which they are installed. Let's see how to remove built-in Google Play Services on Android, and what applications can be removed in general:

  1. Run Root Explorer or another manager who is suitable to work with file system Android.
  2. Open the /system/app directory. Inside you will see built-in programs.
  3. A similar list of applications with some additions will be in the /system/priv-app directory.

If you delete these files, as well as frameworks in the /system/framework directory and libraries in /system/lib, then there will be no built-in software left on Android, and the question “Google services, can they be deleted?” will finally receive a positive response. How to recover deleted programs? There is only 1 way - you need to download Google Services.


In the process of searching for the right application, it is not uncommon to test dozens of other applications. And after suitable applications are found on the Android device, there are plenty left. If you do not remove these applications, you will quickly run out of memory and your device will start to work extremely slowly. In this article we will talk about how to remove applications on Android.

Then register your email and get the latest news. With this tool you can resume a search that was stopped due to network problem or search for the artist's name. To use it, just start typing a few letters in the search bar. The menu will then display the apps and movies or books that match yours. Conditions from your story are preceded by a small clock icon.

Please note, however, this information can be easily read by a person using your smartphone. Protecting your privacy is worth making some sacrifices. Moreover, the removal operation will only take a few minutes.

You will find that all your old queries have disappeared. Over time, they accumulate in your device's memory and unnecessarily clutter your storage space. The applications we use are increasingly complex. But they are also increasing. Today good game with good graphics it can weigh several gigabytes.

Uninstalling applications through Android settings

The easiest way to remove an application on Android is to use the standard application manager, which is built into the operating system itself. With it, you can remove any applications except standard ones. To do this you need to have some knowledge.

So, in order to access it, you need to open Android Settings and go to the “Applications” section. After opening the “Applications” section in Android settings, you will see a list of all installed applications, sorted alphabetically. Find in this list the application you want to remove and click on it.

Our smartphones are full of unnecessary apps

Because of this, the memory comes quite quickly to miss our smartphones due to applications. It appears when you want to install a new application and you no longer have space. Essentially, this allows you to launch an application without downloading it completely. Only the necessary parts of the application will be used.

Ready to get started? Good job and good fun! An “Installed” entry will appear under the application name. Below are the applications that we will not see in “Install”. In each installed application, you will also see two buttons, one of which shows the trash can and the other shows the update key. To remove one of these applications that we may not like, we must try to click on the trash and then on the next confirmation window so that you can select the "uninstall" option. We must remember that the synchronization process between our phone and our PC will begin from now on.

After this, a screen with information about the application you have selected will open in front of you. There are several buttons on this screen: Stop, Delete, Erase data and Clear cache. In order to delete the application you need to click on the “Delete” button.

If our phone is already connected to the network, we can confidently take note that the removal of the application has already been started and completed. If our phone was not online and on the other hand offline, the deletion of applications that we want to remove from it will begin immediately after connecting to the Internet.

The procedure could be that holding down an application will give us the option to delete the programs we want, or by pressing a button that opens the settings menu we will have the editing element. go to My Apps, select the one we want to delete and click the delete button. Some system applications cannot be uninstalled.

After clicking the “Delete” button, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. In this window, you just need to click on the “Ok” button, after which the application will be removed from your smartphone or tablet.

Uninstalling applications via Google Play Market

Of course, many people choose to fill their mobile device with utilities, some of them quite dubious. The internal storage is completely full after a few hours, and software trash also takes up overly exaggerated spaces. The following guide will help you clean up your smartphone and select programs to remove on the fly.

With this method you can even give the device more autonomy, both in the short and long term! If you want to remove the link, you will need to drag the app to the Remove option and then release the link. if you want to remove the entire app, you will have to drag it to the Uninstall option and then release the app, which will be immediately removed from the home screen and the App menu.

Today, one of the most common and popular types of smartphones and tablets among users are portable devices running Android OS. Overall, this operating system is quite easy to use and provides the user with great amount opportunities to work with the most different programs and games.

Removal via file manager

For some apps, there is no Uninstall option because the app is pre-installed on the phone; In this case, the user cannot delete these applications because they are not authorized by the manufacturer, but have access to the option to delete at least the updates of those applications that are taking up the memory of their phone or tablet unnecessarily.

