Updating the BIOS on a laptop. How to update bios on asus laptop? Where can I get the new BIOS version?

In this instruction, I will assume that you know why you need an update, and I will describe how to update the BIOS in steps that should be followed regardless of which one. motherboard installed on your computer.

In the event that you do not pursue any specific goal by updating the BIOS, and the system does not exhibit any problems that could be related to its operation, I would recommend leaving everything as is. When updating, there is always a risk that a failure will occur, the consequences of which are much more difficult to correct than reinstalling Windows.

Depending on the manufacturer and model of motherboard on your computer, the methods for updating the BIOS may differ. Here are the most common options:

For many motherboards you can use either of these methods, such as mine.

How exactly to update the BIOS

Depending on what kind of motherboard you have, updating the BIOS may be performed differently. In all cases, I strongly recommend reading the manufacturer's instructions, although they are often only provided on English language: If you are lazy and miss any nuances, there is a chance that glitches will occur during the update that will not be easy to fix. For example, the manufacturer Gigabyte recommends disabling Hyper Threading during the procedure for some of its boards - without reading the instructions, you will not know about this.

Instructions and programs for updating BIOS from manufacturers:

One point that is present in almost any manufacturer's instructions: after updating, it is recommended to reset the BIOS to default settings (Load BIOS Defaults), then reconfigure everything as needed (if required).

The most important thing I want to draw your attention to is: be sure to watch official instructions, I deliberately do not describe the entire process for different boards, because if I miss even one moment, or you will end up with a special motherboard and everything will go wrong.

There are several reasons that provoke the need to update the BIOS. Owners of Acer laptops can install a new firmware version if necessary. Despite the absence of difficulties, during the update you need to be extremely careful and attentive so that rash actions do not lead to additional difficulties.

Most often, users decide to update for the following reasons:

  • Replacing a processor that requires a more recent shell to operate;
  • Connection external hard a disk with a memory capacity exceeding the capabilities of the existing BIOS build;
  • In the process of upgrading a PC, for adaptive operation of elements that require more advanced system capabilities;
  • To overclock a video card or processor; if the current version of the shell is damaged.

This article describes possible ways performing a BIOS update on an Acer laptop, which you do at your own peril and risk!

It is worth noting that such a process should begin by determining the current version and searching for the availability of a more recent build. In addition, it will be described below detailed instructions on updating the shell, indicating recommendations regarding the correct installation of the BIOS.

Step 1: Determine the installed BIOS build

There are several ways to view such information, among which you can choose the most convenient for yourself:

First of all, it should be noted that downloading any installation files must be done only from the official source of a specific manufacturer of a particular component. In this case, you will need to go to the resource from Acer and perform the following steps there:

Note! It is worth noting that the most correct option is to install updates step by step. This means that, for example, if you have build 1.32, and on the developer’s website there are 1.35, 1.36, 1.37 and the latest 1.38, then it is better to first download the next version after yours, perform all the above procedures, and check if the problem is solved. If not, then you can download the next firmware.

Installing BIOS over

This procedure is necessary if the existing system files were damaged and need to be reinstalled. For these purposes, you will need to complete all the procedures indicated above in steps 1 and 2, but at the stage of downloading the update file, you need to download the same version as you already have installed. Everything else is done in the same way.

In some cases, Acer users want to roll back the firmware to a previous version. This will not be possible, since the system will simply generate an error during such manipulations and require downloading a more recent build.

Restoring a laptop if the firmware is installed incorrectly

If for some reason a system failure occurred during the installation process or any other situation leading to a complete failure of the system, follow one of the instructions below:

  1. This option is suitable for Acer gadgets that have a non-UEFI BIOS (you can find out about this in the technical documentation of the device or on the official website). So, download the required firmware version, unpack the archive and copy the DOS folder to a flash drive pre-formatted for FAT32. Insert it into a non-working laptop, hold down the keys Fn+Esc and while holding them, turn on the power. These keys must be pressed for about 30 seconds until the system reboots itself, during which the system will be restored.
  2. If you still own the latest models of Acer laptops, then the only way out of the situation is to contact service center to restore the device's functionality. The fact is that the procedure forces you to disassemble the computer, unsolder the processor from the motherboard, insert it into a special programmer, with which you can erase installed firmware and a new one is poured.

