New cms. Which CMS is better? Review of paid CMS

Choosing the right engine for a web resource ensures the success of its operation and the effectiveness of achieving the goals set for the site. Today there are hundreds of different engines: popular and not so popular, commercial and so-called open-source.

Usually, as part of articles about engines, we present an overall ranking of the top 10 website management systems. Here we will expand the information a little; below you will see several ratings of different CMS types.

So, the first top represents commercial systems. They were created specifically for the purpose of making a profit from sales of licenses and add-ons. Nevertheless, such engine options lead in quality and popularity. No wonder they say that you have to pay for everything :)

Open-source are so-called free systems, which manifest themselves in free access to copying a program and distributing it. Attention! They are not necessarily free.



This software is in first place in the ranking of boxed engines and in the overall top. What did she do to deserve such recognition? Many developers choose such an engine if they need to create a large portal, online store, information resource or website of any other type. It is advisable to use this system specifically for large projects, since Bitrix requires the same large investments.

It is often chosen for creating online stores due to its integration with a wide 1C base. The advantage in this case is also that you can set up various promotional programs for buyers, as well as divide them into different rates for several legal entities.

In general, web resources made on this engine are distinguished by the quality of their work, the ability to add many modules, excellent protection against third-party attacks, separation of rights of several administrators, and site integration with Yandex. Market and other services.


  • extensive tools that can be expanded even further by installing various extensions (additional modules, plugins);
  • high security, including multi-level authorization of administrators, as well as division of rights for moderators;
  • the ability to choose from an extensive catalog of templates - you can change the appearance of the site, in addition, there is a special option for creating an individual layout; in general, many people like Joomla precisely because many aspects can be customized;
  • Updates are constantly coming out.

Joomla websites have a fairly flexible structure thanks to all the listed advantages. Initially, this engine was created for corporate websites, blogs, business card sites, but in general it works great with e-commerce portals and social platforms.


When it comes to the question of which cms is better, you can definitely pay attention to Drupal. This is a powerful engine, aimed primarily at complex web portals and professional administrators. Working with this program requires some training and previous experience.

Let us list the advantages of this system:

  • synchronization with partner sites;
  • short convenient addresses;
  • the ability to change the “themes” of the site, choose from the proposed options;
  • translation option into different languages ​​is available;
  • the function of creating web portals with similar elements (a single user base, for example);
  • mechanical protection of the load on the web portal (for example, when the load is too high).

Drupal is suitable for advanced sites: online stores, large communities. In other cases, it is unlikely that the time, physical and material costs will be justified.


If you are wondering which cms to choose on a financially affordable basis, we recommend that you pay attention to MODX - professional-grade software that is suitable for providing a variety of sites.

Distributed under license, it belongs to the second group of our open-source rating, but in terms of popularity it occupies an honorable fourth place in the top ten.
It is logical to assume that such demand is associated precisely with the ability of everyone to use this system for e-commerce and other purposes.

A definite plus is that MODX can run on almost all web servers and interacts effectively with different browsers.


UMI.CMS is the final position in the top five engines. Almost all developers note the functionality of this content management system:

  • ability to work in several languages;
  • a large selection of different templates;
  • adaptive design;
  • for online stores, you can track various statistical data such as information on the amount of the average check.

At the same time, UMI.CMS is also cost-effective.


WordPress is the answer to the question of those who are looking for how to choose a cms that is simple, understandable, but at the same time functional. Indeed, technical knowledge in working with this engine is not at all necessary; the developers tried to make the interface as simple as possible. Moreover, such simplicity is an advantage even for professionals.

By creating a web portal based on this engine, the webmaster does not have to worry about how it will be filled without his participation, because the administrator has a large number of instructions and ease of management at his disposal.

Using WordPress, it is easy to create blogs, news resources, and any portals where you need to quickly add content. The best part is that the functionality can be increased by installing various plugins at an affordable price.


NetCat is one of the options for those who are looking for which cms is better to use to create a website for electronic media, a store, create a corporate resource and other complex projects.

NetCat allows you to develop portals in a mobile version and also supports adaptive design. For a high-quality management system, it is necessary to have good functionality for search engine promotion, integration with payment programs, the 1C database and other useful services. NetCat meets these requirements.

