Setting up a byfly wireless network on a laptop. Setting up WiFi on ByFly - maximum performance

Using step by step instructions described below, you can easily configure the ByFly router via the Promsvyaz M-200 A modem.

Connecting a modem to a PC

Before you start setting up the M-200A modem, you must:

  1. turn on the computer;
  2. check the network equipment on it;
  3. if necessary, update drivers on network adapters;
  4. Now you need to connect the power cable to the Promsvyaz router and connect it to the power supply;
  5. Insert a twisted pair cable into any port of the modem, which is larger than a telephone cable and has a thick connector, and connect its other end to the computer into the network port;
  6. Insert the phone cable into the corresponding connector of the router (LINE) and into the MODEM connector. And its LINE connector goes into a telephone socket. Connect the phone itself to the PHONE connector of the splitter.

Press the power button on the router; it is located on the right side of the back of the case, near the antenna. Make sure all the lights are lit or flashing green as shown in the photo.

If the computer does not see the modem, then most likely it is on it old system or viruses. Reinstall Windows or update your antivirus.

The M-200A modem is configured by default in bridge mode, that is, it connects the computer and the Internet provider. But every time you access the Internet, you need to connect through a special shortcut. This brings some inconvenience, so it is better to configure a modem in the router. Then the computer and other devices will receive the Internet immediately from the M-200A.

Login to the interface

To start setting up the ByFly Promsvyaz router, you first need to go to its interface:

Setting up a router on ByFly

At the top of the page you will see the modem menu, and below it there are settings divided into blocks. To configure ByFly in router mode, in the page that opens, select the Interface Setup tab and then the Internet subtab.

Photo: Internet subtab - entering settings

Set all parameters:

  • in Virtual Circut select PVC0;
  • Status should be Activated;
  • in VPI we write 0;
  • VCI – 33;
  • ATM QoS – UBR;
  • click on the button next to PPPoE/PPPoA, then additional settings will open;
  • in Username, enter your contract number and, without a break. Below is the password specified in the contract;
  • Bridge Interface – Activated;
  • Connection – Always On – never disconnect;
  • Get IP Address – Default;
  • Nat – Enabled;
  • Default Route – Yes;
  • Dynamic Route – RIP2-B or RIP2-M;
  • Multicast – IGMP v2;
  • Direction – Both;
  • click SAVE.

Video: Setting up the ByFly router mode on the M 200A modem

Device in “router” mode

The router is designed to control other devices on the network. It distributes IP addresses, so several devices can access the Internet from one connection. Click on the Lan tab in the Interface Setup section to check the DHCP settings. In general, it is configured automatically in 90% of cases, so it is better to double-check. It is DHCP that assigns IP addresses on the network, and DNS that converts domain names into ones that the browser can understand. Therefore, to configure the M-200A modem in router mode, compare the data on the tab and what is in the figure.

Photo: Lan tab in the Interface Setup section

Main IP Address should be, Sabnet Mask – Enable DHCP (click Enabled).

Check the DNS Server with your ByFly server at your place of residence:

  • Minsk:;
  • alternative DNS server:;
  • Minsk region:;
  • Brest and Brest region:;
  • alternative DNS server:;
  • Vitebsk and Vitebsk region:;
  • alternative DNS server:;
  • Gomel and Gomel region:;
  • alternative DNS server:;
  • Grodno and Grodno region:;
  • alternative DNS server:;
  • Mogilev and Mogilev region:;
  • alternative DNS server:;

Click SAVE. Automatic distribution of IP addresses is enabled. Reboot the modem for the settings to take effect.

The Internet now connects automatically when you turn on your computer. At correct setting On the modem another light comes on next to the Internet sign. The connection is ready. You can check this by going to any browser, or pressing the key combination Win+r and typing in ping line –t, and then press ENTER.