Note! To avoid turning your device into a “brick”, strictly adhere to the instructions specified in this article and be 100% sure that the update is advisable.


In any case, if the flashing process is successful, your laptop will definitely not work worse. But getting rid of the problem that caused the decision to update the BIOS may not happen. The point is that there is great amount other reasons related to viruses, damaged or poor-quality drivers, malware or poor assembly operating system, which affect the poor performance of the Acer laptop.

Most users don't even realize that any laptop needs to periodically update the BIOS. What happens if you don't do this? Then “glitches”, “brakes” and all sorts of problems will accumulate in the operating system and seriously complicate the operation of the device. If you update the BIOS correctly and regularly, this will correct many errors and enable additional support for memory and processor.

Let's figure out what a BIOS is. This simple term is usually understood as an input-output system or a set of microprograms that allow you to configure components in a special way system unit, as well as loading the OS. To put it simply, the BIOS is responsible for checking the functionality of all computer systems (video adapter, processor, motherboard, etc.) and ensuring their optimal operation.

Depending on the manufacturer, BIOS is divided into 3 types:

  • Phoenix
  • Award,

The BIOS chip itself looks like a small chip. Many even confuse it with the battery, which is responsible for the safety of data when the laptop is turned off.

BIOS chip

How to understand that a laptop requires new BIOS firmware?

Naturally, many readers will immediately have a question: How to determine that a device needs a BIOS update? It is not difficult. As a rule, the need to install new firmware is indicated by the following:

  • Errors appear when installing new programs;
  • The device does not recognize flash drives;
  • The sound has disappeared, and reinstalling a new OS and drivers does not help;
  • The laptop freezes when turning on some applications;
  • The system periodically begins to reboot on its own;
  • Motherboard "does not see" HDD or a video card (this happens especially often if models with larger capacity and memory are installed);
  • The laptop freezes periodically and many other things. etc.

List possible malfunctions It doesn't end there. Due to an outdated BIOS version, a lot of other problems may appear.

How to update bios?

Procedure BIOS updates not particularly difficult. However, it requires accuracy and attentiveness. After all, if you do something wrong, you will have to take the laptop to a service center. Therefore, carefully follow the instructions:

  1. Connect the laptop to the mains. Wait until the battery charges. Do not unplug the device from the outlet! If you are using a laptop without a battery (or it is faulty), then connect it to an uninterruptible power supply.
  2. Next you need to determine the BIOS version. To do this in command line enter “msinfo32”. In the window that opens we find information about the BIOS version. There is another way. Just go to the BIOS, to the very first tab “Information”.
  3. Now you need to find and download the new firmware file. Therefore, we go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer. For example, if you have a device from Packard Bell, then you need to follow the following link http://www.packardbell.com. To update the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop, you need to go to https://support.lenovo.com, on an msi brand device - to https://ru.msi.com/, etc.
  4. In any case, once on the laptop manufacturer’s Internet resource, we immediately go to the “Support” section.
  5. Here you will need to indicate the laptop model and OS version. Or first select the “Drivers and Utilities” subsection. It all depends on the specific manufacturer and its website. After which the online resource will offer you several latest versions of BIOS firmware. By the way, the menu items we need are most often called “BIOS” or “BIOS utilities”. If you can’t find your way around the laptop manufacturer’s website, you can help find the software you need through a search.
  6. Select the latest option and start the download. It's better to update gradually. Let's say your BIOS version is 1.31. Then it is not recommended to immediately install version 1.37. To begin with, it is better to take an intermediate option. For example, download and install BIOS update 1.35.
  7. We wait until the installation file downloads. As a rule, it is archived. Therefore, after downloading, we find it and open it. We see windows folder. We go into it and run the file with the exe extension. It also happens that the installer for the new firmware is not archived. Then just download the EXE file and double-click on it.
  8. We are waiting for the BIOS update process to complete. In this case, the laptop will definitely reboot. On average, the entire procedure lasts from 15 seconds to a couple of minutes.
  9. To check if the installation was successful new firmware, go to the BIOS in the “Information” tab. An alternative option is to enter “MSINFO32” in the command line (opened via “start” or the WIN+R combination) and press Enter.

