Processing data transfer 1s 8.2. Data transfer

If it cannot be implemented using standard tools, it will be a rather long and labor-intensive process that requires data processing. Indeed, when implementing it, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each program, as well as create some kind of intermediate data storage format into which they will be converted after unloading from one configuration, and from which they will be seamlessly loaded into another.

In most cases, the process of transferring data to 1C programs is associated with some difficulties. For example, you need to transfer data that has been previously filtered by some criterion (counterparty, type of payment, etc.). In addition, data transfer is often associated with the automatic generation of documents, for example, if a database transfer is carried out by transferring directories and sales documents.

Very often, users need to transfer data to the program 1C 7.7 or 1C 8.2 from an Excel document. For example, a trading company receives price lists for products from suppliers in Excel document format, the data from which must be promptly loaded into the 1C accounting program used. It should be noted that due to the fact that this need arises among users quite often, 1C programs provide a mechanism for automatically transferring data from Excel documents to 1C. The only point that needs to be taken into account is that the names of the data in the submitted document and the accounting program must be synchronized.

Often there is a need to frequently transfer data between identical 1C configurations. For example, when using several accounting programs, you need to transfer directories and documents from one database to another every day. Once upon a time, 1C developers tried to implement a universal program that would automate this difficult process, but today there is a huge assortment of 1C software products on the software market, so developments have moved into a local direction, implementing automatic data transfer between “similar” programs.

Basic methods of transferring documents to 1C

1C: Data conversion

The 1C company offers users a traditional mechanism for transferring data using the 1C form: Data Conversion. This program uses XML format. With its help, the user first creates a file of sequential rules, in accordance with which further data transfer will be carried out. Using this software product, you can quickly exchange data both between the same and different configurations.

For identical configurations, the process takes a maximum of 1 hour, for different ones – slightly more.

Transferring data using OLE

If the databases are located in one place, or the user has access to several databases at the same time, then you can open one database to another using the OLE mechanism to transfer data. Thus, transferring 1C data is actually pulling the necessary information (documents and reference books) from one database to another, due to which the entire process takes a minimum of time and eliminates the possibility of errors.

The disadvantage of this method is that it has very narrow limitations. To transfer data using this method, it is necessary to provide access from one database to another. If we are talking about distributed databases, then transferring data in this way is very difficult.

Transferring data using the OLE mechanism takes 4-7 hours.

File method

The most common method of transferring data to 1C is file-based. Moreover, the file for transferring the necessary data can be in any format: DBF, Excel, Word, but most often specialists resort to using the XML format.

This method of transferring data to 1C works very quickly and is suitable for almost all software solutions. The essence of the method is the following algorithm:

  • uploading data to a file,
  • transferring a file to the user's computer,

Among all the advantages of this method, I would like to note its versatility. To use it, it does not matter where the users are, because the file with the uploaded data is small in size, so it can be sent to another computer via email or transferred on removable media.

Disadvantage of the file method of transferring data to 1C 8.2 is that to implement it the user must have sufficient qualifications. Also significant disadvantages include the fact that you need to write an algorithm for loading and unloading data, i.e. two

Data transfer is a very important process in any accounting system, the 1C 8.3 and 8.2 platform is no exception. Below we will look at instructions on the easiest way to transfer data from one system to another that has a similar configuration (for different configurations, you can use a tool for programmers - or).

Before any action is necessary, the changes are irreversible!

The easiest and most convenient way to transfer data from 1C 8.3 to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 is to use the processing Upload and load data in XML format (download - for 8.2 or for 1C 8.3 or on ITS). The treatment is universal and suitable for any configuration.

We won’t go into details; let’s look at step-by-step instructions for migrating data using this processing using the example of the simplest transfer of goods.

Uploading data to XML

First of all, let’s open processing in the source database (from where we will unload goods) and look at the interface:

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You must immediately fill in the “File name” field - a new data file will be created along this path, which we will upload to the receiver database. Just below, in the tabular section “Data for uploading”, you need to select the data that we want to upload from the database.