To get this, you'll need to remove any pre-installed app updates that you're not using, then select Settings from the Apps menu to hide them. As with any tutorial, you should start with the basic options to uninstall an app from the latest generation. First of all, go to the settings menu, clearly recognizable by the snap icon.

But not all owners of such devices know how to remove applications on Android that have lost their relevance and are no longer needed. At the same time, there is nothing complicated in such a procedure - it does not take much more time than installing the same program or game.

Uninstalling regular apps

In this case, regular applications mean those programs and games that the user himself installed. In addition to them, there are also standard applications that are already included in the “basic package” when purchasing a device - they are downloaded to a smartphone or tablet either by the manufacturer itself or by the distributor. Such system applications will be discussed below, but for now let’s figure out how to delete what the user himself has saved to the device’s memory.

Click the "Applications" button and then the "All" card located in the top right corner and this will give you a big hand in this procedure. Now you just need to choose which application you are going to remove from your system. There are few steps to follow, but you should keep them in mind. You must enter the drawer, that is, the menu where you will find all the programs located in the device’s memory.

Applications to remove applications

Tap your finger on the app you want to delete and drag it to the Trash in the top left corner, with a telling “Delete” notation. At this point, you will open a screen with the option “Uninstall”: select this option and the application will be uninstalled. The program does not require any cost, so you can erase the programs you want very easily, with this method you will find a lot of storage space in your internal memory. Even then, you need to make a completely free software that allows you to uninstall many programs without putting in too much effort.

Among the many options, there are three simple and popular methods by which you can remove an unnecessary game or program.

Method one. Simple

  1. You need to go to the device settings.
  2. Then you should select the "Applications" tab.
  3. From the list that appears, you need to find the program or game that you want to remove.
  4. Click on it and select the appropriate item in the submenu that appears.

After that unnecessary program will be erased from the Android device's memory along with all its additional files. But not all applications can be gotten rid of so easily. If this option does not help, you can try the following steps.

First of all you have to send your device to the root process, you have full control over it. Click the "System Applications" button and select the correct mode for you. Select the appropriate application and go to the Disable or Uninstall button. In the first case, you can completely remove the software. Secondly, you can ensure that the software itself returns to its source without any subsequent updates.

You can also enable an app that is already disabled by clicking Disabled, going to the right title, and then turning Enable back on. Follow it step by step and you will see the situation improve. As you know, there are pre-installed apps that cannot be easily removed. Today, however, we won't just be talking about these apps, but also the ones you've downloaded yourself that, for some bizarre reason, you can't uninstall. Can't uninstall an app?

Method two. Fast

  1. First, you need to find the desired program or game in the “Applications and Widgets” section. Usually the link to the table with this section is hidden in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Then we look for the unnecessary application.
  3. Click on its icon and hold your finger on it for a while.
  4. After a basket and the word “Delete” appear instead of the table, simply drag the icon into this same basket.
  5. Now it is enough to confirm the selected action and enjoy the operation of the device without annoying (or simply unnecessary) programs.

It’s also worth adding that after holding your finger on the icon, you can not only delete the application, but also pull out its shortcut to active screen. This will make it easier to access useful programs and the most frequently launched games - they can be activated with one touch.

If you long-press on an app and drag the icon to the trash bin, you will see the message: Failed to remove package, this is the device administrator. But who told you? 99% of you, because these are applications that we have given permissions to as administrators, knowingly or not. These permissions allow apps to access some advanced device features, including those that let you find your lost smartphone and ultimately block or delete deleted data.

How do you get rid of these damn apps? It is enough to deprive them of permission.

  • Open the Settings menu.
  • Go to Security or Location and Security.
  • You will see a list of applications that have been granted these privileges.
  • Deselect the app you want to remove.
Now that you have removed the admin rights to the application, you can uninstall it without any problems.

Method three. "Control"

Sometimes it happens that when using one of the first two methods described above, the application on Android does not want to be deleted. In this case, you can use one of the special utilities that allow you to completely erase a capricious program or game from the device’s memory under Android control OS. The most popular among such programs are:

  • AppInstaller is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to install or uninstall applications;
  • Uninstaller is special software that helps you get rid of an application that cannot be removed in the usual way.

