Visual Studio Application Overview. Preset of my Visual Studio Code settings

To the question of the visual studio 2010 program, what can you do in this program. ( short review programs for practice reports) specified by the author dupe The best answer is: For starters, it's not a program. Anyone who calls Visual Studio a program can immediately be sent back to the second round. This is a programming environment. Makes it possible to develop any application for Windows using any of the included programming languages.

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
Program Name: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 - Original MSDN Images
Program version: 2010
Official website address:
Interface language: ENG
System requirements:
* Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP
Visual Studio 2010 can be installed on the following operating systems:
o Windows XP (x86) with Service Pack 3 - all editions except Starter Edition
o Windows XP (x64) with Service Pack 2 - all editions except Starter Edition
o Windows Vista (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 1 - all editions except Starter Edition
o Windows 7 (x86 and x64)
o Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2
o Windows Server 2003 R2 (x86 and x64)
o Windows Server 2008 (x86 and x64) with Service Pack 2
o Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
* Computer that has a 1.6GHz or faster processor
* 1024MB RAM
* 3GB of available hard disk space
* 5400 RPM hard disk drive
* DirectX 9-capable video card that runs at 1280 x 1024 or higher display resolution
*DVD-ROM Drive
VS 2010 and .NET 4 carry great amount improvements and additions. The changes affected development in ASP.NET, WPF, WinForms, SharePoint, Silverlight, multi-threaded program development and cloud programming. VS 2010 also includes thousands of improvements to the core IDE, code editor, language support, software design and testing utilities.
Team Foundation Server 2010 is now very easy to install (it takes only 20 minutes to install the code control system, issue and issue tracking, and automatic build system), and can be installed either on a server in a domain or on a client machine not connected to a domain .
Visual Studio 2010 versions
The VS 2010 line has been simplified. There are 4 versions:
* Visual Studio Express: Free development environment for Web, VB, C# and C++
* Visual Studio 2010 Professional: A professional development environment that can be used with Team Foundation Server. The package also includes 50 hours/month of Windows Azure CPU usage.
* Visual Studio 2010 Premium: Premium includes Professional and additional utilities development (advanced profiler and debugger, code analyzer), additional database support, interface testing utility and more. Includes 100 hours/month of Windows Azure CPU usage.
* Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate: The Ultimate edition includes Premium plus advanced development, testing and design capabilities including Intellitrace (historical debugger), UML, test lab management, etc. Includes 250 hours/month of CPU time in Windows Azure.

I must admit that I have been writing in studio 11 (aka VS2012) for quite a long time, and I am doing this due to the fact that the new studio has a good backwards compatible since 2010: if you open usual solution, then the 11th studio will leave the .NET projects alone, and offer to convert the C++ projects. From this conversion you can refuse, and everything will still work and compile. The only thing is that you may have to change the use of constants like MSC_VER or whatever in order for the libraries to compile. But everything will work.

This post is my notes about what's new in the 2011 studio and how I work in it.

WinRT support - it's there, but not here

Like everyone else, I'm a little stunned that WinRT support wasn't even included in Beta Studio. Microsoft has once again confused everyone by releasing Visual Studio Express with support for Metro-Style Apps and a “full” studio without such support. This decision was probably influenced by complex marketing mechanisms, but be that as it may, there is no WinRT support in the main studio yet.

As you understand, WinRT support is the main “feature” of the new studio. But adding it to the VS11 review is inappropriate for now - let it appear here first.

Upd: as Vladimir Yunev suggested in the comments, support for WinRT/Metro-Style Apps present in VS11, but only if you install it on Windows 8. :)

Black & White

The new studio, for those who have not yet seen the screenshots, is black and white. Or rather monochrome - it has many shades of gray rather than pure black and white:

There has been a lot of controversy online about this design decision. The idea seems clear: we take a “colorful” studio and turn it into a completely neutral option. I'm a fan of neutrals myself: I have a neutral black and white office, the most neutral sounding music system, and my favorite color is white. But despite this, working with a monochrome studio is for me hard.

Here's why it's hard: to me, all 16x16px monochrome icons look the same. By removing color, an entire “information dimension” was lost. For example, previously the project type (C#, F#, C++) had its own unique color:

Projects could be distinguished by this color, a certain “conditional classification” arose in my head, and when writing my own programs it was also clear which icons to use. What now? Why, for example, does the C# project simply say C# on its rectangular, completely nondescript icon, while the C++ project has - attention - up and down arrows on its icon? All the logic of this has gone somewhere, and convenience has gone with it.

