Auto-rotate screen does not work on Android. Enable auto-rotate on iPad How to disable auto-rotate on Samsung

The screen rotation function very often affects the comfortable viewing of videos, photos, etc. Sometimes problems with the auto-rotate function arise, such as, for example, the screen stops rearranging, or, on the contrary, constantly changes orientation from vertical to horizontal, which is significantly depressing and interferes with the comfortable use of the device.

How to enable/disable screen rotation on iPhone

Regarding standard iPhone settings– auto-rotate is enabled by default. To turn off this mode you just need to go to Control Center and disable this option there.

U iPhone versions 6 Plus/ 6s Plus/ 7 Plus there is also an additional option for rotating the desktop.

Why might screen rotation not work?

The most common reason for this is the accidentally enabled blocking option, which is located in the Control Center.

If this option is enabled, you will see this icon:

To disable/enable the blocking, go to the Control Center by swiping to open it.


Rebooting your iPhone can also help in this situation. Rebooting can be done simultaneously by pressing the Power and Home buttons as shown in the image below.

As for completely new iPhones 8, X – to turn off the gadget, you must simultaneously hold down 2 volume buttons and the power button.

iOS updates

Most system errors occur due to bugs in the iOS system itself. In particular, because of this, the device screen may not rotate. Although these cases are rare, it doesn’t hurt to check for updates and, if available, install:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu;
  2. Select the “General” tab and tap on “Update”.

Wait for the update to install on your iPhone and restart it.

Display scaling factor

When the zoom feature is enabled, it may interfere with screen rotation. Therefore it should be disabled. Also, if you need to enable display scaling, let these settings be similar. Consider disabling the scaling option:

  1. In the settings section, select “Display and Brightness”;
  2. After clicking “Display Magnification”, tap on the view option to check the status of the Display Magnification operation;
  3. If the function is enabled, select the standard operating mode and click “Apply” to save the result;
  4. In the subsequent menu, select “Use standard” to continue;
  5. After this setting, the device will restart.

Gyroscope calibration

If after the above methods the screen rotation still does not work, try calibrating the gyroscope:

  1. Reboot your iPhone;
  2. Open the compass, where a pop-up request to calibrate the gyroscope will appear;
  3. Approve the request and complete this procedure.

Is the accelerometer working?

It should be remembered that screen rotations depend on such a detail in the gadget as the “accelerometer”. The reason that the screen rotation does not work may be a defect in this very part. In this case, you need to contact service center for the help of a master.

Landscape mode

Landscape mode is the current mode for watching videos, using applications, etc.

To enable/disable it you must do the following:

  1. Go to “Application Settings”;
  2. Select "Display & Brightness";
  3. Select “View” from the list provided. The item is located under the “Display scaling” line.

« Auto rotate" is a smartphone feature that automatically changes the orientation of the screen depending on whether the phone is held vertically or horizontally. It was created with the goal of allowing a person to feel additional comfort and increase the efficiency of using a smartphone.

Yet the variety of situations in which modern mobile devices, sometimes require turning off Auto Rotate. This may be a desire to optimize the smartphone functions used in order to improve energy saving, or simply a person’s habit of comfortable watching movies in a lying position.

How to turn off screen rotation on a Huawei (Honor) phone?

This can be done in three ways:

1 way: disabling Auto Rotate via the Notification Panel;

Method 2: disable Auto-rotate through the main phone settings;

3 way: disabling Auto Rotate when optimizing Energy Saving Mode.

Disabling Auto Rotate Mode via the Notification Panel

— Auto rotate icon when screen rotation mode is enabled.

In off mode, the “Auto-rotate” icon becomes gray:

— Auto-rotate icon when screen rotation mode is turned off.

Disabling Auto Rotate mode through Phone Settings

1. Log in to the “ ” of the smartphone.

Screen" and click on it.

2. On the next page at the very bottom of the screen, select “ Auto-rotate screen" and turn it off.

Disabling Auto Rotate mode when optimizing Energy Saving Mode

1. Log in to the “ ” of your smartphone.

On the first page of your smartphone Settings, find the item “ Battery: Power Saving Mode, Battery Usage" and press it.

2. On the next “Battery” page, select “ Optimize».

3. On the “Optimize” page, select “Auto-rotate is on, turn it off to save power” and click on the blue icon “ OPTIM.».

After this, the message “Auto-rotate disabled” will appear in place of this item.


If you came to this article, then you probably have an iPad and are looking for information that will help you enable or disable auto-rotate screen.

You're just tired of the screen changing orientation by itself, or you've locked it and want to watch the movie horizontally and don't know how.