After selecting an object from the left table part, you can apply selection in the right table part:

In our example, I want to unload all products with the name “Rake”.

Once all the settings have been completed, the data can be uploaded. To do this, click on the “Upload data” button:

Loading data from xml into 1s 8.3

The data has been unloaded from the source database; now it needs to be transferred to the destination database.

To do this, you need to start processing already in the database into which you need to load the data, and go to the “Download” tab, select the downloaded file on disk and click on the “Load data” button:

This example is only suitable for transferring data between identical configurations on the 1C platform. To understand the exchange mechanism for programmers, we wrote an article -.

Now users of "1C: Accounting 7.7" do not have to wait until the end of the year to switch to "1C: Accounting 8". The transition can be made at the end of any month of the tax period. The technology for transferring balances has already been tested at existing enterprises, one of which is described by specialists from Automated Accounting Systems LLC. The article contains a description of the transfer methodology and general recommendations for input and output control of transferred data.

Before moving to Laima LLC (Miass, Chelyabinsk region), the program “1C: Accounting 7.7. Standard version” was used. The program is installed on the laptop. Work is carried out in the home office.

The release by 1C of a new data transfer methodology and the small volume of the information base made it possible to transfer data for 2006 directly at the time of installing 1C: Accounting 8.

Data transfer method

The new method of transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Accounting 8" included in release provides for the transfer of data from the "1C: Accounting 7.7" information base, which would ensure the correct execution in "1C: Accounting 8" of the following actions:

  • carrying out documents issued after the transition to "1C: Accounting 8";
  • formation of accounting registers for the current reporting period (balance sheet, general ledger, etc.);
  • formation of tax accounting registers for the current reporting period, containing indicators determined by the cumulative total from the beginning of the year;
  • generation of regulated reporting for the current reporting period.

The transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Accounting 8" using this method is recommended to be performed at the beginning of a new tax period (year) or, if a new period has already been opened, then at the end of the next month of the current reporting period. During the process of transferring data to 1C:Accounting 8, the following information is loaded:

  • balances of accounting and tax accounts at the beginning of the current reporting period (as of January 1 of the current year);
  • turnover on accounting and tax accounts for the current reporting period with consolidated monthly entries;
  • temporary differences reflected in the relevant tax accounts (for organizations applying PBU 18/02);
  • documents for entering initial balances for fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • tax bases for personal income tax and payroll taxes for the current reporting period;
  • outstanding payment of received and issued invoices at the end of the last closed month of the current reporting period;
  • information about objects of analytical accounting.

Preparatory operations in "1C: Accounting 7.7"

Data transfer from "1C: Accounting 7.7" is possible starting from release 7.70.477. Therefore, before migrating, it was necessary to update the configuration to this release.

It is also necessary to make sure that routine accounting and tax accounting operations have been carried out for the last month of the year (including balance sheet reformation).

All files necessary for data transfer are contained in the Convert folder in the directory of the release template "1C: Accounting 8". It is better to copy the contents of this folder to the ExtForms directory of the 1C: Accounting 7.7 information database.

The transfer method provides for a single preparatory operation - checking directory codes, which may become non-unique when transferring data to 1C: Accounting 8. External processing ChkCode.ert is used for verification.

However, in order to verify the correctness of accounting and tax accounting in the "1C: Accounting 7.7" database and not transfer obviously erroneous entries to the "eight", it is useful to perform a technological analysis of accounting (Menu "Reports -> Technological analysis of accounting" ), as well as an analysis of the state of tax accounting (“Tax accounting -> Analysis of the state of tax accounting”).

As a rule, problems are caused by “manual” entries that are made without controlling the opening balance, quantitative accounting, etc. The new technique even transfers such transactions correctly, but incoming control allows you to immediately identify problems and issue recommendations for correcting them.

In our case, control revealed discrepancies in accounting regarding the write-off of depreciation of fixed assets for losses of previous periods, which it was decided to correct in “1C: Accounting 8” after the transition.