The following messages should appear:

Wireless Wi-Fi network

For Wifi distribution network via a Promsvyaz router you need:

  1. click on the Wireless tab in Interface Setup;
  2. in Acces Paint and PerSSID Switch, select Activated;
  3. in Wireless Mode set to 802.11 b+g+n;
  4. if you want to limit the number of connections to the network, specify the required number in Station Number (from 0 to 16);
  5. you need to put a password on the network so that someone else cannot connect to it without your knowledge;
  6. to do this, select Broadcast Ssid –Yes;
  7. in Ssid write the original name Wifi networks, which you will distribute through the router, and in Pre-Shared Key - strong password at least eight characters. It is better to use the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption type in the Authentication type item;
  8. in Encryption, select TKIP/AES.
  9. By activating the Wireless MAC Address Filter and adding allowed addresses to the list, you can turn off encryption within the network. Wifi will then be available only to those devices whose addresses have been registered.
  10. click SAVE. You can compare your filling with the example in the picture.

Photo: Configuring Wireless parameters in Interface Setup

To check the operation of Wifi, you need to disconnect the network cable from the computer, connect to the created wireless network and enter the password you created earlier by clicking the checkbox - they will connect automatically. The Internet should work. If suddenly the pages do not load, check the network card drivers or router settings.

The local network

The Promsvyaz M-200A modem is also used as a switch if you connect several computers to it via a cable. You can set up file sharing between them by creating a local network. You can also configure ports for uTorrents to download different movies, audio and documents over the network.

In the Advanced Setup tab you need:

Setting up ByFly Internet

If you have completed all the above points, then ByFly Internet via the Promsvyaz modem is configured.

You can access the network simultaneously from several computers and distribute Wifi. If you connect the phone cable directly to network adapter computer or M-200A modem, but not configured, Internet access will also be available. But for this you need to connect ByFly for your Windows.

For the Windows 7 operating system, the Internet is configured as follows:

  • open the Start menu;
  • in it, click on Control Panel;
  • then select Network and Internet;
  • behind it is the Network Control Center and shared access;
  • select setting up a new connection;
  • and in it – Internet connection;
  • check High Speed;
  • Enter the username and password specified in the agreement with Beltelecom. Username – contract number +;
  • check the box - Remember this password;
  • You can write any connection name;
  • and select – Connect.

Go back to the Network and Sharing Center and in the left corner of the window, click Change adapter settings. On the created connection, right-click and in the window that opens, click Create shortcut. An icon will appear on the desktop through which you can connect to the Internet when needed. Now you know all the ways to connect the ByFly Internet and configure the Promsvyaz M-200A modem.

Now technical devices are not a luxury, but necessary tools for work. And often in one house, in addition to a desktop computer, you can see a laptop, tablet, netbook, etc. Undoubtedly, access to the Internet is desirable for all of them. Pulling the cable from the modem is not very convenient, and often it is not possible. Therefore, it is much more profitable to use an ADSL modem with wi-fi (). A modem used in router mode will make it possible to connect several devices to the network at once without additional settings.

Benefits of using wi-fi

Before setting up Wi-Fi, let's look at the benefits we will get by using this modem standard. Wireless Fidelity allows you to organize wireless networks operating in the broadband range. Advantages of modems with Wi-Fi:

  • Lower radiation level than when using 3-G modems;
  • Compatible with almost all modern devices;
  • High user mobility, independence from the location of the modem, etc.

We get the opportunity to create a wireless home network with just one modem. you will be able to have unhindered access to the network anywhere within the radius in which the device operates. You can share files and surf the Internet without the need for wires or cables.

Setting up the modem

In order to set up wi-fi on byfly you will need a modem that will be used as a router, a computer, laptop and a network cable. The latter usually comes with a modem. Let's look at the settings on one of the most popular models, Promsvyaz M-200A. And you will learn how to configure such a popular router model as the Asus RT-G32. Just don’t forget that you need to be a Beltelecom subscriber that offers the Internet service from ByFly.

To begin, connect the cable to desktop computer on one side and the modem port on the other. We do this with the devices turned off. After they are connected, turn on the computer and wait for it to boot. Next, press the modem’s power button and wait for the router to initialize. If you have an old antivirus installed on your computer that is not updated, it may block access to the Internet. Therefore, you need to either disable it completely or install new software.

Now open Google Chrome or another browser you use. Enter in the address bar and press Enter. This action will help us get into the modem’s web interface. If everything is done without errors, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. The default here is admin.

The next step is to open the Interface Setup tab, which will allow you to configure the modem settings. Here we are interested in the Internet item. In it we change the settings in the username and password lines, enter here the data from the agreement with the provider. The Default Route parameter must be set to YES. If you are done, press the SAVE button. Setting up the modem for use as a router is now complete. Next you will need to configure Wi-Fi.