Many people consider NetCat to be an intuitive engine. It is useful that the interface can be divided into two: for the user and the developer, and for use there is no need to use complex technological solutions.


What can you say about HostCMS? If it is in our top, it definitely deserves attention. And here are the reasons.

  • There are no special requirements for hosting and servers.
  • Effective SEO optimization of sites based on this engine (you can specify meta tags, create simple page addresses, etc.)
  • Works great with high traffic sites.
  • Ability to exchange data with the 1C system.
  • The cost of the small business version is about 6,000 rubles, but the user receives a fairly functional engine with the ability to expand the toolbar.


Many people choose CS-Cart to work with online stores, since website developers based on this system are provided with an extensive toolkit:

  • convenient organization of Internet marketing;
  • good form of working with orders;
  • the ability to easily add content;
  • good SEO optimization of resources based on this engine;
  • creation of adaptive website design;
  • integration with various services such as 1C or Yandex. Market.


In total, the set of this content management system consists of about 60 modules, which are enough to launch a high-quality web resource on almost any subject.

So, we’ve finished our review of dozens of leading content management programs; now it’s time to turn to the capabilities of the online generator engine.

System from LPgenerator

Of course, when we talk about how to choose cms for a website, we cannot forget about the advantages and capabilities of online one-page generators. This is an excellent solution for both beginners and professionals.

Based on LPgenerator, you can create landing pages of various types. This could be a business card website, for example.

Or a mini online store.

Or a portal through which a simple presentation of a service/product takes place.

Users have at their disposal a convenient editor, as well as hundreds of templates in , which can be redesigned for a niche business, then easily assign their own domain, synchronize it with the necessary services and optimize it.

Choose what you think is the best option for you, but don't neglect the really good deals.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a thing as a website engine or, scientifically speaking, a CMS (content management system).

Essentially, these are programs for a web server that greatly simplify the creation and maintenance of a website. Well, the website itself will allow you (if you create it yourself and don’t spend money on its promotion).

If you want to add your resource to this rating, then do not use the corresponding button on the right above the table.

By the way, if you think that it will be a little difficult for you, you can look web studio rating, located on the same resource. There you can see the projects created by this studio by clicking on the link in the “Works” column.

This is roughly what the statistics look like on the engines used by RuNet users (here not only Joomla, but all popular CMSs in general) in the context of which version of the CMS is used - new or outdated:

On Joomla, in addition to regular websites, quite a lot are created, thanks to the existing store extension called .

Probably the easiest free engine to learn is WordPress. Of course, it is mainly used for a rather narrow niche (creating and introducing blogs), but if desired, it can be used to implement websites, forums, and galleries. But first of all, WordPress is a very functional blogging CMS.

the site runs under the control of WordPress (but this is a secret, because the engine used and its version must be hidden, judging by the Yandex advice voiced above). I wrote and continue to write about the subtleties and nuances of working with this engine in the section, and about extensions for it in the section.

Judging by the CMS speed graph above, WordPress is racing, but I personally didn’t feel it. In general, WordPress can be made to run fast without creating an outrageous . True, this will take a little time, but your blog can become very fast and very easy. I wrote about the increase in the column of the same name.

Now my blog is hosted on and with a load of 20-25 thousand visitors per day, I am still pleased with the speed of WordPress, especially after finalizing the template and optimizing everything that can be optimized. Although, when using a large number of plugins, without and without additional optimization, WordPress becomes a rather heavy monster.

It is clear that there are still a lot of free CMSs that are used for various purposes. This is the same Drupal or DLE (DataLife Engine), and for many cases their use will be justified, because an ideal CMS does not exist, but WordPress and Joomla mentioned just above are the most popular. The reason may be their fairly simple design and clarity for novice users.

Which paid engines are the most interesting?

Another example that can be given as a not very expensive and fairly fast paid CMS is S.Builder. To understand how to create websites on this engine, most likely, it will not take you very much time, because... it has a fairly low barrier to entry (as they say, it is intuitive). This system is written for the end user - absolutely unprepared and with no experience in webmastering (it can work in Word and that’s fine).