That's all, now you know how to flash the BIOS on a laptop.

For reference! You can open the BIOS menu on a laptop using different keys. As a rule, it all depends on the manufacturer. For example, on laptops Samsung, Acer, Sony Vaio, Dell, DNS, etc., you must press and hold Del or F2 when loading. Likewise on Lenovo, Toshiba and Asus laptops. However, there are also “exotic” options. For example, you can often enter the BIOS on an HP laptop only by pressing the Esc key when loading the OS.

How else can you update the BIOS on a laptop?

There are alternative options that will help you install BIOS updates. For example, you can use special utilities. All you need is Internet access.

Let's say you need to update the BIOS to asus laptop. Then download the ASUS BIOS UPDATE program installer from the official ASUS website. We install the utility. Let's open it. Next, click on the “Auto Tuning” button. Then we choose how exactly we want to update the BIOS:

  • From the Internet;
  • From file.

Click next. Most likely, the program will even prompt you to change the logo before updating. If you are interested, you can “play” with the settings. If not, then click “next”. By the way, an additional window may open, then you should click on the “Flash” button. We watch the indicator for installing new firmware. Upon completion of the installation, we agree with the system and reboot the laptop.

Some people prefer to install the latest BIOS firmware from a flash drive. To do this, you need to adhere to the following scheme of actions:

  1. Find and download latest version BIOS firmware for your laptop model. Only on the official website of the manufacturer!
  2. Insert the flash drive into the USB port.
  3. Unpack the files onto an empty flash drive, previously formatted in FAT32. Do not remove the flash drive from the device.
  4. . When the system starts, enter the BIOS by holding down the appropriate function keys (usually F2 or Del).
  5. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to find the section that has the word “Flash” in its title.
  6. Select the flash drive on which the new one is recorded BIOS firmware. Press Enter. Wait for the update process to complete.

Sometimes, to install a new version of the BIOS, you need to have the installation file pre-recorded on it. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS menu. Next, find the BOOT tab and in it Boot Device Priority. This is where the download priority is set. Therefore, press enter to change the Windows hard drive to a USB drive. Then save all changes (F10) and reboot the laptop. We are waiting for the new BIOS firmware to be installed.

  • To update the BIOS on an acer, asus, lenovo, etc. laptop without any problems, it is recommended to disable the antivirus. Also, before starting to install new firmware, it is best to close all running applications.
  • During the BIOS update process, do not connect or disconnect any equipment (USB drives, mouse, printer, etc.), or press any keys.
  • Remember that BIOS update files do not appear every week. Typically, new firmware is released every 6-12 months.
  • Some users who are trying to flash the BIOS for the first time are often frightened by the fact that when installing the update, the laptop begins to make a lot of noise. As a result, many of them simply turn off the device. However, under no circumstances should you do this! At the same time, there is no need to be afraid. The laptop coolers are noisy and will turn off as soon as the BIOS is updated.

Greetings! If you are wondering where to get programs to update the BIOS of a computer or its components, for example, a video card, motherboard, or laptop, then you have come to the right place. Let's find out where it's best to download them, how to update your equipment, and most importantly, whether you need to do this.

A standard utility for updating the BIOS of a motherboard or laptop, it is often built into the BIOS at the production stage of the laptop or motherboard. It is recorded in the memory of the motherboard and is always located there in a special I/O chip.