To do this, go to the Wireless tab. Let's activate the PerSSID Switch parameter here. The network name is written in the SSID line. The Encryption and Authentication Type fields are responsible for the security of the connection. The Pre-Shared Key line requires entering a password to connect via Wi-Fi. It must consist of numbers and Latin letters, at least 8 characters in size. Save all entered parameters by pressing SAVE.

Actually, that's all you need to do. Now turn on the laptop and try to connect to the network. The first time you need to enter a password. This will not be required later when installing and saving the appropriate settings.

Hello, friends! In this article I will give you the answer to the question - how to set up wifi on byfly? After all, using a router at home, you can access the Internet from several computers or devices that support wifi technology at once. Undoubtedly, this is very convenient and will save you from constantly getting in the way of Internet cables under your feet. In this article we will look at the ZTE modem and Promsvyaz M200A.

Setting up wifi on byfly begins by connecting the cable to your modem and computer. To do this, take the wire that was included with the modem and connect one end to network card computer, and the other in the LAN port on the modem. Just don’t confuse it with an ADSL port, it won’t fit there anyway.

Go to the modem interface

The basic setup of the byfly router begins with logging into the modem interface. To do this, open any Internet browser (Opera, GC, IE, MF, Safari) and in the address bar located at the very top, enter the following - and press Enter. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. Enter the Username admin and Password admin. And you find yourself in the modem interface.

Setting up the Internet

And finally, setting up wifi on byfly moved on to the main point - setting up an Internet connection. And so let’s get started, click the “Interface Setup” tab and immediately go to the “Internet” submenu. In the Encapsulation item, set the point to “PPPoA/PPPoE” and below select “PPPoE LLC”. Next, you need to enter your Internet connection information. In the “User Name” field, enter your name according to the contract. And in the “Password” field we also enter your Internet password. We put a dot in the “Bridge Interface” item on Activated. We check whether the point on the “Default Route” item is set to Yes. Click the “Save” button.

Setting up a local network

Basically settings local network You can leave it unchanged, or set it as in the picture and enter the DNS of your city (the example shows for the city of Minsk). After changing the settings, do not forget to save by clicking on the “Save” button.

Setting up a wireless network

Setting up wifi on byfly moves on to the final point, namely setting up a wireless network. To do this, go to the Wireless tab. First, we activate wi-fi on the router (it may be disabled by default). In the “Access Point Settings” item, put a dot in the Activated option. In the “Pre-Shared Key” field, enter the password you created to enter the wi-fi network. We come up with and enter a network name in the “SSID” field (English layout is required. Click the “Save” button.

I hope that I was able to answer the question in more detail - how to set up wifi on byfly. I think that in this article I will help you become more experienced and raise your level of knowledge in the field of computer literacy and networking.

How to set up WiFi on a Byfly modem? The Byfly provider offers high-speed Internet access to its users.

The company produces only modems that can be connected to a computer with via USB and a special program.

What to do if you need to convert the modem to a point WiFi access. Let's take a closer look at all the main methods of converting a modem from the Byfly company into a kind of “router”.

Creating an access point via modem

If you do not have the opportunity to create your own home network (using a twisted pair cable) or this is not profitable for you, you can find other ways to create a universal Internet access point for all devices in the room.

Great way get fast access to the Internet - use a regular modem.

However, it should be taken into account that the modem must support high-speed traffic and have a fairly large amount of paid traffic, since it will be used by several devices at once.

Using a modem, you can always access the Internet, regardless of your location.

The main requirement is the presence of operator coverage, and this is available almost everywhere in urban areas.

The principle of operation of the modem is almost identical to the process of functioning of a conventional router.

Also, the modem has much less radiation than a regular router or even a telephone.

Let's take a closer look at the main method of setting up Wi-Fi using the example of modems from Promsvyaz models zt zxv10, hg532e, h108n and huawei hg8245a, m 200a, zxhn h208n.

All these modems work on the same principle, so they are configured in exactly the same way.