Solution Explorer

The only innovation in solution explorer that I see is the ability to open the structure of files to see what’s inside them. This even works for C++ projects:

Well, this is commendable, but the benefit of this is questionable: usually what you need to answer is not the question “what’s in this file?” and to the question “in which file does type X lie?”, and here the Studio is powerless.

If we take and right-click on one of the types presented above (for example Greeks), the Studio will show us this menu:

Most of these points lead to the replacement of all the content of Solution Explorer, and then it becomes clear that Solution Explorer is a kind of page navigator (in WPF terminology), which can show us a set of HTML pages different kinds depending on where we are.

Talking about the example above, Scope to This makes the current element the root of the tree, Base Types And Derived Types is looking for parents and heirs of this type, but Is Used By implements useful function finding all places where the type is used.

During the talk, I used several extensions that will be useful for any Visual Studio 2013 web developer. Below you will find a list of these extensions.

This is an extension of the ASP.NET and Web Tools team, which is an unofficial platform for testing and running functions. The extension itself is developed by the opensource community. Web Essentials offers a huge number of new features for web developers, such as LESS/Sass/CoffeeScript compilers, additional features working with JavaScript/CSS/HTML/JSON code, validators, image sprite generators and much more.


Download: SideWaffle in VS Gallery

A very tasty addition for Visual Studio. This is a great set of templates that contains both project templates, element templates, and snippets for a wide range of scenarios: from creating Angular.js applications, Nancy FX projects, and Browser plugins Link, Chrome extensions and much more.

File Nesting

Download: File Nesting in VS Gallery

This extension will allow you to manually attach files to each other, creating attachment hierarchies in Solution Explorer. In addition, the extension has the ability to create hierarchies automatically based on naming conventions. The extension is great for processing *.min.js and other variants of dependent files.

JSON Schema Generator

Download: JSON Schema Generator in VS Gallery

Visual Studio 2013 will support full intellisense and hints for any JSON file that is associated with a schema. This extension will allow you to select a JSON file in Solution Explorer and generate a schema file for it based on the content.

Download: WebJobsVS in VS Gallery

A great extension that will allow you to transform your app.config or any other XML file based on your build configuration. Simply put, the extension simplifies XML transformation scripts that are only available for web.config files by default.

If you work with Grunt, Gulp, NPM or Bower, then this extension is made for you. It makes it easy to run Grunt/Gulp tasks directly from Solution Explorer and update Bower components.

Mexedge Stylesheet Extension

Download: Mexedge in VS Gallery

This is a great extension that enhances Visual Studio's ability to work and display CSS code directly within Solution Explorer. Not only does it look cool, but it also offers a very convenient way to view media query blocks, selectors, and rulesets. This is a must have extension for every web developer!

PHP Tools for Visual Studio

Download: PHP Tools in VS Gallery

In my interview on Channel9, we discussed this great extension for PHP development. The extension brings PHP intelligence, code navigation, and more to Visual Studio. This is a must-have extension for PHP developers who want all the power of Visual Studio.

Cobisi Routing Assistant

Download: Routing Assistant in the VS Gallery

This is a great extension for visualizing your ASP.NET route table to determine which URLs match which routes. The extension makes it easier to diagnose routing problems and even offers some handy editing capabilities.

CssCop – FxCop for Stylesheets

Download: CssCop in the VS Gallery

If you work a lot with CSS, then this extension will be useful for you. It runs CssLint inside Visual Studio to provide you with error messages to help you fix any CSS rule violations.

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio

Download: NTVS on CodePlex

NTVS is open, free plugin, which transforms Visual Studio into full environment Node.js development. And he copes with it perfectly! This plugin allows you to take full advantage of the power of Visual Studio to develop Node.js applications.

Hello everyone, dear friends! Over the course of its long history, Microsoft has released many different development environments and tools. In the spring of 2015, the company pleased many developers and introduced a new product called.

Visual Studio Code


Stammer Despite the fact that the tool was released a relatively long time ago, I did not dare to do a review on it for one simple reason - firstly, I simply didn’t have time and the tools that I use suited me completely. I don't really like reviewing various development environments. and other similar tools because these are just tools, and on the channel we mainly have practical lessons. However, Visual Studio Code interested me for quite a long time, I followed the development of the editor, tried different versions V real work and have already completed several projects using this tool.

Today we will look at this editor from the point of view of use in the front end (after all, Visual Studio Code has rich functionality not only for the front end, but is also closely integrated with other Microsoft tools).

First of all, I would like to note that this editor runs on all popular operating systems, such as Linux, MacOS and Windows, and in addition, it is free.