Today I will talk about all the aspects of this function, its settings, and even dive into memories a little. It will be very useful and interesting.

How to flip the screen on an iPad?

Well, I’ll start with the fact that the auto-rotate function in modern devices is implemented using a device such as an accelerometer.

If in old devices this was something special, today it is a function that appears immediately in any device and everyone does not even think about it.

Let's tell you how all this is implemented on iPads, which have different versions operating systems.

If you have iOS up to version 6

Maybe someone else caught these iOS versions, when multitasking was triggered by double-clicking the Home button. And a panel appeared below.

By scrolling to the right, you could find the auto-rotate settings icon on the left side. Click and you're done, your device no longer changes orientation.

All this was a very big breakthrough in iOS. Everyone enjoyed using it and fortunately, I also had the same experience of using it.

If you have iOS 7 or higher

With the advent of the seventh version, absolutely everything has changed, both in design and functionality. At first it seemed that everything was done for the worse and old version was much better.

Today we simply swipe our finger across the screen from top to bottom, thereby bringing up the taskbar. We are looking for an icon on the right side, which is implemented in the form of a lock in a circle.

We press it, it lights up red or some other color and this indicates the activation of this function. You can turn it off in the same way.

Also, to check whether the function is activated or not, you can look for the same lock in the circle near the battery on the right. This is probably the easiest way to determine.


That’s basically all the information about enabling and disabling the auto-rotate function on any iPad. It’s very interesting what I’ll come up with and how all this will be implemented in the next versions.

Although, coming up with something more convenient and faster seems simply unrealistic. But time will tell, perhaps this will all be reproduced in some special way.

Auto-rotate screen is a relevant feature for Android users who prefer to spend the most comfortable viewing of videos and photos. In this aspect, questions of this kind very often arise: “Auto-rotate the screen has stopped working, has disappeared, how can I fix it?”

First you need to understand how the screen rotation option works. To do this, your device has a built-in motion sensor called an accelerometer. If this device for one reason or another it fails - the screen freezes in one position and does not change it anymore. However, in most cases, this kind of problem occurs due to software glitches.

If your screen has stopped rotating or is simply not working well, we recommend that you refer to the tips below to fix the problem.

Step 1: Make sure auto-rotate is enabled on your Android smartphone

If the screen does not rotate automatically, make sure that the auto-rotate option is enabled. You can do this in the following two ways:

  1. Call the panel quick control, swiping the top line of the screen down;
  2. From the main menu of your device, go to the Settings menu.

If you are sure that the feature is enabled, but the screen still does not rotate, you should proceed to the next step.

Step 2: What to do if Auto Rotate is enabled but not working

If after the first step the function still does not work, turn off the device completely for 10-15 minutes and remove the battery. After the specified time has passed, turn on the mobile phone again.

If the above steps did not help you configure the screen rotation, you should return to the factory settings. This method is very radical, because Resetting to factory settings erases all information stored on the device. To avoid deleting files that are important to you, move them to an SD card.

If none of the proposed methods could help solve the problem, you must contact the service center, because There is a possibility that the accelerometer may be damaged.

How to fix screen rotation on Android?

To set up fixation of a certain screen position, there is a program such as “Rotation control”. This application It has a convenient, intuitive interface, all its capabilities are visible and allow you to change the screen position with one click.

Today we will look at how you can disable or enable screen rotation on your iPhone. This feature is quite necessary on any smartphone.

To understand exactly when this function can come in handy, let’s take the most common situation. Let's say you are lying on your side in bed and your screen begins to live its own life and change the orientation of the screen.

So that you can use the iPhone only in a vertical position, a function such as disabling screen rotation was invented.

Implementation on iOS from 4.0 to 6.0

If you are the owner of a device on which iOS is installed exactly as indicated in the title, then on your smartphone, when you press the home key twice, the multitasking panel appears.

By scrolling this panel to the right, you will be able to see a circle with an arrow. By pressing this button, your screen will always be in a vertical position.

Implementation on iOS 7.0 and higher

After the new one came out operating system iOS 7.0 menu design has completely changed, including the location of this function.

Finding it is quite simple. Swap the screen from the very bottom up and a panel with the most important functions of the smartphone will appear in front of you.

On the top right you can see a lock in a circle; this button is responsible for this ability to disable rotation.


No one knows how this function will be implemented in the future. How convenient it is to disable and enable screen rotation on your iPhone in the future is still unknown, but I think there will be something original.

Now you know what this strange circled lock icon on your iPhone is for.

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