Basic setup method on Windows - Instructions

Follow the instructions and photos to set up the Internet using a modem on your computer, phone and laptop:

  • Go to your computer's control panel and find Network and Sharing Center. Turn it on;

  • In the window that opens, find the link to open the adapter management window, as shown in the figure below;

  • Click on the wireless network adapter and enable its detailed properties window;

  • Make sure the connected modem is working properly;
  • In the window that opens, enter the data: username and password (in most cases, this is admin and admin - login data that is entered automatically by the manufacturer - Huawei and other manufacturers set exactly such login data).

If you are unable to log in, contact your provider to obtain your password and username.

While changing all settings, the device will work exclusively via the ftp protocol, that is, exchange data with the server;

  • After entering the data, the page for setting the parameters of the industrial communications device used will open;

  • Go to the Interface Setup menu;
  • Now find the mode called Default Route and check the box next to the Yes option. Including this mode, you allow the adapter to distribute the Internet to several devices at once, that is, create a full-fledged access point to the Internet from it;

  • At the bottom of the page, click on the button to save all changes;
  • After this, the system may require you to restart the computer and modem. After the reboot process, connect the devices again and re-enable the adapter settings window, as described above in the instructions;
  • Go to the Wireless tab in settings;
  • Duplicate all settings as shown in the picture for your adapter. Also in the settings, enter the network name and set your password for access. According to the standard, it is necessary to set a password of at least eight characters and/or numbers.

After completing all the steps in the instructions, restart the adapter and computer again. Then try connecting to your wireless internet network.

If the connection was successful and Internet access appeared, this means that you can access the network not only on your computer, but also on your phone and other devices that can connect to a Wi-Fi access point.

Advice! Please note the following nuance: the modem will work as an access point only while it is connected to a running computer. In other cases, the adapter will be disabled and, accordingly, will not be able to distribute the Internet.

Instant network update

If you encounter any problems with the configured network, you can fix it using the adapter settings.

Go to the Maintenance tab, enter your network passwords and reset the adapter settings.

Then you can repeat the setup again to restore normal Internet access.

You can also reset the settings if you inserted the wrong parameters during the creation of a wireless access point.


How to set up Wi-Fi on ByFly

How to set up Wi-Fi on ByFly? Modem M-200A. Setting up a wireless Internet connection. Wi-Fi setup on the Promsvyaz modem (ByFly Provider).

The Internet opened up a limitless space of information to people, but there was still more to come: wireless networks operating using the Wireless Fidelity standard, better known as WiFi, became a real breakthrough. In order to take advantage of the WiFi benefits of the ByFly telecom operator, you need to purchase a special adapter or modem with WiFi support and perform the following settings (using the Promsvyaz M-200A modem as an example).

Connect the modem to your computer or laptop using a cable. In your browser's address bar, type, then press Enter. Next, a window should appear asking for a login and password - as a rule, you need to enter the word Admin in both fields. If your computer does not respond or prompt for a password, your network connection may need to be configured. This can be done through the Control Panel: for Windows 7 - in the "Change adapter settings" section of the Network and Sharing Center, and for Windows XP - in the "Network Connections" section. Check properties network connection– in the line “TCP/IP protocol parameter” (Internet Protocol for Windows 7), the function of automatically obtaining an IP address must be enabled. The next step is to configure the modem in router mode. It's not difficult, you will need to enter several parameters according to the instructions and the contract for connecting to the Internet. So, in the Interface Setup menu, select the Internet section. Next, carefully enter the required parameters: in the Encapsulation field, activate the PPPoA/PPPoE item for the ISP parameter. Then, in the PPPoA/PPPoE field, fill in the Username and Password fields - this is exactly the information that is contained in your agreement with the telecom operator. Next, set the Bridge Interface to Activated and Default Route to Yes. Check that the data you entered is correct and click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Now all that remains is to configure the WiFi access point. Find the Interface Setup menu again and select the Wireless section. To activate the WiFi option, you need to set the PerSSID Switch parameter to Activated. Think about what name and password you want to set for your network and enter them in the SSID and Pre-Shared Key fields respectively. Please note that the password must consist of Latin characters and contain at least 8 characters. To make using WiFi secure, set the values ​​WPA-PSK in the Authentication Type column and TKIP in the Encryption column. Click Save after all settings have been completed. Now you can use the Internet without connecting a cable within the range of your router.

If you made a mistake during the settings process or the modem settings are unavailable, try returning to the factory settings - to do this, hold the Reset button on the modem body for a few seconds, and then perform all the steps from the first step.

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