S.Builder is quite flexible and you can do almost everything with it, but, say, unlike Drupal (which can also do almost everything), with S.Builder you can do all this without getting into the code at all (there is a powerful module designer according to your needs).

Well, as I already mentioned, this CMS is one of the fastest engines and holds the load quite well, although it is also written in PHP. This is most likely due to the good cleanliness of the code (it was written from scratch) and good caching performance.

You can try S.Builder for free both online and offline. In the first case, you will need to go to the “Demo version on-line” page and they will create a temporary site on this CMS, where all the modules will be available for “trying out the pen”. If online testing does not suit you, then you can download from the “Download CMS” page a fully functional and absolutely free offline version of this engine (as if you were) - “Trial version of CMS for installation on a local computer.”

Finally, I want to give you the opinion of a professional optimizer from the very well-known SEO company Ashmanov and Partners, who gave a fairly detailed answer to the question - Which CMS is better?:

P.S. Sometimes you want to know what engine does this or that site run on?. It turns out that this can be done quite simply and elegantly. In the article I just mentioned such a plugin - Wappalyzer. A very interesting thing.

  • Drupal
  • Joomla,
  • TYPO3
    • Translation

    In recent years, the Internet has so rapidly amazed the public that it has not only become a significant part of human life, but also a key factor in business development. The Internet plays a significant role and provides great assistance to companies in doing business and developing it, provides bread for programmers, and is also an excellent means of communication for all people. But what would the Internet be without the so-called virtual information space? This space consists of millions of websites.

    It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner who knows nothing about website building, or an experienced professional, you can become part of the virtual space by creating a website. There is only one big question - how? Naturally, you can hire a team of professional designers, programmers and SEO managers who will bring your idea to life, or you can use CMS (content management system).

    Of all the huge mass of websites populating the Internet, about 31% use a CMS. Below is a graph showing the historical dynamics of the share of websites on a CMS, starting from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012. The graph shows a clear positive trend towards an increase in the share of sites with a CMS, and all because these tools make your life easier. There are many CMSs available, and you can choose the one that best suits you, depending on the goals and specifics of your website.

    Figure 1 Dynamics of CMS use on websites for the period from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012.

    There are many reasons to create your own website. It can represent your business (corporate website), serve as an online store, be a social network, information portal, gallery, blog, forum, and so on. At the same time, as we have already said, there are many different CMSs, each of which can be useful to one degree or another for each type of site. It is worth mentioning that today the so-called open source CMS, that is, free, have become widespread. As a rule, these systems have quite powerful communities that ensure the constant development of the CMS and filling them with various “features”.

    In this article we intend to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the five most popular CMS. It is possible that this information will help you make the right decision when you want to create your own website. So...

    Figure 2 Percentage of use of various CMS

    The diagram shows the market shares of various CMS at the present stage. As we can see, more than half of CMS sites use WordPress. And now you will understand why.

    WordPress: Rules the Internet!

    It's hard to say something new about WordPress. This CMS initially established itself as an innovative blogging platform with high usability. But the development of the system’s functionality has ensured its high popularity among other website formats. Today, the web design industry is in high demand for WordPress development services. WordPress is used everywhere, from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


    • This is the most popular CMS: more than half of users prefer WordPress. Perhaps these statistics are already strong evidence in favor of the advantages of this system;
    • The widest range of plugins, themes, widgets for galleries, forums, multilingual, various catalogs, stores, and so on;
    • WYSIWYG editor will make life easier for those who have problems with HTML markup and other languages;
    • Technical experience is not required. The admin panel is much simpler than in other CMS: PHP and CSS files can be edited directly in the admin panel. For example, you can easily paste text from any text editor, unlike Drupal or Joomla;
    • WordPress is also a pretty powerful tool for developers and designers who create websites for clients.
    • The system provides a huge field of choice, so the main problem is how to use all its capabilities correctly? This CMS will work much better if you customize the settings correctly;
    • If you are a beginner, you may encounter some problems during installation, despite the popular belief that the installation process is easy.
    The best decision:

    This CMS may be the best option if you need an easy to administer website. The use of this system provides wide, but at the same time simple functionality. WordPress is ideal for news sites or blogs, but, as we have already written, it is also used for other types of sites.