This lesson will be useful to you if you have already used other editors, for example, Atom, Sulime Text or Brackets and want to try something new, explore the capabilities of a new tool and even take it into your combat arsenal on an ongoing basis. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with it if you are just starting to study web development and cannot decide on the choice of editor at first. Visual Studio Code will satisfy your needs in any case. There is, if not everything, then a lot here. And if something is missing, then the functionality of the editor can be easily expanded using add-ons (EXTENSIONS).

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the program interface, configure it and create a couple of snippets. Along the way, I will explain what new and interesting things you can take note of. Go!

Additional materials and useful links:

Extensions I use:

  • Apache Conf- syntax highlighting for Apache configuration files;
  • Gist Extension- creation, opening and editing of Gists;
  • Sass- support and highlighting of Sass syntax, auto-complete styles;
  • Twig- highlighting of the PHP templating engine Twig (useful when working with OpenCart);

Preset of my Visual Studio Code settings:

( "git.ignoreMissingGitWarning": true, "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", "": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\bash.exe", "workbench.statusBar. feedback.visible": false, "window.menuBarVisibility": "toggle", "workbench.statusBar.visible": false, "workbench.activityBar.visible": false, "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "files. defaultLanguage": "html", "editor.fontSize": 16, "editor.tabSize": 2, "workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink", "editor.detectIndentation": false, "editor.insertSpaces": false , "editor.folding": false, "editor.glyphMargin": false, "editor.smoothScrolling": true, "emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true, "editor.quickSuggestions": ( "other": false, "comments": false, "strings": false ), "editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": false, "editor.parameterHints": false, "editor.hover": false, "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 15, "editor.renderWhitespace": " boundary")

Disable tooltips in Visual Studio Code:

Annoying tooltips can be disabled with an undocumented setting:
"editor.hover": false, After restarting the editor, hover pop-ups will disappear.

You probably already know that Microsoft has released a new version of the programming environment Visual Studio 2015, and today, as I promised, we will look at this environment in detail in the editorial office Community, and also install it on the operating room Windows system 7.

Note! If you are hearing for the first time that there is already a 2015 version of Visual Studio, you can first read the material “Visual Studio 2015 - a new version of the development environment from Microsoft”.

Visual Studio 2015 Community

Visual Studio 2015 Community is a free, integrated development environment for creating applications for Windows, Android and iOS, as well as web applications.

In Visual Studio 2015 Community, unlike the previous generation of free editions of Visual Studio Express, all the functionality, all the features are in one place, let me remind you that Express versions existed in three editions: for Desktop, for Web and for Windows. We looked at the releases of Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop and Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web.

As I said, Visual Studio 2015 Community is a free development environment and can be used by individual developers to create their own applications as well as open source projects. scientific research and education ( Full "License Agreement Terms").

Visual Studio 2015 Community allows you to develop programs using the following programming languages: C++, C#, Visual Basic, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python.

Visual Studio 2015 Community System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 7 SP1;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1;
  • Windows Server 2012: ;
  • Windows Server 2012 R2;
  • Windows 10

Equipment requirements:

  • Processor with a frequency of 1.6 GHz (or higher);
  • 1 GB random access memory(1.5 GB when running on a virtual machine);
  • 6 GB of free hard disk space;
  • Hard drive (5400 rpm);
  • Video adapter supporting DirectX 9, minimum allowed screen resolution is 1024 x 768.

Where can I download Visual Studio 2015 Community?

You can, of course, download the 2015 version of Visual Studio in the Community edition from the official website, here is the download page.

After you go to the page, click “ Download Community 2015 »

As a result, the installer will download vs_community.exe.

Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community

Note! As I already said, I will install it on operating system Windows 7.

To install Visual Studio 2015 Community, run the vs_community.exe file, and for installation we will also need an Internet connection.

After launch, the Visual Studio splash screen will appear for a while

The installer will then open, but if during the startup process the installer detects any factors that may affect the progress of the Visual Studio installation, it will notify you.

Here we are asked to choose “ type of instalation", I choose " Standard", but if you do not plan to use any functionality in Visual Studio 2015 Community, you can select the type " Selective» where you manually specify what exactly you will use. And I press " Install” and the installation process will immediately begin for me.

This process will take approximately 30-40 minutes and at the end a window will appear in which we click “ Reboot now»

After your computer restarts, you can launch Visual Studio (Start->All Programs->Visual Studio 2015)

And when we first start, we are prompted to log in to Visual Studio in order to synchronize the settings when connecting with different computers (More detailed information can be obtained by clicking on the link “More details”). But it is not necessary to press " Not now! Perhaps later"That's what I do.

As a result, we will start home page Visual Studio.

Screenshots of Visual Studio 2015 Community

Project creation menu

Project Windows applications Forms

That's all, in the following materials we will look at the process of creating applications in the Visual Studio 2015 Community environment. Good luck!

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