Data transfer

The data transfer itself is carried out using external processing V77Exp.ert (menu "File -> Open"). The processing dialog indicates:

  • data conversion rules file - Acc77_80.xml (field "Rules file name");
  • the file into which the data will be uploaded (the "Data file name" field);
  • start date of the current reporting period - January 1, 2006 (field "Start date");
  • end date of the last closed month in the current period ("End date" field). In our case, May 31, 2006.

After clicking the "Load exchange rules" button, a list of data upload rules will be filled in the processing dialog. The loaded list is a list of accounts, the results of which can be downloaded, and directories that can be transferred to the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration. In the table on the right, you can set selections based on the values ​​of details for most data upload rules (for example, for selective upload of items).

Since we are transferring data from the "seven", when you first launch 1C: Accounting 8, you must abandon the initial filling of the database. After that, using data loading processing (menu “Tools -> Data exchange -> Universal data exchange in XML format”), we load the transfer file into figure eight.


The entire data transfer procedure took no more than half an hour. All that remains is to make sure that all data was transferred correctly. Here it is best to start with the balance sheet for the period of data transfer. For balance sheet accounts, the statements generated in “1C: Accounting 7.7” and “1C: Accounting 8” must match. If the turnover on any account does not match, it is necessary to generate more detailed reports (turnover balance sheet or card) for this account in order to determine which turnover was not transferred. Thus, you can check all data, with the exception of balances of fixed assets and intangible assets, tax bases for personal income tax and payroll taxes for the current reporting period and debt for payment of received and issued invoices at the end of the last closed month of the current reporting period.

In our case, in “1C: Accounting 7.7” the data on the fixed assets were not entered completely, and in the “eight” the documents “Entering initial balances on the fixed assets” were simply not entered, and accordingly, there was no balance at the beginning of the period for account 01. These documents have been manually corrected.

The VAT accounting subsystem is implemented in "1C: Accounting 8" on registers; to check the correctness of the transfer, you should use the universal report "Balances and Turnovers" (Reports -> Balances and Turnovers) without limiting the period for the accounting sections "VAT presented", "VAT on advances " to analyze the correctness of the transfer of ZPK and ZPR accounts.

The reasons for transferring 1C (or a database) from computer to computer can be very different - updating the company's equipment fleet, the desire to work at home over the weekend, etc. It should be noted that transferring the SQL version cannot be done by following simple, step-by-step instructions , primarily due to the difficulties of unloading and the nuances of the database configuration. This requires the involvement of an IT specialist. An independent user of products on the 1C:Enterprise platform will be able to transfer only the file version of the database, if he has the appropriate (administrator) rights to work in the configurator. Let's look at the process of transferring the database using the example of the "Enterprise Accounting, Edition 3.0" configuration.

As with any configuration manipulation, you first need to create, unload and save an archive copy of the database.

The fastest way to download the database is through the configurator menu and “Administration”, and then “Download infobase”, and then specify the storage address:

In fact, maintaining the base is a regulatory procedure necessary for insurance.

But it has a significant drawback specifically for transferring the configuration: when unloading the database in this way, certain settings that provide the usual comfort of work are not saved.

To make a copy of the entire database, with working settings for fonts, reports, etc., you need to select the “Configuration” menu item and then “Save configuration to file”:

A file with the .cf extension will be saved at the specified address (this is the database we need):

The database configuration with all settings can also be copied directly from the catalog. The location of the database can be clarified in the “Help” menu, then “About the Program”, item “Catalogue”:

It is not recommended to work in the system after unloading the database, as discrepancies with the saved data may occur.

Platform installation

The next step is to install the platform distribution (setup.exe file).

You can take it:

On the ITS disk;

Download on the 1C user support website.

Let us consider in detail the second installation option, since the ITS disk is a limited resource and may not contain the required version of the platform.