    Joomla: cute but small, like your brother's girlfriend

    Joomla the next most popular CMS, used by 9% of users. It's somewhere between the richness of developer-focused Drupal and the simplicity of WordPress, but with more development capabilities. Despite this, Joomla has a user-friendly interface.


    • Despite its simplicity compared to Drupal, Joomla is a complete development tool;
    • Support for access control protocols (OpenID, LDAP,;
    • Availability of a convenient admin panel with a wide range of functions: templates, styles, menu management, and so on;
    • Simple installation process for inexperienced users;
    • And it's also impossible to miss the fact that this CMS is quite beautiful.
    • The system is rather superficial and weak, despite all its versatility;
    • More paid plugins and themes compared to WordPress. Be prepared to pay;
    • For inexperienced users, Joomla may seem to have a lot of unnecessary features, but for experienced users it is too simple.
    The best choice:

    Joomla– this is the best solution if you are looking for a CMS with advanced functions and features. It provides a richer and more flexible website structure than WordPress.

    You can use Joomla to create a corporate website, community or website with e-commerce functions.

    Drupal: Strength and power!

    About 7% of users prefer Drupal. Developers love its comprehensive power and developer-friendly interface that allows it to create complex websites. And like other “cool” tools, Drupal requires some technical skills that you could do without using Joomla or WordPress.


    • The presence of so-called hooks, which allow you to avoid almost any problems in the system;
    • The CCK and VIEWS modules allow you to construct arbitrary data types and their display;
    • With each new release, Drupal becomes easier to use;
    • This system is known for its Taxonomy module, which allows you to organize content by levels, features and categories;
    • Drupal has an active and large community;
    • A huge number of modules that will allow you to add many features to the site, such as user blogs, OpenID, forums, profiles, and so on, increasing functionality.
    • Due to its complexity, Drupal is definitely not suitable for the inexperienced user. In order to customize modules in Drupal, additional programming skills are required. But you can hire a specialist for these purposes.
    • Drupal requires advanced technical hardware, otherwise some performance issues may arise. Therefore, you need to be sure that your servers can handle the load imposed by such a complex system.
    The best decision:
    • This is a good, but technically complex tool for constructing highly functional, versatile and advanced sites.
    • Typically, Drupal is used for sites that require complex data organization: forums, online stores, web blogs, corporate websites and community sites.

    vBulletin: Bull power for your forum!

    This CMS is preferred by about 4% of users. But speaking of popularity, it is worth noting that this system has been losing its market position in recent years. vBulletin provides the user with tools for creating and administering forums and blogs.


    • vBulletin is an advanced and innovative solution for creating forums;
    • Wide range of blog plugins;
    • - Lots of skins and clean code;
    • Simple and nice admin panel;
    • High level of security, due to which a large number of forums have been created on this platform;
    • Lots of SEO components.
    • This CMS is not free;
    • The system has a lot of options, which can be a problem for an inexperienced user;
    • If you need to import data from other electronic bulletin boards, you will need to install a separate modification patch.
    The best choice:

    vBulletin is an advanced tool for creating forums and publishing content. This is definitely a good decision if you decide to make a forum on your blog. vBulletin makes it easy to monitor your website.

    TYPO3: last but not a loser

    TYPO3 used by 2% of websites using a CMS. Demand for this system has increased significantly since the release of version 4. This is a professional and powerful tool, rich in various features and options.


    • The system provides a wide range of features that can be customized or expanded;
    • Easy to install;
    • Effective management of content and graphic elements;
    • Improved login for users and administrators;
    • You can easily add content, pages, documentation, images, even if you are an inexperienced user who knows nothing about HTML and web markup.
    • Requires good hosting because the system is large;
    • TYPO3 is quite difficult to learn;
    • There are many holes in the code that developers propose to fix with hashing, but in fact this does not solve the problem.
    • typo3
    • vbulletin
    Add tags

    - 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

    To sell goods, to promote a music group, to post articles about growing plants and much more, you may need to create a website. It is desirable that it be done simply, but it turns out beautifully. There is one way to make your life easier.