Before you start updating your device, I recommend that you find out in more detail the characteristics of your computer and the components installed in the PC. For example: video cards, hard drive, motherboard, central processing unit (CPU) and quantity random access memory(RAM). This can be done universally or Speccy, but for video cards, the GPU-Z utility is perfect.

Tip: Usually you enter the BIOS by pressing the DELETE or DELETE+F2 key.

Flashing motherboard BIOS using built-in tools

You can also use the motherboard's built-in update program. For MSI-based computers - this is MFlash, @BIOS - for Gigabyte, from ASUS boards— EzFlash3 utility.

The listed programs are available from BIOS or UEFI. I recommend flashing using the built-in tools. But the programs built into the motherboard are suitable for updating the BIOS, only for updating the firmware to new, current and sometimes previous version BIOS.

But for the “rollback” to old version firmware, you will need to use special utilities running under FreeDOS (DOS operating system). But for modern motherboards, such utilities are no longer produced.

Important! If you sew wrong file BIOS, then the motherboard will fail and the computer will not start. Be careful.

Few people know that you can update your computer's BIOS. However, this can be done, and in some cases even necessary. For example, if you replaced the processor on a laptop and the motherboard does not interact with it correctly. Or you have experienced problems connecting your equipment. And also, if you have already installed the firmware update and noticed a lot of shortcomings. In all these cases, installing the latest stable BIOS firmware will help you. The article will tell you how to quickly update the BIOS on a laptop. But you should understand that the update process will be similar on other laptop models and personal computers.

Step 1: find out the motherboard model

Before updating the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop, of course, you need to find out the model of the motherboard on which it will be installed. Fortunately, there are a huge number of ways to do this, let's look at a few of them.

The first option is through the "System Information" window. If you decide to check the name of the board with standard using Windows, you can do this by opening the “System Information” window. This is done like this:

  • Open the Run window by pressing Win+R.
  • In the command entry field, enter “msinfo32”.
  • Click OK.
  • In the window that opens, find the line “Manufacturer” and “Model”. The required names will be located opposite them.

The second option is through the AIDA64 program.

If you had difficulty figuring out the model using the previous method, then you can install special program, called AIDA64. Run it immediately after installation. In the window that appears, go to the “System Board” section, and then to the “System Board” submenu. There the name of the manufacturer and the model itself will be located.

Step 2: download the update

Having found out the name of the board, you can proceed to downloading the firmware to your computer. And only after this will we tell you how to update the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop. The following sequence of actions must be performed:

  1. Launch any browser and open any search engine.
  2. Execute search query with the name of your motherboard.
  3. Follow the link leading to the manufacturer's website.
  4. On it, go to the “Download” section and find the “BIOS” column.
  5. On the page that opens you will be presented with various firmware versions suitable for your board. Select the latest one and download it to your computer.
  6. After downloading the archive, unpack it.
  7. Insert the flash drive into your computer and format it to FAT32.
  8. Place the files from the archive on a flash drive.

After all the steps have been completed, you can proceed directly to how to update the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop.

Step 3: install updates

So, the firmware files have been copied to the flash drive, the flash drive itself has been inserted into the computer, and accordingly, you can begin installing the new BIOS version.

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. During its launch, press the Delete or F2 key. This must be done to enter the BIOS.
  3. The computer should automatically detect new version firmware and run the installer program.
  4. In the menu that appears, go to the “Flash” section. If your board supports SMART technology, then you need to select “Instant Flash”.
  5. Press Enter.

The BIOS update process will begin. Wait for it to complete, after which the computer will restart and enter the operating system desktop. Now you know how to update the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop.

It happens that the system will not be able to automatically detect the installation files on the flash drive, then you will simply be taken to the BIOS after pressing the F2 or Del key. To prevent this from happening next time, open the Boot section in the menu. There, set your flash drive as the priority disk, save the changes and restart the computer.


So we figured out how to update the BIOS on Lenovo laptops G500 - G580. As you can see, this procedure is not the simplest and for the average user it may seem impossible. However, we hope that the above instructions helped you achieve the desired result.

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