Download the distributions, unpack and save them at the specified address:


“Install protection driver” is required, check the box next to it, and click “Next”:

Uncheck the box and click “Finish”:

There is a possibility when the installation file can be downloaded from a computer on which the program was previously used, but it is impossible to guarantee the complete correct operation of the platform.

Launching the file will not cause any particular difficulties, but note that installing the protection driver is only necessary if you use hardware protection (USB key). If you are using a software license, the checkbox from the prompt to install the driver should be unchecked.

License keys

As already mentioned, the license of 1C products can be supported at the software or hardware level.

Activating a hardware license involves using a USB key, and activating a software license means entering a PIN code when you first start 1C on a conditionally new computer. The PIN code is used once, since the launched license takes into account the parameters of a specific hardware and will not work with another. PIN keys (main and two backup) are included in the package of the program box. If there are no backup keys left, you should contact the support service of the 1C franchisee company that provides support services and obtain a registration form. When filling it out, it is very important that all the details and other information in it absolutely coincide with what was filled out the previous time. After this, you can get a set of additional keys.

After transferring the saved database to a new computer, the database must be connected.

When you first start 1C:Enterprise, you are prompted to add an infobase to the list:

Since we are talking about a database that already exists, in the mode selection window we click on “Add to the list of existing information security”:

In the form that appears, indicate the name and type of database location (previously saved address). The location type “On this computer or on a local network PC” requires selecting the directory where the information base will be installed (In Figure D:\1C_Bases\Accounting):

If the directory did not exist before, the 1C:Enterprise 8 system will automatically create it upon startup. The Launch Options window is final. If the default settings meet the requirements, clicking “Finish” will add the database to the list:

The database has been successfully transferred.


On a personal computer (hereinafter referred to as computer 1), on which the 1C platform with the required database is installed, launch 1C, select the desired database and click on “Configurator”. If this is your first time accessing the 1C database on computer 1, after launching the platform, an empty window will open on the screen, in which, except for the menu, there will be nothing else. Select the “Open configuration” option from the menu. After just a few minutes, a red window called “Configuration” will appear on the left with a complex structure of its constituent elements.

Upload a copy of the 1C databases to computer 2. To do this, launch 1C and select the “Save configuration to file” option in the menu. Transfer it to computer 2, placing it in any location you choose: it will later be used to make a database.

Add a database. If this is the first launch of 1C on computer 2, then the platform itself will do everything for you: when you launch it, a window will appear with the following message: “There is no configuration in the list. Add?”, then click “Yes”. After this, select the “Create a new infobase” option, indicating that it should be without configuration. Then select the directory prepared for the database and click “Configurator”. After a minute (sometimes less), a red “Configuration” window will appear on the monitor screen, in which various configuration elements will be presented in the form of a tree diagram. Download a copy of it by clicking “Load configuration from file” or “Load infobase”.

After loading, the 1C platform will offer a configuration update: to do this, select “Update database configuration”.


Remember, if at the time of copying information from computer 1 someone is working with 1C on this PC, some files will not be copied.

Helpful advice

This method of copying a database is partially flawed because it can copy the configuration, but not the existing reports, fonts and other settings.

The software developer 1C announced in 2011 that the new version will not support the configuration in edition 1.6. In this regard, there was a need to convert the 1C database to edition 2.0. How to do this?


Install the latest version of the 1C platform on your personal platform. Launch the software. Open the database list section. If it is empty, click "Add...". Check the box next to “Adding to an existing infobase.” This section allows you to create an information base in this version of 1C, which is located on this computer, on the 1C:Enterprise server or on the local network. Click Next.

Enter for the database, select the location of the infobase (on this PC, on a local network, on a 1C server or on a web server). It is advisable to place the database to be added on this personal computer, so select this item. Click "Next".

Select the directory in which the infobase is located. Click the "Open" and "Next" button. In the window that appears, leave everything unchanged, i.e. The authentication option and startup mode are selected as automatic, the connection speed is normal. Check that the version of 1C: Enterprise is the latest. If you need to change any parameters, click the “Back” button. After filling in all the data, click the “Done” button.

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