    Website engines take on the main responsibility for creating and managing both a small school website and a large-scale Internet portal. With the help of engines, pages are added and deleted and information posted in them is edited.

    Engines for creating websites can be written by yourself or made by a team of professional developers. Which one to choose depends on your own skills. You can even still write websites in pure HTML and CSS, but is it necessary to do so? There are ways that speed up website development by an order of magnitude.

    To make it easier for you to decide which engine to build your website on, we will try to give some tips and tell you about the need to use engines and their advantages to create your website.

    Why do we need and what are the advantages of website engines?

    Many sites use engines for their work, because it simplifies the work of creating, filling and maintaining site pages. There is also another common name for engines - CMS (Content Management System, content management system). The engine and the CMS are one and the same.

    Let's take a short excursion into history. In the past, websites consisted entirely of static pages. They were created manually and uploaded to the server. To make changes to a page, you had to transfer it to your computer, open it using a certain HTML editor, make the necessary corrections and upload it to the server again. Now imagine how much time it all took if there were a lot of pages on which changes needed to be made.

    Later, dynamic pages began to appear. Such documents are not stored on the server in finished form. They are generated on the fly with each request for a particular page. This happens with the help of special scripts that, extracting all the necessary text information from the database, display the site page on our monitor. The required level of knowledge for designing sites consisting of dynamic web pages is higher, because programming languages ​​(the most popular PHP) and databases are used.

    To facilitate the work of creating dynamic sites, engines have appeared. They are a kind of constructors and allow people who have no idea or knowledge of programming to create websites. At the same time, the engines themselves are very high-tech systems that are created by entire teams of developers.

    The main advantages of using a CMS:

    1. Designing websites using a CMS does not require any special programming skills. The barrier to entry into web construction has decreased.

    2. In simple cases, even knowledge of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is not required.

    3. Editing a website is reminiscent of a children's construction set. All elements are presented in the form of blocks of widgets, modules, and plugins. They can be changed and arranged as you wish.

    4. CMS solves the issue of website automation. It is possible, for example, to make changes according to a schedule, etc.

    5. Page design can be easily changed. Information about the appearance of pages is placed in a separate file. For example, you can change an element on all pages by rewriting just one line.

    Parameters to consider when choosing an engine

    What you need to pay attention to before choosing an engine for a site and what criteria it must meet.

    The sites have different focus and functionality. However, every self-respecting CMS must meet the following requirements:

    1. Simplicity of basic actions. It is important that adding articles and images to the site is easy.

    2. Design editing This should also not cause any difficulties for a person who is at least a little familiar with CSS.

    3. Modernization and modification. When choosing a CMS, you need to pay attention to the possibility of changing the site, such as adding new categories, moving elements. Many engines have a whole bunch of additional modules and plugins that expand the basic functionality. See which ones might be useful in the future.

    4. SEO adequacy. The engine must meet the requirements of search engines. The list of requirements is extensive. For example, linking pages and eliminating duplicates, supporting CNC links.

    5. Security. Find out from the reviews how well the engine is protected from hacking and how often updates are released. Find out how many people use it for their websites, whether there are thematic communities, and various training materials. The more information there is about a given engine and the more it is used, the better it develops.

    6. Cost. There are both paid and free options. Moreover, paid does not at all mean the best; some of them also have a lot of problems with both security and SEO optimization. If you have specific requirements, then sometimes you will of course have to pay extra.

    Let's move directly to the pros and cons of specific CMSs. After reading the next part of the material, you will find out which website engine is better.

    Universal engines (including the most popular website engines)

    1. Joomla!

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    Joomla is perhaps the most famous of the universal ones. The popularity, the active community, and the huge number of extensions, both free and paid, which are becoming more and more captivating, are captivating. It has good expandability and quick functionality growth. There are a large number of ready-made templates.

    The downside is that there are some problems with SEO regarding duplicate pages, but they can be easily solved with proper configuration and making certain changes to the system files.