If desired, you can find other utilities that perform the same functions in the public domain. The advantage of such special applications is that they are able to rid the Android OS in your device of absolutely all add-ons and files that are stored in memory along with the installed (and then uninstalled) program.

Method four. Additional

For users who prefer to install software through the Android Market, there is another way to remove a boring game or program. To do this, just go to the Google Play website (this is what this application store has been called since the spring of 2012) and look at the “My Applications” tab. It stores all previously installed programs, which can either be updated or erased from the device’s memory.

Removing system (standard) applications

Often, the manufacturer downloads a large number of programs and utilities into the memory of a device running Android OS that the user simply does not need. At the same time, they are loaded into memory and use system resources. You can remove such applications in at least two ways:

  1. Using a special program, for example, Root Explorer or Root App Delete. Such software will allow the owner of a smartphone or tablet to easily obtain administrator rights and erase system entries (this applies not only to files, but also to other data) from system/app.
  2. You can also obtain Superuser rights (or simply root) using other programs, for example, the Framaroot utility. If you already have such rights, you can delete the application in manual mode. To do this, just visit the system folder, select all the files whose names match the name of the program (such files must have the extension apk and/or odex), and then erase them.

Why remove unnecessary applications at all?

Finally, it is worth noting that from time to time it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary games or programs, at a minimum, in order not to clog the memory of your favorite device. Even if you have plenty of space on your memory card, these unused apps continue to use the internal resources of your smartphone or tablet, which can cause it to slow down.

Many experts advise carrying out such application cleanings at least once every few months, depending on how actively you install new software on your tablet or smartphone.

Owner of the operating room Android systems is the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that most Google services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices, running on the Android platform and integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it is worth noting that not all Android device users are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to meet their needs, while others simply do not need the Google Play application store.

Speaking about software from Google, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is pre-installed software on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a “gift” imposed by the digital giant? To answer this question unambiguously, let’s take a look at everything in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Contact synchronization
  • Access to latest settings privacy and energy saving
  • Google and GP App Updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removing Google Play Services may result in application malfunctions and even complete termination of their operation.

However, there is another side to the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to drop ungodly, not allowing the device to stay in working condition even for a day. In this case, it’s worth checking which software has become so actively “eating” the energy of your Android. The fact is that more and more complaints are being received from users specifically about Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why does this happen?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (and, accordingly, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly “hang” in random access memory devices, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation’s servers.

Based on the above, each user must decide for himself how much he needs this or that program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions whether Google Play services can be removed or not. If you decide that you don’t need this software, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can it be removed?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that uninstalling any program must be approached responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing to the gadget.

In general, we have written a lot on this topic, so if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking through, or how in general. In addition, it will certainly be useful to know.

If, after our 1500th Chinese warnings, you definitely decide to delete Google Play services, then we follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then first you need. Next, you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer’s website and install on your PC and.

The application allows the user to simply connect his smartphone (or tablet) to the computer via USB or Wi-Fi and organize comfortable work with contacts, sort out SMS correspondence and deal with things in the calendar.

I'm glad that MyPhone supports the Russian language, so working with this software will be quite easy. Once you start working, you will be asked to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of installed programs. When working with applications you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • Size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play services, like other applications, it can be saved to your computer as apk file, completely remove it from your device or install new programs.

Another powerful tool for working with applications. Having installed and launched the program, we will see a system request for “Superuser” rights, allow it.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw your attention to this important point. If you are not completely sure of the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it rather than completely uninstall it. In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At least if something goes wrong, you can restore the application.

So, after launching and granting root rights, go to the “Backups” tab:

Then, we find the program to be “frozen” (in our case, “Google Play Services”). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example “Only system applications”:

Click on the name of the program and press the “Freeze” button:

If you come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then go through all the steps described, and the last step is to click on “Defrost”.

If we decide to completely remove the program, we again go the same way, but after “tapping” on the name, click on “Delete”.

At the end of the material, to help our readers, video material:

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