    2. Drupal.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    On this platform you can create a website or web application of any complexity. The user's admin panel allows you to manage the created website without any programming or layout skills. There are no problems with additional extensions, and there are no big security problems. It is a free engine and has a large community. The CMS is quite adequate in terms of SEO.

    A serious drawback is that it is resource-demanding and can cause increased load on shared hosting, even with a small number of visitors.

    CMS for blogs

    1. WordPress.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    WordPress leads the pack of dedicated blogging engines by a huge margin. It has a simple control panel with functions that even a beginner can understand. As with all popular CMSs, the community has developed just a bunch of plugins and themes for Wordpress. There is a huge community and a lot of educational materials. Very friendly and practical in terms of SEO.

    Thanks to the presence of a large number of plugins, this engine is as close as possible to universal engines such as Drupal and Joomla and you can create not only a simple blog but also other types of sites on it.

    Traditionally there is a minus. When installing a large number of plugins, page loading times sometimes become unacceptably long. Therefore, in some cases, to implement certain complex functionality, it is better to look towards other CMSs.

    Engines for online stores

    1. OpenCart.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    OpenCart is perhaps the most successful and best engine for an online store website. It is possible to connect all conceivable payment systems and a bunch of corresponding settings.

    2.Boot CMS.

    Official site:

    Boot CMS. The engine is available in both paid and free versions. A product, by the way, of Russian programmer thought.

    3. Prestashop.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    Prestashop. This specimen was born in France. Has all the tools to create a good online store. In some cases, it is demanding on resources.

    4. osCommerce.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    osCommerce. Proven fighter. The oldest system for creating virtual trading platforms. It can’t spoil you with new goodies, but it still provides basic functionality and works reliably, to the envy of its competitors.

    5. VirtualMart plugin for WordPress. In itself, it is not a full-fledged engine, but an addition to Wordpress, with which you can create a full-fledged online store using this CMS. The most advanced among all similar plugins, but somewhat difficult to learn and configure.

    6. VirtueMart is an extension for Joomla. This is a very powerful and most popular extension for creating an online store on the Joomla CMS. To configure it correctly, you will need certain knowledge, which is easy to obtain on thematic sites and forums, but still, if you have not used it before, you will have to tinker a fair amount

    Forum engines

    1. phpBB.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    The most famous content management system, written in PHP, designed to create a forum. Supports all popular databases. Easy to install and use. There are a large number of additional extensions. It is open source.

    2. SMF.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    The platform is in no way inferior to the previous one. Some consider its large size to be a disadvantage, but this is compensated by fast page loading and the minimum possible load on the server and databases. Interestingly, SMF can be integrated into other CMSs using special “bridges”. This is very convenient when you need to connect a forum to the site and create a unified registration / authorization system.

    3. PunBB.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    PunBB. This engine is the lightest in terms of the volume of system files. But it provides a semi-finished product that needs to be modified using special mods and plugins in order to get exactly the forum functionality that you need.

    4. Vanilla.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    Vanilla is a kind of new trend in the field of forums. It works on the “assemble it yourself” principle. The initial package provides a minimum set of functions, everything else can be downloaded additionally.

    In addition, there are also such popular add-ons for CMS with which you can create a full-fledged forum:

    BB-press. Another add-on for the Wordpress blog engine. Installation is easy and simple, the forum, of course, will also be without bells and whistles.

    Agora Forum. Forum extension for the Joomla system. The most popular extension among all of this kind.
    Commercial CMS

    We looked at free website engines that can be used to create various projects. Let's talk a little about paid CMS.

    Popular paid engines

    1. DataLifeEngine.

    Official site:

    An engine that is mainly used to create information and news sites. The functionality can be expanded, SEO characteristics are at a high level. There is also a free version of the product, but with restrictions on the amount of material added. Unfortunately, it is often hacked.

    2. 1C-Bitrix.

    Official site:

    Used to build large portals. Typically creates a large load on the server. There are difficulties in setting up and editing the system to suit your needs. It can be linked to 1C databases, which attracts many clients. Some security issues have been noted. In terms of SEO, there are problems with duplicate pages.

    3. IP Board.

    Official site:

    Russian speaking community:

    Paid engine for forums. Complete order with burglary protection. By the way, although you have to pay for the engine itself, most of the important extensions are freely available. The employees of the company developing this CMS provide good technical support.

    We hope that this brief overview and list of the most popular CMS will help you decide which engine to choose for a website, blog or forum, depending on the required functionality.

    Which engine should you choose for an online store? This is the question most aspiring entrepreneurs ask. There are so many platforms that it can sometimes be quite difficult to navigate. This review will look at the best CMS. The user will be able to choose the most suitable engine for his web resource.

    The best CMS systems

    Most companies offer websites on platforms that are more familiar and easier for them to work with. Often these engines do not meet customer requirements. In order not to encounter platform limitations, you need to know the best CMS for creating a website. Choosing the right engine ensures the success of the web resource. There are 2 categories of platforms: commercial and free products.

    The first type of engines was created with the aim of making a profit from the sales of licenses and add-ons. These systems lead in quality of work and popularity. Almost all useful modules are paid. Beginning entrepreneurs cannot always afford to purchase the best CMS on a commercial basis. Free engines were created for them.

    System "1C-Bitrix"

    This platform is the best CMS for an online store. Why did she get so popular? The engine works with an extensive 1C database. If desired, the user can set up bonus programs for buyers and specify different rates for legal entities. The platform is used to create large portals, information resources, as well as other services.

    Websites made on this CMS stand out among other websites due to the quality of their work, a large number of additional modules, reliable protection against hacker attacks, and the ability to share rights between several administrators. The system requires considerable investment. Therefore, it is recommended to use the 1C-Bitrix platform exclusively for creating large projects.


    This system is the best CMS for an online store among free products. More than 150 thousand websites on the Internet have been created using this engine. The platform is provided in three editions. The community edition is free. The admin panel is very convenient.

    If desired, you can differentiate user rights. Interface in Russian. Answers to your questions can be found in the developer community. The user has access to options for generating detailed reports and adding discount coupons. The client can work with the 1C database.

    Products are imported into Yandex.Market. There are various product filters. If desired, you can send advertising messages to customers and connect social networks. The developers offer clients to create an affiliate program for their online store. An administrator can manage multiple projects from one account.

    Disadvantages of Magento

    The disadvantages include the lack of integration with Russian payment systems and delivery services. This problem can be solved by installing paid modules and editing existing ones. When launching an online store, you will need to use the services of an experienced programmer.

    The engine consumes a large amount of server resources. The platform should only be used to create large online stores. Modules useful for e-commerce are paid. Some of them are greatly overpriced.


    The platform ranks third in the ranking. The product is distinguished by its quality. If a user is looking for the best CMS engine, then he should pay attention to Joomla. The client can expand the extensive toolkit with the help of additional modules and plugins. High security of working with the service is ensured.

    The user has access to options for connecting multi-level authorization for administrators and dividing the rights of moderators. Changing the appearance of the site is carried out by using a ready-made template from an extensive catalog. If desired, you can create a custom layout. Many clients believe that this is the best CMS for a store because it allows you to customize many elements. Websites based on this engine have a flexible structure.

    Additional components for Joomla

    Developers are constantly releasing updates. Initially, the platform was created for corporate web resources, blogs, and business card pages. Now the engine works with online stores and social platforms. To add products to the site, you need to download an additional component. The most common scripts are VirtueMart and JoomShopping.

    If necessary, additional modules are installed. Using VirtueMart, the user can integrate the site with the 1C database, connect popular payment systems, and configure the import/export of products. The additional component is suitable for launching small and medium-sized online stores. VirtueMart is not used when creating large portals, since it does not have the necessary functions and a proper security system.


    This platform is aimed at complex websites and professional programmers. Working with the software requires experience and appropriate training. The system synchronizes with partner sites. The user can choose short addresses, use template themes, and create web resources with similar elements (a single user base). Multi-language translation function available.

    The engine is suitable for large online stores and communities. In other cases, the costs will not be justified. To use the platform, you must install Ubercart. This additional component is practically no different from the VirtueMart script. The best free CMS Magento and Joomla took first place in the ranking only because they are slightly more common and less difficult to learn and customize than Drupal.


    This platform can run on almost all servers and interact with different browsers. The software is distributed under a license. The engine is used to create websites of various types. The platform is also an application development environment. It is not demanding on server resources.

    Installing and configuring the engine is not difficult. Disadvantages include low prevalence in the CIS countries and the lack of necessary functions to launch a full-fledged online store in these territories. Many users indicate that when working with the engine, problems arise with the security of web resources.


    Commercial or absolutely free CMS - which is better? The OpenCart platform is an example of how free software can exceed customers' wildest expectations. This engine is the most suitable solution for small projects. The platform is easy to install and configure. The engine is not demanding on server resources.

    Using a huge number of modules, you can add almost any required functionality to your online store. Developers from the Russian-speaking community will help resolve any issues that may arise. If desired, you can use the built-in module installer. Initially, the platform was not focused on the CIS market. Now you can find assemblies with additional functionality.

    The developers have updated payment and delivery methods and added various filters. The most popular assemblies include ocStore and MaxyStore. The client can always create his own version from the necessary add-ons. The user has access to the function of specifying keywords and meta tags for each product separately. Disadvantages include system freezes when there is a large number of products, as well as the high cost of many modules.


    The developers created this platform in 2007. The engine is suitable for small and medium-sized online stores. Just like OpenCart, the PrestaShop platform has impressive functionality. To work with Russian payment systems, you will have to add additional modules. The engine is absolutely not demanding on server resources.

    In 2011, PrestaShop was voted the best free e-commerce platform. Unlike OpenCart, the engine does not have official developer support. Therefore, there are not as many additional modules as users would like. The basic version of the platform uses more resources than OpenCart. The cost of additional modules is much lower than in Magento.


    The platform features a responsive design and cost-effectiveness. The client can choose the language to work with, set template themes, and track statistical information such as data based on the average bill.


    Continuing the topic of “the best CMS”, we should mention this engine. The platform is simple, understandable, but at the same time functional. No technical knowledge is required to operate the engine. Even professionals will be satisfied with the simple interface. Answers to your questions can be found in the instructions.

    The platform was created for blogs, news resources and other portals where you need to quickly add information. Plugins to expand functionality can be purchased at an affordable price. The developers offer more than 10 additional components for creating an online store using the WordPress engine. The most popular is the WooCommerce plugin. It is very difficult to launch a full-fledged online store based on it.

    You can add no more than 100 product cards that do not require updating. The platform is easy to learn. The system is suitable for beginners who have a blog on a WordPress website. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of integration with 1C, Russian payment systems and delivery services. After installing the plugin, a conflict with the template may occur.


    The platform provides the opportunity in a mobile version. Responsive design supported. The best CMS should have good functionality for search engine promotion and website integration with useful services. This engine meets all the requirements. The interface is intuitive.

    The platform works with the 1C database and electronic payment systems. When working with the platform, there is no need to use complex technological solutions. The interface can be divided into two: for users and developers.


    The engine is not demanding on hosting and servers. This platform is the best CMS for SEO. The user has options for creating short page addresses, specifying meta tags, etc. The engine works great with web resources with high traffic. The platform works with the 1C system.

    The license cost is 6 thousand rubles. The client receives a fairly functional platform with the ability to expand functionality by installing additional modules.


    When choosing the best CMS, many users note the advantages of this engine. Software creators offer clients a wide range of tools. The platform is distinguished by its convenient organization of Internet marketing, good form of working with orders, SEO optimization of resources, integration with 1C and the Yandex.Market service. The user has access to options for creating adaptive design and simply adding material.


    This platform is called universal. The engine is suitable for creating professional resources of varying levels of complexity. The developers offer more than 60 additional modules that expand functionality. The user can launch a high-quality website of almost any type.


    An online web page generator is a great solution for beginners and experts. Using the engine, you can create a business card website or a small store. Some users simply add materials to present a product/service. Clients can take advantage of a convenient editor, as well as hundreds of templates in LPStore.

    The user has options for connecting a new domain and synchronizing the site with useful services. If desired, the layouts can be redone. The developers also provide tools for SEO optimization.

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